HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES 08-20-2010
New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District, held at Wilmington , NC.
Meeting Number 2_ Date: _August 20, 2010
Supervisors Present: Others Present:
Bill Golder Dru Harrison, Education Coordinator
Nancy Pritchett Marilyn Meares, Cape Fear RC&D Coordinator
Dave Thomas Amanda Cabiness, NHSWCD intern
Bill Hart Jane Wood, District Conservationist
Donna Moffitt ,
Carey Disney Ricks
Cape Fear Public Utilities Authority
Was this meeting held during a meal: No _
Mr. Thomas called the meeting to order at 1:07pm. Mr. Hart made motion to approve agenda. Mr.
Thomas seconded motion; the agenda was approved as presented.
Mr. Hart submitted corrections to the July 26 regular Board Meeting minutes ahead of time. Ms. Moffitt
moved the approval of the corrected minutes. Mr. Thomas seconded the motion; motion passed
Ms. Pritchett moved the approval of the corrected minutes for the July 29, 2010, CCAP special meeting
minutes.held to review CCAP contracts. Mr. Hart seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously.
A. CFPUA August Board Meeting:
Mr. Hart reported on his revisit with re-appearance before the CFPUA Board on
August 11, 2010 to remind them of our the three major requests raised with the board at from their July
14 meeting:
a. Prior notification regarding of impending Right Of Way (ROW) work
b. Vegetation management plan for all ROWs
c. Cooperative plan with CFPUA specifically to deal with our property on Holly Tree and South
College roads.
Only the vegetative management plan request had been addressed. In the CFPUA Executive Committee
Meeting, it was determined that the bulk of cuttings/debris would be piled up along the sides of the
ROWs. Telephone call from Director, Mr. Matt Jordan conveyed that information. No formal
reply/response to address other issues has yet been received by NHSWCD. Mr. Hart invited Mr. Jordan
to attend our Board Meeting to address the issues – Ms. Ricks is was present to represent the CFPUA
There are several complaints at this point from NHSWCD: CFPUA leaving cuttings on property and in
streambed, CFPUA not notifying NHSWCD about the work, CFPUA not responding to NHSWCD
requests for communication.
Ms. Ricks, from CFPUA, was asked by her board to address the questions for us and has reported that
her board has discussed the issue(s). She will take any outstanding issues back to her board after this
meeting for further discussion:
Debris – CFPUA policy is to keep a clear access/path. They have the easement which allows
them to do this work. Work will continue. Not their policy to give prior notice of ROW work.
CFPUA feels that there has been informal communication within her agency and between
agencies (can forward emails and detail internal discussion and phone calls) and that they did
respond to our initial complaint of debris removal. Site was cleared after initial complaint to their
Mr. Hart is concerned that the functional and aesthetic qualities need to be restored to our site. Debris
remains in the waterway that CFPUA should remove. Ms. Ricks will not address this issue; claiming that
is business for the regulatory compliance officer who was unable to attend. Ms. Ricks speaks for her
board, not the compliance officer NHSWCD is requesting that the logs be cleared from the property and
if the Army Corps of Engineers is brought in on this, that the District should as the owner be involved. Ms
Ricks will follow up and bring that back to her board. She will facilitate the conversation further between
the two organizations.
Ms. Ricks will act as liaison and follow- up with each board. Supervisors agree that debris should be
cleared from the path full width of the right of way and that a NHSWCD recommends a vegetative
management plan for the site be developed (DENR and NRCS tech expertise can be offered by the
District Employee’s Workshop:
Ms. Harrison reported that she attended the annual District Employees on the workshop in Waynesville
during the week of August 19th she attended. She took the district law & operations track. NHSWCD
needs to become bonded and appoint an employee as the financial officer. All employees and
supervisors who deal with financial reports and transactions (check signing and rain barrel sales) should
be bonded. Ms. Harrison will investigate how to do this (check with Risk Management) and report back to
board. Estimated to cost $200-300 a year, which is currently not in the budget, but that will cover anyone
in the organization who deals with financials. Currently, 6 people are allowed to deal with money, two
employees and four supervisors. Ms. Moffitt thought this was extreme excessive, but Ms. Harrison said it
was because of how difficult it is to track down a supervisor when needed. It was agreed that the paper
check system is antiquated and should be replaced.
Supervisors requested Ms. Harrison set-up a meeting with the County Manager to check the status of
NHSWCD becoming a county department. If the District is able to become part of NHC government the
District will not have to pursue insurance and bonding for the organization due to the fact they will be
covered under the County’s policy. Two Supervisors will attend the meeting with Ms. Harrison.
Also, it is against public meeting laws for supervisors to correspond over email regarding District
business in the “reply all fashion.” Ms. Harrison will get further explanation on limitations and pass on to
C. CCAP Advisory Committee Meeting:
Mr. Hart reported that the meeting was poorly attended. Meeting was about green garden approaches. A
tour of Wake District CCAP projects included the Town of Wake Forest BMPs – where two cisterns are
being used for vehicle washing and parks’ irrigation. The newly appointed Executive Director of the
Association, Dick Fowler, recognized difficulties with advisory committee.
Ms. Harrison gave the financial report. Ms. Harrison reported that an $8000 deposit for final payment for
fiscal year 10 from city contract was late because it was ‘lost’ by city office. She also explained why the
Land Management account was lower than June, because of the 90% fee for the Eagle Island inventory.
Mr. Golder asked clarifying questions which were satisfactorily answered by Ms. Harrison. He advised
her to check the back of the check book for missing checks and stubs occasionally. Mr. Golder moved
the approval to accept it for information. Ms. Pritchett seconded motion; motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Harrison reported that work is in progress. Bradley Creek will have some revisions to three
contracts as well as funding. Once those are finalized by DENR she will bring to board.
Education Update:
Mr. Hart requested this update. Ms. Harrison reported that staff presented
information to the NHC school board on August 3, 2010. School board members were made aware of
all district education programs including contest, Envirothon, and field days. The board was thanked for
their support of the Hoggard Envirothon Team. Staff also focused on the rain gardens that are currently
being installed in schools in partnership with NCCF – goal is to have them on every school property.
Eagles Island (EI):
EI Coalition Meeting: Mr. Hart announced that Ms. Meares had been elected EI
Coalition Chair. MOU drafts have been circulated. Formation of more structured EI Coalition is under
way. Mr. Hart asked Ms. Harrison to send report from advisory committee to District board. Next meeting
is October 13, 2010.
Gullah-Geechee Cultural Corridor Commission Meeting: Mr. Hart attended meeting last week in
Southport and gave a 5-10 minute presentation asking members of the coalition to consider EI as part of
their master plan including an EI interpretive center. Mr. Hart and Ms. Mears will attend future meeting to
give formal presentation about this and to see about becoming coalition members.
Winner Property: Ms. Harrison reported that the property was appraised for $3.2 million for approximately
20 acres on Eagles Island by Ingram & Company. Ms. Mears reported on conversation with Mr. Winner’s
realtor. Mr. Winner is requesting a copy of the appraisal. After much discussion led by Mr. Golder, it was
unanimously agreed to not give Mr. Winner the appraisal. Ms. Meares will tell Mr. Winner of decision and
will get further tax appraisal information (Ms. Harrison found records on-line appraising 21 acre land in
2010 at $692,752 by Tax Office). Funds need to be secured to make offer/purchase. Mr. Golder will work
with Ms. Meares to continue project.
Approval of Blue Sky Purchase: Ms. Harrison and Ms. Mears reported on a CWMTF grant error and
requested approval to split cost for administrative fees between NHSWCD and CFRC&D. Motion to
recognize informal agreement brought by Mr. Hart, 2 by Ms. Moffitt; passed unanimously. Ms. Mears
cautioned that there is a lot of paperwork that needs to be filled out and approved before any money is
rewarded. She will work with Dru Ms. Harrison to get papers in order. There is $15K funds set aside for
survey and money for appraisal budgeted for. There will also be $12,000 for the District to use for the
management of the property. The District will pay Michael Murcison for his services and help with the
closing of the property purchase. The closing date for the sale of the property was set for December 1,
2010 due to the fact that contract to purchase the property ends December 15, 2010.
Division of administrative funds: Ms. Mears reported about a possibility for another land acquisition from
mitigation funds made available through Fish & Wildlife. These funds would be available due to a
possible brown field site up the river that may have to pay mitigation cost. The sight is in same
hydrologic unit as Blue Sky property. These funds could be used to purchase the Blue Sky property or
McLaughlin property. Ms. Meares will follow up on trying tracking down the current owners of the
McLaughlin property and hopes to have information at our next meeting.
Division Report: Kristina’s August report distributed to supervisors. Sept 1 Dick Fowler will start role as
assoc executive director. A copy of the strategic plan for Association has been distributed to Supervisors.
NRCS Report: Ms. Wood reported that an application in NHC in CRP Program has been received for a
200 acre farm to be taken out of production.
Possible Policy Resolution: moved to next meeting due to Mr. Hart’s absence
A. Fall Meeting October 19, 2010: Mr. Thomas can drive and take 3 with him. Ms. Moffitt cannot attend.
Ms. Moffitt: Public notice updates are not accurate. Ms. Harrison will follow-up with newspaper, city, and
county to fix the errors. Will start posting on our door and already post at courthouse. Tell the contacts
that the supervisors are concerned that the publishing has not been correct and we are not meeting
requirements as a result.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:34. Next Meeting: September 20, 2010, 3:00pm
Recorded By:___Amy Long_________________________________________________________
Approved By:___Dave Thomas_________________________________________________________