1993-11-19 W&S Exhibits " AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Soclion 4. A owom otlllemenI of tho D:sIrid'o dcl:t hcs boon filed with 1113 CM of 1113 Board of Commts- == sion3rs Md of 1113 District and is open to publll: Inspsction. :, Sel:Iion 5. This bond order shall IV it with the advenisement thereto annexed it is adjudged by the Court that the said publication was duly and properly mac take efi6cI upon Its &dcptlon. ~, duly and legally served on the defendant(s). The foIGgolng bond onl3r haD. , b9an Introduced end a sworn stal8-. msnt of ds!lt has b9an filed undsr, Th.1 The LoeaI Government Bond AI;;! 19 I~ shooing 1113 estirnatsd ~ val'" - U8 of 1113 N3'tI Hanovar COunty Water and Sewer District to be. $3,787,llll8,238 end 1113 nat ds!lt, thereof, Including the proposed, bonds to be $39,707,750. A tax will, be I&vkd to pay 1113 principal of and,. Intarast on the bonds ~ they sre Is- susd Anvona who wishes to be hsaRi on the questions of 1113 validity of 1113 bond onl3r and the sdvisabillty, of issuing 1113 bonds may appear at a. public hearing or an ltdjoumment. thereof to be hakt at 320 Chsstnut. Str8eI . Room 100, In Wilmington,. North Carolina at 6:30 o'clock, P.M.; on 1113 6th day of December, 1993". 1 Lucia F, Harrell CIsrk to the Board of, Commlssionsrs of the. County of ~ ~. ttis II!6w Hanover County Water and S&wer Dlslricl STATE OF NORTH CAROL~A, COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NOTICE 0;; PUBLIC HEARING "BOi\JD O::lDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $12,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT' WHEREAS, New Hanover County Watsr end &wer Dlslricl (the "Districf') hEll Issued Md outstand- ing Sanltsry Sewsr Bonds, dated No- vembsr I, 1 eoo, maturing in lito" """m 1 S94 to 2012, inclusivo (tllo "ClUiStmding 1S90 Bonds"); and WHEREAS, Board of Comm!s- aloooro oj ilia Coullly 01 New Hano- . Wf, llliiIng 00 ilia eoVemlnR body 01 lIw DldricI, d=ns 11 edvIall!lIe to p:liY and rolund all or /I po1Ilon 01 lha OulBtllmllng 1 S90 Bonds purlllI&nt to and In li:l:COIdanca with The I.oClil Govsmment Anance AI;;!; and ' WHEREAS, an appIlcatlcn has b=1 filad wtlh lha SecnltaIy oj lha LoeaI Govsmment Commlsslono1 North Carolina requesting Commls- e!cn epptOVQI of the BondS hereinaf- ter cbccrlllOO /IS n;:qulrod by The L0- cal Govcmmcnt Flnanc3 Ad, and the S=Glery 01 1113 Local GovernITl8lJl Commloo!on has notIllsd the Boartt, 11131 ~n has baoo llCC8pt- ed lor to 1113 Local Gov. ernmont Commiosion; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by 1113 Board of' CommIssion3rs of 1113 County 01 ~ HenovGr, slIIIng as the govern- I 1119 body of 1113 Dislricl, /IS follows: Sel:Iion 1. The Boord 01 Com- rnlss!om:rs 01 11113 County of ~ Henovor, slIIIng. /IS 1113 governing body of the DlsIricl, has IlllC8Il8lMd and hllreby dslemtlnss 11131 ~ is ed- viaallls to pey end r&fund all or a portlon 01 1113 OutoIandlng Bonds. . &;ctioo 2. In onl3r to raise 1113 ~ roqulrod to r&fund the QuI. slEndlng Bonds as sst Iorlh above, In B.l!dltlon to any funds wIlll:h may ba m!!da lIYallab!3 lor such purposll from QI1y lllhl>T source, bonds 01 1113 District 819 h3r&by authorized and ehIIll be Issusd pursuant to Th3 Local Govemmsnt Anance AI;;! 01 North =~~=:a=. by this bond order shall be $12,000,000. Sel:Iion 3. A l!lll ~ to P-!'y fro princlp::ll of end Inl:::real on 0liliI tlondo when dua ahsll be annually l<lvled and collected. Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, JACOB BRINSON who, being duly sworn or affinned. according to the law, says that he/she is CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGER of THE WILMINGTON STAR-NEWS, INC., a corporation organized and doing business under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, and publishing a newspaper known as WILMINGTON MORNING STAR & SUNDAY STAR.NEWS in the City of Wilmington NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING@~aOND ORDERAUTliORIZING THEISSU,6NCE OF $12,000~OOOGENERAL 08LIGATI $1 Z, 000., 000 BON was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper in space. and on dates as follows: ll/ZZ,lX 1993 and at the time of such publication Wilmington Star. News was a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications prescribed by Sec. No. 1-597 G.S. of N.C. CLASSIFIED ADY. MGR 23RO Title Sworn or affirmed to, and subscribed before me, this day of NO V ,A.D., 19 93 In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal. the day and year aforesaid. '--/7~. ~~ My commission expires 21 day of JUNE ,19 94 Clerk of Superior Coun ..,!:-:- .. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $12,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT" WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District (the "District") has issued and outstanding Sanitary Sewer Bonds, dated November 1, 1990, maturing in the years 1994 to 2012, inclusive (the "outstanding 1990 Bonds"); and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, sitting as the governing body of the District, deems it advisable to pay and refund all or a portion of the outstanding 1990 Bonds pursuant to and in accordance with The Local Government Finance Act; and WHEREAS, an application has been filed with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina requesting commission approval of the Bonds hereinafter described as required by The Local Government Finance Act, and the Secretary of the Local Government Commission has notified the Board that the application has been accepted for submission to the Local Government Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of commissioners of the County of New Hanover, sitting as the governing body of the District, as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, sitting as the governing body of the District, has ascertained and hereby determines that it is advisable to pay and refund all or a portion of the outstanding Bonds. / section 2. In order to raise the money required to refund the outstanding Bonds as set forth above, in addition to any funds which may be made available for such purpose from any other source, bonds of the District are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The Local Government Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal amount of bonds authorized by this bond order shall be $12,000,000. section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. section 4. A sworn statement of the District's debt has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of commissioners and of the District and is open to public inspection. section 5. This bond order shall take effect upon its adoption. The foregoing bond order has been introduced and a sworn statement of debt has been filed under The Local Government estimated Bond Act showing the ~ppraised value of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District to be $3,787,898,236 and the net debt thereof, including the proposed bonds, to be $39,707,750 A tax will be levied to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds if they are issued. Anyone who wishes to be heard on the questions of the validity of the bond order and the advisability -2- .' of issuing the bonds may appear at a public hearing or an adj ournment thereof to be held at 320 Chestnut st - Room 100 in Wilmington, North Carolina at ~ o'clock, g.M., on the 6th day of December, 1993. Lucie F. Harrell Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, and Clerk of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District -3- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SSe : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, LUCIE F. HARRELL, Clerk to the Board of commissioners of the County of New Hanover, and Clerk of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, as follows: 1. A~~ meeting of the Board of commissioners of the County of New Hanover, sitting as the governing body of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, located in the State of North Carolina, was duly held on November 19, 1993, proper notice of such meeting having been given as required by North Carolina statutes, and minutes of said meeting have been duly recorded in the Minute Book kept by me in accordance with law for the purpose of recording the minutes of said Board. 2. I have compared the attached extract with said minutes so recorded and said extract is a true copy of said minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said ~inutes relate to matters referred to in said extract. 3. Said minutes correctly state the time when said meeting was convened and the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board who attended said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of said District, this 1993. ~ k to tne Board of commissioners of e e County of New Hanover, and Clerk, New Hanover County Water and Sewer District !,.' \ Refunding EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, SITTING AS THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT A regular meeting of the Board of Cormnissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District was held on Friday, November 19, 1 993 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 501 of the New Hanover County Administration Building, 320 Chestnut Street, Wilmington, North Carolina, and the following Commissioners were present and absent: PRESENT : E.L. Mathews, Jr., Chairman Sandra Barone, Vice-Chairman Robert G. Greer William A. Caster ABSENT : William Sisson * * * * * * * C'cm;uissioner BiilrOne introduced the following bond order which was read at length: "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $12,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT" WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District (the "District") has issued and outstanding Sanitary Sewer Bonds, dated November 1, 1990, maturing in the years 1994 to 2012, inclusive (the "outstanding 1990 Bonds"); and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, sitting as the governing body of the District, deems it advisable to pay and refund all or a portion of the outstanding 1990 Bonds pursuant to and in accordance with The Local Government Finance Act; and WHEREAS, an application has been filed with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina requesting commission approval of the Bonds hereinafter described as required by The Local Government Finance Act, and the I Secretary of the Local Government Commission has notified the Board that the application has been accepted for submission to the' Local Government Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, sitting as the governing body of the District, as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, sitting as the governing body of the District, has ascertained and hereby determines that it is advisable to pay and refund all or a portion of the Outstanding Bonds. -2-- Section 2. In order to raise the money required to refund the outstanding Bonds as set forth above, in addition to any funds which may be made available for such purpose from any other source, bonds of the District are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The Local Government Finance Act of North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal amount of bonds authorized by this bond order shall be $12,000,000. section 3. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. section 4. A sworn statement of the District's debt has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners and of the District and is open to public inspection. section 5. This bond order shall take effect upon its adoption. Commissioner Caster moved the adoption of the following resolution: WHEREAS, the bond order entitled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $12,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION /COUNTY REFUNDING BONDS OF THE NEW HANOVER WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT," has been introduced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, sitting as the governing body of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, held on November 19, 1993 and the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, sitting as the governing body of the District, desires to provide for the holding of a public hearing thereon and the submission of -3- , , , a statement of debt in connection therewith as required by The Local Government Bond Act; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of commissioners of the County of New Hanover, sitting as the governing body of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, as follows: (1) The public hearing upon said bond order shall be held on the 6th day of December, 1993 at 6:30 o'clockP_.M., at ~7.0 r.hpstnnt strppt r Room 100 , in Wilmington, North Carolina. (2) The Clerk of the Board of' commissioners and of the District is hereby directed to cause a copy of the bond order to be published with a notice of such hearing in the form prescribed by law in a qualified newspaper no fewer than six days prior to such public hearing. (3) The District's Finance Officer is hereby directed to file with the Clerk prior to publication of the bond order with the notice of such public hearing, a statement setting forth the debt incurred or to be incurred, the appraised value of property subject to taxation by the District and the net debt of the District. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Greer and was adopted by the following vote: E.L. Mathews, Jr., Chainnan Sandra Barone, Vice-Chainnan Robert G. Greer William A. Caster * AYES: NAYS: None * William Sisson absent. * * * * * -4- . . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) . COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ) ss. : I, LUCIE F. HARRELL, Clerk to the Board of commissioners of the County of New Hanover and Clerk of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, in the State of North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the attached copy of the debt statement with the original debt statement filed by the Finance Officer of said District in the office of said Clerk on the /?~ day of November, 1993 and that said copy is a true copy of said statement and of the whole thereof. I FURTHER CERTIFY that said debt statement was filed by said Finance Officer on said last-mentioned date and has since it was so filed remained on file in the office of said Clerk and has been kept open to public inspection. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have affixed the corporate seal of said District, this 6th day of December, 1993. (DISTRICT) ( S~~u,,'" ~'~'~oVER co;;"" ~'~ ~8"-.""~~,*'.o ~ ,., .. . ~ ~~.. ,~ .. . . .. . - =: . ',' 1 : =t:1: . , : .. .... - '-.. ~ ~, ' Do:' ~ ~ e.. . , I ~ -:. ." -00..'. ..1' ~~ ~.. -fot-. .......... ~,. 10~ ""'" l) IEWt" "...,,,, ""....'U",,' ~ to the Board of Commissioners County of New Hanover, and Clerk of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District , STATEMENT OF DEBT OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT, NORTH CAROLINA, MADE AND FILED PURSUANT TO SECTION 159- 55 OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE ACT, AFTER THE INTRODUCTION OF THE BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $12,000,000 BONDS, INTRODUCED AT A MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF SAID DISTRICT, HELD ON THE 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1993. (a) Appraised value of property subject to taxation estimated by County Finance Director. $3,787,898,216 (b) Gross debt as listed in the attached "Schedule of Gross Debt." $ 51.707, 7S0 (c) . Deductions to be made from Gross Debt as listed in the attached "Schedule of Deductions." $ 1 2. 000, 000 (d) Net debt (being the difference between the Gross Debt and Deductions). $ 19, 707, 7S0 (e) Percentage that net debt bears to the appraised value of property subject to taxation. 04R ~ o Finan~~ New Hanover County Water and Sewer District /1-/1-QY Dated: " SCHEDULE OF GROSS DEBT (The debt described below should not include debt incurred or to be incurred in anticipation of the collection of taxes or other revenues or in anticipation of the sale of bonds other than funding and refunding bonds. The debt described below should not include revenue bonds.) A. Bonds authorized by orders introduced but not yet adopted: Purpose Amount General Obligation Refunding Bonds $12,000,000 Total $ 12,000,000 B. Unissued bonds authorized by adopted orders: Purpose Amount $ Total $ c. outstanding debt not evidenced by bonds: Source of Debt Purpose Amount see attached list Total $ 787, 750 D. outstanding debt evidenced by bonds: Date of Bonds Purpose Amount $ see attached list Total $ 1R,g::W, 000 Total $ 1:\1 7n7 71:\n \ SCHEDULE OF DEDUCTIONS (A) Funding and refunding bonds authorized by orders introduced but not yet adopted. $ 12,000,000 (B) Funding and refunding bonds authorized but not issued. $ (C) Amount held in sinking funds or otherwise for the payment of gross debt other than debt incurred for water, gas, electric light or power purposes or sanitary sewer purposes (to the extent deductible under section 159-55(b) of The Local Government Finance Act.) $ (D) Bonded debt included in gross debt and incurred or to be incurred for water, gas or electric light or power purposes. $ (E) Bonded debt included in gross debt and in- curred or to be incurred for sanitary sewer system purposes (to the extent deductible by subsection (b) of section 159-55 of The Local Government Finance Act) . $ (F) Uncollected special assessments levied or to be levied for local improvements for which gross debt was or is to be incurred, to the extent to be applied to the pay- ment of such gross debt. $ (G) Estimate of special assessments to be levied for local improvements for which any part of gross debt (that is not other- wise deducted) was or is to be incurred, to the extent that the special assess- ments, when collected, will be applied to the payment of any part of gross debt. $ Total $12.000.000 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER ) AND SEWER DISTRICT ) ss. : ANDREW J. ATKINSON, being duly sworn, says that he is the Finance Officer of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, in the State of North Carolina; that by a resolution passed by the Governing Board thereof he was authorized to make the foregoing statement; and that the foregoing statement is true and was made and subscribed by him after the introduction of the order referred to in the heading of said statement. F~:l~ Sworn to and subscribed before me on the day of the date of s~e7ii'~_ A __D, Notary b ic O~- My Commission expires the )~hday of ""aaovooo,o ", tA Mill ...... X:..~ IVI. .41)>,- '" ..... ~~ """. r 1;, " $ ~ o.e<110 .00. v~'~ ~ .0. ... if' ~ ~ : \MO"f Ail~~' ~ ". "'\I '.9-pf,'- ~ -. '~. : :: ..,., : lJ 0 ~ : : :.z\ SIlBr': : ~ ~ -.. 'b' .0. '-.J" $ .., '9'..1_ .'. .... ~.;:- "-"'01 ......... ....\ .,' , /r- ,,\\" , "" ,. r: 17 COD'''' \\\.., I""" I ", \' \ \ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ss. : NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT I, the undersigned Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover and of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, in the State of North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing statement and accompanying affidavit were filed in my office on the/~ day of November, 1993, after the introduction of the order referred to in the heading of said statement. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said District, this /9~ day of November, 1993. \\"'''''''''' ...."\,"OVE/f 0;;'" '~"'''a~.O.OOQ.O..CI ~+1"'~ ~ ~ .GO 0.. .J- ~ ~ .. e. . -:. : ! ~ ~: =.. ,: 0: :~: . ,,: :-..\ 8: : "-"~ . "".. \~~~~~~~ "U,c::ihlwC'A V\ ...... YIJ'.,~': ", ""u,,"" .Y/~- Clerk to t e Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover and Clerk of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District c !:late' 11/18/93 Time 12:31:12 Date of Issue 01/01/1992 01/01/1993 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page LON G - T E R M DEB T B Y I S SUE Installment Debt for Groups 08 - 99 as of 10/31/1993 Based on Date Paid Accounts 0000000000000000 - 9999999999999999 FUNB 9110007-008 CAPE FEAR UTILITIES Description Principal Balance TELEMENTRY SYSTEM CAPE FEAR UTILITIES 150,224.66 637,525.18 Total 787,749.84 'Date 11/18/93 Time 12:30:42 Date of Issue 11/01/1990 03/01/1993 NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC Page LON G - T E R H DEB T B Y I S SUE Bonded Debt for Groups 08 - 99 as of 10/31/1993 Based on Date Paid Accounts 0000000000000000 - 9999999999999999 Description PrincipaL BaLance NEW HANOVER CO. W & S DISTRICT G/O REFUNDING SEWER BONDS SEWER- G/O BONDS 1990 W/S DISTRICT REFUNDING, 1993 12,040,000.00 26,880,000.00 TotaL 38,920,000.00 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING WITH THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION OF NORTH CAROLINA OF AN APPLICATION FOR THE APPROVAL OF REFUNDING BONDS WHEREAS, interest rates in the tax-exempt bond market are at such a level that it is financially feasible to achieve debt service savings on several outstanding bond issues, particularly, the Water and Sewer District's 1990 Sanitary Sewer Bonds; and WHEREAS, the District has determined to proceed with the authorization process for the issuance of refunding bonds of the District in order to best position itself to take advantage of any debt service savings, it being the intent of the Board not to proceed with the refunding unless acceptable debt service savings can be achieved; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the District Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District that: Section 1. Andrew J. Atkinson, District Finance Director, is hereby authorized to file an application with the Local Government Commission of North Carolina for the approval of refunding all or a portion of the bonds of the District listed above. t- Section 2. Andrew J. Atkinson, District Finance Director, is hereby directed to authorize LeBoeuf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae, Bond Counsel to the District, to commence the preparation of the documents necessary to authorize said refunding bonds, and employ Craigie Incorporated, as financial advisor for the District for the purpose of preparing analyses as needed in the process. Section 3. The proposed refunding bonds shall not be issued unless the District is able to achieve acceptable present value d~bt service savings. Section 4. The Clerk to the District Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to the Secretary of the Local Government Commission of North Carolina. Section 5. This resolution shall take effect upon its passage. Section 6. This resolution was adopted this 19th day of November 1993. 1?d~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman