MINUTES 05-26-2011_ ag cost share contract New Hanover Soil & Water Conservation District (NHSWCD) Board Meeting held at Wilmington, NC. Meeting Number 18 Date: _May 26, 2011 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Dave Thomas, Chair Dru Harrison, Interim Director Steve Skavroneck Amy Long, Education Coordinator Bill Hart, Vice-Chair Was this meeting held during a meal: No _ Mr. Thomas called the meeting to order at 9:32am. Ag Cost Share Program (ACSP) Contract Votes: Contract #65-2011-002-12: $2344 for 18.75 acres of no-till farming in Castle Hayne ($125/acre). Ag cost share contracts require the property to stay in no-till farming for 5 years. A crop rotation of wheat – soybeans - corn is in place. Property is rented to farmer. Mr. Hart moved to approve the contract. Mr. Skavroneck seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Contract #65-2011-003-12: $4010 for 32.8 acres of no-till farming in Castle Hayne ($125/acre). Ag cost share contracts require the property to stay in no-till farming for 5 years. A crop rotation of wheat – soybeans - corn is in place. Property is rented to farmer. Mr. Thomas moved to approve the contract. Mr. Hart seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Contract #65-2011-004-12: $2308 for 18.46 acres of no-till farming in Castle Hayne ($125/acre). Ag cost share contracts require the property to stay in no-till farming for 5 years. A crop rotation of wheat – soybeans - corn is in place. Property is rented to farmer. Mr. Skavroneck moved to approve the contract. Mr. Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Annual ACSP and CCAP (Community Conservation Assistance Program) Strategy Plan Vote: Ms. Harrison reminded Supervisors that the only change from the previous year’s plan was that NHSWCD will now batch applications instead of reviewing them on a rolling or continuous calendar. This allows for funds to be used for the best BMP projects, not just on a first come, first serve basis. Mr. Hart moved to accept the Strategy Plan for FY2012 for the record. Mr. Skavroneck seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously (Ms. Moffitt indicated her vote to accept in email). Additional Items: Mr. Thomas encouraged staff and supervisors to look for external funding sources that could be used like CCAP funds to install BMP projects or outdoor educational facilities at local schools. The Board discussed adding this to a District Strategy Plan. Ms. Harrison reminded the Board of the 5-year Supervisors agreed to review progress achieved Strategy Plan that is due for a rewrite in FY2012. under the district strategic plan developed 5 years ago and update it. Adjourn Meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:49am. Recorded By: _______________Amy Long___________________________________________ Approved By: ______________Bill Hart______________________________________________ 1