WRFC Minutes 2011-02-22 SM MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF WILMINGTON REGIONAL FILM COMMISSION, INC. A North Carolina Non - Profit Corporation PURSUANT TO NOTICE, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT A, the Board of Directors of the Wilmington Regional Film Commission, Inc. (WRFC) held a special meeting at 8:00 AM, on February 22, 2011. Mr. Jimmy Smith, Mr. William Vassar, Mr. Bill Saffo, Mr. Ted Davis, Jr., and Ms. Carey Jones were present in person. In addition, Mr. Johnny Griffin, Ms. Brooke Wheelock, and Mr. John Wessel III were present. 1. INTRODUCTION OF NEW BOARD MEMBERS. Chairman of the Board Mr. Smith welcomed new Board Members Mr. Ted Davis, Jr. and Ms. Carey Jones, and all Board Members introduced themselves to the new Board Members. Mr. Davis and Ms. Jones bios are attached as EXHIBIT B. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM OCTOBER 20, 2010 BOARD MEETING The Minutes from the Board Meeting on October 20, 2011, a copy of which is attached as EXHIBIT C, were unanimously approved. 3. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Mr. Griffin reviewed the annual election of Officers clause from the WRFC By -Laws with the Board. Mr. Smith was re- elected as Chairman of the Board because of his extensive legislative influence, Mr. Vassar was elected as Vice - Chairman of the Board because of his commitment to and influence in the film industry, and Mr. Griffin was re- elected Secretary /Treasurer of the Board because of his continued commitment to the economic development of the film industry and his strong management of the WRFC. 4. CONSULTATION WITH WRFC ATTORNEY JOHN WESSEL III, JD. WRFC Attorney John Wessell III presented the City and County responses to WRFC By -Laws clarification letters sent by Mr. Wessell. City and County agreed that each WRFC Board Member will serve a 3 -year term, with a 2 -term maximum. Current Board Members are considered to be currently serving their first terms, regardless of when those terms expire. Board Members filling an unexpired term will be eligible for 2 full terms after their interim term expires. Mr. Wessell will follow up with City and County 1 regarding removal of Board Members clauses. Mr. Wessell made suggestions for opening meetings of the WRFC to the public. Board Members decided that WRFC would open the end of its Board Meetings for public comment, each comment not to exceed 5 minutes, each topic not to exceed 15 minutes, and total public comment time not to exceed 30 minutes. To appear before the Board, one must submit a request in writing prior to 12:00 PM the day before the Board Meeting. Mr. Wessel will provide the WRFC with a draft of a public comment request form. Board Members Mr. Saffo and Mr. Vassar agreed that Board Meetings should be set each year, with Mr. Griffin's input on dates due to business concerns. Mr. Griffin to determine Board Meeting schedule for 2011 and submit it to the Board. 5. DISCUSSION OF MARKETING TRIP TO LOS ANGELES Mr. Griffin discussed his recent marketing trip to Los Angeles, which was comprised of approximately 15 meetings with 45 production executives. Mr. Griffin has not ever had such a positive response from production companies about their interest in filming in Wilmington, NC. Mr. Griffin found that the stability of NC tax incentives was a major factor in this interest. 6. WRFC ACTIVITY UPDATE. Mr. Griffin told Board Members that six productions are currently filming in Wilmington, NC, and that Wilmington is running almost at capacity with no sign of a slowdown. Availability of crew and scheduling resources is a positive challenge for the local industry. Mr. Saffo requested that the WRFC more broadly disseminate economic impact numbers to NC legislators and have them visit the lot. 7. ADDITIONAL ITEMS DISCUSSED. Board Members had no additional items to discuss. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 AM. Respectfully submitted, James L.F. Smith Chairman 2