1984-06-25 SpM Exhibits . 1.- ~ RESOIl1I'ICN ESTABLISHING A roVERNHENrAL CXJNSQLIDATICN STUDY CXM{tSSICN WHERFAS, the consolidation of City and County goV'e.I.llllt:uts has been discussed actively for nany years in New Hanover County, Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach~ and WHEREAS, New Hanover Comty is one of the IrOst densely populated cotmties in North Carolina as well as one of the snallest COlIDties in geographical area~ and lV~, the New Hanover Comty Ccmnissioners, the Wilmington City COmlell, the, Carolina Beach Town Camci.l, the Kure Beach Board of Carmissianers, and the Wrightsville Beach Board of .Al.dernen have continued to ~rk to provide econani- cal and efficient government to the citizens of the County and its incorporated mmicipalities. and , , , ~, there is a cxmtinuing and grovring denand for m:ban level seI:Vices ~.the County~ and , ~, govenmEIl:at consolidation may help to ensure the above goals, the continued econanic develOflIEIlt of New Hanover County and the iJrprovarent of the quality of life of all of its residents~ and ~, Article 20 of Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General' Statutes authorizes counties and cities to establish gove:r:nmental consolidation ~ , cx:mnissions by cancur:rent resolutions of their governing 00i i ps ~ N:M, '~ORE, BE IT REroLVED' BY, THE OOARD OF CCM-1ISSIONERS FUR NEW HANJVER COONl'Y, THE WII.MING'DJN CITY 0XlNCIL, THE CAro:L.nlA BEN:B 'lO-JN CXXJN:IL, '!HE KURE B.FllCH BOARD OF CXMvtISSla;IERS,' RID THE 'WIUGm'SVILLE BEACH BOARD OF ~ '!BAT : 1. There is hereby established the New Baocwer County Gove1:rIIEntal Uni~ Consolidation Study Catmission pursuant to the provisions of Article 20 of Chapter 153A of the North Carolina General Statutes. 2. The COTm; ~sion is hereby charged with the following purposes : (a) To evaluate the practical and political feasibili~ of a single gove:r:nment for New BaIxwer County, 'the City of Wilmi.ngtan, and the Towns of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach~ . (b) To study the pavers, duties, :funct.ians, respon- sibilities, and organizational struct:ures of New Hanover COlmty, the City of Wilmington, the 'I't:7.mS of Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach~ ~~ (c) To examine the present delivery of public services throughout New Hanover Connty and to detenni.ne whether such services can be improved in a. single gove.rmrent and which services nay be best left in the present fonnat~ (d) To analyze the oosts under a single government fannat~ (e) To evaluate the public's perception of a single govexnrrent and the real or perceived notion of greater or lesser accessibility or ccmplexity in structure ~ (f) To review' the results of other ccmmmi.ties that have consolidated and whether any have revoked their consolidation~ (g) " To make recx:mrendations a:mcern.ing the estab- li.shnent of, a governmental cx:msolidation charter camd.ssi.on~' and (h) To prepare and deliver a reIX>rt an its studies and findings to the governing bodies listed , - herein. 3. The camri.ssion shall consist of ~ty-br.u nembers who shall serve until the \tJOrk of the Cam1i.ssion is canpleted. The New Hanover County Catmissianers shall appoint eight narbers, the Wilmington City Couricu- shall appoint seven narbers, and the Carolina. Beach 'l'c1.m Council., Kure Beach Board of carmi.ssi.aners p and Wrightsville Beach Board of A1rlp~ shall awoint two narbers each. 'n1e Sheriff of New Hanover CDunty or his designee shall be a IIBIi:ler of the Camdssi.on. The n-eniJers of the Canni..ssion shall serve without ~1Sation, l:ut inay be paid or refunded any necessary and essential expenses incurred by them in carrying art: their duties. The Cortnissian shall carry out its purposes and conduct' its ~ by cx:mn:i.ttees. Any II't:::u~ who, f~; 1 ~ to attend at least seventy-five ' percent of the regular and sped ~] neetings held by the Cnnni !=lsion during any one year period shall be autanati.c;:llly rarcved iran the Camtissial. Vacan- cies occurring an the Ccmni..ssion by reason of 'resignation-or otherwise shall- be fi 11 ed by the govennnental body that nade the original appoint- ment. , / A majority of the Ire!IOers of the Camri.ssion shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and an affi..mative vote of the najority of the ( -- -.... --.--"-r-":---:" II'6'Cbers present at a rreeting of the Carmission shall be required to constitute action of the Camri.ssi.on. 4. The officers of the Catmission shall be a chainnan, vice-chaiI:man and secretary. The chainnan, vice- ~ and secretary shall be elected by the CCmnissian fraIl its nanbershi.p at the organizati.onal m=eting. The neetings of the Cn'nni ~sion shall be subject to the provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Article 33C of Chapter 143 of the North Carolina General Statutes. 5. The organizaticmal rreeting shall be called by the chainnan of the County Ccmn:i.ssioners and shall be held within thirty days after the aptXli.ntnent of the nanbers of the Carmission. All appoin1:Irents to the Ccmn:issian shall be nade and reported to the Ql;:\; TTI'l."ITlof the County Ccmnissioners by August 15, 1984. The Ccmni.ssion, is to ccmplete its lNOrk en or before July 1, 1985. 6. New Hanover Cmmty shall pay all the costs and . expenses of the Ccmnission. As soon as practicable after' its organizational neet:ing, the Cacmissian shall prepare a budget for its operations. The blxlget shall be reviewed and approved by the County Chrm; ~sianers. Far the purposes of the I.ocal Govenment Budget and Fiscal ContJ:ol Act, the erploynent .of personnel, pw:chasi.ng procedures and financial managenent, the Ccmni.ssion shall be d€E'fl"€d , to be a. depart:nent of New Hanover County. 7. With the awroval of the. appr~riate manager or governing body, the Carmission may utilize officers, errployees, agents and of:'lr'; 1 i ties of New HanoVer County ~ Wilmington, Carolina Beach, ~ Beach and Wrightsville Beach as Jtl2iy be ~€'d to carry out the Carmission' s pm:poseS. Unless other . legal ,~ ' is sp="t"!; of; r-Fl 11 y approved by the County Cnnni ~ sicners, the Camty Attorney's Office shall serve as legal counsel to the Ccmn:ission. 8. Subject to the approval of the budget by the" Colmty Canni.ssi.oners, the Carmi.ssicn shall have the ~ .set forth in G.S. 153A-404. The Cnrmjssian shall also have the aUtlx:n:ity to ~int such sulxiu.ud ttees of its ~ -and advi.soxy ccmnittees as necessary for the ace. I'lpli..shnent of .its purpoSes. 9. The intent of this resolution is to provide for the review of the feasibility of a single govenment for New Hanover County, and no goveJ::Imental unit shall be incll1(wn in a consolidati.cn charter without the express aw~uval of its governing body. ~:OP~~ ~. meeting 1984-. Attest: ~~~ Clerk . ,/ Adopted at a special on June 25 Attest: meeting "~/198L. ,';7~"d} , l.-~c."P~__ Mayor, City 0 ---.---.. . Adopted at a on meeting , 198 . Mayor, Town of Carolina Beach Attest: Clerk Adopted at a on meeting , 198 . Mayor, Town of Kure Beach Attest: Clerk . " ~ .' . 'J' ..' h]opted at a c:q."r~~ ...: ~..1i"C 'I. iII","._ .,:'..~.,,~_: CA.~Ol.1 :""'~' , .... -" ..' '0000' . d , /-'~ 0 - ~..o.. . ~$~Gu r""'7 ~~. ,::~ ~ ,,0.",.. ~'c-' ..:9 ~~ ti 5/' \ .~~. ~~~ ~I- ~ '" .. " ... '" ...~, . '\'....:i "" CA R ,.'- . 1#4it..,. i...'" \\ "\"'" /u~~' ~" ' ";:,!". ".: ......... ~r .. ~'. ,. . __ . , ueet.ing 198..:L. D~ Mayor 0 Cal:o Beach . --- t' ~.. . ~ . ", ~-~ ~ at a~~ on~(L v rreeting , 198L- ~ . Mayor ... t ..-. ". . . ~. -::' - ........ ~. ' ~.. ~.ala.u ~?&w-,uUtk"':1C1"~NJ'Xati l em . 6i." , 198~. 0 p- ~ . ~tc/ . ,-,J . -~-"'_ . ,," .- _ J ~ ,. :_ /_;,~^_ -U~ : '_, _ ~,_' :: Mayer 0 Kw:e Beach ,~; '~; ~ . ~;_~,.~0~ '.::I' ~'"-",,_ .1' ~~"'., ," THE t1ARINE' RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CRESCENT The State of North Carolina should develop its nqtural and human resources to the fullest extent of their capabilities: ~.JHEREAS the State of North Carolina is richly blessed with an abundant coastline, access to the Atlantic Oceani a vast marshland area, and major estuaries, and WHEREAS the University of North Carolina at Wilrqington Clnd Cape Fear Technical Institute have outstanding programs in marine science, and WHEREAS the opportunities for business and research that lie beneath the waters on and off of our coast present ample challenges for the future, and WHEREAS private and public agencies in North Carolina are engaged in many facets of marine related research at present, and WHEREAS there eX;lsts a need to focus national and infernational attention on the unexplored potentials of extended marine research, and ~-1I-IEREAS, in .accordance wi th the preceding, The Marine Res earch and, Development Crescent has been established as a non-profit North Carolina Corporation, and \.-Jl-IEREAS the State of North Carolina could and should take a leader- ship role in this nation's marine research development, now THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that The Marine Research and Development Crescent be advanced by the State providing initial funding of fifty thousand dollars to inaugurate this exciting, and innovative concept. Adopted this the 21st day of June, 1984. . F. Acting C Eor the Board 0 of The Marine Research stine irman Directors and Development Crescent '1'.' r ~,- ~_.... .- THE MARINE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CRESCENT PURPOSE The Marine Research and Development Crescent will identify and actively recruit to North Carolina clients requiring marine-related research and development, which will create additional opportunities for employment in high technology settings. Major goals of the Marine Research and Development Crescent will be to provide continued support for established businesses and to match the needs of new clients with existing and po- tential scientific research capabilities. These capabilities include the resources of a major university with high level research potential and an outstanding technical institute. These capabilities are enhanced by the marine environment in which they are located: i.e., the Atlantic Ocean, the Cape Fear River, and a major port. The work of the Marine Crescent will be carried out through these initial components: a foundation, an institute, a clearinghouse and a park. FOUNDATION The purpose of the Foundation is to generate resources for the creation and maintenance of The Marine Research and Development Crescent. The initial work of the Foundation will be carried out by a board of directors. INSTITUTE The purpose of the Institute is to set policies for management and direction of The Marin2 Research and Development Crescent. CLEARINGHOUSE The purpose of the clearinghouse is to identify, collect and disseminate information about Cape Fear area marine-related resources. This TNill ,utilize a data base which includes a library of films, tapes, books and periodicals. In addition, the clearinghouse'wi1:l match available r.esour-ceswith the needs of potential clients. MARINE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTPARK(S) ." .w .',,', .:!" The purpose of The Marine Research and Development Parkes) is to locate physical space(s) for clients. The concept of the park may include multiple locations.