1985-05-20 RM Exhibits ij ~ ~ )(/// tJ~~ . J. Ifikrell :. TAX ADMINISTRATOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTHCAROLINA28401~1\TSi(NT AGENDA Telephone (919) 341-7131 \.;U i h fJ DATE: S-2-rJ-cF5 ROLAND G. REGISTER Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Collections thru April 30, 1985 1984 $23,308,884.49 2,348,328.25 $25,657,212.74 93,031. 68 $25,564,181.06 -24,601,266.26 $ 962,914.80 96.23% ITEM No. :L 1983 $21,509,024.76 2,480,625.Zl $23,989,649.97 133,877.74 $23,855,772.23 -22,971,922.46 $ 883,849.77 96.30% Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 816,373.08 2,464.31 416,986.69 $ 396,922.08 51.23% $ 1,007,748.29 36,327.08 112,173.07 $ 859,248.14 11. 55% $ 664,382.79 1,723.29 298,236.33 364,423.17 45.01% $ $ 907,758.59 45,079.03 84,189.16 778,490.40 9.76% $ Room Occupancy Tax Collections in April $24,614.96. Privilege License Collections in April $1,182.37. Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $37,385,568.09. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1984. Respectfully submitted, )/ll.mu.. S\. (1,lf'rv Patricia J.~~ynor Collector of Revenue PJR:lm $f ~ ~ X/II ;O~1o ;. , MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. G. Felix Cooper :::::: ~~::::st~~ TaxAdm1n1strat9~ / FROM: SUBJECT: Abatements and Refunds DATE: May 13, 1985 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: ITEM No. 5'" - 2.. 0- ~ j '. Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Aberle, Frank B. 2. Avery, Tony'Derand 3. Bame, Helen 4. Bass, Luther Caldwell 5. Berriman, Constance Ann 6. Billingslea, Lillie Mae 7. Blake, Jeffrey Lynn 8. Blalock, James Lee 9. Bordeaux, Harlee Eugene 10. Bowman, Vicky Joan 11. Bullock, Ted Jackson 12. Carr, Jerline Termoney 13. Costin, Gary Lee 14. Curry, Sidney O'Neil 15. Dicello, Barbara A. 16. Ezzell, Ray Nelson 17. Harrison, Lawrence Edward Jr. 18. Hetu, Frederick James 19. Johnson, Melvin M. 20. Jordan, Harlee 21. Lewis, Garland Baxter Jr. 22. Mullins, Ronald Dean 23. Newberry, William 24. O'Donnell, Michael Jay 25. Olde Towne Food Service 26. Parker, Johnnie Council III 27. Powell, Edith Morris 28. Reaves, Dorothy Lee 29. Retail Sales Corp. 30. Richards, Laura Nelson 31. Roberts, Eugene Ross 32. Saunders, George Elliott 33. Sanderson, Homer TIladeus 34. Segars, James Richard 35. Smith, Marrow 36. Voorhees, Francis Worden 37. Walker, Robert Benjamin Jr. 38. Wallace, Robert Thonms 39. Washington, Joseph $ 19.86 2.09 3.26 4.19 40.69 Refund 13.31 (1983) 2.09 7.18 5.60 4.13 4.13 4.13 2.09 64.25 19.56' (1980) 22.52 2.09 95.37 46.79 (1983) 4.93 (1981) 11. 07 68.84 159.80 23.49 (1983 & 1984) 15,109.81 (1981 - 1983) 47.65 (1983) 34.94 13.46 165.09 9.80 8.75 2.09 12.81 4.73 162.33 17.58 20.12 4.13 43.78 " , .' Hr. G. Felix Cooper Page 2 May 13, 1985 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: 1. Kelly, Jack 2. N C N B Leasing- 78 3. Poole, Robert 'G. ' 4. Saunders, Jerry Ray 5. Wade, Benjamin Bradstreet $ 28.22 Refund 84.46 520.56 :{1979' -.1984) 30.03 (1981 & 1983) 80.64 (1981) Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: 1. Bradshaw, Max David 2. Bullard, Jessie Davie 3. Farrior, James Alexander 4. Farrior, Michele Wilken 5. Leak Repairs, Inc. 6. Pridgen, Charles Evans 7. Rooks, Wayne Andrew 8. Shiver, Kenneth 9. Staton, G. Eric 10. Wade, Benjamin Bradstreet 22.79 42.96 (1981 & 1982) 2.04 38.19 131. 69 (1983) 169.49 100.33 39.75 35.62 Refund 26.65 (1982) Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of mispriced trailers, boats, and vehicles; charged to wrong company; penalty charged in error; state appraised property charged in error; annexed in error: 1. Brown, Leslie 2. Carolina Carriers, Inc. 3. Carolina Freight Carriers 4. Cartrett, Janice Courtwrigh 5 . Fox, J. H. 6. Rooks, Wayne Andrew 7. Olde Towne Food Service 8. Williams, Carlyle 4.86 201.64 (Refund $183.31) 209.80 (1982 - 1984) 179.72 Refund 1.64 67.47 Refund 8.41 3,561.86 (1981.- 1983) 269.87 Refund Request these items be placed on the Consent Agenda for the County Commissioners meeting May 20, 1985. I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. :sw I .. Mr. G. Felix Cooper Page 3 May 13, 1985 Copy: R. Pope County Attorney vi. Harrell Clerk to the Bo'ard C. Beatty Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue A. Mozingo Internal AuditQt;" C,,"""~.'TI ~'ft1. 11'JfJIlj' AGE- NDA I ' L ,:H I. l, 'v 1Lj~Jl.~li. NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Dl\TE: jI-L>>~~ FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM I ITEM No. 0 ~~~ 'f/II ~lc REQUEST North Carolina County of New Hanover Road Description Lord Nance Court, Kings Grant, Section 14, Div. File #52l-N WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover' that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution wa? duly adopted by the ~ounty of '/t.dv ~at a meeti ng on the 19 ~S. . WITNESS my .4;:;;~~ial seal this the tf1 ~ ~~~ ..1\ 00000000 C'o:,.'-. ~f::I,,~ 00 00 ~_(? .:' .S!/ 00' )1\ 000 ~ ~ :: "" 0, ..-.( 0 ~;g, I) 0 f ' " 0 -~ g g 00 . t ,>"'. .... o. ': ~ g I~ l~ : D~O .. '" ')" ~ ~ ~ "~'~/"'.: E :~. 1"tf).0':: ;. 00 ~ .0 ~ ~ o 0 lt$pOlnJ'u~ 0 '<:. c:.. A. 00 ~$lR'l 00 I;: '"" -~ 00 ' 00 ~ ~,. 0.1\ 0000000000 ~~ ,~. '.# -r1'"J., C Ar'O\.'\ ....... ( ./)4; ), 1'\1' ,,'\" Form SR-2 7-7'~9J8DDQD8U"~' .' the Board of Commissioners of ~ d1e:/ day of ~ day of ,~, 19 ?:S--: ;,,~~~ ~ ~~~~~y ~~a~~~ PLEASE NOTE: Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways t>ef"f'( ~...~ - . 'i,L~ A!1~ ~//// I./~ '/ I ~.. Introduced by G. Felix Cooper, ~13.nager Date RESOLUTION' ACCEPl'ING OFFER TO PURCHASE SURrLUSRFAL PROPERlY WHEREAS, certain offers to purchase parcels of real property owned wholly or jointly by New Hanover County und/or the City of Wilmington have been advertised for upset bid in canpliance with North Carolina General Statute l60A-269 and pursuant to resolutions adopted by the City Council of the City of Wilmington on April 19, 1985 and the Board of Camnissioners of New Hanover County on April 15, 1985; and WHEREAS, there have been no further qualifying upset bids entered for the property described on the attached list within the statutory period allowed by North Carolina General Statute l60A-269; and WHEREAS, the offerors indicated on the attached list have agreed to pay the anount indicated on the attached list for the parcels of real property shawn thereon; and WHEREAS, the property is declared by the County Camnissioners to be sUrplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best public interest. and welfare to dispose of this property in accordance with the negotiated tenns and conditions. NCW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to NCGS 160A::-269, the County Camnissioners do hereby accept the offers to purchase as indicated on the attached list from the offerors as indicated. 2. 'Ihat the City of Wilmington and/or New Hanover County will retain any dePJsit PJsted by the offerors as liquidated damages if the offerors fail to pay the balance of an approved offer due in cash wi thin ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certifiedrnail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. 'Ihat the ChairrrBIl of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offerors as designated on the attached list. ~ t!JllZk1 Chai:rnan of the Board of commissioners Adopted at a ~ meeting on ~ OltJ.J ' 19r1~ . ATl'EST: Coun~-</ ~., 4. -""UIl'l1 """'" ~....r~~~OV~R C ",~... rli....\ . . . . . . . . 0" _ .... . ...... .. v ijjII l ~~.. _. II.; '.. ~~ .. ~. 0.' . ~ .",1. w ! .. )~r; '," r.~ ; ... . fr .- . . ',., Ill.. . . ~." .. E.: r', ~ \. \~:~"'".J" -;' ./ ~~ / ...... 1, .... ",' .'V... ~,.'" .-:." (){> SOe.,,'. \\\..c4,'"to' "" 1,,!~ CAP-O\' \" #~"# i ,\\'\' """'1"\\\\ "';;:!(!f:, '~i ~ ,':,1" _'" 't.._",';;"~~~~.""~',:",~,'~i,,,,~;I!iL;;~.;,,,~L~~;",",~' ", ',,: '.iii:;i{;;Y':,.:':i~;:_'. ";.<1;(',,. ____.._.;';},:'.'_ .' .. . .~;~,- - - ~. .,,' :);[AP NlIHBER: 6001-04813-023-027.000 J.". ',' ______.___w , ______ . ;:",)RESS: 820 CaTTIPbe-11--~trQQ..t;________._______.__ LEGAL DESC. :._l!J-1.J~J:~:~_~.3_~...___ :.;.~SSESSED VALUE: LAND $_J~jO __ BLOCS.: $ -0.- TOTAL: $.-1-..J!!O.OL_---.:: ' ~/ DIHENSIONS: 40 x 66 ZONING: R-] ACQ. COST: $' 767.15 ' . % CITY: -2.0.9 .- % COUNTY: =-2_~J_____ CITY COST: $---697:00---- BID: $ 520 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: 50 OFFEROR: LIENS: Johrmy Tindall & wife, --- Peggy hme 'l'inda11 P. O. Box 131 ----- Castle Hayne, N. C. 28429 TYPE: TOTAL -().- =:.::=..-==-::;.-=:.t':.:':'..: TAX NAP NUMBER: 6001-04913-010.-005.001 ADDRESS: 204N:-]()tJl--Stieet----- -------LEGAL DESC.: Pt. lot 4 Evans Division ASSESSED vAijj'f:-~\iID-$=~~~260----_ BLI)(;S:-f -~____ TOTA"L-S.---3,26()'.-OO----- DUIENSlONS: 42 x 206 , ZONING: R-S-- ACQ. COST: $ T10'.:"S6 ~~ CITY: _. 12' --- % COUN1:Y-;--=_. 8~'h-==-- -'CITY COST: $_2o:.~O lIG~r.f assISRiCd). BID: $ 1,630 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: 50 -------- OFFEROR: LIENS: TYPE: E. Edward Nixon & wife, Anna H. Nixon 1509 Orange Street: .~-_....-..._--- Wibn:blgton, N. C. 28401 TOTAL _.::~::::-::--==--== TAX NAP NUNBER: ___________. ____________.___. .___ ADDRESS: LEGAL UESC.: ASSESSED VALUE: -LAN1)-$=-=-~~~=--=- . i3I'DGS-:-.$____________ iOTi;L $_=-________ DUlENSIONS: .:.:....:.:.,;...___....._.._._____ ZONING: _____.u___~ ACQ. COST: $ % CITY: ___ % FjUNTY: _______'_._____________ CITY COST: $ BID: $ .70 OF ASSESSED VALUE: -.---- OFFEROR: LIENS: TYPE: -----..---.._..____.__4_____~_.._ -.--.------....-..--.-...-...-.---- .---...-.....-..--......"'- ....--.....,..--. -.--..-- ; ! TOTAL . ~~ ~ X/(~~7- ? Iritroduced by: G. Felix Cooper, Manager Date RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPl'ANCE OF OFFERS 'ID PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY -' WHEREl\S, a certain parcel of real property owned wholly or jointly by New Hanover Connty and/or the City of Wilmington has been offered for sale pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 160A-269; and WHEREAS, the offeror indicated on the attached list has agreed to pay the anonnt indicated on the attached list for the parcel of real property shown; and WHEREAS, the offeror agrees, as a condition of sale, to nndertake rehabilitation of said property within sixty (60) days of receiving a deed to the property identified in the attaclnnent hereto; and WHEREAS, the property is declared by the Connty Canmissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best pubIc interest and welfare to dispose of this property in accordance with the neg9tiated terms and conditions. NCM THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to NCGS 160A-269, the Connty Corrmissioners propose to accept the offer to purchase indicated on the attached list from the offeror as indicated. 2. That the Connty of New Hanover and/or the City of Wilmington will retain any deposit posted by the offeror when: a. the offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit; or b. the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified nail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the Connty of New Hanover reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 4. That the County of New Hanover will require the offeror to deposit five (5%) percent of the offered price i.mrrediately following adoption of this resolution. S. That the Clerk of the Board of Camnissioners will publish a notice of the offer as required by NCGS 160A-269. ( ~/ ~ 72pg-f Chainnan of the Board of Comnissioners Adopted at a on ~ "'TrEST .",^ .tc\ . r ~ ~!,ll}g dl 0 , 19~. .' ~\ ... "/ f .-.$ ..... ..... 'ell: l- ~ ... ~ ~\ -'. 1.~ ~ . '." r1'. __ .. .:t;f~.',.." . ... .,. \. ..- to (~f;i!~)) ~ ) -::. _.. ",..:;vJ).R"l . ,I ,.:::" , 4:', .' _....'>-- .. " 0 ....... \,,\~ ,.... ""'" 'li'l'/-f Cf\9.0v- "",,,, .". \\\ .....,,,,,,,' ~ J JAX Ma\P NUMBER: R05410~014-004.000 , ADDRESS: 715 S. 13th Street ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 2,360 DIMENSIONS: 33 x 155 % CITY: 76.5 % BID: $ 2,~35.00 OFFEROR: E. Edward Nixon & wife,. Arma M. Nixon 3,110 LEGAL DESC.: Pt W 1/2 4 Blk. TOTAL: $ S , ~u:OU ACQ. COST: $ 1,,343.92 CITY COST: $----.~3.11 514 BLDGS.: $ ZONING: ,R-S COUNTY: 23.5 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: 50 LIENS: TYPE: 1509 Orange street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 TOTAL TAX MAP NUMBER: ADDRESS: ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ DIMENSIONS: % CITY: BID: $ OFFEROR: BLDGS. $ ZONING: LEGAL DESC.: TOTAL $ ACQ. COST: ".$ CITY COST: $ % COUNTY: % OF'ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: TYPE: TOTAL TAX MAP NUMBER: ADDRESS: ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ DIMENSIONS: % CITY: BID: $ OFFEROR: LEGAL DESC.: BLDGS. $ ZONING: TOTAL $ ACQ. COST: $ CITY COST: $ TYPE: % COUNTY: % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: TOTAL t" ,. ;~.,. .', . ",I. '..j' .' .f "l'"F-' . b;:L:b ~ )(111; t1~ P -. :;;;::-.....~. . ......................................................................................... .;"...... .'......... . .;.._~~ 1Boaf~ of Olnmmissinnef.6 l' N.em Jlannutr Olnunttl 11lesolutinn ADOPTING HIGHWAY PRIORITIES FOR THE Wi Imington-New Hanover Urban Area THAT WHEREAS, it is recognized that the proper movement within and through the Wi Imington urban area is a highly desirable element of 'a comprehensive plan for the orderly growth and development of the area; and WHEREAS, there are a n umber of government j ur i sd ict ions with in the Wilmington urban area which have been authorized implementation and regulatory responsibi I ities for, transportation by North Carol ina General Statutes; and WHEREAS, it is des i rab I e that a coord i nated, comprehens i ve, and cooperati ve transportation planning process be maintained in the Wilmington urban area to insure that the transportation system is maintained on an efficient and economical basis commensurate with the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington and the North Carol ina Department of Transportation have adopted and amended a Thoroughfare Plan for the Wilmington Urban Area; and WHEREAS, the Wilmington Area Highway PrIorities Task Force represents the City of Wi Imington City Counci I, the New Hanover County Commi ssioners, and the Greater Wi Imington Chamber of Commerce; and WHEREAS, the Wi Imington Area Hignway Priorities Task Force adopted the fol lowing priority listing of projects from the Thoroughfare Plan for the Wi Imington Urban Area on February 19, 1985; Fir st: Smith Creek Parkway/Downtown Spur Second: NC 132 - Shipyard Boulevard to US 421 Third: Improvements, to the Corridor from the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge to the State Ports Authority (Front Street/Burnett Boulevard). Fourth: Outer Loop Project (Southeast Outer Loop - and Northern Outer Loop - Sm i th Creek to US 17>; !~ II . 1:1 II. II II" a II. a II II.. II II. II II II II" II II II II II II II" II II II II" 1111 all II II.. II II II II lI"a. D II II II II II II. II II II II II II...... II II 111111 II II II II" II. II a II II II II 11111 II" II 1111.... II" II". II II II. II 11 II. II III. p,="", '. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina that the Highway Priorities listed above as mutually agreed upon by the Wilmington City Council, New Hanover County Commissioners and the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce are hereby adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carol ina. ~t)tl1/~ Chairman, New Hanover County Commissioners J f;~ ~ )(//~/l~? NEW I-Il-\~L\JO'fVER COUNTY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER G, FELIX COOPER County Manager 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NOP3H CAROLINA 28401-4093 Telephone (919) 341-7184 May 1,1 1985 Rl~GUJjAR AGENDA ---- DATE: Lt;;-- ~ 0 -ff S ITEM NO._~ New Hanover County Commissioners 320 Chestnut street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 Dear Co~missioners: I am enclosing for your information and action the staff's recom~mendation for anticipated revenues and proposed expenditures for the 1985/86 Fiscal Year. The budget, as prepared, contains the total county appropriations within the anticipated revenues with no increase in the .68 per SlOO rate now in effect. Current property taxes are estimated -co be $26,158,322 based on tax listings of $3,965,785,627. At a 97% collection rate, one cent on the tax rate will generate $384,681 in revenue. Two significant factors must be considered when examining this budget: 'The General Assembly has no'c ac'ced on any budget legisla'cion a'c this time; and at the time of discussing the budget process wi,th you on May 6, we had not received any budget documentation ror the Schools. Since that time, we have received the approved budget. SCHOOLS The staff and I anticipated and still reconm1end an increase of $1,025,875 in local current expense funds. We reco*nend $900,000 in Capital Outlay funds, which is $66,514 less than the amount approved by the Commissioners for the Fiscal Year 84/85. Of the Capital Outlay funds recourrnended, the $900,000 recommendation is to continue the $4,500, COO corrm1itment by the County Commis- sioners for renovation and other non-bond fund projects. The Schools' request amounts to, a 20% increase in county funds compared to an overall effective increase of $918,446 or 2.9% in all other county agencies and departments. Seven new staff positions and 15 teaching positions have been included in the Schools I request. If approved, this "Jould bring t,o 413 the total nmnber of locally funded equivalent positions in the school system. " New Hanover County Commissioners -2- April 14, 1985 COUNTY PERSONNEL A total of 12 new positions have been recoi1\ll'lendedand 10 positions that were in the 84/85 Budget have been abolished, resulting in a net increase of 2 positions. The new positions are: Health Department 1 PH Nurse I 1 Animal Control Officer (50%) 1 Clerk Typist III (50%) Property Management 2 Housekeeping Asst. II Personnel 1 Personnel Technician Inspec,tions 1 Permit Clerk 'I' ax 1 Collection Agen~ 1 rrax Clerk IV Parks and Recreation 1 Landscaper/Maint. Mech. Management Information Systems 1 User Program Coordinator DeparG~ent of Social Services 1 Eligibility Spec. I 12 A substantial reduction in the cost of Hospitalization has been passed on to 'the employees. The major chanr]es are the l-eduction' from $300 to $100 of the deductible and the individuals monthly cost reduced to $6.00 from $13.21 and the family plan to $29.00 from $58.63. Funds to implement the merit pay plan are inclt.:cded in the budget. FIP~/RESCUE SERVICES Funds to centralize the rescue services in the county are budgeted in a lump SU11\ in the Contingencies accoun-t. Since final recommendations have not been submitted to the Commissioners, no specific line items are recomrnend- ed at this time. The City's annexation of county fire service covered areas \-Jould appear to cause a reduction in the cost of .these services. For this reason and the lack of definitive justification, I have reduced the amount recommended frorn $271,280 in the 84/85 Budget to $175,000 in the FY 85/86 Budget. The City's annexation of these areas cause a reduction in sales tax revenues to the county in the amount of approximately $229,000. Funds are included in the budget to begin the association ""ith tl-,e N. C. Forestry Service_ ..~ ~.:.. ~",,;:~~li~~~~/LLi~~:~~"-~:~~~~:~~J~.~~~ra~~~~~~~;~:;'l&;~~_~~~~~~;~:~~\:;~,~k~~t~~~~~,,~~~~Si.~~~:~~,:;~~.;~~~~~~~~~~~'~~'''_A__'''__ New HanoveJ~ County Conunissioners -3- April 14, 1985 AIRPORT Probably the most significant impac't of the county's budget for the nex.t -three years will be funds for the new terminal project. Of the .total local share of 3.7 million, $1,244,536 has been included in this budget. LIBRARY Funds in the amount of $171,592 are included to automate the circulation and inventory of books. State funds in the amount of $56,000 will partially offset this expenditure. SOLID WASTE The county's contribution to the Solid Waste fund continues to decline. A reduction of $883,565 from FY 84/85 is reflected in.this budget. CONSOLIDATED PURCHASING An amount of $35,000 is included in the Finance Department budget to reimburse the City for operating a consolidated pruchasing system for the county. The consolidation of purchasing will lead to more efficient use of county s'taff, an expanded purchasing base for both governments, professional purchasing and increased fiscal cont1."ol which will ultimatelJl reduce ,the cost of. services_ PUBLIC SAFETY OVERTIME In Garcia v San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority, the U. S. Supreme Court reversed an earlier decision and held that .the Fair Labor Standards Act applies to employees of local governments. The regulations ,that apply to Public Safety Employees have not been finalized and may impact overtime cost in public safety departmen'ts. REVENUES AND FUND BALANCE Revenues have been es.timated very realistically. No overages are, anticipated. Therefore, it is not recormnended that Fund Balance be appropriated_ Conclusion: Unless the General Assembly provlces some relief for the large increases in the School Budget, and should t.he County Conunissioners decide to fund their total requests, other programs and services must be reduced if no tax increase is desired. The staff and I look forward to working with the County Con~issioners on this year's budget. :i;~:~ Q G. Felix Cooper ~ County Manager GFC/np -