B060711 New Hanover County Board of Social Services Meeting Minutes Multi Purpose Room A 10:00 - 11:00 am The New Hanover County Board of Social Services met in open session on Tuesday, June 7. 201 1 at 10:00 in Multi Purpose Room A of the Nevv 1 lanoyer County Department of Social Services. ATTLNDING: John Craig. Chairman. Patrick Rile. Vice Chairman: F\ eIN n BrNant_ Diana Wool I c\ and Brian Bci-cr ALSO Al -I"LNDING: LaVaughn Nesmith. Secretary to the Board: Stephanie Monteath. Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the mectin~g to order at 10:01 a.m. Mr. Craig asked for a motion to appro\ e the a~-,enda. Ms. Brant moved for approval of the agenda. The motion vras seconded h\ Ms. Woollc\and passed unanimously. Ms. Bryant led the invocation. Ms. Woolley led the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Cram( asked fora motion to approve the consent agenda. Ms. Woolley moved to approve the minutes ~yith the correction of remoN ino the word "not" in the first sentence of the last paragi-aph on page The motion vvas seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed unaninu0usly. INFORMATION AGENDA Ms. AV'oolley noted that the number of CPS reports to DSS and Guardianship Services for adults were both up in the Si(-,niiicant Ser, ice Deliver% Indicators Report. Ms. Marino explained that there arc really no U-ends for the CPS reports. The courts continue to appoint DSS to serge as 111-1ardian IOr adull" deemed incompetent. Ms. Woolley feels the numbers indicate that DSS ,,ill most likely need more social vwrkers in the Adult Protective Service unit. Chris COUdI-Iet asked if DSS's efforts to (-)ct the Senior Resource Center to serge as 211-1a1-dian for adults evci" came to fi-uition. Susie Spren1-'cr noted the Senior Resource Center stopped comin',, to the meetings and DSS continues to accept more (~uardianshil) cases. Wanda Marino explained that the Hcalth Department or the Mental Health Center \yould he more appropriate to serge in the guardianship capacity. Mr. Benycr asked if there v~ere and other con1munit_~ resources that could help, such as F'Iderhause or private facilities. vyhere the County'S funding-) of their filclhtles vWuld help DSS's numbers. Ms. Marino ans\ycred that those facilities provide more of a day care respite for cai-egivers. 'Mr. Nesmith reiterated that DSS, the Health Department and Mental I Ie~llth were the most appropriate resources to provide guardianship services. While the ARC of NC is no`o% acceptinO guardianship cases, they change for their services. Ms. Marino explained that DSS scncs a~ (,uardian of the person. not the estate. 1)1,1% ate attorneys are appointed as Guardians of the I:statc. Mr. Bcr,,er asked ho\~ DSS tracks the number of people N\ 110 rccei%e in-home care to enable them to rem,1in at home. (\1s. Marino Cxplaincd that NCvv I lano\el- County has 50 SSI slots. N`hich is monC\ usCd to help people remain in their home \v ith support. A11 ofthose slots arc taken at this point. Mr. N'csmith noted he \N III keep the hoard informed as to the staffing-, needs in this area. %,Is. Woolley commented she is uncomfi)rtable \vith ho~~ the salary lag is used bxthe County . MI. Nesmith appealed to Assistant County Mana"cr Chris Coudriet and Commissioner Berger for the COMM to let DSS use its salary lag funds as needed. CtnTentl}, the COMM' nuses the lay, mone% as it Page 2 of 5 sees fit. Mr. Coudriet explained the lag money is intended to be able to pay for a position that is currently unfunded by other revenues. Mr. Berger asked Mr. Coudriet if he knew what was happening with the proposed merger of DSS and the Health Department. Mr. Berger heard at this time it would not be pushed forward. Mr. Coudriet said it looks like the creation of regional Health Departments similar to a LME (Local Management Entity) is more at the forefront. State-wide consolidation legislation is stalled in committee. It is more likely that local legislation giving New Hanover County Commissioners the flexibility to reorganize its Social Services and Health Departments will pass. NIs. Woolley commented that she doesn't want to hear that DSS lag money may be used by another department until DSS is fully staffed to function at capacity. Mr. Riley noted that all the County Departments are critical to making the County run (such as the Tax Department). Mr. Coudriet reiterated that DSS would be getting 4 positions back this next fiscal year. Ms. Woolley explained that as a Board Member for DSS she feels the need to advocate for this County Department. not the others. Ms. Woolley asked about the Strategic Plairning in the information section of the Board packet. Ms. McNamee explained that the Strategic Plan is the County's and the information in the packet is how DSS's strategies fit into the County's plan. Mr. Nesmith asked the Board to be cognizant of Item 3, Pages 19-20, DSS's plan to provide flexible work schedules for the staff and consumers. This plan includes a variety of work schedule options and a tole-commuting option. DSS hopes this will improve the quality, of service to the community while giving employees options that will work hest for their lives. Mr. Berger asked if this would help Nv ith morale problems. Mr. Nesmith answered he hoped it would and explained that the agency did have a flexible schedule at one point but chose to go back to "core hours" operations. Dennis Ihnat of NI1C Human Resources asked that DSS revisit the flexible schedules and this is the plan DSS has come up with in response to that request. Mr. Rilev asked if there would be animosity toward coworkers tele- commuting or Nvorking with flex hours from those who are not approved to work from home. Mr. Nesmith said it is the agency goal to approve everyone who meets the parameters, criteria and qualifications to do so dependent on locating adequate funding and resources. Mr. Nesmith noted Social Workers are already using a flexible schedule to reduce or eliminate overtime. \,Is.:vlarino explained that Social Workers flex on need. Ms. Woolley noted that this is a "pilot" and can be revisited if it needs to. Mr. Berger asked how the previous flex plan worked. Ms. McNamee explained with her section it was four 10 hour days and one day off. It tweed out that the workers that were not on a flexible schedule were picking up the slack for their co-workers when they were out. Ms. McNamee noted that with this flex plan, core hours will always be staffed. Ms. Marino echoed what Ms. McNamee stated, saying that in her unit, with a 4 on and 1 off schedule, the needs of the clients were not met and co-workers had to pick up the slack. Mr. Berger shared he is a huge proponent of the flexible schedule and asked Mr. Nesmith to highlight some of Denis Illnat's selling points that helped DSS decide to try the flexible schedule again. Mr. Nesmith explained that during the economic downturn, the growth of the agency was tremendous and DSS didn't have adequate staffing which is why the previous flexible schedule failed. Mr. Riley asked what the cost would be for DSS to provide lap tops, envelopes etc. to accommodate tele-commuters. NIr. Nesmith said that NHC Information Technology would have to provide that for the worker. Mr. Riley feels that DSS needs to consider whether or not the budget can handle these costs before offering this option to staff. Ms. Woolley asked that Mr. Nesmith keep the Board advised as to whether or not DSS and Health Department consolidation happens. Mr. Coudriet explained that if the bill is passed, the County Conlnussioners would have many options as to various ways to re-construct or combine Health and DSS. Mr. Berger does not feel he has a complete grasp on all the implications of a consolidation. No action was taken by the Board. Item 2 Page 2 Page 3 of 5 STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA 40 Leading By Results Annual Report Patricia Robinson shared a power point presentation NvIth the Board. A copy of the 4°i quarter estimates was disseminated to the Board. yls. Woolley asked for a copy of the pie chart from the presentation. Ms. Robinson reviewed changes to our numbers: 1C Annual % of persons potentially eligible for Food and Nutrition Services and Reccive them: Old 27758 Ncw 35918 1 D Aiuiual 0 o of persons potentially eligible for Medicaid and Health Choice and receive it: Old 53> 1 1 New 54i 16 2B Annual °o of aged and disabled adults living, in a licensed facility who have been abused neglected or exploited: Old 1380 New 1901 Proposed Changes A„nual", of p,.snns I'e oolkog , toId-, u, Child Can, with a -,-o rode i , ,,wing child < a , r 1,bvdy oo the apph,at oo of , - II -l" nr ",.n p lu ym en," as a It: u. ord.•r to aft,-nil tic hc.ol o. 63.79".. h7 72 1911%. 114414092 65 0 70"i p,r, ,,to,:c• of number If , pntrn I-Ily h ;ihl.• I... ••tay on,plnycd U.dd c.,- (Ni I-, •.upph,ct and , ah Mated by N( N ) nnnual';S, of p,rsm.. rn..M op, child r,n.n Chdd Cam wdh a r,asun, od, per u,ns oo tn, apphcanoo of ",mpinyn,ont"as porcentage of 1,; rec vmg chdd taro subsidy 03 27 67 72"S. 391':. 2144/4092 60.0"f• b', nu"da" of r, trnt.all I.:.nle for (odd care in order to stay empl o yod persons po y (Number supplied and cab ulat,d by NCPC( Annual".. of adults ahl.' to ma.n (.a borne due to It,,, number of adults r„ I-ol:, nn,.nunny based se.vn, . rr,--og I A L, n/a 4" 9Y., 48 ix••f. 1 341277 71.".:. 1'.••6 who r,ma... at nm,,, for 19 1")" ths aft ro nut.,,t-o of unnnwnrty basorl uvvu ,s ----o m n:,.,d, o th, bum b er of adult o.,r-ov (u, I,nme.nd, P. SA m . nn,n,n...ty baud srr v..,s_ hom,• ..,tint day, ar. VA( I Annual of adults able to the numb,rof adult cases.., e.vrng Com,m un.,y based I...... P hnm, doe to ~n et won m„ . a., . for lx n ,nth aner mt at.nn of ror o.v.n 1: avadoblr open „ xsv.c es n/.. 4;.75;, 48 38-!., 1341277 75"6 xs servo escompared to thenwnb,r of adult, .-s rzvewuy: ,--ou,lty based (u, home a.d, fL %A u, c o n, mty based servo rs and these servo es te-onatod n~mc, adult daycare, I'M Poor in lx moot hs. Ms. McNamee explained that the changes to the Child Care indicator are being proposed due to insufficient funding to address the child care needs for children due to parents attending school. vis. Robinson discussed the proposal to change how DSS tracks the number of aged adults who are terminating community based services prior to 18 months rather than the current tracking of all terminated cases. Mr. Berger asked how the impending changes to Smart Start and More at Four would impact the Child Care Subsidv funding for DSS. The Vlore at Four funding is expected to move from The Department of Education to the Department of Health and Human Services. It could mean the program just moves and is administered by DHHS but it could also mean that DHHS could allocate the money to DSS and we could then send the children to a child care center. Mr. Nesmith explained that at this time the Day Care Committee does not know, how this will effect the subsidy money and speculation is not advised as the policy has not yet been written. Item 2 Pape 3 Page 4of5 Mr. Craig asked for a motion to change the results indicators. Ms. Woolley moved to approve the proposed Leading By Results changes. The motion was seconded by Mr. Riley and passed unanimously. Elder Abuse Awareness Proclamation Mr. Riley read the Elder Abuse Awareness Proclamation. Mr. Craig asked for a motion to support the Proclamation. Mr. Berger moved to support the proclamation. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed unanimously. Ms. Woolley noted that an "s" should be added to the word "form" in the 4`1' bullet of the proclamation. Susie Sprenger gave a brief review of elder abuse in New Hanover County and passed out brochures to the Board Members. June 15`x' is World Elder Abuse Day. Mr. Riley asked if there was a way to recognize publicly the homes that do not have reports of elder abuse as well as those that do have reports. Ms. Sprenger shared that the homes are on a star rating and information about abuse and neglect is available for the public. It is mandated that reports of elder abuse are reported just like child abuse. Brochures are being allocated to the Senior Center. the Y. nursing homes and DSS. Mr. Berger suggested the library WOUld be another good place to leave the brochures. Title XIX Transportation "No-Show" Policy Discussion Mr. Nesmith noted that the draft policy for "no-shows" was discarded and is being re-written for next year. Mr. Nesmith recommended the Board postpone any changes until the State comes out with their new policy. Ms. Woolley moved that the Board table making any changes until after February 2012. The motion was seconded by Mr. Berger and passed unanimously. Nest Meeting Objectives DSS Board Election of Officers Adopted Budget Update Additional Items Mr. Berger asked if the schedule for next year's board meetings will remain the same. Ms. Woollev made a motion to continue the Board Meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at 10:00 AM for the 201 1 %2012 calendar beginning July 2011. The motion was seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed unanimously. As there were no further items to discuss as provided in G.S. 154A-98 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and or G.S. 154A-98. Mr. Craig asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Riley moved to adjourn at 11:24. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bryant and passed unanimously. Item 2 Page 4 Page 5 of 5 Respectfully submitted, LaVaughn'Nesmith.. Secretary to the Board John T. Craig, Chairman Item 2 Page 5