November 20 2003 Board Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 20 North 4th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Phone: (910) 341-4258 Fax: (910) 341-4038 E-mail: stsmith@nhcgov.com Steve Smith Director Memorandum To: Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board From: Steve Smith, Director Subject: November 20, 2003 Board Meeting Summary Date: January 13, 2004 A Public Safety Communications Center Policy Board meeting was held on Thursday, November 20, 2004 in Room 501 of the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Frank Blackley Dennis Cooper Dave Weaver Steve Smith Lt. Hoehlein Sgt. Ed Gibson Doug Hewett Donnie Hall Robbie Matheson Bill Clontz Warren Lee Brain Roberts Sterling Powell Jan Kavanaugh GUESTS: Brenda Hewlett, Public Safety Communications Center Chairman Blackley called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. After reviewing the summary from the October 2, 2003 meeting, there were two corrections that needed to be made they are as following: Under members absent it should read Ed Gibson not Ed Pigford and the spelling of Rehobeth Beach was misspelled. After the two corrections were noted the summary from the October 2, 2003 meeting was reviewed and approved. Doug Hewlett made a motion to approve the summaries as written and Brian Roberts seconded the motion. The motion passed. OLD BUSINESS: 800 MHz Update: Warren Lee gave an update on the 800 MHz project. Dave Weaver and Warren went back to the CC on Monday gave them an update at the last cc meeting they had requested we get information about Brunswick County system that is being installed. Future of business with charter communications at sea breeze tower site and also they wanted information about the possibly of locating an antenna at the loraine station site down River Road. We are in discussion right now with both the coast guard and Charter Communications on both of those issues so there is no change in status as far as 800 MHz is concerned Gave them just a basis ABC of 800 to help them understand what we mean when we say 800. Met this morning with county liason to the cable industry moving forward with it resolution to the tower issue within a month at least know what our options are. Other than that we are about where we have been. Fb I saw some information about changing Nextell and changing of they want to spend a good deal of money to change frequencies for their purposes will that affect us in any way. Wl they are doing that in a lot of places through out the country. Nextell is very much after the 800 MHz market that band width we are on is very desirable for them. They have been in a lot of locations throughout the country and have actually replaced the whole 800 MHz system. In exchange for that band width. They have moved a lot the places to 900 band width or a different part of the 800 MHz spectrum They are really after that band width bl they are after the 11 channels we are not using that is what is really vunerable from Nextell point of view. It is very important that we get those things actuaret. Grants: I just finished paper war fare with the folks in Raleigh on the $132,000 that we are buying the resportoary protective equipment for the first responder vehicle we are buying 699 or somewhere in that range milimium maps that filter cartridge resportory maps for the first response people law enforcement, ems and some of the others. We are finalizing that they notified me that within a week we should have the memorandum of understanding for the $493,000 grant that is the second round of the FY03 homeland security money. They also told me that FEMA has just finalized, the Federal folks have just finalized the FY04 budget. North Carolina is going to receive $54 million dollars in FY04 in Homeland Security and of that $42 million will be direct pass through to the County. So FY04 we can look for a hugh chunk of Homeland Security money. They are also telling me that they are re-structing the way they administer that grant everyone so far they tell us how much we can spend for equipment, how much for training how much for exercise and what they are saying is that FY04 money here is your pot of money you tell us what percentage you are going to spend on this and what on this. It will be a lot more describleas on how we use the money. Dw do you figure it will be a good chance we could use it on 800 MHz? Wl I asked them about that yesterday and they said that until we get the MOU they didn’t specific but there is a good possibly that we could. Hopefully that will happen. Wl a lot of it is up in the air right now. Bc when is that going to be available Warren? Wl the second half of 03 money we should get in the next week or so. That is $493 and some change then the 04 I am not sure when that will be released. Ss on something like that if you got the MOU and it looked that you could use it on 800 is that a situation where you could actually perceive ahead and then reimburse do what we need to do and then pay ourselves back. Wl I don’t know what the stiplulations are. The ones they have given us so far they give us the grant and then they give us an equipment list and things that are elible expenses things you can use them for. One of the issues , the guy in Raleigh the grant manger for the $132 thousand dollars that we are spending he didn’t like the fact that we just using that money strickly for purchase of resportory protective equipment and I think everyone across the State had taken the stance that the first line of defensive in a terrorist attack is going to be your first respondce vehicle and we all felt like we needed to do whatever we could to give them the initial protective they need to survive when they pull up in that environment. I think everyone across the State had pretty much taken the stance that you need to purchase some sort of chemical spash protective clothing – the Tilex suits and then provide some sort of whatever the highest level of resporotory protection at a reasonable cost.