MINUTES 07-26-2010 New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District, held at Wilmington , NC. th Meeting Number 1 _ Date: _ July 26, , 2010 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Bill Golder Dru Harrison, Interim Director Donna Moffitt Jane Wood, District Conservationist Dave Thomas Matt Smith, ESI Consultant Bill Hart Was this meeting held during a meal: No _ Mr. Thomas called the meeting to order at 3:06 pm. The agenda was approved as presented. Mr. Hart th submitted corrections to the June 28, 2010 minutes ahead of time. Mr. Hart moved the approval of the corrected minutes. Mr. Golder seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Eagles Island : Mr. Smith presented and update regarding the Eagles Island inventory publication. ESI is still waiting on comments from Marilyn Mears before completing the final edits to the project. District Supervisors comments regarding the document was were appreciated and most will be used during the final revision process. ESI will provide written documentation regarding edits submitted from supervisors that will not be used. Ninety percent of the cost of the project is due at this time, and the remaining ten percent will be paid upon completion of the project. Mr. Hart and Ms. Harrison attended the last Eagles Island Advisory Committee meeting. The committee has been working towards forming more structure within the Eagles Island Coalition. The next Coalition meeting th will be August 11, 2010 at the Battleship. The Advisory Committee will be presenting the Coalition with a Memorandum of Understanding for groups participating to take back to their respective organizations to consider and sign. Mr. Hart made a motion for the District to sign the MOU and become a voting member of the Eagles Island Coalition. Ms. Moffitt seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Ms. Harrison presented a rough draft of an article Ms. Fischer had written regarding the Eagles Island efforts to be published in the Division annual report. Supervisors are requested to have edits to Ms. Fischer before st August 1, 2010. Ms. Harrison also reported that a request for an appraisal for the Winner property was submitted to Ingram & th Company. The estimated time for completion of the appraisal is August 12, 2010. Financial Report: Ms. Harrison gave the financial report. Mr. Hart moved the report be accepted for information. Mr. Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. A request was made by staff to purchase software to continue to update the District website. Ms. Harrison requested permission to use the District credit card for the purchase. Ms. Harrison will only purchase the software if the license agreement does not have to be renewed annually. Permission was granted to use the credit card for the purchase. Staff & Supervisor Reports: Mr. Golder and Ms. Harrison attended the Area 6 District Issues Committee meeting in Kenansville. The Division and NRCS gave brief updates at the meeting. House Bill 1748/Senate Bill 1294 regarding conservation and protection of agriculture resources is currently being considered, and could be a new opportunity for Districts to become involved with. All resolutions for the Area 6 fall meeting must be th submitted by October 11, 2010. Mr. Hart, Ms. Pritchett, and Ms. Harrison attending the CFPUA meeting earlier in this month. Mr. Hart reported to the CFPUA board regarding the vegetation clearing on District property at the corner of College & Holly Tree roads. A request for Mr. Hart’s presentation was made by the board, but no action was taken. Mr. Hart will attend the August meeting to follow-up on the situation. Supervisors finalized the job description and timeline regarding a new part-time temporary employee. The st desired time to have a new employee is September 1, 2010. The person hired will be employed until the end of February at the rate of $13 per hour for 15 hours per week. Education Update: Ms. Harrison reported that the District is actively partnering with the YWCA as well as Wrightsville Beach surf camp this summer to promote environmental education. Ms. Harrison has and will continue to present environmental presentations to participants at each of the camps this summer. Partner Reports: th Ms. Harrison distributed the Division report. The fall meeting will be held in Pamlico County on October 19, 2010. All supervisors are encouraged to attend. Ms. Wood presented the NRCS report regarding her work in the three county area. New Business: th Mr. Hart will be attending the Gulgeeche Commission meeting August 13, 2010 in Southport. Mr. Hart also th reported on an upcoming Green Business Conference coming to the area on September 15, 2010. The District has received the NHC contract. Ms. Moffitt moved to authorize Mr. Thomas to sign the contract on behalf of the District. Mr. Golder seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. th Next meeting date: August 20, 2010 at 1 pm. Meeting adjourned at 5:02 pm. Recorded By:________Dru Harrison________________ ______ Date: _______________________ Approved By: ________Dave Thomas_____________________ Date: _______________________