1984-07-16 RM Exhibits ;:;~ ~nJ ,o~ y3, TAX ADMINISTRATOR '. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ROLAND G. REGISTER Tax Administrator OFFICEOFTHETAXADMINISTRATqOONSENF AG~NDA 320 CHESTNUT STREET '77 It) fr;L/ WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 2840I-409CDA TE: I' I Telephone (919) 341-7131 ITEM No. NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru June 30, 1984 1983 1982 Charged Per Scroll $ 21,509,024.76 $ 17,199,745.99 Discoveries Added 2,480,625.21 2,851,251.92 $ 23,989,649.97 $ 20,050,997.91 Less Abatements 139,023.39 69,042.26 Total Taxes Due $ 23,850,626.58 $ 19,981,955.65 Collections to Date -23,126,048~37 -19,385,374.53 Outstanding Balance $ 724,578.21 $ 596,581.12 Percentage Collected 96.96% 97.01% Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 664,382.79 $ 579,115.02 Less Abatements 2,223.91 1,233.58 Collections to Date 336,280.79 281,570.41 Outstanding Balance $ 325,878.09 $ 296,311.03 Percentage Collected 50.79% 48.72% Personal Property Taxes $ 907,773.84 $ 767,006.68 Less Abatements 46,911.65 26,496.27 Collections to Date 105,635.04 96,305.38 Outstanding Balance $ 755,227.15 $ 644,205.03 Percentage Collected 12.27% 13.01% Room Occupancy Tax Collections in June - $40,973.41 Privilege License Collections in June - 20,621.15 Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach to date - $33,145,450.22. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1983. Respectfully submitted, ?cd-~ s:\ ~rv Patricia J. ~ynor I Collector of Revenue PJR: sw MEMORANDUM ~ ~ ~.xI) f?~ ~3 C~NSENF A\GEN~A\ ?/;i/fI'-! .flJ DATE: ~; , . :;.... ITEM No. FROM: Board of County Commissioners Roland G. Registev ^;~ Tax Administratorl!'f;/ Abatements and .Refunds TO: SUBJECT: DATE: July 9, 1984 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Adkins, Sarah Speegle 2. Burnett, Walter Lee Jr. 3. Butler, Grace Fergus 4. Campbell,_ Joseph E. 5. Everhart, Richard 6. Ford, Larry Eugene 7. Franklin, Edward Roberts 8. Galuskin, Myron Sanford 9. Gilmore, Remona Lucille 10. Harris, Ronald W. Etux. 11. King, Warren Lee 12. Mullins, Ronald Grover 13. Woodcock, Paul Woodard Jr. $ 27.08 41.18 (1981) 16.80 25.04 95.79 Refund 41.12 3.98 335.92 30.97 19.44 21. 95 11. 14 6.06 Request the following taxes be released as they are double-charged: 1. Criag, Karen Lynn 2. Cribb, Charles 21.54 Refund 7.41 Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: 1. Cyzick, Nancy McCartney 2. Langley, Madrid Owen 3. Turner, Betty Shinn 45.41 14.86 72.14 Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to a clerical error of mispriced trailers: 1. Atkins, Mildred Parrish 45.33 Request these items be placed on the Consent Agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting on July 16, 1984. I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. :sw ,- Board of County Commissioners Page 2 Jtdy 9, 1984 Copy: G. F. Cooper County Manager R. Pope County Attorney C. Thompson Listing 'Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue ;; i!JJ ~~ ~ ry. ~ . a II II II . II . II a II II II II a II .. II II II CI II II a II II II 0 a a a II II a II II a D II II D II II a II D . a II a a a II II a II II II a a II II iii a II a a a II a II II II II II 0 a a II a a D a a a a 0 a D II 0 D II a II II II II . II D II II a II a II a a . ~~.r-1 N eUt llianuuer aInuntll iGonrb of mommissiot1trs tRtnnlutinn WHEREAS, New Hanover County is interested in support to agencies that serve public purposes including development, cultural and recreational programs, social promotion, ambulance service, and fire protection; and, WHEREAS, New Hanover County is interested in providing financial support to agencies that benefit the citizens of the County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the Chairman of County Commissioners is authorized and directed to enter into contracts with the following agencies to fund amounts as approved in the FY 1984/85 New Hanover County Budget. providing financial economic and physical services, industrial AGENCY Albert Schweitzer International Prizes New Hanover Council on Status of Women North Carolina Army National Guard Friends of Public Radio Task Force Against Family Violence Elderhaus, Inc. New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District Offender, Aid and Restoration of Wilmington, Inc. Wilmington/New Hanover Port, Waterway, and Beach Commission New Hanover County Veterans Council Lower Cape Fear Hospice, Inc. Cape Fear Council of Governments Wilmington Industrial Development, Inc. Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce Downtown Area Revitalization Effort, Inc. New Hanover Clean Community Commission, Inc. North Carolina Azalea Festival at Wilmington Arts Council of Lower Cape Fear, Inc. Cape Fear Substance Abuse Center St. John's Art Gallery, Inc. Southeastern Economic Development Commission Pleasure Island Chamber of Commerce New Hanover County Fire Inspection Committee Ogden Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. New Ha~lOver Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. Pleasure lsland Volunteer Rescue Squad, Inc. City of Wilmi~gton Fire Department Lower Cape Fear Water & Sewer Authority AMOUNT $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 9,000 $ 9,000 $ 16,598 $ 8,100 $ 80,000 $ 1,500 $ 500 $ 700 $ 18,436 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 17,500 $ 3,500 $ 26,010 $ 5,000 $ 11 ,500 $ 2,634 $ 3,000 $271,280 $186,860 $171 ,341 $ 65,000 $149,470 $ 1,250 This the /(,.lit; day of July, 1984. Atte t: c;-: t.d-M~~. 7r< ~ ~,. 0-' ... RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY RELATING TO CHANGES ON THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY TOWNSHIP MAP WHEREAS, New Hanover County maintains a map showing the current boundaries of each township within the County, and WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington has recently annexed into said City an area of the County heretofore designated a portion of Masonboro Township, and WHEREAS, New Hanover County recognizes the necessity of changing and correcting the existing boundar ies of said County Township Map; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Commis- sioners of New Hanover County, pursuant to G.S. S153A-19, does hereby change the boundary of Masonboro Township to the extent necessary to show the current boundaries of each township within New Hanover County as shown on said County Township Map. \l\l:;Cb.,i$.dll ~;..a day ~\l\l o~ IJ 6>00 ~\J;'\,~ 9" @~ . IJco"Cb Ii#'.'~ . 0000000000.00. g;@.~. " I/&' 4~~1L-0'~ ~~\ [Oft.... 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L-~~~ Attest: "'~Jf9 of July, 1984. ~..~ Jo than Barfield, S . lce-Chairman Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ~~~ Clerk '-., 4~ ~E; p~. <ff, RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY WHEREAS, the Rules of Practice and Procedure for carrying out the administration and enforcement of the New Hanover County Fair Employment and Fair Housing Ordinances are ambiguous regarding cases closed by the agency (staff) as to the meaning of "final disposition"; and WHEREAS, it was the intent of the authors of said Rules of Practice and Procedure to enable the agency to resolve, complete and dispose of as many cases as possible without going to the full Human Relations Commission; and WHEREAS, the Human Relations Commission, recognizing the necessity for clarification of the Rules of Practice and Procedure, adopted a Resolution on May 21, 1984, and has requested the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners to ratify such Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners does hereby ratify and adopt as part of the Rules of Practice and Procedure for the administration and enforcement of the New Hanover County Fair Employment and Fair Housing Ordinances the following: A case closed by the Agency shall be considered the final disposition of the case unless there is a request for reconsideration. Agency action pertaining to a re<iuest for reconsideration must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee of the Commission before final disposition is declared. A. DQ~....ED..)~~.,~.,.iSS..t. he /~;t6; ~. ::9; f'J/ftdMfl!] ~l% .fL !\ ~."""A-'''' <?/p.', ~ '~;} . . ....r"~.....~~~~." ~e .(', [CO..f7. I.' J}~~d."",,?'O.....-I.;;$.'.'.... Etl.,.j...'...A,.........i.~~~,..2J.c..~~\....... r I- ,Jj' . .' ~,-'-.2i~, (-c, ~ ,j. f~' I IJ' ". "'.". ;-'\D'?<"'! YL '\'..l~ tl ()',' '.'. :}Jo.". "'.',... ~."~. ')".1 (, .~j ,< '":hJ~;l---:-.::~;-f.S_,< t.~:, 0,11 '::j \'.' .((~ ~.: i~.,' :.:bP'......,.{.y'~.'.I':!.. ~ .' ......."'.' ,c::::.:::;;l'.y~...'..-\._...;,.J.....r./...."....'..;................~.,. " Jl ''0,'. C:~rJr:;:j ,'/'7 "i)""'1/ "G-,'''> '" 0 ./~ ..,.. , .' ~@ '>-;>''---~-~0:' r~ /," At te s ~!JltJ~~Q@~~~{;t' ~ '~~~"'~"'A______~#' ~...~.... day of fl~/ I) , 1984. ~i~ ice-Chairman Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ~ ,/ i-L,zL Clerk