1986-12-01 RM Exhibits \- ",;;~~ .'.., """ ~:. '":. Ii" . ,~ :~ ~. ~ .' , ,,;'. ~:'- ~ ;!~ . .~. " OF. NORTH CAROLINA .;:' OF NEW HANOVER .~:;: I'.' ",,'.allegiancE! . . OATH, OF,.,COUNTY.; COMMIS~l;ONER/~; ',' '" :: 1:'1;.;~,;;~~~;fr\i,:~~:ri /::f! ~f:~t;t~ '~~(~i.;:~i~; :~!j,~i~'~;E~:"; I, w. ALBE~T".cORBETT, do solemnly::swearf:,(or'~,affirm)' "i"J,."",' ,.b~'. ~){l~,,: ':;":-!il'\'),',\'iC;)ik,\.';/:, \"',; ,?,,,,, ,'i will, suppo,rt the Constitution, of .the ,United.States~' s -&: i." . .. "\l~i,~~iji;::!t~:r ~" ]~~~~[ t. .,' I, W. ALBERT ,CORBETT , do, further"sol~mn.1Y:: !l!lcI;,LtJ,incer:e;t I _,I ",~',;"~~}J ' ;, ,..,t.;::;~';f:"':;':'~1{'i'f,(,\"r:~~~';:~_'f~"''';~\;....:';~~i<;. (or, affirm) that I will be faithful''fand''bear:';'tru :: . ,"\,;~ '~'j f':li!\;:~i;~~;.r,\:: i~i;;\k::':'~;\' qr,,;, '!,; to the" State of North, caro~~n~,~"f!:J:~~>~".i/,_;~~.:~~:;,~,h !; ."i~:r:";'"'' \~Y";7i~{~';;" \" \'('j Constitutional powers" and authorities ,whl.ch"<are;\ior,'i~irmay;:;be " ," '.' .", ", \...', ;. " '\Si;j"'?;',;;-J;t;, "'i~~'i)'~l':, ,:~:(;i:;;:; 'J;, established for .the government thereof~ and th~t;~~.:~,~b}~1:;~nd,~~~~~; 'support, maintain .and defend the, Constitut,ion.'of:"sai.d"State, . ::' .1,:_::", ' '.' "l~<r .;,~'.~ '."~ ;"':~t~'.' .~~,~;: ,_ ::: ~~~::l ~ ,~:;..I~'\ inconsistent with. the Constitution of. the United"States,,"-€'o' ';1, ' ',,'1: ,', '.', ';;?;".;;~:;~~;(Yi''';;i:i;')'f)\ the best of my knowledge and abi1itYr so help me, 'It, Go,d. '?l0):~i':,,"i:V:Ji;~i . ;:;: t:~h,~.;t ; .'<t~,,;,' ~;; >~-rJ~:~t;\:, ;':~;f~;~~~j\;:~t:~~~t: I, W. ALBERT CORBETT, do further' swear, (or, ;,affirm) ,. that.; , , ,- - ' .:.~;. ,-; " \"\\ -.:~; .;;1,;>,'- , - 'i,:,;,- ~ : n,': :r," .", . " if well an.d truly execute the duties ofthe.,office,i,ofi, County, ~,. "~~. t'.:~<::~:~.; ::,. ;,.t~'r,~. :~'}:1.,t~::.'..)f;:1~:~~' )'f;~:t,+;'rl~o~(.~~'~~':~i' according to the best of';'my, skill, ,and:;;ability .... .... .,,~~~'~.N~1i~\~Ji;:1g~::irfil ': , 'M, God. -'i help me, God. .:.:\ "'. ", ';'~",',;',ff{i,SUbScri~ed ~nd sworn t~.'.,,~efore me this ::. '. ,ir;,":"the/..c. day of DeCember, 1986 . . ,:;~.tl!.. \.' .~. ~ .c >oj i 'l....:;,:;~~; ,::.'; '~'/.~'~;";'..u'" ' :'-,\ '" I"'~ .,:~~. ~ ./".t t ~} . .~ . ~~ ' l~:'" '-~ , I V 10, ,~ ~. ," . ".~,' , "; },:r':..~<~ ' , ' '\ "':' .~....... 1"" .'. ; .~;. . -,,1'1,'" :: '-i, ~ ,.: . , , NOLAN O'NEAL, ':do further, :~0~711l~:~~1;it:~~f4"~~~~~:~,:t"~:~ be 'fai thful}and}l;bear,:'true ; ,: ' '\'. (': ,,: ;.,;(:tW', ~\lJ~,:;V;~1~~\<1;~~;F":>[}':~[f\h"':"';(;,,; .I:'.r',,~ :Yi:::;;':,allegii:lnce to. the, S,tate of North " Carolina,;,1;\':and'f!,to;' the, :::,T1;ti' " . ,;;,,;," ':'\:);':;;'<>~:i;~;' ;~J:~;j;i'!t; I';;:~:';'" ..-ie, .)" ,';:Ur Constitutional po~ers,> and authorities .;.'w~ich,,:: are.;~",oz;;;irmayJ~be ,': '." ::,;u<~::", ;:, """ ",:~', "~"~ '. ,/ '::::;:',""I";~i:(::~i;I;':':',n':';;,1~)tb' ,'/ .....;.~~.., \: ;3J;;'.established 'for the government thereof~, an4,J:ha~:~'.;r,\~il;1;~~E!.I.1.d~aY9r .::?:i~(fi\,~ . ~~~por~...rm~i:~in . an.d defend the. Cc>~B:;;;~;:~~;jl:;:;;~~:~~. 1" ", ,"'.-:; '''', i<; . (".c':i ~" ',\,,'.. ," c', ',' " " . " ./. .,';!);:rH""';0.i't"~j~\'~;\;.t,J'!':~il~;".'r.::.\:\1\l~;;i;~,!r'y,Fti;*~r,,~,.,< 'X}i;lk1i\~~~rl;{;not :"A~9onsistent ',.. with ,.the Constitution" ofl, tpe', JJ:n~ t~c}). S ates ,'1~~~ ,,1";',~~i~~e ~s~ Of":Y kn:~ed~~: and abiH t;. . so' ~:~; -':;::'~;;;;I<",: :..' ".;,.,.}!f~l';1i};;~~ "1'-\:: _. :1", { , , . " ~. ~? I ,__, .; t' ." ~" ,','. it,'" swear , ;.I:tt~~ '..J,; \ '-" " "" ,; (orAaffirm);th~t_I. will ,~. ';;~!., ,.. .'" ;~,;,.~"":.<i:,,',;.r;~..';.~_,,,~~,",'.<~, ~ , l~~~!t;:::;,;:. ;{,.g:; .;..... w:":/\,:;;;i;~:\STATE OF NORTH ;i!I~~~ir~ilANOVER >' i ," ".i:~;;t~~"'- ...... ; ,.,. I. NOLlUi}!:NEAL. . do i. 'v"i!::'i~i;"Wl.ll_support the..,Constitution , '.~:~', , , . ~ .,~~':" -;:~': " -, ;!'l~}:;\;:J{' ';,.,\:....}t 1. . ~ ~'- . I~; "'~'': I, NOLAN O'NEAL, do further swear ,;};i. will 'well and , :~ >L~,iiii;Ji ' ." ' ':," ' '::';:';,"\;;;h'Commissioner accol.ei,I,1,~ to the best \~~(l(i~N~~~:~:;'i!' ".\', ..~; ,"',,';, ~;:,_,. . '~~'; ,;}:,S::3t: accordl.ng, to, law.~ /' ~~.~, help me, God. '.ft~( ::"',;,',~.:,r,i,.,:"..,..",.:.:,':,'.".,;..':,},.":',.,.,,I..;\,;,~,:.:,;,.,; , ~ ^~, ':~'~i~,:" ~ ." ~~ . . ~",,~'-"<, -,' <,)" f '1 ':';', ;;~~ : 'i . ;l;' ". .. \ :" t' '-."J /"";",:,\,'::'9: Subscrl.bed and' sworn to" before },;~~;,~,i1,1~t/':..".:;.. "";':;:~' "~ ",' 1."';:, t.,"';}! ;"~;::':;':>'i:~:;~the/*,-' day 1 "oJ "Decembe~ ",,_'.l:~8 6 :",':'!.~~l'~;',;,,;'t;'~" '-," ~~~':;';'1f;" ""''':':''''~'' ;:.1;/,,: :~1;:::,~:}":,~:~_ :';.', ,,:1,.. '-"'; ";'~ ", .,-./; ": .~j, , ('.., ." , ': {:'{:l;:. ": .,: ",~,~' '.. ",. '.<. . ~ - . ..} : ,.v"\OI t. , " . ,t. , '. J" '1 ~, I' ,'"' 4"' . ~ :....,.,' f . ~, 'v . , ~ ~~'Ii:':};" ,o.'}";.~l~r'; i, ,,:,;tH/J " }J~i ~:!.~ ",' ~:'l;":;",' . :,'", truly ': ~xe,.~ute the duties }; . ~ ,,' , . '~,e- , ..~.' ,,'" ~ ,. . ....::,..,.-,_J..I.. RESOLU'l'ION OF 'l'HE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 162-8 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 1, 1986, determined that the required Sheriff's Bond s hall be i nth e tot a 1 a m 0 u n t 0 f f' i ve 'I' h 0 usa n d Doll a r s 1st day of December, 1986. ~&I~ Chairman, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Attest: ~v!/~J Clerk , " ": ... . RESOLU'l'ION OF 'I"HE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of Section 18B-700 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on December 1, 1986, does hereby exempt from the bond requirement of said Section 18B-700 any member of the New Hanover County ABC Board who does not handle Board funds and thereby shall only require that the Chairman of the New Hanover County ABC Board furnish a.rB,Qn,d for the faithful ....~ .".' :s'Irc .4-.~r'f'! ~\ '..'~ ....l \t' t lr' ..'" {::~, '''~oO'1ilY@~T<F&~ this 1st day ......i.. ' ,/' 0 .,/-~ t,,-..,,\1 0_ '" ~~~ b~- e . -, :::.' - 0" \. ~ :: 0 ." _ [C~J:W~ l: ~J ':: ~ . \ A, 0", 1'11" ' -:. f':o 0" ~ ''^ eo ~, '1'1' -, "cJ''''''''' It C ARO,,~.,1i Ilqql/l111IlDBgllellllll~ Attest: performance of his duties. of December, 1986. ~_ &'ntd Chairman, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ~ -./ (~ Clerk r t RESOLU'I'ION OF 'l'HE BOARD OF' COlViMrSSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLVED, that pursuant to the requirements of Chapter 109 of the North Carolina General Statutes, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting on" December 1, 1986, approved the Bonds of the Clerk of Superior. Court of New Hanover County, New Hanover County Finance Officer, New Hanover County Sheriff, Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, New Hanover County Tax Collector and Chairman of the New Hanover County ABC Board, and FUR'l'HER RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby author ized, empowered and directed to certify said approval on the or iginal of each such Bond, with the exception of the Bond of the Clerk of Superior physically present in New Hanover County. his 1st day of December, 1986. ~. f)'11u1 Chairman, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Attest: ~~if /~ Clerk . CONSENT AGENDA DATE ;;l/1il(, ITEM No. "AT'r ACHMENT 6"' '.' BUDGET RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Trustees of Cape Fear Technical Institute: Section 1 - The fOllowing amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the Institution in the State Current Fund for the Fiscal Year begin~ng July 1, 1986 and ending June 30, 1987: General Administration $ 428.731 Instructional Curriculum Technician & Technical Specialty 2.121.880 V oca ti onal & Trade 767.860 CurricUl um Superv ision 330.577 Instructional - Non-Curriculum Academic 91,326 Preparatory & Developmental 278,911 Avocational Extension 195.698 Practical Skills Extension 259.700 '. Occupati'onal Extension 1 .031 .976 Non-Curriculum Supervision 451 .286 Visiting Artist 26.906' Learning Resources Library 338,486 Individualized Instruction Center 1 25 ,725 Student Services 545,304 Plant Operation & Maintenance -0- General Institution Institution Expense 886 .050 Total State Current Fund Appropriation $ 7 , 8 80 .4 1 6 Section 2 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the State Current Fund for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1986 and ending June 30, 1987: Total State Current Fund Revenue $ 7.404.507 111 .548 237.936 99.519 26.906 $ 7.880.416 '. State Board Formula Allotment Non-Formula Voc. Ed. Allotment Special Allotment - Marine Technology Human Resources Development Visi ting Artist . Section 3 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the Institution in the County Current Fund for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1986 and ending June 30, 1987: General Administration $ 13.841 Instructional Cur ricul um Curricul urn Superv ision 1.554 Student Services 2.783 Plant Operations & Maintenance Operation 496.024 Maintenance 145.086 General Institution Institution Expenses 51.513 Total County Current Fund Appropriation $ 710.801 Section 4 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the County Current Fund for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1986 and ending June 30, 1987: . Regular County Appropriation Appropriation From Other Counties Fund Balance Appropriated $ 685.801 -0- 25.000 Total County Current Fund Revenue $ 710.801 Section 5 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the Institution in the Plant Fund for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1986 and ending June 30, 1987: Building & Grounds $ 33.000 Equipment 525.477 Books 48.216 Motor Vehicle 12.000 Total Plant Fund $ 618 . 6 93 Section 6 - The following revenues are estimated to be available to the Plant Fund for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1986 and ending June 30, 1987: . State Formula Allotment Fund Balance Appropriated County Appropriation $ 516.005 57.688 45.000 6 18 . 6 93 Total Plant Fund Revenue $ . Section 7 - The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the operation of the Institution in the Institutional Fund for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1986 and ending June 30, 1987: Section 8 - The following are estimated to be available to the Institutional Fund for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1986 and ending June 30, 1987: Federal Sources College Work-Study Program Overhead Receipts Earned Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant s - Ini ti al Year Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants - Current Year pell Grant $ 20.750 1.400 13 .299 1 .500 200.000 . . Other Sources Bookstore Receipts Vending Receipts Parking Fees/Fines Interest Income Miscellaneous Current General Library Fines Library Services Financial Aid Services Overhead Receipts Alumni Association Identification Cards Student Activity Undesignated Scholars College Work-Study $ 10.000 12.000 9 .625 18.500 10.000 800 2.400 2.515 1.954 400 1.300 30.050 2.000 5.500 Fund Balance Appropriated Miscellaneous Current Financial Aid Administration Overhead Receipts Alumni Association Ship's Special Project Student Loan 3.000 4.985 901 1.000 34.000 800 . Total Institutional Fund Revenues $ 388.679 Section 9 - The President of the Institution is hereby authorized to transfer amounts from one function to another in the same fund within the limitations set forth for the State Fund and Plant Fund by the State Board of Community Colleges. Any such transfer shall be reported to the Board of Trustees at its next regular meeting and entered into its minutes. Section 10 - Copies of the Budget Resolution shall be immediately sent to the local tax-levying authority, and the State Board of Community Colleges. Adopted this Zo day of JJ/OIIEh dFtS4 19~. .