1985-05-06 RM Exhibits ~ '~~-, ./ CONSENT AGENDA DATE: 5 -~ -9'S-- ITEM No. / .......... sa.. ... ..... as ....... ..... ................ ......... ....... N em ltannuer <trnuntJ1 Ilollrll of ([ommiGalourra I ., ,. llroclalllation WHEREAS, tourism is vital to the economy of New Hanover County, contributing significantly by virtue of both jobs provided by the travel industry as well as by the $160 million annually in travel expenditures; and WHEREAS, tourism benefits all citizens of New Hanover County. In addition to those employed directly by the travel industry and those whose businesses serve tourists, numerous other industries and businesses throughout the community benefit; and WHEREAS, revenue is generated by the travel industry which helps build and maintain better roads, improve education, provide health care and support for many other public services in North Carolina; and WHEREAS, tourism brings millions of out-of-state and foreign visi tors to North Carolina each year, thereby stimulating many secondary benefits which include industrial growth, international trade, cultural exchange and other activities; NOW, THEREFORE, we, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim the week beginning May 19, 1985 as TOURISM WEEK and call upon the people of this County to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies and activities. Nolan O'Neal, Chairman .. f. ~ ~ ~~ ~I" ~ 'I/J:;';' I-; v ~ .~ ~~~. ............................................. .'..... .. .. ........................................... . ......... .. ~"\..-1 "= \~ EXTRACTS fROM THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, at its regular meeting in the Commissioners' Assembly Room, on the first floor of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, wilmington, North Carolina, at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 6, 1985, with the following members present: Nolan O'Neal, Chairman John Dolan Claud O'Shields, Jr. Fred Retchin (Jonathan Barfield, Sr., was absent.) discussed the need for office space and facilities for the County Department of Social Services. The general discussion included: recogni tion of the annual inspection and evaluation of I ! office space and facilities for the local Department of Social Services by the State of North Carolina, Department of Human Resources, as contained in a letter dated January 11, 1985, from Polly Langston, Regional Director of the Division of Social Services; the fact that the report indicated that the New Hanover County Department of Social Services is not in compliance with State standards for office space and facilities; and that failure to plan to correct deficiencies could possibly affect Federal and State participation in the County's administrative costs. Commissioner Retchin introduced and moved the following Resolution be adopted: W HER E I~ S , the Boa r d 0 f Com m is s ion e r s 0 f t~ e w H an 0 v e r County recognizes the inadequacies of the existing office space and facili ties being used by the Department of Social Services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has determined that the maximum cash requirement to pay the capital cost for the construction of appropr iate office space and facili ties for the Department of Social Services would be $5,000,000, and the Board of Commissioners will apply for and seek authorization to issue bonds of the County of New Hanover, pursuant to the Local Government Finance Act of North Carolina, in the amount of $5,000,000; and WHEREAS, the repayment of these bonds will be from the general funds of the County, and it can be reasonably expected that a portion of the repayment will be approximately fifty per cent (50%) reimbursement from the State of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Attorney and Finance Di rector shall be the represen ta ti ves of New Hanover County to file application for approval of such general obligation bonds, with the Local Government Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Robert W. Pope, County Attorney, and Andrew J. Atkinson, County Finance Director, are designated representatives of New Hanover County to file application with the North Carolina Local Government Commission for issuance of general obligation bonds, in an amount not to exceed $5,000,000, for the construction of appropriate office 2 space and facilities for the New Hanover County Department of Social Services; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Robert W. Pope, County Attorney, is authorized to employ the firm of LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & I1acRae, New York, New York, as bond counsel to represent New Hanover County in the authorization and issuance of said bonds. The motion was seconded by Commissioner O'Shields and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Commissioners O'Neal, Retchin, O'Shields and Dolan Nays: None -Absent: Commissioner Barfield rf) , ov: /~LL ~Harrell Clerk to the Board of Commissioners the foregoing Resolution was Commissioners of ~'</ ~~ Luci~F. Harrell, Clerk 3 t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ss. : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, LUCIE F. HARRELL, Clerk of the Board of Commis- sioners of the County hereinafter described, DO HEREBY CERTIFY as follows: 1. A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, located in the State of North Carolina, was duly held on May 6, 1985, proper notice of such meeting having been given as requir~d by North Carolina statutes, and minutes of said meeting have been duly recorded in the Minute Book kept by me in accor- dance with law for the purpose of recording the minutes of said Board. 2. I have compared the attached extract with said minutes so recorded and said extract is a true copy of said minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said minutes relate to matters referred to in said extract. 3.' Said minutes correctly state the time when said meeting was convened and the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board who attended said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand corporate seal of said County 1985. ~ v/ ~~-/A , Cl k, Board of Commissioners EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County met in regular session in the Commissioners' Assembly Room, on the first floor of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, May 6, 1985, with the following members present: Nolan O'Neal, Chairman John Dolan Claud O'Shields, Jr. Fred Retchin Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Sr., was absent. * * * Commissioner O'Shields introduced the following bond order which was read at length: "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $5,000,000 PUBLIC BUILDING BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER" WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover deems it advisable to make the improvements hereinafter describedi and WHEREAS, the Board has caused to be filed with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina an application for Commission approval of the bonds hereinafter described as required by The Local Government Finance Act, and the Secretary of the Local Government Commission has notified the Board that the application has been filed and accepted for submission to the Local Govern- ment Commissioni NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to construct a public building, includ- ing the acquisition of land, and including the acquisition and installation of furnishings and equipment therefor and to pay capital costs of such improvements. Section 2. In order to raise the money required to pay capital costs of providing the improvements as set -2- forth above, in addition to any funds which may be made available for such purpose from any other source, bonds of the County of New Hanover are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The Local Government Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal amount of said bonds authorized by this bond order shall be $5,000,000. Section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. A sworn statement of the County's debt has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners and is open to public inspection. Section 5. This bond order shall take effect when approved by the voters of the County at a referendum. Commissioner O'Shields moved the adoption of the following resolution: WHEREAS, the bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $5,000,000 PUBLIC' BUILDING BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER", has been introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on May 6, 1985 and the Board desires to provide for the holding of a public hearing thereon and the submission of a statement of debt in connection therewith as required by The Local Government Bond Act; NOW, THEREFORE, -3- . BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows; (1) The public hearing upon said bond order shall be held on the 20th day of May, 1985 at 9:00 o'clock, ~.M., County Administration Building at , in Wilmington, North Carolina. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of the bond order to be published with a notice of such hearing in the form pre- scribed by law in a qualified newspaper no fewer than six days prior to such public hearing. (3) The County's Finance Officer is hereby directed to file with the Clerk of the Board of Commission- ers, prior to publication of the bond order with the notice of such public hearing, a statement setting forth the debt incurred or to be incurred, the appraised value of property subject to taxation by the County and the net debt of the County. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Retchin and was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners O'Neal, Retchin, O'Shields and Dolan. NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Barfield. * * * * * -4- :. " j~> "'- . ." ,.,' . AN ORDVNANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED FEBRUARY 17, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section I. The Subdivision Regulations of the County of New Hanover adopted :. February 17, 1969, as amended be, and the same is hereby further amended as fo I lows: Amend Certificate of Ownership, Dedication, Jurisdiction Article VI I, Section A; Add after the first sentence: "All roads and drainage easements are dedicated for pub I i c uti I i ty purposes." Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in confl ict with this ordinance, to the extent of such confl ict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of publ ic health, ~ safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carol ina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its t adoption. Adopted this 6th day of May, 1985. e ,,,,1111 III II"" ~ I, ,:~~~OVER c: "'I" .........l\ '\(\ ..... ..... 0& ..~,.'- , .... .t .. ~ ~ ~~. AJ\ ':A... ~ -~.' 't';,.A.... -". ~ II ~ . ,'''''-..-/.1. <#II :.. ,,~..;/,~ '. :. .. ~ 'Sfi\-' . _ : : I I <"':~';-7 t ;: :. ~ ~.."'l1): = ~ \ . : . E '" ~.... ". . ~ . IWOOl'Tl'U $. t -:..... ... ~'" ..- $' ~ A. e. .0 ......'" ... '" "'YO ........ \~,~ '~'" ~"'H C^9.0~ "...... 'f, ", ""'"'''''''' ~!)' ~ :. , '.. ~e .- -' AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section'. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as fol lows: Amend Article V, District Regulations, Table of Permitted Uses, Section 50-2 as fol lows: Mobile Home Sales AI P Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in confli~t with this ordinance, to the extent of such confl ict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of publ ic health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shal I be in ful I force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 6th day of May, 1985. ~;~~~;6'- .... ..\ ~ ........_('0&''- ".... ~ .... .... ~ "G. ~ ~ ..~ '. ~ ~ .. ~ . : .,.{ . ~ :.. "--,', -" '. ~ : · _. ~~f$"~_'. Yf. :: : : I ~ --,'1; ~: = :.. : ~~,.,.: E ; ~ J :".: :". .~.:: ':. e. _Q'"l.u~" I: ~ . IN)I.J$TRt .' or:- ..., ..fa -. ' .' ~ ~ ;, ....yo .... ...... ~l. - ~ "#,#, ~"'H C^~OV; ""........ 't, ,,\ '#...." """, tJ' ,~/fA- JZetd CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER , "\ '- AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section I. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as fol lows: I. Amend Section 67, Delete Buffer Strips, Add Landscape Standards (attached) 2. Amend Performance Residential, 51.5-2 (13), Add "Buffer Strips shal I be requiced in accordance with Section 67." e 3. Amend Planned Unit Development, 53.5-2(4), Fringe Use Area, Add "Buffer Strips shal I be required in accordance with Section 67." 4. Amend Shopping Center District, 58-1 (9), Add "Buffer Strips shall be required in accordance with Section 67." 5. Amend Conservation Overlay District, 59.4-4 (4)(A)(8) Buffer Strip - Buffer strip, if required in accordance with Section 67, shal I not be extended through conservation space areas. 6. Amend High Density Development, 69.4(2) Buffer Strip - Buffer strips shall be required in accordance with Section 67. Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in confl ict with this ordinance, to the extent of such confl ict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of publ ic health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New , Hanover, North Carolina, and shal I be in ful I force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th day of May, 1985. ~ t5(~ CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER e 'e e Section 67 landscaping 67-1 Functions: Landscaping accompl ishes the fol lowing functions: (I) Maintains visual character of the community; (2) Screens objectional views within and between uses; (3) Defines functional exterior spaces; (4)' Reduces g I are into and from the site; (5) Reduces dust and other pollutants suspended in the air; (6) Controls noise and provides acoustical modification into and from the site; (7) Influences wind patterns and their effects upon proposed use s ; Contains odors and minimizes their passage into and from the si te; Controls the direction and velocity of surface water runoff; Minimizes soil erosion; Moderates interior and exterior temperatures by controlling solar radiation on buildings and paved surfaces; Ma i nta ins the estheti c qua Ii ty of property and enhances Its value; '( 8) (9) ( 10) ( II ) ( 12) 67-2 Applicability: In order to meet the above functions, landscaping shal I be required for the purposes of: (I) Buffering adjoining and competing land uses; (2) Landscaping parking lots)dth five or more parking spaces or those areas 2500 square feet or more devoted for vehicular (3) use; Retaining existing trees institutional and industrial on commercial, office and deve I opments that will disturb . one acre or more. Landscap i ng for the above three types of projects sha II meet the general landscaping performance standards specified In Section 67.3. Additional performance standards, as appl icable, shall also be met for buffer strips (Section 67-4) and for parking lots (Section 67-5). Utility rights of ways shal I be exempt from these regulations. 67-3 General Standar~s for Landscaping The fo II ow i ng ~:"nera I standards sha II be used I n the process of designing all lan.::scaplng plans: (I) Retention of existing vegetation It is encouraged that vegetation existing on the site at the time of development be reta i ned and used to sati sfy some or a II of the landscape requirements, when practical. (A) Existing vegetation that shall be retained as part of the lan-dscape plan shal' meet the opacity, height, and other requirements as specified in the following sections, or be supplemented with planted vegetation. (B) AI I trees on the site greater than 18" diameter at 4.5 feet above ground shal' be preserved to the greatest extent practical and incorporated into required landscaping. (I) These trees sha II be Inventor led as part of the landscape plan, in accordance with Section 67-8. . , 'e e (2) If any of these trees are to be cleared from the site, reasons for doing so shall be clearly stated on the landscape plan. Suitable reasons for clearing one or more of these trees include such factors as trees cover more of the si te area than is required to be landscaped and the parcel will be fully used, 'or that it is impossible to position bu i I dings on the parce I and meet setback requirements without tree removal. Unsuitable reasons include such factors as more parking than the minimum specified by Section 80 is desired, or that non-selective clearing by bulldozer is less expensive than selective clearing by chainsaw. (3) Existing trees specified on the required landscape plan to rema in on the site as a function ful fi II ing purposes of th i s Secti on, sha II be protected from vehicular movement and material storage during construction and in the final landscape design. An undisturbed area with a porous surface shal I be reserved around each tree as determined by the tree's drip ring of its natural canopy. (2) Selection of Plant Materials - All plant materials and their spacing requirements, which are to be planted to meet the opacity and height requirements of this section shal I be either selected from the manual, "Tree and Plant Materials for Landscaping," prepare.o by and available from the County P I ann i ng Department or sha II be approved by the New Hanover County Agricultural Extension Service. (3) Provision for other uses - Up to fifteen per cent (15%) of the area to be landscaped may be covered with surfaces specifically intended to afford intensive use and enjoyment by employees or the publ ic (such as walking paths, bench and table pads, etc.). (4) Adequate sight angles At all points of egress from off-street parking areas to a road, unobstructed visibility shall be maintained at an elevation of between three (3) and seven (7) feet of the pavement level, within the two areas formed by two right angle triangles on the sides of the driveway. Each triangle shall have a base measuring 15 feet along the edge of the driveway and a height measuring 30 feet along the edge of the road right-of-way. . At the corners of road intersections, unobstructed visibility shall be maintained at an elevation between three (3) feet and seven (7) feet of the pavement level within an area required by the regulations adopted by the Department of Transportation, State of North Carolina, in "Subdivision Roads: Minimum Construction Standards" (May I, 1983) and any subsequent amendments thereto or the regu I ations adopted by the governing body, whichever are the greater. (5) It Is encouraged that stormwater retention ponds be integrated into the landscaping plan. I, , 'e . 67-4 Additional Landscaping Requirements for Buffer Strips Buffer strips are designed to protect adjoining land uses, generally low density, single-family residential uses, from the noise, heat, dust, threats to privacy, and aesthetic impacts from more intense land uses. The following requirements shall be met in designing landscaping for buffer strips: (I) Measurement of height of the buffer strip - If the butter strip is to be located on the common property I ine or at a higher elevation than on the common property I ine, then the height ot the buffer strip shall equal or exceed the minimum height set forth in the following sections of the ordinance. If the buffer strip is to be located at an elevation lower than the elevation of the common property line, then the m in imum he i ght of the buf ter str i p sha II equa I or exceed the difference between elevations plus the minimum height set forth in the fol lowing sections of the ordinance. (2) Types of buffer strips - The following types of butfer strips between different land uses may be used: A. Planted (living) buffer strip - The minimum height ot a planted butfer strip shall be three (3) feet at planting and six (6) feet at maturity. The planted butfer strip shal I give approximately 100% visual opacity at maturity. The number of rows of planted materials and width required for each buffer strip between different land uses is specifieg in Table 67-4. B. CombJnation planted buffer strip with artifical fencing: (I) Artificial fencing shall be between six (6) to ten (10) feet in height, (2) If sol id artificial fencing is used, planted materials shall be a minimum height of 18" at initial planting and 6' at maturity, and give at least 50% visual opacity of the fence at maturity. A building wal I may be used in combination with planted materials similar to the use of a soild artificial fence, provided that no use is made of the property between the building wall and the property I ine except in emergency situations. (3) If permeable artifical fencing is used, planted materials shal I be a minimum of 3' at initial planting and 6' at maturity, and give approximately 100% visual opacity ot the fence at maturity. (4) The number of rows of planted materials required with artificial fencing and the width of the butfer strip between different land uses Is specified in Table 67-4. . 'e <1l III :::> III ::l . I +--0 o..'+- c 10 L I 0 <1l L U 0 <1l 100E 0..0 E III - 0 o u cO <1l- '+- L 0.. 00 O.c 0 U 1O+- <1l'+- +- '+-'+- III ::l . I +--0 0.. 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'e . 67-5 Additional Landscaping Requirements for Parking Lots Landscaping Is required for parking lots for the purposes of reducing aesthetic Impacts of paving or removing ,the natural vegetatIon from large areas; to reduce the noise, heat and dust associated with parking lots; and other purposes as listed In Section 67-1. (() App I I cab I I I ty Landscap I ng sha II 'be requ i red for a II off-street parking facilities with five or more spaces or those areas 2500 square feet or more devoted for vehicular use. A landscaping plan shall be submitted in accordance with Section 67-8. , (2) Design Criteria - Landscaping shall be required for parking lot perimeters and for parking lot Interiors. (A) Parking Lot Perimeters - A landscaped strip four (4) feet In width shal I be required along any side of a park I ng lot abuttl ng a street right-of-way or separate parking lots In accordance with the fol lowing: (I) At least one evergreen tree shall be located every twenty-seven (27) to thirty-six (36) feet; or, ( I I) Dee I duous trees or ta II shrubs may be used I n the following manner: a. One dec I duous tree or ta II shrub for each eight (8) to nine i9) feet of artlfical fencing; or, b. One dec i duous tree or ta II shrub for each twenty-seven (27) to thirty-six (36) feet of a planted buffer strip as specified in Section 67-4(2)(A). (S) Parking Lot Interiors - Interior landscaping Is defined as the landscaping required within the parking lot perimeters. Interior landscaping shall be provided equa I to 6% of the tota I area to be used for park I ng, loading area, or for other vehicular use. Interior landscaping shal I be in the form of planting islands, either separate or protruding from the perimeter I andscap I i'~. Each I s I and sha II have no hor i zon ta I dlmenslon)f less than nine (9) feet. Each island shall have no 18~S than one planted or existing tree per island, with appropriate groundcover. No parking space sha II be located more than one hundred and twenty feet from a planting island. AI I parking spaces shal I be blocked or curbed to prevent veh i c I es either from overhanging planting Islands or landscaped yards by an average. of more than one foot or damaging adjacent fences or screens. 67-6 Maintenance (A) All planted I iving material shall be maintained by the owner of the property on a conti nu i ng bas i s for the II fe of the development. (8) Artificial fencing shall be maintained, cleaned and repaired by the owner of the property on a continuing basis for the I I fe of the deve I opment. Such fenc I ng sha II be kept free of I itter and advertising. . J. ti' .' . 67-7 Administration and Enforcement ( I ) Pr lor to the I ssuance of a bu I I ding perm I t for any project required to have landscaping as required by Section 67-2, a plan prepared In conformance with the provisions of Section 67-8 sha II be subm i tted to and approved by the Bu I I ding Inspector. (2) No Certificate of Occupancy for any construction or renovation shall be approved by the Bui Idlng Inspector untl I: (A) The required landscaping Is completed In accordance with the approved plan; or (B) A bond or certified check has been posted, which Is available to the County, and In sufficient amount to assure Installation of the required landscaping. The amount of the bond sha I I be subm I tted by the deve loper and reviewed and determined by the Board of County Commissioners to be acceptable, or (C) An Irrevocable letter of credit Issued by a bank In a form approved by the County Attorney, or a depos I t of funds I n escrow, may be accepted I n I I eu of bond under the same terms and conditions appl icable to bonds In Section B above. (0) No surety or portion thereof, as provided for In this section, shall be released by the Board of County Commissioners until al I landscaping has been Installed, Inspected and approved, and until al I required certification of such approval has been presented to sa I d Boa rd. . 67-8 Landscaping Plans - Landscaping plans shall be submitted for all appl icable projects specified in 67-2. These plans shall contain the fol lowing information: (I) Date of plan preparation (2) Project name and description of land use (3) Project owner and mal ling address (4) A map at a scale of 1"=100' or less showing (A) North arrow (B) Sca J e (C) Locations and species of -Tees over 18" diameter at 4.5 feet above ground. If:3;' of these trees are to be cleared, reasons for doinQ so shall be explicitly stated. (D) Locations, dimensions and square footages of required buffer strips and parking lot landscaping. (E) Details of required landscaping showing species, dimensi9ns, and spacing of planted materials and the use and protection of existing vegetation. (F) Location and square footage of structures and parking lots. (G) Adjacent zoning districts. (5) Proposed schedule for landscaping. IIIL-. .'. '!':..' ~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED FEBRUARY 17, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section I. The Subdivision Regulations of the County of New Hanover adopted e February 17, 1969, as amended be, and the same is hereby further amended as follows: Amend Contents of the Prel iminary Plat 3.2(18) A landscaping plan, if appl icable, under Section 67 of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in confl ict with this ordinance, to the extent of such confl ict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of publ ic health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New . '~ Hanover, North Carol ina, and shal I be in ful I force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 6th day of May, 1985. ~J'""""'" '~l-\OVER ~ .........\ . . . . "" 0" _ ;8_ lIIi ~.' '. v-~ l ~~ 00" !}\ '0. "I-?\ .. .... 0 ~ '," _'. . .. J,r...J".l.. 0 . .. 0 . '~ - -- . - ",":"- :'/.. . :. : 0 , ...... t>')('~ ~ _ : It '~".:~. '"I;. >", . :: .. t ~I" f . .. i ~. ~' If"".,,~.1): = ;... . ~/.:.. ~ ~ .. .....oln1.ut::Om{.' i -..,,, .iJ'.. .... 1l"C>V.s;," .... $' ..... 0 ......... ..3..l'- ~ '''~'' \ '\~ ,'" "" ,.,., C1\9.0'" ...,\...' '" "... """"11"'" ~ () f 71/LJ'~ CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER ~. ~ '.. .1,,- . . . . , . . . . . , . , , , 'I New )Jannu.er QIountU 1Boarb of QIomnlinniollcrn 1I1.en olution f. WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes the vital importance of higher levels of training for pre~hospital care professionals; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires to provide all available avenues of treatment to save human life in the event of accident, illness, or sudden injury; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has created a division of Emergency Medical Services under the Department of Emergency Services for the purpose of providing the mechanism for prompt, trained, professional, definitive, cost-effective, centralized, and medically contrplled pre-hospital care; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County request that the North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners, North Carolina Emergency Medical Services Medical Advisory Board, North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services and other necessary regulatory and legislative bodies move as expeditiously as possible to promulgate such rules, regulations, training requirements, testing procedures, and licensing procedures as necessary for rapid implementation of this program; and 1e THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the State of North Carolina provide the level of certification for pre-hospital care personnel with the following skills: 1. All North Carolina Emergency Medical Technician - Intermediate skills as defined by the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services. 2. Additional training to provide for the following skills: a. Administration of electrical defibrillation and monitoring under standing order or local protocol with portable equipment. b. Administration or insertion airway technique not limi ted tracheal intubation. of advanced to endo- . , . . , !: ~O~,t: c. Administra~ion of intravenous dextrose ~f. :~ ......._~~......,.......,.,',..."........ ,C.QR~1lM-R-~7ii>fl,.,.............. .........................,...,.,...., '0" ) I"~ ~'= . ~,-j , . \ ,. . .. d. Administration of Naloxone or equivalent. e. Administration of Epinephrine to combat anaphylaxis. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County or its designee be allowed to provide the above mentioned training for the qualified personnel in conjunction with the local medical director/physician and the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Service; and . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that New Hanover County will strive for centralized, high quality, medically controlled pre-hospital care to the residents and visitors of New Hanover County. Signed this I~ day of May, 1985. l!~ Oneal. Nolan O'Neal, Chairman . e ... )~) '. ~ ,. fe BOARD OF CU1HISSIONERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY RESOLUTION ,- \MEREAS, the COtIDty of New Hanover is the owner of real property at the comer of 17th Street and Savannah Court upon which is located the Mental Health Center and the Departrrent of Public Health, said property being acquired by a deed recorded in Book 704, at Page 479, and a deed recorded in Book 704, at Page 480, of the New Hanover COtIDty Registry, and; f. HHEREAS, said property is bordered on the north by a sixty foot right of way and easerrent of the City of Wilmington conveyed to the City by a deed recorded in Book 963, at Page 211, of the New Hanover County Registry for the construction of a street, said street known as Savannah Court, and; \oJHEREAS, the improvement of said street will benefit the adjacent property owners by providing access to both 16th Street and 17th Street, by providing stom sewer services, and by increasing access to fire protection, police protection and energency services, and; WHEREAS, New Hanover Merrorial Hospital, the Depart:Jrent of Public e Health, the Mental Health Center and the general welfare of the public will be served by paving and improving Savannah Court; 'Ie NOW, TIIEREFORE, be it resolved that in the interest of the general welfare of the public and for other good and sufficient causes being shown, that the Board of Corrrnissioners for New Hanover County e ~ e - e e petition the City of Wilnrington to assess the owners of property adj acent to Savannah Court for 100% of the cost of irnprovern2Ilts thereto; that the Cmmty' s portiOn of said expenses be allocated and provided for fran the general budget of New Hanover County, and; that the C01IDty Manager be and hereby is authorized to take whatever steps necessary to petition the City of Wilmington to assess the COlll1.ty and other owners of property adj Rcent to Savannah Court for the cost of said improverrents. This the C .L4... day of April, 1985. ~OVER '\ .. ...........~ ~..... . ....~ . . I .. ... . . - . . = . .. ... :. : ': = .. ,-. = : ......~:.~ .",. . ,.. ~ ~ -Q~~ ~ I ~, ~- .... ~.~:'" .... $' "<. 'YO ......... ~~ ~ (SEAL)",.. ~"/.f CII.~O\'~ ",~ '" "".. ,........."",,' BOARD OF CCM1ISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BY'~ &'7l4f ~c/#~ SE Y .- STATE OF NORTII CAROLINA COUNI'Y OF NEW HANOVER PETITION FOR STREET ll1PROVEMENIS TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WIIMINGlDN: Now came the tmdersigned owners of property abutting Savannah Court, also referred to as Grayrmnt Drive, and hereby petition, pursuant . to North Carolina General Statute Section 160A-217 (a), the City Cmmcil of the City of Wilmington to levy a special assessment against the lands abutting the portion of the aforesaid street to be improved for one lnmdred per cent (100%) of the costs of said improverrents and to provide therefran for curbing, guttering and paving said street. In support hereof, Petitioners respectfully show tmto said Cmmcil as follows: I. That the Subdivision Review Board and the Teclmical Review Board have approved the proposed improvements to Savannah Court as the same are shown on the plans thereof prepared by Joseph S. Hill, Jr., and Associates, Consulting Engineers and Planners, the same being attached tit hereto as Exhibit "A". II. That said proposed s~reet shall service Planters National Bank & Trust Company, New Hanover County Mental Health Center, New Hanover Cotmty Merrorial Hospital and Savannah Court. III. That the properties lying adjacent to said proposed street on the south are owned by New I:-L;mover Cotmty and New Hanover MeImrial Hospital, Inc. a non-profit corporation. e e IV. That the lands lying adjacent to said proposed street on the north are owned by Planters National Bank & Trust Company, Stone Build- ers and Drayton Square. e . V. That New Hanover County is the owner of the southwestem IIDSt tract fronting Savannah Court by virtue of a deed of release to the County for construction of the Health Depar~nt, said deed being dated July, 1973 and recorded in Book 981, at Page 486, of the New Hanover County Registry. This tract contains 457.83 lineal front feet on Savannah Court. VI. That New Hanover Memorial Hospital, Inc., is the owner of the southp..asternrmst tract fronting Savannah Court by virtue of a, lease agreement with the County of New Hanover dated Jtme 7, 1967. This tract contains 999.47 lineal front feet on the 60 foot easement dedicated for Savannah Court and is described in two deeds in Book 704, at Page 479 and Page 480, of the New Hanover County Registry. VII. That Planters National Bank is the successor in interest to Hanover Corrmunity Bank by ~rger and is the o;vner of the northwestern roost tract fronting Savarmah Court. This tract contains 262 lineal front feet fronting on Savannah Court as described in a deed recorded in e Book 992 at Page 292 of the New Hanover County Registry. That Stone Builders is the o;mer of the middle tract on the northem boundary of Savannah Court. This tract contains 500 lineal front feet fronting on Savarmah Court as described in a deed recorded in Book 1263, at Page 1319, of the Nev7 Hanover Connty Registry. That Drayton Square is the e e CMner of the northeasternrmst tract bordering Savannah Court by virtue of a deed recorded in Book 1153, at Page 270, of the New Hanover Cotmty Registry. This tract contains approximately 225.36 lineal front feet, fronting Savannah Court. VIII. Stone Builders, the County of New Hanover and New Hanover , Mermrial Hospital, Inc., represent a ma.j ority of the owners of the property affected by this petition and the proposed street. e . IX. That the petitioner, New Hanover Memorial Hospital, Inc., owns approximately 523.34 lineal feet of property on the proposed improved street; that the petitioner, New Hanover County owns approxi- mately 457.83 lineal front feet on the proposed improved street; that the petitioner Stone Builders owns 500 lineal front feet on the proposed improved street. That Planters National Bank owns, approximately 262 lineal front feet on the proposed improved street and Drayton Square owns approx:i.m:ltel y 225.36 lineal front feet on the proposed street. That the petitioners own IIDre than 75% of all of the lineal feet of frontage of the lands abutting the portion of Savannah Court to be improved. X. That the improverrent of said street will benefit all of the adjacent property owners by providing access to both 16th Street and 17th Street, by providing storm sewer services and eliminating drainage problems, and by increasing access to fire protection, police protection and errergency services. e XI. That the easerrent and right of way for said street was conveyed to the City of Wilmington in order to facilitate construction and improverrent of Savannah Court by deed recorded in Book 963, at Page 211, of the New Hanover COlIDty Registry. e e XII. New Hanover Memorial Hospital and the general welfare of the public will be served by said proposed irnproveI1Ents to Savannah Court. HHEREFORE, petitioners pray the ColIDcil of the City of Vlilmington, North Carolina to adopt a resolution to levy a special assessment against the aforesaid owners of property bordering Savannah Court for 100% of the costs of improving Savannah Couit and to apply said assessrnent for the purpose of extending Savannah Court eastwardly , ; .e . e e e from the center line of South 17th Street south 84 degrees 4 minutes east approximately 1000 feet as shawn on Exhibit A, attached hereto. This the day of April, 1985. NEW HANOVER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, INC. BY: ~~ER ", ........ 4 ...........~ .~.. "~ I ~ .. .. "',1. : I.. / \ . : . . .. : :,1 : = :.:' :: .. ...- : ..'. '~' :., *". . ... -:.. e. "ollf'l"J.u .. I: ~."'''' A... .... ~'" .... $' ...... 'YO ......... ~"t- #' "'''' 'R1'J./ C^~O~ ".., ~,. ",,, ...."""", BOARD OF CQvMISSIONERS OF NE.1.J HANOVER COUNTY ~ I BY: AhL t) 71taJ BOARD OF CCM1ISSIONERS ~d~ S , '1illY S'IDNE BUIlDERS ~ , ~e " . e --" f~"'-'" /' ATTACHMENT 1 LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL RESOLUTION (To be completed and attached to form GHSP-D-03, "Application For Highway Safety Project GIant.") VlHEREAS, the NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (G10YUNIHGI BODY or UNIT or G10VlRNNINT) thoroughly considered the problem addressed in the application entitled and has reviewed the project described In the application; and herein called the "Applicant" has 55 MPH ENFORCEMENT NEW HANOVER COUN'lY PHASE lV VlHEREAS, under the terms of Public Law 89-564 as amended, the Unlted'States of America has authorized the Department of Transp::lrtatlon, through the North Carolina Governor's Highway Safety PrOQram to make feqeral grants to assist local governments In the Improvement of highway safety, NOVl THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NfYJ HANnum ronT-rrv ROA'Rn OF' (,OMMT~~TONrR~ (GlOVIRHINGl BODY or UNIT or GlOVIRHWIIll) IN OPEN MEETING ASSEMBLED IN THE CITY OF CAROLINA. THIS Jcft DAY of ~ WTTMTN(:;'T'ON ,19 g S- , AS FOLLOWS: , NORTH 1. That the project referenced above Is In the best interest of the Applicant and the general public. NOlAN O'NEAL, CHAIRMAN_,.. 2. That JOSEPH McQUEEN t JR., SHERIFF AND be authorized to file, In behalf of the Applicant, (HAWI AND TITLI or IliPRiSlNTAnVI) an application in the form prescribed by the Governor's Highway Safety Program for federal fundlnQ In the amount of . $1!U'.574. 00 to be made to the Applicant to assist in defraying the cost of the (rIDIJIAL OOLLAIIIIIQUI8T) project described In the application. 3. That the Applicant has formally appropriated the cash contribution of as required by the project. llleeA'L eABH APPROJ'IUA nON) 4. That the Project Director designated In the application form shall furnish or make arrangements for other appropriate persons to furnish such Information, data, documents and rep::lrts. pertaining to the project, If approved, as may be required by the Governor's Highway Safety Program. 5. That certified copies of this resolution be Included as part of the application referenced above. 6. TO.' 'hi. ,.oo)utlon .hal1 take .flecllmmedlately upon tI. a;J.o~ I r,. DONE AND ORDERED In open meeting. by: / ~1' t:J ,n~ , CHA1RNANlNAYOR Commissioner/Councllma and moved its adoption, which was seconded by Commissioner/Councilman and was duly adopted. ~?:~€~~if /~ CLIJUC