1984-06-18 RM Exhibits ". ... MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 22, 1984 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, May, 22, 1984, at 8:30 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, to consider budget funding requests for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Donald P. Blake; Nolan O'Neal; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Karen E. Gottovi: County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; Assistant County Manager, Gary Cannon; Finance Director, Andy Atkinson; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Smith. Chairman Gottovi called the meeting to order. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR SOUTHEASTERN MENTAL HEALTH RETARDATION AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE CENTER Mr. M. L. Martin, Area Director of the Mental Health Center, appeared before the Commissioners to present his budget request and answer questions from the Commissioners. He gave an update on the progress of the Mental Health Center and its current projects. Director Martin thanked the Commissioners for their funding and stated he was satisfied ,with the County Manager's recommendation of $263,082 for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break from 8:55 o'clock A.M. to 9:08 o'clock A.M. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS Ms. Becky Tucker, Registrar of Deeds, appeared before the Commissioners presenting her Budget Request for the Fiscal Year 1984/85 stating she was satisfied with the County Manager's recommendation of $376,062. She updated the Commissioners on the relocation of her office to the Annex of the Judicial Building. Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, thanked Ms. Tucker for the excellent manner in which the Register of Deeds Office has been managed during the interim period of relocation. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Mr. Robert Parker, Director of the Health Department, and Mr. Carl Durham, Chairman of the Budget Committee for the Health Department, appeared before the Commissioners to present their 1984/85 Budget Request stating they were satisfied with the County Manager's recommendation of $3,228,603 with County funding in the amount of $1,856.27 and would be glad to answer any questions. MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 22, 1984 BUDGET HEARING FOR HEALTH DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED) Mr. Carl Durham gave background information on the budget request stating the Home Health Care Program has been very successful and expressed his appreciation to Mr. Cooper and his staff for their cooperation on the budget request for this year. Director Parker expressed his appreciation to Mr. Cooper and Staff for their assistance and cooperation in developing the budget for this fiscal year. He also gave background information on the Home Health Care Program stressing its benefits to New Hanover County. Commissioner Blake commented on the problem of insect control stating this summer could bring an abundance of mosquitos creating an emergency situation in the County that would necessitate an increase in funds for the Insect Control Department. After further discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Commissioners, thanked Mr. Parker and Mr. Durham for their reports. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR FRIENDS OF PUBLIC RADIO Mr. Michael Titterton, Priscilla Balaban, Margaret Faison, Mary Stern, and Teddie Stickney, appeared before the Commissioners requesting funding in the amount of $18,345 for the Friends of Public Radio. Mr. Titterton gave background information on the formation of the Radio Station stressing the need for this type of radio broadcasting in New Hanover County. Ms. Balaban commented on the need for the station requesting the Commissioners to reconsider the budget request since the County Manager had recommended no funding. After questions and answers, Chairman Gottovi, expressed appreciation to the persons present informing them a decision would be made at a later date. BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break from 10:30 o'clock A.M. to 11:45 o'clock A.M. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR HEW HANOVER CLEAN COMMUNITY COMMISSION Mr. John Humphrey, President of the Clean Communi ty Commission, appeared before the Board presenting the Budget Request for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. Mr. Humphrey requested reconsideration of their request in the amount of $18,481 instead of the County Manager's recommendation of $17,500 stressing the need for additional funding in order to meet salaries and continue the Appliance Pickup Program and Beautiful-Is-Better Day. MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 22, 1984 (CONTINUED) BUDGET HEARING FOR CLEAN COMMUNITY COMMISSION (CONTINUED) After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Mr. Humphrey for the budget presentation stating a decision would be made at a later date. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR SCHOOLS Dr. Richard Flynn, Supt. of Schools, and members of ' the Board of Education, appeared before the Commissioners to present the 1984/85 Budget Request for New Hanover County Schools. Dr. Flynn gave background information on the Budget Request for the schools of New Hanover County, stating they could live wi th the County Manager's recommendation. He commented on the across-the-board increase for teachers before the General Assembly and the Five-Year Plan for schools updating the Board on current projects. Ms. Lucille Schaffer, Chairman of the Board of Education, commented on the $100 increase for uncertified employees stating this would increase their base salary. After discussion, Dr. Flynn and members of the Board of Education, expressed their appreciation to the Commissioners and Mr. Cooper for their support in the local School Bond Issue and continued funding for County schools. Commissioner Blake expressed his concern for increase s in budgets for all County agencies, stating he was going to be questioning productivity and costs of all agencies. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR CAPE FEAR TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Mr. M. J. McCleod, President of Cape Fear Technical Institute, appeared before the Board with the budget request for the Fiscal Year 1984/85 stating they were pleased with the County Manager's recommendation of $653,469. Mr. McCleod updated the Commissioners on the current and new programs offered by Cape Fear Tech stating the growth of the Institute. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board expressed appreciation to Mr. McCleod, for his report. BUDGET HEARING FOR SHERIFF DEPARTMENT Sheriff Joe McQueen and Lt. Stinson appeared before the Commissioners with their Budget Request for Fiscal Year 1984/85 stating they were satisfied with the County Manager's recommendation. Sheriff McQueen commented on the need for installation of an ALl System stressing the benefit of such a system to the citizens of the County. MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 22, 1984 (CONTINUED) BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR SHERIFF DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED) Mr. Bobby Spell updated the Board on the operation of the jail and the utilization of space stating he felt things were going quite well. Sheriff McQueen expressed his appreciation to Mr. Cooper and Staff for their cooperation and assistance in preparation of the Budget Request. LUNCH RECESS Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for lunch from 12:00 o'clock to 1:12 o'clock P.M. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS Mr. Leonard Long, Chairman of the Fire Inspections Committee, appeared before the Commissioners to present the Budget Request for Volunteer Fire Departments for Fiscal Year 1984/85 requesting funding in the amount of $271,280 instead of the County Manager's recommendation of $237,370. Mr. Long commented on the cutbacks recommended by the County Manager for the Winter Park Volunteer Fire Department and South Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department due to the City's annexation. He stressed that 70% of the calls received by Winter Park and 40% of calls received by South Wilmington were not within the newly annexed areas stressing that cutbacks in these areas could create a catastrophic situation. He also stressed the importance of adequate fire and communication equipment for the County. Mr. Candy Frye, Account Executive of Government Markets Di vision of Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc., appeared before the Commissioners with a proposal in the amount of $235,750.25 for updating and purchasing necessary radio equipment for New Hanover County. Chairman Gottovi thanked Ms. Frye for her imformative presentation. County Manager Cooper asked Mr. Long if he thought the County should use the South Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department or the City of Wilmington's Downtown Fire Department for protection of the Resource Recovery Facility located on U. S. Highway 421. Mr. Long stated he thought the South Wilmington Volunteer Fire Department and other units called would have a quicker response time. Mr. Cooper stated he had no problem with replacing the funding to these units. MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 22, 1984 (CONTINUED) BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS (CONTINUED) After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Mr. Long for his presentation informing him a decision would be made at a later date. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY MUSEUM Ms. Janet Seapker, Director of the Museum, Mr. David Nash, and Mr. Lee Crouch, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the New Hanover County Museum, appeared before the Commissioners to present the Budget Request for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. Mr. Crouch requested funding in the amount of $351,538 instead of $232,259 as recommended by the County Manager stressing the importance of an Exhibit Preparation Position for displays, particularly with the Blockade Runner Artifacts. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Mr. Crouch and Mr. Nash for their presentation stating a decision would be made at a later date. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR OFFENDER AID AND RESTORATION Ms. Barbara Graham and members of the Offender Aid and Restoration Board appeared before the Commissioners requesting funding in the amount of $106,571 instead of the $80,000 as recommended by the County Manager. Ms. Graham gave background information on the request stating they are trying to utilize State funding whenever possible and working to obtain State funding for Earn It Programs. Commissioner O'Shields asked if any other counties funded the OAR Program. County Manager Cooper stated no counties other than New Hanover funded this program. County Manager Cooper stated the rationale of the recommended request was to fund the full salaries of the Director and Administrative Assistant Bookkeeper with the appropriate fringe benefits and other expenditures such as travel, supplies, telephone and rent with the remaining $30,000 for distribution by OAR. County Manager Cooper stated if the Commissioners wished to pick up this agency as a County Agency he would be glad to have his staff make a study, but that he would not recommend funding in next year's budget. Commissioner Barfield stated he supported the program and saw a need for the OAR Board to make a conserted effort to lobby in Raleigh for State funding of the program relieving the burden of funding from the County. MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 22, 1984 (CONTINUED) BUDGET REQUEST FOR OAR (CONTINUED) After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, thanked Ms. Graham for the presentation stating a decision would be made at a later date. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Gottovi adjourned the Budget Hearing at 4:35 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, Lucie F. Smith Clerk to the Board 1 ., MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 29, 1984 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Comissioners met on Tuesday, May 29, 1984, at 8:30 o'clock A.M. in the Assembly Room, New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, to consider budget funding requests for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. Members present were: Commissioners Jonathan Barfield, Sr.; Donald P. Blake; Nolan O'Neal; Claud O'Shields, Jr.; Chairman Karen E. Gottovi; County Manager, G. Felix Cooper; Assistant County Manager, Gary Cannon; Finance Director, Andy Atkinson; and Clerk to the Board, Lucie F. Smith. Chairman Gottovi called the meeting to order. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Mr. Wayne Morris, Director of Social Services, appeared before the Commissioners to present his Budget Request for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. Mr. Morris gave background information on the request stating his department was satisfied with the County Manager's recommendation of $3,104,056. County Manager Cooper commented on the budget request stating this was the lowest increase in the last 10 years. Director Morris updated the Commissioners on the progress of the architectural services for the new Social Services building. He also commented on New Hanover County becoming the first county in the State to distribute cheese, butter and other commodities on a daily basis at the Cape Fear Gospel Mission on the corner of Fifth and Castle Streets thanking the Social Services Board Chairman for obtaining a donated cooler. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board expressed appreciation to Director Morris for his report. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR THE GREATER WILMINGTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Captain Frank S. Conlon appeared before the Commissioners presenting his Budget Request for the Chamber of Commerce for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. Captain Conlon gave background information on the budget requesting funding in the amount of $25,000 instead of $20,000 as recommended by the County Manager. He stressed the importance of tourism to New Hanover County and the need for funding in the amount of $23,000 for general tourism and $2,000 for hospitality. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Captain Conlon for his presentation informing him a decision would be made at a later date. , MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 29, 1984 (CONTINUED) BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break from 9:34 o'clock A.M. to 9:40 o'clock A.M. DISCUSSION OF BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD INSURANCE FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES County Manager Cooper gave background information on the increase of Blue Cross Blue Shield medical insurance coverage for County employees presenting al ternati ves to budgeting the additional costs by deleting the one-time longevity payment raise and 4% across-the-board increase to a straight increase to the Salary Scale of 6% across-the-board. He stated where there is a major gap between lower pay scales and upper scales, he is planning possibly to increase these scales by 7% instead of the 6% in order to upgade them. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to authorize the County Manager to proceed with Alternative No. 4 increasing County costs by $112,500 with a monthly premium to employees of $12.06 for Individual coverage; $33.93 for Parent/Child coverage; and $56.88 for Family Coverage with an increase in the major medical deductible from $100 to $300 with the County paying $75 for each participant. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR COMMITTEE OF 100 No representative appeared before the Commissioners for presentation of a Budget Request for the Committee of 100. It was the consensus of the Board that the County Manager's recommendation of $20,000 was satisfactory with the organization. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR SOUTHEASTERN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Ms. Ellen Gause, Executive Director of the Southeastern Economic Development Commission, appeared before the Commissioners giving background information on SEDC stating its active role in promoting economic growth to a nine county area. She requested consideration of the Commissioners for funding in the amount of $ 2,634, representing annual dues, since the County Manager has recommended no funding. County Manager Cooper expressed his concern for paying an agency to prepare grant applications for federaL funding when the County has a staff available for this purpose. Chairman Gottovi requested Ms. Gause to forward a copy of the corrected budget describing the miscellaneous items and funding for the Cape Fear River Project before the meeting of June 6, 1984. The Chairman, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Ms. Gause for the presentation stating a decision would be made at a later date. MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 29, 1984 (CONTINUED) BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION Mr. Glen Davis, Chairman of the Board of New Hanover County Soil and Water Conservation, appeared before the Commissioners presenting the Budget Request for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. Mr. Davis gave background information on the progress of this organization and the importance of its functions in New Hanover County. He requested funding in the amount of $11,517 instead of the $ 8,100 recommended by the County Manager stating this organization had not had an increase in the past four years. Commissioner O'Shields asked about State funding. Mr. Davis stated the state provided assistance in many areas but not funding. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Mr. Davis for his presentation stating a decision would be made at a later date. BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break from 10:55 o'clock A.M. to 11:15 o'clock A.M. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR TASK FORCE AGAINST FAMILY VIOLENCE Ms. Jana Holiday appeared before the Commissioners with a presentation of the Budget Request for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. She gave background information on the progress of the program and importance of this program to citizens of the County requesting funding in the amount of $15,000 instead of $9,000 as recommended by the County Manager. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Ms. Holiday for the presentation stating a decision would be made at a later date. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR ELDERHAUS Ms. Linda Pearce appeared before the Commissioners with a presentation of the 1984/85 Budget Request. She gave background information on the progress of Elderhaus and its new location requesting funding in the amount of $20,000 instead of the County Manager's recommendation of $9,480. After discussion, Commissioner 0' Shields requested the County Manager and Assistant County Manager to have a staff person to coordinate with Elderhaus, the Health Department and Inspections Department with reference to complying to building codes and laws for unusual types of problems. County Manager Cooper stated he would be glad to assign a staff person to be available when needed. MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 29, 1984 (CONTINUED) BUDGET HEARING FOR ELDERHAUS (CONTINUED) After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Ms. Pearce for her presentation and the excellent job being performed stating a decision on the funding would be made at a later date. RECESS FOR LUNCH Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for lunch from 12:00 noon to 1: 15 o'clock P.M. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR OGDEN VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD Mr. Bill Murray and Mr. Allen Tiller appeared before the Commissioners to present the budget request for 1984/85. Mr. Tiller gave background information on the Budget Request requesting funding in the amount of $241,598 instead of the County Manager's recommendation of $176,860. He emphasized the importance of replacing vehicles that have been worn out in the past for out of county emergency services. He also commented on the low pay for permanent employees compared to other Rescue Squads throughout the State. Jeff Tripp and Alan Hale commented on rebuilding old vehicles. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Tiller for his presentation stating a decision would be made at a later date. BUDGET HEARING FOR PLEASURE ISLAND VOLUNTEER RESCUE SQUAD Mr. Ken McDade appeared before the Comissioners presenting the Budget Request for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. Mr. McDade gave background information on the request asking for additional funding over the County Manager's recommendation of $65,000. Mr. McDade emphasized the services rendered by this squad to the County and need for additional funding for mortgage payments on the new building. Chairman Gottovi commented on the title owner of the property and building of the Pleasure Island Rescue Squad. Mr. McDade stated the property was in the name of the Federal Point Medical Center and the building in the name of Pleasure Island Rescue Squad. Commissioner O'Shields asked Mr. McDade if they had approached the Town of Carolina Beach and Town of Kure Beach for funding. Mr. McDade stated he had approached both towns but had not made a formal request because he was not sure what funding would be required until a decision was made by the County. MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 29, 1984 (CONTINUED) BUDGET HEARING REQUEST - PLEASURE ISLAND RESCUE SQUAD (CONTINUED) County Manager Cooper commented on the number of personnel paid by the squad stating they were out of line in number and wages in comparison to other squads in the County suggesting the salary schedule should be reviewed. After further discussion, Chairman Gottovi appreciation to Mr. McDade for his presentation decision would be made at a later date. expressed stating a BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR CAPE FEAR SUBSTANCE ABUSE Ms. Flo Stein, Ms. Fran Rubinetti, and Betty Allen appeared before the Commissioners with the Budget Request for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. Ms. Stein gave background information on the request asking consideration of the original request in the amount of $10,000 instead of the County Manager's recommendation of $5,000. Ms. Stein stressed the importance of additional funding to provide shelter due to an increase of children staying in the facility. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed her appreciation to Ms. Stein for the presentation stating a decision would be made at a later date. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR HIGHWAY 17 TRANSPORTATION ASSOCIATION IN N. C. No representative appeared before the Commissioners for presentation of a Budget Request for the Highway 17 Transportation Association in N. C. BUDGET REQUEST HEARING FOR OIC Mr. Sherman Davis, Director of OIC, Dr. Sandy Martin, and Reverend Winston Brown, appeared before the Commissioners with their Budget Request for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. Mr. Davis gave background information on the request asking for funding in the amount of $15,000 instead of no funding recommended by the County Manager. He emphasized the importance of the program to the County and needs fulfilled by the agency. Commissioner O'Shields commented on discretionary monies to be received by Representative Harry Payne and the portion to be given to OIC. Mr. Davis stated this matter had been discussed and hopefully one-third of the monies received would be given to OIC. Mr. Davis stated this figure had not been incorporated in the budget request presented. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Mr. Davis for his presentation stating a decision would be made at a later date. MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 29, 1984 (CONTINUED) BUDGET REQUEST HEARING FOR AMERICA IS 400TH ANNIVERSARY Ms. Jean Anne Sutton and Captain Frank Conlon appeared before the Commissioners requesting funding in the amount of $5,000 for America's 400th Anniversary requesting reconsideration of the Board from the County Manager's recommendation of no funding. County Manager stated some incidentals could be provided such as stamps, stationery, etc. if Ms. Sutton would contact his office. After discussion, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Ms. Sutton for the presentation stating a decision would be made at a later date. BREAK Chairman Gottovi recessed the meeting for a break from 3:30 o'clock P.M. to 3:45 o'clock P.M. BUDGET HEARING REQUEST FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT Mr. Paul Gregory, Chairman of the Airport Commission, and other members of the Commission appeared before the Commissioners with the Budget Request for the Fiscal Year 1984/85. Mr. Gregory commented on the current projects and budget request emphasizing the importance of funding for extension of the Holding Room and sliding doors. Ms. Jan Morgan commented on the reduced fares and increase in volume of customers stating that we have to live with the old terminal until the new terminal is constructed stressing the importance of a Holding Room. Mr. Gregory commented on a verbal agreement with Piedmont to fund the expansion of the Holding Room through an amortization plan. County Manager Cooper stated he was not aware of the agreement with Piedmont. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Commissioners for the Airport Commission to discuss the matter with the County Manager in order to obtain the facts and figures on the agreement with the County Manager bringing back recommendations to the Board. Chairman Gottovi, on appreciation to the Airport behalf of Commission the Board, expressed for their presentation. MINUTES OF BUDGET HEARING, MAY 29, 1984 (CONTINUED) BUDGET REQUEST HEARING FOR HISTORIC ST. THOMAS PRESERVATION SOCIETY Mr. E. J. Marsh, Chairman of Historic St. Thomas Preservation and Ms. Kay Swink, President of the organization, appeared before the Commissioners requesting funding in the amount of $10,000 since the County Manager had recommended no funding. Mr. Marsh stressed the importance of the construction of such a facility and the benefits to the citizens of New Hanover County. After questions and answers, Chairman Gottovi, on behalf of the Board, expressed appreciation to Mr. Marsh stating a decision would be made at a later date. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Gottovi adjourned the Budget Hearing at 5: 25 o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, ~ -./#-..>>c Lucie F. Smith Clerk . . , ....-:.... TAX ADMINISTRATOR NEW HANOVER CQUNTY ROLAND G. REGISTER Tax Administrator OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET " WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 284Of-4090 Telephone (919) 341-7131 CONSENT AGENDA DATE: t - /g - CJ t.J /- ITEM No. 1982 $17,199,745.99 2,851, 251. 92 $20,050,997.91 68,067.06 $19,982,930.85 -19,313,049.17 $ 669,881. 68 96.65% - NEW Hfu~OVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS COLLECTIONS THRU MAY 31, 1984 Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected 1983 $21,509,024.76 2,48~,625.21 $23,989,649.97 138,025.64 $23,851,624.33 -23,086,391.47 $ 765,232.86 96.79% Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 664,382.79 $ 579,115.02 Less Abatements 1,723.29 1,233.58 Collections to Date 320,656.43 269,242.19 Outstanding Balance $ 342,003.07 $ 308,639.25 Percentage Collected 48.39% 46.59% Personal Property Taxes $ 907,758.59 $ 767,006'.68 Less Abatements 45,109.54 26,233.56 Collections to Date 94,014.88 89,953.69 Outstanding Balance $ 768,634.17 $ 650,819.43 Percentage Collected 10.90% 12.14% Room Occupancy Tax Collections in May - $34,429.60 Privilege License Collections in May - $2,220.42 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsvil1e Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach to date- $32.962,0l1.26~ This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, .1983. Respectfully submitted, ~6XY\G<.O_ ~ (2 O~Y"' (V ~r~cia J. Ra~or ) Collector of '~venue' /pjr J' _ .../'r."., . .~"".._.....l.'..--. MEMORANDUM To: Mr. G.F. Cooper County Manager Roland G. Register,q~ Tax Administrator t1 From: Subject: Abatements and Refunds Date: June 11, 1984 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Bowlin Edgar C. 2. Fussell John Henry Jr. 3. Gause Roger L. DDS 4. Gilliard John E. Hrs 5. Kelley M. T. 6. Page Charles Arthur 7. Rhodes Robin Diane 8. Ritchie G. P. Jr. 9. Robertson III William Gemmell 10. Simmons Gail Martina 11. Simmons Teresa Jean 12. Sneeden Mary M. 13. Walls George H. Portia D. $ 645.00 ~4.94 488.96 25.96 694.48 4.04 70.15 44.93 98.18 24.62 40.26 58.99 24.89 (1981) (1981 ) (1982 & 1983) (1981 ) (1982 & 1983) (1982 & 1983) (1977) (1982) Request the following taxes be released as they are double-charged: 1. B. R. Wilson Inc. D/B/A Oleander Exxon $ 2. Gribb Charles William 3. Holley Robert Elliott 4. Page Charles Arthur 5. Powell Jr. Roy Edward 6. Quality Service Supply Equip. 7. Reeves Barbara Todd .8. Robinson Rosa Mae Wilson 9. Stewart Gerrie Chamberlain 254.27 7.78 37.14 2.02 8.76 595.98 3.98 31.25 19.90 (1981 & 1982) (1982) Refund $189.25 Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: 1. Rouse Donald Henry 2. Russell James C. 3. Sullivan Victor 4. Wood Samuel E. . $' .29 52.80 55.50 42.91 ,# r ,:,,! .~ . ,,,, -.... ----...r -.. Mr. G. F. Cooper Page 2 June II, 1984 h X Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of charging incorrect building value, incorrect acreage and household furnishings' value in error: L 2. 3. Atkinson Ray M. Dorothy G. Fussell J. H. Jr. Helen N. Spencer Charles R. Karen L. $ 57.52 1,355.64 28.72 (1982 & 1983) Refund Request these items be placed pn the Consent Agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting on June 18, 1984. I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. . .. Ipbm Copy: ;..XUcie Amith Clerk to the Board R. Pope County Attorney C. Thompson Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue ~ ~ "l ". ~' . RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the Finance Department at 2 :00 o'clock A.~1./P.M. on the 4th day of June 19~, at the County Administra tion Build ing, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for All Steel, Inc. Office Equipment Th~ Office Showcase $21,433.00 " AND WHEREAS, the Health the Finance Director and the County Manager Department, recommend that the contract be awarded to The Office Showcase t:he _.lo~est responsible bidder, in the amount of Twenty-one thousand four hundred thirty-three and no/100's Do 11 a r s ($ 2 1 . 4 3 3 . 0 0 ) : AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated ~ i " and are now in Account No. this contract; 11-'>164-640 to cover NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for All steel, be awarded to Inc. Office Equipment The Office Showcase in the amount of Twenty-one thousand four hundred thirty-three and no / l 0 0 I S Do 11 a r s ( $ 2 1 , 4 3 3 . 00 ); and that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of New Hanover County, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney and bid deposi t to be retained until the successful bidder has executed and delivered the contract and, if required, satisfactory bond. is day of 9-~ 19~~ . ~1AL;t ~~ Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ~'.\~~ Clerk 2 Mr. G. Lucie F. Cooper Smith cc Representing New Hanover County at Bid Openin~ ~ -- Name of Company Price Bid Deposit J -i'r 1'17!!b ;, L./ J /~j bY" /2/.Lf!.j -#,2./ ;';33, ()tJ J C~a:~h~~r ~-:. (~'/J~('f~ , I; /00, i)(} , t'{: I-- -- ---- -- h :-"'. BID TAB U L A T ION --- ---------- Bid #12-83 - All steel, Inc. Office Equipment Monday, June 4 , 1984; 2:00 p.m. Hilmington OFFICE UNITED CAROliNA r r" 0' 1":'1'''' .;" 0 0 (,'r.S PAY .. B~NK p-- 1-11.,1/.....1. TOTHE OlmEH N u..._ C +-'7 N C OF r' ew ~.I.aver a :m....y " .. ,-' Fa,r: B~d depos~t far "Prop.osail... for' AU-SteeL" Inc. Off'ice. Equipment" a:id #1L2-83 180166 May 3L 19 84t , 1 66-822 531 DOLLARS $ 1.,,1.00".00; REMITTER Ghle Offic:e Sha~ '. L II- ~ 8 0 ~ b b II- I: 0 5 j ~ 0 8 2 2 ~ I: ~ q j ~ ~ 2 ~ 5 0 0 II- UNITED CAROLINA BANK .- I -.J L -.J HY \ t) d. J /l . II AUTII, SIG, :6/.P~~~ ~, ., :1 . --.. ", "-- ", NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY THIS AGRhEMENT, made and entered into this day of 19_, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a politi- cal subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County," and The Office Showcase of Wilmington North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "Vendor"; WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, County advertised. for bids for All St.eel, Inc. Office Equipment and bids were received and opened as required by law; and WHEREAS, after careful consideration of the bid submitted by Vendor, the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County has adopted a resolution authorizing the acceptance of such bid and the execution of a contract with Vendor covering the purchase and delivery of All Steel, Inc. Office Equipment NO W , 'I'HEREE'ORE, in consideration of the mutual bene- fits inuring to the parties hereto, said parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. In accordance with County's specifications and Vendor's proposal, copies of both of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, Vendor will deliver to County the All steel, Inc. Office Equipment , I specifically referred to as Item(s) No. N/A and more particularly described in the proposal or in the specifications attached hereto. 2. The total purchase price for said goods in the sum of Twenty-One thousand four hundred thirty-three /lOOths Dollars ($ 21,433.00 ) shall be paid by County' and no in cash wi thin 30 days after the deli very of the goods and their acceptance by County. 3. The specifications, the proposal, the advertise- ment by County, the Instructions to Bidders, and the performance bond for Vendor are attached hereto and made a part of this contract as though fully written herein. Risk of l~~s to County for the goods purchased shall remain with Vendor u.ntil the goods are delivered to County 4. j".. .F . 0 . B. . Res ide n t's Qua r t e r s be h i n d New H an 0 ve r Me m 0 ria 1 H 0 s pit aI, W i,l m ~ n g ton N.C. 28406 5. Vendor shall deliver all goods purchased by County on or before 4 weeks after receipt of orqer. 6. In connection with the performance of this contract, Vendor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or. applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex or national origin. Vendor ,agrees to tak~ affirmative actions to insure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during this employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, sex or national origin. 2 . j 7. This contract constitutes the entire understanding of the parties and contains all of the terms agreed upon with respect to the sub j ect matter hereof. No modification or rescission of this contract shall be effective unless evidenced by a signed writing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, NEW HANOVER COUNTY has caused this instrument to be executed in its behalf by its Board of County Commissioners through its Chairman, Karen E. Gottovi and attested by its Clerk and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and The Office Showcase , Vendor, has executed this instrument under seal, or, if a corporation, caused be executed in its behal f by i.ts duly to be hereto affixed, irst above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY By:) ~LUu-- e .~-, airman ' Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: ~\/H-~ Clerk . This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. . Approved as to form: ..l1.clt~ I . County Fina" ce Q~~ County Attorneyp7 3 . 1; The Office Showcase Vendor (SEAL) By: Title: (Owner, Partner, pres./V.pres.) ATTEST: Secretary NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, the State and , a Notary _ Puj:).li,?/ of"d/ at d ~~T:::~ p rsonally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Clerk to the Board of Commissiqners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Commission, the for going inst ume a signed in its name by its Chairman, , sealed with its corporate sea as its Clerk. " cr" ' ., WITNESS my hand and , " ' 19q. , ' official seal, this ;I~day of NORTH CAROLINA My commission expire!;?: My Commission Expires Oct. 13. 1986 NEW HANOVER COUNTY (~f Vendor an Individual ,or Partnership) I, ,for the State and County , a Notary Public in and aforesaid, certify that personally appeared before me this the due execution of the foregoing day and acknowledged instrument. 4 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CmmISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, after due advertisement, bids were received and publicly opened by the F-inance Department at 3 :00 o'clock A.M./P.M. on the 25th day of' May 19~, at the County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following bids were received for One Hundred (100) Microfilm Viewers Modern Business Systems, Inc. $14,900.00 AND WHEREAS, the social Services Department, the Finance Director and the County"Manager recommend that the contract be awarded to Modern Business Systems, Inc. the Lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred and no/lOa's Dollars ($ 14,900.00 ): AND WHEREAS, funds have been previously appropriated c. :; and are now ln Account No. this contract: 11-5310-423 to cover NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that the contract for One Hundred (100) Microfilm Viewers be awarded to Modern Business Systems, Inc. in the amount of Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred and no/100's Dollars ($14,900.00 ) . , , and that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners or the County Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of New Hanover County, contract form to be approved by the County Attorney and bid deposi t to be retained until the successful bidder has executed and delivered the contract and, if required, satisfactory bond. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the bid deposits of the unsuccessful bidders. day of 9~ 19!~ . ~E. !M~'- Chairman, Board of County Commissioners ~/~ Clerk 2 BID TAB U L A T ION --- ---------- Bid #11-83 - 100 Microfilm V~ewers Friday, May 25, 1984;3:00 p.m. - Name of Company Price Bid Deposi 1 -- ~ (''a.j11i~'r ~ (j")ec.k- 1:J.{J alA..- IV x2{.-Ld..-t.-- ;~/L1:V ~LZe_'n Vd/ (':../;1 L ~/ , -.--- --- ,lfi..) CloC, 0 () #7'5(1.00 ;, .. J ----- -- --- - ,-- --- - - - --, - - - - - --- -- - - Representing New Hanover County at Bid Openin cc Mr. G. F. Cooper Lucie Smith Ii. . THIS DOCUMENT IS VOID IF GREEN BACKGROUND DOES NOT.APPEAR ON THE FACE~-~- ';;'; '~ FIRST..CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY 66"30 ,=1 : I PAVTO ~HE ORDER OF ...... ~~W Han::~I:~:t:":laY 24 >';;':7 ::", ~~_ 83 r I . i UUllGll ;11 09'1' FiR:}! ''''''!' "l'illal! "j (111:.),,111\', 11.!lill 1""'1'1": ~~:,::~...I, i .........;;.'..,,:1:1...'.1:."1;.:.., 1:,',1,','., '~.1 '1'[,'c ',;,1 '.., I I" I' '1 "I, " ',I)...,. I: ..:_._ : _ : ' ".. ',' - : "iH!1 - I. . '"n. ":::tnl: I: ll: 1\,. ~ ::.: .:~:::.:~:..j.:. r ~~~;7;::e;~~;:::~~:~::n.q80~ 2t-~o~ ! I IL ~----:--_._.,-.,............------~.":""---- ~ . r.. .." . <......... ..~ ',., .- . . ~'. : ..:_~,..:r. .' .. .,..:.... " '. ~ "". .-, ,; ,.' .. , .. NORTH CAROLINA AGREEMENT NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~ rfIns AGRl:;El'1ENrr, made and entered into this /14 day of 19ft-, by and between NEW HANOVER COUNTY, a pOliti--:- cal subdivision of the State of North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "County," and Modern Business Systems, Inc. of Raleiqh North Carolina, hereinafter referred to as "V~ndor"; WIT N E SSE T H : WHEREAS, County advertised for bids for One Hundred (100) Mir.rofilm Viewers and bids were received and opened as required by law; and WHEREAS, after careful consideration of the bid submitted by Vendor, the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County has adopted a resolution authorizing the acceptance of such bid and the execution of a contract with Vendor covering the purchase and delivery of One Hundred ClOD) Microfilm Viewers NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual bene- fits inuring to the parties hereto, said parties covenant and agree as follows: 1. I n a c cor d a n c e with Co u n t y 's s p e c i f i cat .i. 0 n sand Vendor's proposal, copies of both of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, Vendor will deliver to County the One Hundred (100) Microfilm Viewers speci fically referred to as Item (s) No. N/ A and more particularly described in the proposal or in the specifications attached hereto. 2. The total purchase price for said goods in the sum of Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars no /lOOths Dollars ($ 14,900.00 ) shall be paid by County and in cash wi thin 30 days after the delivery of the goods and their acceptance by County. 3. The specifications, the proposal, the advertise- ment by County, the Instructions to Bidders, and the performance bond for Vendor are attached hereto and made a part o~ this contract as though fully written herein. 4. Risk of loss to County for the goods purchased v -, _w_,,, "shaI1- remain wi th,Vendor until the goods are delivered to County ...., ~,.".\~,~.... -..,-rf;, , ,-' ~.. ;"::;-' .- F.O.B. Department of Social Services, 1020 Rankin St., Wilmingtpn,NC 5. Vendor shall deliver all goods purchased by County on or before 30 After Receipt of Order . 6. In connection wi th the performance of this contract, Vendor agrees not to discriminate against any employee , or appl-icant for employment because of race, religion, color,. sex or national 9rigin. Vendor agrees to take affirmative actions to insure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during this employment, without regard to their race, religion, color, sex or national origin. 2 " " , , 7. This contract constitutes the entire understanding of the parties and contains all of the terms agreed upon with respect to the sub j ect matter hereof. No modification or rescission of this contract shall be effective unless evidenced by a signed writing. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, NEW HANOVER COUNTY has caused this instrument to be executed in its behalf by its Board of County Commissioners through its Chairman, Karen E. Gottovi and attested by its Clerk and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, and. Modern Business Systems, Inc. , Vendor, has executed this instrument under seal, or, if a corporation, caused this instrument to be executed in its behal f by its duly and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, above written. NEW HANOVER COUNTY By: ~1~.l_ ~. C airman Board of County Commissioners A-a;::,/-1~ ~d~ Clerk This instrument has been pre- audited in the manner required by the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act. Approved as to form: cou~~ ~~ County Attorney 3 Modern Busin~ss Systems, Inc. Vendor (SEAL) By: Title: (Owner, Partner, pres./V.pres.) ATTEST: Secretary NORTH CAROLINA NEW I, the State and ha~ ~~,~bl~ p rs nally came before me this day and acknowledged that (s)he is Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Commission, the foregoing ins rume tw igned in its name by. its Chairman, .r J, sealed with its corporate seal as its Clerk. ~_I'l'NESS my hand .. ...,~ -, 19J/tf. . . and official seal, this If#: ..' . " ..d a y_.. of. :~e~ -, NORTH CAROLINA / My commission expires: , My Commission Expires .oct. 13, 1986 NEW HANOVER COUNTY (If Vendor an Individual or Partnership) I, for the State and County , a Notary Public in and aforesaid, certify that personally appeared before me this the due execution of the foregoing day and acknowledged instrument. 4 RESOLU'I'ION OF THE BOARD OF' COMJ.lISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County is presently a member of the "Southeastern Economic Development District," a regional economlcdevelopment commission created pursuant tbB.C.G~S. Chapter 158, Article 2, and composed of the Counties of Bladen', Bruris~ick, Columbus, Cumberland, Hoke, New Hanover, Pender, Robeson, S'ampson and Scotland; and WHEREAS, G.S. S158-8 authorizes a governmental unit to withdraw from a regional commission on two years' notice to the other members; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as ,follows: . . , :NewH'a.nover County hereby.=withdraws its e ern Economic Development District, effect on July 1, 1986. },. membe,r;;ship with,.said t a regular meeting, this 114 day of June:, ./{ALU. - e. ~~ Kar~n E. Gottovi, Chairman Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Attest: "......~ ~d~~ Clerk , REGULilll, Jl;E,NDA DAT~: {~-./ 8' -:? t.j ITEM No. ~ EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, met in regular session in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Administration Building in Wilmington, North Carolina, the regular place of meeting at o'clock, .M., on June 18, 1984. The follow- ing Commissioners were: Present: Absent: * * * * * * * * .. * * * * A representative of The New Hanover County Indus- trial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority .. appeared before the Board and advised the Board that the Authority has adopted a bond resolution authorizing the ',"S.,. issuance of revenue bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $7,200,000 and the execution and delivery of financing documents pertaining to the financing of pollution control facilities in New Hanover County for Carolina Power & Light Company (the "Company"). The representative, submitted to the Board drafts of a Bond Purchase Agreement proposed to be entered into among the Authority, Carolina Power & Light Company (the .>'- "Company"), and Chemical Bank (the "Bank"), an Indenture of Trust between the Authority and Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York, as Trustee, a Supplemental Indenture between the Company and Irving Trust Company and J.A. Vaughan, as Trustees and a Loan Agreement between the Authority and the Company and the representative further stated that the Bond Purchase Agreement set forth the terms of the revenue bond financing, including the proposed issuance and sale of the bonds to the Bank at a price of 100% of the principal amount thereof and requested that the Board approve the issuance of the bonds. Commissioner then introduced the following resolution which was read at length: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has created a political subdivision and body corporate and politic of the State of North Carolina known as "The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority" (the "Authority"); and WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized under the Industrial and Pollution Control Facilities Financing Act Chapter 159C of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended (the "Act"), to issue revenue bonds for the purpose, among others, of paying all or any part of the cost of any -2- ).'. pollution control project for a public utility, to acquire, construct and equip any such project, and to make and execute financing agreements, security documents and other contracts and instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of such powers; and WHEREAS, the Authority proposes to issue its revenue bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $7,200,000 (the "Bonds") and to loan the proceeds thereof to the Company to finance the acquisition, construction and installation of pollution control and solid waste disposal facilities at the L.V. Sutton Electric Plant near Wilming- ,tc;h, New Hanover County, consisting of an addition to and expansion of the existing ash pond, including. the raising of the dike elevation, the addition of an impervious liner, monitoring wells, and an ash line, along with other func- ti6nally related and subord~nate facilities (the "Project"), such Project to be operated by the Company; and WHEREAS, the Board has heretofore held a public hearing, pursuant to notice duly given, and has heretofore approved the Project in principle and the issuance of revenue bonds to finance the Project; and WHEREAS, the, Act provides that no bonds shall be issued thereunder unless the issuance thereof shall have been approved by the governing body of the County and the -3- ,)'0 Board desires to approve the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority; and WHEREAS, the Board has considered the Bond Pur- chase Agreement presented to it setting forth the terms of the revenue bond financing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as fol- lows: (1) The issuance of the Bonds by the Authority is hereby approved. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is 'hereby authorized and directed to provide certified copies of- this resolution to the Local Government Commission .and to Bond Counse 1 . (3) This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Commissioner moved the passage of the foregoing resolution and Commissioner seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: -4- .Y' STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) : ss. : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, LUCIE F. SMITH, Clerk of the Board of Commis- sioners of the County hereinafter described, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, as follows: 1. A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, a county in the State of North Carolina, was duly held on June 18, 1984, proper notice of said meeting having been given as required by North Carolina statutes, and minutes of said meeting have been duly recorded in the Minute Book kept by me in accordance with law for the purpose of recording the minutes of said Board. 2. I have compared the attached extract with said minutes so recorded and said extract is a true copy of said minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said minutes relate to matters referred to in said extract. 3. Said minutes correctly state the time when ,said meeting was convened and the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board who attended said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of said County, this __ day of June, 1984. Clerk, Board of Commissioners (SEAL) , .~l ~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1984~85 BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, in regular session assembled: Section 1: The following amounts are hereby appro- priated for the operation of New Hanover County government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1984, and end ing June 30, 1985, accord ing to the following summary and schedules: 1,399,306 $ 44,464,306 1,085,557 28,000 3,804,351 1 f006,034 1,399f306 $ 50f388f24~ Summary Estimated Revenues Fund Balance Appropriated General Fund Airport Operating Fund Water Fund Stearn Plant Operating Fund Landfill Operating Fund $ 43,065,000 1,085,557 28,000 3;804,351 1,006t034 $ 48,988,942 $ $ TOTAL BUDGET Total Appropriation Section 2: That for said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund the following: Department Governing Body County'Manager Personnel Internal Audit Finance Data Processing Print Shop Tax Legal Clerk of Court Elections Register of Deeds Garage Property Management ,Eng ineer ing Non-Departmental and Debt Service Sheriff District "Attorney Emergency Services Contributions to Fire Departments Inspections Coroner Contributions to Rescue Squads Juvenile Services i Appropriation $ 218,021 287,848 140,514 44,579 266,883 493,087 72,536 900,075 154,767 21,000 101,793 381,537 432,478 1 , 17 7 , 792, 350,605 2,536,283 3,306,828 2,500 125,163 271,280 748,761 29,365 572,671 332,890 , . Department Appropr i at io'n Contributions to Economic and Physical Development Planning Agriculture and Economics Public Health Mental Health Public Assistance Human Relations Assistance to the Aging Other Human Services Community Based Alternatives O.A.R. Beaches - Public Seashore Educat ion Library Parks and Recreation Museum Contributions to Cultural and Recreational Transfers to Other Funds Contingencies Total Appropriations - General Fund $ 113,920 256,596 99,338 3,284,501 317,532 6,716,658 177,174 435,573 27,798 93, 107 80,000 177,219 11,268,781 1 ,009, 109 352,308 236,039 55,010 5,934,410 859,977 $ 44,464d06 Section 3: It is estimated that the following General Fund Revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1 984, and ending . June 3 0 ; 1 9 85 , to meet the foregoing General Fund, appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Total Revenues - General Fund $ 32,584,500 2,056,276 1,369,968 4,992,449, 1,230,627 804,143 26,450 1,399,893 $ 44 ! 464 d06 Taxes Federal Intergovernmental Revenues Non-Federal Intergovernmental Revenues Health and Social Service Charges for Services Miscellaneous Transfers from Other Funds Fun9 ~~l.ance Appropriated Section 4: For said fiscal year there is hereby appro- priated out of the Airport Operating Fund the sum of $ 1,085,557 ii ~ -' Operating beginning foregoing Section 5: It is estimated that the following. Airpprt Fund Revenues will be available during the fiscal year Jul y 1, 1984, and end ing June 30, 1985, to meet the Airport Operating Fund appropriations: Revenue Source Amoun t Sales and Other Functional Revenues Transfer from General Fund $ 493,010 592,547 $ 1,085,557, Total Revenues - Airport Operating Section 6: For said fiscal year there is hereby appro- priated out of the Water Fund the sum of $ 28,000 Section 7: It is estimated that the following Water Fund Rev en ue s will be avail able dur ing the fi scal year beg inn i ng July 1, 1984, and ending June 30, 1985, to meet the foregoing Water and Sewer appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Sales and Other Functional Revenues $ $ 28,000 28,000 Total Revenues - Water Fund Section 8: For.. said fiscal year. there is herby appro- priated out of the Steam Plant Operating Fund the sum of $ 3,804,351 Section 9: It is estimated that the following Steam \Pl ant Oper ating Fund Revenues will be available d ur ing the fi sca I year beginning July 1, 1984, and ending June 30, 1985, to meet the foregoing Steam Plant Operating Fund appropriations: Revenue Source Amount Total $ 2,604,400 1,199,951 $ 3,804,351 Sales and O~her Functional Revenues Jr~Qsfer from Gen~ral Fund Section 10: For said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated out of the Landfill Operating Fund the sum of $ l,OQ6,034 iii ! , ,. '. Section 11: It is estimated that the followin'g Land- fill Operating Fund Revenues will be available during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1984, and ending June 30, 1985, to meet the foregoing Landfill Operating Fund Appropriations: Revenue Source Amoun t Transfer from General Fund $ 1,006,034 Total Revenues - Solid Waste Disposal Operating Fund $ 1,006,034 Section 12: There is hereby levied in the General Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1985, the rate of $ .68 on each one hundred dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation of taxable property as listed as of January 1, 1984, for the purpose of r ai sing the reven ues fr om the curr en t year's pro per ty tax as set forth in the foregoing appropriations. Such rate is based on an estimated total appraised value of property for the purpose of taxation of $ 3,654,000,000' with an assessment ratio of 100% of appraised value. Estimated collection rate of 97% is based on fiscal year 1983-84 collection rate of 97%. Section 13: thi s Budget Ord in ance shall be the County Finance Director of expenditures ,.,,,,r. "'~'" ' '. " 18th day of June, 1984. cf~ \-/~ - Cl er k " ~t.~ Kar n E. Gottovi, Chalrman Board of County Commisioners iv s _:) c., !;,c,... ~ BOut, :::AGE 1273 P8G4 U ...; I RE: >- .' - ". A .~ 2~ :-\,~:,::' ,':.LiSc:~~~tC hC\..i;~l~~r~ C,r: Dt~D~ tiE;\' i'LINCVEf{ CO. NC STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COHMISSIONERS DEe 7 3 34 fM '84 COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF RENAMING DAVIS NURSING HOME ROAD (SR 1499) ORDINANCE It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the renaming of Davis Nursing Home Road (SR 1499) in the Porter's Neck Plantation, Harnett Township area, and it further appearing that a public hearing was held on June 18, 1984, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not the renaming would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was transmitted to all resident owners and prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said road, and published in the Star News local newspaper, and the ~oard of County Commissioners is of the opinion that said public road(s) in New Hanover County should be renamed and the renaming of same is in the public interest, the description of which is delineated on the attached exhibit. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED AND DECREED that the above described road(s) are hereby named JANELLE MOORE BOULEVARD. 66 June, 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BY: {~r;. ~.dV1~ CHAIRMAN a?:ATT T: ~ \. ' l -/ ..-.., '''"--' '- V. C~RK TO THE BOARD RET'JRNED TO ~~ 5 l-v, '\ ll.~ Co. 1> .Q. 0...-. 0 -'-f t. . , OJ ,~'-'?", 'II' BOCr" ?~,G E 1273 1~", i., (] 0 v ~ .J STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER IN THE MATTER OF RENAMING GRANDIE ROAD (SR 2027) ORDINANCE It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that consideration has been given to the renaming of Grandie Road (SR 2027) in the Castle Hayne area in Cape Fear Township, and it further appearing that a public hearing was held on June 18, 1984, at which time all persons were heard on the question of whether or not the renaming would be in the public interest, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was transmitted to all resident owners and prominently posted in at least two (2) locations along said road, and ~ublished in the Star News local newspaper, and the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that said public road(s) in New Hanover County should be renamed and the renaming of same is in the public interest, the description of which is delineated on the attached exhibit. NOW; THEREFORE, IT IS ORDAINED AND DECREED that the above described road(s) are hereby named GRANNY ROAD. a copy of this ordinance be recorded in the the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina, and that th~ action taken by the Board of County Commissioners be transmitted to ..m... V . g jurisdiction over the road(s), the North Carolina Board of n~ any city within five (5) miles of said road(s) in ~"'" eneral Statute 153-240. ~ ' y June, 1984. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BY: ~,,<-e:. ~ - CHAIRMAN ~: ~ "~ .~ , RK TO THE BOARD