2001-05-07W&S Exhibits ~ . Kings Grant Area Sewer Resolution of April 16th, 2001 Kings Grant Area Concerned Citizens Group BE IT RESOLVED 1. Whereas: All Kings Grant area property owners have paid property taxes since the inception ofthe New Hanover County Bond Issue for sewers in 1984 which promised completion in 1993 now amended to 2009 and in 10-2000 amended to year 2003... AND, 2. Whereas: The Majority of Kings Grant area property owners voted in favor of the bond issue of March 9, 1984 which set infrastructure construction fees at $200.00 tap m... AND, 3. Whereas: Kings Grant area "postage stamp" sized lots were at best minimal "filled" wetland lots not substantial in size to accommodate more than two drain field repairs before New Hanover County Health codes are violated. Thereby making said properties useless, uninhabitable and unmarketable when failure conditions occur... and that according to late county health department reports "the condition is critical." AND, 4. Whereas: Surface water run off from the Kings Grant area communities enters the Smith Creek estuary, one of the highest in fecal pollution as evidenced by the counties own ground water pollution reports.... AND, 5. Whereas: Allocated bond issue monies has been diverted to construction of sewerage mains to new subdivisions... AND, 6. Whereas: New Hanover County has raised the property tax millage and the assessed values while due to the lack of county sewer, real estate values are declining... AND, 7. NQW.! The New Hanover County Commissioners are asking each Kings Grant area resident to pay for the infrastructure construction costs.. far greater than the original bond agreement. AND, 8. Whereas: County Sewer fund monies from sales taxes, bond issue money, sewer customer profits, etc. has been found to subsidize other county construction projects. AND, 9. Whereas: The makeup of Kings Grant Area communities citizens comprise a substantial percentage of the counties work force: We take umbrage in being overlooked by our county government. - THEREFORE: It is our signature ratified resolution that New Hanover County provide the sewer service to the Kings Grant area communities as resolved by the commissioners 10-16-2000, without infrastructure construction costs greater than $200.00 per address as per the 1984 bond issue. Should the county government continue its present course of action regarding infrastructure costs (tap fees) the residents of the Kings Grant area will sue for class action remedy in the courts of law. Instituted this day: April 16, 2001 by attached signatures. (or~elZ.. S ~be cF PIi4E) _ove.n.- , 04/27/93 14: 01 ~1 407 647 0624 o Q."<:S (3;:1 IT ::rtDQQ c::..::o :rc-M'tD:J 0 z . .. (U 1"1 (ll 0 :r CD (1) "1 (1) 0 ~ ell :J' CD ......... 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"Ill ;:I 0 III ::r' rl' ..... ::r:~::S1: '1 III Ii:. Ul ID l'T ::l ;:I :\ '1 rt ::s ;:l Ii I-' 0 ~ ~ ro m CD l'T '< III C. rl' I-'- lo..?'~1 I-' ~ ;:I ::3 0. ClI :J '< ... n Q. oJ III l'T ..\ p. fI Ii;: V ELL- NEW HANOVER COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2029 SOUTH 17TH STREET WILMINGTON, NC 28401-4946 TELEPHONE (910) 343-6667, FAX (910) 772-7810 Everywhere. Everyday. Everybody. DA VID E. RICE, M.P.H., M.A. Health Director LYNDA F. SMlTH, M.P.A. Assistant Health Director October 25, 1999 Wyatt Blanchard, PE, County Engineer New Hanover County Engineering Department 414 Chestnut Street Wilmington, ~:. ~ 284 1 Dear Mr~{f~: This is to formally request that you investigate the feasibility of county sewer service to all or portions of the King's Grant/Spring Valley Subdivisions. Many of the septic systems serving homes in this area are at a performance/maintenance stage where it is necessary to replace the drainfield. As a rule, ground and surface water control features have over the years deteriorated and do not effectively function. It thus has become extraordinarily difficult in these neighborhoods to develop recommendations for the repair of septic systems. We have seen costly repairs constructed only to find in some cases that they malfunctioned after a short period of time. Given site and soil limitations, it is our conclusion that collection t~ a~ o~-sit:_.!\e~!.f!l~~~.;~[1dd,~H)~~~},.~acil~tyi.s t~e on!~ p'e~~ane~t solu~jon'-,_~~~~l @~rvl.S~~I:sJ:lY?II~gl~'.t9. these<home.~;f:;:tif? a[~?cOl'JffQn~E?Rl;Wltl:'i;i~LserJQ!Js'and; unaeceptc:l ble ':{Q~t<itQ~!~.~[~t>.Up~,~~,@~~I!tJWf '.. "'.. ~_._~.,<N'_" I am attaching notes from staff citing examples of problems at specific addresses and also information about alternative technology that may be a cost effective consideration. Should you require additional information, please contact Dianne Harvell, Environmental Health Director at 343-6665. I look forward to working with you as we seek, in protection of the public's health, resolution to this issue. v;zurs David E. Rice, MPH, MA Health Director M ~ :f/ea/d _ t:'~ ~ H Kinas Grant Subdivision East Side Of North College Road Kinas Grant Extension & SprinQview Subdivisions West Side Of North College Road Approximate # Of Residences - 1600 Estimated Average Age Of Residences - 25 Years Life Span Of Septic System Drainfield - 15.20 Years # Of Repair Permits Issued 1990-2000 (10 Yrs) - 400 # Of Repair Permits Issued 1995-2000 (4+ Yrs) . 203 Estimated % Of Properties Requiring . 30 - 40% Alternative Or Non-Conventional Repair Of Septic Systems Cost Of Alternative Or Non-Conventional $5,000 . $10,000* . Repair Of Septic Systems Cost Of Conventional $1,000 . $1,600 - Repair Of Septic Systems * Actual quotes received via property owners "1 (- ~ SEPTIC SYSTEM DESIGN OPTIONS* System Cost Selection For Use (Type) Gravel-fill Trenches $1,500 - $3,000 Generally first choice wherever adequate space & site / soil conditions suitable (Conventional) Gravel-less Trenches Anywhere suitable, maybe useful in areas a) Chamber $1,500 - $3,000 where space limitations prevent use of b) Polystyrene conventional system (Alternative) High water table, space limitations, Low Pressure Pipe $5,000 - $12,000 historic fill, drainfield at higher elevation than house or better effluent distribution (Alternative) needed Brunswick Bed & Fill $4,000 - $6,000 High water table, space limitations (Alternative) Pressure Manifold $5,000 - $7,000 High water table, space limitations, drainfield at higher elevation than house (Alternative) Intermittent Sand Filter $7,000 - $18,000 High water table, space limitations, a) LPP Discharge improved treatment (higher quality b) Surface Disposal effluent) needed (Alternative) Recirculating Sand Filter $7,000 - $18,000 High water table, space limitations, a) LPP Discharge improved treatment (higher quality b) Surface Disposal effluent) needed (Alternative) Peat Filter $7,000 - $18,000 High water table, space limitations, a) Gravel Discharge improved treatment (higher quality b) Trench Discharge effluent) needed c) Surface Disposal (Alternative) . Researched & Complied By NCSU, NC Cooperative Extension Service, NCDENR-Division Of Environmental Health & Southeastern NC Counties z > ~ trj 1\ ~ ~ - ~ 0 - ~ ~ vJ == ( oS) ~ 0 v . I Z 0 trj {)) ~ ~ - w - ..J f ~ ~~ ~ > ~ ~ ~ 00 00 tv .j:>. -'-, ~ '-> , " ~ '" ~ " 1 , t ~ > ~ ~ ~ == o ~ ~ ( > o o ~ 00 00 ~ . ~ c. ~ 2 > ~ ~ ~ == o 2 ~ ( > ~ ~ ~ 00 rJ1 ~ .,. 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J - 'j ~\~ ~O'6~l.\ 3L3-0~3 3't S' - ( "2-'4. S ~, < l L\ 21. A, ~~ L( (; 0:1 /lilt tPl1 C 4& Tel' f) I' _ <f16oUllfj/) Y5~3 (Yt1'C\dlesex w 20. ~ .. ~ Petition King's Grant Extension Residents The King's Grant Extension residents would like the County to connect the area to sewer lines before the scheduled date of 2009 (see attached letter). Name ~._ .----7 / ~./ I~ 1. / ~~7.y 4(;34 =t4nnl();1 \J~ (qll-))lqq~373 2. '-=t\W k~'\I1 C;. '~ 1 (yy) ^ 4lD?# V~J( j i1. 2t% ~.. j, 3. -'~h-oJ,[lT(Y~rill:Y) ~~ K', ~r<- -1:X~hlp h~~o~~~du)~~ \~'~~-f"'Y; 's,. ' ~Y'J H: ~ 0U'J/ n./ 4InJ I cU JlnqYJ)Q . 6. 'Yb~? ~ r~ 9&'// // I lJp J 7. ~ 2G-JL ~l(.~ t; ~ ' 6 ( { -6! '^- ,,\' IJ I~~ 'ik, lb' / Dr, 9. r-h ~!JLv >n_. "JyqJM i/SZJ:l II A.J1r 10. /1 r '.\ )qt-'q~1 f If:f2-7 :f;r~.~ ~~ 11. I )~~t h rl..t SJ ~ q(,,(r2_~(;W'I ~ liJ 12. (')fd-!./.~J (~~ 16th ff[.~.~I~ 13. lZ.n riPiJ. ~.~- '-IblO 1:-J1l"ihfV~J 7r{}-~f)-/01t-/ 14. ~. 2. P02..AOO ~, l-i &,/~ fb f?ftM toN l?d 15. 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N me Address Phone 1. 2. 1\ ' \ 3. 4) 5. 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 18. 19. 20. 21. \ \ ( , \ I 31'D 22S' 7u .... r .. ~ Petition King's Grant Extension Residents The King's Grant Extension residents would like the County to connect the area to sewer lines before the scheduled date of 2009 (see attached letter). Name Address Phone 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ... ~ -. , Petition King's Grant Extension Residents The King's Grant Extension residents would like the County to connect the area to sewer lines before the scheduled date of 2009 (see attached .~ letter). Name Address Phone 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10. )~[) ...-' 11. ) 77"I#2){) 12. 13. J /} Jr-/b -:<.. ~. ~> 14. ( t 15. 16. 17. ,,,,T ~ ~. . ~ Petition King's Grant Extension Residents The King's Grant Extension residents would like the County to connect the area to sewer lines before the scheduled date of 2009 (see attached -c;:- letter). Name Address Phone 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. /V' --j , / 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ....... ~ , Petition King's Grant Extension Residents The King's Grant Extension residents would like the County to connect the area to sewer lines before the scheduled date of 2009 (see attached letter). Na Phone 172----/]0. 2 4-/2- . I -I ~. J, . .f ., ), .,.; 57)2- au J c./ 34:A. rJ&O;J- .,,.5 ',~- 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ..... r. . ~ Petition King's Grant Extension Residents ~.. ~ -d- ~--1~ #- The King's Grant Extension residents would like the County to connect the area to sewer lines before the scheduled date of 2009 (see attached letter). Name Address Phone 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. JIll .\ j '\ '-" KINGS GRANT SEWERAGE PETITION SIGNATURES NAME ADDRESS- 1 (i~4J./Ur-d'c..-;lJ~ Lj1tJ9c:yML-' 12~ 2 c;'~-:n::..-O) 3. tf} U1<' '-...~) i If..-. , I /L-1i.,-1.-~Z' 1-./ Cc..~. V j!.. . lJ ~n'..<.' 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