B081611 New Hanover County Board of Social Serviccs Meeting Minutes Multi Purpose (Zoom A 10:00 a. m. -11:00a.m. The Nevv 1 Ianov cr County Board ol, Social Se.rv ices met in open session on fucsday . Au"ust 16. 2O1 1 at 10:00 a.m. in Multi Purhose Room A of the NCvv I lanov cr CoLmty Department of Social Serv ices. ATTENDING: John Cram(,, Chairman: Patrick Rilev. Vice Chairman; F elvn Biwant, Diana Woollev and Brian Ben<ucr ALSO ATTL'NDING: LaVa11-1hn Nesmith. Secretary to the Board: Stephanie Monteath. Assistant to the Director The Chairman called the mecting to order at 10:0) a.m. Mr. Craig asked 1')r a motion to approve the agenda. Ms. Woollcy movcd for approval of the a(,cnda. The motion vvas seconded by Ms. Bryant passed unanimously. Ms. BrNant led the invocation. \1s. Woollcv led the pleduc of alle~(iance. CONSENT AGENDA '\'1r. Craiu asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Ms. Woollcv mov cd to approve the minutes with the addition that the Northvvood's contract is a sole source contract and would be reimbursed by the State at a rate ol'50010 for all cli(-)iblc portions (4V`0) of the project. The motion was seconded by Ms. Br\ ant and passed unammouslv. INFORMATION AGENDA Ms. Woollcvnoted concern about the increase in the number ofprotectivc scrvIce cases. Ms. Al 1arino claril1cd that substantiated and Lunsubstantiated numbers can Carry oN Cr into the nest month. As well. there is no one factor;U'e I that can explain the increase in protective scrv ices reports. althouuh the a(-,encv' tracked numbers liar v cars looklnu, for a common dcnominator. Ms. Woollev also noted the Medicaid Illllllbel'S al'C 1nCIVaSln'dralllatlcally vvltll no incrcasc in staff: AIs. AVoollcv vyould like to '_staff up- vv ith the salary la(_ moncv . I lovvev CF, the salary lava money currcntly (-,ocs into the oencral fund for the County . Mr. Bcrucr would like tract: the increase in pro(_Tranl caseloads per worker quartCrl\. Mr. Craig asked what the interns do in the agency. Ms. Marino explained that Social Work interns are rcC1Llll_ed to 01-k hOLll'S hCl'C 111 DSS and assist with the cases. No action vvas taken by the Board. Page ? o f3 STRATEGIC ACTION AGENDA Economic Services LIM Challenge and Achievement Patricia Robinson introduced the Economic Services LBR challenLe and achievement to the Board. Ms. Kathi I leslin talked about delays in the Medicaid application process. often due to yerilication issues. causing the applicants to have to tell their story oyer and over and delavin« services. Medicaid is vvorkino to make mail in applications more efficient and thorou~~h. Mr. Riley- asked v%hy there vvas not just one set of rules for all applicants. Ms. l leslin explained there are many programs vv ithin Medicaid. such as Medicaid for Pregnant Women. Adult Medicaid. family and Children's Medicaid etc. Ms. McNamee further CNplaiiled that haVinO a vvorl:er pursuing, yei-illcat1On to complete the application lnslead of closing the application duc to lack of v crlllcation and rcopenlng, the application later. Rill actually says the a~~encv dollars in administrativc costs. Mr. Ncsmith explained that even thou'-di there is a hl2h pel-Ce11ta(-1e of COUntV dollal-s (,!Oln~( lntO SLlppol-tln~g Medicaid and food and Nutrition Services. those programs actually brine millions of dollar of rcyenue back into the community thr01-1211 hospitals. pharmacies. Orocerv stores etc. Mary John Brantley noted the I~ood and Nutrition Services prop-ram has achicyed 93°0 of cli,,ible applicants noR receivin(-) assistance. The ability to mail in and faX in applications has increased accessibility. As well. Rith the NC lust pro~aram be~(ginning, in April ?Ol?. processing applications Rill be even more efficient. Poycrty levels are chanuinu so the number of eli(-,ible applicants is expected to gi-m\ si(-,nilicantly. 'v,Is. Woolley requested that the agency and Board revisit stal-lima needs at the end o1'6 months. 1,131Z Adjustments to Conform to Count- Strategic Plan Patricia reyicRecl proposed chamacs to Lcadima By Results. Mr. Crai(-, asked 1'01, a motion to include the chanu'cs in performance indicators. Nis. AV'oolley mov cd to approve the challucs. 'I he motion Ras seconded by Ms. Bryant and passed L1naI111llollSly. Nest Meeting Objectives I.BR Child Care Subsidy Challcm-,c and Medicaid I Iealth Choice !lchiev ement adoption Avyareness Proclamation Additional Items M . Brv ant noted the last sentence of the Directors report vyas not complete. 'GIs. McNamec shared that the last three ROrds of the sentence vyere Briefly the 19 Nis. Woollcy noted she vvas opposed to kecpirng the meeting time to one hour and that the meeting Rill last as lono as it takes to complete discussion. Mr. Craiu thanked GIs. NV"oollev for her comment. Pa,,e 3 of3 As there were no further items to discuss as provided in G.S. 154A-98 to consider information that is conlidential pursuant to G.S. 108A-80 and or G.S. 154A-98, the board by consensus adjourned at 10:49a.m. RcspectfullN suhnlitted. I_aVauuhn Nesmith. Secretarv to the Board gollll L. Craig. Chairman