Zoning Area Airport Map (Adopted October 4, 1976) KJI COPY AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW } HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended, be, and the same is hereby further amended as follows: 1. Amend Article V, Section 50 -1 by adding the following: 1 (10) AR Airport Residential District : (11) AI Airport Industrial District 2. Amend Article V by adding the following: Section 59.2 AR Airport Residential District 59.2 -1 The Airport Residential District is established for the pur- , pose of limiting the development of land within the vicinity 1 7 1 of the New Hanover County Airport to low density residential development. In promoting the general purpose of this 4 Ordinance, the specific intent of this Section is: to minimize aircraft hazards by excessive density; to prohibit the development of places of assembly such as schools, 1 hospitals, rest homes or other uses which tend to concentrate large numbers of people; and, to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of New Hanover County by preventing the creation of hazards to the Airport, thereby protecting the lives and property of the users of the Airport and of occupants in the vicinity and preventing destruction � I or impairment of the utility of the Airport and the public investment therein. 59.2 -2 Permitted uses. (1) Accessory buildings (provided there be not more than s 3 two (2) such buildings per lot). (2) Agriculture, forestry, truck farming and other vegetable and plant crop cultivation. (3) Commercial vegetable and flower gardening, plant nurseries and greenhouses; not including any structure used as a salesroom. (4) Golf course, country club and customary related facilities. (5) Public and private parks, parkways and playgrounds. (6) Single family dwelling or mobile home. { (7) Stable (private). (8) Wayside stand for the sale of agricultural products produced in the same parcel where offered for sale. i 59.2 -3 Special Uses (See Article VII, Provisions for Uses Allowed as Special Uses). )' (1) Cemeteries. (2) Churches. °s (3) Community center building. (4) Emergency service facility on a lot adjacent to a U.S. or N.C. numbered highway. (5) Game preserves, wildlife reservations and conservation projects. (6) Government facilities and uses occupied or operated by Federal, State, County and /or Municipal government on land owned or leased by a governmental body not otherwise indicated as a permitted use or special use in the AR zone. (7) Kennels. (8) Private clubs or lodges owned and /or operated by a corporation or association of persons for social or recreational purposes, but not operated primarily for ti profit or to render a service which is customarily carried on as a business. (9) Public utility building or use. { y (10) Riding stables or other public stables. (11) Salesroom for commercial gardens, plant nurseries and greenhouses. 59.2 -4 Dimensional Requirements. rt (1) Minimum lot area shall be 43,560 square feet. (2) Minimum lot width shall be 100 feet. 5 (3) Minimum front yard shall be 25 feet. � I (4) Minimum side yard shall be 20 feet. (5) Minimum rear yard shall be 30 feet. (6) Maximum height, unless otherwise specified by the New Hanover County Airport Height Zoning Ordinance, no building shall exceed thirty -five (35) feet in height. } 4 1 -2- 59.2 -5 Special Requirements. The following special requirements shall apply to each permitted or Special Use: (1) Lighting: (a) A pulsating, flashing, rotating, oscillating, or 4 other type of lighting intended as an attention - getting device shall be expressly prohibited. (b) Flood lights, spot lights, or other lighting device shall be so arranged or shielded as not to cast illumination in an upward direction above an imaginary line extended from the light source parallel to the ground. (2) Radio and electronic: (a) Any radio or electronic device shall be permitted only in conjunction with a valid license therefor or other authorization as may be issued by the Federal Communications Commission. (b) Any radio or electronic device, the operation of which would violate any rules or regulations of the Federal Communications Commission is expressly prohibited. (3) Visual hazards: (a) Any operation or use which emits smoke, dust or creates glare or other visual hazards is expressly prohibited. 3. Amend Article V. by adding the following: Section 59.3 AI Airport Industrial District 59.3 -1 The Airport Industrial District is established as a planned restricted industrial district in which the principal use of land is for indoor manufacturing and distributive type operations that are compatible with airport facilities and which require sites adjacent to railroads and /or major 4 thoroughfares. In promoting the general purpose of this Ordinance, the specific intent of this Section is: to encourage the types of development having maximum compatibility with aircraft operations; to protect and promote the public utility of the Airport; and, to promote the health, safety -3- 2 A and general welfare of the inhabitants of New Hanover County by preventing the creation of hazards to the Airport, thereby 1 protecting the lives and property of the users of the Airport and of occupants in the vicinity and preventing destruction or impairment of the utility of the Airport and the public investment therein. 59.3 -2 Permitted Uses. (1) Airport facilities and related activities. (a) Airport facilities may include, but are not limited to, locations of landing fields; aircraft hangars and repair facilities; administration buildings; passenger and freight terminals; control towers; aviation plots; fuel storage areas; navigation equipment; approach and clear zones; and other facilities essential to the operation of airports for private and public aircraft. (b) Related airport uses may include, but are not limited to, those necessary to provide services and con - venience goods principally to airline passengers and those uses generally associated with airport operations including: aircraft and aircraft parts manufacture; air freight terminals; aviation and airline schools; aircraft repair shops; aerial sur- � vey offices; aircraft sales, equipment, and parts storage; aviation research and testing laboratories; and airline catering services and governmental facilities located upon Airport property. (2) Automobile and truck rentals. (3) Building contractor offices and accessory storage yards, including storage of general construction equipment and vehicles, and the sale of building supplies and materials. ro (4) Commercial and package delivery service. (5) Lumber, coal and construction material storage yards. (6) Mail order sales warehouses. � I (7) Public utility building or use including storage and service yards. -4- L 3 . § t 1 b (8) Sales, servicing, repairing and renting of equipment 4 by business, industry and agriculture. (9) Service and light industries and related offices and showrooms that manufacture, compound, assemble, process, package, store and distribute goods and materials which are dependent upon raw materials refined elsewhere. (10) Warehousing and wholesaling distribution centers with stocks of goods or materials other than live animals, explosives or flammable gases or liquids. 59.3 -3 Special Uses (See Article VII, Provisions for Uses Allowed as Special Uses). (1) Emergency service facility on a lot adjacent to a U.S. or N.C. numbered highway. (2) Governmental facilities and uses occupied or operated by Federal, State, County and /or Municipal Government on land owned or leased by a governmental body not other- wise indicated as a permitted use of Special Use in the AI District. (3) Motels and hotels. (4) Restaurants. (5) Service stations. (6) Truck, bus or rail terminals. 59.3 -4 Dimensional Requirements. (1) Minimum lot area shall be 43,560 square feet. (2) Minimum lot width shall be 150 feet. (3) Minimum front yard shall be 50 feet. (4) Minimum side yard shall be 20 feet. (5) Minimum rear yard shall be 30 feet. (6) Maximum height, unless otherwise specified in the New Hanover County Airport Height Zoning Ordinance, no building shall exceed thirty -five (35) feet in height. 59.3 -5 Protection for Residential Areas. It is hereby required in 1 a AI zone when a new principal structure is built, an existing principal structure is renovated or expanded sufficiently to increase its value by twenty -five (25) percent or more, in any one or more expansions, or a change in use to a more intensive use is made of a property, before a certificate -5- of occupancy may be issued, a planted buffer strip (as specified in Section 67 of this Ordinance) must be pro - vided along all side and rear property lines which adjoin a residential zone or residentially developed area. This provision may be waived only when evidence is presented to the Zoning Board of Adjustment that such buffer would serve no useful purpose; and such evidence shall be heard in the same manner as a request for other variances as provided for in Article XII of this Ordinance. It is 1 further required in an AI zone, to protect and promote existing or future residential development, any means of direct access to or from any permitted or Special Use in the AI zone shall not be through any residentially zoned or developed area or along any street or road in any residential subdivision. If it can be demonstrated that undue hardship will exist if this provision is strictly enforced, the Zoning Board of Adjustment may grant a { variance in accordance with Article XII of this Ordinance. 59.3 -6 Special Requirements. The following special requirements apply to each permitted or Special Use: 3 (1) Lighting: (a) A pulsating, flashing, rotating, oscillating or other type of lighting intended as an attention - getting device shall be expressly prohibited. (b) Flood lights, spot lights or other lighting device shall be so arranged or shielded as not to 4 cast illumination in an upward direction above an imaginary line extended from the light source parallel to the ground. (2) Radio and electronic: (a) Any radio or electronic device shall be permitted `3 only in conjunction with a valid license therefor or other authorization as may be issued by the Federal Communications Commission. (b) Any radio or electronic device, the operation of which would violate any rules or regulations of the Federal Communications Commission is expressly 4 prohibited. -6- 1 (3) Visual hazards: (a) Any operation or use which emits smoke, dust or creates glare or other visual hazards is expressly prohibited. Section 2. Any ordinance or y part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7 day of , , 1976. Chairman and Commissioner // l /, i■ Li • Commissioner OF / 4//:- - 1 Commissioner Commissioner (// Commissioner -7-