MINUTES 12-13-2010 New Hanover Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting held at Wilmington, NC. Meeting Number 7_ Date: _December 13, 2010 Supervisors Present: Others Present: Steve Skavroneck Ms. Harrison, Interim Director Dave Thomas Amy Long, Education Assistant Bill Hart Jane Wood, NCDENR_ Donna Moffitt Nancy Pritchett_________________________ Was this meeting held during a meal: No _ Mr. Thomas called the meeting to order at 4:30 pm. Several additions were made to the agenda: Mr. Thomas added the Stop Titan Action Network under New Business, item C. Mr. Hart added Community Conservation committee under CCAP, item 4, Stewardship Banquet report under Project Updates, item C, and Coastal Caucus under New Business, item D. Mr. Hart moved to accept agenda as amended. Ms. Pritchett seconded the motion and the agenda was approved. th Ms. Moffitt, Ms. Pritchett and Mr. Hart submitted corrections to the November 15 regular Board Meeting minutes ahead of time. Ms. Pritchett moved to approve the minutes as presented with corrections. Mr. Skavroneck seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. Financial Report Ms. Harrison gave the financial report: She will email the final report to everyone after the meeting – the totals were not calculated in the report that was distributed at the meeting. Only unexpected item in the financial report was a $150 donation made to NHSWCD from Rain Water Solutions. Ms. Harrison called to thank them on behalf of the District already. Ms. Harrison reported on the Land Management Grant Fund. Mr. Thomas commented that there was roughly $4700 in the account now, but would more funds be coming in. Ms. Harrison confirmed that reimbursements of $6000 and $12,000 would be coming in from the Clean Water Management Trust Fund to cover the costs of surveys and management on the Blue Sky tract for a total of $18,000, bringing the account balance to roughly $22,700. Mr. Hart noted that the management plans budgeted for in the LMG will need to be discussed at the next meeting. “Management” needs to be defined and options explored. Ms. Harrison reported that Mr. Michael Murchison might bill for some of his hours upon Ms. Marilyn Meares’ advice to do so. and if If he does, it payment would probably have to come from the Land Management money Fund. Mr. Hart agreed that the Board will have to consider that, but management must be defined. Mr. Thomas moved that the financial report be accepted for information. Mr. Hart seconded the motion; motion passed unanimously. 1 Project Updates CCAP  Applications: Ms. Harrison presented two applications for CCAP funding. #102: in Bradley Creek watershed. Ranked 105 (medium range). Asking for a 2500 gallon o cistern. Public facility. Less than 300’ from water. Has public and community benefit; large potential for education. Property size is greater than one acre. High water use at property. Cistern is for irrigation. No BMPs for overflow would be needed; they are already in place on property. Would cost NHSWCD roughly $2500. Mr. Hart moved to accept the application. Ms. Moffitt seconded the motion. --- Airlie Gardens. #103: in Prince George’s watershed. Ranking is a 70 (low). Asking for a cistern (smaller than o 2500 gallon). Individual home. Greater than 300’ from water. Would moderately decrease nutrient load into system by decreasing stormwater runoff. Property size is 1 to 1.25 acres. Individual is very enthusiastic about education of green practices. Cistern is for irrigation of garden and lawn. Applicant would convert captured water to potable water from the cistern. Mr. Thomas declines the application. Mr. Hart seconded and advised to reapply if a larger number of homeowners became involved to really reduce runoff. Ms. Harrison suggested that the Board reconsider the application procedure sometime in the spring when doing strategic planning for 11/12 fiscal year; continue with rolling application review or change to batching the applications.  Request for Payment Ms. Harrison reported on two requests for payment that Mr. Thomas already signed off on: payments for two storm water wetland BMPs at Bradley Creek Elementary School. Funding is from clean EEG and Clean Water Management Trust Fund for a total of $40,000. Ms. Harrison will send payments to Raleigh offices later in the week.  Future Funding Ms Harrison reported that Mr. Thomas asked for this addition to agenda. She said that Cameron Moore from the Wilmington-Cape Fear Home Builders Association asked Mr. Thomas about CCAP funding for next year. Ms. Harrison reported that all funds in current funding cycle have been allocated already. Next funding cycle begins on July 1, 2011. She cautioned that there will likely be funding cuts due to state budget cuts – speculation is to cut 15%. BMP funding is where Soil & Water Districts have seen cuts in the past. Technical assistance funding will possibly be cut. She also noted that NHSWCD Division of Soil and Water does have an EEG grant application in for additional CCAP funding, but that will not be awarded until the end of 2011 if NHSWCD the Division gets it. Mr. Hart added that he thought Cameron is asking for fiscal 2011-12 and is asking about leadership interest.  Community conservation Committee – Mr. Hart was not elected chosen to chair the community conservation committee at the annual meeting in January for the 2011 calendar year. Area 6 will not have a delegate at that committee at the annual meeting. Ms. Harrison said that they may ask for an Area 6 member from the floor. Mr. Hart commented that the NHSWCD resolution is in the Water Resources and Legislative committees. Without a representative from Area 6, there is no line of communication with the community conservation committee to see how the resolution will be dealt with in that group. Ms. Harrison added that she has no vote, but she will be in the community conservation meeting – she is giving a presentation on EEG funding. Eagles Island (EI)  Winner Property 2 Mr. Thomas reported that he had a good meeting with Gordon Meyers (Wildlife Resources Commission Director). According to Mr. Thomas Mr. Meyers was very interested in the property. Boating access and other uses were discussed in that meeting. Mr. Meyers had asked Mr. Thomas several things: What was the community feeling for the property? What were the results of the charette? Mr. Thomas didn’t think there was a report or synopsis of the charette yet but would ask Marilyn Meares for that. Mr. Meyers thought this property had atypical use potential; Park and boating access potential. Boating access does not imply that Wildlife Resources could help purchase the property, but it could help with the needed infrastructure associated with boat ramps. Mr. Thomas gave the example that Wildlife Resources could build ramps, but couldn’t buy the property to drive up to the ramp and park a vehicle and trailer. It was Mr. Thomas’ impression that park funds were available. Mr. Thomas reported that engineers will be at the property tomorrow (December 14, 2010) at 10am for a look into the feasibility of involvement with the property. Mr. Thomas reported that Mr. Bill Golder was informed and was passing the information on to Mr. Skeets Winner. Ms. Moffitt asked about water depth at that location. Mr. Thomas does not have the figures. He said that a copy of the existing CAMA permit for construction of a boat landing dock has been forwarded to Gordon Meyers. Ms. Harrison informed the Board that Mr. Skeets Winner brought the permits to Ms. Harrison in the office and she has them there if anyone wants to review. She reported that the northern most part of the property (near the Battleship) drops straight off. Southward, there is a tapering that has archeological sites that need to be dealt with. Mr. Thomas reported that he and Mr. Meyers talked about the improvements to the boat ramp across the river and Mr. Meyers acknowledged that it was inadequate for use along the river. There are not adequate boat access facilities between Lock and Dam #1 and town. Mr. Hart pointed out that there is one access on the Brunswick side.  Blue Sky Timber Property Ms. Harrison reported that progress is still forward moving with completion of the sale. Contract th ends Dec 15 but NHSWCD will not have funding on that day, but will get it a few days later. Owners are fine with that but want to close by 12/31/10 for tax purposes. DENR will cut NHSWCD a check for the amount of the property. It will be taken to Michael Murchison to be put in trust and sellers will be paid once all documents are signed, sealed, delivered. . Stewardship Banquet Ms. Harrison reported on the December 9, 2010 banquet held in Supply, NC. 100 people in attendance. Wilmington Business Journal was a sponsor. They wrote an article about the Stewardship program in their publication in which they had interviewed Ms. Harrison - she sent the link to the article to the board earlier today. Mr. Hart was in attendance. Mr. Hart added that the Chambers of Commerce had an event the same evening with awards, so there was competition between events which is probably why no elected officials from Wilmington or New Hanover County were in attendance (other than him). Two The City of Wilmington’s parks (Halyburton and J.E.L. Wade Parks) received one of two Outstanding Stewardship awards (and joins the Halyburton Park that received the Outstanding award before. New Business  Elect board secretary/treasurer: Ms. Harrison reiterated that this office is needed to comply with Robert’s Rules of order and to meet the state association bylaws. Secretary is needed to sign contracts and Treasurer is needed 3 to sign checks. Ms. Moffitt volunteered for the combined office. Mr. Hart nominated Ms. Moffitt as Secretary/Treasurer. Mr. Thomas seconded.  Appointments of Associate Supervisor: Mr. Hart commented that we discussed Bill Golder being an Associate Supervisor, but what constitutes an associate? Does the District have to do anything to officially recognize an associate? Ms. Harrison clarified that an Associate Supervisor is involved in District business and can represent the board in business, but they do not have voting power or can they file for travel reimbursements. She was unclear if there was a formal recognition process to make someone an associate supervisor, but she will check on this and inform the board at the next meeting on what needs to be done to recognize Mr. Golder by the district/division/association. Ms. Moffitt commented that it was her understanding (and several people agreed) that Mr. Golder is only willing to maintain the Winner/EI portion of business.  Coastal Caucus: Mr. Hart has been attending these quarterly meetings since before he was on the NHSWCD board. He gave this caucus a full Eagles Island pitch at their last meeting. There are two things worth mentioning to NHSWCD from the last caucus meeting: 1) There will be a “State of the Coast” report coming out in the spring that focuses on alternative energy (wind energy as main thrust). 2) River keepers started a prescription drug collection initiative (Operation Medicine Cabinet) because of the medications that are showing up in drinking water and water supplies. Seems like a good thing for NHSWCD to jump on board with and become involved. Mr. Hart reported that there was a major meeting in October in which participants ranged from the attorney general to GlaxoSmithKline and Food Lion. Mr. Hart would like to try to get the District involved in this effort somehow. Mr. Skavroneck asked if sewer districts are involved. Mr. Hart said he has not seen them there or listed as attendees, but the problem is well documented and he felt that they are aware.  Stop Titan Network: Mr. Thomas got a call from the Stop Titan Network asking NHSWCD to write a letter of support for following a SEPA sort of review to prevent Titan from getting piece-meal permits. Mr. Thomas is asking the Board to consider the request. Upcoming events th Feb 15-16 new Supervisor training – Ms. Moffitt will attend Jan 21-22, 2011 Tree Fest at Mall. Adjourn ~ Set Next Meeting Date th Next board meeting: January 24, 3:00pm Next Winner meeting – tomorrow at 10am Meeting was adjourned at 5:43 – Ms. Pritchett moved to adjourn. Mr. Thomas seconded. Recorded By: ____________Amy Long___________________________________________ Approved By: _____________Dave Thomas_______________________________________ 4