1996-11-18W&S Exhibits ~ ~w:J-{anover County tJ30ard of'C~m~issioner~ ~so{ution. WHEREAS, New Hanover County is committed to the provision of sewer service to existing residents in the County and to the preservation of estuarine and river quality; and i . WHEREAS, the North C~ase Interceptor was originally scheduled for completion by 'June 30, 1997;and ' WHEREAS, the delays in construction of sewer plant capacity in the north side have'pushed ~chedules back approximately eighteen (18) months; ~~:!~ "-.: Nbw~~'THEREF'ORE':eE IT RESO(VED'by.the"New. Hahover::Cbunty.V\Jater;ancfj Sewer District that the District will continue to keep construction of the North Chase Interceptor ata :high. priority with the Districfs ~goal being to ;-cPI11Rletethe. project by Decemb~r' 19m3 . an(i'reverse-'wastew~ter ftb{,J 'from . Castlel'H'~Yiie.~td't~e' Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant. . . . ,":" ~ :'f. :', i. ~~:; {).~. : Adopted this the 18t~day of November 1996. 1 a ~.. . E. L. M Jhews, Jr. .' Chairman of the District Board ~. : -~ ~y'''''''''.~' ~ '. ...--:, ...:' ," . " . ~ .. .. r~' _',:...... ........r., .._~,_ _ 4 .._ ... ~ .~.:: ,..... -. "- . ~" .~. .-.. .,.- .. .,-~ ... .. .;,. ~. ..... '.-, .,. '-- ~ .',,' .--<., . '.:~:.-::.."'~. . ._:::.~"" 7 Attest: r:, .>. " ... .. ... ~. ~ .~ ;::. A.,; -." . I\' " ~ ~~ ..; , ," ~~ .. ;; ~ .,,: '.' . ~'..., .:.~'w Lu' . Harrell Clerk to the District Board 'f....;;, . , .~ .;t , ~~ s :ft ;:. .,~~ "