1985-06-03 RM Exhibits :; .~~ Introduced by: G. Felix Cooper I ~1anager Date ~,~ RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY '~!EREAS, certain parcels of real property owned wholly or jointly by New Hanover County and/or the City of Wilmington have been offered for sale pursuant to North Carolina General Statute l60A-269; and WHEREAS, the offerors indicated on the attached list have agreed to pay the amounts indicated on the attached list for the parcel of real property shown; and WHEREAS, the properties are declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed fOI~ public purposes; and WHEREAS, ie....is in the best public. interest and welfare to dispose of these " properties in accoHlance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOh' THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED; 1. TIlat pursuant to NCGS l60A-269, the County Commissioners propose to accept the offers to purchase indicated ()l1 the at tached list from the of ferors as indicated. ~ 2. That the County of New Hanover and/or the City of Wilmington will retain any deposit posted by the offerors when: -/ a. the offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit; or , b. the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of 8 notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the County of New Hanover reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 4. That the County of New Hanover will require the offerors to deposit five (5%) percent of tile offered prices immediately following adoption of this resolution. 5. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a notice of the offers as required by NCGS 160A-269. _~JJ~~ Chairman of the Board of <bmmL.;sioners A~o~te at a /)//\A"~, . meeting on' J..1(~~--:~~-19j'~. - ".. .._.~--,--_._-- ---.---- ATTEST;"..... " ~~----- Clerk a::~.~.~ ~ (;" ... ... :iI-.A ! ~ .. .. ..... .. ... .. . . :: : : ~ :: ' : _:: :* : : .. :. .. ' ~/:If~ \ ... \Mf'Of:Ol.u'~.: i ......, A ~ .... fI'oO\.J5;.R1 .... ~ '" 'YO ......... ~~ ~ ""I 'li>rJ../ C!\rr.O\:. ,.......... .'" ,,\" '.....111"'" ------- . TAX MAP NUMBER: R04813-022-004.000 ADDRI~SS: 514 Anderson St. ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 1,370 ~iMENSIONS: 33 x 165 % CITY: 80 .5 BID: $ 685 OFFEROR: Edward A. Webb & wife, LEGAL DESC.: Pt. TOTAL: $ ACQ. COST: $ CITY COST: $ TYPE: Lot 2, Blk240 L370 Q~ l,lTJ:-6 908.65 BLDGS.: $ ZONING: R-3 % COUNTY: 19.5 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: 50 Victoria S. Webb 1722-B Georqia Avenue Albany, Ga. 31705 TOTAL -0- TAX MAP NUMBER: R05405-009-015.000 ADDRESS: 112~EfiStreet ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 2,310 BLDGS. $ DIMENSIONS: 33 x 150 ZONING: R-3 % CITY: 85.2 % COUNTY: 14.8 BID: $ 1,155 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: 50 OFFEROR: LIENS: Anthony B. Williams Rt. 6, Box 91-A Wilmington, N. c. 28405 -', LEGAL DESC.:S E 1/4 3 Blk 146 -0- TOTAL $ ~ , JIU:UU ACQ. COST: $ l,594.8~ CITY COST: $ 1,359.21 TYPE: TOTAL -0..,. TAX MAP NUl.illER: ADDRESS: ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ DIMENSIONS: % CITY: BID: $ OFFEROR: LEGAL DESC.: BLDGS. . $ ZONING: TOTAL $ ACQ. COST:$ CITY COST: $ TYPE: % COUNTY: % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: TOTAL ',".fn 1":;(" ;',' '. ',':,1;-" f"" : ".' ~ ~ ",', ", '".r IJ::'1;-:", .,:", . ~~i'''! , . , " NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1985-86 BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in regular session assembled: section 1: The following amounts are hereby for the operation of New Hanover County government and for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1985, and ending according to the following summary and schedules: summary General Fund One Half Cent (1/2 Cent) Sales Tax Fund Room Occupancy Tax Fund Water Fund Airport Operating Fund Landfill Operating Fund Steam Plant Operating Fund TOTAL BUDGET appropriated its activities June 30, 1986, Estimated Fund Balance Total Revenues Appropriated Appropriation $ 44,844,950 $ 416,710 $ 45,261,660 1,900,000 61,300 1,961,300 437,000 -0- 437,000 29,800 -0- 29,800 2,079,926 2,100 2,082,026 -0- 747,200 747,200 2,753,996 1,321,220 4,075,216 !=~~=~4~=gZ~= !==~=~4~=~J~ !=~4=~~4=~~~ Section 2: That for said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund the following: Department Governing Body study Commission County Manager Personnel Internal Audit Finance Management Information Systems Print Shop Tax Legal Elections Register of Deeds Garage Property Management Engineering Non-Departmental and Debt Service Transfers to Other Funds Contingencies Sheriff District Attorney Emergency Services Contributions to Rescue Squads i "<..," Appropriation $ 212,767 25,000 306,802 165,735 47,733 379,194 795,878 80,385 928,912 160,151 145,893 365,300 466,933 1,385,967 414,924 2,778,195 2,969,082 325,000 3,674,464 5,000 172,872 596,001 \ Department Clerk of Court Inspections Juvenile Services Contributions to Outside Agencies Planning Agriculture and Economics Public Health Department of Social Services Human Relations Department of Aging Education Library Parks and Recreation Museum Total Appropriations - General Fund Appropriation $ 13,000 783,642 328,787 967,047 385,788 95,371 3,608,883 7,112,855 192,954 462,023 13,279,956 1,033,640 377,752 217,774 i__.1.2...221...QQQ ------------- Fund July Fund Section 3: Revenues will be 1, 1985, and ending appropriations: It is estimated that the following General available during the fiscal year beginning June 30, 1986, to meet the foregoing General Revenue Source Amount Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues Health and Social Service Charges for Services Miscellaneous Fund Balance Appropriated $ 34,546,804 1,404,085 5,615,853 2,560,708 717,500 416,710 !=4~=~g~=ggg Total Revenues - General Fund , Section 4: For said fiscal year there is hereby appro- priated out of the One-Half Cent (1/2 Cent) Sales Tax Fund the sum of i__l...2Ql...1QQ ------------ Section 5: It is estimated that Cent (1/2 Cent) Sales Tax Fund Revenues will the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1985, and meet the foregoing One-Half Cent (1/2 Cent) ations: the following One-Half be available during the ending June 30, 1986, to Sales Tax Fund appropri- Revenue Source Amount Sales Tax Appropriated Fund Balance $ 1,900,000 61,300 Total Revenues - One Half Cent (1/2 Cent) Sales Tax Fund !==~=~g~=Jgg ii -> Section 6: For said fiscal year there is hereby appro- priated out of the Room Occupancy Tax Fund the sum of !====4Jl=JHH~ Section 7: It is estimated that the fOllowing Room Occu- pancy Tax Fund Revenues will be available during the fiscal yea~ be- ginning July 1, 1985, and ending June 30, 1986, to meet the foregoing Room Occupancy Tax Fund appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Room Occupancy Tax $ 437,000 Total Revenues - Room Occupancy Tax !====4Jl=~H1g section 8: For said fiscal year there is hereby appro- priated out of the Water Fund the sum of i_____2~.L.aQQ ------------ Section 9: It is estimated Fund Revenues will be available during July 1, 1985, and ending June 30, 1986, to and Sewer appropriations: that the following Water the fiscal year beginning meet the foregoing Water Revenue Source Amount Sales and Other Functional Revenues $ 29,800 Total Revenues - Water Fund i____2~.L.aQQ ----------- , Section 10: For said fiscal year there is hereby appro- priated out of the Airport Operating Fund the sum of !=~=g~~=g~g Section 11: It is estimated that the following Operating Fund Revenues will be available during the fiscal ginning July 1, 1985, and ending June 30, 1986, to meet the Airport Operating Fund appropriations: Airport year be- foregoing Revenue Source Amount Sales and Other Functional Revenues Transfer from General Fund Appropriated Fund Balance $ 835 390 1,244,536 2,100 !=~=~~~=~~g Total Section 12: For said fiscal Y1ar there is hereby appro- priated out of the Landfill Operating Fund the sum of !===141=~gg iii ~...,,~..._._....... Section 13: It is estimated that the following Landfill Operating Fund Revenues will be available during the fiscal year be- ginning July 1, 1985, and ending June 30, 1986, to meet the fore- going Landfill Operatipg Fund Appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Appropriated Fund Balance $ 747,200 Total Revenues - LanQfill Operating Fund !____1~1.t.2QQ ------------ Section 14: For said fiscal year there is hereby appro- priated out of the Steam Plant Operating Fund the sum of !__~.t.Q12.t.21Q ------------ Section 15: It is estimated that the following Steam Plant Operating Fund Revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1985, and ending June 30, 1986, to meet the fore- going Steam Plant Operating Fund appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Sales and Other Functional Revenues Transfer from General Fund $ 2,753,996 1,321,220 !_~.t.Q12.t.21Q ----------- Total 1 Section 16: There is hereby levied in the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1986, the rate of $ .68 on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of taxable property as listed as of January 1, 1985, for the purpose of raising the reve- nues from the current year's property tax as set forth in the fore- going appropriations. Such rate is based on an estimated total appraised value of property for the purpose of taxation of $ 3,965,785,627 with an assessment ratio of 100% of appraised value. Estimated collection rate of 97% is based on fiscal year 1984-85 collection rate of 97%. Section 17: Copies of this Budget Ordinance shall be fur- nished to the County Manager and the County Finance Director of New Hanover County, North Carolina, to be kept on file by them for their direction in the collection of revenues and the expenditures of amounts appropriated. I. iv (OFFICIAL 3rd day of June, 1985. .. .. : = Attest: ~CJI~ Nolan O'Neal, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ~d~ Clerk v AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section I. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as fol lows: Amend Article V, District Regulations, Table of Permitted Uses, Section 50-2 as fol lows: PO I-I Furniture & Fixtures w/o Outs i de Storage P P J..:2... P Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carol ina, and shall be in ful I force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this~~ day of ?~/ ~~~k~ CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER , 1985. ~, ~)!I AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section I. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as fol lows: Amend Article V, District Regulations, Section 50-2, Table of Permitted Uses as fol lows: Convenience Food Store 1-2 P Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shal I be in ful I force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted thls~ day Of~ , 1985. ~~~= CHAIRMAN AN~OMMISSIONER ~ RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CLOSE A PUBLIC ROAD WHEREAS, a petition has been filed pursuant to G. S. 153A-241, requesting the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County to close the following described ~ public roads Being in its entirety, Sycamore Avenue is anchored to the northwest by Oleander Drive and Bagley Avenue to the southeast. Extending for a distance of 150 feet, said . road is recorded in Book 2, Page 31, New Hanover County Register of Deeds. NOW, THEREFORE, BLIT RESOLVED, that this Board is considering closing said . , road to public use, and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the first day of July, 1985, at 7:00 PM o'clock in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building~ 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmingt~n; North Carolina, . . at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final deter- mination as to whether the unopened road shall be closed. ~ The foregoing resolution was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Com- missioners on thej'/I.OU day of ?~ , 1985. Jl'l'nr"", ~ ~~OVE~ ('j " ...... .1\ ~. ....... 0",_ . .. ~.. .. ~ ~ J.: .' .. 'jI_ :' ~ .' . .~ - ~- t' ~ -~ ". . : ..' . .. . . .. . . . . . :,.. : : = . . . - -: ~ ~:".g .,.. . ... -:- -. IMPC'"J. .- ~ ~,~ A.. ~.o. ~ .... "'~. '.. 'Y.O ......... .:~" ..., ~ \ \, ,-- ".... "/'" CAROl" "" ...#, \\" ot,.., a: I' iI t' ", \ \, ~fi/tlJlnw . CHAIRMAN, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS l. 1 - 'i \ r " RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO CLOSE A PUBLIC ROAD WHEREAS, a petition has been filed pursuant to G.S.153A-241,requesting the Board of Commissioner of New Hanover County to close the following described public roads Being a section of Caney Branch Road located 800 feet northeast of the proposed intersection of 1-40 with Murrayville Road and extending from said point 880 feet north. This section of said road is recorded in Book 234, Page 29, New Hanover County Regis~ ter of Deeds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board is considering closing said road to public use, and that a public hearing on this question will be held on the firs~ day of. July, 1985, at 7s00 PM o'clock in the Assembly Room of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, at which time the Board will hear all interested citizens and make a final deter- mination as to whether the unopened road shall be closed. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the New Hanover County Board of Com- missioners on the3"(2-oL- day of ?j?NYt~ , 1985. ~","'n . _,~~.~.~~.~. ('0.. ~ .. q ,_ .. v~ :....!;p .... IJ\ "'?" ... : ~- .. {, ,,: ... ":. :: \. ~ : :: 4~~: E :.. . : = ~ ~ : ~ : ': e. ~/ .' ~ ~ .. twti~.u~.. I: -:. . fI'oIO""ISl'Rl .. ~ ~ A... ... ' ... 'b.. ~ ',0"'0 ........ ,~'- ~ ','f'l ~" .:' I", ''('1'"1-( Ch~O ......' '" \"" '#"""11"\\\ .~ &1l1~ CHAIRMAN, NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMHISSIONERS ~~