MINUTES 03-28-2011_FINAL New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District (NHSWCD) Board Meeting held at Wilmington, NC Meeting Number 13_ Date: _March 28, 2011 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Steve Skavroneck Dru Harrison, Interim Director _____ Dave Thomas Amy Long, Education Coordinator _____ Bill Hart __ Nancy Pritchett______________________ Donna Moffitt_______________________ Was this meeting held during a meal: No _ Mr. Thomas called the meeting to order at 2:39 pm. Mr. Hart added ‘comprehensive report’ under Eagles Island (C2). Mr. Hart moved to accept the agenda as amended. Ms. Moffitt seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Mr. Hart, Mr. Skavroneck and Ms. Moffitt submitted corrections to the February 21, 2011 regular Board Meeting minutes ahead of time. Mr. Hart made a correct of 2010 to 2011 on page 1. Ms. Moffitt moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mr. Hart seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Financial Report Ms. Harrison gave the financial report. She reported that there was nothing out of the ordinary with the monthly checking account or the Land Management account. Corrections to the report were made during the meeting (omissions in two categories). Ms. Moffitt wanted to verify that monthly closing date always agrees with next monthly starting date (and transaction). Ms. Harrison reminded the Board that the budget needs to be reapproved as soon as possible. NHSWCD is currently operating under a budget that still has only 1.5 employees. She asked the Board to consider increasing the travel and education budgets and paying the full state dues to the Association instead of partial payments. Board requested a budget meeting for full review; Budget meeting scheduled for April 14, 2:30pm. Supervisor & Staff Reports Record retention policy Ms. Harrison reported that she talked to Kim, the Clerk in the County Commissioners office; each department adopts their own policy. The Board asked Ms. Harrison and Ms. Long to draft a draft policy that worked best for them and Ms. Moffitt will help mold a written retention policy for each type of document and communication the office handles. Ms. Harrison will also talk to the Planning Department and Parks & Gardens since they are similar in scope to the NHSWCD mission. Facebook page for District Ms. Long reported on the district web site and potential Facebook (FB) page. She will contact Paula Tirritoto see how to create a FB page without linking it to a person. Ms. Moffitt asked Ms. Long to remove the old newsletter and replace it with the annual report on the web site. 1 501(c)(3)-3c standing. Mr. Hart wants to discuss this at the next regular board meeting. Project Updates Community Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP) Ms. Harrison reported on contract number 65-2011-502-12; contract with Coastal Federation for the fourth BMP at Bradley Creek Elementary School. Contract has been rewritten because of total cost difference. The original, signed contract was for $13,000, but the actual cost is $28,000. The difference is attributed to the reengineering of the BMP and the increased size of the BMP. The contract has not gone out to bid and there is no policy requiring a certain number of bids on contracts. Mr. Thomas asked if the money was in place for such an increase. Ms. Harrison said yes and explained that an additional $5000 was requested and granted for this project. Mr. Thomas suggested that NHSWCD offer Coastal Federation the original $13K plus the $5K. Mr. Hart moved to adopt the amended contract with a cap of $18,000. Ms. Moffitt seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Ag Cost Share Contract #65-2011-501-12: $2250 application for 10 acres of pasture rehabilitation. Ms. Moffitt moved to approve the contract. Mr. Hart seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Eagles Island (EI)  EI Coalition Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Mr. Hart moved to sign the MOU. Mr. Skavroneck seconded the motion; motion passed – Ms. Pritchett abstained from voting.  Mr. Hart reported that there is a final draft inventory for EI. If anyone wants it for editing, let him know. Ms. Long is to add the EI inventory to the web site. Mr. Hart added a dedication to Caroline Butts, per Marilyn Meares’ request.  Ms. Harrison reported on the attempted iron theft at the Skeets Winner property.  Mr. Thomas met with David Proper from Trust for Public Lands and instructed him to talk to Michael Murchison about any opportunities to work together. Partner Reports NCASWCD Area 6 Division Report Ms. Kristina Fisher distributed report over email - in packets for Supervisors review. Old Business SEPA for Titan Mr. Hart will rewrite the letter this week if someone will send him the last draft. Mr. Thomas will send to Mr. Hart. Holly Tree property collaboration with City & DOT Mr. Hart reported that he and Ms. Harrison met with Dave Mayes at the Holly Tree property. Mr. Mayes needs heavy rain fall to see what issues are there and what he would design to correct them. Resolution commending board of New Hanover County Commissioners Mr. Hart moved to approve the resolution as amended. Mr. Skavroneck seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. 2 Resolution endorsing Operation Medicine Cabinet. Mr. Hart reported that the New Hanover Regional Medical Center representative will come to the next board meeting and talk about this project. Mr. Hart will schedule her. New Business Brunswick County Board of Commissioners Mr. Hart asked if NHSWCD should go before the Brunswick County commissioners to talk about the Eagles Island property holdings in Brunswick County. Staff was asked their opinion about Brunswick SWCD; will they support NHSWCD on Eagles Island? Ms. Harrison said she would talk to Mamie Caison from Brunswick SWCD and then to Brunswick Planning. The Board agreed that if NHSWCD talks to the Brunswick Commissioners, EI Coalition members who are from Leland representatives should go with NHSWCD as a partner and fellow property owner. Legislative Delegation Mr. Hart reported that he spoke with NC Representative, Susi Hamilton, about the fire taxes on the Eagles Island, Brunswick County property – He will ask her to introduce a bill exempting NHSWCD from paying fire tax on a wetland property. North Carolina Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (NCASWCD) Community Conservation Committee vacancy Mr. Hart reported that at the Area 6 NCASWCD Spring meeting, he was made the Area alternate for this committee, so the vacancy has been filled. S229 Mr. Hart reported that state bill S229 would move all soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs)SWCD to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. SupervisorsIt Board agreed that their focus should be on talking to legislators about the importance of saving and expanding the Community Conservation Assistance Program (CCAP) program, not worrying so much about which department SWCDs will be under. Mr. Hart will draft an email and Supervisors will email Carolyn Justice to thank her for her support of CCAP. Upcoming events th  County Commissioner Meeting – 9am, April 18 th  CCAP Advisory Ccommittee – in Raleigh from 9 to 2, April 19 thth  State Envirothon – two teams going from Hoggard, April 29 and 30  Earth Day – Mr. Hart, Ms. Pritchett and Ms. Moffitt volunteered to help, activities are th noon to 6pm, April 30 (set up is 9-12). Ms. Long will circulate a sign-up sheet for shifts. Adjourn ~ Set Next Meeting Date Next meeting: April 14, 2011, 2:30pm – budget review meeting Next board meeting: April 18, 2011, 2:30pm Ms. Pritchett moved to adjourn. Mr. Skavroneck seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 4:55pm. Recorded By: _________Amy Long___________________________________________ Approved By: __________Dave Thomas_______________________________________ 3 Please see list (on next page) of action items and assignments generated from meeting discussion: Action Items New Hanover SWCD Board Meeting March 28, 2011 1. Make sure the starting balance for this month’s financial report is the same as the ending balance from the previous month’s report. Dru Harrison 2. Budget meeting set for April 14 at 2:30. Steve will bring projector. 3. Prepare a draft document retention policy. Dru Harrison with input from Donna Moffitt Present to Board at June meeting. 4. Review web page updates and provide feedback to Amy Long. All supervisors except Donna Moffitt. 5. Amy Long will contact Paula Tirrito (910-763-9171) re creating a non-personal Facebook page 6. Delete the newsletter from the web page and replace it with the annual report. Amy Long 7. Send latest version of board resolution relating to Titan Cement to Bill Hart for review. Dave Thomas 8. Contact representative from NHRMC to attend our next board meeting to discuss prescription drug collection program. Bill Hart 9. Prepare a draft resolution relating to ongoing support of CCAP for our state legislative delegation. Bill Hart 10. Research info on becoming a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Dru to present at special budget meeting. 4