1984-01-03 RM Exhibits ... !'..' ~~ ~ Xh ;ofl~ 7 '" - LA W ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE TREASURER RALEIGH 27(H1 RESOLUTION TO ELECT A TAX SHELTER OF EMPLOYEES' CONTRIBUTIONS PAYABLE AS MEMBERS OF THE LA \V ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS' RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WHEREAS, the 1984 Session of the North Carolina General Assembly, by a duly ratified bill, enacted North Carolina General Statute 143-166(i1) \vhich, under the conditions specified therein, permits an employer participating in the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System or who administers some other trust qualified under Sections 401(a), 403(a) or 405(a) of the lnternal Revenue code of 1954 as amended to tax shelter the contributions pa~!able to this System by its emplo~rees who are members of this System to the same extent as an employer has elected to tax shelter contributions for all other emplo~'ees who are members of another qualified trust: and. \\"l-IEREAS. this empjo~'er is an employer participatin~ in the i\orth Carolina Local Gowrnnwntal Employees' Retirement System with respect to its eligible employees or who administers some other trust qualified under Sections 401(a). 403(a) or 405(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 195-1 as amended: and. WHEREAS. this employer has tax sheltered the contributions payable by its employees who are members of the North Carolina Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System or some other .. qualified trust and deems it desirahle to tax shelter the contributions payable b~' its emplo~'ees as members of the Law Enforcement Officers' Retirement System of the State of North Carolina. ('0 !~ NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE, " " \. ',' \ .' ,,( , . (!\amt' of Go"ernin!! Bod,') in regular session, that effective the first day of - .- 1\.'. .. f - \ (. , ..'.. '. (. \ ' (~:, ,I , ,19 S''::: the '- ~~. ... . OJ I ." I 1 elects pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina f;\ame of Emplo"cr) General Statute 143-166(1) to pick up and pay to the Law Enforcement Officers' Retirement System of the State of North Carolina the contributions which would be otherwise payable to this System by its employees who are members of this System and to treat in all respects such contributions in the manner specified in said North Carolina General Statute 143-166(il). ~ " .l~ ()~ Upon motion of 4-nvrn.~ and seconded by ~nrm. ~ the aboH' ~l.Yl'tlti6n-\('<iI\O~hb2;roduced and adopted on / - ,1 - 8' If . The numher votillg \. ~q,',=-~.~.7....~,il.~.'.} J: ~@~..:.~ .~. :;o~. 7(\.....'-'...fJ)~tJ' ~v ~AU@~' "'=20D~ nQ.,~~, ~ ,Cierk t" tiJ(' huad, . l6'\; T)' 7t ~~ $I-; ~i~ I RECOF;:,n: ;If;U Vt:EIFIED RE:)::!>~A ? TUCKER REG;S TER OF tlEEDS /'iEV! IL\HCi'r'ER C0. NC \' j (11_; . .. : = I :: ~ ,; '- ,"- .(~ l, ') ~. v '- JAH It L S3 F~ '8~ .STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF CLOSING ALL OF SKELDING AVENUE AND THE SOUTHEASTERN PORTION OF MACRAE AVENUE IN VILLA VIEW SUBDIVISION ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of the County Commissioners of New Hanover County of intent to close all of Skelding Avenue and 44 the Southeastern portion of MacRae Avenue in Villa View Subdivision, was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 5th day of December, 1983, and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 3rd day of January, 1984, at which time the County Commissioners would hear complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star-News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and the County Commissioners are of the opinion that said Skeldinq Avenue and the Southeastern portion of MacRae Avenue in the County of New Hanover should be closed and the closing of same is not contrary to the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived of reasonable means of ingress and egress to his property by such closing; the legal description of said roads being as follows: RETURNED TO ,......--..., il ""'/l /.' \ , //(1 ~l [: '----1'~ , \ I .,- /\cz!.l..~' '-.'. ~', 19/1..-~/tCCt-~ ' (,\. ')... . ~ ' L ~ / : "-1.:. -, " / . ( ,-. \ LV ,dt~ '-cL'j2-C B 0 (}l'. ;.;tlGE \242 0783 BEGINNING at a point in the Southern right of w~y 0[ U.S. Highway #74 (75 feet from the center line thereof), said point being located South 50 degrees 45 minutes East 285.3 feet as measured along the Southern right of way line of U.S. Highway #74 from its point of intersection with the center line of Burke Avenue. Running thence from said beginning point with the Southern right of way line of U.S. Highway #74, South 50 degrees 45 minutes East 50.0 feet to a point; Running thence South 39 degrees 15 minutes West 100.0 feet to a point; Running thence South 50 degrees 45 minutes East 125.0 feet to a point; Running thence South 64 degrees 46 minutes 45 seconds West 55.42 feet to a point; Running thence North 50 degrees 45 minutes West 151.95 feet to a point; Running thence North 39 degrees 15 minutes East 150.0 feet to the point of beginning, including all of Skelding Avenue and the Southeastern portion of MacRae Avenue as shown on a map of Villa View Subdivision recorded in Book 52, Page 563 in March, 1908. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described road be and the same is hereby closed. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. ~t.t..'''.''.' 1I.'tl1't, ~~~Vth~~~he 3rd day of January, 1984. /.$ .. ............. w" ...... I ~ ~~.. Afi,' ,--1'f ."e.. ~ ....~ , f ': "'::i.' ,~\ .,I. \ = \1J~. : :-IIo~: ~:: lJI t ."........ .J . * 0 i .. ~- ~/:: \\ aca. IMP<,'. s.:; ~ .... ....../ . .... I ,O.{>> ........... ~~ # ~,~r/f..~.r' \ .",'" . . .,..~ .,. , ". Lucie F. Smith, Clerk ~t./!~' Karen E. Gottovi, Chairman STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HA~O~ I, (Jilt. , a Notary Public in and for the Sta e d Cou y hereby certify that this day Lucie F. Smith, p s before me, and who being duly sworn, says that she knows the common seal of the County of New Hanover and is acquainted with Karen E. Gottovi, who is Chairman of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners, and that she, 801j~ :: ..~ r: E 12i12 (~7s4 u _ L"/the said Lucie F. Smi th is Clerk to the Board of Ne..:.w Hanover County Commissioners, and saw the said Karen E. Gottovi, Chairman of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners, sign the foregoing instrument, and saw the said common seal of said New Hanover County affixed to said instrument by said Chairman, and that she, the said Lucie F. Smith, Clerk as aforesaid, signed her name in attestation of the due execution of said instrument in the presence of said Chairman of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners. WITNESS my hand and notarial seal or stamp, this the ~day of January, 1984. \ 0 YC r::-..........., y, ~ ... (?"\, 0' A~~:(Vl~,A' ~'\,<'0\ "- I "" \ \ (, l \ r <. f ., j' \; ~ I \ ..... i ! t \ " / \\~:~ ~ PL'S\...i(.;. _~'! ~'6~.... ....f/ -: I ~\ ' ~ ,<;,""/ ~ "1", ,'~ / ".... OV-R - OV ..- '- c f.... ./' ~---_./" ~~ '2 ,. ...' , / z ~Nota.. ubHc '0 My Commission Expires Oct. 13, 1986 STA TE OF NORTH CAROLINA New Hanover Coun,tr The Foregoing Certificate of - - -.J- -- _'-Li!14r;1/::?- -><:-~ ~--0€- J2G.~ ~ 5 ) ~r.~LQ.t[lJ:->-::+(=' -/. -"Lilli ~ ISeertified to be ~t. e 131 This the_4__day of ~uJ_J9~- Rebecca p, Tucker, Register of De~~s ...,- 1a- ./ fL' / ,/]/ , " ,: (...J....- By _':LL ,~_~.{/ 12-._ (.:...i:-:....-: / U a~i-. !!!' t{~ ~ 3X-1r'd"' 10, ..... ,- ~ AN ORDER OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORI'H CAROLINA AMENDING ':mE WILMINGTON-NEW HANOVER LAND USE PLAN POLICIES FOR GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT ADOPTED MARCH 22, 1982 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY OOI'H ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Wilmington-New Hanover Land Use Plan, Policies for Growth and Development adopted March 22, 1982, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: A. Amend Section 2.2 Ocean Hazard Areas of Environmental Concern, Ocean Hazard Area policies by adding the following additional policy: 2.2(3) Barrier islands which have the following five characteristics shall be developed only for water dependent uses such as pleasure boat docks and landings; they shall not be developed for residential use: (1) The land is a barrier island or part of a barrier island with a density equal to or less than one residential unit per five acres. (2) The barrier island area has been assigned the most severe rank with regard to vulnerability to hurricane forces. This most severe rank is assigned to areas that are Inlet Hazard Areas of Environmental Concern, Ocean Erodible Areas of Environmental Concern, or Estuarine Shoreline Areas of Environmental Concern. (3) The barrier island area is not connected to the mainland by a permanent network of roads and bridges that would allow safe and tbnely evacuation by land rather than by boat. (4) The barrier island area does not qualify for the National Flood Insurance Program as adminsitered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (5) The barrier island area is classified as Conservation in the County's Land Use Plan. Section 2. Any order or any part of any order in conflict with this order, to the extend of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This order is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this~ day of h/ , 1984. ~t;6f,~ ~'.! . j' . ..' I!~ . ~.". ~: "" : '.... , " .~: I