1984-11-19 RM Exhibits ! t .: Introduced by: G. :Felix Cooper, l<1anager Date RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OFFER 'ill PURCHASE SURPWS REAL PROPERlY ~..- \'JHEREAS, a certain offer to purchase a parcel of real property owned wholly or jointly by New Hanover County and/or the City of WiJmington has been advertised for upset bid in compliance with North Carolina General Statute l60A-269 and pursuant to resolutions adopted by the City Council of the City of Wilmington on October 9, 1984 an1 the Board of Conmissioners of New Hanover County on October 15, 1984~ and vmEREAS, there have been no further qualifying upset bids entered for the property described on the attached list within the statutory period allowed by NCGS l60A-269~ an1 \<JHEREAS, the offeror indicated on the attached list has agreed to pay the amount indicated on the attached list for the parcel of real property shown thereon~ and "WHEREAS, the property is declared by theCountyCanmissioners to be surplus and not needed for public PUTPOses~ and \\IHEREAS, it is in the best public interest and welfare to dispose of this property in accordance with the negotiated tenus and conditions. NCW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to NCGS l60A-269, the County Carmissioners do hereby accept the offer to purchase as indicated on the attached list fran the offeror as indicatErl. 2. That the City of WiJmington and/or New Hanover County will retain any deposit postErl by the offeror as liquidatErl damages if the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer due in cash vlithin ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. -- That the Chainnan of the Board of Camnissioners of New Hanover County be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offeror- as designatErl on the attached list. <~~~ Chainnan of the' Board of Cmmissioners /--) - ~oPt~~ meeting , 19 t,1I' . A'ITEST: ~ l/%~ Coun _ Clerk TAX MAP~NUMBER: 6001-054l0-0l9-023.UUU AD~RESS: 706 S. 9th Street- ASSESSED VALUE: LANO $ 3.190 - DIMENSIONS: 57 x 223 % CITY: .77.8 = B 10: $ 1. 600 ;...OFFEROR: Elmer Williams & Wife, Ruth B. Williams 1 CasUa~ Drive Wilmington, N. C. 28403 BLDGS.: $ ,ZONING: R-3 % COUNTY: ~2 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: TOTAL LEGAL OESC.: pt E & W1 2 Blk 66 -0- TOTAL: S 3-:190:00---- ACQ. COST: $ 1,361.30 CITY COST:" $ 1,058.67 -0- 50.2 TYPE: '-.----" I," i.~ J: , f.~?~~ ,I II' ' ~""" II ',;" ;,~;:; ~ . .. ~. ~ t~ . ,.. h, I ,,' 1 ;;::~ -:".... I!,! ':.~I l~~t ~~,i " f. . l :: iI I ~ ' -1' " , , , 1 . , .': ."" . ~ 1;'. ~icS._:t~ . . . t C ~ ~ ; j . . . ~ ,- ."~J i ._; ., ' __.L---J _'_'0 I Ii ~ ..' -' ' , ---, S:;';;~'; i:~;m~ ~ .'. ,I;. . . ~ I~ , I '" c~. -;-;: ~ 1'1 ~ ... t;: ~~ :.-S ~:::, >~1--4~ -:;~:-: 'l. 0 f? - I __ ~ ~ ..: I ~Z.....=~ =..; H ;:::= 1:::< L.4 ~ i;; .= z 0 ~( ,;g ~-:I ;;:! 0 !:': , ~ .~~ > ~ ::l o t"' ... Z > .." ' I I' \ I I ' , I · I \'C'~ I \~' I , I ' I I , . I I . I I , I ' , ' 1 . \ ' , I I I ___..J-.- L _. .1---,:. - _L_. ..~;_~.. C't . . ...~I\='..>l _. " -' 'J'" "vi ,~., \ ___Ii '- .. i). ,~ . ... .7.. ,_~' t. .:...~ . , , '~I"'." ~ .. ~' ,,~~l_-,_:r-~ \ . '\" ~,. I'" .; w ~'. ~ . \.. -_. \ -\ . -' ! ~ j~ .~ -or '::. "~ .. ..J t~\t.\i. \ " ;Hl.,'. . ....':.. ~\\#;. I.....;..~ 8~~; ,:G6\:1 g2 11lllU .. . rov." --'l-- -,.-. T - - ,.-- , I:' IS, I I , '! I r: \ ' I I I' I I I ~ ' ~ \ I ~ ; 1 i! \ : I I ,- I I I I I "-, I I I ';'; I , \ I~' ; , I ' , ' I I ... !! .. , I , I \ I I H, I I I . ..!" o . . ... o z ,~ , , . . ~ I~ ! I I , , , I I , I \ , I I : ; , . . ...__~__.J.--j . I ,~ I, 1 ~ I , ' : . 1 I I I ~ ~I . ql , I , I \ , . ~ , ~ : ' , ' I ' \__J_-_\..-.1. __l.--l.-- .....Ull1r10J ... ... r--r--~--r--~----- I ' I ' ~ : I I I ,i , ,\ \ \ \ I l r ... : ,___r--r--' : i ' , , II \ .. I" I ,.~' . I ~ S \ I:' \ i \ 1 ~ . .\ ~ __..1- __ ..._-'___J .. . .. a'. : 1= ;;; :'1. .., IUM11,UU 'If".' I .. ! ! , ~ . ~~ ~, , I I I I ; , 1 I I \ I I ' I I L__\..--..--~--~_J-- s I ,. '"' ~ 1]11118 , ., , .' .. , I \ , I :- . ... ~... ... " lE] :~ . ~\.~ ,~.. , .. ! ! ~ ; = -r .. ... I I . . ... ,I'" .. n' A\W . . . . .. r,,-~--'--T-;--~-- t \ I t 1 ' I I .: 1 ,...... ' I i':li" I I \..... : , l.tO'~1 ". .. .~ I I ! .. I I I .' rNt ... .\L:tJ . ;.r.:iu t ... i _ --r-- r---r--" , , \ ' I I I ' I I I I t , ... ,- '. 4 \ ',~ FINANCE OFFICE NEW HANOVER COUNTY ANDREW J. ATKINSON Finance Director FINANCE OFFICE . 320 CHESTNUT STREET, ROOM 611 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TELEPHONE (919) 341-7187 CONSENT' AGENDA DATE:1J/ I q. '1^f ITEM No. ;:L November 6, 1984 MEMORANDUM " TO: Mr, Felix Cooper, County Manager FROM: Dottie Ray, Finance Office~ RE: project Ordinance-Northern ~nd Eastern School Construction Please place the attached capital project ordinance on the Commissioners' November 19, 1984 agenda for their approval, 'it PROJECT ORDINANCE NORTHERN AND EASTERN SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: WHEREAS: 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the construction of the Northern and Eastern schools, which capital project involves the construction and acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to auth~rize and budget for said capital project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina ~eneral Statute:$159-l3.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carol ina General Statute $159-113.2. 2-. The capital project un,dertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the construction of the Northern and Eastern schools, which capital project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Bond Proceeds $5,500,000 $5,500,000 TOTAL 4. The following appropri~tions necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: -~" ,i' " .; AlA-Northern and Eastern Northern General Contractor Plumbing HVAC $ 144,500 Electrical Land $1,858,300 $ 159,865 $ 310,000 $ 245,000 $ 154,062 $ 17,118 Miscellaneous Eastern General Contractor $1,849,900 Plumbing $ 150,115 HVAC $ 322,000 Electrical $ 250,000 Miscellaneous $ 983 (Cont. -Northern and Eastern, $ 38,157 TOTAL $5,500,000 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners. within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices 'in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. day of 1984. Adopted this Number Date 1175/84 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUEST - TO COUNTY MANAGER - Department Head Department / Account Name Northern & Eastern School Construction - I II Account No, I Account No, Account Name Amount Account Name Amount - (DEBIT) (CREDIT) 3970-910 Bond Proceeds 5,500.000 I 33-4750-32 3 AlA-Northern & Eastern 144 500 NORTHERN I General Contractor 1,858,300 ,33-4751-620 113 3 - 4 7 5 1-6 :; 4 Plumbing I 159,865 133-4751-6.< 2 HVAC I 310,000 33-4751-6",3 Electrical 245,000 133-4751-6 0 Land 154 062 I 33-4751-480 Miscellaneous 17,118 EASTERN 133 -4 752 - 6 2 0 General Contractor 1.849 900 1133-4752-624 P1umbinq 150,115 'I I 113 3 - 4 7 5 2 - 6 2 2 HVAC 322.000 ! ~3-4752-6 h Electrical ?50 000 133-4752-480 Miscellaneous 983 I ! ~_I.ic;,)_~ih Rn"" T C::C::'1J:l"f"1'> 'F'I'>I'>C:: ?O 000 I I 133-9800-9l!1 Contingencies 18,157 REVENUE N DECREASE REVENUE N NCREASE FROM (OR) TRANSFER 33- 1'0 budqet for Northern and Eastern SchoQL Construction ca ect as ~ct ordinanc - - - - - - APPROVED County Manager's Signature Date Date-Commissioners' Approval (if necessary) Finance Office Explanation TAX ADMINISTRATOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICE OF 'rHE TAX ADMINISTRATOR Collections thru October 31, 1984 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLlNAf:~4q,1~'W9R:,"m ~I Telephone(919)341-7J31 ~OP~~El~l AGENDA DA~E: //-19-- Rtf o ITEM No. ROLAND G, REGISTER Tax Administrator NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage .Collected 1984 1983 $23,308,884.49 $21,509,024,76 2,194,626,70 2,336,291.19 $25,503,511,19 $23,845,315,95 26,499.20 33,235,02 $25,477 ,011.99 $23,812,080.93 - 3,394,672,73 - 3,663,409.52 $22,082,339,26 $20,148,671.41 13,32% 15,38% $ 816,373,08 $ 664,382,79 94,18 1,122,45 204,099,27 130,732,87 $ 612,179,63 $ 532,527,47 25.00% 19,71% $ 1,007,748.29 $ 907,758.59 1,680,73 15,100,48 53,678,68 40,401.00 $ 952,388.88 $ 852',257,11 5.34% 4,53% Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Room Occupancy Tax Collections in October $37,238.37. Privilege License Collections in October $2,371,86, Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach to date - $5,672,693,82, This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1984, Respectfully submitted, "~ ~' I , ; G.tn[VA. /2~ 0..<"'--;<<0 '- r,; Patricia J, 1~y6or Collector of Revenue PJR: 1m HEHO RAND UH TO: Hr, G. F, Cooper County Manager _ Roland G. Regist9~ Tax Administrato~ FROH: SUBJECT: Abatements and Refunds DATE: November 12, 1984 .cONSENl1 AGENDA DATE:. //-/9- ~~ ITEM No. r; Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: 1. Allen, David H, 2. Bailey, James A. 3, Bass, Adley 4, Bryan, Dennis Richard 5, Buric, Elsbeth C, 6, Caraway, Lonzie 7, Carolina Security Patrol 8, Chupka, Sandi d/b/a - Sunrise Inn 9, Country Husic USA, Inc, 10, Davis, Shepherd 11 , Dees, J, T , 12, Doyle, Curtis Hathew 13. Durham, Cornelius 14, Emmart, M, S, Jr. H, T, Etal. 15, Evans, Jr. John Edward 16, Farningham, Gilbert David 17, Franks, Harrell 18, Gray, Christing A, d/b/a Pier Inn Hotel 19, Griffin, Joseph Earl 20. Harrington, George Jr. 21, Hebbe, James Martin 22, Hewett, Joy 23, Hill, Michele Bond 24. Jeffords, Nickie Louis 25, Jeffords, T, H, Jr, 26, Latta, Billy Gene 27, Lipman, Stanley Alan 28, Long, Lois, Jordan 29, Lord, Robert H, 30, Lyerly, Billie Ray 31, Mack, Grace Tietle 32, McKeithan, Glenda Rm.;rell 33, He Neal , Herman Lee 3LI, Noore, David Allen 35, Murray-Wallace Ventures $ 20.28 2,76 15.30 74,19 442,20 38,72 23,23 64,06 61. 88 14.74 32,51 5,64 9.27 55,24 22,51 24,90 (1983) 37,74 15,33 53,41 13,05 137,49 8,16 63.45 10,85 63.24 38.34 (1982) 35,16 54. 25 ~ (1983) 31. 78 8,01 19,16 23,15 6,32 15,64 Refund 95.76 : 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 22, 23, 24, Mr, G, F; Cooper Page 2 November 12, 1984 36, Owens, John Richard 37, Porta Tools 38, R, Dennis Lorance 39, R. A. Johnson 40, Richardson, Aster Ray 41, Rivenbark, H, B, 42, Roberts, Cheryl R, 43, Samuels, H, Ed. 44. Shepard, Patricia 45, Schnider, V, L, 46. Starner, Hilliam J, 47, Talent, Coy Eugene 48, Taunt, Ronnie L, 49, That's Amore Pizza Pie, Inc. $ 9,43 54.98 29,48 1,375.16 Refund 46.30 27,51 24.10 204,00 43,02 19,65 65,08 13.85 23,42 (1982) 2,071,82 (83 & 84 - Refund $ 1 , 041. 49) 50, Thomas, Fannie 51. Tindall, Hatte P, 52, Thinkers Hill 53, Tonkel, Florence K, 54, Via, Mickey Brinson 55, Wachovia Bank & Trusk Co, 56. Hard, Richard 57, Warren, James Franklin 58, Yveiss, Steven 59, Whitman, Fred A, 25,44 1.92 3,10 66,00 12,24 27,64 124,08 16,66 20,47 63,87 Request the following taxes be released as they are double-charged: ASSO Leasing, Inc, Bailey, James A, .Bob King Pontic, Inc, Davis, Susan Cooper Edwards, Marshall Estabrook, Venessa Dawn Fitzgerald, Dorothy Strasser Gay, Jr, Leon Roosevelt Glen Meade Realty Co. Hanover Motors Heartel, Cynthia Cobb Holliday, Willie James Huffman, Andrew Odis International Business Jenrette, Thomas F, Jernigan, Betty Ann Jordan, SidneYr;>Clyde Leshley, Erma Bozeman Lewis, Garry Hampton Long, Lois Jordan McCullock, Dalton Richard McGuire, Olivia Freeman Hejan Hyra Randall Noe, James Bennett 136,41 5,51 (1983 - Refund) 1,175,93 (1983 - Refund) 27,87 (1981) 1.90 21.67 155,45 54,69 70,36 44,29 1.42 2,09 92.53 (1979)& 1981) 5,512,29 34,56 30,97 138,64 24,14 (Refund) 91,85 32.16 42.86 36,26 68,40 21.91 Hr. G. F, Cooper Page 3 November 12, 1984 25, Paye, Mary Elizabeth 26. Phillips, Richard D. 27. Prickett, Carlton S. Jr. 28, Richardson, Aster Ray 29, Shepard, Rick 30, Segar, George 31, Smith, Josephine Cooper 32, Southerland, Annie ~~e Cooper 33, Stokley, Jerry Wayne 34. Strauel, Atkinson 35, Strickland, Anna Burnett 36. Strider, C, Davis Jr, 37, Stuart, Eugenia Burnett 38, Sud, Sunila 39, Wells, J, Thomas 40, \\Tilliams, Kelley {Vhite 41, \\Tilson, Doris Kightlinger $ 7.03 36; 11 112,83 11.67 63,88 98,77 58,23 22,14 32,84 11. 72 (Refund) 18.40 34,19 27,08 92,13 94.92 2,09 89.33 Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: 1, Alper, George 2. Amato, Michael Kenneth 3, Ausband, Robert Timothy 4. Blanton, Paula Stillwell 5, Bradley Creek Boatominium 6, Bradshaw, James G, 7, Brennan, Shannon \\T, 8, Bunolell, Richard Sandra 9, Cagle, Barbara M, 10. Cannon, Robert E, Jr, 11, . Carroll, Evelene 12, Chambless, William 0, 13, Combs, Chester D, Jr. 14, Concrete Ser, Co, - Jacksonville 15, Cook, Thomas R, Jr. 16, Cottle, Catherine R, 17. Couvillion, Mary 18. Dickson, Em~ry B, Jr. 19, Drifters Reef Motel 20, Esber, David Alan 21, Guy, Mary Mikell 22, Head, Carl E, 23, Howlett, Faye S. 24, Horne, Gregory A. 25, Kelly, Katherine Rose 26, Leak Repair, Inc, 27, Lucas, Paul L., Jr, 28, Millard, Mandy Louise 19.79 54,38 45.98 30,56 115,08 49.50 28,25 68,59 87,25 118.80 14,52 137,08 48,71 2,587,13 35,97 25,67 87,19 44.61 24,86 15.83 24,82 73,99 60,19 79,11 10,03 6Lf 3..5 7 70,75 14.30 Hr, G. F, Cooper Page 4 November 12, 1984 29, Newton, Davis Riley 30, Proehl, John Earl 31, Quimby, Roger C. 32. Quintanilla, Veronica Mary 33, Rivenbark, Mitchell 34, Russ, Elmer E~ 35, Sellars, Thomas Randall 36. Sewell, Jeffrey 37, Shorelines, Inc, 38, Strickland, Gail 39, Thomas, Helen J, 40. Thompson, Larry Nelson 41. ~~lite, Patricia L, 42. Wood, Ronald David 43, Young, Herbert B. $ 112,46 4,87 65:54 3,70 32,34 21,52 58,34 107,18 16.27 38,48 108,17 (1983) 270,86 40,92 82,50 (1974) 40,26 Request the following taxpayers be allowed the Senior Citizens exclusion as they qualify but failed to receive the reduction: 1. Bradshaw M, S, Etux. 2, Butler, Mary E. 3. Cunningham, Dorothy L, Etal, 4, Fox, Abbie M, 5, Franklin, Mattie A, 6, Rackley, Mary 0, 57,80 42,02 104,20 (Refund) 113,90 113,90 113,90 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayer certifies a valid listing was made during the listing period, and taxpayer certifies they were incapacitated during the listing period: 1, Allen, Daniel W, Hrs, 2. Cliff, LLoyd Gladys 70,33 6,46 Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of mispriced mobile homes, vehicles, boats, trailers, and household furnishings; annexed in error; penalized in error; boats and household furnishings charged in error; incorrect encoding; charged to wrong taxpayer; calculated in error; charged incorrect value; improperly mapped; incorrect acreage; dwelling totally burned; failed to give depreciation; encoded wrong year; error in figuring lot size; common area assigned value in error; taxpayer listed personal property in mobile home value; split missed; and value assigned to wrong parcel: 1. Babson, Memphis Leroy 2, Barthule, Ji~nie 3. Bellamy, Patricia Leister 4, Bellamy, William Ellis Jr, 5, Bellamy, Vim, E, Jr., d/b/a Coastal Mp.rine 6, Blanton, Norwood T, 7, Borders, Annie 8, Brewington, Alfred Henry 9, Brooke, Robert Alvin 10. Brooks Cash Grocery Co" Inc, 106,76 36,65 1. 70 5.09 12.99 8,70 152.Lf1 40,14 20,61 (Refund) 2.72 Mr, G. F. Cooper I'age 5 November 12, 1984 11, Brooks Contractors Ine, 12, Burbridge, William 13, Charisma Inc. 14, Cline, Ralph W, 15. Cole, Gordon 16, Coleman, Charles M. Jr. 17, Combs, Chester D, Jr. 18, Concrete Sere Co, - Jacksonville 19. Dailey, Shirley 20. Edwards, Janet Martin 21, Emory, Lyman Wainwright 22, Foss, Edward L. Etux. 23, Fountain Oil Co, 24, Foy, David Sr, 25, Francis, Mildred J. 26, Furr, J. E, Inc, 27. Genes, Donald Ray Sr. 28, Glasper, Mamie McMillan Hrs, 29, Glover, John McCoy Sr, 30. Godwin, Evander Campbell 31. Greer, Letha M. 32, Hargrove, June Elaine 33. Hatfield, Raymond 34, Head, Carl E, 35, Holland, Erwin Frederick 36, Horn, Cecil R, Etux, 37, Horne, Gregory A, 38, Hopseker, Elwood Harrison 39, Hotel Astor 40, Howard, Ophes 41, Howard, Hubbert W, Etux, 42, John Venters & Son, Inc, 43, Kelly, James H. 44, Knaggs & Associates Ltd, 45, Knaggs, Melissa Thomson 46, Lance Inc, 47, Meabon, Joseph C, 48, Miller, James Dennis 49, Miller, Lawrence H, 50, Moseley, Hortense 51, Murray, William Henry Sr, 52, Perkins, George W, Jr, 53, Pilkington, Billy Earl 54, Pleasure Properties Inc. 55, Revels, Richard H. 56, Riley, Bruce T, 57, Rometo, Wm, B, Etal. 58, Robinson, Barbara S, 59, Russell, R, Offredo 60. Sasser, Don W, d/b/a Sassers Rentals 61, Seaside Press 62, Seaboard Associates Ltd, 63. Scarborough, Mise $ 1. 89 635.80 (1983) 3,070;40 9.18 (Refund) 74,61 35,23 3.29 226,11 82,37 ,71 32.84 3,76 849.66 6,87 18,84 (Refund) 114,15 2,84 8,20 (79 - 82) 81.80 35.68 21. 90 3,94 234.78 10,99 44,36 21.93 4,01 2,09 150,77 (Refund) 8,30 (1983 and 1984) 59.40 (1983 Refund) 72 ,16 142,86 9,78 11.74 24,98 60,17 6.85 60.26 6,85 3.26 35.50 19,43 493.20 8,16 2,65 195,58 32,73 12.32 24,34 38,81 16,26 64,00 (1981 - 1984) Hr. G. F, Cooper Page 6 November 12, 1984 $ 1;74 27,55 90,93 21.70 1981 - 1S34 169.40 122.92 4,42 138,58 29.00 17,28 92.11 34,95 43.09 121. 46 13.54 64, Simpson, Robert L, Etux, 65, Smith Bros, Paint & Body 66. Snow, Carl S. Jr. 67. Spicer, Louis 68, Stratton, Carl William 69, Sturdy, Harry David 70, Summers, Halter R. 71. Talman, George W, 72, Thames, Izell I, 73, Tracy, Jane 74. Hells, J, Thomas 75. Hest, A, L, Jr, 76, \fuite, Katherine E, 77, Hitch's End, rnc,. 78, Your Han Friday Request 1982 and 1983 taxes in the amount of $63.25 charged to Hyrtle Grove Community Center be released as this property qualifies for exempt status, Request the following taxes be released as they were not charged as reflected on 30-day discovery notices, Will recharge to conform with discovery notice, 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11. 12, 13. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 20. 21. 22, 23, 2lf, 25, 26, Adler, Samuel Irving Alley, Mary Ellen Andrews, Eddie Russell Armstrong, Eddie Barber, Kathy Bradham Bass, Amy Yvonne Beach, Thad Wallace Beatty, Robert Ed Bender, James Houston Biddle, Jeffrey Sam Blais, Faye Brown Boney, Beulah Boone, Alexander Bradshaw, Billy Joe Sr, Brown, David Earl Bro\Vll, David Earl Burnett, Teresa Henderson Busby, Evelyn Jean Canty, James Jr, Capps, Michael Ray Capps, Hilliam Danny Carter, Michael Jay Catron, Lonnie Ray Causey, Michael Bruce Cayton, Barry Dawson Clemments, Mark Hampton 23,59 11.67 20,04 2,09 4.13 4,13 18,70 9.65 2.09. 19.16 116.44 33.46 64.85 3,56 5,60 14,28 41.97 23,59 8,26 3.56 54.24 2.09 26,lfO 43,18 2.09 20,39 27. 28, 29, 30, 31. 32. 33, 34, 35. 36, 37. 38, 39. 40, 41. 42. 43' . 4L, , 45, 46, 47, 48, 49. 50. 51. 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60. 61. 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70. 71. 72, 73. 74. 75, 76, 77, 78, Mr. G, F, Cooper Page 7 November 12, 1984 Craig, Martin Evan Creech, Raymond Alan Cribb, Roger Dale Devone, Leslie Donnell Duncan, David Randall Duncan, Grace Williams Echanique, Xavier Francis Elm, Nancy Cavenaugh Fricks, Florence Jane Friedrichs, Ruth Anne Garrett, Jerry Nacon George, Deborah Powell Gibbs, Samuel Jr, Good, Russell David Gore, William Lupton Grainger, Nichael Dene Griffin, Diane Renee Gurganus, Drucille Woodcock Guy, Nevman Franklin Hales, Harris Wayne Hall, Patricia Johnson Harding, Pamela Ballenger Hardison, Pamela Gravino High, Staffan Stig Hinnant, Carleton Lee Holland, James Ray Huddleston, Keith Edward Ingram, Arch Courtney Jr, Jackson, Melvin Jackson, Melvin McRae Jackson, Michael Jerome Jackson, Millicent Abbott James, Elmer Ray Johnson, Lacy Warren III Johnson, Jean Swanson Jones, Gamaliel Jr, Jones, Robert Lee Keene, Ronald Robert Key, Rebecca Barrow King, Jack Dougla9 Larson, Lonnie LeRoyce Lewis, Ardell Martin Jr, Lewis, Samuel David Long, Edward Gene Long, Olinda Phelps Mack, Charles Louis Malpass, Gregory Charles Mathis, James Frederick McKeithan, Donald Carlston McKinney, Raymond Mitchell Monroe, Darrell Patrick Murray, vlilliam Henry $ 14.74 4,'13 21.22 2,09 31. 57 48,92 5,61 54,69 4,13 43,63 2.09 14,67 15,91 48.54 28,75 10,32 11. 97 2,09 63.88 11,21 2,09 2.09 50,09 4,13 4,13 3,17 2,09 3,17 58,07 7.15 82,55 157.42 2.09 2,09 20.39 15.86 22,11 26.18 2,09 4.13 22,70 2,09 53,26 35.16 2.09 61.17 35,53 8,01 41.57 50.41 17,39 2,09 79, 80, 81. 82, 83. 84, 85, 86, 87. 88. 89, 90, 91. 92, 93. 94. 95, 96, 97. 98, 99, 100, 101. 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113. 114. 115, 116, 117. 118. 119, 120, 121. 122, 123, 124, Nr, G, F, Cooper Page 8 November 12, 1984 Murray, William Henry Newkirk, Haywood Homan Nolan, Daniel Reed Peele, Luther Martin Perry, William Wesley Phillips, Roger Elmond Pitcher, Terry T-Jayne Powell, Thomas Nelson Powell, William Mark Pye, Richard Browning Ramsey, Patricia Michell Raper, Everlena Robbins Reeves, Eric Van Reiss, Bart Lee Richardson, William Anthony Roberts, Eugene Ross Roberts, Hubie Macallister Robichaux, Peggy Hurray Robinson, James Edward Robinson, Jill Hurt Rogers, Ronald Everett Sandlin, John Everett Seeley, Carrie Lillian Shepard, John Richard Shepard, Robert Carlton Sinunons,Roland Earl Smith, Faye Jane Smith, James Robert Smith, Warren Jr, Sneeden, Nancy Hamilton Soldano, John Julio Stocks, Jack Gilbert Stokley, Jerrrey Marshall Stokley, Shelton Brice Stone, Lester Vardell Watkins, John Sr, Watson, Palmer Wells, Eugene Willetts, Shirley Durden Williams, Curtis Dale Williams, Leroy T.Jilliams, Leroy Winbon, Michael Davis Wolfe, Lonnie James Hornack, Lynn Ellen York, Stephen Todd $ 60,00 74.43 16,16 5,60 9,27 2,09 3.70 2,84 20.20 4,84 2.09 24,61 2,09 27.90 2,09 4.13 36,69 32,16 26,97 2,09 4,13 4.13 2,09 2.09 13.39 4,13 4,13 4.13 44,80 69,81 58,23 10,55 15,98 4,13 20,19 40,10 2,09 4.13 9.88 2.09 12.42 25.ItI 4,13 8.98 8,82 4,13 Request these items be placed on the Consent Agenda for the County Commissioners meeting November 19, 1984, "r recommend approval of these abatements as the Cormnissioners have approved these types of releases in the past, :sw Mr, G, F, Cooper Page 9 November 12, 1984 Copy: R, Pope County Attorney ve: Smi t h Clerk to the Board C, Thompson-Beatty Listing Supervisor P. Raynor Collector of Revenue A. Mozingo Internal Auditor I I. I t I, f' I I I l I' r " AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ZONING AREA 2 and 3 OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED DECEM.BER 15, 1969 AND MAY 18, 1970 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section I. The Zoning Map of Zoning Area 2 and 3 is hereby amended by removing the hereinafter described tract from the R-15 Residential Zoning District Classification and R-20 Residential District Classification and placing it in the Planned Development Zoning District Classification, said land being described as fol lows: The fol lowing is a boundary description of a tract of land bounded by US Hwy. 74 on the west, the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway on the south, and lands of Jane Akers Ridgway on the north and east; and more particularly described as: BEGINNING at a point on the eastern right-of-way I ine of U. S. Hwy. 74 (150' r/w), said point being approximately 1130 feet from the intersection of said highway with Mil itary Cut-off Road and running t~ence: North 340 53' 00" East, 100.00 feet to a point, thence, Nor th 110 51' I I" Ea st , 183.0 I feet to a po i nt, thence, North 190 13' 44" East, 60.00 feet to a point, thence, North 590 43' 15" West, 92.00 feet to a point, thence, North 310 44' 55" East, 108.58 feet to a point, thence, North Ir 07' 34" East, 310.02 feet to a point, thence, North or 33' 28" West, 157.78 feet to a po i nt, thence, North 060 24' 40" East, 298.29 feet to a point, thence, North 220 50' 33" East, 227.52 feet to a point, thence, North 520 46' 23" East, 67.38 feet to a point, thence, North 140 52' 37" East, 154.32 feet to a point, thence, North 350 27' 25" East, 61.57 feet to a point, thence, North 320 54' 00" East, 276.74 feet to a point, thence, North 300 57' 25" East, 383.79 feet to a point, thence, North 430 56' 10" East, 152.67 feet to a point, thence, North 560 22' 06" East, 152.67 feet to"a po nt, thence, North 720 09' 14" East, 519.56 feet to a po nt, thence, North 640 53' 20" East, 213.43 feet to a po nt, thence, North 560 25' 51" East, 256.85 feet to a po nt, thence, North 6r 21' 15" East, 151.98 feet to a po nt, thence, North 790 33' 22" East, 135.00 feet to a po nt, thence, North 120 30' 20" East, 290.77 feet to a po nt, thence, North 34045' 39" East, 170.11 feet to a po nt, thence, North 520 45' 56" East, 562.68 feet to a point, thence, North 370 14' 04" West, 100.00 feet to a point, thence, North 110 08' 44" West, 348.44 feet to a point, thence, North 350 32' 49" East, 207.45 feet to a point, thence, North 630 12' 16" East, 270.02 feet to a point, thence, South 8r 24' 51" East, 709.00 feet to a point, thence, South 470 59' 03" East, 730.49 feet to a point, thence, South 55029' 11" East, 577.01 feet to a point, thence, North 6r 47' 10" East, 596.77 feet to a point, thence, South 81051' 13" East, 398.82 feet to a point, thence, South 25052' 10" East, 1046.15 feet to a point, thence, South 040 55' 47" East, 596.05 feet to a point, thence, North 4r 24' 44" East, 115.00 feet to a point, thence, North 390 IS' 00" East, 121.75 feet to a point, thence, North 760 10' 30" East, 1450.00 feet to a point, thence, South 530 3/' 30" East, 442.05 feet to a point on the high water I ine of the waterway; thence fol lowing the high waterline, South 300 32' 00" West, 637.08 feet to a point, thence, South 680 42' 00" West, 700.00 feet to a point, thence, South 3r 17' 30" West, 733.95 feet to a point, thence, South 150 32' 30" West, 569.00 feet to a point, thence, South 620 16' 00" West, 367.00 feet to a point, thence, South 480 15' 00" West, 1808.18 feet to a point, thence, inland from the waterway, Nor th 560 46' 30" Wes t , 415.55 feet to a point, thence, South 510 34' 00" West, 292.58 feet to a po i nt, thence, North 370 06' 05" West, 993.91 feet to a po i nt, thence, South 610 40' 21" West, 810.64 feet to a po i nt, thence, South 070 04 ' 00" West, 147.09 feet to a point, thence, North 830 10' 00" West, 200.40 feet to a po i nt, thence, South 060 52' 30" We s t , 541.55 feet to a point, thence, South 720 25' 27" West, 226.44 feet to a po i nt, thence, South 630 09' 30" West, 471 .63 feet to a point, thence, eastern righy-of-way of u. S. Hwy. 74; thence along sa id , i ne. North 550 07' 00" West, 770.32 feet to a po i nt, thence, North 560 10' 02" West, 1718.22 to the point and place of beginning, containint 591.91 acres :t. Being a description of the lands owned by Landfal I Development Company. Section 2. The County Clerk is hereby authorized and directed under the supervision of the County Commissioners to change the Zoning Map of Zoning Area 2 and 3 on file in the office of the County Commissioners, so as to make it comply with this ordinance. Section 3. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such confl ict, is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of publ ic health, safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carol ina, and shal I be in ful I force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 19th day of November, 1984 ~~f~ CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER . AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY OOTH ORDAIN: Section I. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same Is hereby further amended as follows: A. Amend Section 59.4-4(1) by 1 CONSERVATION RESOURCE ( IMPORTANCE VALUE) Poco sin (5) Minimum of 5 acres addln~ the followlnQ: 2 ACREAGE OF RESOURCE ON PARCEL X 3 CONSERVATION SPACE ' FACTOR = 4 MINIMUM CONSERVATION SPACE .5 Also, change the conservation space factor of Savanah to .5 from ,4. B. Amend Section 59.4-3(1) by substituting the fol lowing table: (I) Ecological Resources (I) Swamp Forest (must be greater than or equal to five acres) (2) Pocosln (Must be greater than or equal to five acres) (3) Savanah (4) Natural Ponds (2) Archeological/historical resources C. Amend Section 59.4-5 by substituting the fol lowing chart In place of the existing chart: GROUPS OF ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE CONTROLS BY REFERENCE NUMBER Shopping ctr. Dist. AI AR 1-2 1-1 B-2 B-1 R-20S R-20 R-15 R-l0 PO 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Swamp forest 3 '~ .-4' - ,- minimum of 5 acres 3 4 3 3 :3 4 . '"-4-'. 4 .'. -4 Po~os In - - 3 minimum of 5 acres 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 Savannah minimum of 5 acres 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 Na tura I pond 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 :3 Fresh marsh minimum of one acre 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Brackish marsh 1 1 2 1 1 1 , 2 2 2 2 2 Primary nursery area 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Barr i er I s I and-Beach comp I ex 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Maritime shrub th I ckets 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Sa I t marsh 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Animal and Plant Natura I ""', :"'--'II,~.. ':" . ,~",~,:",,:-.'~'j:....,:j,.~.t--.'~'Jt...~.: ," '.....,.'- ..-t...... ", ,..::......,.... .....,.:~.,,;:...:. ...' " ,,,,,,,,/'..Ar-t!?I ~. of"~np.l'!,j... ~J1J.~iln~ . D. Amend Section 59.4-6(3) with the fol lowing language changes: 59.4-6(3) Improvements - Conservation space shal I not be cleared of vegetation, shall not have Its natural drainage system significantly altered, and shal I not be developed In any e other manner that would negetlvely Impact the conservation resource, with th~ fol lowing exceptions: (R) Access to other parts of the parcel. If a part of the parcel may be developed but Is inaccessible due to the existence of a conservation resource area, ~ road and/or utilities may be constructed through the conservation resources area. The road and/or utilities... Section 2. Any ordinance or any part of any ordinance In conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, Is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted In the Interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in fill I force and effect from and after Its adoption. Adopted this 19 day of November , 1984. ~I!.~ CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER .. =- !.. II a a . .. . . a .. . . . . . a .. 1I . III II a II D . 11 Dill" III .. a .. a .. D . II DaD a D. a III a a D a III D II II a . a III III II 11:1 . II . D II . .. . . 11 .. . . . II . .. .. D a . . . III III D a a a D a a II a II a . D D a II . III a II a aD" 11 _ II' New Jlannuer mrumtu iioaf~ of QInmmtS.6innef.6 iRtsoluttnn ~EREAS, New Hanover County is interested in reducing poverty and providing services to low income citizens of New Ha~over County, and WHEREAS, New Hanover County wishes to participate in the allocation of funds under both the Community Services Block Grant and Community Action Partnership programs. Now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover Board of Commis- sioners that Head Start of New Hanover County, Inc. is designated as the Community Action Agency for New Hanover County for the purpose of receiving State Community Action Partnership Program funds, and the County will work with Region P Human Development Agency, Inc, to provide federally funded pro- grams through the Community Services Block Grant to the low income citizens of New Hanover County. This the 19th day of November, 1984. I. : I III! 'I I: :1 ',. I' I ; ; , I :11 ;;1 II .Id J ,. I '1'1 : I ., I 11 i I ; II t ,',' i ,. ._. . .. .' I' ,]'11 ~~~. ..D II II a a.... D,.. .111..... .~.:.rll'..I. . . " .... J: , .. ',I I ;: I ,I ! 'I ' 'I) i r I[ ; I I I ; I tf,~f' ~~ Kar, n E, Gottovi, Chairman I I I I ' , ! I I I,. I I I 1 I I i I I', i i' I, I I'. . .. iii: _I_ .~: irlll aD lI,a;~ '. .. . . .. III .. ."a 0 a . D . D . .. II . . III a .. . . .. . II . II 'II II III II . . . II . . a a . .. II II II . a II a . . . III . .. . II a . a .. . II . . a II . I' , I ; i ['" I I I ,oIIIl