1984-02-20 RM Exhibits - , ~~~ rL ) pcq-' / b TAX ,'-\DMINISTRATOR 1, "-~ i~,-' _ ,''''.....', ,.r. . ',~. , \ ~,; ,~~ _', J 11 ." ,'" , => 'c " ::. =o/-~ o.J- g :'1 1T1':1\/1 1 \jC1., i I NEvV HANOVER COUNTY OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 Telephone (9/9) 34/-7131 ROLAND G. REGISTER T ax Administrator NEW }L~OVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru January 31, 1984 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added 1983 $21,509,024.76 2,480,625.21 $23,989,649.97 98,848.33 $23,890,801.64 -21,981,060.43 $ 1,909,741.21 92.01% Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage CollecLed Back Taxes ~eal ESLate Taxes Less AbatemenLs Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected C: '- 664,382.79 1,186.03 - 230,317.89 432,878.87 34.73% s Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected s 907,758.59 15,660.89 65,412.28 826,685.42 7.33% $ Room Occupancy Tax Collections in January Privilege License Collections in January 1982 $17,199,745.99 2,851,251.92 $20,050,997.91 50,534.75 $20,000,463.16 -18,403,313.46 $ 1,597,149.70 92.01~~ s 579,115.02 1,012.52 177 ,238.87 400,863.63 30.66% $ ~ " 767,006.68 3,282.09 63,997.03 699,730.56 8.38% s $12,192.58 1,521.95 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date $31,000,521.25. This report is for fiscal year beginning July, 1, 1983. Respectfully submitted, ---.----.. .t) t..--/ '. '-..., \ / :::-1 Cci:Yl (..I..O-.~ '. <:.. CLY\-:Y' ""-...--- Patricia J. RaYnor '.J Collector of Revenue P JR : sw .. 4:t;td ~ -rL)~ Jb 'J D i~} ;~;: , ~ ~~:; ''1 , .~ Z: :~~': ) il .?) /- r) /" .......~' . l' ~ . ..:?'\./ Co( U! if ^" . ~---I " ITCl'-l I 'k), . .;L,. HEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Corrrrnissioners FRaN: ~ola~d ~'. Register! .r~ lax Admlnlscrator-,./L...--./ !.---. SUBJECT: AbatemenLs and Refunds DATE: February 13, 1984 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time or listing: 1. BeisLel, Daniel B. 2. Blanton, Barbara R. $ 16.83 10.63 24.84 93.53 67.7J 13.76 3. Bridges & Son W.T. 4. Brinson, Charlie Jr. 5. Brock, Stephen ~. o. Brooks, Gene Tunney 7 Bruton, George Adrian Carney, James Daniel Crisp, Alvin E. Damour ~ Carolyn l.....nne Davis, Jack Donald ~2..63 8. 9. LO. 1.6.83 25.64 .'31.77 n ,- , L\.eruna Refund . 1 1... . 24.38 i? Durham, Jack G. 13 . Engvall, hTilliam O. 14. Ferrell, Teresa Lynn 15. Finance One of N.C. 16. Finley, Hilliam ~'Jelson 17. Gilbert, Ronald A. 18. Hall, Deborah Jones 19. Hall, \.Jilliam H. C. 20. Hamilton, Debra Hardee 21. Henderson, Gerald Dean Sr. 22. Herring, Ed 23. Highsmith, Ralph S. 24. Hill, Roger Post 25. Hinson, Karen Jean 26. Hoffman, John 27. Hydro, Vincent Jr. 28. Irizarry, Phyllis 29. Jones, Eugene Worth Jr. 30. Keel, Ruth Coates 31. Kenan, Owen G. 32. King, Horace T. III 33. Lev, Jeffrey David 34. Light Years Amusements 35. Lockamy, Linda Nettles 36. Ly Hue Ngoc 42.52 118.08 50.42 240.92 93.02 22 .32 19.67 42.34 (1981) 1.8.70 37.40 9.60 Refund 65.20 26.26 3.98 14.14 85.15 74.29 13.27 11.14 97.30 39.72 51. 83 31. 60 44.47 (1980) 55.21 ~oard of CounLv COT~issioners Page :2 February 13, 1984 37. Martin, Kachel P. 38. McClain, Anita Ferrell 39. HcCurdy, Pamela A. 40. Mebane, Patricia Barber 41. Moore, Wilson Lynwood 42. Neufang, Theodore Otto 43. Pasqualone, Wanda Ellis 44. Rector, Teresa Jean 45. Rivenbark, James R. 46. Safrit, Frances Evelyn 47. Schettig, Kenneth Michael 48. Schubach, Robert John 49. Shipp, Clarence Fowler Jr. 50. Sholar, Kimberly Ann 51. Simpson, James Lenor 52. Simpson, Wilson Inc. 53. Stanfield, Kenne[h Eugene 54. Stephens, Kimberly Loorrain 55. Stevens Welding Fabricating 56. TaLum, Richard O'~eil 57. Tillman, Deborah Ann 58. Tooley, I:1ark Byron 59. Vaught, William J. Etux. 60. Walker, Debra I-Tare 61. walker, Herbert: ,\.llen Sr. 62. Walton, A. B. Etux. 63. Ward, Noah Lee 64. wneels, Inc. 65. Wells, John Thomas 66. lThite, Ruth Ellen 67. Williams, Carol Hunt 68. Williams, Terry Lynn 69. Williamson, John CheSLer 70. Wilson, Charles Conley III 71. Winecoff, John Randv 72. Woodard, Calvin Claude 73. Woodberry, Patricia Ann S 46.08 103. 18 US.08 48.49 17.03 154. 18 17.25 24.09 145.82 90.95 ,,/" ,") r LD.LD 87 .28 79.82 28.95 39.42 95.86 90.03 67 i. '1 . '-+ L. 1')') ';Q "'~"""..JU 71+.55 L28.41 77.68 LtG.93 2.02 19.90 26. .~ 1 / ..:.. 2.70 46.30 73.26 54. 10 76.66 36.85 27.46 2.02 23.28 3.07 16.35 (1979 c, 1980) (1982 ) Refund SlO.13 Refund (1982 ) Request the following taxes be released as they are double-charged: l. Adams, Robert Douglas 3.74 Refund 2. Adrian, Hommes 18.92 Refund 3. AVC, Inc. 89.61 4. Causey, Daphine Pender 34.20 5. Collins, Tealey Louise 17.20 6. Cook, Iva Pepper 19.00 7. Corbett, Raymond ." 35.02 Refund 1. . 8. Daughtry, Rudolph S. Etux. 59.96 9. Dobo, G. W. 109.68 10. Dunn, Linda Moseley 26.63 Refund Board or County Commissioners Page 3 February 13, 1984 '1 ~ . . Doxey, Sandford Esposito, Dann Ezzell, Daisy W. Floyd, Keith 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Fay) Benjamin Heirs Gay, Joseph E. Gee, Howard R. Godwin, Jean Erowning Green, Hilliam Thomas Gulesian, George J. Hill, William Henry Jr. Rite, Ernescine Blackburn James, Freeman Lee .Jenkins, Cornelia Lockamy Jones, Kenny Joye, Frankie Wayne Joye, Sylvia Carroll Lawhorne, Randy " 11 . 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. i.. / . 28. 29. Lewis~ Joyce LJackson 30. Long, Leonard Harried 31. l.mve, ~'lalcolm H. .Ir. Etux 32. Hacris, S.;. .5j. ~.larlboro Dull; FarIns 34. McCullough, L.rl. 35. McKoy, Ralph C. 36. Morgan, Daisv Riggs 37. Mt. Airy Surplus Co. 38. Parish ConsLruction Co. 39. Payne, Francis Marion 40. Peeden, David 41. Porter, Coquitta Devega 42. Pridgen, Mitchell Gary 43. Putnam, Anne rI. 44. Robbins, Yvonne Rigby 45. Saieed, Frank 46. Seal, Karen Michelle 47. Seibring, Anita Gail 48. Sisson, william Eliason 49. Sloop, Jean Moore 50. Skierkie,,,icz, Hichael Steven 51. Sunward Yacht Corp. 52. Taylor, Dannie Lee 53. Twohey, Lea Ann 54. Vereen Plumbing Co. 55. Warren, James Boyd 56. lfuetherill, Richard Jr. 57. Wilmington Holding Corp. 58. Woodbury, Emager Gerald 59. Young, Charles Cicero Jr. ~ 165.87 110.52 68.45 280.50 11.92 (1982) 77 .46 15 p 12 2.70 77.95 (1982) Refund 23.22 33.51 36.12 25.06 34.71 130.90 2.70 18.89 104.72 13.26 10 .10 179.20 246.31 [{efunci 17.-32 Refund 59.84 24.84 52.36 3.12 71.20 100.83 100.98 51. 43 "'0.83 10.91 2.70 36.16 6.73 27.75 4.16 28.35 16.01 10.10 Refund 8.76 36.39 28.89 19.53 4.16 4,820.38 34.98 35.53 Board or County Commissioners Page 4 February 13, 1984 Request Lhe following taxpayers be allowed the Senior Citizens exclusion as they qualify but failed to recieve the reduction: 1. Caldwell, Daisy Hill Etvir. S 113.90 2. Franklin, Mattie A. 57.80 :3. Jackson, Josh Nary 113.90 Refund ~. .Jones, Alice 113.90 5. Labriola, Michael Etux. 57.80 Refund 6. McDonald, Clinton 113.90 Refund 7. Pearson, Alexander Etux. 113.90 8. Pugh, August Vim. 57.80 9. Rivenbark, w.e. 57.80 10. Smith, James 113.90 Refund 11. Suggs, Bradley 57.80 Refund 12. Swepson, Isabell S. 100.63 13. Washington. Alfred E. 113.90 L4. Smith, :..ou V,="LiJ. c:. L13.90 Request the ~o11uwin2 taxes be released as the properLY is not located within city or towu ~lmlts: 1. Arboit, (,Javne (, L~6.. 24 .19.75 19.27 63.20 73.68 27 .59 3.56 Refund 51.80 16.34 9.83 37.95 _.. 3rowu, Lisa Smith ~. Brown, Steven 4 Burton, Nelson _. S. Canady, Lloyd Rav 0. Dobyns, Dixie Dean /. Ferdinando, Anthony M. 8. Formyduval, Thruston Gray 9. Fussell, Donna Murray 10. Gay, Alan Leon 11. Gore, Nancy Lorena 12. Harper, Gene 0. 13. Harriss, Charles Johnson 14. Herbert Harry Edward Jr. 15. Howard, James E. 16. Hrdlica, Kenneth Roger 17. James, Jeffery Ronald 18. Keith, John Stephen 19. Lequire, Stephen D. 20. Lucas, Paul L. Jr. 21. Montford, Anna 22. Payne, Marion Hugh 23. Pepper, Michael Howard 24. Petrea, Thomas Hugh 25. P Jls Service Center, Inc. 26. Rebbert, Gerald King Jr. 27. Russ, Elmer E. 28. Schiavone, Sandra 29. Schultes, Stanley 1'" '.'0 1 / .:..-' 34.89 124.91 95.32 53.44 72.31 23.40 31.27 42.03 19.47 49.48 15.53 14.85 225.84 1.96 23.17 4.58 38.74 Board of Counry Commissioners Page 5 February 13, 1984 30. 31. 32. 33. Sholar, David G. Smith, Theodore Ronald Jr. Somerset, Joel Mance Jr. Southern Corp ~{ells, Dorothy D. \~~ite, Julius Oliver Williams, Sarah Lynn Woodell, Eloise Venable $ 23.50 1.05 (1981) 37.62 Refund 77.61 321.09 Refund (1982 & 1983) 56.83 45.14 1. 43 34. 35. 36. 37. Request the following taxes be released as the property qualifies for exempt status: 1. St. Stephens fu'lli Church 2. U. S. Government 1,760.90 (81 - 83) 58.00 The following tax payers request listing penalties be released and certify the forms were mailed during January 1983: i -'- . 34.21 Bass, Albert Nelms, Lloyd L. Seltzer, Fred Jr. 86.33 115.91 ') .:::.. . < -- . RequesL the following taxes be released as these charges are Que to clerical errors or mispricing personal property, charging listing penalties in error, incorrect building value, incorrect acreage and failing to allow 5300 household exemption: ; Arnold, George i-I. 18.32 ~ . " ASCO - Wilmington Inc. 136.41 '- . 3. Barden, Heywood T 7.12 L.. 4. Bradsher, Linda L. Y ')- 4.<-.1 5. Cox, Richard H. 128.51 6. Cunningham, David Hilliam III 1. 5 1 i . Daniels, Faye Hrs. 198.23 8. Dunn, Stephen H. 5.30 9. Eddie Lewis Construction Co. 47.62 lO. Farris, Hilliam B. Etux. 10.03 11. Gore, Samuel H. 3.74 12. Kizer, R. E. Jr. 94.71 13. Lee, Mattie M. 27 .33 14. Maliga, Fred M. Etux. 64.04 15. McGowan, Francis M. 34.41 16. Morris, Isaac Carl Jr. 214.26 17. Horrison, Kathleen Anne 61. 33 18. o 'Quinn, Odell Oswald 6.07 19. Perry, A. Fraser Jr. 49.30 Refund Refund Refund Refund Refund Refund (81, 82, 83) "'.~ .... Board of County Conunissioners Page 6 February 13, 1984 20. Perry, Albert Fraser $ 8.51 21. Peterson, G. H. Etux. 47.17 22. Phelps, Patsy H. 28.04 23. Pine Valley Est. Inc. 469.68 21 Player, John R. 17.95 ':I. 25. Porter, Edsil R. 41.41 26. Proetoch, Victor G. 233.56 Refund 21. Rivers, Charles 576.93 28. S. J. Harcris, DDS PA 18.79 29. Schaar, Herbert M. 5.61 30. Swart, Dirk III 99.89 3l. T. .'-1.. Associates 143.77 ') ') Thomas, Joseph D. 16.09 Refund --fL.' 33. Truesdale, Ed Hrs. 164.01 lr Hinchester, D r~ 172.14 Refund '- '* . J.. ...v. Request these items be placed on the Consent Agenda for the County Conunissioners' meeLing on February 20, 1984. I reconunend approval of these abatements as Lhe Conunissioners have approved these types or releases in the past. RGR: sw Copy: F. Cooper County Manager R. Pope County Attorney F. Gaskin Assistant Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue 1.1 .1 I.i I'! ':1 ,[I " .1 i,i I') 1:1 1:1 ., .1 ,.1 1:1 I" \11 1':,1 .1 .1 :1 .i ," 1:1 ',I l,i ':1' I~I 1:1 I" '~i :1 ~ 'l, ~ -:J:J-) Pr' I{; N em jlanouer illnuntn iSoarlt of <!Iommissioners 1!\es olution WHEREAS, the County is interested in providing services to the Senior Citizens of New Hanover County through its Aging Program, and WHEREAS, the County is interested in funding the Program partially through Older Americans Act Title III funding; :11 i:l ;ei il! I:! !:i 1.i 'Ii ;.1 'I! 1 . ~ 1:1 I" ill " ' I.: ili !Ii I'; I:: 1:1 1.1 ,'1 III Ilf i:1 1:/ I. 1., 1:1 I.i 1:) I" 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 '.1 1:1 !:j I~j I ~ i ., " 1:1 1'1 '1 1:1 .1 1:1 ~ ~ ' . t:)>) ,~ ,~'~ .') \:; " -.. -"'/ ~ ~-~, . . .............................................................................................................. .;- ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the County Manager is authorized and directed to execute the grant application for Older Americans Act Title III funding for the New Hanover County Department of Aging's Programs. This the~day of February, 1984. ..... ~t~. Ka en E. Gottovi, Chairman ;.., ~ i ~ ~ . ~ I' i , t'l I [, 4'; . '~.'. } 1,1;1 \r'!; I, k~ l',", {~ r:,' " ~- .. , h. I> t,,"', r!~' t~~;: !~~: r.: ,:~,',': liy' '('.' ~. r' 1M ~,','; .ti;. .';f ,~: ~h f'p' C. ~"',',',',' ~~<\ ~~~ :,)': "I\. ( f{ i. ~ 52 ~j?d: /1 i. ~ S'T A'iE C).= ,....J(~)RTH C:.-:~RC)t_!~~i'\ DEPARTMENT OF STA TE ,'-\UO! TOR FIREMEN'S AND RESCUE SQUAD WORKER'S PENSiON FUND DIVISION 300 ..... SALISaUIIlY STREET RALP.:IGH, N. C. 21tl11 ~~UAL CERTIFICATION OF FIREMEN General Statutes, Chapter 118-23, requires that all certified fire departments certify annually to the N. C. Firemen's Pension Fund a complete roster of its qualified firemen. The following certification along with a complete roster of all active firemen* June 30 of each year must be submitted to St., Raleigh, N. C. on or before July 31. with a complete roster will result in the the N. C. Firemen's Pension Fund, 116 Failure to submit this certification loss of the death benefit provided by as of W. Jones along the State. CERTIFICATION New Hanover County Board of Commissioners (Governing Body) body of the Federa 1 Poi nt Volunteer and find that attached is a true and Federal Point Vol. Fire Department, New Hanover ,North Carolina. We, the ~n our capacity as the governlng Fire Department, certify that accurate list of all active firemen* address Wilmington, N. C. we have examined of the County of Signed Title ~ t~. ~. Ka en E. GottOV1, Chalrman February 20, 1984 Date For Fire Department Chief Only ~ /J 1 I, 7t./ '/ /, 6<.-"'" rf{~/ . , Chief of the /:i~.oF/'/iL /JTf.lr j{;i-, Fire Department, certify the~ttached roster is a true and accurate list of all eligible fire- men. (Eligible firemen are firemen who have met the required 36 hours of meetings and drills during the last calendar year (July 1 - June 30). In addition, the term "eligible firemen" shall mean those firemen who have joined the fire department 'within the calendar year and are in the process of completing the required 36 hours of meetings and drills.) / J ---/1 1/1/ \ /, 11 tJ ;(' IJ [4 l{-Y Fire Chief l~_j6-J .y. Date ROSTER MUST BE ATTACHED WITH NAHES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. "'Firemen on authorized "Leave of Absence" are to be included on the roster. \~enever a new fireman is added to the roster during the year, his or her name should be forward to the Pension fund Office irrmedi3telv. A I I • • 1 -+D- ROSTER --0- PAGE .' OF .: el a: 4. 1: 110e11(641•400 COUNTY ,r,- /.,.-,- 7- l. J A/1 L 131. / I , i * *CHIEF O CAPTAIN DAY PHONE NO. I DATE •N • — - i _ I 1. JO e.... A' 42,1::, a ,t- ,... e 4- 4- ,..1-- / - (..; I / • -. 2 ,-_, - •I ‘%' ,,. • NAME ADDRESS 1 if/ • N . 7. ed/COL.L ' 4 . /Ye': .. • 2 - do-f-lie ./ / AV' f Cd-,004. r,v4 od jir• - 3 ; 4 S.,r,ve k - : : Cr A " k • C : - - 42 1 , 0 / 4 1 . / ,, J 4 i e,Ec.,:•-• i --*.•<)/' /'-(.) 7i 7 eV . „ ..., .., 5 /Co t< 4 . 4-'.;_ LrAfr1 7: / ( x I:W.2 , 1 , •••, _ 6 ''(..(A_ t_ Fi K 1 j771/;1/ XI' /)(J tleA 1/1/ , , ■ t : '/ i 7 ,0 /..7.7-S I .tiorAS 7: 1,91:42/ ii-175— , • , , , , ie 1 ... I t 8 /3 6- 4 ..<' 7J< Y A , SO 9 felr-A"^t: i t i 77 1 - i 10 /-/(X, 74a - .T..//i cs 1:'0 .eax IS (31...-eL.r,id if.c,,A.77,4 /v(- ,a../-:4-1."- .-- ,, ,.., I 11 ■-:" 4 X' z.7- A • Co Y . "0 4 9 i ..., 12 /7 /‹. T El- - 1 -.- .12. 7- 6 ,-C 1(//<6 piffiC bi IV. (1, 13 /14-5.-v s :. F v i ,E .5. ./7 / 3 7 - ) /1;..tx - 1.. 2 /2 - N 1/i_<• my /1(. .4",/: _•,, 14 /;f (_1-:.-r-' 73-t•' i• • . 1 , ; S /.44)0e2 / p4-,.., r_. Ii *.f. ...-1y i - 15 .4 . C......r-v 17 : We.")/ 3 Cerii:V,I. 7.4 A, _2 1 , , •••, 16 go ,k/F:." c' a 7 -- / -- /c / / l:(1‹ ..?() 7 A .) . ■ , I 17 j CA/ r - /14 A 7)0 / 2/ 2 4/ ;-- 18 l.E. , J"),-/i7s* //, /i0 /: ;e: ''.5 - ,, "(2 (ftx //AI 20 it 0 A/w" veoiv4.1 e 1 1/ 4 2 ... 2 / ' ' 1 21 ./V ( /47" i b 7 K' YI--• "7 4Sx d/3 Ai r4. nzve• ..//e! , ---f ..., 1 22 /12-7 7-LE, Tkor,e/ , (,) Oak- ei‘-. .(3/7(1.74..i.-7,01 62.---,:f6, :i. 23 /7_77 rc /ti Z /.6 / 4 4 . 4.1.2_5' . /4 ., / -•` : 24 A46 /1. C rc /i4/ ,424x i 22) , , . ,, ,,. ,.... ..., 25 AEZ. /1/14' i41,1 /4/4 / &x // 7.07 / ' , , •,/ 26 <L7f,ifSii a -777i- /V 7101( 2 lei,' ...., , , , , • , 27 /e04. 7".../SrA/ f,'' ri AS „i c, A') 4' 1 7 W 28 , X o a -1-;i/J4Ar 1,9e2/74S Lie, ,4".2 If Ox 74,4/. . , , / / li 29 Sii.rP/ I 1 i - _ : k 1 a r: g r 11, i g","), /`. 7/ • . • , ' 30 -Crel .1_ ; 1:- 0- ir - (z-E / t 1, A? 4 e.),Ne" S ,, „ ,, .1 1 J ';•: 31 1 1 • 31 t, 11 33 I 1 1 11 • • I 34 li • 1 i 1 ) 1 1 i I I I A 1 I , 1 I I i 36 1 1 1 1 . T T • . , • I 1 . i i i 38 39 i :iii 40 , 1 ! 1 1 1 1 , -__ _ .?i'i. ~ g/~J-" /7 ..., ~~ ~............ ~~~................................................................................... . ~,~-,...... ~. ~I ~~, ,- , '-'J?;~ \~ J': ~;~., ~ ~ .' I~ N em ){anuuer OlulUltu if iSoarb of Q!nmmissiontrs ~roclamation 1 :1 ., :1 ~I :1 '1 :1 " :1 . WHEREAS, New Hanover County is rich in natural resources and beauty; and I ~I :1 :1 :1 :1 '1 :1 :[ : I : I :1 WHEREAS, I believe that every ci ti zen should contribute to keeping his environment clean and heal thful, should work together to preserve clean air, fresh water, and the natural beauty of his surroundings; and . . ,: I: 1:1 I: !: I ,., 1'1 ':1 I: I ,., 1'1 I' ,', II:!. " I~I ~I WHEREAS, Beautiful Is Better Week has organized a county wide effort to improve the community environment by establishing appliance pick ups, roadside clean ups, restoring beachfronts, landscaping; and WHEREAS, Beautiful Is Better Week is a public service responsible for involving individuals in community improvements, and focusing attention on the efforts of concerned citizens, NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners do hereby proclaim the month of March, 1984 as: : I :1 ,: 1 ~I . BEAUTIFUL IS BETTER MONTH . . . . . . . . . . . . .' :1 -I~ in New Hanover County and I ask all ci tizens from businesses, civic groups,' governing agencies and other organizations to work together to preserve the natural beauty 'of our County not only on Beaut~ful Is Better Month,-but throughout the year. Signed this~day of February, 1984. I .1 ~'a~ ~l. - Kaen' E. Gottovi . .... Chairman . ............a.......................................................................... . .. Ni.~ ~ ~?,JJ : , , , , , , , , 'I :1 :1 :1 'I 1;1 ;/ ;1 ,I =1 'I :1 'I I :i I: I I':, ,I 'I 'I : I " =1 1:1 ,I I~ I~I 1:1 ;\ ;1 ~I " , , , , , , , , , , :1 New JRannuer arnunty iSaarll af (!tnmmissinnerll ~roclamation WHEREAS, the nation looks to its enqineers for the application of science, skill, training and experience in meeting manyof our serious national problems; and WHEREAS, as an era of unmatched progress generates new problems for society, man's demand for an environment tailored to his needs grows ever more intense, To meet this demand will require all of the engineering talent we can possibly mobilize; and WHEREAS, we owe to the members of the engineering profession who have pioneered, developed and brought to fruition many of the vast benefits to our economic, industrial and social well-being through the protection to life, health and property, in development of agricultural, petroleum and mineral resources, ways and means of transportation, power, water, light, sanitation, and communications systems, and conservation of natural resources; and WHEREAS, it is fitting that we set aside a week of acknowledging and commemorating the important role of the Professional Engineer in American life. NOW, THEREFORE, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim the week of February 19-25, 1984 as ENGINEERS WEEK in the County of New'Hanover, North Carolina, and commend this observance to all our citizens. Signed this~~day of February, 1984. il ,I :1 , , , , , , , , 'I :, ':1 :1 :1 :1 'I ~I :1 " 'I :1 'I ,I :1 1" 1'1 :i ':1 1=1 i:/ j:1 ia! "II:! 'I ,I ,:1 I:! 1:1 1= I: I ~ 1 :1 I~I I: "I 1:1 I'i 1:1 1;1 :1 ,I :1 =1 ~I ~ ., - - t~ :1 ~ - ,=1 Karen E, Gottovi m (;)1) Chairman ~~~' ~ ~--:~\ ~ . --~ ............ ............................ ....... .... .... ..................... . ,-~, - ~ .-, Int't'oduc.ed by: G. Felix Cooper, Hanager .1, ~~,~:KL)~,!. /~ . ~ RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE SURPl.,US REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, certain parcels of real property owned wholly or jointly by New Hanove~ County and/or the City of Wilmington have been offered for sale pursuant to North Car8lina General Statute l60A-269; and ~VHEREAS, the offerors indicated on the attached list have agreed to pay the amounts indicated on the attached list for the parcel of real property shown; and WHEP,EAS, the properties are declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in ~he ~est public interest and welfare to dispose of these properties in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: l. That pursuant to NCGS 160A-269, the County Commissioners propose to accept the offers to purchase indicated on the attached list from the offerors as indicated. 2. That the County of New Hanover and/or the City of Wilmington will retain any deposit posted by the offerors when: a. the offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit; or b. the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the County of New Hanover reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 4. That the Countv of New Hanover will require the offerors to deposit five (5%) percent of the offered prices immediately following adoption of this resolution. 5. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a notice of the offers as required by NCGS l60A-269. ;(~E. ~ Chairman of the Board of Commissioners meeting , 19~. ! I ,I' I i, 'I:: I I TAX ~MAP,W~'llH~~'rl#'" , 6001-04~13-005-003.0~.~. . __ . ..! ' ADDRESS:.l ' , 808.N.. 7th !)trp..e.t. _ tEGAJ.. DESC. :-P.t. W II .BJ.k' 2821 ASSESSED VALUE: I..AND$_..L,..1.5.0 BLDGS':-: $ , -0- TOTAl,: $_1~75.o IHMBNSIONS:~.i~ill_. _ ZONING: ML..__ ACQ. COST: $. 497.)4 % C}TY :_..1.6 I __ ~ % COUNTY: _ 24 __ CITY COST: $ 378.96 BID. $........;l....D.O.Q...~_~.. _ I~ OF ASSESSEO VAl.UE: _!Jl. __ OFl;oEROR::\1 1", LIENS: TYPE: Rosa Mae Mc~;1?i:n , --__ ~ .., _,_... _.a<.. ',' I .. I "I 'BOB', IN. '6thl Street; I I "j .. I', j . \hl'. , .. . -<;t IT ,A, 1~44 t ; l.Ji~mi;ngt~ri~;~ ,:!,.~,: 2849~ " h! " .~~: '!'i:'~ t;,i'; ';-TT"'7-', :1 ~I - I"", I,' '1:1 ,,'il'I',,' ',' ! , 'I:',' I:, I :"', TOTAL : I ! ~ I ! ( \ " I' ;, I i'l t i i I I '~ "I " II, I'. .1' I . ,j ~.~-- ~. 'I , i I' I, , I' 1:, II 'I : " , 1"1, i ill , I ': I ,I " Iii , , , , " _I II " I, -0- =-:.~~~ t' ! TAX MAI) ~~UMBER:: 1600~-05406-038-008.000 ADDRESS: I l.3~L.i G~~nnl-S~reet -,--- LEGAL ASSESSED-VAJ..UE:'LAND $ 1.~856' BLoCS-:-l 12,780 DIMENSIONS: 44.5 x 82~ ZONING: C::r--- % CITY: 81~~~X coum.y': 18.1 --~ !lID: $ 2; 4QQr ' % OF ASSESSED VALUE: ! 52 OFFEROR: II' LIENS: \, , ,___ St~..E.hen M.; \Wolfson & Wife., II Susan D. Wolfson I 4613 Norwich Road DESC.: Pt E 4 & ? Bl~ TOTAL $ 4,,630 ACQ. COST: $ _'~l, 956. 5B CITY COST: $ 1, 602 ~ 38 506 TYPE: {.,Tilmingtoti, "N~, C.' 28405 ------r.-'I ,-' , , j : ~ II,' 1 TOTAL " I ! II I 1''1' . @ -0- 1 =- ~------= ' '('AX ~1AP NtJMlIER :____.._,_______..___.,.________________,__________ ADDRESS: LEGAL DESC.: ASSESSED-- VALUE :CAND - $-==--====___===-nrDGS:-$=~ DIMENSIONS: ZONING: i % CITY: % COUNTY: . BID: $ I" : % OI<' AssES'Sif5vALUE:; . OFFEROR: I l.IENS: 'fOTAL $ ACQ. COS1':$ CITY COST: $ , ,I' :1 , I, " TYPE: -----_..__._~-------"_.._-- ~~._-- . ---_._.._---------~_._...----_._- ---,-,~_.._- --.-----,-- -.------- I TOTAL I' , ; I t:{~ ~ 31-"j PI" 10 PROJECT ORDINANCE BAGGAGE CLAIM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: WHEREAS: 1. New Hanover County (County) engages in a Baggage Claim Improvements Project, which capital project involves the construction or acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said capital project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute ~159.13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159.13.2. 2. The capital project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is an improvement project of the baggage claim area, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: TOTAL $24,250 $24,250 $48,500 State Grant Transfer from Airport (Terminal) 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project is herewith made from the revenue listed above: TOTAL $42,171 $ 4,217 $ 2,112 $48,500 General Contract Professional Services Contingencies ~. T~is project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. Adopted thisqp~~ day o~'~ - 0' ,1984. 4~ ~ ~)f'r-/~ NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carol ina County of New Hanover Road Description Ulvl. rl Ie No. 493-N - Wood Ridge Rd. in Greenbriar Subdiv., Sec. 2A Div. File No.. 48~-N: Country Place Rd. in Country Place Subdivision Div. File No. 482-N: Richard Bradley Dr. & Hidden Lake Lane in Bradley Hill Subdiv. WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Hiqhways is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregolD9 rmsolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of ew anover at a meeti ng on the 28th day of February , 19 84 . WITNE ~t fficial seal this the ~ ......... ~O P, ~...~o~.~ _". _",- %\ H 'S(A '. ,.~.:. .... \ '"' \ .. ~ . \, \ I,. \....,J. ~:Z' i 1fo ,. \..0..--..::.- J. " .. .. II\IPOATS'l':PO'A a .. A_. &NOuSTR't .* .1'.0 -.0 41 .,,- ~.~~ ......... ~'t- Form ~;.!/f( c-:?iQ.)'~\ ..Il.,']QIIJ.a....... PLEASE NOTE: 20th day of February , 1984 ('/) . ~~ ~~oard of Commissioners County of New Hanover Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways , . J:;'/Jut ~,J;L) P a' I '1 ~ ' REGULAR AGENDA DATE: ~ -;t.o -<6"3 ITEM No. / .3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS ESTIHATED .UR -CONDITIOiHNG COST FY 1984-.135 Cost of AC units (4.5% tax included) $ 87,059 Cost of Electrical Wiring 72,800 Cost of Installation 22,600 Cost of Planning 6,000 TOTAL $'188,459 CONTENGENCY 10% 18,846 TOTAL $ 207,305 Additional units to replace existing worn out units 15 @ $480 each (4.5% tax included) 7,524 GRAND TOTAL $ 214,829 ~,~ ESTIl-'lATE AIR CONDITIONING NEW HANOVER HIGH SCHOOL Cost Ae units (60 units) $ Tax 28,080 1 ,264 24,000 6,000 1 ,500 60,844 6,084 Electrical @ $400 per unit (60 units) Installation @ $100 per unit (60 units) Planning TOTAL $ 10% CONTENGENCY GRAND TOTAL $ 66,928 WILLISTON JUNIOR HIGH Cost AC units (46 units) Tax $ 20,490 922 18,400 4,600 '1,500 $ 45,912 4,.591 Electrical @ $400 per unit (46 units) Installation @ $100 oer unit (46 units) Planning TOT.l\.L 1 O/~ CONTENGENCY GRAND TOTAL $ 50,503 GREGORY ELEMENTARY Cost AC units ( 32 units) Tax $ 14,880 670 12,800 3,200 1,500 Electrical @ $400.per unit (32 units) Installation @ $100 per unit (32 units) Planning TOTAL $ 33,050 10% CONTENGENCY 3,305 GRAND TOTAL $ 36,355 ROLAND GRISE JUNIOR HIGH Cost AC units (44 units) $ 19,860 Tax 894 Electrical @ $400 per unit (44 units) 17,600 Installation @ $200 per unit (44 units) 8,800 Planning 1 ,500 ." TOTAL $ 48,654 10% CONTENGENCY 4,865 GRAND TOTAL $ 53,519 (p 7---' -- cosr ------.-.. LIt-- . ~~._-,- -~) (() ,/(,.t) -.......:..-.- t.) c::. D l' I _, ~l (", ,') "t. \, ,.' _ t.l S (J .._..-.l....__.__ t I [, J I , t.. 1./ I, (. l fc ,) , I \.,. --~.~ //"/,/) l../ \;...- \-..- I .- (-. .' '- / t ('j _ii-Lc. l j \ , . , , l/\'O ./;' ( /,.) I \ ~" --~- t/r:r) --2_!l_~. J ./. ,. ,.../, '.' ------:....~- lie,,') _L...-J.L..::......_ --- .' i I-'~' /) :' [,. L (/(~ " ,) .. L/fC' , LI(~,'.i " ~.~. _ t , , .15....])_ Y C(-(J _ ,'+. :J "I 0 ,~:r"1 ~1 .-. :.:1 (~ -..";,7'b ?->-I ~.~ 2,'../.-' (}"'r( U -:?-'-I c.r ,;;"D ',;Z Y c:r"ro ? t/ ()':/-'l) ? i' ,-~- c)'c't.,) tJ,<-j n-- oD "'l' ..../ d ()- () C>I- I -;:,1 ../ ,) "d" J ( /) 1_' (.--.-.;, ,::, (,.'7.' or J' ~#.f .~.J,'<"""f' (.~,' .,: (~.~) ..... ' d-- Lj O'v" D fr) "/ cr.:> (.) "i_4..-( d"~)'() , ' r;L t{ cr-v--o or.! ( ......'..:) 2, ...., tJ ,-,J "~ ~~ A WiN~OW_QN .... j (-/ .""" :::.,.....(.) t~- I v -'!1,~1 0- 'c.l-'Z) "'2., '.../ 6t7"" () f d (..( C,I-t'> , l J 3 (r:; crt,--. 0 '"2., t./ (J""~-Q COMMENTS: ANP .& ~G. /(P I (4' 1~ 1(P I . I (() ./ L:'; ~ & -I.W- 1 G;; / .- ... l:-:, 7(; I (? /G /& ) ~ I ~ !J::L ll? / C:::> '/ (~ -:JI; !G, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS ')....- # -- -=---+-- - - --, --- --~/ Outlets CF -, SF ~ \ Subject rr:::/.D ~ 19 m /}.- I r..!f} I PANet Spec. Ed. , H"Pl~ Ee. 1-1- f) m E Ec:.. P~>ic.s , Phbf-o L4b. Spec. Ed. ., Sc...ieAlce. Sc ,'e A/C:e.. S e J' e Ale e- St:. i e /J C e.- m Dr), EN1h:$.4 MHTh EIV~/".s.l EIVGI/Sh fYJ~TJa _E rJ C; ','s Js L ~TI'N EAlt} liS' Sre.c,. Eel. Spec. eel. Sc. a e t\J Co e.. Sc ieNce. _ ) ()" J . ~.I., \)1. .uo T ~.~ l:~,GOU'uo 1- 3 I l~ 2 lJ . U U + 2 ~3 080.00 * 'l:Tf JONES NUN lifE€" /YJ 0 IZ ~ is me IIff"'Re B~UN ies - l3RvNd' es Dllw.k.;NS Tu#/e... At It Vi) , STt)lL r \ J?() lu 'Iff.s t> N Pu~die. WEEkS Edwo..Y'J.s t; IJ- R. Ale If. EPle~sDIII is at.. ..J...o' N ~ L e w,' S Mof:.~."so N S 1<.; PPEJe Wlf-DE Need h (:)..m ILtti!N eR ~) ~\ \\ 003 1l~ 11'1 J 2. 2., /09 /10 1/2. , J tf , " ~/() '/{/z ~/4 ;1.. IE' ~ 09 ':</1 ':<13 ;tIt} ::lIS 30q 3 >> J 3.3 31S :3'7 3,Q ~ 318 ';. ", ;, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS H/~h 1V~w )} 11-1/ J Y'E"1l NAME Or SCHOOL '" " ..,.. ... - ~ Room # Teacher Subject SF CF # Outlets . AMP COMMENTS' ..' _ c.~r / ------- .3 ;In We."JIVe..,. S#e.~. e-J ~ I(t) ;:), c..j ty--tr 0 LI r'- J .- '~'" --- 3/2, IF7Te to ~,., {JeYnl19-N /ss IG: ' ')-<f O-':>'~"'3' " ~'(?() t!. IUl.de If. . l-/ C;'tJ - 3/0 S.dAAI,'S h /(p ;::.i-y c)-~'6 . - ~i 2. Z 1<.8r"ItI,t!S .sA II-N"~ h ' 'I to? ~~ O'.q-'O '/rd L)OJ 13 KiA/Sl># .. /~ '2- '-i crrtJ t/0(j ,-- Ai'l.l -- Lj(J2.. R,J, ode .s S~C. ,sr--d,"e..s 0 10., : ""., c./ d-o"() ~/.,,:) - , ~ " "'c' - '--- 'Ire, 2_i/ o-tr'() L/~--' J.J /) 1J. ~. 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Bn-ss 'PI: /G,. ~J-- '-I . ex cre':) 1...1 (>0 , I) S-o!i #u NN ,'C tJ f-}- rv p,""'C, 1,... :;)..<.0. -::; 6 o"o--b ") \-'u Sf)' CnlloPRESo ,,, ;), )~ ~/ (j-lJD r,.Il-~ e. ) E N&"I/.s ~. ,;' - I" " . ') ") "-)-u 5"07 13eeke~ Tv t:;?;N G "t,.. ::LC:, 00;;:..;.. G .;:.1', ~ ' ( '.' ,,, '-I r;--O - s-"a Si"d... 4K.. tJ1 ~TJ, Ie, ;'l.. t../ a-o--(J SJO c../IJ~Y /nerh IL ::t ~ trt'--() 4 V() --- 509 Wi J},;nms TvpiNG ...." ~ ~1 r..... ~6 J- ,;;' -() '/ (, -'c) - ' 512 VudLcv # , , -2.- :L.G o.t>' c..) .--) <'~.~O A-rr.. ..T"^, t;. -~ -~~ r::'" . , - .' ; ,} j CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS I I , - c.. 0..... T -- 'j ~',' . .,',) ~-- tj <2v _ (/y.O '-1(> ") , c.. .,.- -- - ...--. J. -::~ (:/ .r.y() r-} ,,-0 _. iI/J~s I :1 J'lI"N~14l r}",:h ~el!J Rejb-O; J.l-II-$ W/lt/J, w LlN,'1- ~- ___ w;,.,dow IJ,..,:J-. ~ _ __...__ fht;-.s W"',,., '/1- - _'_ f/-t::1-s hI/'N./O W . U AJ,' f- -, ....,. ~S" w/<<dow JlAJil- -___ J/A-S W,'NdotAJ PAl,"'; ..-' .____ J-h1-5 J../,';./ cI b W l.l N I '.J... , -=-____... ---.-. .----.- --, .--'- ~--~ -_.._.~ _..._~- .---.-"-- --- " ,/ '1/\ rl.1 COMMENTS '1 L/ ct~-O "2-,7' t)-<J"iJ 't 'i a-v'- .~ "-'I ovoi"() AMP Iv "& ~ / (~ # Outlets , I j I d' C. :2- Jlf1:.P.l . NM1E Room # Teacher Subject .so 1/13 RB KIL :::1 t.m 01 :z; 1/3 ~I 17 ~I ::01 ;-1 :<.,tJ >-j, tI1, 2' tnl tTJ ZZ ' /IIe.Jt 13,' le,. ~ S/A--- ~ !ls- Y''("'ett 1:J~ tr+-7 ,. N G >-j, k . s,L,,-,.; /~ Chem ts rlt ~, ~3 HI ~ c:ll WatJd -- E/e l':~.D ',v,-c.s 81 g -..' ..s., - - ZJ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - , - CF . SF I l J I' I , TS NEEDS I, WVEl1E NG AIR CONDITION! p I' 1 L CAPITA * o ~ - 'J .:..: r ~ 1 r) t to ,),,) I ) C ! Subject -.-'!ia Center + + :/< uo Uu I. o o 90 GO ~ h 20 1 002 <! os. r COMl1ENTS /' l~lJ___ if ,t) ~- r/ / "() __ l/(~__ /) ..i.._.l.....-__ ( /. (/ ( .' I "j l ...' "I ~~~._--_.. t/ r'-' 'r \,/( ) t ..__ , '~/ t .J..~,_, {,r- (1 .) .::.J. (I' ;; o 'w i^J J "') 5-,; o-cr- .2!:io-C' (.) :1..0- o ?,'-/ .;~, ( ::i ,L I .:!-!' , :.-: . 1-) .J., '--I c: " -:J <;/ d' ,;' - . ;J.l.../ ~-i)' ~, '1_'" ., II L_~2__,...._ ( , 'r I \:~_..____, (/'" ,--') ~,- I./~::'..~ (' '- l/ </( (~I ~- I/~' --- "'! ' ....: {( ( _'_h_.__ t. ,. ~) -,~. AMP 5t.- ~ ~ 1(::" b ! L:> 1& & Lk ~ ~ il.. I~ It.. It,. If... It.. Outlets "/ # CF SF \~~ L J L L L L L -L -L , I .-.. Occ Occ t L 1 \ -- I t:J o :z; 01 ~ :E:I ::0 H .-J: tr1 tJ1 I~r: o z 8 81 r' ~ Children Ind Env Excep. LA/SS Science Drama French Spanish Health McCarty Bellamy Lyons/Evans ~~....... 1-3A 2A 4A Reid Trowbridge Rawls Woodhouse Hungerman 5A 6A 7A SA 9A lOA LA/SS VanDeBerg Small ..' D A 11 Children Math LA Excep. English ISSP LA Franks Granger Mansf1eld Colvin Batten 2A 02 03 01 04 Walker 05 06 ;) , ( I ~i ,- ~'j (,.) (j',.7-0 '_'') I, ~..;:.' ~I '"', .; v :) ,. I' Ur.. ..:':2C. ~} j) ~~ (, ~-,-- 'I (() ,__ U.d) \,',,: ~} ---~._-- <() - )0: --, 'I d I r_ " It I (". 0L LL 1.1tz If.,. I '1/ Ec SS Home Music Murray Porter LAB I Outlaw Jones 07 09 Art LA/Pubs SS Newton Jacobs 111 114 Health Ahmad 7 11 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ... "! AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS Williston NAME OF SCHOOL " . --, cot>> r ( I ~; 0 -=~___ (...ft-u " COMMENTS () 6'( cf --;,.1/ 0;, 'f ! tf~o,__ i~t!______, ((f() ___.,__ . tl" ~/.,,:-i, __ Lie;-') -~,-----._- t('~l'-,:,__._.._ L<'L.L~_____,_ :...../ ~, ;1 .____. L/{' -) ~I- (;:.:) .....J:-.___.. (/ c) G e c:J";' () -) 'f if (J 0 ?:7 ,,-::rro C7- V crrr() ~ / /1-'-'," i) 'I v'" ?...I .:.."c/ -- ,) ?-- -- -i ()-..~-[) ?, J. C.J-~'.) ~-;-:u ;2-'--/ ~'V ?-~ c>-o'b ~ / ," o. AMP u ~ If.-, I G, If..( 1(, E IL- if ~ /G. J~ ~~ Outlets # CF SF Subject Teacher # Room I Math/Science Dixon 201 I I I I ~ 81- z q >--3' ~1 ~ >--3' ~ trl >-< o z; o >--31 ;.c; H en! B In C' z Science Math Math/Science SS Math Math Math A dninis tratim/SOC '"' co ro. Science SS Science LA/SS Bil isoly Hunter Knoll /Lyons t"l' , J. Small Sparrow Bethea Johnson Ward Owen Messick ~ Fipps Brice 202 209 210 211 212 Suite rI.r"i"'_' 203 204 205 206 207 208 - .- ~ -j -- .tl.....__ '-L T I "L.. J Ofqce Stitt ~ ~. Nurse A^ ----- ..~ -~ --:::0 ---..-.-..- ~ ~). (.J --.-,.....--.. "7. ?::J ,..) --~---'.~ --, 1'\11 riA o'-o--t..) d'-<::~--O C~- ~1---0 :.1 -- Co) 6 f:l. tL- 1-')., ..-' "L 2- ?- I I I 1 J I 'lef" . Guidance Office Adninistratim 'l:'T'"'::5" Williams Evans/Durant Williams J A.B Chnselor Main Office PriDcipal's OffIce 1 . I STUDENT AUDITORIUM I LOBBY t , , 't.'l 11'- I .:==- ~I I 5f7;.~€ , Alt)' I ~ 111 114 -7 t 1\. ,/ -r'" ...././ 2A )- /' -, ..J -~ 4A 6A SA 1-}A 5A 7A t' CAFErERIA .-.-} l 10A LIBRARY 9A ) 107 r 210 20S 206 20-4 212 202 I ') 211 209 207 205 203 201 ' I I --~ 09 1 '----7l ... r--? , ~ .11 " FLOOR PLAN AND FIRE DRILL CHART SHOWERS GYMNASIUM SHOWERS '\ \ r- 6kk ~OC;/II ,y BAND 'V 1-7 ~ -) ~ "> ~ /AssJi ::' p ~ BOILER ~ t~ 108 106 P . .:) " 104 102 ROOf/! :. If I'J. . .... founsi HOr-IE EC. Prine ffice f-t~ 105 103 101 LAB , '-~ I ~ _/ '.-) I I ~ I I _ ~- '-7 ~~ ~ ~~. \<. v v L Tc-=--;-- , C 1.-, $(2_ (/le c) _ -1-. f:-.,.:;-: ~ <' --., L/ [,/) I c'" LI f t,~=~ J{/0 - . , -~-- d ( j) -~t~:;-; r 1". l.. " _. (/ o" . ~ " ,,-,-!.::.- LfC:o 4 C(?__ 'iC'; '. r,... ~..- 1- L/Vj _l~';Cj..~i ~--,- t" /-r', ---j.----!._- t! i{ tJ L//' / \ I ) -ll~ l (,' :,,--'':' I \( ....- t./ (.,.~ , c. t( .-:,) '{ ~- , _-1[0 Vfo- QfO -; // ~ 3V COlvjMENTS~ /' ~ -7lJ'-'" 0 II II !J I, , , - 'I - t, - , . - II - I , 1\ - I, .1J 1\ - I, - I, , \ - I , - II - I. I, CAPITAL Hl!'/lOVEf.1ErrrS . -~ AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS . ~ /.' 'd}/<~" O. * - ,., t IV6!r\/ ,\ .: - . '" I D 12,000.00 1- ---SUbject fSF -cr - AMP 2,880.00 1- N Outlets ~ - - - 002 1/1,880.00 * ./~ - ECIA il(" , " ~~t \ ECIA - " ~ ,~~ - -Li..:.. . Ie. D. J - ~ .....t '~'''.,~.''t.I'';..!''';'~' "-:::lst - -I-f..:- --... 'EVERS 1st ~ '() - - 7 JACKSON K /?- - -- 8 R L1\CK 1st I, -- - .Li:::. 10 TUNSTALL K I ,.' -- - ..L.f: /. 12 & 14 1-IORf{ IS K - ~ 16 J Om!'5 ON 1st ~ - ---.- 20 , 3rd Ie, HCCfj'.N - - 21 IlAhY-INS 2nd J . - - - .:J.L 22 FITZGE~ALD 3rd 0 Jk 0' - r - -- .~ 23 BAYZLE Guidance CI 11L - . - :s: - I 24 SlIITH 3rd ../.-k. ;.~ ... - - 25 GA ITI1ER 2nd ~ - - - : 26 WdlLER Ie" C.C. - - - 27 FOGLE 2nd , lL. ;.. - -- 28 cloub e JESSUP 6th L( - - - -. - 29 flARHIS 3rd L~ - . - - - 30 HOLSTON 5th li - . - - 31 RAGIN 5th 1& - - . - - 32 FLAOD 5th !..f - , - - - - 33 ANDREWS 5th _L/~ COMMENTS 8,<( ~, 41 '1:. TV tf ~i') _= ..) I If (fr,..,*) 'i" l " i- L . (,) i(J " ~()-"- I, L( , /" ( r,.J 1 y ~'U 1/' -, :?-' Lj ,,-e"'6 L/- C c) _> I - - . -.- - ---_. \ --, ----- __4~'_._ . -____~4..__.~.__ ---.--.-.. ---- --.-- -- --_. --- --, - -,...,..,. -,. ^ I - - ,- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS , AIR CONDITIONING NEEDS - GREGORY -&&I. - NAME OF SCHOOL - - /SF if Outlets . AMP Room if Teacher Subject. CF - - - - - - - 34 HOLMES 4th - - - 35 BRYANT 6th - - - - - 36 SHIELDS 4th - - - - - 37 HANN 6th - - - 38 NEtn,/'.ND 6th - - - -rL ROUSH - 4th -- - ANKEX - JON~S - _EC IA - - :::;' - - - - :01 - - H - - - - - - ~I trJ - - - - - tTJl - - >-< , OJ \ z, - - - - - 0 - - - - >--:3, - ;,.,.;: - HI - - - - - ~ - - - - - - 81 - r: - - - - ~I ---. - - - - - - - - ,"- - - - - - - - - - - - ," - - - - - - - - - - - - , ,:'j -, -- ,: '. ;!/ t~" r,~:,~,' .....1..,..'.. , ,.,' ....: ...--1.:.... ,< ~;:~ ,:~:'. ':?;~,~\'~li.,_}7,~}~,:::~;~iJ ,.." 1'/:--"'- ' · ",-, , " ' ' ( .;Y_l' ~,/,:-'~;:<.~"::~ '..;.>:~:.',:~~J>~:;;:~:1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AIR.CONDITIONING NEEDS ".1 " , !' , }i,':' , . .~...- ;.....,. " t-) ~ f ;; :'~.'-,~ ,~ : . " t-}:~: '/ (J . U U 'T 20-60+ 90 60 * ~ -- ;; /, "":,.; t \ <" '. . ,,, , r:J.- t..., '0 0 2:.;~~ . ! () ~(p : pY (\ f \~ j'r ,'yJ<y-, ~\ ~~o<;'" ... " . "':7. .::"",--:,,:~":i.~~~~>~>;;/: ,,~'~.' :' " )';:: ':..-:; :~;: ;;>/ ii,,! ..' . ,~;,,'l~ ,. SUbject SF CF # Outlets ~M! . . COMMENT)/ ~, Co," - ;,t;,., ", " .".,....,..;;.:., .,,;ir ~L..- . ;.,',.', ':" "'~ - . '-J ' .. ::. "",' " ("lath:' ,." r.. -';;,d-(erD(j_H..-;,-;, 'V~CJ ' " -,' -' , - y,r, 2 Pickett Horne Ec,Occup; .,;;;(p ?)~/'T~ '".,:,\~.<. ' ry ~--O ~:"., 3 Rhodes For.Lang, Soc Stu I J (~ -1-4 ~ -;J 0::6- :;,; 4 Schoew Drama, Art-Mus ',i--, ?- (.. ?;-; .rrlJ\ '7 ~-o _~~ 5 Kimbrough Science 1 / (, ..:'.2_ )Lerro J L C~) ~ ~) u - 6A Pate Science ~ I J (" -L <../ crcrr) '-.L .f1i-.. 68 Hal vorson Math,. Science ~ I / L, ~ d ~O C/ y"-() 7 Herring Science, ~ J I ~ .,~..,t LT.:7'1; (J (/() .----- 8 Stout Science t;5 / I r.o '2~' o--.::r.0Zi ~.V..._ 9 Carroll Science fg / I <-0 ?_~ n-i'J 4 . I / r;':,t) 1 0 Duc~arrne Science ~I / ~ ~ b-a-"() Lie?) - 11 Reid LA-SS I ~ I' J ( " "'"l.. Y I O--r-c) L,/ (~>O ;J.; 12 Crutchfield LA. Publication~ . 13 Wilkie Ma,th, 8 J J (. "'Z-f ~. W~() _ 14 E Whitted LA'-SS ~ J J ~ ""',k;"/ (r~--V ~I <?O 15 L Whitted SS L J / (,. ~.C/ ~tr/) t.j C;'O 16 Myers Math --/ ) L;,.. ,.; 4../ C!-~ <-; c<~() --=~ :;. 17 Willis LA J '! L, '"7 "~. ~a '-1(/1) ,,18 Williams Math ) I t...."2-.!.t ~,~ ~./J(>z.) ;: 19 Howey Eng (/ J G ""1..~/ 0'.,.;.....,6 l/c/o - 20 Smith' bor. Lang, Eng ') I 40 '1..,1./ O"(Y'--O (/ (7 () 21 Hadnott LA I , /0 "'-L.-'5/ cr-rC) (;, ((-'0 22 Gonzalez LA / / (A ' ,..; "2...,1/ ~ L( ~J ,,23 North Eng , - I / ~ ','; ;--:".~.;2,y 0',,4--6 Y;V."U - 24 ' , / ' f/ L7~' . '-. . Paterson . ',:,:, ' LA-SS E''.';'' , _. ; : I. J I .. ~_ ;,' :;. -<;'/ (j~-() ;;.:;.' . <. [) . J':" '11 ~... . .'.:. . ~.'" , .~ , lP. '..';.:;f'-~~ ~Y', .___' '~:~;",::. '; ~ I ~~~ ;~l :r.~ J3i!9 " '.~ -, IMPROVEMENTS i54:';" CAPITAL ~:. ..'~~".~,~ - l. . .;;~ ;AIR . ~':;-J.,. ~i~~f~:'~ ~: :':'\;."~' '. :~X~~'~:' . ,.... .'.. t> . .-1..... . "."".' ~~~'J ,J; }j " '. I, CONDITIONING NEEDS " MI-: OF SCHOOL ,F/" . " ./ Hoom If " Teacher Subject . # Outlets- AMP COMMENTS - SF CF c:.o Sl '; 25 Halterman SS I I~ '.,.. i cr-~'l) . 4.1(;0 26 McLaurin SS (y 1>1- t:J-r6 1/(-("; '~~ . , I ~:: 27 Layton Math , liJ 1.,t./ r)-tY1; .Ji(~ , 28 Laughter Math , /b ?~ .1-"'0 if (;(J 29 Norris SS, I ( l" ?--c/ O'F'() t{ v1 30 Bran Chorus, Musk 0 "1- j",", --3. C, (Joe') 7 ~'")J '" -- 31 Rogers Art 0 ~), 1.. ((t ~~ a~ q c.::'''O >-l 32 Holden Occupations ~ I I~ :otJ-...-f 6 0 3 (./.(0 ::0 33 Norvell In-School Suso. >---l I I~ ~I.,,;-/ ();:D (-I<; t) tTl 'M- . 34 HanKIns Uccupatlons tTl \ 0 I /C. ~/ trrO 4~__ 35 I I owari:l PE Classroom "'-- 36 Tuttle PE ClassroctT! >--1 I /(p --:1..'..( rr~ i I~,._ .... Cf'~,c..../ (JT"O 7;b~ ibrarv Roop H I /f., en ld Bldp.; Pope & Orchestra n "#-2-- "'},s... 4!f'~ t;.. a-''1) 0 .~ ,... ')<"'(.) Morgan Band :s: i-)..- t.1..t ~..J c.. ..TV :<:, I---J ---'- J.' '.~"rl ",,' L'lf'to::>n ~ ,'---- .. l!i t3'(~(1 . - - 'i , .,1..... " ";,'.' , ::", ,.,.,,6". <~;.>.;,. .,.::'"." ,:,'., , :.: ,;:~.:,.,,,-, ,,:',,:,';:"~':" I : " " ' , .' ,',:"': """''; ,',e 1 , ' ROLAND-GRISE ...~- C :: ,.~) '"'" --" 4~~TI (Jd" /{ ~~~~.(::~~~I. ~lGEI\[Dl\ :~/,-~"s:c2i~()![~~ ~ -- 7.'. .,. .. _A ,-/~ .. .~':.L it 1. <~.~",,"..._A_~ HEMORANDUM TO: Mr. G. ~elix Cooper County Manager Roland G. Registef/J~~ Tax Administrator~ c' FROH: SUBJECT: Release of Taxes Barred by G.S. 105-378 DATE: February 13, 1984 As the above referenced statute does not allow force collection of any taxes after ten years from the date due, we should request the following 1973 charges be released: New Hanover County City of Wilmington Wrightsville Beach Carolina Beach Kure Beach $28,827.89 22,956.81 651.16 1,113.69 319.22 A list of the individual accounts is available for your review if you desire. A total of 29 accounts amount to $100.00 or more. Please request this item be placed on the Consent Agenda for the County Commissioner's meeting on February 20, 1984, as the Commissioners have approved these releases in the past. RGR: sw Copy: R. Pope ../(. Smith /with attachment P. Raynor / with attachment A. Atkinson D. Harrell R. McLean H. Perry F. Jones Attachment r:'l.....; -! Accounts over $100.00 1. Associated Transport, Inc. $284.69 State Appraised Property - Billed 10/1/80 - notice returned undeliverable. No 1983 bill. 2. Azalea 66 Service Center - $109.70 Out of business note on file. No 1983 bill. 3. B & H Utilities - $128.20 Out of business note on file. No 1983 bill. 4. Allen J. Blake - $107.59 Note on file - "Hoved out of state". No 1983 bill. 5. Gary Boetsch - $102.34 Mailed returned undeliverable. No 1983 bill. 6. Coastal Datsun - $3,670.69 Levy issued in 1974 - Stopped because of bankruptcy. Out of business. No 1983 bill. 7. Eugene B. Davis, Sr. - $101.59 Billed 12/7 /77 8. Augus~ Frill - $115.76 Billed 12/23/74 - mail returned undeliverable. No 1983 bill. 9. John Gertz - $112.83 10. Karen Dew Hall - 5115.95 Billed 1/19/78. No 1983 bill. 11. William C. Hall - $128.27 Deceased 2/79 12. Rod Hand - $117.98. No 1983 bill. 13. Joe Helton - $115.89 Billed 1/26/78. No 1983 bill. 14. Hooks Salvage Co. - $653.94 Levied 10/19/74 - Levy returned by Sheriff's Department - no property to levy on. No 1983 bill. Out of business. 15. Mark Hufham - $105.37 Billed 11/30/77. No 1983 bill. 16. Roger Hufham - $133.72 Billed 11/30/77. No 1983 bill. 17. Kershaws Book & Bible - $161.64 Note on file - "out of business in 1974". No 1983 bill. ",-" '." ".' ')~ '- I . 28. 29. 18. Lee's Cycle Service - $344.57 Billed 10/74. Returned undeliverable. No 1983 bill. 19. Norma Litchfield - $104.57 Billed 2/16/78. No 1983 bill. ,-', e-,' 20. Charles E. Marshburn - $136.21 Billed 3/24/78. No 1983 bill. ......! 21. McDuffie's Landscaping - $377.66 Out of business. No 1983 bill. 22. Nathaniel V. Quick - $171.25 Billed 2/78. No 1983 bill. 23. Rebecca Rivenbark - $107.03 Billed 3/78. No 1983 bill. 24. Roderick Lane Millwork, Inc. - $155.92 Billed 10/17/74. No 1983 bill. 25. James Clayton Steele - $119.82 Billed 11/4/80. No 1983 bill. ') ~ ,-0. Stoney Creek Knitting Mills - 8124.74 Out of business in New Hanover County - certified to Rocky Mt. 10/31/77. Not collected. No 1983 bill. Sunshine Laundry & Cleaners - $755.18 Business changed ownership - could not collect per note on file. No 1983 bill. Wallace Thoman - $139.89 No 1983 bill. Ira Westbrook - $104.10 Billed 4/3/78. if iJd;t ~ y;i:--; fJ7 ~ Ie; .~ Introduced by: G. Felix Cooper, iliunty Manager Date 19 RESOLUTION APPROVING PRIVATE SALE OF TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington have received a request for private sale of property located at 1105 North Sixth Street acquired by New Hanover County and the City of Wilmington at a tax foreclosure sale conducted on August 17, 1981; and WHEREAS, Johnnie Johnson and Lena Johnson, et ai, are named as judgement debtors at the time of the tax foreclosure sale; and WHEREAS, Rose Marie Johnson Baptist has submitted constructive evidence of an interest in the property as the sole surviving heir to Johnnie Johnson and Lena Johnson and has submitted a deposit sufficient to warrant her request for private sale pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 105-376(c); and WHEREAS, an error evident in the records of the New Hanover County Tax Office lists the address for the property subject of the tax foreclosure and this resolu- tion as 1103 North Sixth Street; and WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington pursuant to its Minimum Housing Code Enforce- ment Program and on the assumption of ownership identified the structure located at 1103 North Sixth Street as substandard and authorized its demolition on December 14, 1982 and secured New Hanover County's authorization for demolition on December 16, 1982; and WHEREAS, Rose Marie Johnson Baptist, as sole survlvlng heir to Johnnie Johnson and Lena Johnson, owned the structure at 1103 North Sixth Street at the time that the structure was demolished; and WHEREAS, Rose Ma);ie Johnson Baptist, as sole survlvlng heir to Johnnie Johnson and Lena Jqhnson has agreed as a condition of this request to execute a release and indemnification agreement simultaneous with delivery of a deed pursuant to approval of this request, to save and hold the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County, their agent or employees, harmless from any claims or damages of any kind whatsoever as a result of the demolition of the structure located at 1103 North Sixth Street. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the parcel or tract of land identified below located at 1105 North Sixth Street be and the same is hereby resold to Rose Marie Johnson Baptist as sole surviving heir of Johnnie Johnson and Lena Johnson, et al., as identified on attached Exhibit "A". 2. That the purchase price be paid by Rase Marie Johnson Baptist as sole surviving heir to Johnnie Johnson and Lena Johnson is $495.30. .:,.' 3. That the County Attorney be and is hereby authorized to prepare a quitclaim deed to convey any and all interest the City of Wilmington and New Hanover County may have in the property identified above to Rose Marie Johnson Baptist as sole surviving heir of Johnnie Johnson and Lena Johnson. 4. That the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be and is hereby authorized to execute a quitclaim deed to convey any and all interest New Hanover County may have in the property identified above located at 1105 North Sixth Street. chi~. ~~a~'SSiOnerS AdOP~~.'" , ' on - '020 meeting , 19d' f-. ATTEST: ~v~ Cou y Clerk , ~ - 2 ,- 0' EXHIBIT "A" BEGINNING in the western line of Sixth Street, at a point sixty-seven feet, six inches (67' 6") northwardly from its intersection with tpe northern line of Swann Street running thence northwardly along said western line of Sixth Street, twenty-two (22) feet six (6) inches; thence westwardly, parallel with Swann Street, seventy-five (75) feet; thence southwardly and parallel with Sixth Street, twenty-two (22) feet, and six (6) inches; thence eastwardly, parallel with Swann Street, seventy-five (75) feet to the beginning; being a part of Lot 4, Block 324, according to the official plan of the City of Wilmingto'n, N. C. Map No. being 6001~04809-020-014.000 ~' /" -\. , I ! I t ~ ~ t " '. . . v_ .J . d ..f- ,// _ _.BJ -rr7 rf -~ ~~/PJ' I~ ~1rn HANOVER COUNTY DISASTER HELIEF AND l'-.sSISTANCE PIAN ANtlEX A - CIVIL PREPAREDNESS ORDINANCE AND AGREEl1ENT APPENDIX 1 - HUTUAL AID AGREEMENT NORm CAROLINA '" j' , COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER THIS AGRF>>lENr, made this 4<1A:.way of ~ ~/ , 198 ,/, by and between the follc:wing parties: the County of New Hanover, the City of Wiilllington, the Town of C.-arolina Beach, the Town of Kure Beach and the Town of Wrightsville Beach, all being political subdivisions of the State of North Carolina. ~oIJ I T N E SSE T H: \^1HEREAS, a disaster is an occurrence or imninent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury or loss of life or property resulting fran any natural or nan-made accident, military or paramilitary cause; WHEREAS, each party desires to provide its residents all possible assistance in and protection from disaster; and w11ERFAS, each party can provide the other mutual aid in tine of disaster since they are geographically adjacent; NCW THEREFORE, pursuant to G.S. 166A-I0 and other applicable laws the parties agree as follows: 1. That should any party require the aid of the other, because of local state of errergency or disaster the local Civil Preparedness Coordinator (or other authorized official) of party requiring aid shall IMke a request for aid to the local Civil Preparedness Coordinator (or other authorized official) of the other party to this agreement. 2. That each party hereby authorizes and grants to its awn local Civil Preparedness Coordinator (or other authorized official), the A-l-l Of I- :: ~ Hutual l\ic Agreement - Page 2 authority to give to, use and e.xpend for the benefit of the other party to this agreerrent all available resources needed to assist the requesting party in providing reasonable and adequate protection for the residents of the requesting party. 3. That the party who is requested to extend aid nay wi thhold resources necessary to provide reasonable and adequate protection for its carrnunity; 4. That, 'lIDless otherwise specified, the Civil Preparedness (Disaster Preparedness) forces of the party extending aid will continue to operate under the ccmnand and control of their own leaders but those units actual I y rendering the requested aid will carre 'lIDder the operational control of the Civil Preparedness (Disaster Preparedness) authorities of the party receiving aid; 5. That the requesting party will provide for the physical needs of those volunteers and personnel of the party extending; 6. That the party receiving aid will pay to the party extending aid all costs and expenses which the party extending aid incurred by reason of extending aid. 7. That the party receiving aid will indemnify, save, defend and hold hamless the party extending aid fran any action or suit arising out of supplying or extending such aid; 8. Each party to this agreement shall provide workers compensation insurance coverage to the extent required by State law. parties have set their hands and seals as of NEW HNDVER mUNTY BY' Iiit-'~ f /J.~ C DtBn, Board of County (SEAL ) Comnissioners A-1-2 ,) t'lutual. Aid i\greerrent - Page 3 ~;ASf /3 M { tA:tv(JH1 ~ County Attorney ATI'EST /1 . ,-/1 .. (}4!/ t( lli(<;ji~,e'jj City Clerk j ~~~~p~Q City Attorney ATI'EST Clerk to the Eoard APPROVED 1;5 TO FORM: Town Attorney ATI'EST Clerk to the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney ATI'EST Clerk to the Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: Town Attorney A-1-3 CITY OF WgI.~~/g"_~_.J.>' h/O..~ ....-=:, . /'.:;/ "'/':.// ./ 1 -:'; ___/ BY. /,;/' ./ -- / /" ., ~ ,... ~Mayor .~ 'I'a'JN OF CAROLINA BEACH BY: t1ayor TOWN OF KURE BEACH BY: Hayor 'roVN OF VffiIGHTSVIILE BEACH BY: ~1ayor