1985-11-25 SpM Exhibits ~ AN ORDINANCE OF' THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY AMENDMENT TO THE MOTOR VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, CHAPTER 10 OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY CODE The Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in order to promote public safety on the streets and highways adjacent to or near schools in New Hanover County, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 20-141.1, does ordain:, "That the New Hanover County Code is hereby amended by the addition, to Chapter 10, of Article III, SEeed ~l~its in Vicinity of Schools, which reads as follows: Sec. 10-21 Definitions (a) Motor vehicle every vehicle which is self propelled and designed to run and be operated upon streets and highways. (b) Emergency vehicle - ambulance, rescue and fire fighting vehicles and law enforcement vehicle being operated under emergency conditions while activating and utilizing its flashing lights and siren. Sec. 10-22 Exceptions The provisions of this article- shall not be applicable to emergency vehicles~. Sec. 10-23 Prohibitions (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of thirty five (35) miles per hour on and over N.C. Highway 132, two hundred (200) feet on either side of the school property lines of Emma B. Trask Junior High School and Emsley A. Laney High School, on days when either or both .school s are . in session, dur ing the hours of 8: 00 0 'clock A.M. to 9:00 o'clock A.IV!. and 3:00 o'clock P.M. to 4:00 o'clock P.M. (b) It shall be unla wful for any person to operate a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of twenty five (25) miles per hour on and over Middle Sound Road two hundred (200) feet on either side of the school property lines of Ogden Elementary School, on days when school is in session, during the hours of 7:30 o'clock A.M. to 8:30 o'clock A.M. and 2:00 o'clock P.M. to 3:00 o'clock P.M. Sec. 10-24 Effective Date This ordinance shall become effective when signs are erected giving notice of the school zone, the authorized speed limit, and the days and hours when the thirty five (35) miles per hour speed limit or twenty five (25) miles per hour speed limit is effective or by erecting signs giving notice. of the school zone, authorized speed limit and which indicate the days and hours the 35 MPH speed limit or 25 MPH speed limit is effective by an electronic flasher operated by a time clock. ~/ \. \ Sec. 10-25 Penalty Any person who shall violate the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than fifty dollars ($50.00) or imprisonment for not more than thirty (30) days, in the discretion of the Court, as provided by Section 14-4 of the North Carolina General Statutes. ADOPTED this day of December, 1985. Chairman, Board' or County Commissioners ATTEST: Clerk 3 Is ~l " '\_" '" G. FELIX COOPER , County Manager ( NEW HANOVER COUNTY 'I OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 Telephone (9/9) 34/-7/84 .... -=-~ et.'-S C "\' t' '\ \ 'I November 21, 1985 V'f\. (.-v~':" ve 0 u-.r\\ ( ( n I . \ ~'^ ~; ~...,-v \ ('.A- TO: M E M 0 RAN DUM FROM: RE: Rudolph C. Shackelford, J~ . ~..t~ . U Fe11x Coop~~~ Questions from Ed Samuels' Letters - 10-4-85 - 10-29-85 and 11-19-85 The series of letters written to you and others, for the period stated above, contained accusations and questions which the Commissioners desire further information on. Some of these questions are now moot in light of the lease approved by the County Commissioners on November 18, and those concerning painting have been addressed by the building inspector. ".' The following questions need to be answered, and I would appreciate your comments: Letter #1. 2. 3. 4. 5. No reply necessary No teply nece5sary Reply or an apology if not already done Painting - this has been handled Please elaborate - this will also include q~estions in letter of 11-19-85 No reply necessary Please respond Please respond No reply necessary Same as, #~ Please respond to 2 and 3 Please respond No reply necessary Please elaborate - this will also include questions in letter of 11-19-85 No reply necessary No reply necessary Please respond No reply necessary No reply necessary Please address, all four (4) questions 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13'- 14. IS. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. ~;,'~""" t :F..,f.. ([, '.~:7~,fj-[~'Tfi.'. ..,~~" ll: ~ ' ," " \', / .a \ f\1\L""~ ...' ..~ \.i ~ ~ ;/'j . ' I ' ,<". UfN ~S J9IJS . Please let me have your responses as soon as possible. np cc: County Commissioners Bob Pope / INl .... c:J;tJ/N.'IT AJ RPOR-1 / $3 l , , JETSTREA---- \. W, Ed Samuels President Forrest 0, Hedden, Jr. Vice President Oc tober 4, 1985 Mr. John E. NOlan, A.A.E. Assistant~ Airport Manager New Hanover 'County Airport Route 6, Box, 49 . "Wilmington', NC, 2~405' '.,,~~~~jJ.~'.L,):i'iY: ".. . :-,,',:>.:>:,:::1::' . ",.-- '..J' r."" ~ '. :: <.<~::f.j:::~~>{,Ci":~::, ,.f",j ..' en,tel:ed':.mY.'-.leasehold area me~~;~i;;T h a't;, ",~ as improper.', . ~ . .'. . . ( ~. .f , .~ .,' ,.' .~ ......: :.'j"J,':~:':'::,!:::I.":':';:i2,":,<',~,::,,: 'FAA. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO. 711-28 ',;,:~(:',:~ i'::.-L': j,:,'::: ~)i,:':::,~;:..'1~10 NORT~ 1(J:t)t) ^'":::"" U:: _ "III. ........_...... .. _ __ l.\, \, C' ~" \ ' , .' t.~ . , A ,\ \ '-'V'\' , ) ('I r-.. ~'v \; ,\', c./ " (\ (0 ~Q - ~~ '"' (.../ ,~ \..., QC r yl l' ,:.: ~ ~. . . i . . .~. ~ of H,anga~;, H-11 ..'" ......:......~.~~~.i"j.:.::'- .....,,: '," ,:. ..:.:..... ....:..-. f., I, , , ,~~ \ " JfE'fSTFlEA-- (. 1~~@, '~~0;;~Q~~' , " ~:~,.;' '. '~~,;; t4 ','! I:", ;~,:~' , ~,/. , ", . ~,.. ':..j "; ,1:) ~ ,~ .... ~ ~ .""" - - . .-,.... (r :I'~ ~: . i' ....." , ,', .", ~~', , ~ . ""'-:/' ,: .I .. ,,', ~r .- "OCTn 1985 ""l W. Ed Samuels President N. Ii. COUNTY AI'RPORT, /' - /;, - R-? ,-:7 (l ~-- - r::jl Forrest 0, Hedden. Jr. Vice Presfdent October 4, 1985 .!" Mr. Rudolpi! C. Shac,kelford, Jr.;" A.,A.E. Airport :Manager, -,': "i.', "'{';-':'. I:~ NeW'HanOve'r/pountt :A.1rport ,~: :;;,:'<.,'..'..! ' Rou te " 6,,' Box" 4 9 L ',<:,'.; '. " .;.., ,~-,:',:" W~lmington,,~;;NC.;;~ ;284 O'5~"".,.,".. -,:, ,.,~\~,~:~,..,<~:>:' ',: . , ."'~ :.,t4(: . ,.." . : ..~. . .: . ':. ~'; . :~ ..:.:..:!;::.:....!::. . '.. . . .~. . P'-,', "C" . :1:' ~/~. {,:J .;~':"~t~> . ....\ " '. ~ . \ .;~:~.:~;::~::,.;~:~: . . .' . ":',. .,: Rear:.\~:~~:~.:.:~yit:~\;:,',:;~(:,~':;;:.,.::,,;:. ': ;::'~:'.:::., .::."'b';;:..~y?" :,: I,: .,:';:,~,,}':'j<:/,: '" ::' ,..:;:":>:;;.: ,:'. There', 1s:;,no" securi ty.. on",..the" east. side' of, the airport>~;:,;~'d~;,~,~:>'~\:,: . ,', . .' ' , ' .,', .. 0,". ",'," ' ,;":,:)>,.." , ~);..:: .... .. .'; Iou:,'Sllow ,',cars,;"and" t,r,uck~:: :.to.','opera te in the vicini ty '.:o.f{r:h~:;~:~;~i,:,,\,' , ':~f~;t.\,~u~wsy '~3~ ;:~'f1.anga~'S:;,;~78.;~H';'9 ,...:,:-H...:,i.,O,: H~ 1 J, "T-13 'a.nd all the ~,'81''r7tii~~J;,\\,:, ," ,;;V:~'':'.: craft pai:ke,d~:and."moving':;'~here6n~"~Y,These ..vehicles' have no clea't;:am;.c,e".~,'- ,:.~!.l:}!~.:.f.rom :l'the~'afrp~or..t~'.F AA'r;:, tower; ~.:"n:o ~radio communication ,with', the: to\y;,.e':m:,~i;/:: ,~ ~~;:~~;')ind.:no~.,.ramp~~~f!ig~.il~;,Hor,eover..;~:;(ther.e are.'-no, gates, '1 stgon 8n(J".:~ilo~''+\~''t;.i~~:+~h..',' i. ., ....... " '"' '. .." ..." ,'.. .. . 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I (1~'1 "i~~j:t 'r,v" 1'.b't'''1~'';x'' 't"\}',..~j '"c' 4",_",-. ...~'r:.;J.' ,)I~~ A'f, ~..;',\ ~, ~~l'..., . . ~~ - .r ' ..,~..., I,I"t ':t,'li,,~:, " ,. :'~ r: "~:'..::'.f;;7..;r..\ _'1, ',l~'\l.It;::~~~"~ ?_'jl"I. -. ~~~l,!.~~i;;t/,. ~ . t . ~' 'Ii \'.:, "/"(\.:\~~:r ,";!'l',;".!'~.;~"r ::::!.-.';\<:~\'1~~t\Y:t_~i' -;.l-:;\)" ~i,r.~;,r.; y~~*c~~ ''':~~:';Y.~'$~t~' ,\9:a;' . 4t~6~',tr;~~a:~li:\~:(iv1~:~;~)\ff~'(~ffif ~~tS:';' ~t~~ '8' ,ua:t~~81 Mhein"y.o).i!ttj,l1't,i:' , , "";;;'~~c t:~~t h'l ~ ,,:gtt';d: e''v\bus'(P\~q~b'J~~!til:~ ',' I.fli;~~,( .~~~;ap'P.fo:a\:;b~tti~' :ljEt~FAA!~i:A't'j,t{~~lQ,U)j . ""h~a~.o'ffice:::\.,'(tll":m'y<con~'e'~:ns",,.,l~:\~' ,1; )?r';f~jt,~;,:',~:( ir,;y:~~#- h~~t\i'rif~?J.~b rt'ac tedJ&ou;'~:'~'and,fib.w!t~;bS;iJ r..e.d: ',themf-. ap'p r,o pr.1a t,e~'I~i:\'c't1on,~'~t:,b:\J; ft~:WJ.~~~,:. 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APPROVED 8EPAIR STATION NO. 711-28 " '..1410 NORTH KERR AVENUE ., WILMINGTON. N.C. 28405 . 1Q1l:l\ 7~?1n"A . .;. ;. '~., ~ , , ~, ~., ,. " Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr. October 4, 1985 Page 2 Your sole corrective action has been to require me to maintain additional insurance called "Non-owner insurance". You have demanded this insurance orally, but have failed to honor my requests for written confirmation, and I find no published directive requiring it. I see no need for'me to provide insurance to protect the county from your failure to secure this AIR OPERATIONS AREA and this AIR CARRIER AIRPORT. Please respond to me in writing,concerning why I ~hould provide this specific co.erage for your sole protection. In view of your response to this problem, your qualifications for your position appear questionable. In your response to this letter please detail your technical qualifications to operate and manage,'an INTERNATIONAL AIR CARRIER AIRPORT wi th three Fixed' Base Operations. Your reply prior to October 23, 1985 would be appreciated. I will ,assume that no reply prior to October 23, 1985 is an admission by you that:' (1) the security is required, (2) the vehicles are in violation of New Hanover County Ordinance (3) the additional insurance is not required by New Hanover County Ordinance Since"::;.nY , ' ~~, " W. Ed Samuels WES/js" .'. .<:;c~:::':~~~: '~~~=~~::ogA DC~ ",,":::,;....../y;:,~..::. .~, ' \ , ":, F.AA,,: Ra,leigh, ':'NC:' r,:',,':',':')i.:;:~;,:::::, ' ..,.~ :::/: New:-:Hariover' County CommJs's.1.Qn.' : <"'~'.'-WECT\:...'C'~annel ','6 :..' ~:~..:::..' '\'~/'.~;/::::'::.;' ~:':" ." · :.' W,~lmi.~gt~n. Star, News '.,., ' ", , :',. p -'. " .;~~)~:"-':,,\>~~~' .:. \ " , ", .. . t. .':0:: ~-:::~: ...:..... \. . . ," :.'.~.;I..,J': f :'. : . .' ' ; . _."r.::.. ," t~". . .. -, .-~ ...-.',.. -'.. q':,:,.)jJ . " '.:"",!,- \'/3~ 3JI'rili .:iVITARTZU1IMQA ?.Rp. t 0 1 1 ;"10 .J;:t:- - ( , .' \ .', -JETSTREA-....~- , I \ W. Ed Samuels PresIdent r orn:.1 O. I "-dd<!:II, d.. '~A..~ f)c..,;Jr:u. Oc tober 8, 1985 {o/ttJ!rS-- CC,l1irfP( t:h'l b~F.C..n~ /" /-M II /-1 ~ F\/I /to '/.y- h~ ~ Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr., A.A.E. 'Airport Manager New Hanover County Airport Route 6, Box 49 Wilmington, NC 28405 Dear Sir, On June 21, 1985, you arrested a pilot on my leasehold for draining,contaminated fuel from his aircraft fuel cells into a hand container. Granted, it, ~as, if at all, a minor infraction of an:'.'airport ordinance, and no hazard was created. You, on the other hand, daily, openly violate ordinances 2.5-81: (2) (d), 2.5-81 (2) (e), 2.5-81 (1),2.5-82 (15), 2'.5-82 (14) :'t.e>} , by' traveling across' our Airport Operation Area and the . active' runways without prope~ equipment a'nd at hig'h speed and in a haza~dous,.manner. Are you',exempt from the County ordinance~? . . '." '. . ';:;,::~>"The "ar'~,est"' incid~nt ~nd" trial of my customer is but ':one not~ble"event in your daily' harassment of my customers and . ~~n~?1'S \:-< ' , .', .... ',' "\.;'{;:? . '. ;.... . . . ',;:: '.;~"." ,:<~I;'::."i~~:{~:':{{>~O~:,i:~p~ ':; 0 the r",band:,., ~h~,~~~C.~~,~r'r<~~t., Air ,W .tlm:1. n;g to,n ha.s "beep:,:," ,~.~ I'J~"f'or'.::y~a~~',:1n open:vi,olation~,ot"J,ma.ny. of:" the Coun ty ordinance's,:and "':.i:\,:',violate~f:them :continually:,wl.th6ut\'response from you. . >":<'::~':;;~,.' " ?~,~,::., i., '::':i,::"': ,/';'::'/'.':>>,: ::': ' ',: :'( '::'..>~:" ~';~::"~~~>h";~;:\:' ,: ;:. ;:,' .: " ' . '. .,'. ,', ;. " i:;~>_".< .::..,<:i'~..::\:;~U"',~having"fo,~rid""US.\1.!:l;;t9;q'm~p,l.'t.an6Ef..wi th County. o\,dinances',' ':, ': ,.'.. ',;;.~,..~r1.te'ryour': own or~inances,~al1d;\~the:n:\drive across the, airpo!:'t aind ',I '-',' ,', " '. ,,'.. . ' . .,..1..\." " , , . ....apply. them, retroac~1vely .to~' me':"and ,Jet~tream. You do .'not have " t ha tau tho r 1 t Y . . . ,:' . , , . , . .., "';' "On ,the, other hand, .Hr."ch~rry of Air Wilmington, right, out-. 'side.~our,brfice window, hai}since 1978 daily, hazardously , ,vi6lated ordinance 2.5-64,(3)'.concerning grounding of aircraft and truck while fueling., He has received not one whisper of correction. Who is directing you to unilaterally and illegally harass me and Jetstream, Mr. Shackelford? F.A.A. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO. 711-28 1A1na..nOTuvcnn .."........_ - ............ ..______ (.. ( " , Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr. Oc tober 8, 1985 Page 2 '" Please reply in full prior to November 8, 1985. , ,: ~. ,(,! '! S1nCerelY~. ,/ tv:' ~ 5~ W. Ed Samuels 1 ,,', :1 . ; I' .~... . WESt js, :.: ,. I, ."':. ,US Atto~ney General ,',i:',NC, At tor.ney'General .. :,;'FAA, 'Atlanta,";'GA ,'::,\"'.,.,\FAA, 'Washingt,on,' DC , ,'FAA, ,Rale1gh;,'lNC ,,' ::,(;..' "',; ".':, ,.,,:>~:.',:;New Htinover:\iCountY:Com'm'1ssi6n ' ,". ,~':,. 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Ed Samuels President e(! c:::- c( :r. 107. ,c,. ~~ --r' lofslr) Q:. :ArY(llyr- ~'I/f'/ C.~X Uvl^- R. t.I. f/g 1(. ... rOrFl~et g, Ilc!l~e", Jr. ~'Gl f)<;JJdtJM Oc tober 9, 1985 Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr., A.A.E. Airport Manager , New Hanover County Airport Route 6, Box 49 Wilmington, NC 28405 p@Y:\7m~ oer ] 5 19.85 N. H. COUNTY AIHPo.H{ Dear Sir: Reference my,telep:hone conversation with Mr. Nolan at 4:45 pm today. On or about 6:30 pm Sunday, September 8, 1985, Mr. Bill Cherry of Air Wilmington placed his twin engine BeecHcraft Baron ,airplane in front of Hang,/lr H-11 in su'ch a p'osition that his pro'p blast was directed at a freshly pa'inted airplane. He then, while parkedi ran both engines at high power, blowlrng ramp debris onto the painted aircraft and people thus, requiting, the aircraft to be repainted. ' On or about 4:06 pm Wednesday, October 9, 1985, Mr. Mike Spar of Air Wilmington, placed a twin engine Be,ecJlcraft Baron in the vicinity of Hangar B-11 where aircraft were ~oored, positioned the aircraft to direct the prop blast towi'ards' the moored aircraft, and ran both engi,ne's at high pO,wer for an extended period of time,. blowing ramp debris onto t'he aircraft and people standing there. These incidents violate 2.5-35, 2.5-37, and 2.5-45 (6), of the New Banover County Airport ordinances. (;" , -- " At 4:45 pm Octo,ber 9, 1-98[;", I ~~lephoned you to report both' inciden ts and request you t,ake .<f'ppr,.tlCprl~~.~ action. You were not available; so I reported the~o~91"T/.Ji~':l'I~~Ayour assistant, for appropriate action. ~.t a..t i :.:.') ;;7~~~ w. Ed Samuels WES/js cc: Mr. John E. Nolan F.A.A. APPROVFO RFPAIP ~TAT'r....1 u'"' 4- /0 c JE'TsrREA~ W. Ed Samuels President J r V" <-.;of 0, '''-dde, '. dr, """ ,", ~(J:I!i(;"t ~ --::"@<;"':-~O\-~-, i . 1 _ ~l f~ I. j',:' ',"' r'f i ~'~ f'.". . ' , ~ . 14 t I ..,. , If c." "L!~ \. I',' . _,J .. t..... . ( \ '~T J;j J:985 N. h, :~ -JNTY AIR?O;a October 9, 1985 f(Jfr rp- f C c.' 4/r;br r (" J>o.-r-, ~ C {:;/;k C~~ !l~ it..!. /lJ A Mr. John E. Nolan, A.A.E. Assistant Airport Manager New Hanover County Airport Route 6, Box 1'9 Wilmington, NC 28405 CC FYI /D -Ie. - t'4 Dear Sir: Reference my telephone conversation with you at 4:45 pm ,today. On or about 6:30 pm Sunday, September 8, 1985, Mr. Bill Cherry of Air Wilmington placed his twin engine Beechcraft Baron airplane in front of Hangar H-11 in such a position that his prop blast was directed at a freshly painted airplane. He then, while parked, ran both engines at high power, blowing ramp debris onto the painted aircraft and people/thus, requiring, the aircraft to be repainted. On or about 4:06 pm ~ednesday,.October 9, 1985"Mr. Mike Spar of Air Wilmington, placed a twin engine Beechcraft Baron in the vicinity of Hangar H-11 where aircraft were moored, ' positioned the aircraft to direct the prop blast towards the moored aircraft, and ran,both engines at high power for an extended period of time, blowing,ramp debris onto the aircraft and people standing there. These incidents violate 2.5-35, 2.5-37, and 2.5-45 (6) of the New Hanover Coun ty' Airport ordinances. \'" ' you I telephone Mr. Shacke~ord. He was not available. J Ii:, J~A~', I reported the vi~lLa:t1.Q'l1S' directly to you and requested take appropriate action. . Please reply as to what act~on you have taken by October 1985. ,.. . ~1 : 20, WES/js Sincerely, ~. ~ <;~~ W. Ed Samuels 4 ....n "''''_'"Pt. 1'........_ ... ._...._ FAA. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO. 711.28 . . ... - ;t fl (( ( :JErSTFfEA~~ W, Ed Samuels , President C,o\ \ \ \ t,~ e.C' f\\.~-ycl--\. ~ffi~ . ~.~.~~cr! ~ ~ .~c;5y~ {O-II.' r~~ 'f"orre5t 0, Iledden, II.. y.~<! '" e..lde-,tt e( October 9, 1985 l~ VI Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr., A.A.E. Airport ,Manager New Hanover County Airport Route,6~',Box 49 Wilmington".NC 28405 , , ~,', :~ . \, ~.' ", ~ x , ;f~ . , .' . '.:.~'.., . . , . '.:...... Yesterday you were seen""iDoving about among my customers ',," :;:,~' and myaircraft~ "You appeared to be checking to see if they ,..had tie-downs~and chocks., <'When you were approached, you left:'" ,,': :.,ina ,direc~iont~,a tavoided <~?n tac t .;:,,~, ':', ',':,:',': ' ;"" " '. ~.",:,::::;>" ,,' ':",';",; ,';, '" . ,.::..."..'..., , ::;:.:'i;,::1:}. ," :,:~ ,;'). ":':~:'" ;,':, ,:;J,t,~rid '~e ts;t~,eam:,welcouie';';your visits, Mr. Shac~elford.,' ~..';', -:'F ",: '. t :;,' "':',<~i;,":,,:,..We wan~;~,You ,to,' inspect ",us for violations of published New Hano've~>I,'J:._.,:".! :'.; ..: ,::';" ,::'" Cou~ ty';: and,. ,FAA' requi,.remen ts" so . as to hel p us perform safely....,:;.,. ...',', ';':.:,'r:.l. "~' . :" ~:,':.. :::;>.. ':': ~i>)', \:.:\\~.,;~,>~!: ' .~ , ::' 'I.. ,; :~.: '. '.': .' '< :>\ '; :, ,'. :. : '. ':J/.;~ ..', ,: ..r,.. j '.:' ,<::,-:,,::~,. j :~i"l~' 'On:'.~lie:other' hand,::I:hres'ent. you:" , , ' ' .. ,V,.(i;\::-;:.~':> ',' : ''l-,.;.....'';_~:-:',';,..:'',.'':..,:_\.',;,<",'.,;':1" ....':." :\ ,..,:'::~'..~:,',' r1'~: ':' , ',~1.':'1 r,";:' ~ :' .>~',:'~:; ~~":', ':', '.; ': ':;, ~~'. (1 ').',:..- Attempting to'':' en trap me.', :Come see me firs t ,.. not~,W<.. ',~r~>..' t ~~';~~i;i,~fi.J'~"~'.="":':':'::':':;li'r~fj~";'~I~\/,.my:, employees..;, ",I, atta,ch 'a' copy, of a previous lette'~"':':~f.p;:j;~:.. ~ .' .. ~..'" ,,\. ,.. .... .~ \."'.." \ \ 0,;,' . .' . . , . ';J:... ., 'F\f';;*~~:~i~;~\Y,:,':'i:,l;';;;~i:~'r~i.:::t:~ to;' your' .a~s1s;,tan t' "~d'v ising, him agains t ..this" .i.l"~,e-:':>!;'::~I'':)/~~\~''~' (' ~~1tiil'\~tt'I';~'~f.!'.;:1:,;....'tI\'c~tt,[~~.;)s pons'iJ>;J.e':"'.tact1c~:f;ii-l:.!'.f~i':,i( :;.,.; ~t':~".: ::-:: i':',: ,,\':: ~ ";; "".j';, "'.'~ :~.i~~"(':.oI;:~:'~...*;~t~.y~:: , ' ~if'i~~~'~;:f~;,f;':~''''~1E~'1- ':'~;~~:~~~~~\::?'~t":' '.?;V~."}f>,l;?:,~.t:>:i';':~~:':':'~":l:,~.fK~,;,~Z{! r) .'" ,t,::" ",;,,1. ;" - :.- ''',:' :!~ ,:;;;.,;:,:~: \.lt~)t ';h~:.,~~~~A~'1~~~~~ ::. J!i~~tiY.~:b'':'\;''~.JW'!~'~'~'lt2J,}~}J\PPIYlng\,an',:..or,dinancef~~to'l me, and, 'not ,to' 'HI:..: Cher,:r,:.y ~'~:,0:~ ,~;>~~.;?~/, . ~'i~il' 'V1~',~~~~.{" .~' ,~~~'My~talr:'c~at~~"a'i1~l'~p't;o'ta~'l'lV moored'~:,>, None ':of'; h.1s"J;'a~~':.J,~\~~'~,:~~:;~f ';~; ~f!-.~..~~~ ..,o,1..-tort.;r& ~I~.y..i \'1" ".."fI,-'~ '. "".d;""...'"'' ,,'. "J; , : " , ...', ,,~J. " ,'.",'.\'., .,\ :'-"c'" ~';.'.!t"1f.\~';: ~s.~\,~':.c~~~~: ,', ,":i;,~" S1nce'~;lo16't';.\.,asi;-V:o,u.~:,.can:;",s:ee, fro'm "your ;,o(fiee ,',wir.id,OM' ,~,,>iv:'.J/\'::;:.;":J' ., "v~~\~ ","", ':,0:". ' "Fft" ." ....,<,')."..t'y. .,' ",',":," ", "./',. ," , " ", ~~'U""!\g&r;ol""'"'' ~~:'~i~/"~, '~~:?~'id~~, "wt...S;<' '(me},:on:~h1s;.~ha;'v:e'<,b,een<mopred . as' require,d.l, b.y;,t N:.~{w~,(ii$i;;~~~.;.~;,;;~t{,;<):~\ } ~~~~~' :(.g~~kl\1~~i~t... ,t' ~: -:,'~rHa:i1'dv'~r::tiC,ountyi~'O~dinance~ ", You, have nev,er,h'eq:ui.i~~-a'~~~~t~~~l:.~d;;,: (r...~~.. ~ ~..~:l.iJ"~"'(-~~~ .~ f} .. "'..,....'.1-. ,\)'. ~t;J' I!. ~\1u..'r,' '1: .......v... .. : . ~r Z . ..,,<.. r,"" ,.,r~h"'J.\t"'\Jit: 't..t'''.,.,~ ," ~~.:r~:-J '{i!'t.~,..:~,;.~V"'~i!',l,:..' "l':1.;t"or''1him..'~t'''W'lJ:'lf'-'''Hr' Shackelford? ""~:"'\"\I""" ;'r.,.~.;,.(\~{<,.."",...,,' It\:J.:""I:~ -. \",'-".:.,.,.. ,.., ,!'ct.:<,,'I,' \ '.... "0: ....'. ~ . "., '. .," " "',. '....,Jl~t' ..J. \ '..":,' ~ !r. T.':~ .:"0..;. .: "",, ,a. . .....~l:~' +:~'fJ: :tf~ ~ ~~~t ..... ,~~: ,. ., '~1.,1'..4:: "....."c,l Il'..l.:.... ~t}~.of\.~:" ?;- '''J : 1" '.., ,: . " ~ .. '.' . , '.. ',. :~ . } . ~: ..;<... :",1" oj" :"1'..:;. ,'. " (", ..."..........,. ",. ~.:"",...... "'. I'" ..... 0' ,.\ HI' .....ft\:1~.... t '";;"',t"."I.. \" . ..', ", ~ ,."... "',0,..... ",.', ~::~~~:'~~r::J;i~~)~:<.:; : \;~:~)..:~~,3.1\;:~~;In ':" t a6 t'''':lrh~/r,:~ t'~1:y "1f\' 'eve r, as' t:'eq uire d 1'.1.~, 0 rd in an.,s,,~,;~~;'~',:/....:.:. ,'~ ~/:',;;/...,~:;,.;r.{ ,:.J: ~i\{'fl~:ti:~:.bas,-,::an~:'a,i~~r~f t... chock.ed ' when he ,s tarts th'e englI?~"~,,t}...:~~-r~' '~".t ~:~ ,:~~/;..,~~~~~.,r,;: ;".;-: ':::iw;t:'/~~;~f' .Iou "allow:. h1~;:,.~o ; con tin ue .flagran tly viol a ting" .t-:" " '-(t.'./. ~ ", ~ ,),;~~::;. ":;:~I;; :'.V'., , :~:~~<t~\~",~:, ))~!. :'r'~.O r,d,i_nan~e ~ 'Jr'~ft.~.,s ~ ~ re p tit ious 1 y , c he c k me and, f ~,11 d~'?~ ',; i~:,';' . ~ ' I :.;~:.f )o,:"~f.':.\':'" r,:!,:1.!t,;.:::~::~~)- 'all, co,rrect',"h c.ons truct you r own ord'lnance 'and ,~:,{~;,:: .~'.....' "/ ',\''';;,::\::, I'}", \ .,:<' o"""'>>;<violate, me':wit'hout applying'it to Mr. Cherry. Why, ',:'.._,-:,..." : 'm:~ltilW~IID.Hr, shackel~or:d; . .. .. ., ~ oc~ 1'0 1<l8s " ' :zl~ / Ii. COUNTY AIRPORT Dear Sir: \' ! t ,~ ~ \' ' No 'kl-I~,... C{'1-I4C~ c.-d. FAA. AP.PROVED REPAIR STATION NO. 711.28 1410 NORTH KERR AVENUE · WilMINGTON. N.C. 28405 . (919\ 7R?1n?A \ , . Mr.' Rudolph C.. Shackelford, Jr. Oct6ber9, 198~' Page 2 " I am ent1tle~,t6 qU1~~ enjoyment of ~y le~se, Shackelford.' > ,".';. ',' " ;,'" " .' : : " '.' " t .,'. ~ t.' '. '~',: ~ . f, "' ,,'.; " ~~~. ~,<' .,~.<, .~ . ..' . I. ~ , < 'I r. ( J-k4_- ---. -~---- ETSTREA . " $11... W. Ed Samuels Pr~sldent rOFrtet O. '1lcddc.., ,J:r, \';Gl r. <..J:lA.,lq ( \\. \" \ \...J'_ c..c.. ',(=.)\.t'\,o.~ ~{"~("n~(c G ' "\-, c.. CJC:Sye. t"' ... (7) r\")~ ~.~. \\S~ e C Fyx r /e - J'~ _ y~ October 10, 1985 ~D~"J' ~r[FIT\?fJl?~ f\ b ~'''- . '-: \..; I,;,: I' ! I I , ',' .' h . . . . OCT 1 0 1985 ' -." N. H. COUNTY AIRPG:1f Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr., A.A.E. Airport Manager New Hanover County Airport Route 6, Box 49 . Wilmington, NC 28405 Dear Sir: On October 4, 1985, you raced past our aircraft in ramp position for Runway 34 in your car at approximately 40 mph. You passed wi~hin 5 feet of N467T. Since this has become a standard practice of yours, I feel it time to call it to your attention. Such action is in violation of standard Air Operations Area safety practices and specifically of the following parts of the New Hanover County Ordinance you are by your position, re- sponsible to enforce: Section 2.5-81 ( 2 ) ( d ) 2.5-81 ( 2 ) ( e ) 2.5-82 ( 1 ) 2.5-82 ( 1 2 ) 2.5-82 ( 1 4 ) ( c) 2.5-82 ( 1 5 ) As Airport Manager, are you exempt from the New Hanover County Commission ord~nances, Mr. Shackelford? Please reply prior to October 20, 1985, or I will assume you believe you are exempt. WES/js Sincerely, 0 W 27 :;;-Q::){M. ~f W. Ed Samuels cc: ';:.1 ~ .l: .~ US Attorhey General NC Attorney General FAA, Washington, DC FAA, Atlanta, GA FAA, Raleigh, NC New Hanover County WECT TV6 Wilmington Star News ,,'\ I. ;:'.~U;" US Department of Justice NC Department of Justice Regional Department of Justice t . US, Drug Enforcement Agency .). NC' Drug Enfo rcemen t Agency Commission IRS-Washington, DC (Leg~l Department) NC Department of Revenue (Legal Dept.) FAA. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO. 711.28 -1" ". , . - ~, , , JETSiRElf W. Ed Samuels President eC F'y:r IO;'S/tr /.:>-1.- ~ CC: ~}~<<lf LOXf';' ~-I~ &~ 1(-10 ~~,L rorrc~l 0, Ilcdde", .j., V,'Gr;:; r, tJ,.Jt,t( October 11, 1985 Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr., A.A.E. Airport Manager New Hanover County Airport Route 6, Box 49 Wilmington, NC 28405 ~;,",D'i, IS' "([f.: 7f~7r:1~~W('f,; . " ,.., .. \.' ~ ~ ~r' . -? -.... - " (l'...... ' ':r'J ' .,.,~. ~ ' : OCT 15 1985 tL l-L COUNTY AIRPORt Dear Sir: We have no ready access to offices. The only access for our customers is to park a long distance away and walk through Ian Air Operations Area, AOA. There was a ready access that did not cross the ,Air OperatLons Area prior to New Hanover County contracting for me to operate here. Then you, acting as the County's repre- sentative, closed that road to me and my customers. You also failed to mark and secure this Air Operations Area. It reminds me of an old rhyme that goes: "Mother, oh Mother, may I go in to swim?" "Yes, my darling daughter, Hang your'clothes on a hickory limb, But don't go near the water!" My lessor gives me equal rein as Mr. Cherry's FBO, then you restrict access for my customers and employees. Why? Mr. Shackelford. Why do you not also restrict Mr. Cherry or reopen the a~cess road to my leasehold? Please mark and secure the Air Operations Area. Ple~se reopen the old access road to my leasehold today. FAA. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO. 711-28 1410 NORTH KERR AVENUE · WILMINGTON. N.C. 28405 . (919\762.1024 -' . . \ ( Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr. October 11, 1985 Page 2 Request you reply by October 21, 1985. ;;;c:a~ W. Ed Samuels WES/js cc: US Attorney.General NC Attorney General FAA, Washington, DC FAA, Atlanta, GA FAA, Raleigh, NC New Hanover County Commission WECT TV6 Wilmington Star News US Department of Justice NC Department of Justice Regional Department of Justice US Drug Enforcement Agency NC Drug Enforcement Agency IRS-Washington, DC (Legal Department) NC Department of Revenue (Legal Department) fi'r~', '_L.. ,c. , 3,')!1 !'" , " 1.\;' , ASi'T,: .:! '4' , .,: . L, ) . 'JETS'TREj('~ W, Ed Samuels President cc'. ~\'yc:,\ ~(,M'~ , "\ ~\.1..,{\-\~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ \J '-II'~' () ....,., .'~ . ;.:\' ....~( 1 :-. CCJ Forrest O. Hedden, Jr. Vice President October 21, 1985 r r- . ... ,J ~ i.:;) /-f"]: CC: I C-.~5 l~prjl'S -r.r- . '. '. A.A.E. !: ".' ,,'~~:"'~''':''',;.r:.' ";]1 1;-0 'i',..,:,:..\ :'.;: .'~:,~~cuor~_,_ _"""""';'" . _.. _-,:-__ ,,_~'''''''''''~1'\!IIIr )t;..tJ:E~TiS;77B EAt ", ",' '" .. ~:t'~':fii0~~~J;~'t<J'~~;jl~~~j/:J;> '." ..... .'. ~":'.~.'t.:'.:~. ;'::~~'~'.:.:.'" ',.'. 'P~'. ;, >~:' pI .' . ..,. '," .' -." '" ; ::; W. Ed Samuels':':, '. ' . ,: President. ::':', "- '.~ . ,~......'_,...'."" . .... -'.~-"""~' :"~"","":;",":,,',, .,. . "., ,.... t.. .... '.. . . __. .... . ,',-4 _ ..."' '.....\.... ... -.. .... ..... . ..."" ". ., -'. '~. ::...~~. ,..:~.~::.,..::;:......, :..,:... :~,;...;.:.~.:. ;.... .' ~ I . "';' ., i:' ~'::', ' :;,,; :;,'~;;~:: :X..,~ ~~;:,: . , '.~v '.~"'.~..'. ..~. .::..~.;'.;~:.:..~. .:.~::~.?~:.> .:; ~ :'.; . . .... .\,. . ... ...... . ':'j'-'. ,...." ,,' " :: >i>:~;':~:'F_:::';~ .:'" ' . ..-.:.,,~: ",- '..~.-">~::....'-~~~.~~-":.::/~~ . '''-ForTl..J1 e. J''C:ddc", Jr. . 'I V~'" f\ ~aJda/'tt . . i ~;_'.:':"'~": .-::.~..~;., . November . ..... ". " .... '.; '<~:':~'~:;'~~'~<~':~"~::.~'.'; 1 9, ',1985, "t<~<._- ',-; "';>:::~~~',:';t,r:~'~~..~;\: - ~ ... ........-. " ....~::...:'-:. ..... . ." '., ';'~~}i;:~/i~;:{,S;" . . . ...;'i_~=_"'..':': '~C'l;;";~~~;~~l;J~:~.:' ...... ..' .:" " ~. !' '~".~' ..... ~ '. ",. -" '. . .. -,' '-' ..' ~"".'-. . . ..... ~ - ...... '.. . ....::.. "_ ~':, ,. '.I . " . .. -, '.. ...'....". '. ~ ". ." . . --:~ ..... .: :~.' .'.~ ..,. . ..' ~ .~ .' :.. . ,,' ~r~: ~udolph .C ;.Shac)cel.ford, Jr. , .... p~a~.: ~r.. ':.Shackelror.~ :'~ . ..~,.. ~ . ....;.. ~ '. .. .' . .' .# .., . . - ." '::,~s you' know,=we now have a lease to perform as'a fUll';serYicie::/~,:, , FBO.:-' We intend to develop an operation that will ,be 'a credlt'~to,:: " , this county. and,'will'be known .for excellence,intheaviation:';::,>:'~C," ':~': .c?m~~,Il.i ~y., " - ','" .~_:':,: ,~~~,:':':':.~E~:~>;,';' }~L..'::,:;:,~.~; , . .... . . .:....1.....:.... "::. ~e realIze, that this goal can not be accomplished .without,:.'... -:'':::, ::'; :~.. '.- our'mutual full co-operation and support for 'each other.;'.>Ours,:we;' ;~:'. " '.. fully:.offer, you. ,We hope you will respond"in' kind.,..::"':::1~':'~:;;:,,'~::":?'~.~~,~<:."- ", ,,'" .' ..', .~. " '.. , , , ".: ",' " "_'>:":":~:::~~'::r,;~:,:::'.,:";.:.:,~:;,:':': , ,:.-:;"': ", "There' are some:items requiring your immediate: actlontlf7'we~>"''''':,,:, .- ',::/: are "to proceed in 'an orderly, safe manner.:':' We"Reed'f\"secure:a,pei8 ;:;" , :" -',....for ,our aircraft"and ready access to our ,operations'area~:~:WU_F+~:"".,",.:, "~'S',~~~,}7c.~a~e I · '. - .: :'c:' /. :i,';~i:),;,~1t~t~J' .. .-'~ ",:~:::::~i'~~' -.,1., Designate and secure the east ramp',erea as an ^O^:~~~,~::,::.,">.. ":'..' ..";<y:~~;:::;":>~",: in accordance with the New Hanov,er;County 'Airp.ort'~,:t~:;:,>.> ',' :,:" \-'-.: .:,;.",'i_.;:::.,.:,::.'-.:,:::." :;,,': ,- 0 rd~ ~.a~ ce~, ado p te d De c em b e~,.: 6 ,:.~ :1 ~~ 2 .,.: _~~ ';:: a,~.e,~;d,e d~1,~:;~:tf;:t-, . ,': . ,.,...~.... , .,~: : ',,: ':. . .:. ' ,:,':,,:,:::~:~, i':' ".:; "::r;,~.;:'~~:; ,,:..::, ':. :--, .', ','-:....,.'~ 2. Authorize us to implant aircraft. tie-down: anchors,f.:;(l,,:L:--, "''''~:;:::''':','>:~''': .~::"';:"'" :,' in ~~cord~~ce wi t'h a t tach~en,~>~}'::~:' i;'::~j:t~.~"}ff;~'{:_,:J<tf~~,~i:~~~~~-~jf;.:_:, ; '- <-':",:::;:::'::~~>> ':::':,3. ~. Open the gate and access "road knoMn "as the ';:? back~':~t'::;;~\ ':':, ,:-'C. :,-:;~~,:::;'~ ' ", entrance to our FBoopera~i~ns,.~~~11~~0gl~:t:i.}>t:;/~~;~:Ri~n.~f\;"", ~..':', ',4~, ': Confi rm that a notice of ev ic tlon has _, benn ::":leg;~lly:;:.,<, '__i,'>..,.:;:,,:: ,'; :'~'.' transmitted to the curren t ~ tena'n tsof:' hanga.rs:'H.":"8~:~~<::~:,'" ". . ,'/":.;':';, "':;,....:::,::' , ;"; .:;,~H-9-' and; H-10 Showing our 'occupancy 'to:ibegln~/;::i'~~::.',:.,").L ;~:, _ ~"'-;' ..:'" ........ ....: .......-..; D ' b' '. .......: '. ......: ~ ::~;...."~~,,,:..~.:~:.-<.~....~~.~~~t:~~~~~>.> <''''', . ,. ',' ..., ,.., . ecem er 19, 19851, .~ ~. "-"--... ", '.."~'..:..'r',' ':"'~'''''.''_''''''':'' "::' ~,:,' ..-',...", . ,..', : . :'~.?~~'~.,.~;.:..:'...;::,::::~;:JL:;,:,/:~,.:..;.::':;.~i:'::.S:~;C' , .,,': '.-' It is, essential that we receive this "'Jassistance'f'r6m:'you~~:~~:E(f,::'::':.: .' '; ,: immediately' so we can ,commmence operations ,and preparatl~~f;o,r:F...~;t~:'f.~'-~:, ' : ':.:>;:imp~.ovemen."._t".,s~, '. ..' :",::. :...'.. ,: ~;"':~;~~>:>.:/:..\X:~;i~;.':.;;'::;~>~i\.;',~~~: " ... ~.~/..)..-: .": ......:"., "-" ". ......._-~..;...:~:.:.~::~:~..<. ; ""'~.,'~' "i' ~-;'Will - 'you please' either complete the re,ques,ted:'e,ctio,f;ls ':,:::"'.ttr~;..;;'/<.,.,' :;rL:n.~or ::. notify us of the': reason for any' delays :bY,,' tf?!.e~_b,~~:l,2_~,~.';?~,~'?~7!;;L,;:h:S:.,'::", <';--tfr.;_~:W,:,',~,:F:;:'k ~l::~ T~:'~ o,para ~lon .. and de;~p~:n 1lf3i~ij2:~;~:~:fr.." -' ~.,~ - ' , .."~. ," 'r'o ,.... ,>;',.r; , ' " W. Ed . SalTl'ue!s, "':'~:"-:::::::':::-2',:'::, '. """,:::.::.,~: ' .'.,~.~,' ,.:" t' ommj ~ tf,,~.^. APPROVED REPAIn STATION NO. 711:~8 ' " ,', :-:,;~ ,,':;, ::;;";~; ",',.....: ',:C::,c.:: ~()~n , y l~1UNORTih~'EttA AVENUE . WilMINGTON, N.C. 28405'::;. ..(919)762-1024 <'" '2\'>:~, :":~,~- .. ...7..... > ;:. ~.' '. . , ,'. - . .- . . ~. _.. .,"...... '. ~. ' ..' . .. ~ - .' ... ~~ ," . \. , J....~'_."._' ~"'.~-,_. -. ,,' . ETSTREA ( ~U'l... ~\~~~' Cc::. \Y"Cj" . I~-/~-'~ ~ W, Ed Samuels President QC (I ( . rorreJet Q. 'lcddc.., d., \)'Gl 1'\ ~J/'(//JIIJ October 4, 1985 Mr. Lawrence Murray Chairman, New Hanover County Airport Commission 2018 South 16th Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Murray: Ihaye:been told,that you, in your capacity as Chairm~n of the New Hanover County Airport Commission, are stating that I and/or Jetstream Company have contimually refused to comply with the ,:rules and regula tions of the New Hanover County ordinance governing the airport" or words to that effect. ,Yours" sir, is.,a pos i tion of grave responsibili ty and high visibility.'. , .. " Please, detail to me any specific violations of published :',airportregulationsyou have, personally seen that would give you cause for:';such statements. '.. , , i ,::..,..: ";<':"..You,'have"also stated ,that. I never,dow'hat I say I am going to' 1 :,:I~',~,~{,("f, ;+~~ ~~s ;~o _tha t,. e~t ~0t ~):" i':' ,. '.' ",);l>)~:;:,;.;i:;,j 'ie,n~,';iPl,.~';;.si.",ls O)d e i111:'\;); ;'e: ",nY 's P~~1 f'1 C 0 ccas ions you'. pe,;.-';on",l ir:';;:'ji~'/f)d 't~;lriY:rt l~~tjr.~? ~';~:~, ~.':i~t~c~% ~..7' 0i~-: ;t.I,' ~a 1 d I "ou~ d . ~o. \. :",.-;I.:,':..;~S;~;.?~, ....' '.' '! ~';~'~.~~:k\j:~{:,*-:;:Wb~n~..:yoti,. rEfpli~'~,Ple,as,e\,.a.lso~::,:~,ell me~ho :no,mina ted ,.YOU~"f;,~,r:;';'~';';\~~~,~~}?:y:,~, 'i ~::;:~,\f',P(),SftioJ;1..;;on'.,the,'NewHanover,~;'Coun,ty, Airport ,CommiSSi,on an,d"c.de\talE~;;,:;~i;:~~'; ::',::, '~ '\.:n,yoti'r; speC:1fic !'teGbnlcal~"qualit;,1ca tlons: ;'fO'r : g,uid'ln.gthe (J'ev,e'iopmen't'~" ' ,':;;':;/0 pe ra t 10'ii ',< arid' '~'m an agem ent; or;"'an\::ai rpo r t 'en v i ronm en t .' ":,;:-;~; :;.:\::' ;;'~:'<'~'~) . ' ,}, :;' " . " ,: " " ' " , ' , " , , , ." ,.." , ,,; . I ' , ,\ "" FAA. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO, 711.28 1410 NORTH KERR AVENUE . WII f.A1t-J~Tf"'lM .., r- ,.,0....., _ .~._.___ .... ~ Mr. October 'Page 2 Lawrence Murray 4, 1985 Please reply prior to October 18, 1985. Sincerely, // ~ ~('~~J W. Ed Samuels WES/js CC~ FAA, Washington, ,DC .::," ',FAA~'.:;Atlanta":~GA:: ' '. :', ' .'FA'AT5' R' '1 1 h':;' NC' ;,:'.':",,' '..' ' .',:,.' : ;" ".': a e g ,..:, ".....,', .. }'~;}'I~:l~~,~~gft{~=~~m~;~~,?~\~~t:;,',"::r: c:: ~(>.:';b;\\?i~~~Ul1~gton 'Stl:l,~~,Ne,ws )<'::>.".,,: ' ',' ,: ::> ::>h/;E~~~'0~N ~:wYi:l a no v e r "C o:~ ~,ty'.:( C omm 1 s s 10 n. " ,;"':':/':;rJ2~~:N.C.: ;'Department ,'-of Revenue ,,',),:;.:; :i:,it{~,;'j>, ~,:.',~, . ~ ( Legal" D e.p t',.) .. :'.,:"" .., ..: ,'.. ,'''';,\ ,',:',::' ",',",". ,'. c', '.- . . . '1 ~ . i;:.., ',,' I : /"....:~~>~.< . . . . .' ...~ \ ~ : ','" , ' ..', :',' " '.. :, ,: ': ' , . "~' ,.':":' " " ,:" : " . .:.1' ">i'" ,.' ,'. irq~,~..tJ,~\,,'1!.,,',.:.... . ,". '. ," ,r.~, 1,:), ',' , "l" ""," ';' -:'" . ' . ~:'l~... './ /~.';':':<~'~'W~~~1.~~~~;~ ::<, ",<: "'~" '.",' ", ",.~' }:,~:,:,:~,~, ,,:'\'}~',;r ':;~', ::. :'. " ' , . ,:'~> ~~: ..'>~. ~<',~ ":' ">: ,[:'-,;:;- 1'..:::., ~' .t,.)l{~~"":";'''i.f''~~J;1,tt,~.;/',.;t'''':1 ~'" '1.,:.:,I.'.'i,"~J. I:, ~'::.r:,.;.;:o(:;:;, "'~" ;'.', ", ,.."...;,i~'.f\Y';\''';':l' ~';':' "l,..'"~''':..', , ~ .: ,~:f"\~:/;.:. 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':~, , . i:r':,"~:<,~tm' "'. .. ..... ,,;/ ",;,.' . ,- ~ :';, .~. '. . '. ~': ~ '.. '1:'/:'.('~ . ..i..: :\," .;.- Airport ,Terminal. 'Funding Group :Wilmington Port Au t,hor1 ty~,:".': ~~': , ":Department ,of" Justice ,..;..'\,U;~ S'/': :,': ;.Departmen t of' :Jtis t:fce,:,j;';',;::N:;~ C.":'; ': '.., Department' of' Just'1ce:;,;.j'j:Regi"6nal . . . '0'. '. . ,;> i,.i:,u ~ S~, ,D rug ,Enf'orcem~rt t/.:Agency;;'~", ',: ':.{~".i~;.N. C ~Drug', Enfbrceuuii1:t;~:;Agenc'y': >:.;\, ': ';:;,IRS 'Wash1ngton,..:DC~:'~(Legai:\Dept'.) .... . :.:~'.:.:' . .' ....,. ,~,~';':".:..:).~. :. ~... .' . . .......1 ... .:., ~ ".' : .,. \ JEfSTREA~~'r- ..:p-~ (. W, Ed Samuels , Preslden, ~ /ofy (f}I. C;VJ}/) I , Y-- -'" /-- ,..... ~p,,;;:.:xl1'0V'dr...:;,..,. _'...w:>.~., 0" ," f" ':J' , .. (lO, {(l-ll LJ . r Nrr;31 D. IIr;ddr;", d.. t(:al" ~,lJa:d~'H October 4, 1985 (2C Mr. Robert Goslee, Jr. Member, New Hanover County Airport Commission 507 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 t- lj X /D _/t.- t; ('" -,.- Dear Mr. Goslee, ,.'. The 1985 minutes of the meetings of the New Hanover County Airport Commission reflect frequent accusations by you that I and/or Jetstream Company have failed to abide by airport regulations. I Not once have you given an example to support your accusations. Yours is a position of public responsibility, Mr. Goslee~ Please inform me of these specific violations you have personally seen. . -::'>r-: If 'you do ,not do so prior to October 15, 1985, we will ;,i~~ass~m~,there ,are no such 8~ecific violations you have personally , witnessed.. ' :~;j,f,6~;~,~~"bri ,your, reply "pleaae;;,8.lao', tell me ~ho, nomln~ted :y6u'f'ori;;:'.':hi :'~::r~~;PC?s,~:~,ion:' on, the ' New: ,H,an~:v,e,~:~~':Coun tY,:-'Airpor.t CommiSs~Ori,,;~n~,;~e tail',~,~~'~'i;{/!.;:": , :~~r,~~;'rour,'8pecific techni,cal:quaf.1f:ications;, for guidl;ng;': the, de~~~o'p..tn~"n,~',:; .,,' ::/~~'f\\\1;:operation and management, of an, airport environment~... "~'~'::"\\\,,:;\,:;~'::_':::" ;: ' .. " , . , ' ') :,:>: ,j:' .' . :.;:' , . :i:-,~~H,:~,'~,;;':::'~:,:,~:;:::..> ' .',: :-,')~r~-:;'~+,,,k-%-: : Sinc~re y ,:~,: ' , , ", .' .. ';':'. ',...',', '01', .5:.,'.'; " . ..... . -, : ~ . '. . - ,,' .: \:,; ',' ~ '.. : ....-J..~:p.: ~ .' . , . ....,(.,". . ,: "',,,';.:':: W. Ed Samuels , i WES/js , ',..., ,'r , 3~1;,(J ~vr;J-.m2!t1I;~UA cc: FAA, Wa~hington, DC, Airport Terminal Funding'Group' FAA, Atlanta, GA Wilmlngton Port .uthority F A A , R ale i g h, N C , cae!. ",Ie F a '1:'~ n t 0 f J u :~rt 1 c e U . S . U.S. Attorney Gen~r~l ~~~a{~nt of Ju~t1ce _ Regional N.C. Attorney General, Depar~ment of Justice _ N.C. WECT Channel 6 ' , ,.',' U.S. Drug Enforcement' Ag,~ncy,: . Wilmington Star ,News,' N. C.. Drug Enforcement Ag:ency' . ,New Hanover County, Commission IRS - WaShington, DC N.C. Department o~ Revenue , F.AA APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO. 711-28 , 1.A1n tJnDTU Ii'CDD A"C""'C: _ ,.u..... .___.. ... _ __ , I: '. --., , ( Jr=rSTREAM ( ",..- ~~ - ......-~ W. Ed Samuels President , t''', r ... '. ..". I . ~-. . _ . _. ._. _ '. _. ~ ') ~ i (~. f c . ':: \ ; ':" 'j j' ~ l' " 1.., ' \, " .. \ ' ':! I ' fIll:;" " ..,.' \.J ~i J;, : i I ~v \.'_~ :; OCT S 1985 L N. H. COUNTY AIRf)fT C~ JOkpJ r(1 {c1pf h At;-ttAf {~A-r c. r. Cdil/~ V I? k/. ~/t' NdR 11 z - ~ Q; .(f,ze-/"'en f rO,r(;3t D. IIc:dde", d,. \<iel .'\ 'iJ:.j(Jflt October 4, 1985 Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr., A.A.E. Airport Manager New Hanover County Airport Route 6, Box 49 Wilmington, NC 28405 Dear Sir: , In response to your October 3, 1985 letter to me to cease painting in Hangar H-11: we have ceased. . Your letter to me (copy attacbed) contains un~ubstantiated statements that range from inaccurate to libelous. I have noted them thereon. There are too many for one answer. I shall answer several herein and the rest subsequently. " ,; Let me review for you. " , 1. ". "1. began painting 'in Hangar H~'11 in late 1984 . 'Hr. Cherry,: ,owne~of,FBO Air. Wilmington,' had been painting in ttie other similar hangars, H-9and H-l0,since 1919. He is still paintin~ ",.'.,..~;~~;.the,:re,~,j::,,;..Your "Ie t ter,c.,qf', April "24, J 981 .refe rs ,to. his hangars,~: : He;,<.:;>i.,~.;;,;:. ~(,k :f'".:...';"'d' "'1 A7~..,'t;,.::." ',' 1'" 'd"" "..'d ", ""'b th hi .., ;.,', -',., ,';, ',. ',..,"'..'~';'".,~:,':",:""r:::.u".;.',..,'. '.I'.'~;:,;' o~s~,:~no, ::"comp y"an "you; o. not,,:;; 0 er m. '",:",. '::""t;",;":"'~t"iil'!~"'i~',",;...k~"\':.:',,;:':,,(:;.~.,~,iJ.f.';'~ (~' ~;::;:~';P)~;~,t}.';~~,~::~;"r:~,,\':, ;':,~ ;"f~,":',,' ::'i)~?h:,~::':: . ~,:;;;,L:;.:~,.;-'i:.'~:; .<?~ .,:.~/', :;':'l~ "':.,:, :::' ,,' '\. ":'''::';:''?'\~::~Y(f?/:<0}j.j:'tl:;:~~~:,~j.~j}~;Y;1 ;;,'::-:, 4:~:~:~'.;Xhe'~e;"is DO'letter,\'ln 'my,"files':,from you 'to ceas,e, p~1,nt'frigt::ii!lj~{'jJf(;f~:;::\<: ~'}:', ~,~M:t\;:~i;:~/'.' ..;\.C},');\ij,~>,:>';~;&;;:i'.: :.....,.. ;...... ... .. ~. ... .. ,.. :/.,,;jf;'~;{~~f!~~1~(!if~:!~;'>..;i " ';",:::,3 ~,:::,i;',There ':is no: PUb.lis,hed" dlre'cti ve.' by my 'lessor" ,New : Hano've,r ';:},l~"~:;~~i'~/},:;~l.,}:;'.',.i . ',,' ":C,ou~ ty, Commission" for: . us, not""t,O,, pain t in that bUilding'~:/::'.'>:' ,,:;~;~;<,<:>,~,,>?,..,;'t . . ~ ;~... . 0.. . . .' "''':''0" ~: .1, am required to meet s.fety standards. I do. 5. Mr. Cherry, without interference from you is painting and does riot meet safety standards. . I am subject to the p~blished requirements of my lessor,New, Hanover County Commission. I am not subject to your personal acts totreate standards and procedures independent of published directives by this Commission. FAA. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO. 711.28 1410NORTHKFRR,AVI=NIll= . W"lAl"'r.:T,....~1 ~I""...n.,.~ , .~._,___ f . i .' \' l :, , ,"." Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr. October 4, 1985 Page 2 Should the Commission approve your independent establishment .6fordinances, 'I shall comply. Show me the aU~hority. " '. "";">';' You state you, have ,sent me written directives to cease painting ,';:,; ~;,;:.,:~1~,;;H-l1;,.:.." I, have not recelvedthem., Enclose copies with your reply , ",'. ' . to me., " , ',' I . .,.' . , , " , ,',;.:, ' 'i,:~i!~:~~;~{r::~i~!)i,YO.':1;::~~,~"~;":als<?,,,~,~ ,~our, ~~,t,ter;'. th~t,', ,I have' conducte,d' \~~~~~o~.~,~,.;;.:,;-, ,;)(/: ~ ".}, ~'l~tri:1l?-~,'!l,~<~,f)',i,;~A~~f.:tN:i;r,~~~n.o'ft~:p,f;~l,p.one.' ,'.'Pl'e"as,~ det~il: the ones, y~:~\:.,~~'V/~ci;::~'::~;"'!~;~'./JHh~~r,.::",: ' ',; ;:'}'{j~~l~~P~r,-~~~a~;~,Yl';.s:e.~n :.;'~n,~:':\~~;~,,~ ~?w hi ch ",yo,u,:,;ha v e ':11nf,o~med ,'me ~:':?\f!/;';;-~\~~>.I}'~iJ3-:,.,~~?~!}if:l}!'ig:,k . ~ '",'..I?-,~;';f"I":".'.;Jr.;:'Il"I",!'i'''.i'".,,, -:" ."..1" .."j...'::,.,..",. .", ,... ,0' ,: , ; '.". ',',.',''';' ;,;..,...,...::.',....'.....,',.:.,..,., : ~1fl~'~&l4ik~~ ~P~1~t:~h'~:~~;~~: ~.~d~~~.t~~;~~ tid'.;~ici t.h~'r 1.t ~\'" t6:;;,p~ 1 n't';, ,1h~'Nth~'il~1i"~'~~J~~~;W~~~~tl#;;~L~,), t,~{. ffY~~b~i~ ~;Nb~~te,~;~~:~ Hjn.,re',:S'S:9 r~;,~gI:' jin:~ e',d :/~,e:t ~.~'ti,a ~ ::'8 u :t'h 0 r l,t y}~f~;~<t:f\~~\fei!~~~~t~!~~f;~t~~~~:E(i~~:i~:c~~(! 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"('("I~:.r.~'~,; . tW,n. .;1; ,~~ . ,e,'sl ' , " I"\,~' '," "', . ,.... "'iof' "~. ' \ .. . ... L.. .... _....-.. ___ -- .. ~~ - ,. '. -, .~ b.. '. ' Ct}nllf1'S31O'1f~'!\ JANET S, MORGAN, Chslfnr." tAWRfNCE l MUIH1A Y. Vier CI'a/fman BENJAMIN p, KENNEDY. Sre''''.'r ttOWAll0 I AIlM/~rfAO, MO JOttN DOLAN PAUL E, GREGORY 1l01lE'U 0 SHIPP "-IOMAS S IINNlY NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT COMMISSION NEW HANOVER COUf:jTY AIRPORT ROUTE 6, BOX, 49 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28405 Telephone (919) 763-1671 October 3, 19~5 RUDOLPH C, SHACKElfORD, JA.. A,A,E, AIfPOI' M.n.f}~f JOHN E, NOLAN, AAE, A.s;st.nt Aitport M_n,Qe, REGISTERED MAIL Mr. W. Ed Samuels, President 1410 North Kerr Ave. Wilmington, NC 28405 RE: Hangar H-ll Dear Mr. Samuels: . Wi th reference to Our telephone conver sation on September 11, l 985 and pr ev ious corr e s po nd ence da ted Apr il 24; 1981 reg ardi ng painting in the small storage hangars, I was very disturbed to discover YOUr employees painting in Hangar H-ll on October 2. 1985. This action was in direct violation of your verbal committment to me and our written directives to you to cease painting in these hangars~ This directive was based o~ a facility review by OUr insurance company's loss control engineer and the fact that the bUilding lacks explosion proof fixtures and certain other requirements that cause such painting activities to be unsafe. You confirmed to m. that you were aware that paintin9 activities should not be conducted in this hangar. r am most concerned that you continue to allow improper activities to Occur on YOur premises while making representations to the 'Conunission and management that you will be a responsible full service fixed based operator and comply with all the airport rules and regulations. Your actions do not bear out your statements. The fact that you continually accept work for w~ich you do not have the prop~r fdcilities to complete the contracted task is a constant Source of confrontation between you and the management. This very type of action has done much to derogate your credibility with the Conunission and management. ~ You know that you have never been grdnted authority to paint in this hangar. Also, we have never granted you permission to install the heavy air compressors and make the resulting bUilding changes or connections. To my knowledge, no County electrical ~ermit was obtained as requited by statue. BLUETHENTHAL FIELD - . ~". "'..... .:.I.I"T;'.;..... . I.", \~ . \ W. Ed Samuels Hangar H-ll Page :L You are hereby ordered to cease and desist all painting operations in this bUilding. Further~ you are requested to remove the improperly installed equipment. This letter places you on notice that I will utilize all legal remedies available to me to insure the p~otection of public safety and public property. Jetstream's actions ori this airport have caused me to doubt the seriousness of ,'your committment to follow our rules and regulations. Under these circumstances, you make it most difficult for me to give you a positive recommendation. It is incumbent on you to demonstrate a good faith effort that you abide by the rules and regulations of New Hanover County, the State of North Cqrolina and the Federal Government. Our files contain much information to the contrary. Should you de~ire, I will make this information available to you for.response~ Mr. Samuels. it is time you demonstrate that you can live up to your Co~nittments or seriously consider abandoning operations on this airport. Q~7~ () R. C. Shac~elford~~ Airport Manager RCSjr/slw cc: Airport Co~nission G. Felix Cooper, Co. Mgr. Bob Pope, Co. Attorney o . to/to/r-r 0::: Ap:r-f'C-t b..~~ R-,~ fi/'-c ~'b \, (, :JErS.TREA-~-"- W. Ed Samuels . : ", President ro,l'g:[ 8.. ~''Odd'l;lIl, IT;' "'9 "Ii1~I...u,J". " October 8, 1985 " , " " ,:t:>:.:. ~. . ~':.'):./> .. GC -- I- i I /D~ I..,-/~ .--,... . NO. 711-28 .' .' . '.:.- .... J .....' .... . ...... :,.',,',,'_.....,::l,,~,.,'_: ,",:'...."" ',,',:,i,~ .' ',' .."..:;,,:!;:~~;':,':::~'::!{~,,;, . ., . :::\ :...j", .... 10; : ~'f"-':. . , :t:11 \; JETSTREA--'~- t: : :. \ .. ~'- . , ." ~...:....'" ' ~n'l~\,-::: ~.~ .~~.. V ~,'W ~~ W. Ed Samuels President ~C- ~ \/T. /" - /c. - ~ ~ ~ forree! O. Ilcdso". Jr, S'!8a (\ a 811l1lff4-- October 9, 1985 mI1~0T~~~'?~lrl\ 1\f~'1 \:.:.~...~,) ~.: )::,~! ~" <j "1: OCT 10 1985 . .:' N. Ii. COUNTY AIRPORT Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelfor,d, Jr., A.A.E. Airport Manager New Hanover County Airport Route 6, Box 49 Wilmington, NC 28405 Dear Sir: Why have you permitted and continue to permit Mr. Cherry of Air Wilmington to maintain and repair aircraft on 1/2 acre of land when a minimum of 1 acre is required by New Hanover County ordinance? Simultaneously, you restrict and deny my attempts to expand my repair efforts. Who on the New Hanover County Airport Commission' has approved of allowing Mr. Cherry of Air Wilmington to violate this New Hanover County ~rdinance openly and hazardously? , Who on this Commission or within your circle of contacts supports the unwarranted harassment of me and my leasehold? Request you reply by October 19, 1985. WES/js ;;7"?fY~~ W. Ed Samuels cc: US Attorney General NC At~orney General FAA, Washington,DC FAA, Raleigh, NC FAA, 4tlanta, GA New Hanover County WECT TV6 Wilmington Star News US Department of Justice NC Department of Justice Regional Department of Justice US Drug Enforcement Agency NC Drug Enforcement Agency FAA. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO, 711.28 1410 NORTH KERR AVENUE . WII.MINnTON N r. ?~An~ . 101m "7"'''' .oM, , ,~1 :-: . . :.4 ,.;, ~1 "i; !c:';,..W.1G" Commission IRS-Washington, DC (Legal Department) NC Department of Revenue (Legal Department) r' > . ,:tL (3, \' ' JETSrREAl1 ( ~~ . c0...~.."'{ CCG\~ CD~~'O~ W. Ed Samuels President relrreet g, JtelleeA, Jr. \~\.'\i .)ld,'tI~,pf. October 10, 1985 Mr,. Lawrence Murray Chairman, New Hanover County Airport 2018 South 16th'Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Sir: On or about May 23, 1985, youi commiss~on approved my application to lease hangars H-8 and H-9 to paint and re- furbish aircraft. On or about June 4, 1985, I completed a contract with Sunbird Airlines (Piedmont Airlines Commuter) and another with Air Virginia (American Eagle of American Airlines) to refurbish and paint their aircraft. ,On or about June 18, 1985" the first tli-ree f,:l.ircraft flew here and were sitting on my leasehold .waiting work. 'You then, ~ithout prior notice, rescinded and voided your previous approval for us to lease the hartgars. Your resci~sion stated I was "in default". Hr. Hurray, of what was I in default? Tell me~ . '. . .. " . J.:',," '.~ '''.;t:.~:...:~\;,.\,,,:'....:..,\.: ,J ,: ~;~~~: Why did you', approve, t'hereby, encouraging me to "contract.';.::":'" for'the w~rk,th~n reverseiforcingmeto break -the contra6t~ unilaterally for non-perfo~mance? ' ,. " You thereby were instrumental in sullying my reputation' and adversely affected my abili ty to find:: business. ,1 Who on your commission~among tour business associates, ,or with interests at the airport encouraged you to do this, Hr. Hurray? ' ! Was Mr. Goslee one of them? 'Was Mr. Cherry one of them? FAA. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO. 711-28 1410 NORTH KERR AVENUE · WILMINGTON. N,C. 2RAn"l . (010\ 7~".1MA \/: v Mr. October Page 2 Lawrence Murray 1985 10, .:1;,,)(, .'''-' '..::;tJ .J \. i ;'STcII1IMIJA Please reply by October 20, COOJ: s S TOe 1985. i, S~nc'erely. ~ VJ.,~5~" J W. Ed Samuels WES/js US Attorney General NC Attorney General FAA, Washington, DC FAA, Atlanta,GA FAA, Raleigh, NC , New Hanover County Commission WEOT TV 6 ' Wilmington Star News US Department of Justice NC Department ot Just16e Regional Department of Justice '. ,;~ US Drug Enforcem1entAgency." ~ ,.:,!,:','..,.)~,:>::;.!,:,,', NC Drug Enforcement Agel1cy " .. .,:;,:',~, j ,', '1. . IRS-Washington, ,DC (Le'gaT! 'Departmen t) \"./ ~":':'I_: , ,It ';i:<..' ., :", :i'. \. '.' ,He De par tme nt, 'of'.. R even u e.: :( Legal De par tm en t ) ". :. . ':-:: t'.:.!:,.,., >':. 'l ::", ~>. . ': ,:'.:' .Committee,"o'f':1,OO', , ::.,o':>;:""':i-. \':..:', ;: ',: 'i';);:-:;:-.;"'..:,:,,.,'....:: :,!, ':::;\::A. )';;;;},}; ">, :.' " : i..<D. },' . iH' \: . .':.' :':;),.;':'.::.. /", : ,}i;:;' ,;. ;/~:;'t:Kltj~~~~t;\:X,j · ." '.:'';' -'. '"",:".. :..:: i.i. V,r.: ..... ',(..;e,.,;,,; ;,., . < . . ',.:'. "'(l, 'f". .... .. "". '1~!f' f.'{ '. ~ i,." ,1 "t~ ~l1[i"] V(, "... ". ..-f (~<., :. Y':(" hP i~(' 'l;.;.{\:h};{ :;':i,::::/"<: Ii:, ,.,:Of:. '";: f;J1>~\t:t;,:i\yt;,~!J~';~~~\;i. ~ ":'{,' .".,:;.":\';l,....,,, ,'J.,....".' !":"','t:';~ l). ',,~., .,., :'.',' '1'" '." .,;~. '," .r:Jt)~,1t..t"~,;:i~'\\...4f).gq,JVt:Mtr.t"'(.>l.,'.J, :;~: :; :-.,';'. :::::~?n,'!;~' '!: · !.,({ :~<-\V; ,. ". i/,'::~' '. :),,( '. ..,<;'l' . X,t:;~\i/0~::,i~;~J.:~!~!'~;~~F'>?t' "', I. . '" .. . ),.' . ..: . 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I.... -.__,...\.....,....... ..~.', "':"':"~(,.':,'";,'I~~~"",.~"",,,:,:",~I:.".' :,: I.:.<'~!..::;:..:;. '. .:~.~);.:,)y:,.T,\;,:,':~. '..::', ".- ;~':':, " , ' ;.. cc: " '., ,) .'.' '., '.,.. " 'j . I::'. :. ... ,', I"'.. ...., ... '.'::'." :-'".:..1: :P- l .) "JETSTREJffi W. Ed Samuels President - (""Freet 0, Ifeddel'l. Jr, ~{{a8 f\ e,t.,rqr October 14, 1985 Mr. Robert H. Goslee, Jr. Member, New Hanover County Airport Commission 501 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Goslee: A committee meeting to approve full service operation for Jetstream occurred on September 18, 1985. You acted as Chairman in the absence of Mr. Tinney. All documentation previously requested for approval was in your hands. At completion of this 4 1/2 hour meeting, you personally stated that all was in order and of good report; that there was no reason Jetstream should not be approved for full service. The next day at the Airpo~tCommission open meeting, you started by stating that the financial reports were 'in such dis- array that there was no way Jetstream could ever be approved, or words to that effect. Why, Mr. Goslee, did you reverse your position after the September 18, 1985 meeting? Who' convinced you to daDt~g'e Jets tream this way, Mr. Goslee? Was it Mr. Murray? Was it Mr. William Cherry of Air Wilmington? Was it both of them? Anyone else? Please reply by' October 24, 1985. WES/js Sincerely, W.~~ W. Ed Samuels cc: See attached sheet F.A.A. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO, 711.28 1410 NORTH KERR AVENUE · WILMINGTON. N.C. 28405 . IQ1Q\ 7M.1".,,A .. -. "V "-"....... "'" .... ............. --'_ \...,v.. \, " 6..'i:lober 1 ~ J 1985 - Page 2 cc: FAA, Washington, DC FAA, Atlanta, GA FAA, Raleigh, NC US Attorney General NC Attorney General WECT TV 6 Wilmington Star News New Hanover County .Commission NC Department of Revenue (Legal Department) Airport Terminal Funding Group Wilmington Port Authority US Department of Justice Regional Department of Justice NC Department of Justice US Drug Enforcement Agency Ne Drug Enforcement Agency IRS-Washington, DC (Legal Department) Wilmington Committee of 100 ;p:. 110 \ -jE-rSTREA---~'- _.-r IO~Klf,) . A. J,.~t1115-f/~ U::-~ fS1y;lnl l./o j c;. ;:dlX (~f"'. r<.'W f.fL W, Ed Samuels President Forresi 0, Hedden, Jr, Vice President October 16, 1985 Mr. Rudolph C. Shackelford, Jr., A.A.E. Airport Manager New Hanover County Airport Route 6, Box 49 Wilmington, NC 28405 ~:,:; ~@C:IT~7~@!, .\L~ ~,U ( , OCT 1 8 1985 N. H. COUNTY AIRPORT Qear Sir: Reference my 4 and 8 October 1985 letters to you. you: Your neply dated 14 October 1985 is a tacit admission that 1. engineered the condemnation of hangars H-8, H-9, and H-10 as unacceptable for painting and refurbishing aircraft. 2. allowed and continue to allow Mr. Cherry, in violation of that condemnation by'you, to paint not only aircraft, but trucks and other vehicles in those hangars. 3. denied Jetstre~m use of hangar H-11 to paint and refurbish aircraft, a hangar not condemned, and appr~ved, by th~ Commission. ~, 4. without authority and without due cause ordered Jetstream to cease painting aircraft therein. 5. stated you had previously sent Jetstream directives to cease painting in H-11 and that J~tstream had failed ,to comply. On 15 October 1985 I received your reply (attached) stating you are "too busy" to justify your unauthorized and unsu'bsta~tiated demands on!J e ts tream. ' .., ' I attempted to telephone you last week and was told you were on vacation for a few days. , . FAA. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO, 711-28 1410 NORTH KERR AVENUE · WILMINGTON, N.C, 26405 · (919) 762.1024 . '. \' " 'Mr. Rudol ph October 16, Page 2 C. Shackelford, 1985 Jr. Mr. Shacke+ford, over the past two years, you with the primary support of Mr. Murray (Chairman), and Mr. Goslee (member) of the New Hanover County Airport Commisssion, have denied Jetstream key amenities that have reduced our income potential drastically, Everyone of these harassments has been without authority or substantiation. You have now, without authority, demanded that we cease pur last income producingbusin~ss: painting. ~' '.' 'j I , .J. , t f .. , , ., ~ ' Your reply is: that you do not: have time to ei therrestore 'our u~e'of our lease (hangar H~~1) or to justify our purport~d ~v~01~tion5~, of you~per50nal~irport "ordinances". . , ~:,~' . '. ; Mr.:,.,'Shackelford ,:'your ' letter' is',c1ear evidence that, you 0~~~;~5edyour,:author1ti:~5 ,~irpor~~anag~r improperly and' outside its . ' au thorl ty., ';,;:', " " , . 'I" ,', " '. ;,' . "." . ,',', .' '. ; .....\ , "'," "Yotir'.failure to reply to',the questions is, a' tacit admission >....."., :"tha t:you,have' used, your: 'posl',t'ion' of,I,'ali tl~ori ty ,ina,manner t'o' de-' ::'" '\::' :~;,;,,'s,troy', J,e ts,tream, as' an ,;F,BO ': and~,_to' al,low'..Mr .,::,Cherry,of:: Air Wilmingtorr..", :/.:::: ~,',to vi'o1ate.-:,even "your::Qwn ,cl1re,b'tlves~'wi.thotit, concern,:by :iou.' ",',.;/,':'>;.\; '," .'". . '.. I ..":: . . . . .:....' .'" . . ... . " ',.,. . '" .. '0" '.l." j ""'~ . ,. . t l j " .".... I' . 1;':'~;:"','hJ;,: IHr;,."Shack~,lford i.':please:res tore, Jets tream ',S . painting "opera.tion,; 't 1.n hangar'.H-11 'by 21 Oc tober,' 1,98,5.>: :":" ' " '"., ' " ' .. . " . .... '. . . . . . , . . .. . . . , ..' .'. '-'. .. . ~ ~. I . {,' ';':'::;::.",::, H~'~;JS~ackelf~)(:'d ~"~;Please,:e.x:p,la~,:n..,}~hYYOU c,on t~n~~ '~6" har,ass' ":;:,<i;<:::;::'::. ,t ,~:,';";,i,-J,e ts tream <w.1thou t. jus t if i ca t.1on ~'l;'i',r.'."i.i(;':< ;;,.'.~:: :" ,.; '!':" ':,':' : ..: j,~:, 't. " " ';:',;'.:, ,~,;: .J" (\ ' ':} t'.' \ ",::':.:, ,::,' :",', ,:,"::/d':.':;':'~' ". . ),;,~; ....'!::., ,'( ;\ '.~~!:,;{'.:~ ~',<~,:'~ j'.;"" ;",,;', ,:,: ~ ,.:" I '..' " '.' ~, ' .~. ~i;.::~:..', \, ", ,;< ,,':'.' ~..: \.': :." .> ~) ;':}:';'r,','i:,e. ,;;:/';Mr ~',:j'.j-:Sbacke 1 fo rd ;..". p;l e as e ", de (in e:-.JO 1"" deny, yo u r: bus in e's's~ ~ re 1 a t ion:..:- .,~~~' 'f':;', ~ .:~...::t~F'I';hip'~'I'.v~.d::u' " Ch ' "'o';f\'Ai' ::'W.....l i) t' ,......:', '., ", I..', ','... 'I '.<..:ii!,".. ,..~ '.'I':{"~':" "~i""'~.'!'~,;::.i'.: rI,':'.\'I:' :r,;rl~ '1~:I,~'" ~(.?,'~"';I~ . e,r,ry: -t., , ,r:1 J,. l1l r g o,n .:..:'~' :,[ ';-:'" " )',1.':, ", : !.,., 1'.I:;l,,( If',<;! 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'. .,......, oJ 1 '1" ' . I . . ~ .--:- ( '. . :;\l;:~:,:), :;..':,:>!~;fF A,n.\~~Ra.l.e1gh;.. NC'r~~,;:.);~:'!;.::' ::I;''1'i.lffi~'[!\I.'''~ew ':H,anove,r, Coun ty , Couim~'ss 10n.?;'n~",;; ,;:,::,! 'i' ',:, ;"'.' '~; ,.WECT'.',rt7::. 6,'.. '. ,'..,:: :.: ~",,:,,',_ "~;~ ':':,::~~,Xk:l:l,: ',.; .::. ',., ' ;. ,.,." .':,' '" '.';',::;,"'~:~' ;,:, : " ':. ( . .. .' ., r-. ..... ...",I'l'.,.f.S~:j.~~~1I~10A"'" " . ",.... .;...... : :~'10.' . . <:'\ "'. "i~.,,' ;'lUlm1ngton Star':N,ews ';,:;::' ,'J';' :"C'~~'I' ,,"':' :'.:',:" :>..; : ;..:'.: :,', ":"';',':J~;,::.:,:;r':~.~:':," , " ':':";: >";~;.:US~'Department'of,:'Justice,;!\,::;,:::",,'j;,1';;~.' '" ':'::,::' " ,; ':' ':,NC,' Departmen t,,:of;:'Jus tice.';,... ' " ','.., , , ",',,, ::;;:'Reglonal, Departmen.t of; {UsJ~1;e' ': ':,::; , ,..,i.;,':,',:":.:.;',::,,,., '.. ~~'~""~'" J;.";,{;Ug',Drug Enforcement-~iAgency~,.::,;'::tJ;.:;';':',,':' ,',I "':, ','. ::r:'.:.'d.::., :::',.NG',D,rug EnforcemEm:tAgency:"; .:.',',:: ': " ' ','~ "IRS~W~shington, D~:(LegalDepartment) NC ',Department of 'Revenue: (Legal Department) " , ,tJj. \ JETSTREAM ~ W, Ed Samuels President reme:~l 0, I fedeleI'!, Jr, ~'..C:;C! {', (.J:dc.t+- October 25, 1985 Mr. Felix Cooper New Hanover County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 Dear Mr. Cooper: Reference your 25 October 1985 telephone calls to me in which you told me you have requested OSHA, the New Hanover County Building Inspector, the New Hanover County Engineer and the Fire Chief to iqspect the le~sehold fac~lities of Jetstream. We welcome such an inspection. Would it not have been appropriate also to inspect all leasehold facilities belonging to the other lessors on the airport, such as, Mr. Cherry, owner of both Air Wilmington, Inc. and Aeronautics, Inc.? Such as Piedmont Airlines? Such as the New Hanover County Terminal building? Why have you directed this inspection only at Jetstream? Whom did you telephone and with whom did you consult before ,deciding to request OSHA to inspect only Jetstream? Please reply by Nov~mber 5, 1985. S~7~ S=--~ W. Ed Samuels WES/js cc: US Attorney General NC Attorney General FAA, Washington, DC FAA, Atlanta, GA FAA, ~aleigh, NC New Hanover County Commission WEeT TV 6 Wilmington Star News US Department of Justi~e NC Department of Justice US Drug Enforcement Agency Regional Department of Justice NC Drug Enforcement Agency IRS-Washington, DC (Legal Dept.) NC Department of Revenue (Legal Department) Piedmont Airlines FAA. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO, 711-28 1410 NORTH KERR AVENUE · WILMINGTON, N,C, 28405 . (919) 762-1024 JETSTREA7fl :rlr ,. w. Ed Samuels President FarrB6t O. HassaR, Jr. ~""Li r,t;;J,'Jl-Ifr October 29, 1985 Mr. Felix Cooper New Hanover County Manager 320 Chestnut Street Wilmington, NC 28401-4093 " Dear Sir: Reference my 25 October 1985 letter to you and our conversa_ tiOn today concerning OSHA to inspect the paint facilities New Hanover County has leased to Jetstream. Correct me if I misquote you; I believe you stated that the inspection was not unilaterally applied to Jetstream, but of all paint facil~ties at the airport and that it was for the purpose of establishing guidelines for compliance. We welcome such guide- lines and are pleased that your intentions are for equal application to all parties involved. We, of course, realize that the standards do not apply until New Hanover County establishes them as an ordinance. In the meantime, until such an ordinance is established, and the New Hanover County Commission can bring its paint facilities to meet the new standards, wdll you please direct Mr. Shackelford to rescind by letter his inordinate and unsupported unilateral prohibition on Jetstream's painting? To expedite Jetstream's ability to paint, will you please ensure: 1. The Shackelford letter be rescinded by 1 November 1985, and 2. New Hanover County designate adequate funds and a rapid schedule for facility modification simulta- neously with passage of the new painting facility standards ordinance. Please reply by 8 November 1985. , ~.c~y~~~ W. Ed Samuels WES/ js FAA. APPROVED REPAIR STATION NO, 711-28 1410 NORTH KERR AVENUE · WILMINGTON, N.C, 28405 . (919) 762.1024 cc: See attached list ~ " i ... .; ~. \ \ .' Mr. Felix Cooper October 29, 1985 Page 2 cc: US Attorney General FAA, Washington, DC FAA, Raleigh, NC WECT TV 6 US Department of Justice US Drug Enforcement Agency NC Drug Enforcement Agency NC Department of Revenue (Legal Department) Piedmont Airlines NC Attorney General FAA, Atlanta, GA New Hanover County Commission Wilmington Star News NC Department of Justice Regional Department of Justice IRS-Washington, DC (Legal Department) i .. .... . ...---.-- ---- .-....-_... -'--_0__- "