Agenda 2007 09-04 AGE NO A NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Human Resources Training Center, New Hanover County Government Center 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 135, Room 401 Wilmington, NC WilLIAM A. CASTER, CHAIRMAN. ROBERT G. GREER, VICE-CHAIRMAN TED DAVIS, JR., COMMISSIONER. WilLIAM A. KOPP, JR., COMMISSIONER. NANCY H. PRITCHETT, COMMISSIONER BRUCE T, SHELL, COUNTY MANAGER' WANDA COPLEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY' SHEILA SCHULT, CLERK TO THE BOARD September 4, 2007 5:30 p.m. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman William A. Caster) INVOCA TION (Reverend Jeff Roberts, Trinity United Methodist Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.) APPROV AL OF CONSENT AGENDA ESTIMA TED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 5:40 p.m. 1. Consideration of Civil Workplace Protocol Resolution and Approval of 31 Proposed Personnel Policy Revisions 5:45 p.m. 2. Public Hearing on Authorizing the Approval of an Installment Purchase 43 Contract and Deed of Trust 5:50 p.m. 3.1 Public Hearing 45 Road Naming (SN -102, 08/07) - Request by Planning Staff and E-9ll to Name an Unnamed Road to Marsh Cove Lane Located Near the 5900 Block of Myrtle Grove Road, East Side 6:00 p.m. 3.2 Public Hearing 51 Address Assignments (AA-00l,08/07) - Request by Planning Staff and E-9ll to Reassign Street Addresses to a Portion of Sanders Road Located Between River and Carolina Beach Roads 6:30 p.m. 3.3 Public Hearing 57 Conditional Rezoning (Z-86l, 4/07) - Request by Shanklin and Nichols, P A for ACI-Pine Ridge, LLC to Rezone Approximately 16.2 Acres Located offN. Market Street at Porter's Neck Road in the Transition and Wetland Resource Protection Land Classifications from B-1 Neighborhood Business Zoning District to CD(B-2) Conditional District Highway Business to locate a 169,000 sq. f1. Commercial Building for up to 42 Possible Uses (Continuedfrom the July Meeting) 7:00 p.m. 3.4 Public Hearing 159 Rezoning (Z-869, 8/07) - Request by James D. Smith, Attorney for William F. Canady to Rezone Approximately 0.65 Acre Located West of Market Street, at 113 Sweetwater Drive in the Transition Land Classification from R-15 Residential District to 0&1 Office & Institutional District (the Applicant Owns Adjoining 0&1 Property) 7: 15 p.m. Break 7:25 p.m. 3.5 Public Hearing 167 Rezoning (Z-870, 8/07) - Request by Withers & Ravenel for Louise Stevens to Rezone 9.25 Acres from R -15 Residential District to R -10 Residential District at 4451 & 4453 Gordon Road in the Transition Land Classifications (the Change Would Result in a Density Change from 2.5 Units Per Acre to 3.3 Units Per Acre) 7:45 p.m. 3.6 Public Hearing 175 Text Amendment (A-361, 8/07) - Request by Staff to Amend Section III of the Zoning Ordinance to Require Applicants to Conduct a Community Information Meeting Prior to Submission of Requests for Planned Development, Riverfront Mixed Use, or Conditional Use District Zoning Actions 8:00 p.m. 3.7 Public Hearing 179 Text Amendment (A-362, 8/07) - Request by Staff to Amend Section 71-1 of the Zoning Ordinance to Add Language Establishing a Policy on Resubmittal of Denied Special Use Permit Applications 8: 15 p.m. 3.8 Public Hearing 181 Text Amendment (A-363, 8/07) - Request by Staff to Amend Section III of the Zoning Ordinance to Establish a Policy and Procedure Relating to Continuances of Rezoning Cases 8:30 p.m. 4. Consideration of Mason Inlet Relocation - Maintenance Cost 185 8:45 p.m. 5. NOTE: This item has been revised and will be delayed until the 189 September 17,2007 agenda. Consideration of Revisions to New Hanover County Code, Section Five: Animals & Fowl 8:55 p.m. 6. Consideration of Award of Bid 08-0042 and Approval of Contract 08-0042 to 191 Sam English of V A, Inc. for the Purchase of Boiler Tubes Panels for Boiler #2 at W ASTEC 9:05 p.m. Break 9: 15 p.m. 7. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 195 10:00 p.m. 8. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 10:05 p.m. 9. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 10: 15 p.m. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. 2 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Human Resources Training Center, New Hanover County Government Center 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 135, Room 401 Wilmington, NC ESTIMA TED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 9: 15 p.m. l. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 9:20 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes 197 9:25 p.m. 3. Presentation: New Hanover County Water System Overview and Water 199 Treatment Plant Project Progress Update 9:45 p.m. 4. Presentation: Northeast Interceptor (NEI) Improvements Project Status Update 201 Notice of Temporary Meeting Location Change The Board of Commissioners will conduct their meetings in September 2007 at the New Hanover County Government Center so that renovations may be completed at the Historic Courthouse. The meeting location details are: New Hanover County Government Center 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 135 Human Resources Training Center Room 401 This page intentionally left blank. 4 CONSENT AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page No. l. Approval of Minutes 7 2. Approval to Accept Donation of a 1994 Ford Van to the Juvenile Day Treatment 9 Center from Family Services of the Lower Cape Fear and Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment 08-024 3. NOTE: This item has been withdrawn. 13 Approval of Sole Source Award to Best Uniforms, Inc. for Customized Blauer Rain Gear 4. Approval of Board of Education Capital Outlay Budget Amendment to Budget 17 Public School Building Capital Building Funds for Annie H. Snipes Academy of Arts and Design and Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2008-20 5. Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment 08-025 25 5 This page intentionally left blank. 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Consent Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: Chairman Caster Contact: Sheila L. Schult Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the following meetings: Work Session meeting held on August 9, 2007 Agenda Review meeting held on August 9, 2007 Regular Session meeting held on August 13, 2007 Closed Session meeting held on August 13, 2007 Board of E & R meeting held on August 14, 2007 Joint Session meeting held on August 22, 2007 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 7 This page intentionally left blank. 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Consent Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Avril M. Pinder Contacts: Beverly Thomas or John Ranalli SUBJECT: Approval to Accept Donation of a 1994 Ford Van to the Juvenile Day Treatment Center from Family Services of the Lower Cape Fear BRIEF SUMMARY: Family Services of the Lower Cape Fear is dissolving their organization and would like to donate a 1994 Ford Van, VIN # 1 FBJS31 HB58214 to the New Hanover County Juvenile Day Treatment Center. In order to record the donation, a budget amendment is required for accounting purposes. This budget amendment allows for recognition of the value of the van and the addition of the van to the County's fixed asset listing. North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles has established the market value of the van to be $1,790. The County must pay $60 to cover the required highway use tax and registration; thereby adjusting the market value of the van to $1,850. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of resolution accepting the donation of the 1994 van valued at $1,850 and of the ordinance for budget amendment 08-024, and direct County staff to process any required documents related to the transaction. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ ........ ........ ... . . .. Resolution fo~ acceptance of donation.doc 08-0248-22-07.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 9 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, Family Services of the Lower Cape Fear is dissolving its organization and would like to donate a 1994 Ford Van to New Hanover County's Juvenile Day Treatment Center; and WHEREAS, a budget amendment for ac.counting purposes only, is required to record the value ofthe donation and said budget amendment is attached as part of this resolution; and WHEREAS, the County Manager, the Finance Director, and the Juvenile Day Treatment Center Director recommend acceptance of the Ford van and approval of related budget amendment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the 1994 Ford Van, vehicle identification number 1 FBJS31 HBS8214 valued at $1,850, this market value being determined by the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles ($1,790) plus ($60) to cover the required highway use tax, be accepted as a donation from Family Services of the Lower Cape Fear and the budget amendment be adopted; and that the County staff is directed to process any required documents to finalize the transaction. This 4th day of September, 2007. William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board --~="" 10 AGENDA: September 4, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 08-024 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 08-024 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Department: Juvenile Day Treatment Center Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Juvenile Day Treatment Center: Capital Outlay - Motor Vehicle $1,850 Total $1,850 Revenue: Decrease Increase Juvenile Day Treatment Center: Contributions $1,790 Total $1,790 Fund: General Fund Department: Juvenile Day Treatment Center/Medicaid Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Juvenile Day Treatment Center/Medicaid: Supplies $60 Total $60 Section 2: Explanation To record the donation of a van to the Juvenile Day Treatment Center. NC Department of Motor Vehicles established the market value of the van at $1,790. The County must pay $60 to cover the required highway use tax and registration; thereby, the market value of the van is adjusted to $1,850. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 08-024 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, is adopted. Adopted, this day of ,2007. (SEAL) William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 11 This page intentionally left blank. 12 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Consent Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Sheriff's Office Presenter: Duane T. Ward Contact: Lena Butler SUBJECT: Approval of Sole Source Award to Best Uniforms, Inc. for Customized Blauer Rain Gear BRIEF SUMMARY: The rain gear that the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office Deputies wear is made to the specifications set forth by the Sheriff's Office. Best Uniforms, Inc. is a distributor of Blauer rain gear and has worked with the Sheriff's Office and Blauer to redesign and customize Blauer's rain gear to meet the specifications set forth by the Sheriff's Office. This is a special order that requires that the company shut down regular operations to produce the rain gear as required by the Sheriff's Office. General Statute 143-129(e)(6) provides that purchases of apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment are exempt from bidding when: i. performance or price competition for a product are not available; ii. a needed product is available from only one source of supply; or iii. standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration. The Statutes require that this purchase be approved by the Board of Commissioners prior to award. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution approving sole source award to Best Uniforms, Inc. in the amount of $45,871 for the purchase of Blauer Rain Gear made to New Hanover County Sheriff's Office specifications. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: Funding for rain gear is in Sheriff's Office FY 07-08 Adopted Budget. ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ ... . Sole SO!J~e-Rain gea~.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: 13 COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: The item was withdrawn. 14 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the rain gear that the New Hanover County Sheriffs Offi.ce Deputies wear is made to the specifications set for the Sheriffs Office; and WHEREAS, Best Uniforms, Inc., a distributor of Blauer rain gear has worked with the Sheriffs Office and Blauer to redesign Blauer's rain gear to meet the specifications set forth by the Sheriffs Office; and WHEREAS, this is a special order that requires that the company shut down regular operations to produce the rain gear as required by the Sheriffs Office; and WHEREAS General Statute 143-129(e) (6) provides that purchases of apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment are exempt from bidding when: i. performance or price competition for a product are not available; ii. a needed product is available from only one source of supply; or iiL standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff, the Finance Director, and the County Manager recommend that the bid be awarded to Best Uniforms, Inc. as a sole source provider for these uniforms; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that this bid for the purchase of customized rain gear for the Sheriff's Office Deputies be awarded to Best Uniforms, Inc. in the amount of forty-five thousand, eight hundred seventy-one dollars ($45,871) as a sole source provider. This 4th day of September, 2007. William A. Caster, Chairman, ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board ."~,.._---- 15 This page intentionally left blank. 16 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Consent Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Budget Presenter: Cam Griffin Contact: Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Approval of Board of Education Capital Outlay Budget Amendment to Budget Public School Building Capital Building Funds for Annie H. Snipes Academy of Arts and Design BRIEF SUMMARY: Attached for review and approval is a Board of Education Capital budget amendment increasing the budget for Annie H. Snipes Academy of Arts and Design by $492,653. The Board of Education approved the budget amendment on August 6, 2007. The County Commissioners approved the application for the funds on June 4, 2007. The funds will be used for renovations, minor site improvements, and technology upgrades for the Annie H. Snipes Academy of Arts and Design. Funds from the 2005 Local Bond will be used for the required local match. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve Board of Education Budget Amendment #1 for Capital Outlay Fund and New Hanover County Budget Amendment 2008-20. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: Will not impact New Hanover County Budget ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ . .. New Hanover County Board of Education Budget Amendment #1 2008-20 DS 8-13-07.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 17 AGENDA: September 4, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2007 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 2008-20 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 2008-20 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: $123M School Bond Project Department: Finance Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Snipes Academv $492,652.73 Total $492 652.73 Revenue: Increase Public School Capital Building Fund $492,652.73 Total $492 652.73 Section 2: Explanation To increase the project funds for the Public School Capital Building Fund approved by the Department of Public Instruction for renovations and improvements to Annie H. Snipes Academy of Arts and Design. The Commissioners approved the Board of Education's application for use of these funds at its 6/4/07 meeting. The Department of Public Instruction has approved the application and the Board of Education approved the School's Budget Amendment at its August 6, 2007 meeting. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 2008-20 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, is adopted. Adopted, this _day of ,2007. (SEAL) William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 18 Budget Amendment #1 New Hanover County Administrative Unit Capital Outlay Fund The New Hanover County Board of Education at a meeting on the 6th day of August 2007, passed the following resolution. Be it resolved that the following amendments be made to the Budget Resolution for the fiscall year ending June 30, 2008. Code Number Description of Code Increase (Decrease) Various See Attached $492,652.73 Revenue: Various See Attached $492,652.73 Explanation: See attached Total Appropriation in Current Budget $ 6,435,811,00 Amount of Increase/Decrease of above Amendment 492,652.73 Total Appropriation in Current Amended Budget $ 6.928A63.73 Passed by majority vote of the Board of Education of New Hanover County on the ,,~ day of ~ ,20~. 19 Capital Outlay Fund Amendment #1 To correct project purpose code included in the budget resolution: 4.6580.808.541.000.945.16 CBRC . Generator 118,450.00 4.9100.808.541.000.945.16 CBRC - Generator (118,450.00) - To increase Snipes budget for project approved by the State Public Schoof Building Capital Fund: 4.9197.074.522.384.945 Snipes Renovation 492,652.73 revenue: 4 74490.000.000 Stale Public School Caplial Building Fund (492.652.13) 20 SCHOOL PLRNI~ING :9198073558 Jun 26 '07 13 :58 !"',U2 -.."." . ...... .~"~ .,~,._-,-"..._...-..~..."",_..,.,.._.._-~_.,.. ,.,'.. .~i;'i!VJ :'/~;::f:\~/~"tt :;';~"<~~"J PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA ~~ii"';I'~ .,.", ~;~~\e.1 *~l-tJ"~I\'~~ STATE BOARD OF EDUCATl'ON Howard N" Lae, Chairman ~':;fJ~j h':< . 'j4J DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC JN$.TRVCTION June St. CL'llr Aikin:;"", l::O.P., Stete SUpedtllMdenf '~<~~2~,("'/' \Ii\liW;"'CPUBLlCS(:flOOLS ORC June 25, 2007 MEMORANDUM TO: Bruce T. Shell., County Manager New Hanover County Carmen Gintoli, Director of Planning & Construction New Hanover Count)' Schools FROM' Kenneth Phelps, School P'aoning Consultant ~ NC Department of Public Instruction endosed are the approved projects for receiving the fOllowing f~nds from the Public School Building Cllpltal FUI1l:L Annie Snipes AC<tdel'l\Y' of Arts and Design- Renovations $ 492.,652,73 The ..,bove fund" will be transferred to the county disbursing acx:ol.lnt in the State Treasurer's Office. Since this is the end of the fiscal yeer, I am attempting to have the money transferred before next month. Pl~se check your county disbursing account on 6/28 or 6/2.9. Questions concerning the dlsbursin51 account, checks, signatur~ cards, en:. should be directed to Mr. Jody Joyner, (919) 508-5915, in the State Treasurer's Office. A final report is rc:quired shOWing the adutll state and lotal expenditures and the actual completion date. If the expenditures of state funds are less than the i!lmount approved and transferred to the disbursing acrount in the State Treasurer's Offi.:;;e, request that the balance be releaS€d from the d.isbursing account for f'e deposit Into the wunty account in the Public School Building Capital Fund fOr reallocation to additional constn.:ctlon projects. It you haVE! any Questions, please do not hesitate to call. Enclosure 4 q ;Q1. 0145;;;2 .) ff1( 1( )' : : SCHOOL PLANNING DNISION 01' SCHOOL SUPPORT www,,,<:hoolcleOlrin!iln<>u.ue<.or9 ;: 6319 Maii Ser\lke Center ,. Raleigh. North Carolin$ 27e99.631~ ,. 919,807,3,554 ; ; Fll:dil1 ~.807.355a :. An (;;"W', OppN'l,.mN),IMfiffT><llive A.Glion E"'pioYGf _m....w ---.-..-......" 21 SCHOOL PlRNNING :91980/3558 Jlln 'or 13:59 P.03 !f5)fE CG lE n \W r[ff~ "j Inll . =-'11 Ii/ . Re~sed 101510' APPLICATION ... iJJ~~D.1 ~ ~~~L:go~;'::~t~~~~~G~~ BUll, IN;~ ~~N~r-~,c';7:l~~ved. .. (,. ... =-.-L County: New~a.no\'/er County.... ... GOt1~ r~rson. C"rrnen Ginloli Address; 6410 Carolina BeaCh Road. Wilmonglon NC Tille: Director. Facility Piarming S. COrustruc;tion SChOOl Admin. Unit' 650. _ Phone (910}254.4325 Project Trtle: Arm,e H Snipes ACademy 01 Arts and Oesign _ _ _ ,___ Location 2100 Chestnul Street Wilmlnglon. NortliCarQllna 28405 a._ Type of Facility: Elementary SchOol G.S'. 1 15C-546.2(b) "Counties shall use monies In the Fund lor capital oullay projecls inCluding the planning, c.on5li'uction. reconstruction. enlargement. imprtlvemen\, repair, or renovation of public. $ChOOI oUlldll"lgs and for the purchase of land for public school buildings: for equipment to implement a local school teChnology plan lhat is approved pursuant to G.S. 11SC-1026C: or for l:1oth. Monies U$sd to impl~m<'lnl a local school techno!ogy plan shall be transferred to the Stale School TechnOlogy Fund and allocated by that Fund 10 the loc<ll schOol Sdminii;ltrl.llive unit for equipment. As used il1Jhis section. 'public school buildinQs' ofllYlndudes fadlities for Indlyidual :;Ichools that are used fOr in$trl..lcticmal :ef'lO relatee OUI'OMes and does not include centralized !!ldmInlstra!!Q.I:1CJ...lJiaimenance, or other facllltie$," Short Description of ConStruc:,on PrOJect: RI\Mvations 01 the orialn<il b.\ill.ginj:1; ouildino con~JruclecllU g~. minor sile imprgveml!rllS a no ieer.nalaDV 1IDtIr"'l'leli .-.. . -. -- -'- , Estimated Costs. Stale local Imal Purchase of Land S .. ... :$ . . ... $ 001) Planning $--~-- $.-~ L. q.:OO ConSlrvction $. $ $ 000 Renovation $_. 4g2,€52.73 $_ 9,853.33427 L W,345.987~O[J I:;nl,,'gement $ ._. $ ~ D.OC. Repair $ .... . ... $ $ 0.00 School Technology $ --- $ NlA $ _=~ 0.00 Debl Service/8end Payment $ $~_. __} .' 0.00 Total $__.492,65273 :Ii 9.853.334.27 !.-....l9.3a:5,Ql;l7.0D Bid OatesNendors: April 10, 2008 Contracts Signed/Dates: ~a}! 5.2008 .___ ESl1mated date of begil'\l'1ing of consti"uction J.!.!r1e 9. 2008 Estimated date 01 completion12.~cembe~~1. 2009 ~. Match; The fn$tchin$j funos oj one OOlltlr or local funas IOf every three C10llars of stale fundS. are from (source) 2005 Local SchOOl Bond Fund $' - . of the mc\1clling fill,ds have been expended tor!dale/descriptlo~-~ .."""'-.. ""-~~=-- =u_ RepOrting requiremenls: "<IVe, the undersigned, agree to submit a stalement of state/local amourlts eXpelldel"l tOt lhi& pfOject wiltlln 60 days of completion of the prOJect. The County COfl1mlssll:mer.~ ..no the Board 01 G;ducalion do hereby jOintly request approval of ih e above project ..nd reQueSI relBalH:l tlf S 492,155273 __" from the Public School Building Capital FunO". We certIfy that the project herein described 1$ within the p"HBmelers of 11SC-546.2{b} and that lill of the match is available ."nd designated liIS m..1.ch of this prOject ~?~_a._G,.~ _"_ .....___ ~/o:~/o/ ..~ (~'... ture - C'ha'lr. C unty Comtr" ~l"ler$).0 .~(D . e..l \ '/ I .. .,./ .. -- ~ ~. ~.J _. (Signature - Chair. Boar ate) 22 Page I of 1 M;W HANOVER fOIN"'\'1l0ARD Ot. C'OflrI\USSIONllll,; SOOK JI REGIJLARi\tIlETING, JUNE 4.111111 PAGIlIU .4.SSEi\tB LV Tl;c Ni-:!" l-bm\J\.r (l>1l1lt;\ 8(\:.1.1 ,\I' C..Qml,limICI1l 111<1 j" R~lJ:ulars..'$$'~1l 011 M~",t:'.). JUlie J. li~'1,0I in !Ir HltltMliil Rt':s.cift,D.;,IJ H~IW'\,~r Cm:W~} (;t'lf\cr:!uuellil {-L'1:lk1'. 130 (jm'c:nUtl<tI!k1 SUIW I J ~ \\'ihn.ngt4m. Nonh "'kll;t.,,, v.cr.:~ Cha,i'nl'~HI William"-\ C:tMf.."f,; ComNlis's:U)OCf \VdIJ:un A" Kupp. fl... Cumm~~:s'k~H~f H l'vudlC'It M"I~'~'I" lln"lit 1 Sholl; ('~I"" All"""!\ W,""b "-'I. Copl<;, 'lIId (I;.;!'I, hl ,\'" U,,,,J L Sd,,,11 Vt,c."{~~:h,uinnJHl Rol"':ft G. Grcc"~1..;;t!;i,~1rn;C:H~ 2~(iii Cmmlli'~,WllICf led O~I~'i5. k ;.lirrhed 1'd ':0.6 pd~l. ("l..""!;;,,, C "'leI "anN 11", "'""hllg 10 "',)>0' ""d ",'!{tlI,,,,d .' Cl) Q"" p<'''''',I. INHlCA1'ION ANI) PI,J:DGE OF :\LU:(.1.4SCE Ri.:'\ "'i\:liihl Or ~n~l-k.'" Zunm .dt P,;tS~iQr- nf St. 1\'L:I~llkt\'f;,;!; E"\ .m~J,;hcal tUill,,'f~UI fhltlt'i.;:lt ~_jl\ ,,' t h\:t~lt (k'"IUon, C.;)i"Hru~",i\J'IlJ.:'r R~~il'p ~1.:d-dJiO.~ ~.ltdl1,;n':A,.'liJi} lloo lill",,'d~t of A l.ktt1::Jln","( .0 11iH: nl~, (,'h:::nntun ('tl'",H."f ll1(i\f, C()jnillill?">~mJcJ Da:\.-:i is 1 '.ac fbliftf .'"h.'r"k~\ (1;( '!!:UIKhJm iC.'~I~~l r".(w~ F.,., CilIllI'lUliil' C"lk~" >lwJ l~vuld 00 ~~r:ri,,~i'i.::: j~~ !g(liOtl ns ('Iti.'''''''' Pcild,;,n ,~, lil.'ll'~ d,e 1,,,'i!"~1I1 (,l" ,hc N,>llh ("""hI", C''''lll<:'!'' "'''rll. e(l\m.~' ('DU~tn's"'IDn~t C,flt:~(H'Y TIle il'li;.nrd )1; beiu~ a ~,;:n.~li""'~~,~ in R.llJ,,'Ci~Ji. 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Uhi'dtJiIll r:.tl2;,~IIi1;:\:'r ),,1... f'"llcrl"'I_l"'.'I~ i\illlli''''J,~I(I' A top, Ollb" ,~,,,hfljOll " IICt~b~ 11l<'i<)'IKIMltd;,!; ","1 (jf III( "~Illltc, ""d 1$ '1;I,WaIll(lI II. fE,j""';1 IlOOk XXX l'"~,, iU httD:/ IwwwtmoaDDS .nhCgOV,comlwebIink7/Imae:eDisDlav .asnx?cache""ves&sessionkev= W. 1\11."i/2007 23 This page intentionally left blank. 24 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Consent Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Budget Presenter: Cam Griffin Contact: Cam Griffin SUBJECT: Adoption of Ordinance for Budget Amendment BRIEF SUMMARY: The following budget amendment amends the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. 08-025 - Rollover of Unexpended Grant Funds from FY 06/07 to FY 07/08 RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adoption of ordinance for the budget amendment listed in the summary above. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: To amend the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ . .. 08-0258-22-07.doc REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 25 AGENDA: September 4, 2007 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 BUDGET BY BUDGET AMENDMENT 08-025 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the following Budget Amendment 08-025 be made to the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008. Section 1: Details of Budget Amendment: Fund: General Fund Departments: Sheriff's Office, Emergency Management, Planning, Health, DMC, Aging, Library, Parks, Museum, Commissioners Exnenditure: Decrease Increase Sheriff's Office: Safe Summer Program-Good Shepherd Grant $ 2,000 Salaries-Road Rage Grant 20,756 FICA-Road Rage Grant 1,618 Retirement-Road Rage Grant 1,063 401K-Road Rage Grant 1,015 Medical Insurance-Road Rage Grant 5,456 Disability Insurance-Road Rage Grant 66 Emergency Management: Cap. Outlay-Motor Vehicles-DHS-Response Trailer 32,864 Safety Equipment-DHS-USAR Grant 25,000 Planning: Temp Salaries-CAMA Grant 7,653 Contracted Services-CAMA Grant 2,571 Postage-CAMA Grant 1,000 Printing-CAMA Grant 3,662 Supplies-CAMA Grant 3,784 EP A Grant Expenditures 56,622 Contracted Services-Relocation Assistance-CHAF 258,331 Health: Temp Salaries-Good Shepherd 4,651 Employee Reimbursement-Good Shepherd 300 Contracted Services-Good Shepherd 13,157 Supplies-Ministering Circle 9,494 Contracted Services-CFMF Living Well 1,466 Printing-CFMF Living Well 6,841 Supplies-CFMF Living Well 1,250 Employee Reimbursements-CFMF Living Well 511 Supplies-MaD-Baby Love 1,852 Supplies-CFMF Diabetes 3,336 Supplies-Safe Communities 2,444 Supplies-MOD Project Stop 13,557 Salaries-CFMF Family Counseling 40,324 FICA-CFMF Family Counseling 3,065 Retirement-CFMF Family Counseling 2,513 Medical Insurance-CFMF Family Counseling 8,000 Disability Insurance-CFMF Family Counseling 128 Cellular Expense-CFMF Family Counseling 50 Printing-CFMF Family Counseling 484 Supplies-CFMF Family Counseling 1,483 Employee Reimb.-CFMF Family Counseling 970 Training and Travel-CFMF Family Counseling $ 1,181 26 B/A 08-025, Sevtember 4, 2007, Pa!!:e 2 Exvenditure: Decrease Increase Juvenile Day Treatment-DMC: Salaries $ 8,260 FICA 542 Retirement 330 Medical Insurance 700 Disability Insurance 20 Cellular Expense 203 Printing 483 Supplies 254 Training and Travel 9,126 Aging: Temp Salaries-Champ McDowell Davis Grant $177 Postage-Champ McDowell Davis Grant 195 Printing-Champ McDowell Davis Grant 536 Library: Supplies-Medicine Grant 36 Parks: Capital Outlay-Land-Spike Property Grant 29,775 Other Improvements-Middle Sound Grant 97,000 Museum: Administrative Reserve-Grassroots Science 134,440 Total $908 $821,687 Revenue: Decrease Increase Sheriff's Office: Good Shepherd Safe Summer Grant $ 2,000 DOT Road Rage Grant 22,480 Emergency Management: Dept. of Homeland Security Grant 32,864 Dept. of Homeland Security-USAR Grant 25,000 Planning: CAMA Grant 18,670 EP A Grant 56,622 CHAF Grant 258,331 Health: Good Shepherd Grant 18,1 08 Ministering Circle Grant 9,494 CFMF Living Well Grant 10,068 MOD Baby Love Grant 1,852 CFMF - Diabetes Supplies Grant 3,336 Safe Communities Grant 2,444 MOD Project Stop Grant 13,557 CFMF Family Counseling Grant 58,198 Juvenile Day Treatment-DMC: GCC DMC Grant $19,918 27 B/A 08-025, Sevtember 4, 2007, Pa!!:e 3 Revenue: Decrease Increase Aging: Champ McDowell Davis Grant $908 Library: Medicine Grant $ 36 Parks: Beach Access Grant-Spike Property 22,331 Beach Access Grant-Middle Sound Park Grant 72,750 Museum: Grassroots Science Grant 134,440 Commissioners: Appropriated Fund Balance 39,188 Total $908 $821 687 Fund: Environmental Management Department: Recycling Exvenditure: Decrease Increase Environmental Management Recycling: Contracted Services-Waste Reduction Grant $25,000 Total $25,000 Revenue: Decrease Increase Environmental Management Recycling: Waste Reduction & Recycling Grant $25,000 Total $25,000 Section 2: Explanation To rollover unexpended grant funds from FY 06/07 to FY 07/08. Section 3: Documentation of Adoption: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, that the Ordinance for Budget Amendment 08-025 amending the annual budget ordinance for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2008, is adopted. Adopted, this day of ,2007. (SEAL) William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board REGULAR AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ESTIMA TED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 5:40 p.m. l. Consideration of Civil Workplace Protocol Resolution and Approval of 31 Proposed Personnel Policy Revisions 5:45 p.m. 2. Public Hearing on Authorizing the Approval of an Installment Purchase 43 Contract and Deed of Trust 5:50 p.m. 3.1 Public Hearing 45 Road Naming (SN -102, 08/07) - Request by Planning Staff and E-911 to Name an Unnamed Road to Marsh Cove Lane Located Near the 5900 Block of Myrtle Grove Road, East Side 6:00 p.m. 3.2 Public Hearing 51 Address Assignments (AA-00l,08/07) - Request by Planning Staff and E-911 to Reassign Street Addresses to a Portion of Sanders Road Located Between River and Carolina Beach Roads 6:30 p.m. 3.3 Public Hearing 57 Conditional Rezoning (Z-861, 4/07) - Request by Shanklin and Nichols, P A for ACI-Pine Ridge, LLC to Rezone Approximately 16.2 Acres Located offN. Market Street at Porter's Neck Road in the Transition and Wetland Resource Protection Land Classifications from B-1 Neighborhood Business Zoning District to CD(B-2) Conditional District Highway Business to locate a 169,000 sq. ft. Commercial Building for up to 42 Possible Uses (Continuedfrom the July Meeting) 7:00 p.m. 3.4 Public Hearing 159 Rezoning (Z-869, 8/07) - Request by James D. Smith, Attorney for William F. Canady to Rezone Approximately 0.65 Acre Located West of Market Street, at 113 Sweetwater Drive in the Transition Land Classification from R-15 Residential District to 0&1 Office & Institutional District (the Applicant Owns Adjoining 0&1 Property) 7: 15 p.m. Break 7:25 p.m. 3.5 Public Hearing 167 Rezoning (Z-870, 8/07) - Request by Withers & Ravenel for Louise Stevens to Rezone 9.25 Acres from R -15 Residential District to R -10 Residential District at 4451 & 4453 Gordon Road in the Transition Land Classifications (the Change Would Result in a Density Change from 2.5 Units Per Acre to 3.3 Units Per Acre) 7:45 p.m. 3.6 Public Hearing 175 Text Amendment (A-361, 8/07) - Request by Staff to Amend Section III of the Zoning Ordinance to Require Applicants to Conduct a Community Information Meeting Prior to Submission of Requests for Planned Development, Riverfront Mixed Use, or Conditional Use District Zoning Actions 8:00 p.m. 3.7 Public Hearing 179 Text Amendment (A-362, 8/07) - Request by Staff to Amend Section 71-1 of 29 the Zoning Ordinance to Add Language Establishing a Policy on Resubmittal of Denied Special Use Permit Applications 8: 15 p.m. 3.8 Public Hearing 181 Text Amendment (A-363, 8/07) - Request by Staff to Amend Section III of the Zoning Ordinance to Establish a Policy and Procedure Relating to Continuances of Rezoning Cases 8:30 p.m. 4. Consideration of Mason Inlet Relocation - Maintenance Cost 185 8:45 p.m. 5. Consideration of Revisions to New Hanover County Code, Section Five: 189 Animals & Fowl 8:55 p.m. 6. Consideration of Award of Bid 08-0042 and Approval of Contract 08-0042 to 191 Sam English of V A, Inc. for the Purchase of Boiler Tubes Panels for Boiler #2 at W ASTEC 9:05 p.m. Break 9: 15 p.m. 7. Meeting of the Water and Sewer District 195 10:00 p.m. 8. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 10:05 p.m. 9. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 10: 15 p.m. ADJOURN Note: Times listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. 30 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: County Manager Presenter: Andre Mallette Contact: Cathy Morgan SUBJECT: Consideration of Civil Workplace Protocol Resolution and Approval of Proposed Personnel Policy Revisions BRIEF SUMMARY: New Hanover County is a member-employer of the EVOLVE Wilmington! Business Community Action Team, in affiliation with Domestic Violence Shelter & Services, Inc. The Team has developed a peer-based civil workplace protocol as a model for other employers. The attached resolution will demonstrate the County's commitment to being a model employer in this area. A memo from Bruce Shell in support of the resolution is also attached. We propose the addition of two personnel policies to formally address respectful workplace, workplace violence and domestic violence in the workplace issues. The County has had an "unlawful workplace harassment policy" in place for years; however, there is a recognized need to put that policy into context between the proposed "respectful workplace" and "workplace violence" policies. (1) Respectful Workplace Policy--On the front end, the respectful workplace policy helps shape the organizational culture by establishing a standard of respectful conduct for all employees to follow in their dealings with each other and with the citizens they serve. This policy addresses behaviors which may not be unlawful, but which nevertheless are detrimental to positive communication, collaborative working relationships, employee satisfaction and retention, and service delivery. (2) Workplace Violence Policy--With incidents of workplace violence on the rise and the potential for domestic violence to spill over into the workplace, we have recognized the need to give the County's position on workplace violence a more prominent place in our organizational culture. To that end, we propose a formal policy to address behaviors which escalate from harassment to violence and endanger the health and safety of County employees and citizens on County property or engaged in the conduct of County business. This policy is introduced in memory of Gladys Bryant, a County employee who fell victim to domestic violence, and in honor of County employees who have since diligently worked to honor Gladys with their active support of community services to other victims. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the resolution and approve the two proposed additions to the County personnel policy. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ ~ ~ ........ ........ ........ ........ ... . ... . . .. ... . Resolution memo .doc Civi! VVorkp!ace Protocol Resolution.doc Respectful VVoirl<:p!ace Policy S 4- H7.doc V\!orkp!ace \'io!ence Policy S 4- H7.doc 31 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 32 NEW HANOVER COUNTY - INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: September 4, 2007 TO: New Hanover County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Bruce T. Shell, County Manager SUBJECT: Resolution Supporting a Civil Workplace Protocol Attached for your consideration is a resolution supporting a Civil Workplace Protocol to be adopted by employers in the county and surrounding areas. The adoption of the attached resolution is recommended. As a leading employer in the region, we believe it is important for the County to set an example by endorsing and promoting a peer~based Civil Workplace Protocol that addresses the business need to maintain policies and procedures which encourage safe and productive workplaces. The Protocol was developed by EVOLVE Wilmington! Business Community Action Team, of which the County is a member, in affiliation with Domestic Violence Shelter & Services, Inc. Employers active in this initiative are the City of Wilmington, the New Hanover Health Network, the University of North Carolina~Wilmington, Verizon and New Hanover County. As a part of this initiative, the County Human Resources Department is also introducing personnel policy revisions for the Board's approval to formally address respectful workplace, workplace violence and domestic violence in the workplace. The adoption of the proposed resolution and personnel policy revisions will further demonstrate the County's commitment to being a model employer in this area. 33 RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners supports policies and practices to provide a safe and productive workplace for employees and a supportive work environment for employees who are victims of domestic violence; and WHEREAS, the County supports the mission developed by the Business Community Action Team of EVOL VE Wilmington! to promote a peer-based Civil Workplace Protocol that addresses the business need to maintain appropriate policies and procedures that encourage safe and productive workplaces, and that strive to protect the business, workplace and its employees from the effects of domestic violence; and WHEREAS, the County supports the goals developed by the Business Community Action Team of EVOLVE Wilmington! for a workplace violence policy with domestic violence specific language; policy-driven procedures; appropriate training; awareness campaigns; and making resources available; and WHEREAS, in this effort, the County seeks to be a model for other employers in this region; and WHEREAS,. as a part ofthis initiative, the County is introducing personnel policy revisions for the Board's approval to formally address respectful workplace, workplace violence and domestic violence in the workplace; and WHEREAS, these policy revisions will supplement and expand the County's current practices to promote a safe and productive work environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does support and endorse a peer-based Civil Workplace Protocol, developed by the Business Community Action Team of EVOLVE Wilmington!, of which the County is a member. The Protocol addresses the business need of employers to establish civil, violence-free, productive workplaces through policy implementation, education and communication. Adopted this the 4th day of September 2007. [SEAL] William A. Caster, Chairman A TIEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 34 Respectful Workplace Policy PURPOSE New Hanover County recognizes its responsibility to build and maintain a respectful workplace, where all employees and citizens enjoy an environment in which the dignity and self~respect of every person is valued and which is free of offensive remarks, material or behavior. This policy establishes a standard for appropriate workplace conduct. SCOPE This policy covers all County employees, including regular, temporary, contract workers, volunteers, and anyone else on County property or engaged in County business with a County employee, whether or not on County property. Violation of this policy by any individual will be subject to appropriate corrective action. Violation of this policy by a County employee may lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. POLICY It is the policy of New Hanover County to maintain a professional and respectful work and public service environment. The County will not tolerate disrespectful behavior by or towards any employee or other individual by employees, visitors or vendors. This policy provides for: . Fostering a workplace which values diversity; personal dignity; courteous conduct; mutual respect, fairness and equality; positive communication between people; collaborative working relationships; . A reporting/complaint procedure for any individual who experiences or witnesses behavior prohibited by this policy; . A response procedure for supervisors who become aware of behavior prohibited by this policy; . Accountability for violations or enforcement failures through appropriate disciplinary actions; . Actions by the County to heighten employees' and supervisors' awareness of workplace violence issues, including domestic violence as it relates to the workplace. This policy prohibits disrespectful behavior, including but not limited to, the following: . Offensive and inappropriate remarks, gestures, material and behavior; . Grouping or isolating; . YelIing; . Belittling; . Reprimanding in the presence of others; . Aggressive or patronizing behavior; . Embarrassing or humiliating behavior; . Damaging gossip or rumors; 35 . Covert behavior, i.e., inappropriately withholding information, undermining, underhandedness; . Unlawful discrimination or harassment as defined by federal and state laws; EmploveeResponsibilities: . Treat others with respect; . Set an example by respecting the dignity and human rights of all employees and members oflhe public; . Recognize and refrain from actions that offend, embarrass or humiliate others; . Raise disrespectful conduct with the employee displaying it or with a person in authority as soon as possible; . Do not make allegations of disrespectful behavior that are frivolous or vindictive; . Make every effort to resolve respectful workplace, where possible in an informal manner. SUDcrvisorv I Manae.ement ResDonsibilities: Supervisors and managers are responsible to immediately act upon any situation involving disrespectful behavior. They will: . Promote awareness of this policy; . Recognize and address actions that offend, embarrass or humiliate others; . Treat each situation as a serious matter; . Manage the situation towards a resolution between the parties if possible, with a view to correcting behavior and preserving long term working relationships; . Ensure that there are no reprisals against employees making a complaint or participating in an investigation; . Provide support to employees who are experiencing the effects of disrespectful behavior; . Inform employees of Employee Assistance Program services; . Consult with Human Resources if the situation cannot be resolved. PROCEDURES Reporting violations An employee who believes he or she has been subjected to a violation of this policy who has either opted not to try to personally resolve the situation or who has been unsuccessful in attempting a resolution should report the violation immediately to his or her supervisor. If the employee's supervisor is the source of the alleged policy violation, or if the employee's supervisor does not respond to the report in a timely and appropriate manner, the employee should contact the Human Resources Department. Investigating Reports of Violations New Hanover County will promptly and thoroughly investigate any verbal or written report of a 36 violation of this policy, and will respond to the reporting employee or other individual regarding the results of the investigation,. except that specific personnel actions taken may not be revealed. The investigation will be kept reasonably confidential; however, it may be necessary to confront the employee who has allegedly violated the policy concerning the allegations. Corrective Actions Any employee found to have acted in violation of this policy shall be subject to appropriate corrective and disciplinary actions, up to and including dismissal. Any visitor or vendor found to have acted in violation of this policy shall be subject to responsive action as determined appropriate by the County, up to and including being removed from the workplace and being prohibited from returning in the future. Retaliation New Hanover County will not tolerate retaliation or intimidation directed towards any employee or other individual who makes a verbal or written report of a violation of this policy or serves as a witness to a violation of this policy. Any individual who retaliates against or intimidates an employee making a report or a witness shaH be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. 37 Workplace Violence Policy PURPOSE New Hanover County is committed to providing a workplace which is safe, secure and free from violence. Workplace violence includes, but is not limited to, intimidation, bullying,. threats,. physical attacks, domestic violence, or property damage cOnllnitted by County employees or other individuals against County employees while on County property or while in the performance of their duties. These kinds of behaviors will not be tolerated and, if they occur, will be appropriately addressed in accordance with this policy. Also included in this policy, are proactive provisions to heighten awareness of violence in the workplace, including domestic violence, and to provide guidance for employees and management in recognizing and appropriately responding to these issues. SCOPE This policy covers aU County employees, including regular, temporary, contract workers, volunteers, and anyone else on County property or engaged in County business with a County employee, whether or not on County property. Violation of this policy by any individual win be subject to appropriate legal action. Violation of this policy by a County employee may lead to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. POLlCY This policy provides for: . A reporting/complaint procedure for any individual who experiences or witnesses behavior prohibited by this policy; . A response procedure for supervisors who become aware of behavior prohibited by this policy; . Accountability for violations or enforcement failures through appropriate disciplinary actions; . Actions by the County to heighten employees' and supervisors' awareness of workplace violence issues, including domestic violence as it relates to the workplace; . Supporting victims of workplace or domestic violence; . Fostering a climate of trust and respect among workers and between employees and management; and . When necessary, seeking advice and assistance from outside resources, including threat- assessment psychologists., psychiatrists and other professionals, social service agencies, and law enforcement. This policy prohibits any acts of aggression or violence from any individual while on County property or against a County employee acting as a representative of the County, whether on County property or not. These acts include but are not limited to: . Any act or threat of bodily harm or property damage, including subtle or implied threats to an 38 indi vidual or his or her family, friends, or associates. (A threat is the expression of an intent to cause physical harm or property damage as would be perceived by a reasonable person, without regard to whether the party communicating the threat has the present ability to carry it out; whether the threat is subtle or overt in nature; or whether the expression is contingent, conditional or future). . Fighting or other physical altercations. (A physical altercation is unwanted or hostile physical contact such as fighting, hitting, pushing, shoving, throwing objects, grabbing, touching or any unwanted physical contact.) . Unauthorized possession or use of any weapon or caustic/dangerous chemicals, whether concealed or visible, on County property, except by sworn law enforcement offi.cers or other employees as required to perfonn their job duties. . Use or threat of use of weapon on/in County property. (A weapon includes, but is not limited to, firearms, explosives, caustics/chemicals, ammunition, knives or other dangerous or deadly weapons.) Use of other items as weapons, such as a tool or furniture, is also prohibited. . Use of language which would be regarded by a reasonable person as likely to invoke violence. . Repeated following of another individual, known as "stalking" or threatening another person with the intent to place the other person in reasonable fear of his/her safety. . Making harassing or threatening phone calls, letters or other fonns of written or electronic communications. . Intentionally damaging or threatening to damage County or employee property. Emplovee Responsibilities.: Employees have the responsibility to adhere to this policy and its established preventive practices and to report violent or threatening behavior or other warning signs, following procedures established by this policy. Any employee who experiences or witnesses any acts, conduct, behavior or communication which is in violation ofthis policy, must immediately contact either his/her supervisor, department head or the Human Resources Department, and if necessary, local law enforcement. Employees should not try to handle a violent or potentially violent incident. . When reporting an imminent threat ancl/or act of violence, an employee should first secure his/her own safety, contact local law enforcement and, if possible, alert persons in the immediate area. . Employees threatened, assaulted or attacked, while on official duty in the field, shall immediately report such incidents to local law enforcement and their supervisor. . Ifanyone commits a violent act or makes a direct threat while on County property, the person will be asked to leave by a supervisor. Should the person refuse to leave, local law enforcement should be contacted to assist in removing the person. . Any employee who violates the workplace violence policy will receive appropriate disciplinary action which may include dismissal. . Employees who know infonnation about workplace violence, but do not report it in accordance with this policy, will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action which may include dismissal. 39 . The County will not tolerate retaliation against an employee for reporting instances of workplace violence. Incidents of retaliation should be reported to the Human Resources Department immediately. Every effort will be made to protect the safety and anonymity of anyone who comes forward with concerns about a threat or act of violence. Supenrisorv / Manaa:ement Responsibilities: Supervisors and managers will support the County's policies created to provide work environments that are safe from violence, threats and harassing/aggressive behavior. To that end, they shall: . Inform aU employees that workplace violence or other abusive, aggressive or disruptive behavior in any form will. not be tolerated in the workplace. . Be aware of any patterns or changes in employee behavior which could pose a concern for the workplace_ Such behavior should be documented by the supervisor for the record. Changes in behavior should be addressed with the employee after consultation with Human Resources. . Be alert to the possibility of workplace violence on the part of former employees, citizens or others. . Offer support to victims of workplace violence, which includes domestic violence. . Be aware of the location and telephone numbers of community resources available in responding to any actual or potential workplace violence, including domestic violence. The County intends to publish, maintain, and post in locations of high visibility, a list of resources for survivors and perpetrators of domestic violence. . When aware of a threat or imminent danger of violence to an employee, immediately notifY that employee of the danger and notifY law enforcement and/or the Human Resources Department. . NotifY law enforcement and/or the Human Resources Department when they receive a notice or complaint of workplace violence or if they suspect that these acts are occurring or have occurred. Take all threats seriously. Failure to appropriately respond to complaints or observed threat or imminent danger situations may result in disciplinary action which may include dismissal. . Maintain appropriate confidentiality for the victim. Domestic Violence Victim Accommodations The County shall not discharge, demote, deny a promotion, or discipline an employee because the employee took reasonable time off from work to obtain reliefunder Chapter SOB (domestic violence order of protection) or Chapter 50C (civil no~contact order for nonconsensual sexual contact or stalking). An employee who is absent from the workplace to obtain such relief shall follow the department's usual leave request policy or procedure, including advance notice to the employee's supervisor, unless an emergency prevents the employee from doing so. Management may require documentation of any emergency that prevented the employee from complying in advance with the department's usual leave request procedure, or any other information available to the employee which supports the employee's reason for being absent from the workplace. Consistent with the County's usual leave policies, employees may apply available personal or sick 40 leave to 0 btain medical, counseling, or legal assistance to address problems relating to workplace or domestic violence. Depending on the circumstances, employees who are victims of workplace or domestic violence may also need special accommodations or adjustments to their work schedule or location in order to enhance their safety. Management shall use their discretion to accommodate these requests and needs whenever possible and appropriate. PROCEDURES Workplace Violence Resnonse: To respond to an event of actual or threatened workplace violence, the County will use a three-level plan of action_ The Human Resources Director or his designee will serve in the lead role and will assemble others as needed. Levell: Threats When an individual states or implies a threat of violence, the employee(s) who received or observed the threat shall immediately alert a supervisor. The supervisor, as soon as possible, should notify and consult with the Human Resources Director, his designee or the County Safety Officer. The supervisor will then document the incident and any actions taken, a copy of which will be forwarded to the l-Iuman Resources Director or his designee. Level 2: Danger is imminent An immediate threat of violence shall be reported in accordance with the policy set forth above. After law enforcement personnel have been caUed to secure the location, the supervisor will contact the Human Resources Director, his designee or the County Safety Officer. The Human Resources Director or his designee will conduct an investigation of the incident and determine what other actions are needed. Level 3: An act of violence which results in injuries or death When a violent act occurs in the workplace, the first priority will be to attend to the immediate danger and injuries. The first response to an actual act of violence is to contact appropriate emergency response personneL As soon as possible, the supervisor on location will contact the Human Resources Director, his designee or the County Safety Officer. The Human Resources Director or his designee will be responsible for coordinating the administrative investigation of the incident and determining what other resources are needed for the County to respond to the incident. The County's response will include assembling resources to 41 address employee needs and media requests. Details of the administrative investigation will be kept confidential unless prohibited by law. 42 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Legal Presenters: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney and Avril Pinder, Finance Director Contacts: Wanda M. Copley, County Attorney and Avril Pinder, Finance Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing on Authorizing the Approval of an Installment Purchase Contract and Deed of Trust BRIEF SUMMARY: At its August 13, 2007 meeting, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina adopted a resolution that authorized the County to proceed to pay capital costs of acquiring, constructing and equipping a six million gallon per day groundwater treatment plant and a related well field system to serve customers in the northern section of the County, in an aggregate amount of $42,000,000, pursuant to an installment purchase contract, under which the County will make certain installment payments, for the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Water Project in order to make the Water Project available to the County; and authorized the County to proceed to provide, in connection with the Contract, as grantor, a deed of trust and security agreement under which the site on which the Water Treatment Plant will be located at 7601 Old Oak Road in the County will be mortgaged by the County to create such lien thereon as may be required for the benefit of the entity, or its assigns, providing the funds to the County under the Contract. The improvements on, and personal property related to the site, will also be subject to the lien provided in the Deed of Trust. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Conduct public hearing. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Conduct public hearing. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Conducted public hearing. 43 New Hanover County Certificate of Participation Water Treatment Plant Project Water Treatment Plant Timeline 8/13 Permission to get financing 8/14 Well drilling bids due (rebid) 8/21 Treatment plant bids received 8/27 Well drilling bids received 9/4 Public hearing on financing 9/5 Submit application to LGC 9/11 Meet with LGC to review documents 9/12-13 Meet with Rating Agencies 9/17 Recommend award of well drilling bid and budget amendment 9/17 Approval final resolution on financing 9/26 Update survey for property collateralization 9/27 Concentrate line bids due 9/28 Receive bond ratings 10/1 Recommend award of treatment plant bid and budget amendment 10/2 Receive LGC approval on financing 10/11 Close on Financing Issue 10/15 Recommend award of concentrate line bids __m._...~._ 44 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 3.1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Sam Burgess Contact: Sam Burgess Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Public Hearing Road Naming (SN-102, 08/07) - Request by Planning Staff and E-911 to Name an Unnamed Road to Marsh Cove Lane Located Near the 5900 Block of Myrtle Grove Road, East Side BRIEF SUMMARY: The Planning staff received a request from several County residents to have their unimproved road named. This request by the residents was in response to the challenges of being located in the event of an emergency and timely service delivery. With the assistance and encouragement from E-911, approximately 10 residents out of 17 landowners chose the name Marsh Cove Lane. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Planning Staff and E-911 recommend that the unnamed road be named Marsh Cove Lane and that new street addresses be assigned along the road. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ . .. SN-' 02.doc Hewlett letter and map ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0, effective January 30, 2008. 45 CASE: SN-l02,08/07 APPUCANT(S): New Hanover County Planning & E-911 REQUEST: Name an Unnamed Road to Marsh Cove Lane Assign New Street Addresses LOCATION: Near 5900 Block Myrtle Grove Road Staff Summarv In May, 2006, the Planning staff received a request from several County residents to have their unimproved road named. This request by the residents was in response to the challenges of being located in the event of an emergency and timely service delivery. The unnamed road is located near the 5900 block of Myrtle Grove Road and extends southeast near the Intracoastal Waterway for a distance of2,540' , the road then runs south and parallel to the waterway for a distance of 438' (see attached map). Adjoining landowners along the unnamed road were polled by the Planning staff approximately a year ago on their preference for an unduplicated road name. Several efforts on the part of staff failed to produce an unduplicated name that a majority of the residents could agree on. In July, 2007, the Planning staff in conjunction with E-91 I revisited the unnamed road issue and encouraged the residents living along the road to reach a consensus on a choice of 3 street names. With the assistance and encouragement from E-9 I 1, approximately 10 residents out of 17 landowners chose the name Marsh Cove Lane. Staff Comments The creation of a new road name to Marsh Cove Lane will enhance public and emergency service delivery, a better means of neighborhood identification, and safety for the residents who presently live along the road. If the new road name is adopted by the Board, the County will also assign new street addresses based on adopted County guidelines. Presently, residents living along the road use a combination of Myrtle Grove Road and Shannon Drive addresses. Staff Recommendation Staff and E-9ll recommend that the unnamed road be named Marsh Cove Lane and that new street addresses be assi.gned along the road. The County will be responsible for creating and erecting a new street sign. An effective date of change for the residents would be November 30, 2007. 46 NEW HANOVER COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 185 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: (910) 798-6922 Fax: (910) 798-6925 E-mail: bhewlett@uhcgov.com Brenda Hewlett Assistant Director July 25, 2007 Dear Myrtle Grove Resident, The county Planning Department has recently made attempts to name the road that serveS as access to your property off of Myrtle Grove Road, along Shannon Dr. They had hoped to find a name that was suitable to a majority of the property owners but unfortunately I they were unable to do so. Therefore, the E-911 Department is submitting the following three names that have been suggested by some of the property owners for you to choose from: 1. Easy Street 2. John Bryan Lane (in honor of the family who originally owned the proper1[y) 3. Marsh Cove Lane Please submit your preference to me at the contact information below by August 15,2007. A non response will be counted as a vote for the name with the most votes.. If a majority is not reached, in the interest of public safety, the E-911 Department will select a name from the list. The selected name will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for their consideration. You will be contacted by letter informing you of the name that has been selected as well as the specific date, time and location of the meeting. 47 Sincerely I ~~ Brenda Hewlett, ENP Assistant Director New Hanover County Public Safety 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 185 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: 910-798-6922 Fax: 910-798-6925 bhewlett@nhcgov.com 48 ~ ~ IFl 4) tIl Q.l if!... Q) Q.l " tIl "t.l l:: III I;- 4i rnl,i'J O'iJ.. ~ ~ Q. .....S C ~ :." ~~ " 'U;.j to- .S III 0 III I;;:b"'l 8~ <C N 0 .. E 0 c: c:c:....1II (,) ~ m; ~ '0 I i .J:: - ~li;E !: 3Jrn ~cee~ '0 -e :!lEe:> (0 lI'>lll l:l:c III - ....'"D..... O. !:: z.~;~~ 0 $z 011I1 .-- . ~ "0 o III ~ no 0- ',-.If (l) I'I:l """'" is.Q. W l'Il '0 g.'~ "g~:g r- ~ ~ g~ W. I Qi O--iill) 0. 0 o(l 0. ..... as ,~~. '~c: V ~t: (()Z .. Z III > III Q.c.. :a~~~ : 15 III <II ._ <(J: III a::: ~ ~ <t. (() 0 ... ,., Z 0 ~' ~~ ~o as ... (.) ii5 Q. z ~~,~,,~.. _...~_.- I I a~'3^OMEf311~AW I I/f-J (- /1 / /1 I I 49 This page intentionally left blank. 50 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 3.2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Sam Burgess Contact: Sam Burgess Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Public Hearing Address Assignments (AA-001 ,08/07) - Request by Planning Staff and E-911 to Reassign Street Addresses to a Portion of Sanders Road Located Between River and Carolina Beach Roads BRIEF SUMMARY: In anticipation and response to the growth near and along Sanders Road and to enhance timely emergency service delivery, several existing street mailing addresses need to be adjusted to provide proper sequential numbering and block ranges. Four residents would be affected by the address adjustment. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Planning Staff and E-911 recommend approval of the proposed address adjustments. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ . .. amended M-001.doc FAO and map ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: A motion to approve staff's recommendation and work as much as possible to accommodate the family represented during the public hearing was approved 4-1, Commissioner Kopp voting in opposition, effective January 30, 2008. 51 CASE: AA-00l,08/07 APPLICANT: New Hanover County Planning Staff & E-911 REQUEST: Re-address Street Numbers to a Portion of Sanders Road LOCATION: Between River & Carolina Beach Roads Staff HistoO' For the past several years, the southern portion of New Hanover County has witnessed an explosion of residential and non-residential growth. One area that will be impacted by this growth is Sanders Road. Presently, three (3) large residential developments (Willow Glen@ Beau Rivage, Pointe South Apartments & The Village @ Motts Landing) are under construction off Sanders Road_ A retail complex (Harris Teeter) is also under construction at the southeast corner of Carolina Beach and Sanders Road. A bank is also planned along Sanders Road. Recently, efforts have been made to develop other portions of Sanders Road. Sanders Road is a NCDOT State maintained road that is approximately 5,000' in length located between River Road to the west and Carolina Beach Road to the east (see attached map). Staff Comments In anticipation and response to the growth near and along Sanders Road and to enhance timely emergency service delivery, several existing street mailing addresses need to be adjusted to provide proper sequential numbering and block ranges. At the present time, a variety of street addresses (double & triple digit numbers) exist along the road that do not conform to the County's addressing standards adopted in 2002. These addresses most likely were assigned many years ago by the U.S. Postal Service and the County. Staffin conjunction with E-9l1 has made every effort to retain as many of the existing street addresses as possible. As noted on the Address Map (in red), approximately four (4) residential owners along the road will need to make an adjustment to their mailing address. Residents affected by the address adjustment include the following: Bobby Harris - 22 Sanders Road (address out of sequence) Kathy Sanders - 543 Sanders Road (out of normal block range) Carolyn Wade - 539 Sanders Road (out of normal block range) Sarah Sanders - 417 Sanders Road (out of normal block range) Staff Recommendation With anticipated groVv1h and need to enhance emergency service delivery along Sanders Road and in accordance with Section 3.7.2 of the County's Addressing Standards and Procedures Manual, staffand E-911 recommend approval of the proposed address adjustments. If adopted the effective date of change would be November 30,.2007. .__,m_,. ",.,,,,,~.___._~'M'"'''''__ 52 Frequently Asked Questions Concerning House Number Assignments Question: Why should I change my address: I have had this one for years and have not encountered difficulties with it? Answer: In 1984 New Hanover County initiated a process to eliminate old rural route box numbers and to change numbers to create a consistent street numbering pattern throughout the geographic area. The new numbers were based on a comprehensive grid system for New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington. Once the numbers are assigned, they are entered into the Emergency 911 System, which in turn, uses the street grid system for dispatching emergency services. Question: Why is house numbering deemed so important? Answer: Grid system numbering for houses and businesses promote the orderly and efficient delivery of public services, including law enforcement, fire protection, emergency medical services, and postal delivery. In addition, the numbering system makes it easier for various private delivery services such as parcel services (UPS, FEDEX), building supplies, furniture, appliances, etc. to find their destinations quickly and easily. As well as, addresses are helpful for various private & public utility services. Question: Why is there a gap in numbers between my neighbor's home and mine? Answer: This numerical gap, typically in units of four or more, is designed to provide flexibility in house number assignments. In the event an additional structure, apartment, or unit is added to a lot, or if the lot is subdivided, then this spacing allows for additional numbers to be available. In many cases, which may be yours, this flexibility does not exist and therefore, a renumbering of a block would need to occur. Question: How much time do I have to change my address? Answer: Typically, four to five weeks is allotted to make the transition. However, the post office will work with the old address for up to six. months. Question: Once the new address assignments have been made, will the County change it again in the future? Answer: The implementation of the grid numbering system and flexibility in numbers on a block will eliminate the need for changes to occur again. Question: Once my number has been assigned, what type of identification is required for tbe home andJor mailbox? Answer: It shall be the duty of the property owner, agent, or occupant of any house or building fronting on a street in the county to properly display a number, which has been assigned by the Planning Dept. The owner, agent, or occupant of such house or building shall place such number in a conspicuous place thereon so that it may be plainly seen and observed from the street. The number shall be at least 3 inches in size. m____ 53 :5 !II 0 ll") C g N "' <II II "~\", ~ " ~.., " S ~ -"i"'. ~. ..... .~ 0 ',A<"," · 0 ~ 'S - · . 0 O.S 'I-" .. ll,.. ~.. = c'" Iii Iii 0; S ~ l ~ _ , H <(.,... (0 SlCll41e!ll .!::l::-w"; eCll u= ~ '" 0 ~... 0.- .. ~" ;~ - (:) .. 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The Commissioners also requested that the developer meet with representatives from the Porters Neck community and DOT. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The County Commissioners may approve or deny the conditional use rezoning portion of the request. If the zoning is approved the County Commissioners must approve or approve with conditions the accompanying special use permit. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: [gm [gm Z -861-S laff Summary. doc Z-861-Pelition Summary. doc applicant package (11) and citizen emails ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: The conditional use rezoning and the accompanying special use permit was approved 5-0 with the three conditions proposed by the petitioner to be completed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 57 - CASE: Z-861, 4/07 PETITIONER: Shanldi.n & Nichols, LLP for ACI-Pine Ridge, LLC REQUEST: From B-1 Neighborhood Business to CD (B-2) Conditional District Highway Business for 169,112 sq. ft. building, potential 42 retail uses. ACREAGE: Approximately 15.6 Acres LOCATION: N. Market St. Porters Neck Rd. LAND CLASS: Transition and Wetland Resource Protection PLA.J~NING BOARD ACTION: At it's June 7,.2007 meeting, the Planning Board voted 6-1 to recommend approval of the request, including conditions of improving the access road to DOT standards along the southwest portion of the site and requiring pervious pavement for parking spaces in excess of minimum requirements. At its July 9, 2007 meeting, the Board of County - Commissioners voted to continue this item pending additional information on access to the site and internal traffic fio'w. The Board also suggested that the petitioner meet with members of the Porters Neck Community, Staff and DOT to address these concerns. The applicant agreed to limit to only the Building Materials and Garden Supplies use, and to install a private well for irrigation purposes at the July meeting. Also, applicant has agreed to design, permit and construct a collective sewer system to serve the site per Sanitary DIstrict specifications. STAFF SUMMARY (revised) The subject property is located in the northeast portion of the county in an area classified on the 2006 C.<\11A Land Classification map as transition on the southeastern portion and wetland resource protection on the northwes.tern. The property is west ofN. Market Street, at its intersection with Porters Neck Road and is bounded to the north by the new Highway 17 B:ypass. Access is from N .Market Street, which is a maj or arterial roadway. Level of service has been rated F, meaning traffic volume exceeds capacity. The subject property is primarily vacant and wooded. There is one existing house and a fuel pump on the site. Strip commercial uses dominate the s.urrounding area along Market Street. The subject property is located within the Greenview watershed drainage area. The property is -, not influenced flood hazard. l\reas of 404 wetlands are located along the northern boundary !in.e. The sile is in a recharge area for the principal The to utilize COUnty waler and sewer with ~'l pri\'ate welllO be installed for Z-861 revised 1 8/30/2007 5B t'Rev .J 58 - As a condition for rezoning, the applicant proposes a building of 169,112 sq, fL gross floor area and proposed use will be a Building Materials and Garden Supply store. All other minimum requirements of state and federal rules will be me!. A companion special use permit ,,>'ill bind the proposed use and restrictions to tills property, Land Use Plan Considerations: This conditional rezoning petition proposes a change from lo\ver intensity neighborhood business uses to the business designation on a conditional basis for the purpose of developing a building material and garden supply superstore use as shown of the companion site plan. Bet\veen 2005 and 2006, average daily traffic volume just south of the site decreased by about 15'?,'(, _ The intersection with Porters Neck Road is currently signalized. A Traffic Impact Analysis v,'as prepared for this pro] eet in conjunction with additional retail uses southwest of this si te and road improvements will be required along Market Street as well as the extended Port.er's Neck Road. Updates to the TV" were conducted in 2007. For purposes of the TL...., a home improvement store was shown in this location and was anticipated to generate approximately 4,000 average trips. TIns site is adjacent to the proposed future alignment of Plantation Road which would connect the Military Cutoff Extension and Murra:yville Road to the Porter's Neck Area. Plantation Road is identified as a rural collector thoroughfare in the 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan. - The 2006 Update of the Joint Ci\MA Plan describes the purpose of the Transition class as providing for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. The location of these areas is based upon land use planning policies requiring optimum eftlciency in land utilization and servIce delivery. Based on the foregoing, this proposal would appear to be consistent with the strategies for the Transition classification. Staff feels the area is appropriate for intensive regiQn'lL9.Q.rr!Plerciill development based on its proximitv to major highways and established custom.erbases a,.ndjyould reconunend approval. ACTION #1 NEEDED: Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A-341 which requires that "prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, tbe governing board shall adopt a statement describing whether tbe action is consistent with an adopted comprebensive plan and explaining why the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest. " EXAMPLE: The County Comn:tissioners find that this request for zoning map amendment of 16.2 acres from B-1 Neighborhood Business District to CD(B-2) Conditional District for Highway Commercial purposes associated with a Building materials and garden supply use as presented is (or is 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent ofthe Transition and Conservation land classifications and the associated land use policies adopted in the 2006 land use plan: ..- Z-861 revised 2 8/30/2007 6'1 (~ev.) 59 - and in the public interest 10 allow addition of acreage outside the flood .., plain to be converted to intensity commercial use as outlined in a companion use permit. PRELTh1INARY STAFF Fll\TDINGS FOR THE COMPANION SPECIAL USE PERMIT: 1. Tbe Board must find tbat the use will not materially endanger tbe public bealth or safety where proposed and developed according to tbe plan as submitted and approved. A. Public water will serve the property. B. County sewer will be required to serve the site C. Applicflm will design, pennit and construct a collective sewer system to serve the site per District specifications. D. A private well ""ri11 be installed for irrigation. E The property accesses Market Street, an identified arterial via the intersection of Market Street and Porter's Neck Road. F. Traffic counts decreased in the vicinity oftms site between 2005 and 2006. G. Fire Service is available from the Ogden PD. H. The property is not located in a flood hazard area. L Stonnwater retention is identified on the site plan and must meet the design standards ofthe County's stonn water ordinance. - 2. The Board must find tbat the use meets all required conditions and specifications of the Zoning Ordi.nance. A The property is zoned B.l Neighborhood Business District Trus request is made concurrent with conditional rezoning to CD(B-2) Highway Business District. B. Petitioner proposes off-street parking that exceeds the requirements of Article VIII of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance by providing 547 spaces compared to 423 spaces required. C. Traffic circulation system will be via internal drives connecting to the extension of Porters Neck Road and must provide adequate access for emergency service vehicles. D, A traffic impact analysis was updated in 2007 for NCDOT for this project and street improvements will be required by NCDOT for congestion management E. The Special Highway Overlay District applies to 2 sides oftrus property, Buffers as required in Section 59.6 must be provided. The applicant has provided renderings to depict the approximate effectiveness of the proposed vegetative buffer to fully shield outside storage from view along the 1-140 overlay. 3, Tbe Board m.ust find that tbe use will not substantially injure tbe value of adjoining or abutting property or that the use is a public necessity. /',,, No evidence has been submitted that this project will decrease property values of adjacent parcels, - B. Stonnwater management must perform in compIiancewith the requirements of the County ordinance. Z-861 revised 3 8/30/2007 {pO (K (}V ~ 60 - The Board must find that the location and character of the use if developed 4. according to the plan as submitted and approved will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with the plan of development for New Hanover Connty. A. The 2006 Land Use Plan identifies Ihis area as Transition, which provides for future intensive urban development on lands that have or will have urban servICes. B. Other commercial uses are prevalent in this vicinity, although none are of the magnitude of a regional superstore. C. The Site Plan proposes improving the Porters Neck Road extension to the Southwestern Property Boundary which would accommodate Plantation Road as indicated in the Long Range Transportation Plan. Staff suggested conditions: L Staff recommends that parking spaces provided in excess of the minimum required be constructed of pervious pavement. ACTION #2 NEEDED: (Choose one) 1. Motion to Grant the companion special use permit (with or 'without recommended conditions) 2. Motion to table the item in order to receive additional information or documentation (Specify). - 3. Motion to Deny based on specific negative findings in any of the 4 categories above, sucb as lack of consistency with adopted plans or determination that the project will pose public hazards or will not adequately meet requirements of the ordinance. - Z-861 revised 4 8/30/2007 Lo\ (Rev ~ 61 Case: Z-861, 04/07 Petition Summary Data OwnerlPetitioner: Shanklin and Nichols for ACI-Pine Ridge LLC Existing Land Use: Vacant wooded land and one house Zoning History: Area 5 (July 6, 1971) and Area 8B (July 7, 1972); rezoned March 13,2006 Land Classification: Transition and Wetland Resource Protection Water Type: County Sewer Tvpe: Septic system until County sewer is available Recreation Area: Ogden Park Access&, Traffic Volume: Market Street (US 17) at Porter's Neck Road. Just south of the site, ADT 42,864 (4/05); ADT 36,236 (11/06); for a decrease of 15%; 2005 LOS was F, meaning traffic exceeds capacity along this segment Fire District: Ogden VFD Watershed & Water Ouality Classification: Greenview Watershed - C(SW) Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary Recharge area of the principal aquifers (combined Castle Hayne and Peedee aquifers--confined artesian) Conservation/Historic/Archaeological Resources: 404 wetlands; SHOD (Market S1. and I~ 140) Soils: Class I: Wa- Wakulla sand; Rm-Rimini sand and Class III: Mu-MurviHe; Le- Leon Septic Suitability: Class I-Suitable and Class III-Severe limitations Schools: Blair Elementary 62 l/'l .... ~ , a: ;.'} m ~ 1l ... ~ -, :i :ii c 0 J ! ~ l _.2 "8 OJ ;;; "l:l D ~ 'fi? T ~.""l '" -:0::: 'ID N Olo 3, . --Ii i, ~ ~" li~ iiWI , -.,c Ou ~ . ~z 11. ~ ~ ~. ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~, ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ _ilIr!S " ~~~; , ;::'f.l1;'~ f.l1f.l1 f.l1 ::i~ f'uJ Uf.l1~ o oX .:/ ~'~ a~' . ~ a a ~ a ~ ~ .1 ~ " ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ a a ~ -. 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I-- DIl- wI-- 'd.z. 1--00 ~~O ~!fllD ~Ci> ......lllO I"-I--Z -Ciq .0 :r >-CL .s: :rwS: ~ ~ r I ~i~ I . ~~ !It ..;iIflZ [~~ ~~ ~- 1rl~ 67 f:c:iO If:tt Z DC 0 . ..,.DC>- J) ).l g '10.0 ~~() ~W Qll 6[!l> ",..,.0 -OlZ .0 <l; >-a...:I s:: :r u.J 5:: ill Z l- Z ill d ~Q~ :zr:.OIl) l!tr t: ~ 2 :::J! !ll8 I- <(' "I ~ ~ II! .1 ~~i ~i il~z ~~ [~~ Q[)( .~.~ 68 · ~~ i=ciu UJqZ LUO Ci Ci )-' I- ~,~ (f) .>/' Z I--U::::l UJLUO ',LZO Ci <((f)fr1 2c,,> ~illO f'-I--Z -Ci<( .0 "I )- fL" ~ ::rWS: UJ z ~ ~2~ ':"0 ~ (!l~ 2 2 [rn~ QD1 Q{lU ~ lU -- ::::l(] -J.z rollJ 69 This page intentionally left blank. 70 APPLICANT MATERIALS 71 SHANKLIN & NICHOLS, LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAw 214 MARKET STREET POST OFFICE Box 1 347 WII.MINGTON. NORTH CAROW.A 28402"1347 TEI.EPHONE (91 0) 762"9400. TEI.EFAX (91 0) 251-1773 E.MAIL SHANKLAW@EAFffHLINK.NET KENNETH A SHANKl'IN" * BOARIO C iii:RTl F'1E:D 5P~Cr^UST IN MAlTHE:W A. NICHOLS" REAL P'RO?!::.RTYLAw ~ RES,lDENTtAL; BUSiNl:E:S.s" COMMERCIAL AND INI:JUS:rRIAL T~A.HSACfEON:$ SARAH E. MANCINEL.LI COL.IN J. TARRANT ** A 1...50 AOMfn't::O iN NE\iV YOifU" TABLE OF CONTENTS Date of Submittal: August 22,2007 1. Location Map 2. Aerial View to the West 3.. Aerial View to the South 4. Aerial View to the Northeast 5. Lowes Site Plan 6. Aerial View depicting the current design of the intersection of Porters Neck Road and Highway 17 7. Aerial View depicting Lowes site plan, existing and future traffic circulation and storm water retention 8. Letter from NCDOT with intersection improvement requirements 9.' Traffic Impact Analysis 10. Aerial View depicting redesigned and improved intersection of Porters Neck Road and Highway 17 11. Traffic Analysis comparing Land Uses 12. 2006 Crash Report 13. Early site plan around which intersection was designed 72 73 ....... ...' ~ - South View 75 ~ 76 77 f', r: S s: I Il,l L 78 79 ::;;1':\ IE (He 111 C:\ROLI,\c\ DEPi\RT\/IEl'<T Or I' j()N .\: l. J f Ie ~,; j ! \l LYf'iI)O TII'I'UT i,'"i'. ~f 1< ". to"' ~.~tr,:; r,.,J.', ! '), ':1)t)7 In . h':.:T j;!l,_ \0, -:";('-::\HJo~l.'l~-;(~ ,\1 E,\ IOR.\f\ DL .\1 TO: D;jt1 !{. P.l",.. t'.)!vi :Hqi. ""ir.tUil' "J i'v }'3 it:':\ :~ fl~O,\1 : J(!;nt~,' ! 1 PT. SIIB.lI,:( T: I.lI'1 LS II !lusin,:s',; ill S R 1"102 (!.1,: ij'l~.~r',,;, '<i;;.":::'~~, \ i ~L. _,\ ,~~C('~: ~~\ ljj~:Dt CjfilUP ~ tilL' i I,ll]" L ami ~i f;..;' V ~ \;;.' ".\'" (}; in L' ~ik. I b:,;.;;d ('Ii t'W' it" th,.' prdi 111 ~llt: ILL,\,,;! r(...~.;"o(;) HwI lht~ Tr;t!'!k 1111;';\c[ fTi;\} (>~'_~'Il~c:._'t~ :nH] (;'a1~.'d C1S/u I /t~{1!. \\] ti-~ \"'\)llj,;:'d~r,[ti(lJ'; ~~!\j,","~ I I\,~' i[:", ':.~~!;. ~ra~~:0'IHn;_,i! l"';'~ L'!~'i LljL';~;', ".V(~i~) n::r :Ill.' >:,)"(.:n'~"il:.:!ll':I I".:,., ,mml'lld,_H:' 'It; Ii \1' \"\.11" '::C'ihidcLi! I'''''' Proposc(l l)t'\'~'lo pllletlt '\ i.~';_'~) t;'t! 11: t1, 1 ;';. i lI1~' ~/\+ Uk' ;nY}I;HIS~,;\..! t,i, ~rt\:r' - ht..'ck Il tu he h.h':;H~'d ;..1I tiS 7 I)usia~::..<~ ~;:. ~J t~. t ~IO':: {t~,"'n\,~i"S ~e~-k: l{i 'ilk '1'1:\ :,Id,':; lilt d'/I c.I"I'T",'11 i:, 1(1 b.,:' <:t'ln:;,~nl~:>"...'I..J h:l 2(H;t) ;n:\j ~'\,i i~:unsbl ....i"lhr. j~ II e t l.l.tJOn"'1l1,U\' :',',,:1 ;",'I-Ium>: ,~,; up'....:.l'~;t()f!,.' " i "',I.I.):\[I 'qUI!": 1--.',:1 ' I'll:,.' .. I" [.0(11) 'liU:II'': ','d "~,I' .'\.l....c't.\;,;.; in 1h:.: ::; pn ~'pi l~;':~'d \'da on,," ( , ) ;1':'1 ~rjlrIV;.,' j:'E('Ht jj;~':;"'i_-~!.'\ ~l!,lllt ':;,It):i !/_';"~:.l"j i .\,1-:':l1;::'I',-~I': ~,li\l!,]I.t;.';' :",:i"JI.!I'E.:; re.: '. .- ;.'-);:AT:'),'~ ' "'I','". '.' '. 1'....'. , ,1' ".,_t ',,," i:I". 80 Dan K Cwnbo. P.E. January 19, 1007 Page:2 uf7 Stud)' Area @J t , N PI ~~f~;):);:J 1 ~J~tlll.ll ~u: I' RU~j;J t~ il '~\'~(,'CI LKk:UKl;): \ l.i.; '7 i ~VhTrko:,;"[ Stl't~...:'t J l!1\;\tlHI:g1,liAR' ---.-.. lJD AAOT i .t)OiJ ypd Sn;;:('d. LilHU )5 Il1Pl1 J,... vpd l.''" """ ,,,,,,"',,.<< '" "" rW\) r,~~n..: N'll A/\D [ :;i.Pt'l~tj L~,~' It t5 lhl " I !;.J .J " 10iJ) {"i\ f)"f ~ -.!;.JOH \'j:~l @2006 ';'",)91". Map ~2:)Ci6 Note: f{,)ute classi tkations shmvn arc according 10 the !v1ay 3. 1999 Greater Wilmington Urbtll1 An::a l'v!t:trop<llitnn Planning Organiz<lli0111'11orotlght~\l'e Plan, TIP PI'o.iects/Str~ltegic High\\'ay Corridors A\;curdillg to the: North Carolina Departmellt ofTransporlalion (NCDOT) 2U06-2012 Tral!.lporlalion improl'CmCIII Program (TIP j, there is \llle (1) active TIP project located in the vie il1ily of the proposed development. . R-2045A proposes to build US 17 (1~4-0 Conl1~c\or) ti'om t'<lS\ of 1-4-0 lnterdmllge to Northeast ofSR 1517 (Scotts Hill Loop Road). This project was let in October 2003 and is scheduled 10 be completed ill November 2006, According to lhe NCDOT ('orridor., Vision as adopted hy Ihe \J,'rth C'flmlma B,1ard <)!' t US 1 i is dclined as a fr'~eway wilhin the area. The purpose Dr the Corridors is to enlwnce the melbilily and cOlUleclivily ofi.hc system. AJciilic'{MI i.nformml.:'n II Corridor F ae i Ii ty Illay lk ikc'C~s<::d \ :a tlK' Inkrnci at: II Itf' ://wlI'lI'.lln!or.llrg/dl/hlpl'cOl/lSfn let, 'pb::}"} I Cifl/(f./;'\ CDO 7'- Fildl h)'_I:Vfle.i.p'y 81 Dan K Cuml',"},!'.E. Jaml;ll') 19. 2007 Page} of 7 Trip Generation Based on appr0priate methodology outlined in the ITE Trip Gelleration/danua!. Edilioll). the is pro.iccted 10 generate approximately 20,702 vehic Ie Irips pel' day. lhe following table the expected unadjusted peak hour volumes during a typical weekday: ~j>~akI~_2!I~_I~. _ IN +- OUT --~ 291 193 ~_~-\!L-l 903 ___.1= ----j , PM : 960 I Crash Analysis Based on an of crashes that occurred along US 17 (iVlarket Street). 184 crashes have occurred Oil this stretch of US 17 (l'vhlrket Street) within the Insl three years. One hundred sixty- eight uf these crashes involved possible injuries (lype C) or w'cre property damage only crashes, The 1\;ll1allllng sixteen cmshcs were severe inclllding disubling injury (Type A) or evident injury il) crasl,<.:s, with two fatal crashes. The majority of crashes were "left turn, different roadways" and "rear end, slow or Slap" crashes. o bservl1 tions/Reeo In men cia tions 111 order to accommodate the site-generated traffic safely and efficiently, while also altempting to protect the fUllctionallntegrity and operational capacity of the adjacem roadway facilities, we otfer' the comments and recommendations for your consideration. GCllcnd TIA Commcnts . The access ruin!:; for this development an:: proposed \vithin the immediate vicini.!y of active TIP Projcctl{-2405A. therefore. rccommeJ1d\:.~d inlprovcrm:l1ts should not only be for the build-out year of the development (2009), but also the design year of 1'1 P Project R- 2405A (202U). . The report states thai Level-of-Seryice (LOS) D was assumed to be the minimum standard t~lr operations. l-Iowever, it should be noted tllnt even if <111 intersection operates at LOS D mel'all, it is not acceptable to have a major movement operating at LOS E or LOS F, A single movemel1l experkncing extensive queuing cun cmlse back-ups eXlending to adjacent I IlterscctiOl1s. Pl'Oposed Plantation Road Extension It should be noted that ii' Plamation Road EXlension IS proposed as n public road, the internal and parking aisle access poip!s \vill need 10 be reviewed further. US 17 (IVhlrk.ct Street) llnd SR 1402 (portel"s Neck Road)/Proposed Plantation Road Extensioll Intersection (Signalizcd) Duo: to the impact> tlut the additiol1;]! Ir,lflk volumes associated with ,his development may' hnn: Oil tll..: :Lljntt'llt lrafnt fadl iti...", and with various other geomdric tl1:u me\> ",'('U-. this imers<:o:\hm m~\y signal modilica.ic:ns tu :J(1,.:UllIIHi,Jdali...:' 1;lisad:dit~<ijlaI1t"a,j"ji\.: \ lllilll1('. 82 Dan J,t Cumbo. P.E. .!an oary I 9, 2007 I':lge 4 of 7 Based upon our revi<:w, the multiple movements are anticipated to operate at a pOor level of service with excessive queuing intlle peak hOllr in the TIP design year The following recommendations should accommodate the site.generated traffic., but do not include all improvements necessl1ry to nllow tile intersection to attain acceptable levels of service with au.:eptable queuing. Northbound US 17 (Markd Stred) . We recommend providing an additionallen~lurn lane to provide duallefHun1 lanes \vith 300 feet (minimum) each of full storage and appropriate transitional tapers. To accommodate the dualleft.turH lanes, uUlIl-recei\ing lanes will be required on the Proposed Plamation Road Extellsion caslbmll1u departure. The additiol1al receiving lane should extend a minimum of I feet (minimum) of full slor,lge and appropri,ite transitiol'lnl Illper. SOllthbtllllld USl7 {Market Street I . \Ve concur \.vlth the TIA recommcndation (0 extend Ihe existing right-tllnllane, however, we recommend providing 400 feet (mininUlm) of full storage and appropriate deceleration taper. Eastbound D:Ql2.oSGd.PJantatlol1 Road Extension . We recommend providing a six (6) lane cross-sectlnn consisting of two (2) ingress lanes and four (4) egress lanes \vith 500 feet (minimum) of internal. protected storage before crossing maneuvers and parking should be allowed. The egress lalieS should consist of exclusive dual lefHmn lath:S, a through lane and an exclusive right-turn lane, liS 17 (Market Street) and SR 1363 (Bayshore Drive)/SH 2717 (Torchwood Boulevard) Intcrsection (Signalized) 13ased upon our review, the multiple movements are anticipated to operate at a poor level of service with excessive quelling in the peak hour in the Tl P design year (2020). No flllllJ'C improvements are necessary nt this intersection at this time to mitigate site-generated trnmc. Generlll [t should be noted that the comments and recommendations contained in this review are subject to tlve ;lpproval of the local District Oft1ce. Cross-access to adja~<:nt properties is strongly encouraged to reduce repetitive trips and provide future alternative routes of ingress/egress. Due to. but not limited to. the comments and recollnnend,itiol1s from lllis rl;'view of Ih<: proposed development. changes in the imernal cil'clllatiollll1ay be necessary to ensul'1." that driver confusion is minimized 10 the maximum extent pc'ssiblc. /\n)l signal revisions. or additions llccessiwted by the should be ctlordinated with Ib,;: , lh,;: Division 'rmCfic Engil1l'i:!". tile Signals and Geometries Scctiun. and Ihe \.,f Wilmillgwl1. Any pavement reI isk'lh!moJi li.:.ltiol1s nec;,;ssil<ltc'd the den:"'pI1K'1l1 ShC'lild be thl' oCtile: tin;! ';OcII\!il1al<.:J II. ilh the Dh'i"ion Trafn~ 83 Dan R. 01lnbo. P.L January ] 9, 20G7 Page 5 of7 Any rmv..lway m()Jilic.\tions 01' improvements necessitated by the development sl1t'uld be thlt responsibility of the developer unless othenvis~ nuted. Reference should ::ds\) be made to the information included in the "General RecommendatioHS Anachme Ill." Once the drivewa: permit has been approv~J <lnd a copy oHhe final driveway permit requin:mcnls should be forwarded to this olliCt. If \\le can pl"Ovide further assistanco;;, please contact me or Regina P:lge at (919) 250-4151. .1111); "criss 1.'0..:: I LA. Pope, P. E. t\, Law B. D. Taylor. P.E. U\ Hentlon: D. Byrd) J. K. Lacy, P.E., C.P.M. '1'. 1\1. Hopkins. P.E. (Attention: A. D. \,Vyatl, P.E.l Iv!. P. Butler, P.E G. A. Fuller. P.l::. (Attention: R. E. Mullinax, P L. L. Cove. P.E. (Anenlion: J. H. Dunlop, r.E.) B. L. Johnson, r.E. 84 Dan R. (umbo, r.E Janunry 19. 2007 Page 6 of 7 GENERAL IlF:COl\Ii\HINDA TJONS ATT ACH1\ilENT (For 5C-2006-086 / Porter's Neck Crossing) Adcqunlc horizont.al and vertical sight dlstal1(;CS should be reserved at all entrances. foliage that interferes \l.'ltl1 $iglll Ji~tal1co: ~h(}LJld be cut back to prott'l:t lines of sight The District Engineer should determine if all dm inage facilities are adequate. Curb Cllts and curb ramps should be constructeD in conformance with t.he "Guide:lillesfo/' Curb CUls and Ramps DisaNo'd Persons, " ifapplicabJe. The developer may be required to obtain :.111 "pproved encroachment agreement covering proposed wLWk within tbe state right.-uf-way. [fthis is the case, the encroachmem should be cross-referenced to this review. A II street Rne! drivew<I)' entrances 'Onto state system roadways should he controlled with appropriate traffic control devices, including but not limited to, stop. yield, dit'ectionaL regulatOl'Y. and advisory and pavement markings, All traffic control devices sball ctlnform to the requirements set forth in tbe Manual on Unifol111 Traffic Control Devices.. Final pavement marking and signing plans should be submitted to the Division Traffic Engineer for approval to the installation of any signs and/or pavement markings. Unless othenvise noted. a recommended width of 40 feet (curb face to curb face) should be llsed <It each drive. 11 is !llso recommended tbm 40 foot (minimum) radii should be used at. each drive to accommodate any serviee type vehicles or truck traffic that may v isitthc site, I f the developer antic ipatcs or petitioning for addition to the state system, all roads/streets should be and <.:onstructed in ("onformance with the current North Camlina Departmem ofTraniipol"latio)1 design and construction guidelir.es. AI I "outparcels" or "excluded areas" should be served intcmally with no additional access onto abuuing n\lldways. The developer should COI1\'I':;,-' this condition in <Iny lease or sell agreements, As required by the "/'olh:r 011 Slreel fIml Driveway Access /0 North Carolina Highways," dated July 2003. the applicant is responsible for identifying all right-of-way andior control-or-access limits and for including this information on all submilt<lls. Failure to accmtllely disclose R!W and CiA limits could reSlllt in the denial or closure of access points, Adequate right-of-way fur widening and sight distance lrinngles should be reserved. COllsidemlion should be given to lhe possible future need for signalizatioll and the associated span poles, controller and and guy wires at the intcl'scctlons along US 17 {Market Street). Any additional dcvl:!;Jjw1.cm. either within this site or adjacllllt to thb sit.:. IImt intends on llsing this dc\'elopmem's aLees." \\. i II an driv~'\\ay permit .md n:-e\ :tlUlIti\1-Il f'( geol11dr.ic and lr:\i'iic Cl)iHn>! nee,b, 85 Dan R. ClImbo, P.E. January i 9.2007 Page 7 of? GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ATTACHMENT (For SC-2006~086 / Porlel"s Neck Crossing; conlinued) /1.1l widening should include appropriate transitional and deceleration tapers. Recommended turn lane and lransitionillrrciltm.ents are shown on pages 78 and 79 of the "Policy on Streelllud Driveway Access 10 Norlh L'aru!it/il Highw({l'S. "dated July 2003. Where possible. opposite side driveways should be aligned to prevent the operational and safely problems caused by offscl driveways. This development's formal access request should be coordinated with lht;' ongoing TIP Project R-2405A. Roadway Design should be advised of any approvals and associated geometric rev isions associated with this development. Right-or-way that is identit1ed as necessary to accommodate TIP Project R-2405A should be dedicated. 86 MEMORANDU.M To: Jimmy Black, Alliance Commercial Frorn: Lyle Overcash, Martini Alexiou/Bryson, PLLC Date: August 21, 2007 Subject: Porter's Neck - Additional Analysis for LO\ve's Home Improvement This memo serves as an update to the original I\1ay 2006 Traffic Impact (rIA) and addresses some of the comments that surfaced at recent and discussions with the New Hanover County Commissioners and with concerning the operations of the US 17 (:\larket Street) and Porter's Neck Road intersection. This analysis includes updated counts from this summer and also includes an analysis of Saturday operations at the request of the neighbors. \Xle have reviewed the accident data from the and the North Carolina Deparrment of (NCDOT) and have included a summary of the information. In addition, we've included trip generation estimates from other uses in the New Hanover County's B~1 classiHcation for comparison purposes to the Lowe's development. The Porter's Neck Crossing is proposed in the north\l.lestern comer of the US 17 (Market Street) and Porter's Neck Road intersection, immediately adjacent to the recently completed 1-140 17 Bypass) to the additional retail development to the south, vacant land to the west, and US 17 to the east. additional access to the north and east are not possible due to NCDOT control of access on those facilities. An additional connection is proposed that would provide access directly to the existing adjacent shopping center from US 17 and a stub out to the west will be provided. The Lowe's site is anticipated to open during 2008, ahead of the overall retail site that was analyzed in the !VIal' 1, 2006 TIl\ by MIA/B. The original study analyzed a total of 435,000 square feet (sf) of retail development, consisting of a 134,000 sf home improvement store, a 120,fJ{)0 sf free standing discount store, and 181,000 sf of general retail. Since the completion and approval of that the home improvement use is no\V slated to be approximately 170,000 with an additional 100,000 to 190,000 sf of retail development left to be developed. The ultimate completion date of the rema.inder of the site is unknown. Final Intersection Design The eastbound approach of the Market Street and Porter's Neck Road signalized intersection currently is composed of 3 egress lanes (I left, 1 through, and 1 right) and 1 lane. The \vestbound approach consists of 3 egress lanes, (2 lefts and 1 through-right) and 2 ingress lanes. The northbound and southbound Market Street approaches consist of 1 left, 2 throughs, and 1 right, with 2 receiving lanes on the departing The eastbound approach, referred to as Porter's Neck Road currently serves the commercial development on the south side of the driveway ancl ends 300 feet to the west of Market Street. This roadway will be extended to the west to serve the overall retail site only. 87 NCDOT performed their revie\v (dated January 19, 2(07) of the TlA and required the following improvements for the overall Porter's Neck Crossing site; . Provide 4 egress lanes and 2 ingress lanes on the eastbound Porter's Neck Road Extension . Restripe the eastbound approach to provide dualleft-turrl lanes, 1 through lane, and 1 right-turn lane with 500 feet of internal protected stem. . Extend the southbound right-turn lane to provide for 400 feet of full storage and appropriate deceleration taper along Market Street. . Widen the northbound US 17 approach to provide duallefHurn lanes \vith 300 feet of fuB storage and appropriate tapers. At this time, the current site plan shows the hvo lanes extended all the way to the first full access drivev.ray after the 500 feet of internal stem. . Upgrade the signal phasing and timing to accommodate the recommended intersection improvements. Additional improvements, beyond what has been required NCDOT, to further improve traffic operations are now proposed as follows (intersection . Construct an exclusive \vestbound right-turn lane Porter's Neck Road that provides at least 100 feet of storage. . Widen the southbound US 17 approach to provide dual left-turn Lanes with 250 feet of full storage and appropriate tapers. Modify the westbound Porter's Neck Road approach to accept the dualleft-tum lanes . the signal phasing and timing to accommodate these improvements. Analysis This analysis is to determine the level of service for the llS 17 (l\larket Street) and Porter's Neck Road intersection under three conditions for the A.M., P.NL and Saturday peak hours Existing (2007), No-Build (2008) and Build (2008). The proposed Lowe's was assumed to be a maximum of 170,000 sf. The trip generation is shown in Appendix B. A ne,v intersection turning movement count was performed on June 12, 2007. In addition, at the request of the neighbors, an additional intersection turning movement count was collected on Saturday, August 25, 2007 and was utilized for the Saturday peak period analysis. These volumes and current intersection geometries were used to update the Existing (2007) conditions analysis, as 1-140 was not completed at the time of the original study. The 2007 turning movement counts are shown in Appendix A. The No-BuHd (2008) consisted of adding the same developments as in the original Tlj\., but utilizing 75{~;() of the toral approved developments' traffic as analyzed in the original TIA to adjust for portions of the uncompleted developments by 2008. Trip generation estimates for the Lowe's site was performed for A.M., P.M., and Saturday peak hours and areinduded in Appendix A. It should be noted that the trip generation accounts for pass"by which are trips that are already .in the traffic stream, that divert to the proposed development, and then continue on their original The Build (2008) analysis consisted of adding the site trips from to the No"Build (2008) volumt:s, and assumed the full 88 improvements NCDOT at the OS 17 (Market and Porter's Neck Road intersect.ion, as well as the additional improvements detailed above Z). The intersection geometries are shown below and the volumes tor each scenario are shown in Appendix A: Figure 1- Existing Geometries and Volume Scenarios 200' 250' ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ,- 400' ,- Porter's Neck Road J "tt ( ---tlIo- , conI. 400' us 17 The results of the analyses ;ue listed in Table 1, Table 1- LOS Results Exi$tlng (2007) Build (2008) P.M. P.M. C 0 Figure Z - Build (2008) Geometries '- 100' 400' 250' ........-- )! ~ ~" ,- 400' ,- Porter's Neck Road 250' J "ttr J 300' 400' ---tlIo- 250' , us 17 Based on the the US 17 (i\1arket Street) and Porter's Neck Road intersection is projected to operate at an acceptable level of service (LOS D) during the A. 1\1. , P.M., and Saturday peak hours when the LO\ve's is completed and the intersection has been fully built~out> 89 Land Use Scenarios An analysis was performed 10 determine different land use scenarios under the current B-1 zoning that could be constructed in of the proposed Lowe's without rezoning. Based on a constraint of 1 sf, the following scenarios were to compare their trip generation characteristics (Table 2). Also shown are the Average Daily Traffic (ADT) in vehicles per day (vpd), based on the corresponding trip genemtion codes included in the rrl:. J;ip Gmeratioll Alml!l(l~ 711' that could be generated by each scenario: Table 2 - Trip Generation Comparison Scenario Land Use Size (sO Weekday ADT 1 Home Improvement Stott (Lowe's) 170,000 sf 4,652 IIpd 2 Free"StandinlJ Discount Superstore I\Valmart/Targctl 170,000 ~T 8,}66 t'/Jd 3 General Retail 17(),OOOJ!' 9,588 l'Pd As shown, rezoning this site from B-1 to B-2 and the proposed Lo"\ve's development on this site would genemte far less vehicles per than would be expected by any of the other typical B-1 scenarios listed above. Accident Summa.ry The intersection of US 17 (Market Street) and Porter's Neck Road has not been ranked within the top 15 (#18 in 2004; #19 in 2005; unlisted in top 15 in 2006 in the annual list of highest accident intersection locations in New Hanover County for the past three reporting years (dating back to August 2(03). There are other locations Market Street that have a greatet incidence of crashes than the l\larket Street and Porter's Neck Road intersection. With the improvements implemented at this location in coni unction with the completion of 1-140 (including new/widened pavement and signalization), it could be expected that the number of crashes at this location may decline. I f you have any regarding this summary please contact me at (919) 829-0328. You can also reach me emall at iyleovercash{Wmabtrans.com. lE 90 ~ '0 1-- 0 Z UJ <1: ~o. t- Ol c: if) Z 'U.:::J 1-00 It! ~O ~1J}0l ::?c..~ ~.lIJO r--- ~;'.' Z -'-'<1: O:{ r- Ct . s: ...". :::r '.>J it Z I--- Z w Z2. ,.".1 '!i <i. (!) 12 9 16 -.1 ~ "'0 -.Ii l'l8': <!~ ~ I- :, 9 I "'^ 01 W U) o 0_ o DI CL Q I.ot ~ "t .~. II. ~i. ~i~ ~~ ~~t. [t~~ QI:J( Eli UJ I~ . - ~~ muJ 91 Appendix A Trip Generation Volume Scenarios Crash Data Turning Moz!ement Count.r 92 A.M. Peak Hour Total Trips ITE Land USE Gsf/Units ITE MANUAL RATES" Use Code ADT I A.M. El1ter I A.M. Exit I A.M. Total 862 Home improvement Slore pO,oao sf 4,65.2 I 110 I 94 I 204 P.M. Peak Hour Total Trips ITE Land USE Gsf/Untts Code ADT P.M. Total 862 Home ImprOVel'lfH,:-nt Store no ,oon 5 f 4,652 417 Saturday Peak Hour Total Trips ITE Land USE Gsf/Units Use Code ADT Total 862 Home 1m >mvement Slore 170,0(1) sf i,764 918 P.M. Peak Hour Pass-By Trips lIE Land USE Pass-by % ITE MANUAL RATES" Use Code ADT I P.M. Enter I P.M. Exit I P.M. Total 862 Home Improvemem Store 48%, 4,652 I 100 Ii HlO I 200 Saturday Peak Hour Pass-By Trips lIE lalld USE Pass-by % ITE MANUAL RATES" Use Code ADT I Enter I Exit I Total 862 l'lome Improvemem Store 3flYo i,}64 I 138 I 138 I 276 A.M. Peak Hour Non-Pass-By Trips iTE Land USE Gsf/Units Use Code A.M. Total 862 Home 1m rovemem Sto.:re: 170,000 sf 204 P.M. Peak Hour Non-PaS$cBy Trips iTE Land USE Gsf/Units ITE MANUAL RATES" Use Code ADT I P.M. Enter I P.M. Exit I P.M. Total 862 Home Improvement StoIC 170,000 sf 4,652 I % I 121 I 217 Saturday Peak Hour Non-Pass-ByTrips ITE Land USE Gsf/Units ITE MANUA.l RATES* Use Code ADT I Enter I Exit I Total 862 Home Improvement Store 170,(lOO sf 7,764 I 349 I 293 I 642 * ITf 7th Edition Trip GeneraU<>n Manual 93 LEGEND xx A.M, P€!'.3k Hour TlJf!'!ing MJ1,i@mel"lt VoMJ:~ E"'x1'l'/i'JI~ f2(){)7J ...tl}d, }}.M. dNtI.f(}rJJrddV Pt'l'lk HMIf' t/O/fllllf5 (XXI P.M, Peak Hour Twming Mi:rvel'l'"lent V~T'!M!S (XX) Sa:turd.ay P-eak Hour T wming Mt'Wsmenl: Volumes M<lrkel Street {52} {1(30) (92) (55) (966) (167) "- 99 11(4) {66) 25 9197 126 - 30 (47) {31} Porter's Neck Road ) + \. (428) {359} Porters Neck Road (SR 14(2) {75} (95) 25 J r {51} (65) 22 - 7 762 274 {31} 1291 3 ~ (24) (1000j 1334) P9} 17M) {2&l} Market Street NQ-Build t20f"!S} ,dO-.M.. 1</1,1., md,\;'attmlal' Pl.wk f:'-Mrt"/O/WNd Market Slreet {53} {1(51) {142} (56) (98) (229j "- 130 1125) {69} 26 1017 149 - 44 (57) {42} Porte ($ Neck Road ) + \. (553) {50'3) PMers Neck Road (SR 14(2) {n} (97) 26 J r {S6) (96) 31 - 7 777 326 (32) (30) 3 ~ (24) (1102) (497) {19} {B14) (391) Market street Build (200<~J' /L\J ,_ P,A{ ,--mud Idfurdq.l' Pmk H(}urV(,lIMtJ.f~ Ma rket Street {279} {982) {142} (149) (935) (229) "- 130 (125) {B9} 76 1017 149 - 66 fl6) {112} Porler's NeCk Road ) + " (553) (503) Portefs Neck Road' (SR 14(2) {27a) (201) 68 ~ r {145} (120) 50 _ 40 m 326 {HI9) (116) 31 ~ (103) (1052) (497) {193) {745J {391) Ma rket Street 94 . -"" -.. ........ '.........;;;....... .'... .................................... ~ ~. ~".,--.--..--..'---..-_." -...... .................. - -~ ~.' ~. ..' .'..."" "...... -.................. ............... ~ .'__....:..___..'__..__" _" ................ ''''m ......... .." ................"..". High Accident Intersections in New Hanover County for the period 8/1/2003 through 7/31/2004 with a milnimum of 10 accidents within 100 feet of the Intersection .."...... "'............. ~ -- ~. - _....- - - - --.... .........;; '...... ...... .."'--""---..--............................. ~ ~.'~. - ...... -"....-.............................. ...,...._........ '.... ........... _............... Or _ _ _....~" __.._.._.._."'"' .'...........'... ...... _.... "... '. "...._.". Hi~h Accident Intersections SerIal Number of NlImber Crashes Road A Road 8 1 30 US 421 SR 2501 2 20 r~ARKET SEVENTEENTH 3 19 'fHIRD WOOSTER 4 19 KEfm MARKET 5 19 COLLEGE WILSHIRE 6 16 US 117 SR 2046 17 COLLEGE MARKET 8 16 GREENVILLE OLEANDER 9 16 COLLEGE OLEANDER 10 16 F'l PTH MARKET 11 16 COLLEGE NEW tENTER 12 .\5 US 117 SR 1322 13 14 US 421 NC 13) 14 13 INDEPENDENCE WRIGBTSVILLE 15 12 MARKET SIXTEENTH 16 12 01.EANDER PINEGROVE 17 12 COLLEGE R.I\NDAL L 18 12 US 17 SR 14 02 19 11 COl.LEGE SEVENTEENTH 11 US 17 SR .\929 21 10 COLLEGE PEACHTREE 22 .\0 HAWTHORN OLEANDER 23 10 SEVENTEE:NTH WOOSTER 24 10 mOE PENDENtE OLE:ANDER 25 10 DAWSON SIXTEENTH 26 10 US 421 SR 1187 Accident Types at High Accident Intersections Number of Crashes Ruad A Road .8 Accident Type 13 VS 421 SR 2:>01 REAR END, SLOW O~ STOP 10 US 421 SR 2501 LEFT "tURN, SANE ~OA[)WAY J US 421 SR 2501 RIGHT TURN, DIFFERENT ROADWAYS ?;,. -.'... ......-....'.. ~'. ~." '.. -.-..-......... ;;;"... ....,. .................. ~.. ',. - - .................... _.. _ ~.. _ _."'.. ....... m.....;; '... ~__.._____...""""'''''''~' ~ ~... ".._................... ~ ."..__-__.-............ _ ~.;".. _. _...........;;... .... ~ ___....._ _ _.... ...."... ~.' ~ ~:.:;;::';;.'" 01131/2005 NCDOT-TEAAS Accident Summary Report - High Accident Intersections Page 1 0(5 95 High Accident Intersections in New Hanover County for the period 10/1/2004 through 9/30/2005 with a minimum of 11 accidents with iln 1 00 feet of the Intersection High Accident Intersections Serial Number of Number Crashes Road A Road B 1 31 COLLEGE MARKET 2 25 MJ'...RKET SEVENTEENTH 3 24 THIRD WOOSTER 4 24 COLLEGE NEW CENTER 5 21 US 421 SR 2501 6 1.9 US 11 7 SR 21J4~ 7 18 KERR MARKET 8 18 INDEPENDENCE SHIPYARD 9 17 US 421 SR 2566 10 16 GORDON MARKET H 16 COLLEGE WILSHIRE 12 16 US ~21 NC 133 13 16 US 11 7 SR 1322 14 15 US 421 NC 132 1.5 14 MARKET NEW CENTER 16 1A COLLEGE MA.RTIN LUTHER KING 17 14 COLLEGE P EACHT i~ EE 18 14 US 7 SR 1403 19 13 SEVENTEENTH WOOSTER 20 13 EASTWOOD RACINE 21 13 DAWSON THIRD 22 12 CASTLE SEVENTEENTH 2J 12 BARCLAY HILLS MARKET 24 12 US 421 SR 1524 25 12 US 17 SR In9 26 12 COLLEGE RANDALL 27 12 EASTWOOD MARKET 28 12 CINEMA MARKET 29 12 US 17 SR 14 02 30 11 NC 132 SR 1565 31 11 TNDEDENDE:NCE WR.IGHT8VILLE 32 11 NARKET THIRD 33 11 MARKET S IXTEl':wm 34 11 MARKET DR lNCESS j5 11 COLLEGE HOLLY TREE 36 11 MILITARY CUTOFP WRlGi1TSVl LLE 02/0212006 NCOOT.TEAAS Accident Summary Report. High Accident Intersections Page 1 of 7 96 Wllmiogtoo Metropolitan Planning Orgaoization 20'06 Crash Report. www.,wmpo..org Analysis of High Crash Intersections within the Wilmington Metropolitan Planning Area - 2006 Identified High Crash Intersections The potential for vehicle conflict created by the convergenee of two or more traffic patterns at a common location is the primary reason why vehicle crashes most often occur at roadway intersections. These areas can frequently create complex traffic patterns that are sometimes difficult to safely navigate. Table 3 ranks the fifteen intersections within the WMPA that experienced the highest number of vehicle crashes during 2006. Table 3: High Crash Intersections within the WMPA -2006 Intersection Road A Road B Total # of Jurisdiction Rank! Number Crashes 1 S. College Rd. (US 117, NC 132) New Centre Dr" 38 City of Wilmington 2 $, College Rd. (US 117, NC 132) Market SI. (US 17 Business) 34 City of Wilmington 3 S. 3rd SI. (US 17 Business) Wooster SI. 31 City of Wilmington 4 Carolina Beach Rd. (liS 421) SR 2501 27 New Hanover County 5 N. College Rd. (US 1i17. NC 132) Gordon Rd. 27 New HanovEjr County 6 Kerr Ave. Markt:lLSI (US 17 Business) 26 City 01 Wilmington 7 N. Kerr Ave. Martin Luther King., Jr. Pkwy. 21 City 01 Wilmington 8 S. College Rd.. (US 117, NC 132) Oleander Dr. (US 76) 20 City 01 Wilmington 9 Carolina Beach Rd. (US 421) S. College Rd. (NC 132) 20 New Hanover County 10 Dawson SI. S. 16th SI. 19 City of Wilmington 11 S. Cgllege Rd. (US 117, NC 132) Randall Pkwy. 19 City of Wilmington 12 Carolina Beach Rd. (US 421) Anto i n,ette Dr. 19 New Hanover County 13 Covll Ave. Market St (US 17 Business) 18 City of Wilmington 14 Ocean Highway (US 17-74-76) Village Rd. (NC 133) 17 Town 01 Leland 15 S. College Rd. (US 117, NC 1'32) Martin Luther Ki'n ,Je Pkwy. 16 Cilyof Wilmington Source: NCDOT TEAAS Since the City of Wilmington is the most urbanized and heavily traveled area within the WMPA, it comes as no surprise that it contains a majority of the high crash intersections (10) as recorded in 2006. The remaining high crash intersections, as identified by this analysis, werc located in New Hanover County (4) and the Town of Leland (1). Figurc 12 graphically depicts thc location of the fiftcen highest crash intersections within the WMPA. Looking at the distribution of these intersections, it is evident that a majority of the high crash intersections are within the City of Wilmington's incorporated limits or on major thoroughfares typically used to commute to and from the City. Given that fact, one may assume that the vehicle crashes occurring at these intersections could be caused by traffic moving in and around the City of Wilmington. Intersections within the WMPA that expcrienced the greatest number of vehicle crashes in 2006 were generally located on major roadways. Seven of the fifteen highest crash intersections of the WMPA in 2006 were located on College Road (North and South). A majority of the remaining high crash intersections were located on major roadways such as Market Street, Carolina Beach Road, Kerr Avenue, and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Parkway. IJ 97 MartinI Alexi ou/Bryson, PLLC 4000 WestChase Boulevard, Suite 530 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919.829-0328, Fax: 919-829-0329 File Name: Porters Neck Site Code : 00000001 Start Date : 6/12/2007 Page No : 1 i,,~' [fit (, , I -wl'). , 4:'i,'} 4J{'l , I:J 141'4 j"p {j],j)O/;'1.1 , 0 " " !1}7 I IS{I h\ l , l , , l S~;i( O,:ISAI\.1 , :w 1.1;' " ~.~ I I, , , (j It 10: 71;(1 m:~O^r.l " '" , .n LH IUl " .f, " 0 IJ ~n:4.\.i\M__. % , ~4 1.'1'~ : In n , , I, If; 7fl{. T()t:.:ll lit N~ - 'M , ~IJ 7W ;~\I " " , " 25 2i,*\1 (IijA1OAM };fr 1:91 , , ni' ~9 U: , 79 6 ns Ir l I] " IJ 640 (lH'I~.AM " t~,~ , CUI!,; '!N , ]A] ~~~ , 2.10 , 4 " " 6 5~;.t IH 1'9f] , 2:.\7 n 1"1 , ." 0 m.; ID , ''1' 4 6Sf,; Jo1 tllN :;:\2 , " , 71 4 21:!< , J! " , ns iJ7 'M!1 .'4 H1.1 ~:<< HI (,l4l ~~ , 7(, '" ~".'I'{Khl\K~n~ JO '" n Hi S;i " 1:4 I 1(,;;. " " 1:50 "" ~) l 42 2{1 i;'~1 -- IWi , (, ~'~4 lI}] " -- j . 101t ()H 1:1 1:41) iN '" " , 42 l~ 1>47 IN iLi 0 l~(i 1.;1 j'- y,\t ". H , 2 H )I.;! 21)9 ~HI (, :NI~ "' '0 JOr; ~.~ ~J I 102 7M. ifj(i ) '1~5 .m -" H'li\-J' " "' if II:i"X) I'M )9 119 ~, 27':1 t'J.l ~- " 14~ " 1H T!.l .1'1 H 1-1, i'S 7~l) I~,L~ 1'~1 2ffJ I~ (l; HI n I~i I ~ l')i~ 0(, U n N 10 Z~ f~~ 11:30PM i:~ j'if) " , 20! ~~, ml H , II:S 1.1 120 70 ~', .l1 ~~ P " i~ 7(1<1 ~4 !.~I " W I~ , $ I.,.~ .""~ H 1~ 16 j u: (If) 1"iJ 71 1:1 ~J'(' ?~ < .Ji~ S2'7 11.11 I;!I\ " 5.1 of>2 ~J ~n 9 16 " , 129 9 ~j{1 '.lol- l 1\),' 17 ~ '" ii II ~', ?J !\'''H n ~ ~~ 24 " 1(, " In,s 9 :;,,~ ''I '!' 31~, is , ,11 ~\W II} 11.1 ]I (4 " , li.t , ~).(, ~1 , ,JI Ji " " Hi 1:5 L74. n 15 ]6 [f ill? , ~1:\ ~ 2~~ 14 l~ iI , i~ 6,1 ~a H9 ~'d M M"J +f,4 lj HiS I~j~ SI" -liH l:MVi ~n'iJRb\K'u, n.:mj'j'M 2:10 f;;} , n 25 , " Y'i , J\l~ 2<16 7g 1(. II " " ),9 1:2 J'S5 J'~ , :NJ J,l , " , ~~'1 19J ,f;';l , ~~ J~ , 26 111.1.10. ~f/l 19 *'4 7l U 14(, , , .1.j 0 IB , ':n , l75 " " " :\ H47 Mif 144 " J " , IS* , 1(12 , nf, ~* 14 , " 2:65 '" , :i'il' , 114 , Ii) , 167 ~O 9 ) , ~,~4; I": Q ~'1 , ~A (I IS ..... , ~- "i7'iJ ~:;. , If.n , .171 L1 HS 63 " Z4 Mi}() I'M l' Iii -t ~.- , 14[, n , Mti 2:g {, (, 4< nr, ()lk.ISI'M q no 9 ij " , 200 ~... ;1i'>~ 19 HI " :11 c.Jv (1(1.-30 I'M N,l Hi' 19 n I~;";' 7S " ~(,J 24 t,~ l (i ~~ 6.1.1 If; f\f! 9 J4 , 214 ~.s [I ;1~ ~ " , jJ 27 ~~4 1~4 iOH P N " fiH ~$? , II~.; ~] 4i 0 14.{ 16[10 T2Ji 3"iS 115 KflN )10) lok U;4 " 1'1',12 2513 t65 9-~6.s 613 4f.;!'; 21):5 II l2:!H~ 3Lli 241.22 244:15 *J.4 4.3 no K6 17.& 72.9 25.) 47.7 J(d I };;:~ In 1:6 J6 I.U ".Z m1.8 29.E i{l-4 40.9 2.5 L9 o.:s $J I.J 98.7 98 MartinI Alexiou/Bryson, PLlC 4000 WestChase Boulevard, Suite 530 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919-829-0328, Fax: 919-829-0329 File Name: Porters Neck Site Code . 00000001 Start Date : 6/12/2007 Page No :2 us 17 Porter'. Nee k Road US 17 Portu', Neck Road Southbound Westbound Norlhbound Exten.ion East?ound Start Time Left Thru Rghl Left Tim.! Rghl App. Lell Thru Rghl Let! Thru I Rght Ill!. Teml Total Peak Hour From 06:00 AM 1009-45 AM . Peak I (,f I Peak 110m for IlllcTS.celion Begins at 07: 15 07:15 AM 35 277 .) 317 20 m 0 187 53 240 6 4 I II 700 0730 AM 27 283 10 320 33 125 2 186 71 259 (> 7 0 13 717 (1745 AM 36 246 4 286 24 139 I 197 71 269 2 8 I Ii 705 30 191 6 22 123 4 192 79 275 II 3 I 128 997 25 I 99 519 7 762 274 1043 25 22 3 50 2762 86.7 19.1 73.1 26.3 6 .881 .967 .867 .948 .750 .963 y Peak Hour Data .... .. . ND~h ~ Peak Hour Beg,", "lll715 AM l All Vehicles ... ... ~ '!' 99 Martin/Alexioo/Bryson, PLLC 4000 WeslChase Boulevard, Suite 530 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919-829-0328, Fax: 919-829-0329 File Name: Porters Neck Site Code .00000001 Start Date : 6/12/2007 Page No :3 Porterl's Neck. Road US]7 Porler's Neck Road Weslbound Norlbbound EXlension Ea.lbon n d J{ght ,_!<pp. T~~~,l Tbm Le fI, Tllrll Rght App. T>i)tal Len Til;~ I Rgbl AP1tT\');l:11! In:. AM to 01:45 PM - Peak I of I Intersection Begin, at II A5 AM 29 209 12 250 90 22 19 131 208 94 24 23 7 54 743 29 2]9 22 270 103 24 16 143 214 70 14 ]4 57 765 22 203 16 241 86 13 22 121 194 66 24 10 67 701 8Ji II 18 220 70 13 692 365 70 78 513 836 300 I 44 247 290] 71.2 13_6 71 25,5 17.8 .886 .7"29 .950 .798 _786 ,895 ,948 Peak Hour Data .. ... NOllh . p",," Hour B"lli"" at 11 A5 AM . V~~JGI~$ .. ... ~ L,,~ 42. 100 Martin/Alexiou/Bryson, PllC 4000 WestChase Boulevard, Suite 530 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: 919-829-0328, Fax: 919-829-0329 File Name : Porters Neck Site Code : 00000001 Start Date : 6/12/2007 Page No :4 USl7 Porler', Neck Road lJS 17 Porter's Neck Road Southbound Wesll)ouod Norlhbound ["cusion Enstboulld Slart Tirne Len ,.'1.pp. T;;;lJ.i1 Apj'!. TNaJ Left TOro Rghl i\pp. l()_~l1;1 Thru j\pp. T~}1.l'd ltli. Tm~tl p,,"k Hour From t" 06:45 PM - Pe"k I I Peak Ho~~ r for II\IC,scGlion Begins "t D4:30 PM (14:30 PM 37 229 t6 282 114 18 29 161 9 271 72 .152 20 B 9 52 &47 04:45 PM 51 247 15 .113 95 9 2.1 127 7 291 87 JllS 25 12 11 48 873 05:0(J PM 38 246 9 293 102 6 25 1.13 4 298 73 375 22 16 8 46 847 41 244 15 J(JO 117 14 27 158 4 220 102 326 28 14 I 43 827 167 966 55 1188 428 47 104 579 24 1080 334 14.18 95 65 29 189 3.194 14.1 81.J 4.6 7.1.9 8J 18 U 75, I 23.2 .14.4 ISJ .819 .978, .859 949 .915 .653 .667 9D6 819 .934 .7(J7 ,659 .972 ... Peak Hour Data ... North ~ Peak Hour Begins .01 ()4 :30 PM i AI! Vehicle' .. 101 Martin/Alexiou/Bryson, PLLC 4000 WestChase Boulevard, Suite 530 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 829-0328; Fax: (919) 829~0329 File Name : Saturday Sile Code :00030380 Start Date : 8118/2007 Page No : 1 All Vehicle, US Ii (Markel Slree!) US I i (Market Street) 1'0 rter' S Neck Road Soulllllound Northbuund Ea.s.t.hj)und Start Time Thrn Len Rghl It:OOAM 163 2 4 15 I Ll5 AM 29 179 3 0 7 20 699 699 11:30AM 17 171 7 I 3 13 665 666 11:45 AM 22 23 2 () ') 21 769 773 Total 43 106 63 14 I 23 69 7 2750 2757 12,00 PM 13 247 26 I 16 10 97 (J 66 210 5 4 13 II 12 0 5 726 731 12:15 PM 10 243 16 0 23 4 101 0 53 161 6 0 6 18 25 0 0 666 666 12:30 PM 7 242 27 0 16 5 85 0 72 219 6 0 3 II 20 0 0 71J 713 12:45 PM 10 247 32 I() II 59 0 65 210 II 0 6 II 18 I 3 690 693 Total 40 979 101 65 30 342 0 256 SOO 28 4 28 51 75 I 8 2795 2803 01:00PM 11 227 25 I 21 21 104 {) 61 208 3 1 J 11 23 0 2 718 720 01:15 PM 9 215 38 0 18 15 79 {) 53 199 S 2 '7 IS 26 1 3 682 685 01.:30 PM 10 239 27 0 20 3 76 0 48 22(l 6 I (, 10 17 (l I 682 68.1 (lIA5 11. 219 28 0 16 .~I 76 0 242 4 (l 4 8 15 0 696 69.6 TOlal 43 900 118 1 75 50 335 0 869 21 4 20 44 81 I 6 2778 2784 G mnd TOlal 126 2885 325 8 203 138 1002 2 731 2390 63 9 71 164 225 2 21 8323 8344 i.1'/~ 3.8 86.5 9.7 15.1 10.3 74.6 23 75.1 2 15:4 35.7 48,9 % 15 34.7 3.9 2:4 L7 12 8.8 28.7 O.S (j,9 2 2.7 0,3 99.7 102 Martin/Alexiou/Bryson, PLLC 4000 WestChase Boulevard, Suite 530 Raleigh, NC 27607 Phone: (919) 829-0328; Fax: (919) 829~0329 File Name : Saturday Site Code : 00030380 Start Date : 8/18/2007 Page No :2 Porter's Neek Road US 17 (Market Street) Porter's N eek Roa d NorthlJ.oUIld hit Tota I: 'I Sl1IrtTitne Tllm 1\f1;,J~:I;/I1 Rglu Thru Letl !\P1't, T(jt((l Rght Tllru. n)l;';~ Peak Hour 11:00 AM 1001,45 Peak Hoof 1<" Entire Inters.clio" Beg;n, at 11:45 AM ] 1:45 AM !2 298 23 343 12 76 99 69 208 2 279 9 2t 18 48 769 12:00 I'M 13 247 26 286 10 97 123 66 210 5 281 13 11 12 36 726 12:15 I'M 10 243 16 269 4 lOt 128 53 161 6 2.2.0 6 18 1:5 49 666 12,30 7 242 27 5 85 1(j6 n 2t9 6 297 3 .II 20 713 Toml Volume 52 W3(l 92 I 31 359 456 260 798 19 Ion 31 61 75 2874 ApI'. Total 4.4 7 7.8 6.8 78.7 24, I 741 1.8 18.6 365 44.9 PHI' 591 ,852 .646 ,889 ,891 9Cl3 911 .792 .907 596 .726 .750 .852 " . ~ Peak Hour Data ... l' North . Pa.,k Hour 8"9in. al 11:4 S AM " All \lanic.l<1. ... .,. ~ . 103 Appendix B Intersection Capacity Analysis 104 Map. Porter's Neck Crossing Existing (2007) AM Levels of Service 8/21/2007 ~ cj~:/: ~.. / , .~~~ " ~/# ./ " . ~/~// " ~" ~ / /' ",~ ~~~ "'\ ' ./ \;:~, ~, /( / ~, '. /' "', ~~ .....-/'" ../ ,'. .,,~ /'. Y /' ..... ". ......... / / ' 10 "'\,,'., ~ ,II' / .../ / ~" ",~,.',~"~ />/,//< // ~~",~""',,,~ "" /// ,/// </ 0" ". "', "" / / // / /:,\ ~""", , ~ ,/.. / / " O~''''', ~'1)W ///// / s 0' ~ ~,,~~:> Jo!~~@;{~:<:/ V :t ' .';::....,. t // .../, / 7.; .,~>:~~ . ;'>:;;;::>'/0 . <9..., ":">:;" 'c. ~'I,#/ //'// I <S'. ,,:~ '~1f':// // "0 S:::, . ,If . ".~><'> ~ ~ <.2,.~ C '. 'lir9 Jl " ,,4....;.19 ~ '.. /~>rpO / /.//it<:, ." >:~:.:S'~ 10 //';'/$/" ~::, ", .O~ '///.//::~ ,*,>,<<<., ''" ./ / :?;::0/'~ ',,'(, ""'" <9A ~r lJ ~,. """"" '" '" ~. ///~ ^\~~ " ""~~,,+ / ~00 ""<" 1>0 ~!1:// / ~~ '" ~~~ . / ftJ " " ""'\ / // / ~ ", '>~ .. / ~flj '" '",. / /0,'~ " "" %/ ^\ , ':- '" / ' / ". , ',,,~ / / ///.::;,0 '<~ ~,,~ ,/ /// "'\'. " '." ,/ / /,// '" '''....,......., ." /. , / " ",,"" ? / ...... , /~,////., ',"'"'" // ,./ ,'" ..~/ ' ....... .. . / '"' ,:;( />~ ~ / / , / . / ,/ .- :;(///~ / ,/ / .. / /~ MfAlB P:\TrafficITIA\Home DepollWilminglonlLowes (082007)IPhasing with Satlexisting (2007) am.syn 105 Porter's Neck Crossing Existing (2007) AM 1: Plantation Road Extension &U$17 (Market Street) 812112007 .,} ~ .(" 4- 4... "\ t I'" \. ~ .; -+ Lane Group ESl EST EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBl S8T SBR Lane Configurations 'tj t ." 'tj'tj f+ 'tj ++ ." 'tj ++ ." Volume (vph) 25 22 3 390 30 99 7 762 274 128 997 25 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Grade ("!o) 2% 3% 2% 0% Storage length (11) 350 350 400 0 0 400 250 200 Storage lanes 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (11) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 lane Util. Factor tOO 1.00 tOO 0,97 1.00 tOO 1.00 0,95 1.00 1.00 0.95. lOO Frt 0.850 0.885 0.850 0.850 Fit Proleeted 0.950 0,950 0,950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prol) 1752 1844 1568 3382 1624 0 1752 3504 1568 1770 3539 1583 FII Permitted 0.950 0.950 0.183 0.187 Said. Flow (perm) 1752 1844 1568 3382 1624 0 337 3504 1568 348 3539 1583 Right Tum on Red No No No No SaId. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) 25 45 55 55 Link Distance (f1) 300 679 565 300 Travel Time (s) 8.2 10,3 7.0 3.7 Peak Hour Factor 0,90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0,90 0,90 Adj, Flow (v ph) 28 24 3 433 33 110 8 847 304 142 1108 28 Shared lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 28 24 3 433 143 0 8 847 304 142 1108 28 Turn Type Splil pm+ov Split pm+pt Perm prn+pl pm+ov P rolected Phases 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 1 6 4 Permitted Phases 4 2 2 6 6 Delector Phase 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 2 1 6 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7,0 7.0 14,0 14.0 7,0 14.0 7,0 Minimum Splil (3) 22,2 22.2 13.5 22.2 22.2 13,5 22,6 22.6 13.0 22.6 22.2 Tolal Split (s) 22.2 22,2 13.5 28,0 28.0 0.0 13.5 54.8 54.8 15,0 56.3 22.2 Total Split (%) 18.5% 18.5% 11.3% 23.3% 23.3% 0.0% 1t.3% 45.7% 45.7% 12.5% 46.9% 18,5% Maximum Green (s) 16.0 16,0 7.0 21,8 21.8 7.0 48.2 48.2 9.0 4n 16.0 Yellow Time (s) 4,7 4..7 4.0 4..7 4.7 4.0 5,1 5,1 4.0 5,1 4.7 All-Red Time(s) 1.5 l.S 2,5 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2,0 1.5 1.5 Lost Time Adjlusl (s) -1.2 -1.2 -1.5 -1,2 -1.2 1.0 -1.5 -1.6 -1.6 -La -1.6 -1.2 Total L031 Time (s) 5,0 5,0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0' 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 Lead/lag Lag Lag Lead Lead Lead Lead lag Lag Lead Lag Lag l.ead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 30 3.0 3,0 3.0' 3.0 3,0 3.0 Minimum Gap (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Time Before Reduce (3) 0.0 0,0 0.0' 0.0 0.0 0.0 15,0 15,.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 Time To Reduce (s) 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 30,0 30.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None Min Min None Min None Act Elfcl Green (s) 9.1 9.1 16.4 18.1 t8.1 39.5 30.7 30.7 45.4 43.9 53.1 ActuatedglC Ratio 0,10 0.10 0.17 0.21 0.21 0.41 0,36 0.36 0,53 0.52 0.61 vIe Ratio 0.15 0.13 0,01 0,60 0041 0.03 0,67 0.54 0.41 0.61 0.03 Control Delay 44,0 43.6 31.0 36,7 37.1 13,7 26.4 26,6 15.0 18.4 5.9 Queue Delay 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.,0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0,0 T 01131 Delay 44.0 43.6 31..0 36.7 37,1 13,7 26.4 26.6 15.0 18.4 5,9 M/NB P:\TrafficITIAIHome DepotlWilmingtonlLowes (082007}IPhasing with SatleJdsting (2007) am.syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PLLC 106 Porter's Neck Crossing Existing (2007) AM J: Plantation Road Extension & US1]jMarket Street) 8121120'0'7 ~ " .. 4- '- .... t ,.. \. ~ ..; -.,. Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR LOS D D C D D B C C B B A Approach Delay 43.1 36.8 26.4 17.8 Approach LOS D D C B Queue Lenglh 5O'th (f1) 14 12 1 109 67 2 20'3 131 37 20'S 4 Queue Lenglh 95th (f1) 48 44 10' 20'3 155 9 297 229 78 410' 14 Internal Link Dist (f1) 220' 599 485 220' Turn Bay Length (f1) 350' 350' 40'0' 40'0' 250' 20'0 Base Capacity (vph) 322 339 268 895 430' 269 1704 762 360' 1986 976 Starvation Cap Reductn 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0 0' 0' 0' 0' Spill back Cap Reducln 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0 0' Storage Cap Reductn 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0' 0 0' Reduced vie Ra!to 0'.0'9 007 0.0'1 0'.48 0'.33 0',03 0',50' 0.40 0.39 0'.56 0,03 Intersection Summary Area Type: Olher Cycle Length: 120' Actuated Cycle Length: 85.1 Natural Cycle: 85 Control Type: Actuated-Uncoordtnated Maximum vie RattO: 0.67 Intersectton Signal Delay: 25,1 Intersection LOS: C Inlersection Capacity Utilization 66.7% ICU Level of SeNice C Analysis PeriOd (min) 15 Spltts and Phases: 1; PlantationRoad E:denSton & US 17 (Market Slreet) _ ~.it:::=: r ~ , M/NB P:lTraffic\TIA\Home Depot\Wilmington\Lowes (0820'07)\Phasing wtlh Sal\existing (2O'(7) am.syn Martin Alexicu Bryson, PLLC 107 Map. Porter's Neck Crossing Existing (2007) PM Levels of Service 8/21/2007 ", ',"" ~~ ~--~ \ '~"" '~:'~'''~'' ",',.', '~"'- ',", " MIAfB P:\TrafflcITlA\Home DepotlWllmingtonlLowes (082007)IPhasing with Satlexlsting (2007) pm.syn 108 Porter's Neck Crossing Existing (2007) PM 1: PlantationRqad Extension & US 17 (Market Strt3et) 8121/2007 --' ,. .- +- "- "\ t .,. \.. ~ ../ -tI> Lane Group EBl EBT EBR WBl WBr WBR NBl NBT NBR SBl SBT SBR lane Configurations '" t ." "'''' ft '" t+ ." '" t+ ." Volume (vph) 95 65 29 428 47 104 24 1080 334 167 966 55 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Grade (%) 2% 3% 2% 0% Storage Length (1I) 350 350 400 0 0 400 250 200 Storage lanes 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 Taper Le ngth (1I) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor tOO 1.00 1.00 0.97 MO 1.00 1,00 0,95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.896 0.850 0.850 Fit Protected 0.950 0.950 0,950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 1752 1844 1568 3382 1644 0 1752 3504 1568 1770 3539 1583 I'll PermiUed 0.950 0.950 0.162 0.080 Said. Flow (perm) 1752 1844 1568 3382 1644 0 299 3504 1568 149 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red No No No No Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (m ph) 25 45 55 55 Link Distance (It) 300 679 565 300 Travel Time (5) 8.2 10.3 7.0 3.,7 Peak Hour Factor 0.90 0,90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Adj. Flow (vph) 106 72 32 476 52 116 27 1200 371 186 1073 61 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 106 72 32 476 168 0 27 1200 371 186 1073 61 Turn Type Split pm+ov Split pm+pt Perm pm+pt pm+ov Protected Phases 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 1 6 4 Permilled Phases 4 2 2 6 6 Detector Phase 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 2 1 6 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (5) 7.0 7.0 7,0 7.0 7.0 7.0 14.0 14,0 7.0 14.0 7,0 Minimum Split (5) 22.2 22.2 13.5 22.2 22,2 13.5 22.6 22.6 13.0 22.6 22.2 Total Split (5) 22.2 22.2 13.5 26.0 26,0 0,0 13.5 55,8 55.8 16.0 58,3 22,2 Total Split (%) 18,5% 18,5% 11.3% 21.7% 21.7% 0.0% 11.3% 46.5% 46.5% 13.3% 48.6% 18.5% Maximum Green (s) 16.0 16,0 7.0 19,8 19.8 7,0 49.2 49,2 10,0 51.7 16,0 Yellow Time (s) 4.7 4.1 40 4.7 4,7 4.0 5.1 5,1 4.0 5.1 4.7 Ail-Red Time (s) 1.5 1.5 2,5 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.5 lost Time Adjust (s) -1.2 .1.2 -1.5 -1.2 -1.2 1.0 -ts -1.6 -1.6 -to -1.6 -1.2 Total Lost Time (s) 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead Lead Lead Lag Lag lead Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Exlension (s) 3.0 3.0 3,0 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3,0 3.0 Minimum Gap (s) 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3,0 3,0 3.0 3,0 3,0 Time Before Reduce (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15,0 15.0 0.0 15,0 0.0 Time To Reduce (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 30.0 30.0 0,0 30,0 0.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None Min Min None Min None Act Eifel Green (5) 13.0 13,0 25.5 19.7 19.7 53,3 44.8 44,8 58.8 50A 64.7 Actualed glC Ratio 0.12 0.12 0.23 0.18 0,18 OA8 OAl 0.41 0.54 0.46 0,60 vie Ralio 0,50 0,33 0,09 0.78 0.56 0.11 0.83 0.57 0,.77 0.65 0.06 Control Delay 55.5 50.2 34.7 53.5 50.9 12.7 34,8 29.2 45A 26,1 6.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0,0 Total Delay 55.5 50.2 34.7 53.5 50,9 12,7 34,8 29.2 45.4 26.1 6.0 M/AJB P:ITraffie\TIAIHome DepotlWilmington\lowes (082007)IPhasing with Sat\exisling (2007) pm.syn Marlin Alexiou Bryson, PLLC 109 Porter's Neck Crossing Existing (2007) PM 1: Plantation Road Extension & U$1Z(Market Street) 812112007 ~ ... #" <It- , "\ t I" \. ~ ..I -tl> lane Group EBl EBT EBR WBl WBT WBR NBl NBT NBR SBl SBT SBR lOS E D C 0 D B C C D C A Approach Delay 50.5 52.8 33.1 27.9 Approach LOS 0 D C C Queue Length 50lh (f1) 74 49 18 172 113 8 397 201 81 321 11 Queue length 95th (f1) 134 96 46 #257 197 23 514 314 #210 418 22 Internal Link Dist (f!) 220 599 485 220 Turn Bay Length (f1) 350 350 400 400 250 200 Base CapaCity (vph) 269 284 359 652 317 255 1560 698 247 1701 965 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8pillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 810rage Cap Reducln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced vie Ratio 0.39 0.25 0.09 0.73 0.53 0.11 0.77 0.53 0.75 0.63 0.06 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle length: 120 Actuated Cycle Length: 108.6 Natural Cycle: 95 Control Type: Aclualed-Uncoordinated Maximum vie Ratio: 0.83 Intersection Signal Delay: 35.6 I nlerseclion LOS: 0 Intersection Capacity Utilization 73.8% leu level of Service 0 Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percenlile volume exceeds capacity, queue may be longer, Queue shown is maximum afler two cycles. ~~'''f- ~ , MINB P:\TrafficITIAIHome Depot\WilmingtonlLowes (082007)\Phasing with Sat\existing (2007) pm,syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PlLC 110 Map - Porter's Neck Crossing Levels of Service MIA/B P:ITraffic\TIAIHome Depot\WilmingtonlLowes (082007)\Phasing with Sat\existing (2007), sat.syn 111 Porter's Neck Crossing Existing (2007) Saturday 1: Plantation Road Extension & US 17 (Market Street) 8f21 12007 ./' "'t .f --- '- '\ t I" \,. ~ .I -+ lane Group ESt EST EBR WBt WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBt SBT SBR lane Configurations ., i- 7' ."., f+ ., t+ 7' ., tt 7' Volume (vph) 75 61 31 359 31 66 19 798 260 92 1030 52 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 19DD 1900 1900 1900 190D 1900 1900 19DO Grade (%) 2% 3% 2% 0% Storage L.e ngth (ft) 350 350 400 0 0 400 250 200 Storage Lanes 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (ft) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 tOO tOO 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0,95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.898 0,850 0.850 Fit Protecled 0,950 0.950 0,950 0.950 Said. Flow (prol) 1752 1844 1568 3382 1648 0 1752 3504 1568 1770 3539 1583 Fit Permitted 0.950 0.950 0.121 0.202 Satd. Flow (perm) 1752 1844 1568 3382 1648 0 223 3504 1568 376 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red No No No No Said. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) 25 45 55 55 Link Distance (f1) 300 679 565 300 Travel Time (s) 8,2 10.3 7.0 3.7 Peak Hour Factor 0.90 0.90 0.90 0,90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0,90 0.90 0,90 0.90 Adj. Flow (vph) 83 68 34 399 34 73 21 887 289 102 1144 58 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 83 68 34 399 107 0 21 887 289 102 1144 58 Turn Type Split pm+ov Split pm+pt Perm pm+pt pm+ov Protected Phases 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 1 6 4 Permitted Phases 4 2 .2 6 6 Detector Phase 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 2 1 6 4 Switch Phase Minimum Inilial (s) 7.0 7,0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 14.0 14,0 7.0 14.0 7.0 Minimum Split (s) 22.2 22.2 13.5 22.2 22.2 13.5 22.6 22.6 13.0 22,6 22.2 Total SplU (5) 22.2 22.2 115 27.0 27.0 0,0 13.5 57,8 57.8 13,0 57.3 22.2 Total Spllit (%) 18.5% 18.5% 11.3% 22.5% 22,5% 0.0% 11.3% 48,2% 48.2% 10.8% 47.8% 18,5% Maximum Green (s) 16.0 16,0 7.0 20.8 20.8 7,0 51.2 51.2 7.0 50.7 16.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.7 4,7 4.0 4.7 4.1 4,0 5.1 5,1 4.0 5.1 4.1 All-Red Time (s) 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.5 Lost Time Adjust (5) -1.2 -1.2 -1.5 -1.2 .1,2 1.0 -1.5 -1.6 -1.6 -to -1,.6 -1.2 Total tost Time (s) 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5,0 5,0 5.0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5,0 5.0 LeadlLag Lag Lag Lead Lead Lead Lead Lag Lag lead Lag lag Lead-lag Optimize? Vehide Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Minimum Gap (s) 3.0 3,0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 Time Before Reduce (s) 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 15.0 15.0 0.,0 15.0 0.0 Time To Reduce (s) 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 30.0 0.0 30.0 0,0 Recall Mode None None None None None None Min Min None Min None Acl Effct Green (s) 11.9 11,9 20.,9 18.7 18.7 43,9 38,6 38.6 44.4 41,2 50.7 Actuated glC Ratio 0.13 0.13 0.22 0.21 0.21 0.46 0.43 0.43 0,48 0.45 0.54 vlc Ratio 0.37 0.29 0.10 0.57 0.32 0.09 0.59 0.43 0.33 0.71 0.07 Control Delay 48.3 46.3 32,2 40.7 40,8 12.1 24.0 23.6 15.1 25.5 6.1 Queue Delay 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 O.D Toll'll Delay 48.3 46.3 32.2 40.1 40.8 12.7 24,0 23.6 15.1 25,5 6,1 M/AtS P:ITraffic\TIA\Home Depot\Wilmington\lowes (082007)\Phasing with Sallexisling (2007) sal.syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PlLC 112 Porter's Neck Crossing Existing (2007) Saturday 1: Plantation Road Extensi()l1& US 17 (Market Street) 8121/2007 .,.;. .. f 4- " '\ t I" \. ~ otI. -+ lane Group ESl EST EBR WBl WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBl SBT SBR LOS D D C D D B C C B C A ApproaCh Delay 44,6 40.7 23.7 23.8 Approach lOS D D C C Queue length 50th (Il) 49 40 16 119 59 6 224 127 29 322 9 Queue Lengtl195th (Il) 109 93 48 201 129 19 326 225 64 460 22 Internal Link Disl (II) 220 599 485 220 Turn Bay length (Il) 350 350 400 400 250 200 Base CapaCity (vph) 320 336 342 849 414 246 1808 809 307 1863 867 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spill back Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced vlc Ralfo 0.26 0.20 0.10 0.47 0,26 (109 0.49 0,36 0.33 0.61 0,07 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle length: 120 Actualed Cycle Length: 90.6 Natural Cycle: 85 Control Type: Acluated-Uncoordinated Maximum vie Ratio: 0.71 Intersection Signal Delay: 27.7 Intersection lOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 63.7% leu level of Service B Analysis Period (min) 15 elD4 M/A/B P:ITrafficlTIAIHome DepotlWilmingtonlLowes (082007)IPhasing with Sal\existing (2007) satsyn Marlin Alexiou Bryson, PLLC 113 Map - Porter's Neck Crossing Levels of Service M/AlB P:\Traffie\TIA\Home Depot\Wilmington\lowes (lJ82007)\Phasing with Sat\background (2008) am.syn 114 Porter's Neck Crossing No~BuHd (2008) AM 1: Plantation Road Extension & US 17 (Market Street) 8/2112007 --" ~ I'" ~ "- ~ t /" \.. + .cI -+ Lane Group ESL EST EBR WBL WBT WBR NBt NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configu rations 'i t ." 'i'i 1+ 'i tt ." 'i tt ." Volume (vph) 26 31 3 575 44 130 7 177 326 149 1017 26 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Grade (%) 2% 3% 2% 0% Storage Lenglh (ft) 350 350 400 0 0 400 250 200 Storage Lanes 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 Taper Length (fI) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.888 0.850 0.850 Fit Protected 0.950 0.950 0,950 0.950 Said,. Flow (prol) 1752 1844 1568 3382 1629 0 1752 3504 1568 1770 3539 1583 Fit Permitled 0.950 0.950 0.142 0.173 Satd, Flow (perm) 1752 1844 1568 3382 1629 0 262 3504 1568 322 3539 1583 Righi Turn on Red No No No No Said. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) 25 45 55 55 Link Dislance (fI) 300 679 565 300 Travel Time (s) 8.2 10J 7,0 3.7 Peak rtOU r Factor 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0,90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Adj. Flow (vph) 29 34 3 639 49 144 8 863 362 166 1130 29 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 29 34 3 639 193 0 8 863 362 166 1130 29 Turn Type Split pm+ov Split pm+pl Perm pm+pl pm+ov Protected Phases 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 1 6 4 Permitted Phases 4 2 2 6 6 Detector Phase 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 2 1 6 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7.0 7,0 7.0 7.0 14.0 14.0 7.0 14.0 7.0 Minimum Split (5) 22.2 22.2 13.5 22.2 22,2 13.5 22.6 22,6 13.0 22.6 22,2 Total Splil (s) 22,2 22.2 13.5 33.0 33,0 0.0 13.5 50.8 50..8 14.0 51.3 22.2 T alai Split 18,5% 18..5% t1.3% 27,5% 27.5% 0.0% 11.3% 42.3% 42,3% 11.7% 42.8% 18.5% Maximum Green (s) 16.0 16.0 7,0 26.8 26.8 7.0 44,2 44.2 8.0 44.7 16.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.7 4.7 4.0 4.7 4.7 4,0 5.1 5.1 4,0 5,1 4.7 All-Red Time (s) 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2,5 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.5 Lost Time Adjust (s) -1.2 -1,2 -1.5 .1.2 -1.2 1.0 -1.5 .1,6 -1.6 .1.0 -1.6 .1.2 Tolal Losl Time (s) 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag Lead Lead Lead Lead Lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (5) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Minimum Gap (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Time Before Reduce (s) 0,0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 15.0 15,0 0.0 15.0 0.0 Time To Reduce (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 30.0 30,0 0.0 30.0 M Recall Mode None None None None None None Min Min None Min None Act Effcl Green (8) 9.3 9.3 17.5 24.1, 24.1 42.7 34,0 34.0 47.1 44.1 525 Aclualed glC Ratio 0.10 0.10 0.17 0.26 0.26 0.42 0,36 0.36 0.50 0.47 0.54 vie Ratio 0.17 0.19 0.01 0.74 0.46 0.03 0.68 0.64 0.55 0.68 om Control Delay 48.2 48.3 34.3 39,9 37.0 140 28.9 31.6 21.0 24.,9 7.8 Queue Delay 0,0 0,0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0,0 T olal Delay 48.2 48.3 34.3 39.9 37.,0 14.0 28,9 31.6 21.0 24.9 7.8 MINB P:\Tralfic\ TIA\Home Depot\Wilminglon\Lowes (082007)\Phasing with Sat\background (2008) am.syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PLLC 115 Porter's Neck Crossing No~Build (2008) AM 1: Plantation Road Extension & US 1] (Market Street) 8121/2007 /' .. .. +- "- '\ t I" \. ! .I' -+ lane Group ESl EST EBR WBl WBT WBR NBl NBT NBR SBl SBT SBR LOS D D C D D B C C C C A Approach Delay 47,6 39.3 29.6 24.0 Approach lOS D 0 C C Queue Length 50th (It) 17 20 1 181 98 2 240 188 55 263 6 Queue length 95th (It) 50 56 10 293 195 11 328 303 101 462 17 Internal Link Disl {It) 220 599 485 220 Turn Bay Length {It) 350 350 400 400 250 200 Base Capacity (vph) 295 310 270 997 480 238 1546 692 308 1737 883 SIa rvalion Cap Redueln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reduetn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced vie Ratio 0.10 0.11 0.01 0.64 OAO 0.Q3 0.56 0,52 0.54 0.65 0,03 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle length: 120 Actuated Cycle length: 93.8 Nalural Cycle: 95 Control Type: Actuated-Uncoordinated Maximum vie Ratio: 0.74 Intersection Signai Delay: 30.1 Intersection LOS: C Interseelioo Capacity Umization 69,5% leu level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 w2 eW4 i!l6 MINB P:\TrafficITIAIHome DepotlWilmingtonllowes (082007)IPhasing wilh Satlbackground (2008) am,syn Marlin Alexiou Bryson, PllC 116 Map. Porter's Neck. Crossing N!o-Build (2008/) PM Levels of Service 812112007 ~ 0 c:;;..s e;. ?}? ~'?i "\~ " vC:;; M/NB P:.\Traffic\TIA\Home Depot\Wilmington\Lowes (082007)\Phasing with Sat\background (2008) pm.syn 117 Porter's Neck Crossing No-Build (2008/) PM 1: Pl(jl1tation Road Extension &ljS 17 (Market Street) 8/2112007 ..J- ... f <lIl- "- '\ t r \. ~ .,I' -+ Lane Group ESt EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL S8T SBR Lane Configurations 'i t " 'i'i f+ 'i t+ " 'i t+ " Volume (vph) 97 96 30 553 57 125 24 1102 497 229 985 56 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 190'0 1900 1900 Grade (%) 2% 3% 2% 0% Storage Lengll1 (f1) 350 350 400 0 0 400 250 200 Storage Lanes 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 Taper Lengll1 (It) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 La n e Util. Factor 1.00 LOO 1.00 0.97 tOO 1.00 1.00 0.,95 1,00 toO 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.897 0,850 0.850 FIt Protected 0,950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Said. Flow (prol) 1752 1844 1568 3382 1646 0 1752 3504 1568 1770 3539 1583 Fit Permitted It950 0.950 0,152 0.078 Said. Flow (perm) 1752 1844 1568 3382 1646 0 280 3504 1568 145 3539 1583 Right Turn on Red No No No No Satd. Flow (RTOR) li nk Speed (mph) 25 45 55 55 link Distance (II) 300 679 565 300 Travel Time (s) 8.2 10,3 1,0 3} Peak Hour Faclor 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0,90 Adj. Flow (vph) 108 107 33 614 63 139 27 1224 552 254 1094 62 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 108 107 33 614 202 0 27 1224 552 254 1094 62 Turn Type Split pmtov Spill pm+pt Perm pmtpt pmtov Protected Phases 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 1 6 4 PermiUed Phases 4 2 2 6 6 Detector Phase 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 2 1 6 4 Switch Phase Minimum InWal (s) 7.0 7.0 7,0 7.0 7.0 7.0 14,0 14.0 1.0 14.0 7.0 Minimum Split (s) 22,2 22.2 13.5 22.2 22.2 13.5 22.6 22,6 13.0 22.6 22.2 Total Splil (s) 22.2 22.2 13.5 28.0 28.0 0,0 13.5 52.,8 52.8 17,0 56.3 22.2 Tota) Splil 18.5% 18.5% 11.3% 23.3% 23.3% 0.0% 11.3% 44,0% 44,0% 14.2% 46.9% 18.5% Maximum Green (s) 16.0 16,0 7.0 21,8 21.8 1,0 46.2 46,2 11.0 49.7 16.0 Yellow Time (s) 4.7 4.7 4.0 4.7 4.7 4.0 5.1 5.1 4.0 5.1 4.7 All-Red Time (s) 1..5 1.5 2,5 1.5 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 1.5 1.5 Losl Time Adjusl (s) -1.2 -1.2 -1.5 -1.2 -1.2 1.0 -1,.5 -1.6 -1..6 -1.0 -1.6 -1.2 Tala I Lost Time (s) 5.0 5,.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 Lead/Lag Lag Lag lead Lead Lead Lead lag Lag Lead Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimi.ze? Vehicle Extension (s) 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Minimum Gap (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Time Before Reduce (s) 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 15,0 15.0 0,0 15.0 0.0 Time To Reduce (s) 0,0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 30.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 Recall Mode None None None NOrl€ None None Min Min None Min None Acl Eifel Green (s) 13..2 13.2 25.8 22.9 22.9 54,1 45,6 45.6 61.5 52.1 66.5 Actuated glC Ratio 0.12 0.12 0.22 0..20 0.20 0.46 0040 0.40 0.54 0.46 0.58 vie Ratio 0.53 0,50 0.10 0,90 0.61 0,11 0.81 0,88 1.02 0.68 0.07 Control Delay 57.8 56.1 35,4 62.9 51.8 13.8 39.9 49.0 92.7 28.1 6,5 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 Total Delay 51.8 56.1 35.4 62.9 516 13,8 39.9 49,0 92.1 28.1 6.5 M/AlB P:ITrafficlTIAIHome DepotlWilminglon\Lowes (082007)IPhasing wilh Sat\background (2008) pm.syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PlLC 118 Porter's Neck Crossing No~Bund (2008/) PM 1: Plantation Road Extension & U$J 7 (Market Street) 8121/2007 ~ t .f -+- '- '\ t .t" ..... + .cI' -f> lane Group EBl EBT E.BR WBl WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR LOS E E D E D B D D F C A Approach Delay 54.1 60,1 42.3 38.8 Approach LOS D E D D Queue length 50th (II) 77 76 20 235 140 9 430 370 -153 342 12 Queue Length 95th (II) 137 134 47 #356 229 24 554 #606 #336 444 24 Internal Link Dist (II) 220 599 485 220 Turn Bay Length (f1) 350 350 400 400 250 200 Base Capacity (vph) 256 270 347 684 333 237 1444 646 250 1624 945 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced vlc Ratio 0.42 DAD 010 a.90 0.61 0.11 0,85 0.,85 1.02 0.67 0.D7 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle length: 120 Actuated Cycle Length: 113.9 Natural Cycle: 105 Control Type: Actuated.Uncoordinaled Maximum vlc Ratio: 1.02 Intersection Signal Delay: 45.2 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 81.4% leu level of Service D Analysis Period (min) 15 - Volume exceeds capacity, queue is IheorelicaUy infinite. Queue shown is maximum aller two cycles. # 95th percentile volu me exceeds capacity. queue may be longer. Queue shown is maximum aller two cycles. Splils and Phases: 1: Plantation Road Extension & US 17 (Markel Street) ~f:==: r- ~ 1 MIAfB P:ITraffic\ TIAIHome DepotlWilmington\lowes (082007)IPhasing with Satlbackground (2008) pm.syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PLLC 119 Map. Porter's Neck Crossing Levels of Service "" MIAfB P:\Traffic\TIA\Home Depot\Wilmington\Lowes (082007)\Phasing with Sat\background (2008)satsyn 120 Porter's Neck Crossing No-Build (2008) Saturday 1: Plantation Road Extension & US 117 (Market Street) 8/2112007 ..;. " .. +- 4:... "" f !" \. J ..; -+ Lane Group EBL EST EBR WBL W8T W8R N8L NBT NBR SBl S8T SBR lane Configurations 'i + 7' 'i'i ~ 'i tt 7' 'i ++ 7' Volume (vph) 77 86 32 503 42 89 19 814 391 142 1051 53 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Grade (%j 2% 3% 2% 0% Storage length (It) 350 350 400 0 0 400 250 200 Storage Lanes 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 Taper length (It) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Lane Uti!. Factor 1,00 1.00 tOO 0,97 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.95 1.00 tOO 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.898 0.850 0.850 FII Protected 0950 0.950 0.950 0.950 SaId. Flow (prot) 1152 1844 1568 3382 1648 0 1752 3504 1568 1770 3539 1583 Fit Permitted 0,950 0,950 0.097 0,167 Satd. Flow (perm) 1752 1844 1568 3382 1648 0 119 3504 1568 311 3539 1583 Right Tum on Red No No No No Said. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) 25 45 55 55 Lir\k Distance (It) 300 679 565 300 Travel Time (s) 8.2 10.3 7.0 3.7 Peak Hour Factor 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0,90 0.90 0.90 0,90 0.90 0.90 Adj. Flow lvph) 86 96 36 559 47 99 21 904 434 158 1168 59 Shared Lane Traffic (%) lane Group Flow (vph) 86 96 36 559 146 0 21 904 434 158 1168 59 Turn Type Split pm+ov Split pm+pt Perm pm+pt pm+ov Protected Phases 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 1 6 4 Permilted Pha ses 4 2 2 6 6 Delector Phase 4 4 5 3 3 5 2 2 1 6 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7.0 7,0 7.0 7.0 7.0 14.0 14.,0 7.0 14.0 7.0 Minimum Splil is) 22.2 22,.2 13.5 22.2 22.2 13,5 22,6 22.6 13.0 22,6 22.2 Total Split (s) 22.2 22,2 13.5 31.0 31.0 0.0 13,5 52.8 52.8 14.0 53.3 22.2 Tolal Split(%) 18.5% 18.5% 11.3% 25.8% 25.8% 0.0% 11.3% 44,0% 44.0% 11.1% 44.4% 18.5% Maximum Green(s) 16,.0 16,0 7,0 24.8 248 7.0 46,2 46.2 8.0 46.7 16,0 Yellow Time (s) 4.1 4,7 4.0 4.7 4.1 4.0 5,1 5.1 4.0 5,1 4.7 All-Red Time (s) 1.5 1.5 2.5 1,5 1.5 2,.5 1.5 1.5 2,0 1.5 1.5 Los! Time Adjus! (s) -1.2 -1.2 -1.5 -1.2 -1.2 10 -1.5 -1.6 -1.6 -1.0 -1.6 -1.2 Total Lost Time is) 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 lead/Lag Lag lag lead Lead Lead lead Lag lag lead Lag Lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Exlension (s) 3.0 3,0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Minimum Gap (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3,0 3.0 Time Before Reduce (s) 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 15.0 15.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 Time To Reduce (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 30.0 30.0 0,0 30.,0 0.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None Min Min NOM Mir\ None Act EIfel Green (s) 12.3 12.3 24.8 22.8 22.8 48.2 39.6 39.6 50.4 43.6 57.3 ActualedglC Ratie 0.12 0.12 0,23 0.22 0.22 0045 0.38 0.38 0.48 0.42 0.55 vIe Ratie 0.42 0.44 0.10 0.76 0.41 0.10 0,68 0.73 0.57 0.79 0,Q7 Con!rol Delay 52.5 52.7 34,6 46,9 41.3 14,8 30.2 36.4 23.1 32.8 7.5 Queue Delay 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0,0 T elal Delay 52.5 52.7 34.6 46.9 41.3 14.8 30,2 36.4 23.1 32,.8 7.5 MIMB P:\Traffic\TIA\Home Depot\Wilmingtonllowes (082007)\Phasing with Sat\backgreund (2008) sal.syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PllC 121 Porter's Neck Crossing No-Build (2008) Saturday 1: Plantation Road Extensi()r}& US 17 (Market Street) 8121/2007 ..} ... .- 4- ...... '\ t I" \.. ~ .I --Ii" lane Group E8l EST E8R WBl WST W8R NBl NBT NBR SBl SBT SBR lOS D D C D D B C D C C A Approach Delay 49.6 45.8 32,0 30.6 Approach LOS D D C C Queue Length 50th (II) 58 65 20 189 88 7 272 255 57 386 13 Queue Length 95th (ft) 113 123 49 275 163 21 365 400 102 510 26 Inlemal Link Dist (ft) 220 599 485 220 Tum Bay length (ft) 350 350 400 400 250 200 Base Ca pacity (vph) 281 296 363 830 404 207 1502 672 279 1582 901 Starvalion Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spil'lback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced vlc Ratio 0,31 0.32 0.10 0.67 0,36 0,10 060 0.,65 0.57 0.74 0,07 Inlersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Length: 120 Actualed Cycle Lenglh: 104,3 N alu ra I Cycle: 95 Control Type: Actuated-Uncoordinated Maximum vie Ratio: 0.79 Intersection Signal Delay: 35.2 lnlersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilization 71.7% leu Level 01 Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 Splits and Phases: 1: Plantation Road Extension & US 17 (Market Slreel) [; E::::=. r- ~ ~ MIA/B P:\Traffic\TIA\Home Depot\Wilmington\Lowes (082007)\Phasing with Sat\background (200S) sat.syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PLLC 122 ::Er-- <8 -N CO' <:0 ....... OT"" Q o~ Q !:;::!..oo !:;::!.. B B '5 "5 1II a:l ...... ):' < /:) x: w w 3: -- 00 Q 0 N l/) W ~ >- ..J Z 0 ::=.. r-- 0 Q N 00 e. III ~ 0 ..J C .s Cl c "e ~ 15 Q. III /:) 1lI E 0 ::I: - < i= U &: III ... t:: c.: en .E: III III 0 .... U .ll: U III Z III \.. III t: m o 1/1 ~ a. III . E ::E 0..2 III 0 ::E> 123 Porter's Neck Crossing Build (2008) AM 1: Porter's Neck Road & US 17 (Market StrE)et) 812112007 ; -+ t f ..- "- "'\ t I" \. J. ..; Lane Group EBl EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBt NBT NBR S8t S8T SBR Lane Configurations .,., t , .,., t , .,., tt , .,., tt , Volume (vph) 68 50 31 575 66 130 40 777 326 149 1017 76 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Grade (%j 2% 3% 2% 0% Storage Lengll1 250 0 400 100 300 400 250 400 Storage Lanes 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Taper Length (f1) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 la ne UtiL Factor 0.97 LOO 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.97 0.95 1.00 0,97 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 Fit Protected 0.950 0950 0,950 0.950 Said, Flow (prot) 3399 1844 1568 3382 1835 1560 3399 3504 1568 3433 3539 1583 FII Permitted 0.950 0.950 0.950 0950 SaId. Flow (perm) 3399 1844 1568 3382 1835 1560 3399 3504 15tl8 3433 3539 1583 Right Tum on Red No No No No Satd. Flow (RTOR) Link Speed (mph) 25 45 55 55 Link Distance (f1) 345 726 773 557 Travel Time (5) 9A 11.0 9.6 6.9 Peak Hour F aclor 0.90 O.9O 0,90 0.90 0,90 0.90 0.90 0,90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0,90 Adj. Flow (vph) 76 56 34 639 73 144 44 863 362 166 1130 84 Shared lane Traffic (%) lane Group Flow (vph) 76 56 34 639 73 144 44 863 362 166 1130 84 Turn Type Split pm+ov Split pm+ov Prot pmtov Prot pm+ov Protecled Pha ses 4 4 5 8 8 1 5 2 8 1 6 4 Permitted Phases 4 8 2 6 Detector Phase 4 4 5 8 8 1 5 2 8 1 6 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (5) 7,0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7,0 7.0 14.0 7.0 7,0 14.0 7.0 Minimum Split (5) 22.2 22.2 14,5 22.2 22.2 14.0 14,5 25.5 22.2 14,0 22.6 22.2 Total Split (5) 22.2 22,2 14.5 33.0 33.0 15.0 14,5 49.8 33.0 15.0 50.3 22.2 Total Split (%) 18.5% 18.5% 12.1% 275% 27.5% 12.5% 12.1% 41.5% 27.5% 12.5% 41.9% 18.5% Maximum Green (s) 15.2 15.2 7,5 26.0 26,0 8.0 7.5 42.8 26.0 8.0 43.3 15,2 Yellow Time (5) 5,0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 AII.Red Time (s) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,0 2.0 2,0 2.0 2.0 2,0 2.0 Lost Time Adjust (5) .2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2,0 -2.0 -2.0 -2,0 -2.0 -2.0 .20 -2.0 -2.0 Total Lost Time (5) 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5,0 lead/Lag Lead Lead lead lag lead Lag Lead-lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (5) 3.0 3..0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3,1) 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 Minimum Gap (5) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Time Before Reduce (5) 0.0 0.0 1),1) 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 15.0 0,0 Time To ReduC€ (5) 0.0 0.1) 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 30,0 0,0 0.0 30.0 0.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None None Min None None Min None Act Effd Green (s) 11.1 11.1 20.3 26.1 26.1 41.2 9,2 38.,2 64.3 10,0 42.5 58.7 Actuated glC Ratio 0.10 0,10 0.19 0.25 0.25 0.39 0,08 0.313 0.61 0.09 OAO 0.55 vlc Ratio 0,21 0.29 0.12 0.77 0.16 0.24 0.15 0.68 0,38 0.51 0.80 0,10 Control Delay 47.8 50.8 20,5 45.1 35.0 25,0 50.1 31.8 6.5 54.4 34.2 13.0 Queue Delay 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.,0 0.0 0,0 0,0 0.0 0,1) 0,0 0.0 Total Delay 47.8 50.8 20.5 45,1 35.0 25.0 50,1 31.8 6.5 54..4 34.2 13.0 MINB P:\TrafficITIA\Home DepotlWilminglonllowes (082007)\ONL Y LOWES 2008 (WEEKDA Y)\Build (2008) AM.syn Marlin Alexiou Bryson, PLLC 124 Porter's Neck Crossing Build (2008) AM 1: Eorter's Neck Road & US 17 (Market Street) 8/2112007 ..J "'t .- +- '- "\ t !" \.. ~ .,; -. Lane 13rou p EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR LOS D D C D D C D C A D C B Approach Delay 43.2 40.9 25.2 35.4 Approach LOS D D C D Queue Length 50lh (II) 26 38 11 218 41 69 15 263 48 59 375 28 Queue Length 95th (II) 50 80 28 303 85 126 35 346 88 100 489 54 IntemalUnk Oisl (It) 265 646 693 477 Tum Bay length (It) 250 400 100 300 400 250 400 Base Capacity (vph) 529 287 297 888 482 590 298 1406 968 330 1486 917 Starvalion Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillbaek Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced vie Ratio 0.14 0.20 0.11 0.72 0.15 0.24 015 0,61 0.37 0,50 0.76 0.09 Intersection Summary Area Type: Other Cycle length: 120 Aclualed Cycle Lenglh: 105,8 Natural Cycle: 95 Control Type: Actuated-Uncoordinated Maximum vlc Ratio: 0.80 Intersection Signal Delay: 315 Intersection LOS: C Intersection Capacity Utilization 69,5% ICU Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 ~. 08 MIA/B P:\Traffic\TIA\Home DepotlWilmington\lowes (082007)IONL Y LOWES 2008 (WEEKOAY)\Build (2008) AM.syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PLLC 125 ':E r-. a..g --- ('oj 0:) -- 0'" o~ ~.oo :2 ':; l:D :2 '5 g! ~ 0 ~ w w ! 00 0 0 N (fJ w ?: 0 ...J >- ...J, Z 9 ~ 0 0 N 00 ~ III ; 0 ...J C .e Cl c: ~ ~ 0 Q. <lI 0 <lI E 0 :r <i i= U IE f!. !:: a.: Cl c: 'iij III 0 U .lO: U <lI Z III "l.. <lI 1:: o III a.. <lI . E l:D a.;;J ~ /G- :e~ :E 126 Porter's Neck Grossing Build (2008) PM 1: Porter's Neck Road & US 17 (Market Street) 8/21/2007 ./' ... ~ 4- "- '" t I" \.. ~ '" -+ la ne Grou p EBl EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR lane ConFigurations '1'1 + ." '1'1 + ." 'i'i H ." '1'1 ++ ." Volume (vph) 201 120 116 553 76 125 103 1052 497 229 935 149 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Grade (%) 2% 3% 2% 0% Storage length (It) 250 0 400 100 300 400 250 400 Storage lanes 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Taper length (It) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Lane Uti!. Factor 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.97 1.00 tOO 0.97 0,95 toO 0,97 0.95 1.00 Frt 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 Fit Protecled 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prot) 3399 1844 1568 3382 1835 1560 3399 3504 1568 3433 3539 1583 Fit Permitted 0.950 0,950 0.950 0,950 Satd, Flow (perm) 3399 1844 1568 3382 1835 1560 3399 3504 1568 3433 3539 1583 Right Turn en Red No No Ne No Satd. Flow (RTOR) li n k Speed (mph) 25 45 55 55 link Distance (ft) 345 726 773 557 Travel Time (s) 9A 11.0 9.6 6.9 Peak Hour Factor O.S\} 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0,90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 Adj. Flow (vph) 223 133 129 614 84 139 114 1169 552 254 103S 166 Shared Lalle T raffie (%) lane Group Flow (vph) 223 133 129 614 84 139 114 116S 552 254 1039 166 Turn Type Split pm+ov Split pm+ov Prot pm+ov Prot pm+ov Protected Phases 4 4 5 8 8 1 5 2 8 1 6 4 PermiUed Phases 4 8 2 6 Detector Phase 4 4 5 8 8 1 5 2 8 1 6 4 Switch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7,0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7,0 14.0 7.0 7.0 14.0 7.0 Minimum Splil (5) 22.2 22.2 14.5 22.2 22.2 14.0 14.5 25,5 22,2 14.0 22.6 22.2 Total Split (s) 22.2 22.2 14,6 31.0 31,0 16.0 14.6 50,8 31.0 16.0 52.2 22.2 Total Split (%) 18.5% 18.5% 12.2% 25.8% 25.8% 13.3% 12.2% 42,3% 25.8% 13,3% 43.5% 18,5% Maximum Green (s) 15.2 15.2 7.6 24.0 24.0 9,0 7.6 43.8 24.0 9.0 45.2 15.2 Yellow Time (s) 5.0 5.0 5,0 5,0 5.0 5.0 50 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 All-Red Time (5) 2.0 2,0 2.0 2,0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,0 2.0 2.0 2,0 lost Time Adjust (s) -2.0 -2,0 -2.0 -2.0 -2,0 -2.0 -2,0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 Total Lest Time (s) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 Lead/lag Lead lead lead lag Lead lag Lead-Lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Minimum Gap (s) 3.0 3,0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.,0 3.0 3.0 Time Before Reduce (5) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15,.0 0,0 0.0 15.0 0,0 Time To Reduce (5) 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 30,.0 0.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None None Min None None Min None Ac! Effet Green (s) 14.9 14.9 24.4 25,1 25.1 41.2 9,5 43.0 68.2 11,1 44,6 64.5 Actuated g/C Ratio 0.13 0,13 0.21 0.22 0.22 0.36 0.08 0.38 0,60 0.10 0.39 0,56 vie Ratio 0.50 0.55 0,39 0.83 0.21 0.25 0.40 0.89 0.59 0.76 0.75 0.19 Control Delay 51.0 56.7 24,2 53.6 39.5 28,3 56.0 42.9 10.3 67.2 34.5 12.7 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 Tolal Delay 51.0 56,7 24.2 53.6 39.5 28.3 56,0 429 10.3 67.2 34,5 12.7 M/NB P:\Traffie\TIA\Home Depol\WilmingtonlLowes (082007)\ONLY LOWES 2008 (WEEKDAY)\Build (2008) PM,syn Marlin Alexiou Bryson, PllC 127 Porter's Neck Crossing Build (2008) PM 1: Porter's Neck Road & US 17 (Market Street) 812112007 .,} .. . +- , "'\ t I" \.. ~ .I ~ Lane Group EBl EST EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SaL SBT SBR lOS D E C D D C E D a E C B Approach Delay 45.4 48,0 33.9 37.7 Approach LOS D D C D Queue le nglh 50th (II) 82 96 50 232 53 75 43 428 117 99 351 57 Queue length 951h (II) 123 162 85 #321 100 129 74 533 181 #166 441 94 Internal Link. Dist (fl) 265 646 693 477 Turn Bay Length (II) 250 400 100 300 400 250 400 Base Capacity (vph) 503 273 336 767 416 563 287 1375 942 333 1433 908 Starvation Cap Reducm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SpHlback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced vie Ratio 0.44 0.49 0.38 0.80 0.20 025 OAO 0.85 0.59 0.76 0.73 0.18 Inlerseclion Summary Area Type: Other Cycle Lenglh: 120 Actuated Cycle Length: 114.2 Natural Cycle: 95 Control Type: Actuated-Uncoordinaled Maximum vie Ratio: 0.89 Intersection Signal Delay: 38.9 Intersection LOS: D Intersection Capacity Utilizaljon 70.6% leu Level 01 Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 # 95th percentile volume exceeds capacity, queue may 00 longer. Queue shown is maximum aller two cycles. Splits and Phases: 1: Porter's Neck Road & US17 (Market Street) ~.~r J!:..... , MIN8 P:\Traffie\TIA\Home Depol\Wilmington\Lowes (082007}\ONLY LOWES 2008 (WEEKDAY}\Build (2008) PM.syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PLLC 128 c >d'" >. mo lI) 'tIO ~ "N 0( ::::J..... .... ... VJ ,t'a ~ VJ(O ;) 0 0 ~ :!2 "5 CO og = 0 N VJ W ~ ..J >- ..J Z 9 ;::- 0 = N (0 e- ll) Gl ~ 0 ..J 1: 0 m c ~ ~ 0 0. III Q Gl EE 0 :c: <i ~ is E! !:: a: :=:"1 en PO~.'\ .5 \ i v w '" w Ii. e u U .>II: (ll <..I Z III '" Z ~r;..-. w ~ ... 0 Gl 0- 1: o w Q. Gl co ' EE ~ 0.::::J m 0 :IE ::E> 129 Porter's Neck Crossing Build (2008) Saturday 1: Porter's Neck Road & US 17 (Market Street) 8/21/2007 /' .. . ....... "- '*\ t /" \.. ~ .,,; -+ Lane Group EBL EST EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Conflgurati ons 'i'i + ." 'i'i + ." 'i'i ++ ." 'i'i ++ ." Volume (vph) 278 145 189 503 112 89 193 745 391 142 982 279 Ideal Flow (vphpl) 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Grade (%) 2% 3% 2% 0% Slorage Length (II) 250 0 400 100 300 400 250 400 Storage Lanes 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Taper Length (It) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Lane Util. Factor 0.97 1.00 1.00 0.97 1.00 1.00 0,97 0,95 1.00 0.97 0,95 1.00 Frt 0,850 0.850 0.850 0.850 Fit Protected 0.950 0.950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (prol) 3399 1844 1568 3382 1835 1560 3399 3504 1568 3433 3539 1583 FII Permitted 0.950 0,950 0.950 0.950 Satd. Flow (penn.) 3399 1844 1568 3382 1835 1580 3399 3504 1568 3433 3539 1583 Righi Turn on Red No No No No Satd. Flow (RTOR) Li nk Speed (mph) 25 45 55 55 Link Distance (II) 345 726 773 557 Travel Time (s) 9.4 11,0 9.6 6.9 Peak Hour Faclor 0,90 0.90 0,90 0.00 0,90 0.90 0,90 0.90 0,90 0,90 0.90 0,90 Ad), Flow (vph) 309 161 210 559 124 99 214 828 434 158 1091 310 Shared Lane Traffic (%) Lane Group Flow (vph) 309 161 210 559 1.24 99 214 828 434 158 1091 310 Turn Type SpHI pm+ov Split pm+ov Prot pm+ov Prol pm+ov Protecled Pha ses 4 4 5 8 8 1 5 2 8 1 6 4 Pennitted Phases 4 8 2 6 Detector Phase 4 4 5 8 8 1 5 2 8 1 6 4 Swilch Phase Minimum Initial (s) 7.0 7,0 7.0 7,0 7,0 7.0 7,0 14.0 7,0 7.0 14.0 7,.0 Minimum Splil (8) 22,2 22.2 14.5 22.2 22.2 14.0 14.5 25.5 222 14.0 22.6 22,2 Total Split (s) 22,2 22.2 16.0 30.0 30.0 15,0 16.0 52,8 30,0 15.0 51.8 22.2 Tolal Split (%) 18.5% 188% 13.3% 250% 250% 12,5% 13,3% 44.0% 25,0% 12.5% 43.2% 18.5% Maximum Green (s) 15.2 152 9.,0 23.0 23.0 8.,0 9,0 45,8 .23.0 8.0 44.8 15.2 Yellow Time (s) 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 50 5,0 5.0 All-Red Time (8) 2.0 2,0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2,0 2,0 2.0 2.0 Losl Time Adjust (s) -2.0 -2.0 -2,0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2.0 -2,0 -2,0 -2,0 -2.0 -2.0 Total LoslTime (s) 5.0 5,0 5,0 5.0 5,0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5,0 5,0 5.0 Lead/Lag Lead L.ead Lead Lag Lead Lag Lead-lag Optimize? Vehicle Extension (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.,0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Minimum Gap (s) 3.0 3.0 3.0 30 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 3,0 3.0 3.0 Time Befora Reduce (s) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 15.0 0.0 0,0 15.0 0.0 Time To Reduce (s) 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0,0 3110 0.0 0.,0 30,0 0.0 Recall Mode None None None None None None None Min None None Min None Act Elfe! Green (8) 16.2 16..2 21,2 23.9 23.9 38,9 11.0 42.6 66.,5 9.9 41.6 62.8 Aclualed g/C Ratio 0.14 0.14 0,24 0.21 0.21 0.34 0.10 0.38 0.59 0.09 0,31 0.56 vie Ratio 0,63 0.61 0.56 0.78 0.32 0.18 0.64 0,63 0.47 0.52 0,84 0,35 Conlrol Delay 52.6 51,0 26.5 51.4 41.7 28.7 60.4 31.1 8.5 57.7 39,3 15.1 Queue Delay 0.0 0.0 0,.0 00 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 Tolal Delay 52.6 51.0 26.5 51.4 41.7 28.7 60.4 31.1 8.5 57.7 39.3 15,1 MINB P:\TrafficITIA\Home Depot\WilminglonlLowes (08200 7)ION L Y LOWES 2008 (SATURDAY)\8uild (2008) SAT,syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PLLC 130 Porter's Neck Crossing Build (2008) Saturday 1: Po rte r"s Ne-9k Road & US 17 (Market Street) 812112007 ..J- -+ .. #'" +- "- "'\ t I' \. J. ./ Lane Group EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR LOS D E C 0 D C E C A E 0 B Approach Delay 45.6 47,0 28.7 36.4 Approach LOS 0 0 C 0 Queue Length 50th (ft) 114 115 82 206 80 52 81 262 88 60 387 121 Queue Lenglh 95th (II) 166 193 137 278 140 98 126 328 129 97 474 180 Inlemal Link Disl (II) 265 646 693 477 Turn Bay Length (f1) 250 400 100 300 400 250 400 Base Capacity (vph) 517 280 379 746 405 522 334 1424 932 307 1407 888 Starvation Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spillback Cap Reductn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storage Cap Reducln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reduced vlc Ratio 0.60 0,.57 0,55 0.75 0.31 0.19 0,.64 0,58 0.47 0.51 0.78 0.35 Inlerseclion Summary Area Type: Olher Cycle Length: 120 Actuated Cycle Length: 112.8 Nalural Cycle: 85 Conlrol Type: Actuated-Uncoordinated Maximum vie Ratio: 0.84 Intersection Signal Delay: 37.1 Inlersection LOS: D Inlersection Capacily Utilization 71.6% leu Level of Service C Analysis Period (min) 15 ~~E::::tS"f- ~ , MINB P:\Traffic\TlAIHome DepotlWilminglon\Lowes (08200 7)\ON L Y LOWES 2008 (SATURDAY)\Build (2008) SAT.syn Martin Alexiou Bryson, PLLC 131 ~<"l\OCo ""\Ot:::Q .Il:: \Off)"" ~-.?oOO\ .~ VIl..~ "" 00 ceo ,,"000 N .~ ~ ~ .... R R R (/)............. "" '" ::> ] ?::: J 0 +-J' VJ ... 0 .~ =.......("..1...., t:: en 132 _..~ ~,~,~='.-'-_..""-- ...'^'-- ,.~~.~- I ~"~,'~O i f\ :of, ok" !'f-.J "-.:::::' C) ',< j''''i i/'. '1 "II, /[./ (i l"b: j\ii;;] [xlstu"9 Lone.,ge hi - :"i',-,.--:I '"_....::.'T. l S t-QI"-o-ge Le('i,;t,h~ ..~,~~., ~f,,'pro)qm-o~~(! C1~t;!)'~.ce~ " 1 ~ 1: I;~;;1I 'S; ,~.-~ e: I 133 134 . ,I,,,,,,^I.~,(,,, """'L';," .. ..... ......... .. r.r'l' ".f";'I ''.It (};\. P'.J"""'i"'" ~ . . J ~ . ... ." .'J.i' , \r .", , ,,." "~' ;',11' r" ,f'JflJ'dil1:...., II . . :' I MEMORANDUM To: Jimmy Al!i~IKe Commercial Propcl'tics I"wm: Lyle Overcash, Martin! Akxiou/Bryson, PILe Date: July 26, 2007 Subject: Poner's Neck Crossing - Additional Analysis -.-. ~--~~.._-_.....~._~~...................~~~~' --~-,,_.........,~- This memo iu.ldresses some of the comments [hal surfaced nt the recent New H~nover Coumy Comn'lissioners meeting concerning the operations of the US 17 (Markel Street) and Pottet's Neck Road intersection once the NCDOT required improvements are fully constructed. In addition, we've included trip generation estimates from other uses in the New llanover County's B-1 'Zoning classification for pmposes to the Lowe's development. The Pottcr's Neck Crossing is pwposed in )h,~ northwestern comer of the US 17 (Market Street) and Porter's Nee k Road signalized inter:;('c lion, immediately l1djacenl to the recently cOlnplcted ] -140 (US 17 Bypass) to the north, additiQrlill existing retail development to the south, V(lCilOl land to the west, and US 17 to the ea:;t. Therefore, additional access to the north and east are not pos$lble due to NCDCr' contl'Ol of "ecess on those facilities. Connections to the shopping cenlcrare on the site plan and a st\1b out 10 the west will be provided. The Lowe's site is anticipated to open during 2008, ahead of the overall retail site tbat was analyzed in the May 1,2006 TIA by MIA/B. fhe original study analyzed a total of 435,000 st]uare feel (sf) of retail dcvelopm<:mt, consisting of a 134,UOO sf !VJfne improvement store, :\ 120,000 sf free slanding di~c0lmt store, ami 1 HI ,GOO ~f of general rdnil. Since the and appwvnl of Ihat study, the home improvement u~e IS now slated 10 be appruxllllatdy 170,000 ~r, thetch)' rcducing the size of the other retail planned for the site allJ keeping tbe tolal squnte footage within the projected 435,000 sf. &allntersecdon Design Tit,. eastbound appl'Oflch of the Markel SITcet and Poncl"~ Neck Road intersection currently is composed Qf 3 egress Ian\.::; ~1 left, I and 1 right) and 1 ingrcsslal1(" T!if westbound approach consists of 3 egress laucs, (2 lefls and 1 thl"Ough-nght) and 2 ingte:;s lanes. The northbound and southbound Market Street approaches consist of '1 Left, 2 throughs, and 1 right, with 2 receiving lanes on the depfll'ting approaches, The easrbotmd l\pprom:h, referred to as Porter's Neck Road serve, tbe cxiBting C'OmmcrCllll development on the south side of the driveway and er.ds approximately JOO feet to the wc~t of IVlarku Street. This roadway will be extended to the west to serve the overall retail site only. NCDOT puformed their t.cvievi J'-'1uary ! 'i, of the 'ITA "nd rhe fni.' the overall Port<:r's Neck site: · Provide 'I c!!cl"t'% l:lllt" :md :: bne; un Ihl' e""l!l,ymd ppl'[.<.:r's Neck RC~IJ !~;;, 1(.,',,)01\ 135 . Rcstripe the eastbound to provifk du~l lefl-turn lanes, 1 through and 1 righHUtl1 !ane \\.~tb 500 feel ofinlem~l stem. . Extend the southboLlOd right-turn lane to provide for 400 feet of rult storJlge and appropriate deceleration tapel' along MiI!'!tet Street. . Widen the northbound US 17 approach to provide dunllefHuln hmes with 300 feet of full stomge (each) and appt(,prLate tapers. At thls time, the cunent site plan shows the twO ingress lanes extended all the way to the fLrSt full access driveway after tbe 500 feet of internal stem. . Upgrade the signal phasing and w accommodate tbe recommended intcl"scction imp rovcmcnts. Analysis This analysi:,; is to determine ,he level of service for the US ! 7 (Mnrkcl Street) and Porter's Neck Rone! intersection under three col1e!il'ions - (200?), No.Build (2008) and Build (2(08). The pruposcd Low,:', fOIlI-print /lOW is now fl InaximulU of 170,000 sf The trip gencrntion is ShUWll in 'I'ltblt I. Table 1- Lowe's Trip Generation A.M. Peak Hour Total Trips jT!:'. Land USE G.i'/U'lit5 nT'. :'vrANUAL l\i\TES' US~ Code ADT AM, Emcr A.M. EX!l A.lvL Tot~l 86t Home Impwvemem Store 170.000 sf 4,652 110 94- 2(1'1 1.,1111I1 !Jr, Tol,t/" /lO,OGO tj 4,6J2 I/O 94 204 P,M. Peak Hour Total Trips ITELmd ust:. C,fjUn;N n12 Mt\NL':\L RATES' Use Code ADT P.M, Enter I J>,M, Exit P.M, Tot~! 862 Home Imnwvcmenl SWl'C 170,000 sf 4,652 196 T 221 417 Land U" 1~IIIl.r /70,11004' 4,652 196 T 221 417 P,M. PeaK Hour Pass-By Trips [1'E Land USE Fa" by % ITE lVlr.NCAL RAIES' Us", Code ADT fJ,M. Enter I'.M.E~it P.M. Total 862 Home fmprm'cme,H Store 48% .1,652 100 100 20C Lmd tiff Toft/!, t\/A 4,6;2 100 tOo 200 A.M, Peak Hour Non.Pass-Sy Trips lTELll'1d USE Gs ftUnits nE Ivl.ANUi\J. RATES' U,e Code ,\DT t\,M, Erne.. A.M, Exit ;\,10.,[. Tol:.l 862 H~)J"!:tc Ity).t)i'ovcmcnr ~tOi'(~ 170,000 sf 4,652 llO 94 204 I..iIlNi Ui<' '[,)fll Ie 170,000 ,/ 4,6)2 flO 94 21).1 P.M. Peak Hour Non.Pass-By Trips n'F J ,~nd fJSj,~~ C;~fl[Jnlts !TE MAN U:\ L RATES' U,,, Co(1e ,\DT P.M. t::mcr P.i\!, r:~it 1'.,"", Tnm' 1',62 l-iunw In:lpi\J\lelult:ll[ ~tOl'C 1 :(1,00:) ,f 4,652 % 121 2.17 [.<t!!dU5<'TiJ!".Ij' 170,000 !i 4,652 96 127' 21l [TF 7rh P,(Et:l)ll T:-!p Ct;th~:1Iri\m f\.hnti:;i;: 2 136 'rhe overal! site analyzed in the TIA genenlted approximately 20,647 dady trips, 485 A.M. peak hour nips (292 entering, 193 exiting), and 1,861 P.M. peak hour trips {902 entering, 959 exiting} When comparing the Lowe's trips to the overall site's trips, it amounts to approximately 20%, i\ new intersection movement cOllnt was performed on June 2007. These volumes and currell[ intersecrion geometries were used to update the Existillg (2007) conditions amdysis, r,s 1~140 was nor completed at the time of the original study. The No.Build (2008) analysis consisted of adding the Sllme developments as in the original TIA, but utilizing 75% of the total approved developments' traffic as analyzed in the original TIll. to lldjust for portions of tlie uncompleted dcvelopmc:lts by 2008, Finlllly the Build (2008) analysis consisted of adding the site trips from Table 1 to the No..Build (2008) volumes, aod assumed the full required improvements by N(:DOT at the US n (Market Street) and Porter's Neck Road intersection (Figure 2). The imcrsection volumc~ for rhese scel1llrlos arc ,hown below: Figure 1- Existing Geometries and Volume Scenarios (Lcgmd: xx" t\.M, vdu",o." (XX) '" P.M, ,."hHnc;) B:xiJ/tt(1, (2007) Gcoi!Jctda I~v.i.rti1lg (2007J Trali( VO/lImc.> ~ (55) (966) (167) ~ 99 (104) 200' 250' ,-- 400' 25 997 128 .............. 3() (47) Porler's Neck Road ) l ! " 400' ) I \. ,-- ,- 390. (428) Porter's Neck Road J '\ tt ( (95) 25 J '\ t ( ..-----.... '"' cont 4o.Q' (65) 22 ............... 7 762 274 (29) 3 , (24) (1080) (334) US17 US 17 ,/'..,jo.l3l1t1d(2008! Tmjp. '.oilp'IleJ l3/tiM (20081 'ftq/lk I/O/110m (56) (985) (229) "- 130 (125) (149) (935) (229) '- 130 (125) 26 1017 149 .............. 44 (57) 76 1017 ....-- 66 (76) Porler's Neck Road ) t " (553) ) + (553) Parler's Neck Raad (97) 26 J ( (201) 6B ( (96) 31 - 7 m 326 (120) 50 ~ 40 777 3213 (30) 3 , (24) (11021 (497) (116) 31 , (103) (1052j usn USH 3 137 The rcsults of the analyses arc listed in Table 2, Table 2 - LOS Results Intersectfon and Approach No.Build (2008) Build (2008) A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. US 11 (Markel SUMI) and rouer's C D C D Road .,.." Figure 2 - Build (2008) Geometries (Lcg,,,1d; xxx fUnitT iIitiC gCiHHcrrics) 400' 250' ~ ) l ! \. ,- 400' r 400' Porter's Neck Road 300' -' \\ttr -' 300' 300' 400' __>_ 300' , USH fhl.';ed on the results, the US n (Market Streer) and Porter's Neck Reild intersection is projected to oper:lte at an acceptable level of service (LOS C Ilnd LOS D) during both th<~ A.1vl. and P.M peak hOllrs, respectively, \vhcn the Lowe's development is completed ami the intersection has IH~('ll b\.liIH)1.1t. Laud Use Scenarios A!l analysis was performed to determine diffcren t land llse scenarios under the current B.1 that could b{' conslnlCted ill place of the proposed Lowe's without rezoning. Based 011 a col1stnint of 170,000 the following scenarios were analyzed to COmp\lre theit generation characteristics. Also shown are the Average Dailj' Traffic (ADT) in vebicles pCI' ciaI' (vpd), based on the wlTcsponding trip generation code:; included in the ITE Generation !'vItl/lllal, 7" that could be generated by each scenario: ADT . .li:fJ./JLI70 # 1 {Proptmoll 4,652 0 H o!l!e .'lIon' -. i ,r{ . 8, .>66 Ppti 0 rJ.';.f~y)/flJ! - 170JI00 -:1' . /5,476 It,,{ 0 eMenll gi:!/Ii! -. 14.?,OOO sF C FtJJr [-""i)fNII(,;ilduJ'{udr 1Pt!/; l)rip!f- if'!rft (4. -+,001) S'/,iIIIY -- /6,000 ,,t 138 0 T~I"fI1}V&r (Sit Down) Resk/#rafJ/- 6,000 if 0 (7rJIIIJtnidllte r'ood JirJn ,- 2,000 Jf 0 Balik Ivitb D rive~ Thnl- 4,000 {/ (3 driw.llma) . Sqnaria #4 (Groc~ry Sto/'C Anrhor Jvith Outpan"tLrJ 19,310 lpd 0 GtWtry Stlin - 60,000 sf 0 Genml! Relail-- 75,000 sf 0 Drug S ton 15,000 ~( 0 Fmt fI(>Od RestatlrtlfltJ Jvith Drivt-Thru (2 @ 4,000 - 8,000 if 0 lligh JimlOb'dT (Sit DI'ilVfI) ReJtaul"I1II! - 6,000 .'If 0 COf/lJ(!tlfem'1l Poat! Ston - 2,000 ~f 0 13elll.!,; illi/Ii l)rivt,:rhm - 4,DUO As shown, rew:ling this sire ftom B-1 to 13.2 and cOfJStrtlcling the proposed Lowe's development 011 tbl3 ~i.te would generate far less Ire-hide, pel' day than would be by any of the other B.l scenarios liw~d above, I f you h~\ vc a ny 'Illes lions this S\II1HTI<1ry ple:'..~e COllt~ct me lit (919) 829.(J32fL Y 0\.1 can also teac 11 me via email H [ 139 140 141 20H6 ('f'f~S~] The for vehicle the convergence more (falrle a common ]o<.:[nIOI1 is crashes. mosl often OCCllI" Thest' areas can <':I"eare dUll are difficu] I Table ranks. the fifteen intel'sections within the WMPA that ti,e number of crashes Table~: High Crrlsh IlI!~rs~(:ti(ll1~ 1\illdalhe \\':'\11',\ 201h" Intersection Road A Roadfiil Total # of J!lrlsdlctiofl Crashes Since the of is. the 1110S.t urbanized and travcled area within tIll? il comes. as. no s.urpns.e that it l'i.1llIains. li intcrseClions. ( I (JI recorded in The Cl'asb were located in Nc\\ HU110\el' and the Town of Leland ] ). ]2 the location of the fi fteen crash intersection:; \\ithin the \V;vl Pill. at the dbtribtl1ion these it i~ evidelll that crasl] interSeClions are v,;ithin the g limits used to conm1uk 10 nnl! 1rom !he , G !yell [hm EICL one may assume that the vehide crashes at lhcse im~:rseclions could be caused tnlHic in and arOllnd the ilHLT';L'('lion.; and 142 II Pr:J ~1 U'ltflg o rgf!.fl b!'r,~ri(jn Figure 12: lOClllimJ of the Crash IIHN'M~cti(Hl, ,,11hil1ln(' ,Y"U'A - 2006 74 '1 'I 7~ '42'71 12 9 -"_.__.~ " I"""""~=~'- I II 143 '.I~/ilmhlg~ufl f\i'~('n'-rj;p~;~l1t,Hi Pliknnln~ OIr'Mrr~11i1::iH~Ol11 Figure 14: E~tinH,ted T(lt~1 Proper!)' Dtllllllge 2006 ~ '" ~ E ~ 0 ~ ') '" 0 d: " ! .~ ~ w ~ E r I I l'ntliIl'rs.:ecUtH1 ~ Uifi1:bii:"'i'W Tolal Crash crash exposure rates for vchicle at intersections is critical for oven,ll of a vehicle at each IDeation involved in a crash. 'rile benefit of exposure nll(~S as to other of crash data fbr of these locations is common unit of measure for evalwltion estimated crashes per million vehicles an To calculale crash exposure rales, currenl data relaled to lotal ,/ehicle crashes and anmml traffic mllst be available. 8ecause the \VMPO l~ollecls traffic counl. data the nrefL current 2006 data was available for these calculations. The NCDOT TEAAS c!,llcuhned each crash exposure rate based upon the most crash dam availuhlc and iTamC count d3la collected 144 \ ~'l.~t'11:i'l1! gf[}l] (\;1: C'rl"O pnl i lfl t1 1;'~H ~l~~.j:ng Tllble :;.: Tvt,d Crllsh R~lc - 2()O6 Intersection Total Crash Intersectioll Intersection Rank/Number Rate* Number per Source: f>JCDOT TEA.AS 145 i,ll'nl rlgt1;}fi !\,~ it'! l'''UpH~~t~~n 16: Locati':H1 of'lhe mabeS1 Cmsh Inlerseclioll' "ithlll rC;l, OIl' ,\i\~" U:HlfI\ \.'1" 2(11)(1- ::w II (,. 76 r"'-~'~'=~"~"=~'~~I ~__________________i ----- 146 ~ 8. ~ ~ "'-1 '0.. ...w' ~ (5 1- ~ :t:: ~ ;:'1 0: :J< i( f" c f- i;OQ il5 ~ ~. -J =.i ",,,: c'rl..,.,)1.....t ...J...J - - -. :< ,,'"~ ~ :;:;:;' ~~1'Sf!'m~1S f;i ~.~ m!t~~tk~~ [E l","~ ~ ~~. CJ.....:~OO[1jik~~_4j- Z ..:( -I !l. ill '1-- 4;; (J) z Cl ill l- ..:( 0 l- :J 0 0 z ...: ..J <:( z <IS a: 0 147 This page intentionally left blank. 148 CITIZEN EMAILS 149 Page 1 of I O'Keefe, Chris From: Anthony Giordano [agiordano@ec.rr.com] Sent: Sunday, August 19, 20073:42 PM To: O'Keefe, Chris Subject: Porters Neck Rd Shopping Center Traffic Dear Mr. O'Keefe As a resident of Porters Neck Plantation and Country Club I am more than just concerned about the traffic impact of the addition of a Lowes and other stores at the planned locations.. II am supportive of the stores themselves, but I envision another Military Cutoff which was a very good example of poor planning. Anything that can be done to take care of the expected problem before it occurs would be good for the residents of this area, the retailers and future retirees. Traffic congestion becomes a disincentive 10 utilize retailers in congested areas. Those in this community who are prospering from the areas growth stand to lose at least some future growth because prospective retirees don't want traffic congestion. I was recenlly looking at a magazine which listed the 10 top areas to live and retire in. Several of the key winning features included green space, walking and bicycle paths, the lack of traffic congestion, and moderate year round temperatures. Wilmington has the last feature and is sorely lacking in the other areas. As a transplant to the area, I would like to have pride in the fact that I live in Wilmington. There are so many positives here that it would be a shame to let traffic congestion be a deterrent whether at Porters Neck or anywhere in this city., I would appreciate your passing my thoughts on to the county commissioners and I thank you for the opportunity to weigh in on the subject Anthony Giordano 436 White Columns Way Wilmington, N.C, 28411 agiordano@ec.rr,com !SIG:46c89ddc196701603013703! 8/21/2007 150 O'Keefe, Chris From: Maclellan, Michael M (GE Infra, Energy) [michael.maclellan@ge.com] Sent: Wednesday, August 15,200712:32 PM To: O'Keefe, Chris Subject: Porters neck Development- Lowes Nr. Okeefe, Please pass my concerns along to the commIssioners prIor to the Sept 4 meeting regarding the proposed Lowes in the Porters neck area ~ ~ ~ I do not oppose development but strongly oppose development thout adequate infrastructure n place prior to the development. Military Cutoff is a perfect example of irresponsIbility in providing the infrastructure to suppcrt the development. It is a mess and t is dangerous. It is unbelievable that ary cutoff road construction has been going on for >5 years now when the infrastructure should have been in place irst. \~e need to be smart enough and responsible enough to learn from past mistake and avoid those same mistakes in the Porters Neck area. The deve 1 ope.r (as wi h any developer) does not really have our best erest in mind. For themE it is about making money. I do not fault the developer for this, that's economics. But as our county commissioners, you should be concerned about the community, our F.....ishesf safety. It is your responsibility, as our representatives, to ensure that infrastructure is first place to support any in this T that you all hold your responsibility to tht citizens county as as you should and that you do not let us dO\.-Jr'l in this matter. I respectfully request that you insist on adequate infrastructure prior to development. As you know, our roads in New Hanover county are alre dy dangerous and congested enough and we lead the state in car accidents .. ..a race we s ould not be You no'w have an opportunity te start making a difference. You batt e cry be .. . Infrast.ructure first . ~ ~ Then development 1 Please do not let us down. Sincerely, Mike MacLellan Engineering TechQical Training Leader GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GHE '1' 910-602- 856 F 582~48 6 michael.maclellan@ge.com 3901 Castle Hayne Road P.O. Box 780, M/C L30 , NC 284 02 OS,I\ !SIG:46c32a89l967047 9611322 I 1 151 Page I of 1 O'Keefe, Chris From: JERRYClEM@aol.com Sent: Saturday, August 18, 20074:16 PM To: O'Keefe, Chris Cc: Burgess, Sam; brink4245@ec.rr.eom; twest2@ee.rr.eom; dbauereis@ee.rr.com; jcapellini@ee.rr.com; dkellam@bizee.rr.eom; PinkstonFB@aol.eom; msnave@bellsouth.net Subjlect: Sepl 4 Co Commissioners Meeting Chris, will you insure the commissioners receive a copy of this note prior to their Sept 4 meeting? Proposed Lowes Development at Porters Neck Although I have been in Minnesota for the past 7 weeks, I have kept up with the proposed Lowes development. In my June 19, 2007, e&mail to you and Sam, I mentioned the need for an independent traffic study to be done at the intersection of Porters Neck and Market St along with one showing traffic thru the exiisting PN Shopping Center. There is no way that exiting traffic from Lowes can use the PN Shopping Center~~~either in front of the Food Lion or behind the 1st Citizens BankJ/Port City Java delivery alley. The only way to handle the increased traffic is to open up a NEW exit other than PN Rd. This can be done in one of these ways: 1. Require the Developer to purchase/lease the property behind the Food Lion and build a new road that would tie in to Market St just south of the Food Lion. 2. Make plans to extend PN Rd to Plantation Rd. 3. Build a new frontage road parallel to Market St all the way to the ABC store or thereabouts. 4. Widen Market St more than the developer has proposed. It is very inappropriate to block 500 feet of PN Rd on the west side of Market St just to allow Lowes access/egress. This would severely limit the 1st Citizens Bank to operate and also would prevent north bound traffic to exit from PN Shopping center. A person was killed last year as he tried to eX.it north on Market St without using the existing stopliight. The two current exits from PN Shopping Center(south of Port City Java) are not designed for left(going north) turns. I would hope that the developer and/or Lowes try further to assist in the long range traffic planning for this area. Additional traffic studies and access/egress plans are needed before approvals are given to the developer. Thanks again for your considerations, Jerry Brown Get a sneak peek of the all~new AGLeom. ISIG:46c753911684914462129431 8/21/2007 152 Page 1 of 1 O'Keefe, Chris From: Robert Lawrence [RLAWRENCE13@ec.rr.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 14,200710:05 AM To: O'Keefe, Chris Subject: New Lowes on Porters Neck Rd. While we welcome more services in this northern area of the county, we heartily agree that this proposed Shopping center needs more than the one entrance off of Porters Neck Rd. Please forward this comment to the county commisioners prior to the Sept 4th meeting, Thank you. Rob and Joan Lawrence, 744 Zekes Run, Wilmington, NC 28411 (910) 681-0118 rlawrence13@ec.rr.com Protected by Spam Blocker Utility & Click here to protect your inbox from Spam. !SIG:46c1 b67e1684931i 18411604! 8/21/2007 153 Page] of] O'Keefe, Chris From: Carol Calderwood [carolc@cape-fear,net) Sent: Monday, August 13, 20071:14 PM fo: O'Keefe, Chris Subject: Lowes Development, Porters Neck Area Dear Mr. O"Keefe: I am writing this to ask you to let the New Hanover County Commissioners know thai a single entrance for traffic into this proposed development would be, at best, foolish. The existing infrastructure, even with additional turning lanes is tOlally inadequate for the find of traffic this kind of development will generate. I am sure NOONE who uses this intersection daily would vote positively for such a plan. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a Responsible Developer one day propose sufficient improvements prior to presenting a plan that the neighborhood would embrace the project as GOOD for the neighborhood. This couid happen in this instance with the Developers reasonable acceptance of responsibility for good traffic flow, both immed,iately and into Ihe future. The fact of having a Lowe's is welcome, but only with aforethought to traffic impact. Sincerely, Carol Calderwood 8421 Emerald Dunes Rd., Wilmington, NC 28411 l SI G :46009148230468636410735! 8/21/2007 -~,--.,.. 154 O'Keefe, ChriiS From: Andel [bjandel1 @bellsouth.net] Sent: Tuesday, August 21 , 2007 11 :49 AM To: O'Keefe, Chris Subject: Lowes at Porters Neck Dear Nr. O'Keefe, I am a resident of Plantation Landing in the Portersneck area and am deeply concerned about the proposed building of Lowes in our area and especia 11' the prospect of another shopping center. The increased traffic to this area would be absolutely unmanageable. The only way it should even be considered is if both the entrance and exit were on 14 before the Wilmington exit. That would be the only way to keep he increased traffic OFF Market street. We need to carry out the appropriate infrastructure improvements BEFORE any shopping center dEcisions are carried out to avoid anothe debacle ike Military Cutoff occurs Please pass my email alon.g to the County Commissioners before the Sept. 4th meeting. Sincerely, Judy Andel No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked P,VG Free Edition. Ve,rsion: .5.1184 / Virus Database: 269.12.1/963 - Release Date: 8/20/2007 5:44 PM !S G:46cb09581684912 3432085! ! 155 August 12, 2007 Mr. Chris O'Kieffe, AICP Sir, Reference the upcoming County Commissioners' Meeting on September 4, subject the Lowe's Plus Shopping Center. Please forward my comments to the Commission. A single access to the proposed area and the project developer's traffic estimates seem woefully inadequate, even on a cursory level. I submit for your consideration that there are, in addition to present residents, three developments and their attendant densities still under development along Porters Neck Road. Additionally, logic will tell us that residents north of Military Cutoff and those living in Hampstead and communities north will be frequent visitors to the Lowe's plus (as opposed to the one at Eastwood and Market). I suggest that this logic compels us to conclude that a second, major, access be designed and approved before project approval. In this regard, an intergovernmental study group should be funded to provide the Planning Director and County Commissioners with some solid traffic estimates, present and future. ~~ Hu~h Phi. ips 428 White Columns Way Wilmington, NC 28411 Philhug@verizonmail,com 156 JOHN R. JEFFERIES, AlA WilLIAM G. FARIS. ARCHITECT EMERITUS Mr Chris O'Keefe, Director August 22, 2007 New Hanover County Planning Department 230 Market Place Drive Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Re; Modification to Zoning Ordinance Dear Chris; I am writing to suggest a modification to the allowable uses for the B-1 zoning. This need came to light in the recent meeting of the Board of Commissioners relative to the requested rezoning of property at Porters Neck Road for construction of a Lowes Home Improvement Store. The present definition ofthe B-1 zoning is..... ". . .. to provide convenient shopping! facilities primarily of necessary goods and personal services required to serve a neighborhood. The district's principal means of ingress and egress shall be along collector roads, minor arterials, and or major arterials as designated on the County's Thoroughfare Classification Plan," The list of allowable uses includes, among other things, the following: Apparel and accessory store Furniture, home furnishings & equipment General merchandise Miscellaneous retail Government offices I interpret this definition to mean that any allowable use would not normally attract traffic from any great distance from the neighborhood. This list allows construction of major retail stores such as WalMart and Target. These stores will generate a lot of traffic outside of the neighborhood and are, in my opinion, more appropriate for B~2 zoning ( which is intended for heavy traffic ). Is it not true that WalMart and Target generate more traffic than Lowes or a Home Depot? .1. JEFFERIES & FARIS ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS. PLANNERS 100 A OLD EASTWOOD ROAD SUITE 111 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 TEL: (910) 793-5753 FAX: (910) 793-5754 E-MAI L: jfa@jefferies-faris.com 157 Chis O'Keefe August 22,2007 Page 2 My suggestion to remedy this inconsistency is to limit the size of the allowable uses for B-1 zone to a squarefoota.ge appropriate for limiting traffic to the neighborhood, say 10,000 SF to 20,000 SF. I w uld value your opinion on this, and hope that a change of this nature can take pia 158 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 3.4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Chris O'Keefe Contact: Chris O'Keefe Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Public Hearing Rezoning (Z-869, 8/07) - Request by James D. Smith, Attorney for William F. Canady to Rezone Approximately 0.65 Acre located West of Market Street, at 113 Sweetwater Drive in the Transition land Classification from R-15 Residential District to 0&1 Office & Institutional District (the Applicant Owns Adjoining 0&1 Property) BRIEF SUMMARY: At its August 2,2007 meeting, the Planning Board voted 7-0 to recommend approval of an amended version of the original request which included two lots with one fronting on Country Haven Drive. Several residents of Country Haven spoke to express concerns relating to drainage, potential traffic on their private street and potential violations of their restrictive covenants. Subsequently, the Board offered to support an amended version to include only the lot at 113 Sweetwater Drive and not the lot fronting on Country Haven Drive. The applicant concurred with the Board's offering. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The County Commissioners may approve or deny the petition. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ Z-869, 8-07-Staff Summary.doc Z-869, 8-07-Pelition Summary.doc map and applicant materials ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 159 CASE: Z-869,8/07 PETITIONER: William Canady by James D. Smith, Attorney REQUEST: From R~15 Residential to 0&1 Office & Institutional District ACREAGE: Approximately 0.65 acres (amended from 1.5 Acres) LOCATION: 113 Sweetwater Dr. LAND CLASS: Transition PLANNING BOARD ACTION: At its August 2, 2007 meeting, the Planning Board voted 7~ o to recommend approval of an amended version of the original request which included two lots with one fronting on Country Haven Drive. Several residents of Country Haven spoke to express concerns relating to drainage, potential traffic on their private street and potential violations of their restrictive covenants. Subsequently, the board offered to support an amended version to include only the lot at 113 Sweetwater Dr. and not the lot fronting on Country Haven Drive. The applicant concurred with the Board's offering. STAFF SUMMARY The subject property is located off Market Street in the northern portion of the county and is classified as Transition on the 2006 land classification map. Primary access for the proposal will be from Sweetwater Drive. The access road is a local public road, unimproved along the frontage of this lot and no Level of Service has been designated. The street intersects with Market Street, which is classified as a major arterial with LOS F in this location meaning traffic counts exceed design capacity. The Special Highway Overlay District (SHOD) applies on this the easternmost portion ofthe subject property . The subject property is currently zoned R~ 15 and is bordered on the west by existing residential use. Directly north of the subject property is also zoned R-15 with residences in place. To the east, the applicant owns 8001 Market Street (Canady Exterminating) directly adjacent which is zoned 0&1 Office & Institutional and property to the south, associated with Country Haven subdivision is zoned R-15. The subject property is located within the Greenview watershed which carries a water quality classific.ation of C(SW). It is within the primary recharge area for the Castle Hayne and Pee Dee aquifers. The property is not located in a flood hazard area. Soils are primarily Class I, Kureb sand. Public water and sewer are available in the vicinity. Fire protection is provided in this location by the Ogden Volunteer Fire Department. Land Use Plan Considerations: 8/22/2007 Page 1 of2 2-869 160 The 2006 Update of the Joint CAMA Plan describes the purpose of the Transition Class as providing for "continued intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. This rezoning petition proposes a change from the moderate density residential zoning to an office & institutional district, expanding an existing 0&1 zoning district. The site has reasonable access through and existing office park and is consistent with adjacent land uses to the south and east. Staff Recommendation: Based on the above analysis, staff feels that this proposal is consistent with the policies of the land use plan. Several residents from the Country Haven neighborhood have called with concerns about specific uses on the tract. However, 0&1 zoning is considered to be a transition district between residential and other higher intensity uses. This parcel is an extension of an 0&1 district and is across the street from 0&1 zoned property. Staff recommends approval of the zoning change. ACTION NEEDED: Adopt a statement In accordance with NCGS 153A~341 which requires that "prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the governing board sball adopt a statement describIng whether the action is consistent witb an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining why the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in the public interest." EXAMPLE: The County Commissioners find that this request for zon ing map amendment of 0.65 acres from R-15 Residential Districtto 0&1 Office and Instilutional District is (or is not): I. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Transition land classification and the associated land use policies adopted in the 2006 land use plan; 2. Reasonablc and in theoublic interest 10 allow transition of residential acreage to office and institutional use in this location. 8/22/2007 Page 2 of2 Z~869 161 Case: Z-S69, OS/07 Rezone 0.65 acres from R-15 to 0&1 Behind 800 I Market St. at 113 Sweetwater Dr. Petition Summary Data Q\vner/Petitioner: William F. Canady by James D. Smith, attorney Existing Land Use: Residential and vacant Zoning History: Area 8B (July 7, 1972) Land Classification: Transition Water Type: Public Sewer Type: Public Recreation Area: Odgen Park Access & Traffic Volume: Sweetwater Drive (No traffic counts) intersects with Market Street ADT 11/06 = 36,236; ADT 4105 = 42,864 LOSF Fire District: Odgen Volunteer Fire Department Watershed.1X, Water Quality Classification: Greenview, C;SW Aquifer Recharge Area: Primary recharge from principal aquifer Conservationffiistoricl Archaeological Resources: None Soils: Kureb sand and Murville soil Septic Syitability: Class I-Suitable and Class III - Severe limitations Schools: Blair Other: SHOD applies 8/2212007 cc 162 ~ " ~ .J JH " <:: " '" u ~ ~ " C''''~' 0 ...J ~ \1:!;lJ;I'''- IUB ',) 9il ~ ~ ffi ~UH ~ u iffi ii:l " ~ '::l Ou.. ~'~ g ~~~g ~ ~ ~ ~-~~- ~ ~ 8l1lU ~ i i I I< Ii! '" 00 ..or:; '.:I ~-i ~ ,~, :> c:;;;:: gJ ~I :: ':i. e. ::J.. ' OJ ~ ~ "' 0<1: 163 APPLICANT MATERIALS 164 Z-869, 8/07 EXHIBIT B 1. How would the change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Development? Growth in the area has led to increased traffic. There are a number of businesses adjacent to the property. The traffic and noise make 0&1 use more practical than residential. There is a greater demand for 0&1 than residential in this area. 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? The proposed change is consistent with growth along the Market Street Corridor. The land requested to be rezoned is currently vacant except for an unused building which would be removed if the property is rezoned. 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? Growth in the area has led to increased traffic. There are a number of businesses adjacent to the property. The traffic and noise make 0&1 use more practical than residential. There is a greater demand for 0&1 than residential in this area. 4. Explain briefly the expected effect on the neighborhood if the proposed zoning map amendment is approved. The effect on the neighborhood would be beneficial. The lots would be cleared and a two story building would be erected on the Canady property. The effect on the traffic flow would be minimal as these tracts are close to Market Street (U5-17) and any traffic for usage of the tracts to be rezoned would stop at them and not otherwise impact the neighborhoods adjacent to them. Current 0&1 tracts extend as far into the R-15 areas as the tracts requested to be rezoned. 165 This page intentionally left blank. 166 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 3.5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Chris O'Keefe Contact: Chris O'Keefe Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Public Hearing Rezoning (Z-870, 8/07) - Request by Withers & Ravenel for Louise Stevens to Rezone 9.25 Acres from R-15 Residential District to R-10 Residential District at 4451 & 4453 Gordon Road in the Transition Land Classifications (the Change Would Result in a Density Change from 2.5 Units Per Acre to 3.3 Units Per Acre) BRIEF SUMMARY: At its August 2,2007 meeting, the Planning Board voted 7-0 to recommend approval. The same proposal had been heard and recommended earlier this year but the petitioner withdrew the request in order to address drainage issues raised by neighbors at that meeting. No one from the public spoke at this hearing. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The County Commissioners may approve or deny the petition. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ ~ Z-870, 8-07-Staff Summary.doc Z-870, 8-07-Pelition Summary.doc map and applicant materials ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 167 CASE: Z-870,8/07; PETITIONER: Withers & Ravenel for Louise M. Stevens REQUEST: From R-]5 Residential and AR Airport Residential District to R-I0 Residential District ACREAGE: Approximately 9.25 Acres LOCATION: 4451 and 4453 Gordon Rd. LAND CLASS: Transition PLANNING BOARD ACTION: At its August 2, 2007 meeting, the Planning Board voted 7- l} to recommend approval. The same proposal had been heard and recommended earlier this year but petitioner withdrew the request in order to address drainage issues raised by neighbors at that meeting. No one from the public spoke at this hearing. STAFF SUMMARY The subject property is located in the northern portion ofthe county in an area classified as Transition on the 2006 CAMA Land Classification map. The property is on the westernmost segment of Gordon Road, west of 1-40 and near the intersection with Brienvood Drive. Gordon Road is an urban arterial road according to the Wilmington Urban Area 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan. Level of service has been rated A&B along this segment, meaning traffic flow is free and stable. The subject property is currently used for single family residential purposes. Adjacent to the east is Brierwood Subdivision which is zoned R-l O. The Airport Residential zoning district abuts on the west side, and a small portion of the subject property is included in the AR district, but the property is not within the airport approach zone. The subject property is located within the Smith Creek watershed drainage area which is classified C(S W) and is listed on the 303( d)1 ist of impaired waters. The property is not influenced by flood hazard although drainage appears to be an issue on properties to the south. The site is in a primary or secondary recharge area for the principal aquifers. Public water and sewer are present in the vicinity, Land Use Plan Considerations: This rezoning petition proposes a change from lower density R-15 Residential to R-l 0 Residential designation. Such action would result in the following possible density scenarios: Maximum potential Maximum potential Units (Performan~ Units (High Density w/SUP) R-15 23 92* R-lO 31 92* *Density limitations for HD attached dwellings within 200' of detached dwellings would apply. 8/22/2007 Page 1 of2 Z-870 168 This property is classified as Transition in the 2006 Update of the WilmingtonfNew Hanover County CAMA Land Use Plan. The Plan describes the purpose of the Transition class as providing for future intensive urban development on lands that have been or will be provided with necessary urban services. The location of these areas is based upon land use planning policies requiring optimum efficiency in land utilization and public service delivery. Based on the foregoing, this proposal would appear to be consistent with the strategies for the Transition classification. Staff recommends approval. ACTION NEEDED: Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A-341 which requires that "prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the governing board shall adopt a statement describing whether the action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining why the board considers the action. taken. to be reasonable an.d in the public in.terest." EXAMPLE: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning map amendment of 9.25 acres from R-15 Residential District to R-1O Residential District is (or is not): I. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the Transition land classification and the associated land use policies adopted in the 2006 land use plan; 2. Reasonable and in the public interest to allow increase in base density from 2.5 units per acre to 3.3 units per acre in this location adjacent to existing R-1O districts. 8/22/2007 Page 2 of2 2-870 169 Case: Z-870, 08/07 Rezone 9.25 acres from R-15 to R-lO 4451 & 4453 Gordon Rd. Petition Summ.ary Data Owner/Petitioner: Withers & Ravanel for Louise Stevens Existing Land Use: Residential and vacant Zoning History: Area 8B (July 7, 1972) Land Classification: Transition Water Type: Public in the vicinity Sewer Type: Public in the vicinity Recreation Area: Odgen Park Access & Trame Volume: Gordon Road: ADT 12/06 = 4,567; ADT 4/05 = 4,799 LOS F (-5%) Fire District: Wrightsboro Volunteer Fire Department Watershed & Water Ouality Classification: Smith Creek, C;SW; 303(d) impaired Aauifer Recharge Area: Primary or secondary recharge from principal aquifers ConservationIHistoricl Archaeological Resources: None Soils: Baymeade; Pantego Loam; Seagate Septic Suitability: Class II ~ moderate limitations and Class III - Severe limitations Schools: Blount 8/22/2007 cc 170 l~ I ./ ..., \~:;~='i! / Ii I , 0- ~":'~oj l 0;' 0, .. Q~.ilI~ ':~ (Co"" ' .....": '..' p:.1:l'""i ..............., ! ;(\ 2=-~ ,'::1. II ,.)/// =~.. ~7/~1 1;' II int3 7 l .. - --... :::....~. ,.' :::-<:::::::::::--...::: / )~ ~k"~ / =) , . :4 ~~~t ..- --rT \J II :'I=- . , " .~;;' ~(:::;~<(;s: :~:= =< : . "':l;Jf:J:~'- C'".. I ' ". " ~ :::> ,.- ! .,.. ",' ,.. _ :.!~"f", ,- - ... I I ~. I : :b, I..... gj,. ~;;,;>, rsJ..~ -"!; .~~~:~~~:' '. :~~Z~~~.. ! I 1'i I \;, {/''''' ~(~ ~'f .....i..-; ',,/ 0 ~ "~~ ~~7 'k:I<; <.. .~ ~"'" /0 ~ ~ ~ -. ~;:? / II ,/c"~ ~ ............ ~ ~J j /Tlij .. ....... ..' ,-".. t r~: I"-"'-"'-'~ ~, i ~:"Z7': II )__" .-..'''.... '"_,, .... l"'c::,::: ;::.. ,C ..--..-... ! ..-....r'-,............... -"'"''1''''''' ....~ / _...j-- =J Ie. ..--;1 ....'" . /f-- .' i""--'''-",,,,,,,-,, '....,,_.. j II ""~"1 '. .. " II r'.................-.....,........- .. .. . II 9: ;_... .... ! N M ~ ~. ~ ~ ~. ~ 0 ~ N n ~ ~ ~ ~. ~. ~ ~". N <M- '"'" .- ..... ..... ... ...-. .... """ ...... "'" ""' ('\I N N N -~.. '" I j 0 ~ z ~ '5 It ., .:;: .5 m .;:;{ i' 'a. ~ 0 , 'll ~ ~ I"" f-- "~. g .~;[J .., -. f...... ~! ,~, fl 11 1l ~ '..".. -, II " I ' ~ ~ !i > 'M ~ ~ ~ ~ ],~~ ,;)2 ~ ~~ "" . .~ ! 0013 <5 I .; " w >- .~ <l": I ii ~:.::" , , " II. ;'; i q ~ ! j,,' "--"- 171 APPLICANT MATERIALS 172 Z-870, 8/07 WHAT YOU MUST ESTABLISH FOR A CHANGE OF ZQNING Your intended use of propel1y upon rezoning is completely irrelevant, except for conditional use district proposals. The North Carolina General Statutes require that zoning regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan. Tbe governing board is required to adopt statements that the change is or is not consistent, reasonable, and in the public's interest. Since amendments to zoning maps should also be based on a Land Use Plan,. you must explain how your request satisfies each of the following requirements: (Fill in Below or attach additional pages). I. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Development? The policies for growth and development encourage safe and affordable housing to be available to every citizen. Rezoning Ihis property for a slightly higher-density of residential development would be consistent with the concept of transitioning uses, and in~filling vacant parcels where existing utilities can readily be extended and urban services are available. 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Map? The CAMA Land Use Plan identifies these tracts as being in a Transition Land Classification. the intent ofthis classification is provide lands for future intensive urban development that are, or will be provided with necessary urban services. 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? Development of the Murrayville area has been active in the past several years. The adjacent subdivision of Brierwood iis zoned R~ 10. Sanitary sewer mains have been constructed along Gordon Road, providing service from a public system, where previously the only option was individual septic systems. Public water is also available. The property is near the highway interchange for easy access to major transportation corridors into, and out of, the City. 4. How will this change of zoning serve the public interest? Inml of vacant properties with services and transition of useS in developed areas are important strategies to quell the inherent problems of the past urban sprawL In signing this petition, I understand that the existing zoning map is presumed to be correct and. that I have the burden of proving why a change is in the public interest. I further understand the singling out of one parcel of land for special zoning treatment unrelated to County policies and the surrounding neighborhood would probably be iUegal. I certify that this application is conlplete and that all information presented in tbis application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. \)~~~.~ \0:Y'\~~lL Wo~ Sign~ture 0 Petitioner.amlfor Pro i rty Ow~er Print Name ~~< Page 201'2 ZMA-02/07 173 This page intentionally left blank. 174 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 3.6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Chris O'Keefe Contact: Chris O'Keefe Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Public Hearing Text Amendment (A-361, 8/07) - Request by Staff to Amend Section 111 of the Zoning Ordinance to Require Applicants to Conduct a Community Information Meeting Prior to Submission of Requests for Planned Development, Riverfront Mixed Use, or Conditional Use District Zoning Actions BRIEF SUMMARY: County Planning proposes a text amendment to require community information meetings prior to application for Planned Development, Riverfront Mixed Use District, or Conditional Use Zoning District rezoning requests. A new section similar to the language used by the City would be added to the County's zoning ordinance. The Planning Board voted 7-0 to recommend approval of this amendment. No one from the public spoke on this item. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The County Commissioners may approve, modify, or deny the text amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: [gm A-361 TEXT AM END MEN T -Community M eeting:s Section. doc ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 175 CASE: A-361 Applicant: Staff REQUEST: Text Amendment - Require community information meetings prior to application for certain rezoning requests. Add a new section similar to the language used by the City. See.111-2.1. Required comm.unitv information meetine before consideration. Before an application will be accepted as complete for a zoning amendment for proposals iuvolving Planned Development, Riverfront Mixed Use District, or Conditional Use Zoning District, the petitioner must include a written report of at least one (1) community information meeting held by the petitioner. The community meeting shan be held prior to submission of the application for map amendment. The primary purpose of the meeting is to explain the upcoming proposal and field questions from people in the surrounding area. At a minimum, written notice of such a meeting shall be given to tbe adjacent or immediately affected property owners (usually considered to be property owners or leaseholders within 100 feet of the subject property) and any organizations entitled to notice based on a standing written request on file with the Clerk to the Planning Board ("Sunshine Law"). The meeting should focus on information exchange between an applicant and the specific invitees but should be open to the general puhlic as well. The report shall include, among other things: l. a listing of those persons and organizations contacted about the meeting and tbe manner and date of contact; 2. the date, time and location of the meeting; 3. a roster of the persons in attendance at the meetingj 4. a summary of issues discussed at the meetingj and 5. .a description of any cbanges or adjustments to the rezoning petition made by tbe petitioner as a result of the community meeting. [n tbe event the petitioner has not held at least one (1) meeting pursuant to tbis subsection, the petitioner sball file a report documenting efforts that were made to arrange sucb a meeting and stating the reasons such a meeting was not beld. The adequacy of a meeting held or report filed pursuant to this section shall be considered by tbe Planning Board in its deci.sion and by the County Commissioners, as appropriate but .shall not be subject to judicial review. , ACTION NEEDED: Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A~341 which requires that "prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, the governing board shall adopt a statement desc=ribi.ng whether the action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and 8/22/2007 Page 1 of2 A-361 176 explaining wby tbe board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in tbe public interest. .. EXAMPLE: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning text amendment as presented herein is (or is not): l. Consistent with the purposes and intent of land use policies adopted in the 2006 land use plan; 2. Reasonab.le and in the public. interest to establish a requirement that certain development proposals must hold a community infonnation meeting prior to submission of an application for certain zoning changes. 8/2212007 Page 2 of2 A~361 177 This page intentionally left blank. 178 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 3.7 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Chris O'Keefe Contact: Chris O'Keefe Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Public Hearing Text Amendment (A-362, 8/07) - Request by Staff to Amend Section 71-1 of the Zoning Ordinance to Add Language Establishing a Policy on Resubmittal of Denied Special Use Permit Applications BRIEF SUMMARY: The Planning Board voted 7-0 to recommend approval of this amendment. No one from the public spoke on this item. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The County Commissioners may approve, modify, or deny the text amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ A-362 TEXT AM END MEN T -rehearingS U P. doc ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 179 CASE: A.362 Applicant: Staff REQUEST: Text Amendment. Resubmittal of Special Use Permit Applications after prior denial. ALL NEW SUBSECTION Section 71-1(10) Resubmittals. An application for a special use whicb bas been previously denied may be resubmitted only if there has been a change in circumstances as determined by tbe planning director or the director's designee. Evidence presented in support of the new application shall initially be limited to what is necessary to enable the planning director to determine whether there has been a substantial cbange in tbe facts, evidence, or conditions of the case and shall include: 1. Circumstances affecting the property that is the subject of tbe application which have substantially cbanged since the denial; or 2. New information available since the denial that could not with reasonable diligence bave been presented at a previous hearing. If the planning director deems the evidence substantially changed, tbe proposal may be resubmitted as a new application. Appeal ofthe planning director's decision may be made to the Board of County Commissioners. ACTION NEEDED: Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A.341 which requires that "prior to adopting or reJecting any zoning amendment, tbe governing board sball adopt a statement describing w'betber tbe action is consistent with an adopted comprehensive plan and explaining wby the board considers the action taken to be reasonable and in tbe public interest." EXAMPLE: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning text amendment as presented herein is (or is not): I. Consistent with the purposes and intent of land use policies adopted in the 2006 land use plan; 2. Reasonable and in the public interest to establish more definitive guidance for circumstances under which a denied special use request might be eligible for rehearing. 8/2212007 Page 1 of 1 A.362 180 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 3.8 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Planning Presenter: Chris O'Keefe Contact: Chris O'Keefe Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Public Hearing Text Amendment (A-363, 8/07) - Request by Staff to Amend Section 111 of the Zoning Ordinance to Establish a Policy and Procedure Relating to Continuances of Rezoning Cases BRIEF SUMMARY: The Planning Board voted 7-0 to recommend approval of this amendment. No one from the public spoke on this item. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: The County Commissioners may approve, modify, or deny the text amendment. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ A-363 TEXT AMENDMENT -WITHDRAWALS-CONTINUANCES.doc ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 181 CASE: A-.363 Applicant: Staff REQUEST: Amend Section 111 to establish policy on continuances of zoning amendment requests. BACKGROUND WITHDRAWALS: When a project is withdrawn, the case is closed and any further request for action becomes a new request,. subject to new submission deadlines and new fees.. Withdrawals of map amendments (rezonings) are subject to the limitations of Section 111-3(4) and (5). Specifically, if the petition is not withdrawn ~rior to delivering the Planninll Board advertisement of public hearing to the newspaper, a 12 month waiting period applies and is counted from the advertised hearing date, CONTINUANCES: A continuance delays decision~making from the advertised hearing date to some future meeting. From time to time, circumstances beyond the control of an applicant may arise to necessitate delaying a request before the Planning Board or Board of County Commissioners. The current ordinance does not specifically address this subject Understanding that these situations do arise, but also acknowledging significant inconvenience to the public and the boards, as well as the resultant additional costs of staff time, notice expense, and production costs, some mechanism to discourage abusive use of continuances is advisable. At a minimum, additional fees should be charged when continuances are requested, The fee would help offset the added cost of the correction notices, staff time, fuel, and re-advertising the item the following month. REQUEST: Add tlte following new section Sec. 111 ~3 (6) All requests for continuances of proposals and petitions involving a change of zoning shall be subject to the fonowing policies: L If an applicant requests that an item be delayed for consideration on the Planning Board agenda, the request must be in writing to the Planning Director and must include the reason(s) for the requested delay. If the request is received a. prior to notice being sent to the newspaper for advertising, the Planning Director may remove it from the agenda and calendar it for the next meeting. No additional fee will be required. Only one administrative continuance is allowed per permit application. 8/22/2007 Page I of2 A~363 182 b. after notice has been sent to the newspaper, the item will remain on the agenda and the planning board will act on the request for continuance of the item at the meeting. The board is under no obligation to grant a continuance. If continued, a fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule will be charged and the item will be rescheduled for the next upcoming meeting of the board or some other date certain. If the applicant fails to appear at the meeting or fails to pay the additional fee by the publication deadline, the proposal will be deemed withdrawn, and a new application process will be required. 2. If an applicant requests delay of consideration from the Board of County Commissioners agenda, the request must be in \'.'riting to the County Manager, copied to the Planning Director, and must include the reason(s) for the request If the request is received a. prior to notice being sent to the newspaper for publication, the Planning Director will remove the item from the list of planning items being sent for the Manager's agenda and calendar it for the next regular night meeting. The Planning Director will immediately cause correction of the signage posted noticing the public hearing. A fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule will be paid to the NHC Planning Department to offset the cost of fuel and staff time to correct the signage. b. after notice has been sent to the newspaper, the item will remain on the agenda and the Commissioners will act on the request for continuance of the item at the advertised meeting. The Commissioners are under no obligation to grant a continuance and may choose to hear the item and act on it. If continued, a fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule will be paid and the item will be rescheduled for the next regular heari.ng meeting or some other date certain. If the applicant fails to appear at the meeting or fails to pay the additional fee by the publication deadline, the proposal will be deemed withdrawn, and a new application process will be required. ACTION NEEDED: Adopt a statement in accordance with NCGS 153A-341 which requires that "prior to adopting or rejecting any zoning amendment, tbe governing board shall adopt a statement describing wbetherthe action is consistent with an adopted com.prehensive plan and explaining why the board considers the acti.on taken t.o be reasonable and in the public interest." EXAMPLE: The County Commissioners find that this request for zoning text amendment as presented herein is (or is not): 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of land use policies adopted in the 2006 land use plan; 2. Reasonable and in tbe public interest to establish a definitive process for granting continuances and charging fees to recoup recurring costs associated with a continuance. 8/22/2007 Page 20f2 A-363 ,~---- 183 This page intentionally left blank. 184 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Finance Presenter: Avril Pinder, Finance Director Contact: Avril Pinder SUBJECT: Mason Inlet Relocation - Maintenance Cost BRIEF SUMMARY: At the August 9th Commissioner Work Session, Mr. Frank Pinkston of the Mason Inlet Preservation Group presented to the Board a request to reduce the cost to the property owners for the upcoming Mason Inlet Assessment. The request was based on the Room Occupancy Tax (ROT) received from properties along the northern end of Wrightsville Beach. At the August 13th Commissioners' meeting, staff was directed to analyze the ROT receipts from properties along the north end of Wrightsville Beach. The properties are Shell Island Resort, Wrightsville Dunes, Dune Ridge, and Cordgrass Bay. The County Finance Department reviewed ROT collections for the above referenced area. Annual collections are estimated at $416,000. Of these funds, $125,000 is designated to Beach Renourishment. The Board of County Commissioners will receive a request on 9/17/07 to approve the special assessment process. Currently Wrightsville Beach will be assessed $2,728,205 and Figure Eight Island will be assessed $561,178. Staff is seeking direction of any reductions in these assessment amounts. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Give staff direction on amount to assess. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ~ -. ....J:.!.:.I:t: MIPG Resolution.pdf REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: N/A FINANCE: BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Give staff direction on amount to assess. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: A motion to direct staff to assess the MIPG $2,728,205 and Figure Eight Island $561,178 as stated in the agenda item passed by a vote of 5-0. A motion to include MIPG (to be present, not to vote) in all negotiations and contracts in the future passed by a vote of 5-0. 185 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF PROVIDING NON-REIMBURSABLE FUNDS FROM THE ROOM OCCUPANCY TAX (ROT) TO COVER A PORTION OF TIlE CONTINUING COST FOR MAINTAINING THE RELOCATED MASON INLET WHEREAS, New Hanover County, a county of the state of North Carolina, is the location of the recently relocated Mason Inlet; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Commissioners have long recognized that the Atlantic Coast beaches of the County are an important natural resource which serves as an important recreational asset and provides storm protection for the adjoining towns; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Commissioners further recognize that oceanfront residential properties and business interests are greatly enhanced by the existence of healthy, non~eroding beaches in the Town of Wrightsville Beach; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Commissioners agreed that the relocation of Mason Inlet was critical to preserving the imminently threatened stroctures on the North end of Wrightsville Beach; and WHEREAS, relocating Mason Inlet prevented potential closure of the inlet and thereby protected the marsh and associated fish and wildlife habitat; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Commissioners endorsed and provided up front funding for the Mason Inlet Relocation Project from the Room Occupancy Tax Fund; and WHEREAS, the Mason Inlet Relocation project was successfully completed during the period of January 2002 through. April 2002; and WHEREAS, the 1044 benefitted. property owners on Figure Eight Island and the North end of Wrightsville Beach (known collectively as the Mason Inlet Preservation Group -lv1IPG) have reimbursed the Room Occupancy Tax Fund, in full, fOIthe initial cost of the project, through County Assessments in the amount of$6.8 million; and WHEREAS, these benefitted property owners, through the funding of this project, have protected the New Hanover County tax base, both Real Property Tax and Room Occupancy Tax, for properties on the North end ofWrightsville Beach, as well as Figure Eight Island with tax values in the hundreds of million dollars; and 186 WHEREAS, included as part of the Project is a coastal bird sanctuary which creates and protects a very valuable bird habitat that has become a great tourist attraction; and WHEREAS, many of these benefitted properties (Shell Island Resorts, WrightsviUe Dunes, Duneridge Resorts, Cordgrass Bay and privately owned homes and condominiums on Figure Eight Island and the north end of Wrightsville Beach) have contributed heavily to the Room Occupancy Tax (ROT) fund. The Shell Island Resort along has contributed an average of over $200,000 per year and Figure Eight Island has contributed an average of$85,OOO per year; and other condominium units and private home rentals on. the north end of Wrightsville Beach have probably exceeded these figures in ROT contributions; and WHEREAS, there has never been any direct financial benefit received by these property owners from the portion of the Room Occupancy Tax fund devoted to beach nourishment (the ongoing beach nourishment program stops at the Holiday Inn Sunspree); and WHEREAS, Wrightsville Beach properties to the south of this special assessment district have received extensive direct benefit from the Room Occupancy Tax fund through beach nourishment as well as for other projects; and WHEREAS, there are follow-on costs for engineering and bird monitoring, maintenance d.redgin.g, etc. associated with the Project in an amount approaching $3,000,000 that have not yet been assessed against the benefitted properties; and WHEREAS, the beaches of New Hanover County are a County-wide asset and a direct benefit to all property owners and residents as well as the general public; and WHEREAS. maintaining the stability of the Mason Inlet is a major factor in the preservation ofWrightsville Beach, and insures the continued viability of the tourist trade of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, the benefitted property owners ofWrightsviIle Beach realize their commitment to the long term maintenance of this Project and are willing to continue paying a fair share of the cost to insure the stability of Mason Inlet and protect the shoreline; and WHEREAS, these benefitted property owners feel that New Hanover County should recognize the benefits of the Project to New Hanover County residents and visitors and should recognize the contributions of Wrightsville Beach and Figure Eight property owners to the ROT fund by paying some of the continuing costs of the Project with non- reimbursable contributions from the Room Occupancy Tax fund: and 187 . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to support and provide non-reimbursable funding assistance from the Room Occupancy Tax. fund to help defray the current un~assessed costs and any future cost for the continued maintenance of Mason Inlet and the continued compliance with the Project pennits. The non-reimbursable assistance is to be 50% of the outstanding un- assessed balance with the other 50% being assessed to the benefitted property owners. William A. Caster, Chairman New Hanover Board of Commissioners 188 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 5 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Health Presenter: Dr. Jean P. McNeil, Animal Control Services Manager Contact: Dr. Jean P. McNeil SUBJECT: Revisions to New Hanover County Code, Section Five: Animals & Fowl BRIEF SUMMARY: Suggested change to the New Hanover County Code regarding control of animals as enforced by Animal Control Services (ACS). Issues have been reviewed and supported by County Legal, ACS staff, and the ACS Advisory Committee. Clarification on the procedure for dangerous or potentially dangerous dog appeals required rewording for better understanding of the process for hearing notification. CURRENT: Sec. 5-63(b). Procedure. The owner may appeal the determination of a dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog. Notice of appeal is by filing written objections with the appellate board appointed by the board of public health within ten business days after receiving written notice, together with such appellant's filing fees as may be established by the county board of health. ....... The appellate board shall, within ten business days of the filing of the appeal, schedule a hearing. .......Until the appeal is final, the dog must be controlled and confined pursuant to the ruling from which the appeal was taken. Any appeal from the final decision of such appellate board shall be taken to superior court by filing notice of appeal and a petition for review within ten business days from the final decision of the appellate board. PROPOSED: Sec. 5-63(b). Procedure. The owner may appeal the determination of a dangerous dog or potentially dangerous dog. Notice of appeal is by filing written objections with the appellate board appointed by the board of public health within ten business days after receiving written notice, together with such appellant's filing fees as may be established by the county board of health. ....... The appellate board shall schedule a hearing of said appeal and the dog owner and complainant will be notified of the hearing date ten business days prior to said hearing. .......Until the appeal is final, the dog must be controlled and confined pursuant to the ruling from which the appeal was taken. Any appeal from the final decision of such appellate board shall be taken to superior court by filing notice of appeal and a petition for review within ten business days from the final decision of the appellate board. The revision was approved by the Board of Health on August 1,2007, and is hereby presented to the Board of County Commissioners for adoption. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Accept and approve the revision to the New Hanover County Code, Animals & Fowl, Section 5-63(b) Procedure. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: (revised) 189 ATTACHMENTS: N/A REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: The item was withdrawn. 190 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Regular Item #: 6 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Environmental Management Presenters: Avril Pinder and AI Canady Contacts: Teresa Horsboll or Lena Butler SUBJECT: Award of Bid #08-0042 and Approval of Contract #08-0042 to Sam English of VA, Inc. for the Purchase of Boiler Tubes Panels for Boiler #2 at WASTEC BRIEF SUMMARY: A Request for Bids was published in the Star News on Sunday, July 29,2007. On Thursday, August 16, 2007, bids were opened and read aloud. The results are detailed below: ABT, Inc. $224,380 Lead time: First Quarter 2008 Joe Moore & Company $234,892 Lead time: 42-45 weeks Sam English of V A, Inc. $287,000 Lead time: 16 weeks Based on the information provided by the three (3) bidders for Bid #08-0042, Sam English is the most responsible, responsive bidder, taking into consideration quality, performance and the time specified in the bids for the performance of the contract. This is based on the fact that ABT, Inc., cannot provide the eight wall boxes required to replace the boiler tubes and has a lead time of approximately seven (7) months. Joe Moore & Company can provide the panels as specified; however, the company has a lead time of approximately eleven (11) months. Sam English, although the highest bidder, has a lead time of approximately four (4) months. Each month that boiler #2 remains inoperable costs WASTEC about $147,000 in lost revenues as a result of not burning trash. In addition, each month that boiler #2 is down, WASTEC loses approximately 900 megawatts (MW) of power. If one estimates that each MW of electricity cost $40.67, then $36,603 will be lost in revenues per month each month that boiler #2 is down. The additional lead time required by Joe Moore & Company will result in excessive lost revenues making it less expensive to use Sam English. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt resolution awarding Bid #08-0042 and Contract #08-0042 to Sam English of VA, Inc., in the amount of $287,000 and authorize the County Manager to execute the contract. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: Funding was approved in the FY07-08 Adopted Budget under Wastec's M&R account 70080600 700430. ATTACHMENTS: ~ ........ ... . G8{:{i.t;2 Resolution .doc 191 REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: Approve BUDGET: Approve HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 192 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Purchasing Agent at 2:00 P. M. EST on Thursday, August 16,2007, for the purchase of Boiler Tube Panels for Boiler #2 at W ASTEC - Bid # 08-0042 and the following bids were received; and AST, Inc. $224,380 Lead time: First Quarter 2008 Joe Moore & Company $234,892 Lead time: 42-45 weeks Sam English of V A, Inc. $287,000 Lead time: 16 weeks WHEREAS, Sam English of V A, Inc., was recognized to be the most responsible, responsive bidder taking into consideration quality, performance and the time specified in the bids for the perfonnance of the contract; and WHEREAS, this recognition was based on the fact that Sam English of V A, Inc. can supply the needed equipment and has a lead time of approximately four (4) months; whereas, ABT, Inc. can not provide the eight (8) wall boxes required to replace the boiler tubes and has a lead time of approximately seven (7) months and Joe Moore & Company can provide the panels as specified; however, the company has a lead time of approximately eleven (11) months; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that each month that Boiler #2 remains inoperable costs W ASTEC about $147,000 in lost revenues as a result of not burning trash. In addition, each month that Boiler #2 is down, W ASTEC loses approximately 900 megawatts (MW) of power which equates to approximately $36,603 in lost revenues per month; and WHEREAS, a shorter lead time would be most advantageous to the County and the Environmental Management Director, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the bid and contract be awarded to Sam English of V A, Inc. the most responsible, responsive bidder in the amount of Two hundred eighty~seven thousand dollars ($287,000); and WHEREAS, funds have been budgeted this Fiscal Year in Account # 70080600~ 700430 to cover this contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for Boiler Tube Panels for Boiler # 2 at the W ASTEC Facility of the Environmental Management Department, Bid # 08-0042 be awarded to Sam English of V A, Inc. in the amount of Two hundred eighty-seven thousand dollars ($287,000) and that the County is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney. This 4th day of September, 2007. William A. Caster, Chairman ATTEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 193 This page intentionally left blank. 194 MEETING OF THE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Human Resources Training Center, New Hanover County Government Center 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 135, Room 401 Wilmington, NC ESTIMA TED ITEMS OF BUSINESS Page TIMES No. 9: 15 p.m. 1. Non-Agenda Items (limit three minutes) 9:20 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes 197 9:25 p.m. 3. Presentation: New Hanover County Water System Overview and Water 199 Treatment Plant Project Progress Update 9:45 p.m. 4. Presentation: Northeast Interceptor (NEI) Improvements Project Status Update 201 195 This page intentionally left blank. 196 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Water & Sewer Item #: 2 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenter: District Chairman Kopp Contact: Sheila L. Schult Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Water and Sewer District - Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUMMARY: Approve minutes from the Water and Sewer District Regular Session meeting held on August 13, 2007. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve minutes. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 5-0. 197 This page intentionally left blank. 198 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Water & Sewer Item #: 3 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Jordan Peck Contact: Dennis Ihnat SUBJECT: New Hanover County Water System Overview and Water Treatment Plant Project Progress Update BRIEF SUMMARY: Bids for the Water Treatment Plant were opened on Tuesday, August 21,2007. The bids are under review. Bids for the Wellfield Projects (north and south) were opened on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 receiving only two bids. The re-bid will be held on Monday, August 27,2007. Wells M and N at Ogden Park are under construction. The concentrate and potable water lines (east and west) are scheduled for bid opening on September 27,2007. This is an informational briefing on the Water Treatment Plant and the District's water systems. Additional information will also be presented related to: Progress with ongoing strategies that increase the amount of water supplied to the system prior to completion of the plant; and Progress with permitting, design and construction of the pipeline's water towers necessary to maintain pressure and transport water to various locations in the County. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: No recommendation or requested actions at this time. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: Wellfield and Water Treatment Budget ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Heard presentation. 199 This page intentionally left blank. 200 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Water & Sewer Item #: 4 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Water & Sewer District Presenter: Chris Ford, P.E., Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Contact: Dennis Ihnat SUBJECT: Northeast Interceptor (NEI) Improvements Project Status Update BRIEF SUMMARY: There are several NEI mandated repairs required by the NC Division of Water Quality as a condition of the NEI Moratorium and the Special Order of Consent (SaC). These are the Deficiency Identification and Repair Program (DIRP), Bradley Creek Pump Station Influent Junction Box Replacement, Interim Pump Station Improvements, and the 24-inch Force Main relocation. Mr. Chris Ford, P.E., of Kimley-Horn and Associates is the Project Manager for the City of Wilmington for the NEI Improvements Project, and will provide an update briefing. RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Hear presentation. FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: No Change In Position(s) Number of Positions: Explanation: Water and Sewer District Fund ATTACHMENTS: REVIEWED BY: LEGAL: FINANCE: N/A BUDGET: N/A HUMAN RESOURCES: COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Hear presentation. COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Heard presentation. 201 This page intentionally left blank. 202 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION Meeting Date: 09/04/07 Additional Item #: 1 Estimated Time: Page Number: Department: Governing Body Presenters: William A. Kopp, Jr. and Nancy H. Pritchett Contacts: William A. Kopp, Jr. and Nancy H. Pritchett Item Does Not Require Review SUBJECT: Consideration of a Resolution Requesting Governor Easley Call a Special Session of the General Assembly in the Fall 2007 to Discuss Local, Regional and Statewide Transportation Funding Issues BRIEF SUMMARY: RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: FUNDING SOURCE: Will above action result in: Number of Positions: Explanation: ATTACHMENTS: ITEM DOES NOT REQUIRE REVIEW COUNTY MANAGER'S COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: COMMISSIONERS' ACTIONS/COMMENTS: Approved 4-0. 203 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION REQUESTING GOVERNOR EASLEY CALL A SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN THE FALL 2007 TO DISCUSS LOCAL, REGIONAL AND STATEWIDE TRANSPORTATION FUNDING ISSUES WHEREAS, the state of North Carolina's rapid growth has placed an increased strain on the state's current transportation infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the growth trend is expected to continue with a 42 percent increase in population by 2030, thus ranking the state of North Carolina as the 7th most populous state in the country with over 12.2 million residents; and WHEREAS, due to the increases in construction costs for steel, concrete, and asphalt (93.1% between 2002 and first quarter of 2007); the North Carolina Department of Transportation has experienced a significant funding shortfall over the past several years; and WHEREAS, this funding shortfall is expected to continue and additional funding sources are needed to construct important local, regional and statewide transportation projects; and WHEREAS, onc opportunity to construct important transportation projects, the North Carolina Turnpike Authority (NCT A) was created by law in October 2002 and currently is authorized by the General Assembly to construct, operate and maintain up to nine toU roads in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, however no funding is currently available to the NCT A for the construction of any of the identified potential toll road projects; and WHEREAS, until additional funding sources are available to fund local, regional and statewide transportation projects, the state of North Carolina will continue to fall farther and farther behind in the construction of important transportation infrastructure; and WHEREAS, in light of the recent tragedies with the collapse of the 1-35 bridge in Minneapolis, NCDOT has identified several bridges that are structurally deficient and in need of improvements; and WHEREAS, the impacts of inadequate transportation infrastructure will result in increased congestion, negative impacts to environmental resources and air quality, and negative human impacts to the state's residents; and NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners recognizes the importance of transportation infrastructure to the state of North Carolina and strongly urges Governor Easley to call a special session of the General Assembly in the fall 2007 to discuss local, regional and statewide transportation funding issues. ADOPTED the 4th day of September 2007. NEW HANOVER COUNTY [SEAL] William A. Caster, Chairman A ITEST: Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the Board 204