2007-10-24 Special Meeting NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 31 SPECIAL MEETING, OCTOBER 24, 2007 PAGE 223 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for a Special Meeting with the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Board and the Wilmington City Council on Wednesday, October 24, 2007, at 11:00 a.m. in the Human Resources Training Center, New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 135, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present were: New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Chairman/Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Elected Official Member William A. Caster; New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Vice- Chairman/Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Elected Official Member Robert G. Greer; Commissioner Ted Davis, Jr.; Commissioner William A. Kopp, Jr.; Commissioner Nancy H. Pritchett; County Manager Bruce T. Shell; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley and Clerk to the Board Sheila L. Schult. Others present were: City of Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo; City of Wilmington Mayor Pro Tem/Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Elected Official Member Jim Quinn; City of Wilmington Council Member Lethia Hankins; City of Wilmington Council Member Laura Padgett; City of Wilmington Council Member Earl Sheridan; City of Wilmington/Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Elected Official Member Jason Thompson; Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Chairman Matt Hunter; Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Vice-Chairman Gene Renzaglia; Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Secretary Steve Thomas; Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Member John Andrews; Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Member Kathryn Johnston; and Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Member Burrows Smith. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Member Charles Wells and City of Wilmington Council Member Pat Delair were absent. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Chairman Matt Hunter called the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Board to order, welcomed those present, and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to present an update on the actions and progress of transition. The Authority members introduced themselves. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Chairman Caster and City of Wilmington Mayor Saffo called their respective Boards to order. General Manager Search Chairman Gene Renzaglia presented an overview of the process used to narrow down the search for the General Manager position. The Executive Committee interviewed two well qualified candidates and is in contract negotiations with the primary candidate. Due to confidentiality reasons, the name cannot be released, but the candidate has over twenty-five years of experience dealing with water and sewer issues and public utilities. The Authority is hoping to have the General Manager in place within the next two to three weeks. Seven positions have been identified for the direct reports to the General Manager including a Chief Operating Officer, Deputy General Manager, Chief Finance Officer, Chief Engineer and Human Resource Director. The screening process will be the same as for the General Manager position with the difference being that the General Manager will be included in the interviewing process once in place. The Authority is hoping to have these positions filled by early to mid December 2007. Information Technology Chairman Gene Renzaglia presented an overview of the Information Technology Application that is being considered for the Authority. The software system being considered is SunGard and will be capable of integrating all departments and their necessary functions. The Authority is hoping to have the software installed and operational by March 2008. Human Resources Chairwoman Kathryn Johnston presented an overview of the process being used to compile the benefits and compensation package that will be offered to Authority employees. The Human Resources Committee is currently assembling the following information: ? Creating job descriptions ? Setting pay scales ? Drafting policies and procedures ? Creating an organizational chart ? Compiling the benefits package Offering a fair and reasonable benefits/salary package is a high priority to the Human Resources Committee. Secretary Steve Thomas presented the Critical Path Method spreadsheet stating that the schedule lists the timeline for over 280 critical tasks that need to be completed by the projected take over date of July 1, 2008. To date, they are on schedule. Chairman Hunter reported that Treasurer Charles Wells could not be present but that the Authority members appreciate the interim funding that has been provided. He stated that the City Council and Board of Commissioners will be approached with an additional funding request before the end of the year. City of Wilmington Manager Sterling Cheatham stated that he was available to answer any questions. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 31 SPECIAL MEETING, OCTOBER 24, 2007 PAGE 224 New Hanover County Manager Bruce Shell stated that he was also available to answer any questions. He reported that New Hanover County is serving as the Authority?s Fiscal Agent. Of the $1.8 million appropriated by the City Council and Board of Commissioners, to date, $382,000 in receipts has been processed. QUESTION AND ANSWER PERIOD Chairman Hunter announced that the Authority Board members were available to respond to questions. In response to questions by Councilman Earl Sheridan, various Authority Board members provided an overview of the process that was used to identify the direct report positions and the process that is being used to advertise future Authority positions to current City and County employees. The transition of current City and County employees to Authority employees is a high priority to the Board. In response to questions by Councilwoman Lethia Hankins, Chairman Hunter reported on the input the Authority Board has received from consultant Municipal & Financial Services Group, Citizen Advisory Board, the Wilmington City Council, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, and from employee groups from both the City and County. Councilwoman Laura Padgett voiced concern about future capacity management issues, environmental concerns, conservation rates, proposed rate schedule, and the defined area that the Authority will serve stating that she would like to see these issues addressed in the Interlocal Agreement. Chairman Hunter stated that these issues have not been discussed in depth by the Authority as they are currently focusing on the hiring of the General Manager and the seven direct reports. Once the top management is in place, those issues will be addressed. Although those issues can be addressed in the Interlocal Agreement, not all the details of those issues can be addressed. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Member John Andrews reported that once the Authority?s Chief Engineer is in place, many of Councilwoman Padgett?s concerns will be addressed. In response to questions by Mayor Saffo, Ed Donahue, Municipal & Financial Services Group, reported that his staff is currently reviewing and updating the water master plan, integrating the City and County sewer master plans, and reviewing and conducting a rate study. Preliminary reports will be forthcoming. The Authority also has had discussions with Interim Attorney Bill Lynch that there needs to be provisions included in the Interlocal Agreement for coordination of development and capacity between the three entities. Interim Authority Attorney Bill Lynch stated that he is currently reviewing the Interlocal Agreement with the purpose of the document to be an instrument for future coordination and cooperation and to be mutually acceptable to all three entities. New Hanover County Commissioner Nancy Pritchett stated that she shares Councilwoman Padgett?s concern of protecting the environment but that people may differ on the way to go about achieving that goal. The Interlocal Agreement needs to include the concept of environmental protection but not get into the details of how it is achieved. City of Wilmington Council Member Jason Thompson and City Wilmington Council Member Jim Quinn stated their desire to see the Interlocal Agreement be approved by the Wilmington City Council and Board of Commissioners in November 2007. City of Wilmington Councilman Sheridan and City of Wilmington Councilwoman Padgett voiced their concern that the Interlocal Agreement should be approved before proceeding further. Chairman Hunter reported that it is necessary to get the organization in place, including the Interlocal Agreement, before the plan can be implemented and progress monitored. Board of Commissioner Chairman Caster stated that it was necessary to proceed with the organizational structure of the Authority and he encouraged the City of Wilmington to proceed with approving the Interlocal Agreement. After brief discussion, the consensus of the Authority Board is that a level of trust is necessary for the Authority to succeed. What is in the best interest of the residents is the highest priority and they are committed to work to that end. In response to questions by New Hanover County Commissioner Ted Davis, Chairman Hunter stated that all meetings have been open to the public, but as of yet, the beach communities have not been a part of any discussions. Board of Commissioner Chairman Caster stated that the beach communities may become a part of the Authority in the future, but not at this time. Councilwoman Padgett stated that she shares Councilman Sheridan?s concern that the Interlocal Agreement will contain policies and procedures on how issues will be addressed. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERSBOOK 31 SPECIAL MEETING, OCTOBER 24, 2007 PAGE 225 Vice-Chairman Greer stated that he shares Ms. Padgett?s concern that the right thing is done but urged that the Interlocal Agreement should not be so restrictive as to tie the hands of the Authority in allowing them to do what they think is right to be successful. ADJOURNMENT Hearing no further questions, Chairman Hunter requested a motion to adjourn. Motion : Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Elected Official Member William A. Caster MOVED, SECONDED by Cape Fear Public Utility Authority Elected Official Member Robert G. Greer, to adjourn the meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Chairman Caster, City of Wilmington Mayor Saffo, and Cape Fear Public Utility Chairman Matt Hunter adjourned their respective Boards at 12:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sheila L. Schult Clerk to the Board