2001-09-04W&S Exhibits ~ @ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC DEDICATION WHEREAS, G.S. Chapter 153A, Article 15 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer systems, and G.S. Chapter 162A, Article 6 authorizes counties to establish water and sewer districts; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County has established the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District, which District has arranged for construction of a sewer system in unincorporated County; and WHEREAS, G.S. 153A-158 authorizes counties and districts to acquire a fee or lesser interest in real property by gift, grant or other lawful method; and WHEREAS, by an instrument recorded in Map Book 4, Page 38 (Mishoe Estates Subdivision), New Hanover County Registry, certain streets have been dedicated to the public use, which streets are more fully described in said instruments and incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, New Hanover County desires to accept one of the above referenced streets, only for the purpose of providing sewer and/or water services to County residents by and through the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED as follows: That the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District hereby accepts Shearin Avenue, Bayboro Avenue, and Pine Needle Avenue as more fully described in Map Book 4, Page 38, Mishoe Estates Subdivision, New Hanover County Registry, for the limited purpose of providing water and/or sewer service only. Except as specifically stated above the District does not accept .. said street for any maintenance or other purpose whatsoever. ACCEPTED thi~ ~.tt.."" fj COtl.v~"', !Iii Ii'" ~ '-:. " .. ~.. I . ...(t~ -., .,~ : =. .,. . : ! .: ts : \ : -: -... ... ll'.. :, ~ -.. .~., .:fJ.... t; ~ ~ ~.... '::~"'.... <)~ .:- ~ :.f ......... ~ ," ""',,4"0 st'ttt; ............. "~UAA"'" AT l..t;:H: dayof.~. ,2001. NEW HANOVER COUNTY ~R AND SEWER DISTRICT {lJ-/J~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ~A/~ rk to the Board NORTH CAROLINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY I, 1ftJnberl~'fh S. ~ft1JrldI, a Notary Public of the State and County aforesaid, certify tnat Lucie :F(Harrell personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is Clerk to the Board of District Commissioners of New Hanover County, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the Board, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Chairman, Robert G. Greer, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by herself as its Clerk. WITNESS my hand and official seal, this!::f!!:... day OfS.ept..emkn.OOl. My commission expires: ~~~ ~. ~ 3- ~ 4- - 1QO(P N tary Public (/ _ . !!,IUIU411t" ,II' . hili, ,.,,,. \\0Ig G 'I,.. ~..., ~'lJ""--"~. C" ~ $~ 'O~~ i~~OTAl?r \~ : ~ -E \ z,\ .bUSL ,C J ~. '- ~CJ ~~ ...,......, .~.~ '-.....~1>~..~ ,...~.....' ""#:::;;;~:"\~~.':;;'.j ~~:~ ~:~'1:(.~"~ A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The District Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, in the absence of the County Engineer the Engineering Manager, or such other comparably titled professional engineer employed by New Hanover Engineering, authorizing him or her to execute permit applications and associated documents on behalf of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District utility and drainage capital projects will expedite construction activity; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County District Board of Commissioners that the Engineering Manager, or such other comparably titled professional engineer employed by New Hanover County Engineering, be and is hereby authorized to sign utility and drainage project permit applications, permits, and associated requisite documents for and on behalf of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. This the f ~ day of September, 2001. "",,,'" I II II" ~"" ~E.t' COlJNl"'" ~...~o ........ )-', ,$ ~_..... ..... . ~ .,--:. ~.... .,- . '. " ~ .:.... ',..:. :..,: .':...= :zi e:u: : . : -: ..... .. .J!!.. ~- ..'~~ ~ ., - . ~ ..- <f ~ ~ ~ ........... ,," ........ ""'I ~lto .t... ...,...,... ','........",' NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER and SEWER DISTRICT ~J.M>~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: ~\/AI~ C rk to the Board CD A RESOLUTION OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The District Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County, does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, in the absence of the County Engineer the Engineering Manager, or such other comparably titled professional engineer employed by New Hanover Engineering, authorizing him or her to execute permit applications and associated documents on behalf of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District utility and drainage capital projects will expedite construction activity; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County District Board of Commissioners that the Engineering Manager, or such other comparably titled professional engineer employed by New Hanover County Engineering, be and is hereby authorized to sign utility and drainage project permit applications, permits, and associated requisite documents for and on behalf of New Hanover County Water and Sewer District. This the l' AL day of September, 2001. ""'IO"",,, ~",,,,''''':-atR COlJlV~'I" .:;~o ....0.0.. J-', ~ 0000. .0.0. 0 'k. '~ ~. 0. "".. __.III.. . . 00.... "" ::_.0 '\~:- :..,: .':n.-: ::&: ,:u: ~ ...~ ~~,( : j= " - ::r'/. ..0 ~ ~ ~ ., ~ ..:s...... ~ ~ ~ ......... ".. ~.." """1. "No Sf-'4i ............. '8'........",' NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER and SEWER DISTRICT j?m~ Robert G. Greer, Chairman ATTEST: ~\/y~ C rk to the Board