2000-03-27W&S Exhibits ,. PROJECT ORDINANCE SPRING BRANCH INTERCEPTOR BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District: 1. New Hanover County Water and Sewer District (District) is engaged in the Construction of the Spring Branch Interceptor, which capital project involves the construction and/or acquisition of capital assets. 2. District desires to authorize and budget for said project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This proj ect ordinance lS adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. 2. The project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the Construction of the Spring Branch Interceptor, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Transfer from Fund 801 $ 738,494 Transfer from Fund 845 55,196 Contribution from City 163,876 Total $ 957,566 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Capital Project Expense Tot a.l $ 957,566 $ 957,566 , 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners of the New Hanover County Water and Adopted this 4/~ Sewer District. day of +.A./ , 2000. ~~~ Clerk to the Board /fl~fJ.~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ,',....."", ~,,'~~"ER co::"," ~..", ~..ee.......e.eo. ~;';'" .! . 0..- 0.0 0 ~ ::~: . ...~~ _~. ..a.. : :: .1: : :dt e:...: i7:\ . .:~~ .. ~'Oll ....&.0, .I~ 00 ~... ~ ~ o. ~"'~7.0 ~ ~ Cll'!:..", eo... --- 0 ~, if',,, .,~ .......... ~",..' ""1 D IEW&f\. ,.... ""'IU'"'''''' Board of County Commissioners Water and Sewer District