1984-03-26 RM Exhibits -' ~-tM ~ ~).f>3,;;.1 .' . , ::..' ....".:. GRAJ.'iT AGREfu'1E'iT J STATE AID TO AIRPORTS B ETWE&'i THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, &'i AGENCY OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND AIRPORT: New Hanover County WORK ORDER NO: 9.9325101 New Hanover County This Agreement made and entered into this the ___ day of _~ __ 19 t by and between the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an Agency of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter refer.red to as "Department") and NEW HANOVER COUNTY (hereinafter referred to as "Sponsor"). WIT N E SSE T H WHEREAS , , Chapter 63 of the North Carolina General Stat,~tes authorizes the Departm~t, limitations and conditions stated therein, to>i<iprovide State Aid in the subject to the form of loans and grants to cities, counties, and public airport authorities of North Carolina for the purpose of planning, acquiring, and improving municipal, county, and other publicly-owned or publicly-controlled airport facilities, and to authorize related programs of aviation safety, education, promotion and long-range planning; and WHEREAS, the Sponsor has made a formal application dated the 29th day ,of \ February " , 19 84 , to the Department for State Financial Aid for the New Hanover County Airport; and WHEREAS, a grant in the amount of $ 11,500 has been approved subject to the conditions and limitations herein; and WHEREAS, the grant of State Airport Aid funds will be used for the following approved Project: "Undertake Consultant services (project management, engineering, and architectural services) for new terminal complex (Phase I)". DCA FORM 2/84 NOW THEREFORE, the Sponsor and the Department do mutually hereby agree as follows: 1) That the Sponsor shall promptly undertake the Project and complete all work on the Project prior to the Is t day of January , 19 8 ') unless a written extension of time is granted by the Department. 2) Work performed under this Agreement shall conform to the approved project description. Any amendments to, or modification of, the scope and terms of this Agreement shall be in the form of a Supplemental Agreement mutually executed by the Sponsor and the Department, except that an extension of time maybe granted by the Department by written notice to the Sponsor. 3) If for any cause, the Sponsor shall fail to fulfill his obligation under this Agreement in a timely and proper manner, or if the Sponsor violates any, of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this Agreement, the Department shall have the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to_ the Sponsor of such termination at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of termination. In the event of the termination of this Agreement, the Sponsor shall receive compensation equal to fifty percent (50%) of the non-federal share of any work found acceptable by the Department which was completed prior to the date of termination of this Agreement. 4) Attached hereto and made part of this Agreement are Attachments A, B, C, D, & E which contain special conditions for the conduct of the project and such special conditions shall be binding upon the Sponsor and the Department. DOA FORM 2/84 Page 2 of 6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE PARTIES HERETO HAVE EXECUTED THIS GRANT AGREEMENT THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST WRITTEN ABOVE: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Official Agency: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BY: Secretary of Transportation ATTEST: SPONSOR: Signed: Attest: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, , a Notary Public in and for the County and St,ate aforesaid, do hereby certify that G . Felix Cooper personally . came before this day and acknowledged that he is County Manager (Ti tle) of Nre NEW HANOVER COUNTY (Sponsor) as "Sponsor") and by authority duly given (hereinafter referred to instrument was signed by him, attested by and as an act of'said Sponsor, the foregoing Lucie F. Smith, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover Count~ (Name and Title) of the Sponsor, and the seal of the Sponsor affixed thereto. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal, this thed b ti:day of m. ~ 19 84 My Commission Expires: My Commission Expires Oct. 13, 1986 Page 3 of 6 RESOLUTION /J ", II r? /?~ A motion was made by ~ ~ V'. ~ (Name and Title) seconded by ~~ ~ ~ /~~ and for the adoption of the following Resolution, and upon being put to a vote was duly accepted: WHEREAS, a grant in the amount of $ 11,500 has been approved by the Department; and WHEREAS, an amount equal to or greater than the approved grant has been appropriated by the Sponsor for this Project. NOW THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS RESOLVED THAT THE County Manager (Title) of the Sponsor be and he hereby is authorized and empowered to enter into a Grant Agreement with the Department, thereby binding the Sponsor to the fulfillment -of its obligation incurred under this grant agreement or any mutually agreed upon modification thereof. I, Lucie F. Smith, Clerk to the Board of Cornrnissionenbf R:~ (Name and Title) New Hanover County (Sponsor) is a true and correct copy Commissioners of New Hanover County do hereby certify that the above of an excerpt from the minutes of the Board of (Sponsor) ~ of a meeting duly and regularly held on the 26th day of March , 19 84 the offical seal of the Sponsor New Hanover County +..A..-J . 19 84 Signed:~-~, t/ .J!L.h- Title:'~ to the Board o;-commissionero: Of '1'tie: New Hanover County DOA FORM 2/84 Page 4 of 6 FINANCIAL OFFICER'S CERTIFICATION Provision for the payment of monies which shall fall due under this n."I.'D'~ agreement ~Vn~~~ment thereto has been made by appropriation duly y...... It C.... auth~d,.~s...e~;~~~ the local government Budget and Fiscal Control ~ .-- .. ,,\ I' \ ~\ liC: .' : \ \..~j. \.~O:~~\- . ~ C.A"O\.\~ ____!btNI ------- Act. By: _ . ~l j ,:!td/)(C<z'j t-' C'-'- (Finance Officer as ~~fined in Part 3, Article 3, Subchapter III of Chapter 159 of the North Carolina General Statutes) Title: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEV'J HANOVER I, Ann S. Hines , a Notary Public in and for the County and State aforesaid, do hereby certify that Andrew J. Atkinson personally came before me this day and a~knowledged that he is the Finance Officer (Finance Officer as defined, in Part 3, Article 3, Subchapter III of Chapter 159 of the North Carolina General Statutes) for New Hanover County (Sponsor) and that by authority duly given as an act of said the foregoing certificate was signed by said Finance af fixed. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, this the 16th day of March 19 84 ~J./~ (Notary Public (Signature) My Commission Expires April 15, 1986 SEAL DOA Form 2/84 Page 5 of 6 ",,\t""""'I, ,-" ""',~~, S'.~ Hi/II,"" " ~'\' '''c .... ,...' ~ '~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ... .. .. ~ ~:$ -= :~ c:.)~ ~. ~ t ~ ~..2 V~ ~ 'i ~f,~l/{R CO'U~\~~" itt ~.." ""I1UU" AIRPORT ATTORNEY'S CERTIFICATION I, Robert W. Pope, County Attorney, acting as attorney for New Hanover County (hereinafter referred to as ("Sponsor") do hereby certify that said Sponsor has the authority and power to enter into the attached State Aid to Airports Grant Agreement with the North Carolina Department of Transportation. I further certify that said Sponsor has complied with all the necessary legal requirements prior to and including authorizing its County Manager (Title of Spons~r's Repre$entative) to enter into said Grant Agreement on its behalf and that said Grant Agreement is legally binding. Signed: QgJ!r~ Typed Name: Robert W. Pope DOA Form 8-82 Page 6 of 6 ~'. Ji idi ~ 2S1-; ;0 (f . ;L 2- : ...."'\ : .....o{(....- 6.<~-' - -~ .'--:-::"--:-:-"--- - ,~I N EWHANOVER lLvOt)~ TAX ADMINISTRATOR ROLAND G, REGISTER Tax Administrator OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 Telephone (919) 341-7/31 NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru February 29, 1984 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added 1983 $21,509,024.76 2,480,625.21 $23,989,649.97 108,633.26 $23,881,016.71 -22,337,232.09 $ 1,543,784.62 93.54% 1982 $17,19"9:745.99 2,851,251.92 $20,050,997.91 58,583.83 $19,992,414.08 -18,732,799.67 $ 1,259,614.41 93.70% Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 664,382.79 1,723.29 254,947.17 $ 407,712.33 38.47% $ 907,758.59 44,704.93 71;480.48 $ 791,573.18 8.28% $ 579,115.02 1,012.52 197 ,311.09 380,791.41 34.13% $ Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected $ 767,006.68 25,367.06 70,377.46 671,262.16 9.49% $ Room Occupancy Tax Collections in February $15,429.52 $ 1,415.38 Privilege License Collections in February Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date $31,577,126.34. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1983. Respectfully submitted, -.:RLi>1~ C' QQLCf"'a"V Patricia J.(-iaynor Collector of Revenue pty ~/ ~.IJJ: ~V-}n.OJ;;t .~~ , ,...7'\,. b -- ... \,.1 '"-i MEMORAtrnUM . . '. .. .. i .:.....-_~...!.. .!. 'i'~j. ! '7"'\ r' (_- . ~.. TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Roland G. Register ~) Tax Administrator ~ SUBJECT: Abatements and Refunds DATE: March 19, 1984 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Armstrong, L. R. Sr. $ 94.29 2. Bemisderfer, Glenn 381.15 3. Croom, James Roy Jr. 160.82 4. Dicksey, Teresa Denise 16.30 5. Edens, James Nathaniel 89.54 6. Fortune, Rita Bailey 4'0.10 7. Ganey, Lois Clements 21. 40 8. Gause, Roger Leo 18.06 9. Gurganious, Hm. 56.29 10. Handley, David Jr. 37.89 II. Hewlett, Robert 3.74 12. Jones, David Morrell 66.81 13. Jones, Ludie Hulin 17.50 14. Joyner, Leeander 4.04 15. Larkins, Kathy B. 27.37 . 16. Marley, Marvin E. Jr. 50.14 (1982) 17. Minarovic, Alfred R. 79.59 18. Montgomery, Brenda Kay 20.20 19. Padgett, Bobby Ray 3.98 20. Parrish, Fred A. Sr. 12.79 2I. Pridgen, James A. 103.18 22. Reese, Janice Anne 35.16 23. Reynolds, Anne E. 22.89 24. Rivenbark, Benjamin M. 14.29 25. Ribenbark, Jerry D. 29~92 26. Robinson, Harry Lee 2.02 27. Robinson, Joseph 29,92 28. Rocha, Josie Luis 97.16 29. Savage, Hadolyn 17.20 30. Schubach, Marilyn C. 10.34 31. Smith, Donald B. 25.73 Refund 32. Sidbury, Empie N. Jr. 18.85 33. Smith, Richard L. 80.12 34. Smith, Robert E. 42.93 Refund 35. Sneeden, Thomas D. 132.25 36. Spicer, James L. 5.39 37. Stanland, Charles H. 57.12 Refund 553.45 38. Stansbury, Richard H. 60.33 39. Staten, Ernest 11],14 40. Stenger, Greaor" P . 8.44 '=' J .. Board of County Cornlnissioners P.:lge 2 i-larch 19, 1984 41. Suggs, Joyce T. $ 42. Sullivan, Leory 43. Thomas, Jesse Lee 44. Thorpe, David W. 45. Walden, Preston 46. Weaver, John M. Jr. 47. Webb, Phillip 48. Wheeler, James E. Jr. 49. Wilhelm, Steven Roy 50. Williams, Melvin B. Sr. 51. Willis, Jan Lorraine 52. Wood, John E. Jr. 53. Yeager, Robert L. 54. Shepard, Kathy B. Request the following taxes be released as they 40.39 34.12 12.64 25.43 4.04 51. 69 55.57 Refund 29.62 37.40 15.86 69.77 147.56 30.97 235.05 are double-charged: 1. Air vlilm. Inc. 411.75 Refund 2. Air-Lift Associates Inc. 14.12 Refund 3. Baldwin, Joseph P. 62.75 4. Binkley, Joyce Bass 59.73 (1978) 5. Blythe, Sarah Jane 3.98 6. Bradley, Bayne S. 30.21 7. Bullard, Billy Herman 4.04 8. Clements, Bobby Hicks 234.09 9. Cole, Judith Phillips 32.32 10. Davis, Ervin R. 147.28 Refund (1982) 11. Davis, Oscar W. Jr. - 29.70 12. Dechesere, Jay 90.93 13. Durbin, Vera E. 10.18 Refund 14. Edralin, Edwin A. 69.72 15. Gainey, James E. 2.02 16. Hankins, Betty A. 25.06 17. Hardwick, John S. 143.98 Refund (1981-1983) 18. Harris, Gene A. 18.58 19. Harrison, Lois R. 82.70 20. Hiatt, Vickie Sue 3.12 21. Hopson, Wanda M. 53.80 22. Jameson, Archer L. Jr. 8.98 23. Johnson, Edna H. 25.32 24. King, Deboarh A. 51.08 25. Loffield, Thomas C. 2.70 26. Mitchell, J. 1'1. 24.62 27. Moore, Arthur Eugene 11.53 Refund 28. Oshea, Josephine A. 92.28 29. Petty, James B. 695.31 30. Pikul, Stanley J. 48.99 3l. Partrick, Jeremiah Jr. 233.02 3'1 Potter, Arnold Rav 109.74 t- . 33. Pratt, A.m'T C. 38.52 34. Prevatte, G.:lry Lee 19.90 35. Reg~ster, 1 - , F. 28.50 ",l110a Board of County Commissioners Page 3 March 19, 1984 36. Roberts, Beverly S. 37. Rogers, Linwood Sr. 38. Rusmisell, Dale Gordon 39. Saleeby, William M. 40. Samppala, Ralph N. 41. Savage, Ronald Sr. 42. Spencer, Franklin Lee 43. Straka, Thomas George 44. Turner, James R. 45. Tyler, Charles E. 46. Walton, Herbert Jr. 47. Watkins, Lecolon H. 48. Winton, \.Jalter F. $ 27.45 Refund 67.05 82.16 46.30 2.02 2.70 19.90 120.72 34.33 10.09 18.85 41.06 381. 21 Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: 1. Arboit, \.Jayne C. 98.49 Refund (1982 ) 2. Cowan, C. A. 86.93 3. Cummings, Stephen E. 51. 77 4. Davis, l.Jilliam H. 4.32 5. Dereef, Ed\vard D. 118.77 6. Eastwood, Betty 87.12 7. Garner, William T. 1. 78 8. Harrell, Richard J. Sr. 28.46 (1980 ) 9. Hawlett, Robert H. III 20.66 10. Helms, James D. 72 .90 11. Jarrell, Catherine 38.92 12. Jones, Charles G. 57.82 13. Kelly, John D. 27.72 14. Kopti, Russell J. 34.56 15. Pye, Donald H. 49.68 (1980) 16. Redrick, Michael 23.76 17. Roberts, Joseph W. Jr. 55.78 18. Seal, Jeffrey Rex 20.92 19. Severt, Samuel B. 44.57 20. Shue) Belinda Gayle 11. 88 21. Slaughter, Robert Roy 3.59 22. Smiley, John Steven L10.58 23. Smiley, Sandra V. 29.26 24. Southco Installers, Inc. 22.87 25. Southco International 76.81 26. Southern Import Co. , Inc. 1,653.29 27. Sturtz, Elwood Roy 2.22 28. Swinson, Jesse H. 52.7J 29. Taylor, \.Jarren Brent 48.16 (982) 30. IJatson, David H. 30.30 3l. I'lintz, Thom~lS F" 48.21 32. ~'Jy.man , Susan E. 12.74 Board ,~E County CCH:lrIlissicners Page 4 f,farch "19, 1984 Request the following taxpayers be allowed the Senior Citizens Exclusion as they qualify but failed to receive the reduction: 1. Dickey, J. B. 2. Franks, Annie F. 3. McNeill, Kathleen C. $ 113.90 64.52 131.45 Refund $73.65 (82 & 8J Request the fallowing taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of mispricing personal property, charging listing penalties in error, charging incorrect acreage and incorrect build- ing and land values, etc.: I. Baldwin, Carolina 8.55 Refund 2. Bordeaux, James H. 30.67 3. Cape Fear Oil Co. 614.12 Refund 4. Clay, Charles R. 295.80 5. Everett, Roy L. 294.36 6. Farriss, Eugene T. 44.63 7. Hutson, Joseph M. 81.48 Refund $76.85 8. McNeill, Kathleen C. 217.52 9. Murrell, J. F. 393.02 10. Shields, Florence W. 77 .04 II. Splawn, Thomas R. 47.50 12. Smith, Joseph R. 43.18 13. Walston, Doanie R. 31. 34 The following taxpayer certifies she was incapacitated during the listing period and requests the penalties be released: 1. Fales, Clara H. 54.29 Request 1981 and 1982 taxes in the amount of $53.78, charged in the name of W. F. Cox and Baptist Children's Home, be refunded as this property was owned by the U.S. Government and should have been exempt. Request 1982 and 1983 taxes in the amount of $36,101.60 charged in the name of Noland and Company be released as this property qualifies for exemption under G.S. 105-275(2). Request these items be placed on the Consent Agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting on March 26, 1984. I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approved-these types of releases in the past. RGR: sw -:' ..... - Board of County Commissioners Page 5 March 19, 1984 Copy: G. F. Cooper County Manager R. Pope County Attorney C. Thompson Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue c;;. t:;~ ~ ~~tr.~3 .. AIRPORT MARKING AGREE~ffiNT NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND AIRPORT: Nelli' Hanovpr' Conn t:y PROJECT NO: 82 - Marki ):11:: ... New Hanovp.r Count:y WORK ORDER NO: 9.90300 - - - - - ~h~s-A~r:e:e:t-m:d: :h~s-t~e~;~ ~a~ :f- ~~~~- - -'~ 19~, by and between the NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENTlOF TRANSPORTATION (hereinafter referred to a's "Department") and the (hereinafter referred to as "Sponsor"); WIT N E SSE T H safety of WHEREAS, the Department and Sponsor are concerned with the air traffic at the New HannvpT' r.nllnr~.T airport; and J desire the marking of aircraft operational WHEREAS, both parties areas on the airport; and WHEREAS, the Department pursuant to Article 7 of Chapter 63 of the North Carolina General Statutes is authorized, using Depa~tment of Transportation personnel and equipment a~d 100% State funding to correct minor deficiencies which are determined to be hazardous to the flying public~ and WHEREAS, 'the Department and Sponsor desire that the Department, . using Department personnel and equipment and 100% State funding, mark airport operational areas at the airport. NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereby mutually agree as follows: 1 . The Department, using Department personnel and equipment and 100% State funding will mark the operational areas more specifically described as: \ j Runway 16/34 with Precision Instrument Marking; Runway 5/23 with Non-precision Instrument Marking; All r~nway 16/34 and 5/23 primary taxiways: The Sponsor shall provide all paint and materials for the work covered under ~his agr.eement. 2. The Sponsor hereby assures the Department that the title to the area described in Paragraph 1 is vested under the Sponsor and hereby authorizes the Department to enter in onto the premises of the Sponsor and accomplish the authorized marking described in Paragraph 1. Page 1 of 4 3 . The Sponsor will provide for a duly authorized representative .. of the Sponsor to be present during and to monitor all marking operations. 4. The Sponsor will take all necessary measures to notify users of the airport of the work in progress and will to the extent required by Federal Aviation Regulations, restrict the use of the airport while work is in progress and to include maintaining continuous air to ground radio communications. 5. The Sponsor shall be required at the discretion of the Department to obliterate any existing marking necessary to accomplish the authorized marking described in Paragraph 1. 6. The Department will use its own discretion in determining the layout design, type of marking, and materials to accomplish the authorized marking described in Paragraph 1 as required by the Federal Aviation Administration or its successor agency. 7. The Sponsor agrees to idemnify and save harmless the Department and its officers and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character because of any injury or damage received or sustained by any person, persons, or property resulting from work to be performed under this Agreement or on account of, or in consequence of any negligence in safeguarding the performance of said work. 8. The Department shall have the right to terminate this Agreement at its discretion and immediately stop all work being performed ny the Department. Page 2 of 4 9. This Ag=eement shall --,~ ._,..... ..""''-'..... 1>-.iC bir:dil1g upon the ....' ;?ar\-l.es, nor any work performed by the Department un~il it has been fully executed by the Depar~~ent and the Sponsor. IN WITNE~S WHEREOF, Depar~~ent and Sponsor have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BY: Secretary of Transportation ATTEST: SPONSOR OFFICIAL AGENCY: ~ ~;~ \/ ~ ;6 7.- ~ . SIGNED: ATTEST: Page 3 or: 4 / ", ]'ESO~C~=C;~.J # A motion was made bv Commissioner Donald P Slake and ror the adoption seconded by Co~ni5sioner Holan O'Neal of the following resolution, and upon being put to a vote, was duly adopted. ~ THAT WHEREAS, tba: New Hanover County (hereinafter referred to as "Sponsor") has made an application to the Department of Transportation (hereinafter referred to as "Department") for the Department to mark the aircraft operational areas at the airport; and WHEREAS, the, Department, using Department personnel and equipment and 100% State funding, will mark the aircraft operational areas at the airport which will be defined by the Division of Aviation; NOW THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS County Manager (G. Felix Cooper) (Title) be and he hereby is a~thorized and empowered to enter into an agreement with the Department, thereby binding the Sponsor to fulfillment of its obligation incurred under this resolution and its agreement with the Department. HEREBY RESOLVED, that the of the Sponsor - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I, Lucie F. Smith, Clerk of ~ (Name. and Title) New Hanover County Board of Commi 55 i oner5 , do hereby certify (Sponsor) , that the above is true and correct copy of an excerpt from the minutes of the Board Meetinej of March 26, 1984 WITNESS my hand and the official seal of ~K~ (Sponsor) New Hanover County This is the cR G 7A~ day of ~,~ _ r, ...~1~_____ , 19 ?~. NAME: ..---..., Ii (' '01_/ I ~ ~ \ -- JA(e..~ ' ~ J'~~, ) //, b- r- f /""; .L.r1 . / ! ,(1 '\ ~7 _V'i'>v~ TITLE: . ~ .-....J ~'-:-:~ / -;:.-~ ......-: ; ,~ (X..p!-0~'!.-V{ C// .','.\ $1 . L':-G-nz,.rY1~,..U1r,,~ L.<' ./J,....o-) or the cJ-Sponsor) .AJ .:1 .."r/ ,) ;/~_..t-) 1:->-( }"_r~-'_C' "__ -~~c:'-v:- ~....(. ~!' ... ~....-' Page 4 of 4