MINUTES 04-14-2011_budget meeting New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting held at Wilmington, NC. Meeting Number 14_ Date: _April 14, 2011 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Steve Skavroneck Dru Harrison, Interim Director _____ Donna Moffitt_______________________ Amy Long, Education Coordinator _____ Bill Hart __ Nancy Pritchett______________________ Dave Thomas_______________________ Was this meeting held during a meal: No _ Mr. Hart (Vice Chairman) called the meeting to order at 2:40pm. Purpose of meeting is budget review. Ms. Harrison reported that the adopted budget allowed for a part-time person until February 2011 with no further staffing for the Education position accounted for. The Board needs to approve an adopted budget to reflect the change in Ms. Long’s full time status, with benefits, effective February 1, 2011. Ms. Harrison answered questions about the 3 page financial report: PERSONNEL:  Change is in Administrative Assistant position – from part time until February 1, 2011 to full time from February 1 to June 20, 2011.  Travel budget was increased from $0 to $1000 under Admin. Asst. to cover Ms. Long’s travel.  Mr. Hart wants travel line item to be more defined – training, association meetings, education travel, etc. per person. The board was supposed to address this but has not. OFFICE OPERATIONS:  Workman’s Comp: this has been paid  Bonding/Liability insurance: NHSWCD does not have this yet coverage. Bonding will cost $330. County NHC can purchase liability insurance for the District at lower county rates and we then reimburse them. Staff is not currently covered. Elected Supervisors are covered under the county policy, but it is unknown if the appointed Supervisors are. This is being investigated. Ms. Moffitt moved to add $350 to this line item to purchase bonding coverage effective immediately. Mr. Hart seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Ms. Pritchett asked that the retired city/county insurance carrier (name?) review NHSWCD insurance needs. She and Ms. Harrison will work to get the information to him.  Professional fees: (Mr. Thomas came in assumed the chair at this point) The annual audit has been paid. Ms. Pritchett wants this to be shopped around and will ask her CPA, Terry Evans for a quote. Mr. Hart mentioned that Chuck Earney of Earney & Company has a reputation for serving not-for-profit organizations.  Dues/Donations: National dues have never been paid in full. State association dues have not been paid in full in the past. Area dues have been paid in full. Does the Board want to pay full dues for FY11, due June 30 for FY11? Mr. Skavroneck suggested this line be left as is, at $775.  Copier: this has been paid. NRCS supplied the copier; the District pays for using it (per copy) on a per copy basis plus the cost of the and maintenance contract. Ms. Moffitt suggested keeping it as it is, at $1250. 1  Website & Email: this has been paid. It will increase in FY12 to pay as provided in the for web contract  Supplies: the increase is from the purchased computer and website software, leaving ~$200 for remaining FY11 needs Mr. Hart directed staff to create a ‘capital outlay’ line separate from ‘operating o expenses.’ Then move the computer, web software, and approved purchase of Quick Books to capital outlay so that these do not appear as recurring expenses. Mr. Thomas moved to allow Ms. Harrison to make purchase of Quick Books. Mr. o Skavroneck seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously.  Miscellaneous: increased to $200 to cover remainingFY11 needs  Outreach: budgeted for $2000 but did not spend it Ms. Pritchett directed that Website be moved to Outreach, and newsletters be broken o out expense for expense by item, e.g., (postage, copying, paper, etc.)  Stewardship: Mr. Hart wants to move this to ‘donations and dues.’ Ms. Harrison reported that NHSWCD is the only District member of the coalition that contributes monetarily. Other organizations and district coalition members sponsor in the form of printing and in-kind staff contributions. action. EDUCATION:  coastal envirothon: no change  state envirothon: no change  RCW: recommended increase to cover food stipend. Donna Ms. Moffitt agreed to leave it at $425  Contests: we did not have any winners/participants this year  teacher workshops: increased the amount to $400. Consensus was to leave it at $400.  other educator workshops: other organizations paid for expenses, so NHSWCD’s not used REVENUES:  RAIN barrels: Mr. Hart wants rain barrel moved out to separate lines like the Land Management account.  TA funds Ag/CCAP: Mr. Hart asked for clarification about checks  Ms. Harrison needs to add Jennifer Alford’s pay-out since that occurred in FY11  $17,092 remaining in FY11 funds END RESULT: Ms. Harrison will make the changes requested and a vote will be taken on Monday, April 18, at the regularly scheduled board meeting to approve the amended FY11 budget. She also reminded the Board that FY12 discussions need to start taking place. A cost of living increase has been proposed by staff – no increases have taken place since 2008. Adjourn Mr. Hart moved to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:20pm. Recorded By: ___________Amy Long_____________________________________________ Approved By: ____________Dave Thomas_________________________________________ 2