02-20-2011 1 Museum Advisory Board Members Present: Bill Terrell Dean Gattone John Haley Linda Chapman Jack Mills Stuart Borrett Jack Bragg Beth Dawson Absent: Dawn McKernan Allen Trask, III Sandra Sheridan Ted Davis, Jr. Museum Associates Board Members Present: Tom Cunningham Jane Cooper Faye Hankins Cathy Stanley Tamika Rice Karen Richards Jamie Thomasson Ginger Fisk Staff Present: Ruth Haas, Museum Director Barbara Rowe, Curator Rebecca Dotterer The Cape Fear Museum Advisory Board held its regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 23, 2011, in conjunction with the Cape Fear Museum Associates, Inc. monthly meeting, in the Williston Auditorium at the Cape Fear Museum. The meeting was called to order by Museum Advisory Board Chair Dean Gattone at 4:04 PM. Approval of Minutes: Sandra Sheridan A motion to accept the January minutes of both boards was made by Ginger Fisk of the CFMA, Inc. Board and seconded by Cathy Stanley of the CFMA, Inc. Board. Motion passed without opposition. Consideration of Absences: Sandra Sheridan Dawn McKernan, Sandra Sheridan and Allen Trask, III were excused. Collections Committee: John Haley Dr. Haley presented the Acquisitions Planning Document for approval. Document received consensus approval without opposition. Motion to approve acquisitions as presented was made by Dr. Haley and was approved in consensus without opposition. (Document Attached) A speaker’s bureau is forming and will go out to PTAs in the fall. Blue Star program continues. Museum Update: Ruth Haas Mrs. Haas reviewed the FY12 CFM budget proposal PowerPoint presentation she made to the New Hanover County Budget Committee on February 25, 2011. The next meeting will be on held on Wednesday, March 16, 2011, at 4:00 PM in the Williston Auditorium, Cape Fear Museum. MINUTES MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING February 23, 2011 20010-11 Board Dean Gattone Chair John Haley Vice Chair Sandra Sheridan Secretary Stuart Borrett R. Jack Bragg Linda Chapman Elizabeth Dawson Dawn McKernan Jack Mills Bill Terrell Allen Trask, III Ted Davis, Jr. NHC Commissioner Ex-officio: Tom Cunningham CFMA, Inc. Cape Fear Museum Acquisitions Planning Document FINAL 1/5/11 AAM Reaccreditation visiting committee reported: Collections Stewardship The visiting committee was concerned about the acquisition process of the museum. While the county board must approve deaccessions, there is not a governing authority that approves acquisitions. Currently, only the curator determines what is accepted by the museum and what is not. CFM Museum Advisory Board Bylaws states: ARTICLE VII: COMMITTEES 1. Collections Committee – The duties of the Collections Committee shall be to: a. To approve the policies and procedures regarding acquisition, management, deaccession, and disposition of the Museum’s collection. b. To consider requests for outgoing loans to other organizations; and c. To encourage donations and loans of objects to the museum. Proposal for CFM: A process for moving a donation/purchase from Museum Staff, to the Advisory Board Collections Committee, to the Museum Advisory Board, to the New Hanover County Commissioners. 1. Objects offered as a gift, or for purchase, to CFM are taken in on a Temporary Receipt. 2. Collections staff gathers enough information to complete an Acquisition Review form. The form will contain: a. Provenance b. How object meets Collecting Plan c. Condition d. Estimated costs for preservation /conservation /storage e. Room required for storage f. Recommendation for acceptance /rejection 3. Research is conducted to confirm object provenance and expand on information about owner/user/relevant event, significance, and historical context of the object. Also, an Acquisition Condition Report form is completed. 4. Collections staff reviews objects and their acquisition and condition report forms during their weekly meeting. Objects that do not meet the collecting criteria will be returned to Cape Fear Museum Acquisitions Planning Document FINAL 1/5/11 the owner, or disposed of with the owner’s permission. Objects that meet mission and collecting criteria are accepted by the staff and the Acquisitions form is signed by the curator and the director. The objects then moves forward to the Collections Committee for review. 5. The Collections Committee reviews the Acquisition Review forms. Collections staff will make the objects available to be inspected by the Committee upon request. The Acquisitions form is signed by the Collections Committee chairman. The Committee then submits a synopsis of all items to the Museum Advisory Board for their review. 6. Objects offered for purchase and priced at $500 or more must be approved by both the Collections Committee and the Museum Advisory Board. 7. The Museum Advisory Board reviews the Committee’s synopsis of items and then signs the Acquisitions form. The director then submits the synopsis to the County Board of Commissioners for their review. When approved at the Commissioner’s meeting, the meeting date is entered onto the Acquisitions form. 8. When the review process is completed, donated objects will be written up on a Contract of Gift for the donor’s signature. Once signed, the donation may be accessioned into the Permanent Collection. For objects to be purchased, the owner’s invoice will be submitted to County Finance for payment. Once payment has been received, the objects may be accessioned into the Permanent Collection.