1985-04-01 SpM Exhibits , . '!.. I." l . .. .,. r ".~ . .- WHEREAS, the City of Wi 1m i ngton and New Hanover County recogn i ze tourism as a major component of the local economy; and WHEREAS, the City of Wi Imington and New Hanover County recognize the importance of support i ng and promot i ng the cont i nued deve I opment of the tourism industry; and WHEREAS, the City of Wi 1m i ngton and New Hanover County author i zed the development of a tourism strategy by an independent tourism professional; and WHEREAS, the City of Wi Imington the Tourism Report submitted by Lynn the recommendations incorporated therein; and New Hanover Hi I I Associates County accept and recogn i ze NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Wi Imington City Counci I and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County do jointly establ ish a Visitors and Meetings Counci I as an autonomous, single purpose, private, non-profit economic development corporation for the visitor industry. BE I T FURTHER RESOLVED that the purposes for wh i ch th i s Counc i I is establ ished are as fol lows: To provide a cooperative, on-going forum for visitor i,ndustry and visitor-related organizations; To develop and grow the visitor industry in a planned, qual ity manner; To preserve, protect, and maintain the visitor economy of New Hanover County; To provide an effective organization that can create and respond to opportunities in a timely fashion; To operate a fu! I-service, professional visitors and meetings program; To raise funds to operate a full-service visitors program through membership fees, grants, contributions, projects receipts, room occupancy taxes and other appropriate sources; To recruit, train and develop a ski I led, effective staff to del iver programs; To educate members and key pub lies to an awareness of the vis i tor industry - its issues and opportunities. ~\ ~..' ~, or" , " . -? ( .# '" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the composition of the Board of Directors of this Counci I shal I be as fol lows: 2 Lodging 2 At-Large ., 1 Chamber of Commerce -\ 2 Attractions (Historical, Natural, Recreational) Caro I i na Beach Kure Beach Wrightsvi I Ie Beach Marketing, Advertising, and Publ ic relations professional County Commissioner City Counci Iman County Finance Officer I each appointed by City Counci I and County Commissioners I each appointed by City Counci I and County Commissioners Appointed by Chamber of Commerce Board I each appointed by City Counci I and County Commissioners Appointed by Town Counci I Appointed by Town Counci I Appointed by Board of Alderman Appointed alternately by City Counci I and County Commissioners Appointed by County Commissioners Appointed by City Counci I (Non-Voting) LASTLY, BE IT RESOLVED that the budget, bylaws, and any subsequent amendments be reviewed and approved by both the City Council and County Commissioners. Adopted at a Special Meeting on April 1, 1985. ATTEST: ~&(71LJ Chairman, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Adopted at a Special Meeting on April 1, 1985