MINUTES 01-24-2011 New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting held at Wilmington, NC. Meeting Number 9_ Date: _January 24, 2011 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Steve Skavroneck Ms. Harrison, Interim Director Dave Thomas Amy Long, Education Assistant Bill Hart __ Jane Wood, NCDENR________________ Nancy Pritchett______________________ Mr. Skeets Winner – citizen_____________ Was this meeting held during a meal: No _ Mr. Thomas called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm. Mr. Thomas moved to accept the agenda as presented. Mr. Skavroneck seconded the agenda. th Mr. Hart submitted corrections to the December 13, 2010 regular Board Meeting minutes ahead of time. Mr. Thomas moved to approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Skavroneck seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Financial Report Ms. Harrison gave the financial report which was followed by an update on business banking options and discussion of the upcoming New Hanover County budget. Ms. Harrison reported that there was nothing out of the ordinary with the monthly checking account or the Land Management account. Reimbursement from City of Wilmington had been received and all taxes and bills required by the Clean Water Management Trust Fundfor the Blue Sky Timber tract purchase had been paid for. Ag Cost Share funds expected this week or next. Mr. Hart moved to accept the report for the record. Mr. Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Banking Update. Ms. Harrison reported back to the Board on her investigation of interest-bearing checking-accounts. Civic organizations at BB&T qualify for these accounts; however, NHSWCD is not a civic organization. Ms. Harrison also spoke with representatives at Bank of America and Wachovia. Both banks have business accounts that earn interest at 0.1%. No fee would be assessed because of the balance NHSWCD keeps in the Treasury CD ($11,050.02) (CD at BB&T currently at 0.15%). Ms. Pritchett commented that for such a small gain, it was probably not in the best interest of NHSWCD to switch banks. She also asked for clarification from Ms. Harrison that NHSWCD is not being charged to maintain the account, which Ms. Harrison confirmed. Mr. Hart agreed that changing banks does not make sense at this time, but NHSWCD should open a savings account. Ms. Harrison will look into the savings account option at BB&T. Discussion of upcoming New Hanover County Budget for fiscal year 2011/12. Mr. Harrison reported that the county budget request is due Jan 31. She emailed the Board the approved 2011 budget and proposed 2012 budget (projections do not take into account anticipated cuts in state, county or city 1 funding) for review and included them in the board meeting folders. Discussion ensued concerning staffing and budget request: Staffing. Ms. Harrison reported that Ms. Long is approved to remain on as Education Assistant until the end of February, 2011. The Board needs to decide what adjustments it wants to make in regards to staffing, and that will determine how much money is available to carry over into fiscal 2011/12. $13,000 will be remaining balance starting July 1, 2011 two full-time employees are on staff February 1 through June 30, 2011. Ms. Pritchett called for a closed meeting with Board members to discuss staffing. Meeting set for Friday, January th 28 at 11:45 at Henry’s Restaurant. Ms. Harrison will let absent Supervisors know of the meeting and will meet the required public posting of the announcement. Budget request discussion. There was discussion as to whether NHSWCD should request 1) the same amount as last year, 2) the same amount as last year plus 3% increase to cover operating expenses that have increased, or 3) a lesser amount in anticipation of state, county and city cuts. After much discussion, Mr. Hart made a motion that the board request an appropriation equal to last year’s + 3%. Motion was then withdrawn by Mr. Hart. Mr. Thomas made a motion that NHSWCD submit a request in the same amount as last year’s ($60K) with the contingency to adjust it to comply with any requested cuts county government. Mr. Skavroneck seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Mr. Skavroneck wants staff to complete work-load assessments to help justify the budget requests. Ms. Harrison and Ms. Long agreed that these could be added, they already exist for City contracts and requests. Ms. Harrison explained that the City contract is what most dictates staff workload, along with cost share management projects. What is not included in the City contract are administrative tasks like , such as, payroll, taxes, preparation and account management and specialized projects, such as, Eagles Island, etc. Ms. Harrison confirmed that a draft budget needs to be made available to the public ten days before the Board votes on it. Vote must be done before July 1, 2011. Ms. Pritchett reiterated the need for Supervisors to talk to Mr. Bruce Shell to see where county stands with the absorption talks and projected budget cuts to see what the county offices are being asked to do. She will contact him. Supervisor & Staff Reports Ms. Harrison reported on the 2011 Annual Meeting held January 9-11, 2011. Ms. Moffitt and Ms. Harrison both attended. The NHSWCD resolution on considering CCAP installed cisterns as a water quantity as well as quality practice passed. Legislative committee will work on the legislation for it. The resolution was not combined with Ag task force. For next year, a policy change will be voted on that allows officers to be voted in even if there is not a quorum, contingent on natural disaster. Ms. Harrison and Ms. Moffitt were not able to attend the Community Conservation session that Mr. Hart was absent from. Had planned to attend. Project Updates CCAP Applications: Ms. Harrison presented one application for CCAP funding. #105: in Whiskey Creek watershed. Ranked 130 (medium range). Asking for a grass swale. Community benefit is to an entire HOA. Less than 300’ from water. High stormwater runoff. BMP would decrease sediment delivery. Mr. Hart moved to accept the application. Mr. Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Ms. Harrison reminded the Board that all CCAP funds available to the District are already allocated for FY 2011; however, any unused funds from other districts may be redirected to NHSWCD to cover any outstanding projects that are approved and waiting funding. There are also The DS&WC is in the process of submitting applications for two grants proposals for more to fund CCAP BMPs in FY 2012: funds in submission – a Clean 2 Water Management Trust Fund grant is submitted and another application (that Coastal Fed applied to as well) will be submitted for fiscal 2011/12. ???? EEP ??? Eagles Island Management Plan: Mr. Hart asked for this addition to the agenda. He moved that the District requests preliminary technical assistance from the state conservationist for developing a management plan for the Blue Sky Timber tract and Creech properties. Mr. Thomas seconded; motion passed unanimously.  Results from meeting with Wildlife Resources: Mr. Hart reported that he and Mr. Thomas met with Gordon Meyers, Director, NC Wildlife Resources Commission. At his direction, Commission and engineers met Messrs. Thomas and Hart and Ms. Marilyn Meares on December 14, 2010 at the Winner property. He Mr. Thomas reported that WRC gave him a favorable response at the site visit. He has requested comment back from WRC since then, but has not heard from them. He will contact them again immediately and report back to the Board.  Mr. Skeets Winner addressed the Board regarding the sale of his property. He reminded the Board that it has been close to six months since discussion of sale started between NHSWCD and Winner. He asked to accelerate an agreement for purchase. He reported that he will have to take it off the market if a contract is not signed in the immediate future. He attending ed the Board meeting today to find out which way things are headed. Mr. Thomas told Mr. Winner that he would call Wildlife Resources Commission and Mr. Bill Golder tomorrow to try to get an answer for him. For now, NHSWCD does not have the money in-hand for the sale. Ag Cost Share Applications: Ms. Harrison presented four applications for Ag Cost Share funding. She reminded the Board that the ranking sheet is different than the CCAP application. There is 20K available for the current fiscal year, but reallocations will occur from other districts and NHSWCD can justify asking for more then if needed.  #2011-101-A: scored 350 (475 total). Asking for pasture revitalization. Has animals, soil loss, close to water, sandy soil w/ leaching potential but no water control structure. Mr. Hart moved to accept; Ms. Pritchett seconded. Motion passed unanimously. ~ Agnes Bean’s horse farm.  #2011-102-A: scored 275. Asking for no-till farming support (has to be in no-till for 5 years). No animals, within 500’ of stream, soil loss, leaching, no water control structure. Crop rotation in Prince George’s creek watershed. Mr. Hart moved to accept application; Mr. Skavroneck seconded. Motion passed unanimously. ~ Ed Vosnock’s farm (and cousin Scrappy)  #2011-103-A: scored 275. Same practice. No till. Same specs. Ms. Pritchett moved to approve application; Mr. Thomas seconded. Motion passed unanimously.  #2011-104-A: scored 275. Same practice. No till. Same specs. Mr. Thomas moved to approve application; Mr. Skavroneck seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Partner Reports Division Report Ms. Harrison commented that copies of Kristina’s report were in the meeting folders. She brought attention to the new supervisor training in February that both Ms. Moffitt and Mr. Skavroneck will attend. She also reminded new supervisors to sign up for the District list serve to receive important emails and notifications. 3 NRCS Report Ms. Jane Wood distributed her report and told the Board about a Forage and Grassland training course she took regarding intensive grazing issues. She reported that she is working on a conservation plan for a New Hanover county resident. Old Business Associate Supervisors Ms. Harrison reported back to the Board that in order to make a former Supervisor an Associate, the Board just needs to make a motion and second it. Nothing else needs to be done. Ms. Pritchett motioned to make Mr. Golder and Associate Supervisor. Mr. Skavroneck seconded the motion; Motion passed unanimously Holly Tree property collaboration with City & DOT Mr. Hart reported that he had a conversation with Mr. Dave Mayes (Director of City Stormwater Services) regarding the feasibility of collaboration with COW and DOT on a stormwater facility at the Holly Tree property. A site visit is needed to judge the feasibility of using that site. If Mr. Mayes likes the potential, the DOT will be approached for funding of the project. Mr. Hart left the meeting. The remaining agenda items were tabled until next meeting: SEPA for Titan Operation Medicine Cabinet Brunswick County Board of Commissioners Legislative Delegation Upcoming events th Feb 15-16 new Supervisor training – Ms. Moffitt and Mr. Skavroneck will attend Adjourn ~ Set Next Meeting Date Next board meeting: February 21, 2011, 3:00pm Ms. Harrison told the Board that the work-load assessments from Ms. Long and herself would be emailed to them by Thursday, Feb. 27 by 5pm. Mr. Thomas moved to adjourn. Mr. Skavroneck seconded; Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 4:56pm. Recorded By: ___________Amy Long_________________________________________________ Approved By: ___________Dave Thomas______________________________________________ 4