1985-03-08 SpM Exhibits x;/~~~ /~ ~ ,. ./ ~ =-- .{ ................................................................................................. .......... ... ( . f. .: ;.1 '. New llul10uer QIUUllty iJJuarb ilf. QIUlllllliss iUlltrs men ulutiUl1 WHEREAS, New Hanover County is the home of the Wilmington State Ports, the "Number One" seaport in the State of North Carolina; and J1 WHEREAS, the economic welfare of New Hanover County and, indeed, the economic welfare of the entire State of North Carolina are tied directly to the work of the Nor'th Carolina State Ports system; and WHEREAS, industrial growth and development are directly affected by the abili ty of this County and State to afford full international trade facilities; and WHEREAS, the existence of a full service United States Customs operation is essential to the maintenance and development of international trade; and WHEREAS, the current United States Customs "Five Year Plan" would eventually eliminate all of North Carolina's inland ports and would reduce the Port of Wilmington to a limited service ?peration; and WHEREAS, said action would leave the State of North Carolina as the only coastal state in the nation without a full service customs operation; and " . WHEREAS, the closing of North Carolina's inland ports and the curtailment of Customs service at the Port of Wilmington would have.a tremendously adverse effect on the economy of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the proposed United States Customs action gives an unfair trade and development advantage tp' our neighboring states to the north and south; and WHEREAS, such action by the United States Customs Service amounts to unfair and discriminatory regulation of trade between the individual states, a concept in conflict with the United States Constitution; I.tf. ~~. ............................................................................................................ . . .. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, do hereby petition our representatives in the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives, and the Governor of the State of North Carolina, to join together in a concerted effort for the common good of all ci tizens of North Carolina, and to', take immediate action to meet this substantial threat to the trade~ development, and economic welfare of the State of North Carolina at the only level where this question can be resolved--the national level. This the 8th day of March, 1985. Attest: '1knMz ()'~ Nolan O'Neal, Chairman Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina 2