MINUTES 02-21-2011 New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting held at Wilmington, NC. Meeting Number 12_ Date: _February 21, 2011 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Steve Skavroneck Dru Harrison, Interim Director _____ Dave Thomas Amy Long, Education Coordinator _____ Bill Hart __ Marilyn Meares, CFRC&D________________ Nancy Pritchett______________________ Kristina Fischer, Area 6 Coordinator NCDSWC NCSWCD_ Donna Moffitt_______________________ Was this meeting held during a meal: No _ Mr. Thomas called the meeting to order at 3:05 pm. Mr. Thomas added one item to the agenda. Under Project Updates, Eagles Island, #3: conversation with attorney representing Skeets Winner. Ms. Moffitt moved to accept the agenda as amended. Mr. Hart seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. th Mr. Hart and Ms. Moffitt submitted corrections to the January 24, 2010 regular Board Meeting minutes ahead of time. Mr. Thomas moved to approve the minutes as presented. Ms. Moffitt seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Minutes of meeting on January 28, 2011: Ms. Moffitt corrected the date on the report, from February 28 to January 28th. Ms. Moffitt made a motion to vote separately on points three and th four (which were not closed meeting topics) of the January 28 minutes. No second; motion failed. Ms. Pritchett moved to substitute the motion and call the meeting a Supervisor’s meeting instead of a closed meeting. No second; motion failed. Both motions failed for lack of second. Ms. Pritchett motioned to amend the minutes to read “special supervisor’s meeting” and approve the minutes as presented. Mr. Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed with one abstaining – Ms. Moffitt. Minutes of closed meeting on February 2, 2011: Mr. Hart moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Financial Report Ms. Harrison gave the financial report. Ms. Harrison reported that there was nothing out of the ordinary with the monthly checking account or the Land Management account. Ms. Moffitt moved to accept the report for information. Ms. Pritchett seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Cape Fear RC&D Update Ms. Marilyn Meares presented the draft five-year plan for CFRC&D. She asked Supervisors to consider how the NHSWCD partnership with CFRC&D addresses the following areas: land 1 conservation, water management, land management, community development. She wants feedback in email. Topics discussed:  Urban water supply  CCAP doesn’t allow applicants for building sites established less than 3 years. What about redevelopment zones (example of rebuilding the fire house)? Same site, but new building. Ms. Kristina Fischer will look into redevelopment zone qualifications.  Cisterns in all fire houses. Board would like to see that grant effort again.  Candlewick conservation property with county  Community development – Eagles Island should be on here and under land management and conservation.  NHSWCD Board needs to file a request for technical assistance to Mr. Martin at Area VI Spring Meeting Supervisor & Staff Reports Supervisor training – Ms. Moffitt and Mr. Skavroneck gave a detailed report on what they learned at Supervisors Training at the School of Government on February 15-16, 2011. Ms. Moffitt gave a brief report of highlights from the annual NC Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts meeting in Asheville held on January 9-11, 2011. TreeFest nd Ms. Long reported on TreeFest 2011 (January 21& 22). Site visit and planning meetings are being scheduled for spring, summer and winter 2011. Bruce Shell report Ms. Pritchett emailed Mr. Bruce Shell regarding NHSWCD being absorbed by New Hanover County and insurance coverage for NHSWCD employees. She is still waiting to hear back about insurance coverage, but Mr. Shell is not making any changes in county departments this year. Project Updates CCAP Ms. Harrison reported that funds will be reallocated statewide in March or April. She will request reallocation to finish Bradley Creek final BMP project and other applicants waiting for funding. Eagles Island  Eagles Island Coalition (EIC) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Ms. Harrison, Mr. Hart and Ms. Long attended (2/9/11) EIC meeting. Need chair to sign off on MOU after board votes. EIC needs this by May 31, 2011. Put off vote until next meeting so that all Supervisors can reread. Ms. Harrison will redistribute through email. Ms. Harrison reported that she will attend the April 18, 2011 county commissioner’s meeting to thank them for past funding and to request future funding. She and Ms. Shawn Ralston will attend a special May 16, 2011 meeting to ask commissioner/managers to sign the EI MOU. Ms. Pritchett reported that Sunday (2/27/11), the League of Women Voters will hold a “face- to-face with your legislators” event from 3-5 in the Government Center atrium, where people can talk to local commissioners and other politicians. 2 Ms. Harrison was asked to put together short and concise talking points (3 sentences) of what Supervisors should all be saying to politicians, including what NHSWCD is and what NHSWCD wants. Deadline of Friday by noon.  Natural Heritage Dedication Ms. Harrison reported that they are hammering out the language for the dedication of the EI property.  Winner Mr. Thomas reported on a call he got from Jim Price, attorney for Mr. Skeets Winner regarding his interests in the property. Ms. Meares is working on a possible funder meeting for NHSWCD. Education Report: Ms. Long reported on education activities from November 15, 2010 to present. Staff is now videotaping all presentations for training purposes. Garden Show sign up, Envirothon sign-up. Partner Reports Division Report Ms. Kristina Fischer reported that the Division is busy planning the Area VI Spring meeting (March 8, 2011). Reminder that there is a new S&W Association web site and everyone should sign up for list-serve to receive notifications directly. Governor Purdue’s recommended budget report was released last week. Five items under S&W division recommended for cutting. Old Business SEPA for Titan Mr. Thomas will draft a letter of support for STAN from NHSWCD Supervisors saying that Titan should follow SEPA regulations. Vote will be taken at next meeting on specific language. Holly Tree property collaboration with City & DOT Mr. Hart reported that he will work on this between now and next meeting. New Business Operation Medicine Cabinet Mr. Hart reported that there is a draft resolution. Board is interested in supporting a local effort, but wants to see what programs are in existence before voting on resolution. Kristina will get contact information for Operation Medicine Cabinet to NHSWCD. Staff to contact New Hanover Regional Hospital and local law enforcement. Ms. Pritchett moved to table the remaining agenda items. Mr. Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Brunswick County Board of Commissioners Legislative Delegation Community Conservation Committee vacancy 3 Upcoming events thth, Cape Fear Garden Show ~ March 5 & 6Schwartz Center th Spring Meeting ~ March 8, Surf City nd Coastal Envirothon ~ March 22, New Bern Adjourn ~ Set Next Meeting Date th Next board meeting: March 28, 2011, 2:30pm Ms. Pritchett moved to adjourn. Mr. Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 5:22pm. Recorded By: __Amy Long and Dru Harrison ___________________________________ Approved By: ________Dave Thomas_________________________________________ Action Items New Hanover SWCD Board Meeting February 21, 2011 1. Review CFRC&D FY 2012-2017 Strategic Planning goals and suggest additions to Marilyn Meares. All supervisors and staff. Deadline—2 weeks 2. Obtain and distribute a copy of the county’s records retention policy to supervisors. Dru Deadline—3 weeks 3. Obtain copy of Open Meetings Guidelines book put out by the attorney general. Dru to request through Richard Wisnant at UNC. 4. Report back to supervisors at the next meeting on the feasibility of creating a Facebook page for the district. Amy 5. Review mutual, cooperative and operating agreements at the SWCD office. New supervisors. 6. Develop a three–sentence blurb for supervisors to use in talking with elected officials on funding district activities. Dru will send to supervisors by Friday noon. 7. Review Eagle Island Coalition MOU and be prepared to vote on District participation at the next meeting. All supervisors 8. Develop a draft position statement relating to application of the SEPA process to the proposed Titan cement plant for review and decision by supervisors. Dave to send out by the end of the week. 9. Obtain additional information on existing and proposed prescription drug collection programs. (no assignment was made but Bill is the proponent) 4