B070511 New Hanover County Board of Social Serviccs N7eetin, Minutes Multi Purpose Room A I0:00a.m. - 12:00 noon The New I lanov er County Board of Social Services met in open session On Tuesdav'. Jule 5, 2011 at 10:00 in Multi Purpose Room A ofthe New Hanover COLIMN' Department of Social Services. ATTENDING: John Craig. Chairman: Patrick Rilc%. Vice Chairman: Fvclvn Brv~ult: Diana Woollev and Brian Ben<zer ALSO A TTL'NDING: LaVau(hn Nesmith. SecretarN to the Board: Stephanie Monteath. Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the mectinu to order at 10:03 a.m. Mi-. Cnai, asked for a motion ZZ, to appi-m c the aucnda. h1s. Woollcy moN ed for approval of the agenda. -l he motion %vas seconded h" pls. Brvant %vIth the amendment to delete the Board Self I'\aluation and passed unaninlously Ms. Bryant led the invocation. Ms. Woolley led the pledge of allegiance. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Craig asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Ms. Woolley movcd to approve the minutes With the chaMUIe from Mr. to Ms. Marino on page 1 in the lust paragraph of the lntormation Aocnda. The motion as seconded h\ :pls. Bi-\mt and passed unanimouslV. STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA DSS Board Election of Officers \1s. Woollcv 111mcd the cyistin(-, ofiiccrs remain for 1 more vcar. I he motion vvas seconded by pls. Brant and passed unammously. Board Meeting Calendar Mr. Nesmith pnoposed moving the Board Meeting to the >"l or 4 Tucsdav of the month as opposed to the 1" Tuesday ofthe month to be able to provide the Board with move current irnlormation. Ms. Woollcv moped to change the Board Mcctinus to the 31-d Tuesday with stratc-1c planning to Occul- dul'ing the ""m ember Board \'lcctln(-, and the retreat to occur in February,. The motion was seconded by Mr. Rile\ and passed unanimously Adopted Budget Fpdate Kai-en (inaham I-c\ lc\led the adopted hLld~~ct. \II'. Cnalg asked 1'01- an c\pIallat loll of the $600.000.00 allocated to the Nortlmoods contract. Nlr. Nesmith reviewed the Page 2 of 4 functions of the Northwoods sofmare; indexing, filing(,. processing of records: merging demographics and interfacing with One Case. The hope is the software «ill assist with the continually growing caseloads at DSS. As ~~ell. the State is encouraging Departments of Social Services to adopt a software S\ stein with these functions. Northwoods is the only software that can interface with NC Fast. Ms. Woolley asked about the administration line item of the budget. Ms. Graham noted the salaries and benefits for agcncy staff is S 16.568.138.00. Of that. $12. 289.39.00 is salaries and does not include temporary staff. AIs. NN'oollc asked about the administration line item of the budget. Ms. Graham noted the salaries and benefits for a2enc- staff is 516.568.138.00. Of that. $12. 289. 39.00 is salaries vvith no benefits and does not include temporary staff. Mr. Nesmith noted a 1% merit increase «vill be available for 1-011,,2012 for permanent lull time staff. The process of awarding these funds has not yet been determined. Mr. Berger asked if further discussion vyas needed to discuss the time it takes to re-till vacated positions in an effort to build the County funds. _Mr. Nesmith noted that lMI1, frozen positions were thawed. Mr. Craic, asked when the remainin-L, 3 frozen positions vv111 be thawed. Mr. Nesmith noted there has not been discussion about thawim, the last 3 positions. NIs. NVoolICV would like to revisit asking for the last 3 positions at the end of the first quarter if there is enou-gh salary la<g to pay for the positions. Mr. Riley cautioned that if DSS asks to keep their salary lag. the Comm may respond that lag from other departments %vill no longer be available. Flexible Schedule Update Forte-nine staff applied for and began a flexible work schedule as of Jule 1, 2011. Three staff applied for a telecommuter position. which are currently beima studied. DSS/Health Department Consolidation Update Mr. Nesmith noted at this time. DSS and the Health Department «ill not be consolidated. Mr. Hollandsworth shared the General Assemble reconvenes Jl1IN• 13. 2011 and they may revisit it. Wake County and Mecklenburg County have combined Boards. If the consolidation movement goes through, a laroc Human Services Board. with as mane as 25, members could oversee both health and DSS and hire/fire the Directors ofeach a(Tency. No action was required. Child Care Subside Update Mr. Nesmith updated the Board that Child Care Subsidy Funds may only he spent on 3. 4. or > star Day Cares. Inch are more expensive. This means fewer children «ill be ser-ed throu,h the program. No action was required. Title XIX Update .AJr. Nesmith shared that Title XIX Medicaid Transportation is proposed to become a State operated system in 2012. No action was required. Item 2 Page 2 Page 3 of 4 Work First Challenge and Achievement Wanda Marino and Arena Everett reviewed Work First Challenges and Successes. Ms. Everett talked about community partners such as PhoeniN Employment Ministries. Employment Security Commission and Cape Fear CommunitCo11e«e. Ms. NVoollev asked 'fa certificate is issued after the job readiness program is completed. Ms. Everett noted that a certificate is issued after completion of the course. Nlr. Berger asked how much monev comes from DSS for the job readiness program at CFCC. Ms. Everett noted no money comes from DSS. Ms. AVoolicv commented the program is most likely subsidized through a Federal grant. Ms. Everett noted that Work First clients that volunteer at the agency as part of a work readiness program have been referred to temporary pools and if possible obtain permanent emplo%ment. Ms. Everett shared that a success of the Work First Program has been participants maintaining jobs for upwards of 8 months to a year. Mr. Berger asked who is doing the job preparedness. Ms. Marino explained CFCC is really focusing on helping clients to make that transition. A/Is. Woolley vvould like to be notified when and if CFCC holds a graduation ceremony for the job readiness students. Vs. Marino noted pls. Brvant has been very involved in the \Vork First Pro(-,ram planning and thanked her for her assistance NN ith that initiative. INFORMATION AGENDA Stephanie Monteath introduced new employee Angela Horton and recognized Stacy Jones for Five years of service to the County. The two vacated social work positions are in the process of being filled. Ms. Woollev noted adult guardianship cases are once again on the increase. Ms. Woolley asked to be notified when,/11-the Board needs to advocate for more Adult Services staff. Ms. Woollev also noted the Food and Nutrition Services numbers continue to climb. Ms. Woolley asked for confirmation that revenue collected by Program Integrity comes back to DSS. Mr. Ranalli and Karen Graham confirmed that a portion comes back to DSS. Mr. Craig is slated to present information to the County Commissioners July 1 1.'01 1 Lit 3.00 p.m. Mr. Nesmith asked that Board members arrive 30 minutes early_ in case the Commissioners meeting runs ahead of schedule. Mr. Craig asked from where the predicted number of eligible Medicaid recipients came. Ms. McNamee explained that Health Care reform ~,N i11 increase the number of people eligible to receive :Medicaid from ages 18 and older. No action Nyas taken by the Board. Neat Meeting Objectives Economic Services Leading Bv_ Results Challenge and Achievement a Additional Items Mr. Craig asked for a motion to enter closed session as proN ided in G.S. 1 54A-98 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and or G.S. 1 54A- Item 2 Page 3 PaL,e 4 of 4 98.. -Nis. Woolley- moved to enter closed session. The motion was seconded by Mr. Riley and passed unanimously at 11:24 a.m. Ms. Woollc~ moN ed to enter open session. The motion was seconded by Mr. RilcN and passed Limmimously at 11:36 a.m. Mr. Riley mO N ed to enter closed session as provided in G.S. 1 54A-98 to consider information that is confidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and or G.S. 1>4A-98.. The motion «as seconded by Mr. Berger and passed unanimously at 11:37 a.m. ;dlr. Craig asked for a motion to enter open session. Mr. Riley moped to enter open session. The motion %vas seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed unanimously at 11 :56 a.m. Ms Woollcvasked that Mr. Nesmith hold items not on agenda to additional information. N Is. Bryant asked for a reminder of the Commissioner Meeting time on Jul" 1 1. 201 1. Ms. Woollcv moxed to adjourn the meeting. The motion vvas seconded by Mr. Berger and passed Lill Lill imouslV at 11:59 a.m. As there ~~ere no further items to discuss. Mr. Craig asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Riley mON cd to adjourn at 12:00. The motion vvas seconded b% Mr. Bryarnt and passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted. LaVaughn Nesmith. Secretarv to the Board ,lohn E. Craig. Chairman s 13070511 Item 2 Page 4