1985-07-22 RM Exhibits TAX ADMINISTRATOR J NEW HANOVER COUI\1TY OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR Collections thru June 30, 1985 320 CHESTNUT STREET / WIUvllNGTON, NORTH CAROLINA2~~~?~n?\Jrr ^ [1r;r"f\~1f) ^ Telephone (919) 341-7131 VtH'lh; fJi \ JL 11 t: lDLdJ H. ------ 1/2;2 -g S f DATE: '. ROLAND G. REGISTER NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS ITEM No. Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Colle2tions to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected 1984 1983 $23,308,884.49 $21,509,024.76 2,3LI8,328.25 2,480,625.21 $25,657,212.74 $23,989,6Lt9.97 95,709.00 139,023.39 $25,561,503.74 $23,850,626.58 -24,850,158.88 -23,126,048.37 $ 711,344.86 $ 724,578.21 97.22% 96'.96% $ 816,373.08 $ 664,382.79 2,962.43 2,223.91 474,790.42 336,280.79 $ 338,620.23 $ 325~878.09 58.37% 50.79% $ 1,007,748.29 $ 907 ,773.84 45,611.47 46,911.65 132,231.23 105,635.04 $ 829,905.59 $ 755,227.15 13.74% 12.27% Charged' Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Room Occupancy Tax Collections in June $47,385.30. Privilege License Collections in June $23,513.95. Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wiimington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $38,056,862.24. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1984. Respectfully submitted, ~b1AA ~. ~J'tre.- Patricia J. ~alnor I Collector of Revenue PJR:lm MEMORANDUl1 (1 f:li-"~ (IV i''ll ';11 ~ /1 ~ '0;.T1)' ~ 'V\iL\~jlJL~.i 1!t'dul~' 11 DATE: 1/;2';;;' ~ 6" ~ ITEM No, :l .- '. -,_ _'n _...-I . . TO: Mr. G. Felix Cooper County Hanager Roland G. Registe~ Tax Administrator / ~ FROH: SUBJECT: Abatements and Refunds DATE: July 15, 1985 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorre.ct or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Allsbrook, Robert 2. Bryant, Herbert L. 3. Owen, Joh~,Leon 4. Shumaker, Robert M. $ 193.12 11 . /f6 21.62 30.45 Request the following taxes be released as they are double charged: 1. Barnes, William Russell 2. Bowens, Reginald 3. Carter, Darlene Susan 4. Riggleman, Thomas David 20.34 64.60 62.06 7.96 (1981 ) (1979) (1~3) Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of mispriced vehicles; and error in manual calculation: 1. 2. Grady, John Erving Paradyne Corp. 24.35 32.16 (1983) Refund Request these items be placed on the Consent Agenda for the County Commissioners meeting July 22, 1985. I recommend approval of these abatements, as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. :sw Copy: R. Pope County Attorney vi. Harrell Clerk to the Board C. Thompson-Beatty Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue A. Nozingo Internal Auditor . -', '. , . , .' . '. i . " , ., ,. , '., t., ., :-j ,. ' - ., '., .; .; 1 :i ,', '" , " !:I :/ .' ':1 .' .- .; ., . ., , .' '., ., '. : .1 . , '.: '.' i:: . '. ., ., .' '. '., '. '. '. . '. . '. , . '" '. ., . " . . . ;0 , . '. 'I ;- I :. '.' :, . ,. '. . '. . . . . . . I . . . Nrw 1l{anouer QI0U11tu iBoarll of QIommi.66 iOll.cr6 1!\tn olution WHEREAS, New Hanover County is interested in providing Emergency Medical Services to the citizens of the County through a consol idated Emergency Medical Services Program; and, ;1 .' . . 'I '. I . . . I . . I . 'I .1 i' I" I: 1: '., ,. I, I:: il '"' !:: I:: :: '. ;. " '.' ;. 'I '. ., i:! '.' !:. . . . I ,. I, . I.' I, ,.' . I' ., .' . I . . '. , '. ' ,I :. I '. . " . . I . . I ;.. . 'I '.' ", I. ,. ,I :. ' . I I " . ,,' :,. ,", :.i ," " '. ".: .' . '. : . " .. . ,.: : (6) Procedures wi I I be worked out, sett i ng forth res pons i b i lit ies:: : of "911" for purposes of i mmed i ate author i ty over disputes ,:: : and coverages. :: :: ;:. . !:: : (7) It is recommended that the Task Force, as appointed by the ::: ':. County Comm i ss i oners, be estab I i shed as a permanent body 1:~ ::, to prov i de cont i nu i ng rev i ew of the ef fect i veness of the !j ::: adopted structure and to br i ng recommendat ions back to the: : County Comm i ss i oners when and as the body deems necessary. ;: . '. ..' i. . '. ~ (8) As of 08/01/86, al I City Emergency Medical Services operations :' ,<; will be converted to County operat ions. ,~ ~~- ",. .~ ~~ il~.i~1t:T- --- ------------___ ~,,;ii~~) ~~~. ... !~!~..!..!...!~'~'.!..~~~..!~~!_!'--! ~...!~~!.!~._~~~~_~~ .~~~~.!..~~~ .'_1' ....!...~.!-~. '--"_.!-~_" '-~~~~.l . , WHEREAS, the Task Force appointed by the County Commissioners has recommended the fol lowing proposal for a consol idated Emergency Medical Services Program; ( I ) The County and the New Hanover, Ogden, and Pleasure Island Rescue Squads wi I I develop contracts, directives and proce~ dures to provide for a coordinated operation of the consol- idated system. (2) The County wi' I contract with the City for the provision of Emergency Medical Services through July 30, 1986. (3) The County wi I I contract with the volunteer rescue squads for the use of vehicles, volunteer personnel and faci I ities. (4) The County wi I I provide al I required vehicles a~d gasol ine for the "volunteer rescue squads and on a contractual basis wi I I provide funding for the squads' operating expenses, Non-expendable equipmen~ purchased by the County, wi I I remain the property of the County. (5) The volunteer own officers, funds for any and determine rescue squads wi I I be al lowed to elect their amend their own charters and bylaws, sol icit legal purpose, recruit and appoint members which qual ified volunteers are to be on duty. ...,:..,:...,~\;~" _.' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that they approve the proposal recommended by the Emergency Medical Services Task Force as presented in this resolution. This th~~ day of July, 1985. ATTEST: ~~/ w'~ ~rJ.I~ Clerk to the Board Nolan O'Neal, Chairman ,..~OVER 0 ' 4 ~ "~"'" 0& l ~ ...... A . ......:;.s..-:). \. i .. - ";:-', .. :. :: :. . "- ~.: . .- :: ' ~, : ;: :. · _.: E \ \ : ~ : ~ \ ~~. ~ ~ .. """""D~.' II: '" ... ~ .... $ ....... 4-0 .......... ~~ ....~ #"" ~.,..,., C,..~O~ .............. .... . ,...\ ."........'" ,. '4N<:M~". '_'11:.'11"'1' '.' ! I~troduced by: G. Felix Cooper, Manager Date RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY ~mEREAS, certain offers to purchase parcels of real property owned wholly or jointly by New Hanover County and/or the City of Wilmington have been advertised for upset bid in compliance with North Carolina General Statute l60A-269 and pursuant to,resolutions adopted by-the City Council of the City of Wilmington and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: and WHEREAS, there have been no further qualifying upset bids entered for the property described on the attached list within the statutory period allowed by North Carolina General Statute l60A-269; and WHEREAS, the offerors indicated on the attached lis't have agreed to pay the amount indicated on the attached list for the parcels of real property shown thereon; and WHEREAS, the property is declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and ~mEREAS, it is in the best public interest and welfare to dispose of this property with the negotiated terms and conditions: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to NCGS l60A-269, the County Commissioners do hereby accept the offers to purchase as indicated on the attached list from the offerors as indicated. 2. That the City of Wilmington and/or New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerors as liquidated damages if the offerors fail to pay the balance of an approved offer due in cash wIthin ten (10) days of receipt of a.notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offerors as designated on the attached list. -, ~~oPte;}1~ a o?~~ ~&/~ Chairman, Board of Commissioners meetj..n,g , 19~. ~JtH"'''''', '" ~OYER C "'''' .Ii ..\ ~ ....... 0" ........ it;' "'lI' .1' '0, ~,,~ .... ~ ..' ~J.l\ I.. ~ ~ :;f. r -f'/'1 . -.,. .. i;;{~'~;~~,':~:Y, \ ~ :"1 U1\(~~,~~, 't; ~: :: .... ')r--..k... . - · · 't"~K.....' ,,~' · ;: " \ '~f1t(ii~' : If. .; ~ . -..-..:~..-. .,.. to. e. IMPCRTJ.u .. i ~ ~.. .... ~;R1 .... $ ...... 'YO ......... \~.,..~.:' '"'''' ~"'" C"'9.0~ .........~ "" ", ..........",,' ATTEST: ~\?-~~ Cou ty C er TAX MAV NUMBER:. R04813-022-004.000 ADDRESS: 514 Anderson St. ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 1.370 DIMENSIONS: 33 x 165 %- _ CITY: 80 .5 % BID: $' 685 OFFEROR: Edward A. Webb & wife, Victoria S. Webb BLDGS.: $ - ZONING: R-3 COUNTY: 19.5 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: 1722-B Georgia Avenue Albany, Ga. 31705 TOTAL -0- TAX MAP NUMBER: R05405-009-015.000 I\DDRESS: 112 S. 9th Street ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 2,310 DLDGS. $ DIMENSIONS: 33 x 150 ZONING: R-] % CITY: 85.2 % COUNTY: 14.8 DID: $ 1.155 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: 50 OFFEROR: LIENS: Anthony B. williams Rt. 6, Box 91-A Wilmington, N. C. 28405 50 LEGAL DESC.: Pt. TOTAL: $ ACQ. COST: $ CITY COST: $ TYPE: lDt 2, Blk 240 1,370.gg 1,~73. 908.65 LEGAL DESC.:S E 1/4 3 B1k 146 -0- TOTAL $ 2, ]lU. UU ACQ. COST: $ I,SY4.~2 CITY COST: $ 1,359.21 TYPE: TOTAL -0- lAX MAP NUMBER: R05410-014-004.000 WURESS: 715 S. 13th Street ~SSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 2,360 DIMENSIONS: 33 x 155 r. CITY: 76.5 % ~ID: $ 2,735.00 JFFEROR: E. Edward Nixon & wife,. Anna M. Nixon BLDGS.: $ ZONING: R-5 COUNTY: 23.5 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: 50 LIENS: 3,110 1509 Orange Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 TOTAL LEGAL DESC.: pt W 1/2 4 Blk. TOTAL: $ 5,470:00 ACQ. COST: $ 11.343.92 CITY COST: $ 1,028.11 TYPE: 514 /I' If j.~ . CONSENT AGENDA DATE: 7 /}, v I ~$.___'d ~TEM No. ' -,..."..- Introduced by: RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFERS, TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, certaJn parcels of real property owned wholly or jointly by Nevl Hanover Courity and/or the City of Wilmington have been offered for sale pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 160A-269; and WHEREAS, the offerors indicated on the attached list have agreed to pay the amounts indicated on the attached list for the parcel of real property ShO\\ln; and WHEREAS, the properties are declared by the Coullty Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WIlEREAS, it is in the best pubJJclnterest ami tvcJfare to dispose of thl~se properties in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOh' tHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to NCGS l60A-269, the County Commissioners propose to accept the offel.'s to pur.chase indicated 011 the attached list from the offerors as indicated. 2. That the County of New Hanover and/or the City of Wilmington will retain any deposit posted by the offerors when: a. the offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit; or b. the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the County of New Hanover reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 4. That the County of New Hanover will require tIle offerors to deposit five (5%) percent of the offered prices immediately following adoption of this resolution. 5. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a notice of the offers as required by NCGS l60A-269. , ~. ~~opted~ a__ ---------;19 ntln~ -U~_cfl...- ------ ~'- ATTEST: cl'a~{l~-;JSSioners - /.....~ I . V__.,.Lr.~_._.,..._,__.____.____._._ Clerk __",~OVER C'l ' A ~~"''''''ee O~ 1'fIt'.. ea. ~ ~ .e . 7l. "IIlIIIi / ... -,4 .. : "~' .. = . e _ . I , . .. ..: . '.: = i \ -,: -., : = . .~.' Z?'. If ~ ~. · '!lrIJ ~ .. IMf'CRTJ-U .. It ...... e. ~JR1 .. ~ ~" A_ .. .. ~ ~ .., "YO ......... \~'- ,'" '."'" ~"'H CA9.0~ ........... "'" \"" .....,....," , _dO -~~.;:;~}i;!SJl'lSll'~l'!IP UIiIaJ.UlI." ta ....18:.... .!I j.oll'",Mi!;M Ili\Mtt'Jo.! )4 ti~1l . 1 (.r-"h~!l':$'""1..k-,';,,,~~ ~. .. TAX MAP NUMDER: 'RO 4813-013-035.000 ADDRE~S: 700 Block N. 6th St. ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ lQ70. DIMENSIONS: 66x165 7. CITY: 58.47 % BID: $ 1200. OFFEROR: , !, BLDGS.: $ ZONING: R3 COUNTY: 41. 53 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: -0- LEGAL DESC,: E~ 3 Blpck 265 TOTAL: $1920. ACQ, COST: $ 1306. CITY COST: $ 104. TYPE: . I. .63 Queen E. Cokley Daisy C. Williams 520 Bladen St. Wilmington, NC 28401 TOTAL -0- TAX MAP NUMBER: ADDRESS: ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ DIMENSIONS: % CITY: BID: $ OFFEROR: BLDGS. $ ZONING: LEGAL DESC.: TOTAL $ ACQ. COST: $ CITY COST: $ % COUNTY: % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: TYPE: TOTAL '~1- TAX MAP NUMBER: ADDRESS: ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ DIMENSIONS: % CU;Y: BID: $ OFFEROR: LEGAL DESC.: BLDGS. $ ZONING: TOTAL $ ACQ. COST: $ CITY COST: $ % COUNTY: % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: TYPE: TOTAL :. ,.:,' " ~. " . .', ~.. ,.~", ~ ~~!;f~l ;:i:)'i}'j INM.\",. Ei;~ll'!! I ~:.:.~ . :; '~t:;1 i ----. r l~,J-~'I'~1 ... : ,'1. !:j - ~ ., " Jrt1. , ~~ .! I f ~ :1 d [: I · '. I If' ; ~; ~. I ! , ~ ; 1 'i"[I'". -i ! '~ ' " "~ ~ .... ..:.' , ,.... J J' 't Uti' I j, ! j ,; .. 1 : ~ : ;, i ~ q ~ \ i i,dn!l; ----:._~~..L-' 1I ! ! I 1--, y,--------' (' Il~J;:' t' : 'i' >> :- ~ :~.. ,. ;i ~ i' " ~,' 1 1 . t ~( ,,;~;\d;" . i'. r I" ~ k" ~ !" \" r t t. .:ii\~;:: ~:;;;jjt __. '.. .. 1 i , 11mlrnr ! I' ~ it r.~!:~);i ..:t~.:"~~' r :nd: ,. ~', 1:" ~' " ~ .. .. 1 ~ -'--'--L.:. r~~ t\r! i !I;} i C 7 I :f:~ ~; i " ~:::l .. V:.. <..._~ ~UW<' ',I.'IWh'~.,.t.,.".~ ",,~n <} , , J ""'--f-:-:l-~71"-'ir--:'-"-r~:;:'-o,:, --....,-..,-. 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(::.', f~ ~ o i': ., ~ t~1 ~ p. .J ;:-.:; 8 I, ;1 t-l W ~ ~ J-"I.:"- :::: ~? ...-,.. , ;:S ... ~ , ~ r;< ~ll . .. ~ .1 . ~t;' IF;" ,JI" ;~'U I 0 :J.~~ ~ :j! --:___t.'l ._"'-.~-'-"~""""~'.<~''"';I'I''~I-'';'''.o;'.'''I''l1"'11",0 '," -. ,'............. '''~-' ~~l!"l'~1,I,I!JI_''''1II1111.1.. I _1liII.1l... .:....,.;~-. ,.....-.8J~~'..~ -',~ -"',' ~JJI{\'-li'"' "". i ,', '.'~ '. """.:j'~'::'~':' "r~ .:'; ...;' '. . ,~ ~ ,'. .:."";:' > :-"~::':,~:'k.' ,'.,-. ....0..-, .! RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~. WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 10 :00 o'clock A.r1./p.M. on the 28th day of June 19!iL at the County Administra.tion Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for Various Print Shop Supplies Crown packaging Corporation $10,144.64 Dillard Paper Company $10,158.00 ~ . AND WHEREAS, the Printing Department, the Finance Director and the County Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Crown packaging Corporation the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Ten Thousand one hundred forty-four and 64/100's Dollars ($ 10,144.64 ); AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated ~' -. . ~':',l;t~.'",.;>!,:d;"-'~ !b.. ..,-_.....~--~_._-~~ and are now in Account No. this contract; 110-410-4133-4210 to cover "' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for various Print Shop Supplies be awarded to Crown Packaging Corporation in the amount of Ten Thousand one hundred forty-four and 64/100's Dollars ($ 10,144.64 ); and that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of New Hanover County, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney and bid deposit to be retained until the successful bidder has executed and delivered the contract and, if required, satisfactory bond. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the bid deposits of the unsuccessful bidders. This~h1K_ day "f"" """', ~t--~OYER C'r;' .. ..\ ~ ........ 0,,_ '.0. .... ~" '. v..." ~ I ~ .... A .,1 .... ?. " ( o!<E~ T:) ,/-:11... Ii;) :A.Ja"l . \'1,"/.;_;" ., -:. i.,' ~H/"I. :: : ~' ,~, : ~ ~: = :. : ,,' .~':i~~:~: :: \ \ . ~ ''i'- ~!i-"~:'J~ : If ~ \ -~.../?'. ~ .. _ctr'tJ,u~(.' ~ if.. . ~31R1. .. ,:. ~ ~.. ... ' ..- ~ -:' "'~o ........ \~ ~ ~,.,. nO~ "".., ATTE 'T Cp\", ",,,,, it.......,"'" of 9u / Vr , 19 [5. J1~ &(~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ~,,;) -if' x/~ Clerk 2 ~. ~.. ] Mr. G. F. Cooper Lucie Smith cc I ~ ,(~ ',' 1~ s ~ I ~ " , Representing New Hanover County at Bid Opening Name of Company Price Bid Deposit ~. Bid # 1.- 8 5 - Friday. June Various Print Shop Supplies 28, 1985;10:00 a.m. BID --- TAB U L A T ION ---------- .A1It- NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of 19_, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a politi- cal subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County," and Crown Packaging Corporation of Wilmington North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Vendor"; WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, County advertised for bids for Various "~riolls Print Shop Supplies ~~~"......'. I', ..>,,''-il''J.:;\~4;',-{,'';>:' ",. !c\i'~i;:.:l:.-i'~'!'!r~."';"''-'. . '~,.,", ......,~::;..2-.~-tIi'. r "'r;'" :" IlINr!l. alla....lsi ' , ';'w..::.. "' lSip:;l'-,,'>.j '1'~,;:V>' " r " ., specifically referred to as Item(s) No. N/A and more particularly described in the proposal or in the specifications attached hereto. 2. The total purchase price for said goods in the sum of Ten Thousand one hundred forty-four and 64 / IOOths Dollars' ($ 10,144.64 ) shall be paid by County in cash within 30 days after the deli very of' the goods and their acceptance by County. 3. The specifications, the proposal, the advertise- ment by County, the Instructions to Bidders, and the performance bond for Vendor are attached hereto and made a part of this contract as though fully written herein. 4. Risk of loss to County for the goods purchased shall remain with Vendor until the goods are delivered to County F.G.B. New Hanover County Print Shop. 414 Chestnut st.. Wilminqto~, NC 5. Vendor shall deliver all goods purchased by County on or before As required by New Hanover ~ounty. 6. In connection with the performance of this contract, Vendor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex or national origin. Vendor agrees to take affirmative actions to insure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during this employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, sex or national origin. I I 2 ,JIlj 'i;}:l";.WtI-.;,i!.W,'jl}Jf. .I>.. .;?~I#.,o<ll'".l~- 7. This contract constitutes the entire understanding of the parties and contains all of the terms agreed upon wi~h respect to the subject matter hereof. No modification or rescission of this contract shall be effective unless evidenced by a signed writing.- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, NEW HANOVER COUNTY has caused this instrument to be executed in its behalf by its Board of County Commissioners through its Chairman, Nolan O'Neal and attested by its Clerk and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and Crown packaqing Corporation , Vendor, has executed this instrument under seal, or, if a corporat'ion, caused this instrument to be executed in its behalf by its duly authorized officers and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, on the above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY .~ By: ~'{)tJ1/~ Cha1rman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ~~~ This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget I and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: t2itil}, Jt1hm,;' County Finan e Director County Attorney 3 ."~.M .'i.,~,'''''-'';';'M;'-; ,. .' . k.. -..........."":~j,;.;;,1t,!0:.;(;~:2i~i!.1J"A.. ,-......... .~ ' . ...~i~?1,t;:~>;;""~ , , Crown Packaging Corporation Vendor (SEAL) By: ATTEST: Title: (Owner, Partner, pres./v.pres.) Secretary NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, ~LAA""/, a .JJotary Pub~i,c .,?f",' , the State and County afor a d, ::;;i~hat c:ZitLU:.:f; .~ personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Commission, the foreg ing instrument as signed in its name by its Chairman, & '" sealed with its corporate seal and attested by him herself as its Clerk'. ~WITNESS my hand . / , 19J?~ and 0 f f i cia I sea I, t his als::tL- day 0 f My commission expires,: My Commission ~xprrps Ort 11, 198B' NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY (If Vendor an Individual or Partnership) I, for the State and County , a Notary Public in and aforesaid, certify that personally appeared before me this the due execution of the foregoing day and acknowledged instrument. 4 n.~ ._ '-'HF .,~ ~-"'.-~- - ~",-.~._;'" WITNESS my hand and official seal, this , 19 day of Notary Public My commission expires: NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY (If Vendor a Corporation) I, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Secretary of a corporation with an office in County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the co~poration, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by himjherselfas its Secretary. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this , 19 day of Notary Public My commission expires: 5 ,.- ..~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE AUDITOR FIREMEN'S AND .RESCUE SQUAD WORKER'S PENSION 300 N. SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, N. C. 27611 ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF FIREMEN FUtf(JNS~~T AGEI~DA DA TB:--, 7 -- ;l ;J. ~% ~ ITEM NOl'/6 - -~ ~.~ ~ ,...... ................ -~-....~ General Statutes, Chapter 118-38, requires that all certified fire departments certify annually to the N. C. Firemen's Pension Fund a complete roster of its qualified firemen. The following certification along with a complete roster of all active firemen* as of June 30 of each year must be submitted to the N. C. Firemen's Pension Fund, 300 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, N. C. on or before July 31. Failure to submit this certification alon~ with a complete roster will result in the loss of the death benefit provided by the State. CERTIFICATION We, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (Governing Body) Seagate Volunteer Fire Dept. Fire Department, certify that attached is a true and accurate list of all active firemen* Fire Department, address Wilmington, N. C. , North Carolina. 1n our capacity as the governing body of the and find that Seagate Vol. New Hanover we have examined of the County of ~~ Signed Ti tie Chairman Date July 22, 1985 For Fire Department Chief Only I, MICHEA T, CARROLL MIT,LTKF.N , Chief of the SEA GA'T'Fj Vm,TlN'T'F.p.R Fire Department, certify the attached roster is a true and accurate list of all eligible fire- men. (Eligible firemen are firemen who have met the required 36 hours of meetings and drills during the last calendar year (July 1 - June 30). In addition, the term "eligible firemen" shall mean those firemen who have joined the fire department within -the calendar year and -are in the process of completing the required 36 hours of meetings and drills.) t1fJ)J~(J1. ~ m ~ --> -- e Fire >.h1t UJtlJ (p) IY 5 Date ROSTER MUST BE ATTACHED WITH NAMES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. *Firemen on authorized "Leave of Absence" are to be included on the roster. Whenever a new fireman is added to the roster during the year, his or her name should be forward to the Pension Fund Office immediately. • -•- ROSTER PAGE 1 OF 1 FIRE DEPARTMENT COUNTY • SEA GATE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT NEW HANOVER CHIEF DAY PHONE NO. DATE MICHEAL CARROLL MILLIKEN 919 -791 -6622 June 6,1985 NAME ADDRESS 1 Michael s. arwood 5614 Andover Road Gary M. Ashline 229 Bradford Road 3 William F. Ballard Jr. 120 Sebrell Avenue 4 Harry T. Rennett 5723 Wisteria Lane 5 Rnhert W. Rent nn 7028 Wrightsville Avenue 6 Virtnr R. Rrrwn 106 Pecan Avenue 7 Randall G. Runk 6209 Wrightsville Avenue 8 Timothy W. Christmas 436 Rose Avenue 9 Sidney Daniels 235 Pei ffpr Avenue. 10 Michael L. Garner 6235 Wrightsville Avenue t1 Joseph A. Gehhi a 5731 Wisteria Lane 12 •1 • : • . _ u ... TT 301 Honker Road 13 (avid F. McMillan Sr. 237 Peiffer Avenue 14 Tlavid F. McMillan Jr. 237 Peiffer Avenue 15 Micheal C. Milliken 5810 Solera Road 16 Jasper G. Newell 211 Whites Avenue 17 Alton M. Powlas 5750 Camellia Lane 18 Charles L. Powlas Jr. Lotii14 'Pe Acres Peiffer Avenue i9 Clifton L. Small 5804 Verbinia Drive 20 Cecil D. Ward 341 Willow Wood Drive 21 James E. Watson 6024 Park Avenue 22 Kevin P. Yates Lot#E8 5431 Oleander Drive 23 1 , 24 _ 1 1 1 ; 25 26 27 I 1 28 29 31 32 • 33 34 1 I 11 1 I i 1 1 1 35 36 37 1 1 1 1 1 38 _ ' ► ' 39 1 1 1 40 3 s ......._...'................._~~~Ii~~~...""'...,,'l.;............:.i.i-.~". .,,,....:..~...............~,.,....:..;;,c..~""u.........;....~....."'..'".'u...;...l<.,,.v,.....,.."""-......-'""'-............""..............................................:.:1...."""........;.......'. ...,.;;",:,;~/~;J::i:",;,;~;,;:.~>* ~,;,.". .",J~~.;;;;r'rJ~,i~~~~.~i..~~i.,..~~,,;:,.~;..;_;'"!.;.,~.........~__.....,...;..;,:L\,;.,~"'_~"...,;,."""'""~;~_".~ . ., j "'.....""'"', :])j?Afi NORTH CAROLINA LEASE AGREE!VlENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS LEASE, made and ent.eted int.o t,his day of Sept.embet, 1985, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a body politic and cotpoiat.e, heteinaft.et tefetted to as the LESSOR; and SCHAEFFER BUICK, INC., a cotpotation wit.h an office in wilmington, Notth Catolina, heteinaft.et tefetted t.o as t.he LESSEE; WIT N E SSE T H : Subject t.o the tetms and conditions hetein set.,out., LESSOR does hereby let. and lease unt.o LESSEE and LESSEE does heteby accept as a t.enant of LESSOR t.hat. cett.ain t.tact. at parcel of land, togethet wit.h t.he imptovements t.heteon, lying and being in Wilmington Township, New Hanovet Count.y, State of Notth Catolina and mote patt.iculatly described as follows: Being a pott.ion of the ptopett.y designat.ed as 216 North Second Stteet. and being all of that teal ptoperty desctibed in t.hose cettain BUY AND SELL AGREEMENTS tecotded in Book 1265, Page 1916 and Book 1265, Page 1920, New Hanovet County Regist.ty, the complete descript.ion of which is hetein incotpotat.ed by tefetence and made a patt. heteof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said ptopetty unt.o the LESSEE, its successots and assigns, all upon the following t.etms and condit.ions, and toget.het with t.he tight.s and ptivileges heteinaft.et set fott.h: 1. 'l'ERM: This lease shall begin the first day of Octobet 1985 and, unless soonet t.etminated as hetein ptovided, shall exist. and continue fot six mont.hs theteafter; but it is exptessly understood and agteed that if LESSEE should temain in possession '. ,; .,' " ~ ,l .,...... ,.' ;"r 'i':";'~~~:i~,"i~,'~~~i~;.~\~I_~.~k~,r~H~~~:\!'" ~~.r:fi~~,\J.:1j,~~i~,,:~.~~~>'l~';~ :j'~ ~-)...: ',,0;";' '. '. \ ',~ " of the demised premises after the ter,mination of said term, t.hat is, beyond the 31st da~ of March 1986, it shall be considered as a tenant from month to month upon the express condition that such tenancy shall cease and terminate no later than the 30th day of September 1986. 2. RENTAL: The rental to be paid by LESSEE to LESSOR shall be Eighteen Hundred Dollars ($1800.00) per month beginning October 1, 1985, and payable in advance on or before the 10th day of each and every month thereafter for the aforesaid six months term, and any extended monthly tenancy, without previous demand, and payable at such place as LESSOR shall direct in writing. If any installment payment of rent, as aforesaid, shall remain overdue and unpaid for thit ty days, LESSOR may, at its option, terminate this lease, and demand and receive possession of these premises. 3. USE OF PREM ISES: LESSEE shall use the premises for the purpose of operating an automobile sales agency and garage. 4. REPAIRS: LESSOR, dur ing t.he ter In of the lease, shall keep in subs tan tial r epait t.he ex ter ior of the bui Iding, walls and roofs as well as t.he interior st.ruct.ural parts of t.he building. LESSEE shall, at its own expense, make minor repairs, includ ing painting, but. no change w ill be made wi t.hout LESSOR's cons en t. I t. is fur t.her under s t.ood and ag reed t.ha t LESSCE shall deliver up t,he premises at the end of t.he t_erm of t.his lease or at t.he earlier termination t.hereof in the same condition as at 2 ...,~~..".~,.........~, , . ."'...,........................""""'.:.-...-..........~;.........,~.\........"'~..."........,~,'-_.,;.~......~.'...~~.'-'....,"""'--"",...., ..~,:~-,:~::;.:zi~;~::~:~~~,,~,.;,;~"'''..'..1:~~:~,~,bl'1~~~~,:...L~L~,k,I,,,~.;.!~i.:~.....,_~~""".;~i~_~_~.......; the beginning of the lease, except for ordinary wear and tear. 5. UTILITIES, TAXES, AND ASSESSMENTS: LESSEE agrees to pay .-' all utility bilis including water, lights, gas and fuel incurred in connection with the use of the lease premises during the term of this agreement. LESSEE shall pay all taxes and assessments of every kind and nature levied or assessed upon the personal property and fixtures owned by LESSEE located on said property. 6. FIRE AND CASUALTY: If, d ur ing the term of this lease, the premises shall be damaged by fire or the eleme~ts, but not to the extent of rendering the premises unusuable for the purposes of the LESSEE, the same shall be repailed by the LESSOR as speedily as possible; but in case such damage amounts to as much as Fifty Percent (50%) of the value of the building, then this lease may, at the option of either party be declared null and void and terminated. 7. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLETTING: LESSEE shall not assign or sublease the p1emises, 01 ~ny part thereof, without the prior w1itten consent of LESSOR. 8. INDEMNITY: LESSEE shall save har mless the LESSOR, its successors and assigns, from any and all liability wha tsoever in the oper a tion of LESSEE's bus iness, or t esul ting from LESSEE's use and occupancy of the premises. 9. TERMINATION: In the event LESSEE shall violate any of the foregoin terms and conditions, LESSOR may declare the same to be a material breach of this contract, and, upon giving Three (3) days notice to LESSEE, LESSOR shall have the right to possession 3 \', .h.....~'::~~~.;...,..::lJ~,~;G~:~::i~;~;~;.-v.Vi.~_~h;..,. "1':~~'~"~'~"~.~f.~..~~~~~':~~;~ft~~.ltf~~~~ni~'i,~.~r~'~~:"h,,~;jffJ)I~-.:~.~.~~:;~~k~~~;~.~~~~,~,~.~~!~~.....,~ 1 J"dW:.' 1...: u of the pt emises and LESSEE het eby agt ees t.o vacate and del i vet possession of the same._to LESSOR. 10. BANKRUPTCY: It is exptessly undetstood and agteed that if at any time duting the tetm of this lease LESSEE should be ajudged banktupt Ot insolvent by any fedetal Ot state COUtt of compe ten t jut isd ic-tion, such adj ud ica tion shall ter mina te and cancel this lease without. any futthet action on- the part of either patty heteto, and LESSOR may at once teenter and take possession of said ptemises. 11. NOTICES: Notices may be sent by either patty to the othet by deliveting the same in person or mailed to either: party at the following addtesses: LESSOR: New Hanover County Attention: County Manager 320 Chestnut Stteet Wilmington, North Catolina 28401 LESSEE: Milton T. Schaeffet, Jt., Ptesident Schaeffer Buick, Inc. 216 Notth Second Stteet Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 This agteement shall be binding upon the patties heteto and their successots and intetests. This agteement may be executed in one or more countetpatts each of which shall be deemed to be an Ot ig inal. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have heteunto set theit 4 . -: r. 0' ,," ",",", ..'"'~"~'!~'~"I,.:l~2:..JiL~~w".:~:'~'~;"~"'~~~"''';'~Io.;;,b.~L_;;'''~-~~~___A . .i.' .~ \ 4. .....,...,.....,. . ~........ #-'~\~~'~"~l'~:>~~'.:i.rr,~~~~..~,j;~ ';'';;'1'*';:;':'' hands and seals the day and year first above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY, LESSOR (CORPORA'fE SEAL) By: Title: Attesr.: Clerk This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: County Finance Director County Attorney (CORPORATE SEAL) SCHAEFFER BUICK, INC., LESSEE Ar.test: By: 'fi tIe: Title: NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, a Notar y Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify that personally carne before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover Coun r.y, and tha r. by author i ty duly given and as t.he act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, , sealed with its official seal and attested by him/herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this , 19 day of 5 ""~^~,j'r.j,,~~Z~,,::ItL,~,;'-b~~.~~D:i~~u~L,,,"~i.L~~.;..L~.....~". ; ... :. '; .:',&\:~r'" \-.. ',:: //E.:~/;~:i3 I",' , :'f J)RA r-I RESOLUTION BY THE B9ARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY tvHEREAS, New Hanover Count.y has con t.r act.ed t.o pur chase t.he major port.ion of t.he commercial propert.y designat.ed as 216 Nort.h Second St.reet., ident.ified by t.ax parcel number R048-l70l6 002-000 and R048-17016 016-000 and more fully described in BUY AND SELL AGREEMENTS recorded in Book 1265 at. Page 1916 and Book 1265 at. Page 1920, New Hanover Count.y Regist.ry, t.he descript.ion of which is incor por a t.ed her e in by refer ence and made a par t. her eof. By t.he t.erms of said BUY AND SELL AGREEMENTS t.he owners have agreed t.o convey t.it.le and deliver possession t.o t.he Count.y on or before t.he 1st. day of Oct.ober 1985, and WHEREAS, said pr emises ar e cur r ent.ly under lease t.o SCHAEFFER BUICK, INC. whose lease expires t.he 30th day of Sept.ember 1985 and who has expressed a wish and desire to extend said lease by enter ing into a lease agreement. wi t.h New Hanover Coun t.y for an addi tional per iod of time, said t.er m t.o be for a period of six months with an opt.ion t.o ext.end for a mont.h t.o mont.h period t.hereafter not. to extend beyond the 30th day of Sept.ember 1986, and WHEREAS, t.he Board of Commissioners has and does hereby det.ermine t.hat. t.his propert.y will not. be needed by t.he County for the t.erm of t.he lease. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that. t.he New Hanover Board of Commissioners does hereby authorize t.he County Manager to enter >...... . ....' "-",,,.' ~ __~~~~~~;J,,:;;4.;;~~-~l~..:.. ':':;~i\'~'>~~'~'~\~~.~"~'h.~..~..~.~~~.: . . - " '::~ ;. ,::. ..........1-. ~ " / T' ' ---...~'II. .' in~o a ren~al agreemen~ wi~h SCHAEFFER BUICK, INC. and ~o execu~e a lease, to the ptoger ~y hereinbefore describedt for a term of six months at Eigh~een Hundred Dollars ($1800.00) ren~al per month, with the option that LESSEE may hold over as a tenant from mon~h ~o month for a period of ~ime not to ex~end beyond ~he 30~h day of Sep~ember 1986. ADOPTED this day of , 1985. - [CORPORATE SEAL] Chairman, Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Attest: Clerk 2 ~:';/o'.dll.i:.i!L..::."...., I.~..':'\",; " ~I ....-4~~-); L .,'~ ' '~..d _,;'~Wi'~",,,, ~::i.~._1 -"",;-'''.;~~ ~:"',b.' .:~. '. " ...".,. "".~~;;;...t.<,n:i,~.:"'""'~t.-. " .,-" I if- \<<. . :!. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . ... .... ... . . . . .. .. . .. .. .. . ... .. .... .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . ..... . .. . . ... . . .. .. . . ... . ~~ - .~~ 1}Joarll of Qtllmminninnern l' New 1tlanouer Qt0U11tU mes 0 lution WHEREAS, House Bill 1234 has passed the House Corrections Committee and is being held in the General Appropriations Committee until the Short Session of the General Assembly in 1986: and WHEREAS, House Bill 1234 would ~stab1ish a Correctional Facilities Finance Authority under the Department of Corrections, having power to issue revenue bonds thr6ugh the State Treasurer's office and then dedicate the bond Pf,<oceeds to County jails and State prison projects: and WHEREAS, House Bill 1234 will remove a substantial portion of the financing burden for Jail Facilities from the tax payers placing the burden on lawbreakers: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners fully support and encourage passage of House Bill 1234 during the Short Session of the General Assembly in 1986. Adopted by unanimous vote on the 22nd of July 1985. .J1AAftL C)(JZu,j Chairman Board of Commissioners New Hanover County rI!!:~. ................................................................................... ......................... ~ ,.. . ~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, at a regular meeting on August 15, 1983 appointed Roland G. Register, Tax Administrator, effective September 19, 1983, for a term expiring July, 1985, and WHEREAS, Roland G. Register is currently serving as Tax Administrator and is eligible and qualified for reappointment having been certified by the Department of Revenue as meeting all requirements of N. C. G. S. 105-294 (b). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to N. C. G. S. 105-294 (a) the Board of County Commissioners does hereby appoint Roland G. Register to serve as Tax Administrator for a term of two years, which shall continue until the first Monday in July, 1987. This 22nd day of July, 1985. (SEAL) Attest: NO~i<?:!r~ Board of County Commissioners ijESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RULES OF PROCEDURE, FOR THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS G.S. ~153A-41 authorizes boards of commis- sioners to adopt rules of procedure in the spir it of generally accepted principles of parliamentary procedure; and WHEREAS the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County desires to adopt such rules of procedure; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County that the following Rules of Procedure shall apply in all meetings of the Board: 1. Tie V~tes. When there is a tie vote on a motion before the Board, the motion fails and the Clerk to the Board shall record that the motion failed due to a tie vote. 2. Members Excused from Voting. Members of the Board of Commissioners should not vote upon questions which may involve their own financial interest, direct or indirect, or their official conduct. etl'l'n m CP'f~ 00081000000 o~ OJ 0;': eO 00 'A _ <:! ~ .:ii!' eO 00 .~ ~ G:e / 00 -'" ~ ~;z A ~ :: I . ~ [CORP I' : = i \ 111 g : !.. ~/ooo1f~ ~ Oe" u<>..".u~ 00 ~ ~d' A.. o,oo~"R1 0'000 ~" '.. ~P"'O 000000000 ~'t-...... Attest: 'ot,..... ~""H CARO\.'\ ............. "~ ,," ."'.allll"'" 22nd day of July, 1985. ~ t!)'~ Chairman, Board of Commissioners ~d7~ . Clerk f.-~ .... -J!>oI.<:'<" ~......, ~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby determines that it is necessary and in the public interest to acquire an interest in certain real property owned by MARY JEAN MARTIN HEIRS, C/O DAVID BURNS, for the public purpose of providing a sewage collection and disposal system in the unincorporated area of New Hanover County~ and WHEREAS, representatives of New Hanover County have been unable to acquire the needed interest in this property by negotiated conveyance~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. New Hanover County shall acquire by condemnation, for the public purposes above stated, the property and interest described as follows: An easement or right-of--way interest 21 feet wide adjacent to the northern edge of Airlie Road for a distance of approximately 110 feet along the southern edge of a lot designated as Tax Parcel No. 57-00-006- 035. 2. The New Hanover County Attorney is directed to institute the necessary proceedings under Chapter 40A of the North Carolina General Statutes to acquire the property interest herein described. ap'1~~hiS 22nd ~OV~R d .~" .$~ .',.... OJ ~ .. -0 \~ I':. ~ I.: a. ..1\ -'0 ',' ~ - .. ~ .0 ":1i 0 ~.. [CORPE>RA'1E ~'!JI:>r'" f. .. ~ \" " ~'l' .. e : IL~?~\ >.: ~ :...... . y .", ~: : ...... J~. ~ ~ \; ').'1. 'fy1 ~ u: <'r~ ~ .. ~>-;;:-;/.ft # ~~ '" . ~",,'U'~ ~~ t; ~ ... ....0l.J!iJ.TJ:1 ._" ",;, '. JI.. -. . ~& ~ '" "'1'0 .....,..l). \~~ ....~ At te s t: '."'" ~"'J.I c"'~o\,; ~~......... ~~~ day of July, 1985. NOla!~l1; {?'~?l!a1L Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County I, 'j RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby determines that it is necessary and in the public interest to acquire an interest in certain real property owned by Augusta R. powlas, for the public purpose of providing a sewage collection and disposal system in the unincorporated area of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, representatives of New Hanover County have been unable to acquire the needed interest in this property by negotiated conveyance; NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. New Hanover County shall acquire by condemnation, for the public purposes above stated, the property and interest described as follows: An easement or right-of-way interest 20 feet wide and approximately 48 feet, more or less, in length, running parallel to Greenville Avenue in the area of the north eastern portion of that 0.21 acre tract designated as Tax Parcel No. 56-19=012-008-000. 2. The New Hanover County Attorney is directed to institute the necessary proceedings under Chapter 40A of the North Carolina General Statutes to acquire the property interest herein described. ADOPTED this ~lllluoooOaaaaUq r;1l\> bI. Q V iO OU(J. [CORPO~~..~Mf'''. cl)()()<b ~<s'~ 00 0" 0 ~ ~!:> tv 000:,' 000 G-' ~ AT'rE .. - ....... W 0 1,.'t> t:i 0 of} -':'\:)':" . 00 ...-\ ~ C3 0 .,\,:<"" 0 ..(, 0 ~ 0 g }" ' Ig ~ o ~ 0 Q ~ b .. 0 -tJ. ~ '0 0 (:) 00 0 ~ 22nd day of July, 1985.. ~{)fJ1td Nolan O'Neal, Chairman Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County 1 Cd l"j II> "i ~ n o "tI K !'1ft ."... ~ .,_I~U'''''' ~~,-;t-~--' ~..- . ~'" RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby determines that it is necessary and in the public interest to acquire an interest in certain real property owned by REX D. LI'f'I'LE and wife, BEVERLY LIT'I'LE, for the publ ic purpose of providing a sewage collection and disposal system in the unincorporated area of New Hanover CountY1 and WHEREAS, representatives of New Hanover County have been unable to acquire the needed interest in this property by negotiated conveyance1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. New Hanover County shall acquire by condemnation, for the public purposes above stated, the property and 'interest described as follows: An easement or right-of-way interest 40 feet wide and approximately 280 feet, more or less, in length, running parallel to Hooker Road in the area of the northern one-third of that 3.1 acre tract designated as Tax Parcel No. 56-10-006-007-000. 2. The New Hanover County Attorney is directed to institute the necessary proceedings under Chapter 40A of the North Carolina General Statutes to acquire the property interest herein described. . ,.~~~~~this .' ~ " .a.~~~:\ l1P .0' 111 ". .~ 'G! .. "lIIlIi'i;' . ~~: 01 -.,I. It :. ~, . - .. ~' .~-= ; [C~P4l' .r : = :. : : : : ~ :.: ~ e. ~~.. G ~ -. IlU'cc:rtJ''-1'~.- ~ .... ... H>U3J.R'f .- ;:; ;, A_ .. ... ,.,. ~ .... 'YoO ...... ... ...,l- ~ .., .",.... \ '\\ ..... '..... 'r,J./ CARO'" ,........ At t est: ..'.....1'..""\\\\' 22nd day of July, 1985. NOla~ l2't!!a~ Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ~~r(!~ RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby determines that it is necessary and in the 'public interest to acquire an interest in certain real property owned by HENRY HILL HEIRS, C/O MARGARET MACK BAHAM, for the public purpose of providing a sewage collection and disposal system in the unincorporated area of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, representatives of New Hanover County have been unable to acquir:e the needed interest in this pr,operty by negotiated conveyance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. New Hanover County shall acquire by condemnation, for the public purposes above stated, the property and interest described as follows: An easement or right-of-way interest 21 feet wide adjacent to the northern edge of Airlie Road for a distance of approximately 154 feet along the southern edge of a lot designated as 'I'ax Parcel No. 57-00-006- 017-001. 2. The New Hanover County Attorney is directed to institute the necessary proceedings under Chapter 40A of the North Carolina General Statutes to acquire the property interest herein described. ~.. ~il)I(!JP th is 22nd day of July, 1985. ~,~~",OVE~ c: - ....o;4~ ....... 0,,_ iii " '. \.I:: ." ~ 00 I ". ~ ~ ~.a I" o. ~ \, , [CORpt)RA1E ~: ....'~ ~ :: lr. ~ = . . . .. :. : - : : :. \, te:.= :. .. -~~/.. ~ .:,. .. IMPCRTJ.tl~.O ~ -"':-, A~ .... 1kOV$J.A1 .... $' .... 'YO ......... :\.....>t- ~ At t est: ...... ~.,..I-I "nO\"'\ ...~.. ~".'t C"", ,\\....~ ~XZ?~ NOl~1f. ~!lId Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ;1l:< I RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby determines that it is necessary and in the public interest to acquire an interest in certain real property owned by HARRY MARSHBURN HEIRS,' C/O YORK CAMPBELL, for the public purpose of providing a sewage collection and disposal system in the unincorporated area of New Hanover County: and WHEREAS, representatives of New Hanover County have been unable to acquire the needed interest in this property by negotiated conveyance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: ' 1. New Hanover County shall acquire by condemnation, for the public purposes above stated, the property and interest described as follows: An easement or right-of-way interest 21 feet wide adjacent to the northern edge of Airlie Road for a distance of approximately 66 feet along the southern edge of a lot designated as Tax Parcel No. 57-00-006- 009. 2. The New Hanover County Attorney is directed to institute the necessary proceedings under Chapter 40A of the North Carolina General Statutes to acquire the property interest herein described. ~,''''11'1 ,..~~ 0 ~~\ ~ 0....0.. ()~ l' I~ .... .... ~ ~ s:! .. · ~ .. lit ~ .. .. r;. if, [CO'POtA' .. 'a . . . - : : I :: :. ~. -~'_: = :. -.. --~.:"'2 ~ ~ ~ ~ .. 1MPO;:rT) ,0. .' C ~ ... 1NOlJS).A1 ... $ , A,.. .' _,,"'" .. ,,'Yo ....... \~'~ ~ At tes t'r.". ~}"JI C"'RO~ ........~ ".'."11.' u"""" 22nd day of July, 1985. f)( NOla~irm~ Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ~~~Lff-/ ,',' .)".1.' ,:::~~:!!::!:f';i,;;;i>>Ol~~1h'\ti;. ii',:.,,' . ". "'... ,....."!~I,,........., (", ',- 'f;' ,~_~..i(::;:.y};:t;~,~\~:;~'.~~7?:'<.:ir>'~::'\";;: ,<"_,:./~;;,~~\~~,~ _.,. "':ti~.~~~~~~~,bi;_~ii~C~""'';''.. . ....: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County hereby determines that it is necessary and in the public interest to acquire an interest in certain real property owned by IDA HINES WATKINS, C/O LUCILLE HINES, for the public purpose of providing a sewage collection and disposal system in the unincorporated area of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, representatives of New Hanover County have been unable to acquire the needed interest in this property by negotiated conveyance; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: 1. New Hanover County shall acquire by condemnation, for the public purposes ~bove stated, the property and interest described as follows: An easement or right-of-way interest 21 feet wide adjacent to the northern edge of Airlie Road for a distance of approximately 132 feet along the southern edge of a. lot designated as Tax Parcel No. 56-00-003- 005. 2. The New Hano~~r County Attorney is directed to institute the necessary proceedings under Chapter 40A of the North Carolina General Statutes to acquire the property interest 22nd day of July, 1985. f NOl~. ~a~ Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ~~~~ ;'~!'~ Ii. . ;~ h~" 1. ..;~ii"'- Form FHA 442-21 (Rev. 7-6-70) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FARMERS HOME ADMINISTRATION RIGHT-OF-WAY CERTIFICATE NEW HANOVER CCUNI'Y WATER AND SEWER DISI'RIcr The undersigned, hereby certifies except as noted in item 4 below: 1. That the undersigned has acquired and presently holds continuous and adequate rights-of-way on private lands needed for the construction, operation, and maintenance of the facilities to be installed, repaired, or enlarged with the proceeds of a loan made or insured by, and/or a grant from, Farmers Home Administration and such omissions, defects, or restrictions as may exist will in no substantial way or manner endanger the value or the operation of the facilities. 2. That the undersigned has acquired the necessary permits, franchises, and authorizations or other instruments by whatsoever name designated, from public utilities and public bodies, commissions, or agencies authorizing the construction, operation, and maintenance of the facilities upon, along, or across streets, roads, .highways, and public utilities. 3. That the attached "Right-of-way Map" shows the location and description of all land and rights-of-way acquired by right of use or adverse possession and by legal conveyances such as right-of-way or easement deeds, permits, or other instruments. 4. Exceptions: Easements or rights-of-way interests in four parcels (4) adjacent to Airlee Road and in one parcel (l) adjacent to Hooker Road, BUT condemnation procedures have been instituted to acquire the necessary property interest in said parcels. affixes its name and corporate seal this day 9f ,19~. NEW HANOJER CClTNrY WA'T'F.R AND !=:'RWP.R nT!=:'T'Rtcr By fl ~j)L2f~ ~ Title Chainnan (Affix Corporate Seal Here) FHA 442-21 (Rev. 7-6-70) ~ u.s. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1980-765-010/3110 , i, '"" ":. .. I, .\ . ',.. I' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE AUDITOR FIREMEN'S AND RESCUE SQUAD WORKER'S PENSION FUND DIVISION 300 N. SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, N. C. 2761 t ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF FIREMEN General Statutes, Chapter 118-38, requires that all certified fire departments certify annually to the N. C. Firemen's Pension Fund a complete roster of its qualified firemen.' The following certification along with a complete roster of all active firemen* as of June 30 of each year must be submitted to the N, C, Firemen's Pension Fund, 300N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, N. C. on or before July 31. Failure to submit this certification along with a complete roster will result in the loss of the death benefit provided by the State. CERTIFICATION We, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (Governing Body) body of the Winter Park Volunteer and find that attached is a true and Winter Park VolunteeFire Department, New Hanover ,North Carolina. in our capacity as the governing Fire Department, certify that accurate list of all active firemen* address Wilmington, N. ~. we have examined of the County of Signed ~ (JI~ Title Chairman Date July 22, 1985 For Fire Department Chief Only" I, Gn <['-/ C::-, r ,j, c., ~. , Chief of the 1(/>/.:,(- ..F~~,~, // \. L./ Fire Department, certify the attached roster is a true and accurate list of all eligible fire- men. (Eligible firemen are firemen who have met the required 36 hours of meetings and drills during the last calendar year (July 1 - June 30). In addition, the term "eligible firemen" shall mean those firemen who have joined the fire department within the calendar year and are in the process of completing the required 36 hours of meetings and drills,) f~ /) '/~~" / 1f ~7,;( it; _. _.11/(" //!,' ,-- .-' " ':,./ i) ~i,,~,~_,chief ( ~~, ::-2.. _ ,-:'i ,;.) Date ROSTER MUST BE ATTACHED WITH NAMES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. *Firemen on authorized "Leave of Absence" are to be included on the roster. Whenever a new fireman is added to the roster during the year, his or her name should be forward to the Pension Fund Office immediately. 1 1 -4.- ROSTER PAGEJ___OF / t FIDE DEE ARTM NT COUNTY 1 4, / Ae / i . tQ.. ay/ -sin C► hie lirntilt CHIEF DAY PHONE NO. AT t . NAME ADDRESS 1 1 N Q e.... 31 17 flow Col: 1 2 ? 11 ar 5141 / tK /4ve. 3 vt)'c.l e- a., ! 9021 LPN' S +. 4 Ca rot ha.wk fr m drr,., 3/7 bisne I t. s i'ht� e a w. ,rso,r. boro y . , OM t• 6 .0.0. .. o rr I' Ai: ar,� kwood ve, d o 7 i2o IQw//a r V9 1? / (/I , Si.. 8 I /a.,�c. a 14 VP ,t � uCC C411 eer 9 �nAn. kid ►'.wtSov- • .567 /del ea 1 p 10 �o e L ,' le ,,.r 9/s . 1-4,,, cx T rt .. 1 11 T Geo dr -u,w., ;tog Ees.e • ve 12 /e 1 o/i «5/.3 J) Cel n fir, 1 13 0/11. S�wi k /3 Of /91/D A. e.7: 1 14 &Jm, ch.,.., ei-. 3 63orb 33 6 15 C i [ .: , / 30 PI`n o ! • 1 16 A Si � m / ri on. 5 33 12 tc/it l's i0(�) / ►r+. , T., �ip , �/ 1 17 t &d 1es 33 / t(41 1 it& C. /�' , 7 1 1 18 �]Q l� 0 "n OI �Y SA £ a'/?/qri. r`O S . 19 , //I ►,,. �, + 1iI> �t 4►rv' 57, 5 Rd, a 20 goad 02 s 071 Dobbs S- �.tQ.v� t +� 21 VI 0S10€ 1/ 5311 K i / e w0f H' /s. 4) 2 �?tkwat 4. ill esker , 4J/ qA N v,Jk /gm 24 P. 1')')u c ,.... . c V ' t o lt-,/ hd U � 25 Z6K 1':S fee r -SO r 6 h 707 r4 . K W a 1 1le. 26 1 • I , I . ' ' 1 _ 1 s 1 1 , 27 � , 28 + 1 I ■ 29. + 1 • , 30 31 I 1 32 ,.— 1 1 33 I 1 , 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 , , I I I 34 1 3 I 35 E ; , , 1 I I 36 + 1 37 + I I 1 3 38 1 , 3 1 39 # 40 + 1 + , a ~."__~___'____.~_.___'___'_u _____ __...._. '._ . , , . ~ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE AUDITOR FIREMEN'S AND RESCUE SQUAD WORKER'S PENSION 300 N, SALISBURY STREET RALEIGH, N. C. 2761 I ANNUAL CERTIFICATION OF FIREMEN FuroN$~rl AGENDA ~A TE:'!T 7 -- ;l ;;. -g-' S-- lTEMNo1 16 ~" ~l_. ~ General Statutes, Chapter 118-38, requires that all certified fire departments certify annually to the N. C. Firemen's Pension Fund a complete roster of its qualified firemen." The following certification_atong with a complete roster of all active firemen* as of June 30 of each year must be submitted to the N. C. Firemen's Pension Fund, 300 N. Salisbury St., Raleigh, N. C. on or before July 3l. Failure to submit this certification along with a complete roster will result in the loss of the death benefit provided by the State. CERTIFICATION We, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (Governing Body) Seagate Volunteer Fire Dept. Fire Department, certify that attached is ,a true and accurate list of all active firemen* Fire Department, address Wilmington, N. C. , North Carolina. in our capacity as the governing body of the and find that Seagate Vol. New Hanover we have examined of the County of Signed Title Date 11~-1J'J1M Chairman July 22, 1985 For Fire Department Chief Only I, MICHEAI, CARROLL MJI.T.TKF.N , Chief of the SF-A GA'l'E; VOT.lJN'l'F.F:R Fire Department, certify the attached roster is a true and accurate l1st of all eligible fire- men. (Eligible firemen are firemen who have met the required 36 hours of meetings and drills during the last calendar year (July 1 - June 30). In addition, the term "eligible firemen" shall mean those firemen who have joined the fire department within the calendar year and are in the process of completing the required 36 hours of meetings and drills.) weo/~~/. a.m~ (f Fire ~h~ef _ _JU 4>) IY~5 Date ROSTER,MUST BE ATTACHED WITH NAMES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. *Firemen on authorized "Leave of A1;>sence" are to be included on the roster. Whenever a new fireman is added to the roster during the year, his or her name should be forward to the Pension Fund Office immediately. i • ROSTER •+ PAGE 1 • FIRE DEPARTMENT COUNTY • • ► : ; 1 : U1 1 1 1 • . 11 • # • DAY PHONE NO. DATE NAME ADDRESS 1 Michael s. arwood 5614 Andover Road • 2 Gary M. Ashline 229 Bradford Road 3 William F. Ballard Jr. 120 Sebrell Avenue 5 3 4 Marry T. Kennett 5723 Wisteria Lane 5 Rnhprt W. Rentnn 709A Wri phtsvil l e AVP.n11P. 6 Vietnr R. Rrnwn 1n6 PPCan AvPnuP 7 :_.._ •1• 1 _11 v P ,u- a i 8 n. . 1 . H. • :4,s- ;V-, - 9 Si dnoy D3ni el s 35 Peiffer Avenue 1 to Michael L. Garner 16 235 Wrightsville Avenue 11 .T nsPph A. GPhhi a 573 Wisteria T.anP 12 • .. : . • 11 _ _u 3n1 MnnkPr Rnad 1 13 David F. McMillan Sr.. 237 Peiffer Avenue 14 David F. McMillan Jr. 237 Peiffer Avenue 1 15 Micheal C. Milliken 5$10 Solera Road 16 Jasper G. Newell 211 Whites Avenue 17 Alton M. Powlas 5750 Camellia Lane 18 Charles L. Pnwlas Jr. Lnt#14 Lee Acres Peiffer Avenue 19 Clifton L. Small 580L Verbinia Drive 20 Cecil D. Ward 111 Willow Wood Drive 21 James F. Watson 6024 Park Avenue 2 2 Kevin P. Yates Lot 5431 Oleander Drive 1 1 I 1 23 1 1 1 ' I I I 1 24 1 1 I i 1 • y 25 1 1 ! 26 1 I 1 I 1 27 ! 1 1 1 i 1 1 1, • r 28 1 I 1 1 � I 1 29 i I 30 1 ' ' , 1 31 1 1 ' 1 1 1 I I 3? 1 1 ! ! t 1 1 1 1 ' 3 3 1 i 1 1 1 1 34 • • 1 1 1 1 1 35 1 ! i � • I i 1 I ; 36 1 , I 1 1 I ; I I 37 • I I I 1 1 38 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 • I 1 I ; ' 39 I 4 • 40 1 1 1 i i •