MINUTES 02-02-2011_winner mtg New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting held at Wilmington, NC. Meeting Number 11_ Date: _February 2, 2011 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Steve Skavroneck Ms. Harrison, Interim Director Dave Thomas Bill Hart __ Was this meeting held during a meal: No _ Mr. Thomas called the meeting to into executive session at 2:12 pm. Mr. Winner has asked for a meeting on 2-3-11 with Mr. Thomas at 2pm to discuss the current property for sale on Eagles Island. The contract presented to Mr. Winner has not been signed by him at this time. Mr. Thomas has been advised by Michael Murchison to cancel the current contract due to foreclosure on the property. Foreclosure could possibly lead to an unclear title and inhibit the District from purchasing the property. The property is being foreclosed on for $1.8 million. The District currently has an offer to buy the property for $4.5 billion. Mr. Hart moved that New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District, pursuant to the advice of counsel withdraw the unexecuted offer to purchase the Skeets Winner Property on Eagles Island for $4.5 million. Mr. Skavroneck seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. The District will continue to work on a strategy to acquire the property. Supervisors need the most up to date information regarding funding from the Wildlife Resources Commission. Once this information is acquired Supervisors may approach the Mayor and groups around Wilmington to help lobby for funds at the state level. Forming this group was advised by Mr. Doug Springer, who has discussed the issue with the Mayor. There is currently no local representative that would sponsor a bill to provide funds for the property. The District will also work on presenting the work on the Island to Brunswick County Commissioners. Supervisors will work with local representatives to introduce a bill to exempt fire tax on District owned property on the Island. Meeting was adjourned at 2:35 pm – Mr. Hart moved to adjourn. Mr. Skavroneck seconded. Recorded By: _______Dru Harrison_____________________________________________________ Approved By: ________Dave Thomas____________________________________________________