1983-04-18 RM Exhibits ffiJ.d: ~:.xJ p~ 115, '),5/777,.;-0 ~./~ _ /9, ~~ Z.'1k. NEW H_ANOVER COUNTY .i OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR 'I 320 CHESTNUT STREET :1 -WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 284OCONSENI AGENDA - ~ Telephone (919)763-099\ - 'J 1 ;-_,u I 'DATE:_ 1. ''.,~ll~ l " r II ~ N-EWmHANO.\lE-R--COUNTY- TAX COLLECT.-IONS _ITEM1~2-~~____, LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator I I I: !I I, Collections thru March 31, 1983 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added $ ~~-$- $ $ - ._-~._.::;.- -=""":_~;.:..=:;;:...,;:...-~-='::""::;;::---- ~----_.__.- --~~=~"~ Less- Abatements---- ------ --'Total Taxes Due - - -----~- ~~--Co-l1ect-'i-o-ns---to. --Dat-e"- Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes -------. --Rea-rEst a t-e- Taxes------ ____ ______ Les.~_ _~1;>a_temeJ].J9___ Collections to Date ~~=-_ _=~:.._-=, -_::.~_Q)..lj:13-t_and'inK=.Ba-l-a-nce --=-___ 'Percen-t age -Co 1 rec t ed- 1982 17,199,745.99 2,851,251.92 20,05.0 , 997..91- 63,557.56 19,987,440.35 18,994,683.91 992,756.44 95.03% I I 1981 --1 $ 16,411,131.85 2,758,068.63 $--19 ,_169,,_2.o0~~48==-==~ 94,260.27 $ 19,074,940.21 -18,217 I 021. 91 $ 857,918.30 95.50% $ 579 , 115 . 02- - - $ __ ,1,2.3.3,.58 _____.- ,__ 218,541. 92 ' _3~9,_~.?9_.5?-_. .---$ 37~82%- 475,767.69 _2,464.44 184,489.9'3 -- .. u_ u 288,813.32 3~f;91{%--- ---- $ Personal Property Taxes Less Al5'atements Collections to Date _O_ut~s_t_anding-12.alance____ __$ _ - Percent-age-Go-:l-l-ected- $ 767,006.68 $ 637,438.18 - ~-..:. -~~25-;=5-3-S-:98~'-' :':--=--'--"26~- 4-58-=;=6-5-- ----- ~ 78,140.93 75,254.95 _ 663 ,_3~9-,-.7.7_$ 535,724.58 __H ----10.54%-- H_ -~--~-- -1:?L32%--- -~-~~ Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, CarolTna-Beach-an-d-Kure-Beach' to date-$-27--;-661-,-51:-9-.-60 .-----' This report is for fj.scal year beginning July 1, 1982. ,,- Respectfully submitted, : ..-- .~- . --- ()- "- IT.~;-r~{v.:--~---'-- r':Oj~f"'-'~v---"---', ---un-Pa:trrcla-' J.CRaynor'~ Collector of Revenue Cl PJR:sw o ~.Q.... ".alIA'Ilo. ,5mum. UEMBER iAJAD INHRNATIOFlAl ASSOCIATION Of ASSESSING OffICERS .0_157 ,-'SrarG' ......", 60- I ~ April 11, 1983 ~'~~~.~~ifr AGENDA f1frlffA_11/ 9 / ~,1::~:~ I ....~ Iffii:lilJ/' ~ ,.... "'*'.~"'."";(.{~'.' liHd,VJ. No""~ ''tloi . l , '. ' _,~~l;'il;,;J)".l-f,~rf{{1l - --4 . MEMORANDUM To: Mr. G. Felix Cooper County Manager From: Larry J. Powell ~~ Tax Administrator I -- ---I I ._ _._ _______ __ __.._._ +_._ ~ _____~____:.~~__t-~.--.--,--.-4- -.-- Subject: Abatements and Refunds _ _ Reques-t the-following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incor~ect or incomplete information at the time of listing: ___l.._Bar_f_Le_l_d_._J_ul_ius 0 I Neal 2. BlantQP ,_ Roy _ Carl -- 3. Boalt, Frederick N Lydia Mc 4. Bradshaw, ..Ramila Kay 5----:--CaTTo-ll, James Ray 6. Danielson, Pauline 7. Daugherty, Jackie Lynn -~8--;--ea-l-b-e-rtu'-;--- J ose ph August i no ~----9-.---Ha-r-Fe-ll-, oShel ton Ray-- 10. Hi~bert, Terry Lee --1-1~-'-Kissner;-Tommy- -Dorsey -- __12-,-~1ass~L_M_. __~.~__ -13~~l'au:lTs-by-; -::j'-a:mes-=.- E-: - Pat ge N. ----- 0'- -: --- 14. McGhee, John S. 15: Moorse, Carol Susan 1c~New-l-i-n--,-V-a-le-r-i-e~~~===~'=, - 17. North Carolina Nat'l Bank 18. Pitts, David Guy 19-~--::FlY.n1are_,-= Corl?,l..n:=. -_L~l?_ _ 20. Renn, Paul A Etux 21. Tarkington, Richard Merlin Jr. 22. Thomas, Walter Etux 2.3-.-T-hompson,- Fred~Hall 24. Trask, William K. Helen S. 25. ~ard. Charles David ~___= ..26. _Williams, Aileen Almonds ______.$ _ 17.24 lIt!. 8.0.-.-.-- .--- 20.34 --- - - 43. 99 -30-.-7-7--- 21.24 (Refund) 168.76 - -- -- ,=----.6-7.27 (Ref-und-) _ --- -4.83.. 29.87 ._~-=-, = -84 .21( 1980) 539.22 --- -=: ~-~_ -4-:'3 .'9-2c.:.:.~-Refnnd-=-)-:-- - -~-- .' 20.44 (1980) 81. 00 l~L 63 - 3.83 (Refund) 26.12 (1980) ~-. - --2-;-G-7-(-Re"f-un-d-)--~--- ----- 28. 60 ~---- - -- 40.92 11. 52 . -_.-- ~_'UL_8..o______ ______ 331.18 ($268.94 Refund) 17.74 73.43 Request the following taxes be released as they are double-charged: _ _____ 1.__ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bauchspies, Ann Bar~er Chisholm, Phyllis Baldwin Green, Archie Jr. Lorac Enterprizes Inc. Martin, Ratricia Hunter Thompson, Mary S. White, Herman Edward $ 60.23 20.64 75.17 ~..~981) 1,137.24 96.57 14.03 (Refund) 30.96 '. " : ... . .. Mr. G. Felix Cooper Page 2 April 11, 1983 Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: - --- 1. Associated Utilities Inc. 2. Friebus, Timothy Richard 3. Harrell, Shelton ___ --4-:---Hines -; - Larry P. Stacy D. 5. Lanier Company Inc. of the SE 6. Patterson, Jerry 7. Siemens Corp. $3,396.35 30.31 11. 58 (1973) .:: ~ - --.\'----- 26.-60- . - ---- -~-==-:---=-=-=-=-~- 497.43 (Refund) 76.79 36.34 (Refund) -- ------ - - -.- -'- Request the following taxes be released as these charges are diie to- ---- c_ler_ical_error..?_of. ITlispricing vehicles and equipment and charging a -=--'ltsting- penal tY--in error-: -"-~~_. --==-=--=._.;'~~ -- -.:... ="- ;--=-=--'-=------:-~ ':...:..-"---- -~~-:..----:.~:... ____ ___ 1. Greene, _Theresa _Diane --2. Johnson, Glenda Grimsley 3. Stallings, Churchwell K. 4. Village Hair Fashions --=-.--.-_-=-=-=-__5 .__Woodham, __ Martha Adger -$ 757.10 (1981) =- - 3L-85 - -2-:-3-0 59.60 _....!Q.... 41_CRefundr- _~ -~- Rosa L. Request -the- following taxpayers be allowed--S-emior Citizens-'- Excl-us-ion -----.----as-they qualify but failed to receive t_h~__~,~g.u_~0.<?_n:-_due_to_a_change--:---. _d _ ___ in_th~_~p'p'l ica t ion law: - -- --~- ----------- - --- -- --- ---- . --- - ..- --. --. -_._----~- ._- - -- ..'-- - ,--.---.------ -,-,---'""""",,... --- - "--- 1. 2. Player, John R. Pauline P. Tyson, John R. $ 153~85 (Refun-d) c________ 14.12 - -------.--- ------- - Request taxes- in the amount -of$173-. 82-assessea~()V--=-F-:-W--;;-Pos-t-8-:'7'::16--------- be released as this is exempt property. Request these i fems be pl aced--on- the-- consen-ta-genda-:- for -the County Commissioners' meeting of April 18, 1983. I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approved these types of _________ releases _in the past. pbc .. Copy: ~rs. Lucie Smith Clerk to the Board ..:. . - ffir. Robert Pope County Attorney (!) I- I Mr. Harry Brooks Listing Supervisor o 0--- Mrs. Pat Raynor Collector of Revenue . , Introduced by: G. Felix Cooper, Manager April 18, 1983 RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, a certain parcel of real property owned wholly or jointly by New Hanover County and/or the City of Wilmington has been offered for sale pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 160A-269: and w~EREAS, the offeror indicated on the attached list has agreed to pay the amount indicated on the attached list for the parcel of real property shown; and WHEREAS, the property is declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in .the best public interest and welfare to dispose of this property in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to NCGS 160A-269, the County Commissioners propose to accept the offer to purchase indicated on the attached list from the offeror as indicated. 2. That the County of New Hanover reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That the County of New Hanover and/or the City of Wilmington will retain any deposit posted by the offerors when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit; or b. The offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer, due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4. That the County of New Hanover will require the offeror to deposit five (5%) percent of the offered price immediately following adoption of this resolution. 5. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a notice of the offer as required by NCGS 160A-269. _ ,,"illl/Jr'li 10"....1 _ t"l ';"1 ~,,'\. ... y~O\/t::;~...... 't." ~ \:V~ ~O' ........ _\.\ .00....... V ......~ .... .....~ .,,' D~} " : ~/ ..... 1'11-- ,\~\ .0. A ~ : -< ...0) lJ J~~~,T~,A. 9..,i--:. AdoPte~:...atf8; y~! .~ rne~ting on Lip~j/ :;f.! ',:~ll~ %5 . ATTEST: \* \~~A:/:",,~:::~~7P./ * J II ~6... P.1"4~~;iiY ." ~ .... /' j iP" ~ "~:+L'/ , ~..~..;. ,}/. .3i~,,':;''i~'' ~ t.., -" $1,,'...": _.'" '4"",,, ~\---.'" '- / i.--t~. V. J " _ ." .., ~ '\.. County Clerk . """1/'11;\; ~.("'L' f. 4i:t~~ Cha rman, Board of CommlsSloners Ii," .4; BID AS A % OF' ASSESSED V AIXE BID ANOUNT ASSESSED VALUE '~ . % CITY I % COUNTY - 67.8 32.2 I I I " . LIENS -0- I I I ,I 50% rttS $520 '~ . ,040 $1 - - .. _B IDDER Mark Lee Maynard ~~, 'f.;" TAX PARCEL I ADDRESS lIi"UMBER I " 54-09-23-01 I Queen Street __u ~ ,- --- \ r ....... C ,;.', /./. / t; --::1-- I L"t Iy. ~r. ~K-.-t:::- / jlr;7CU.' . ( ~. ~ - 1'0 ('?d" ::211 ." . . . . . . . . . . . :1 1:1 I:t " l.t (:/ !:i J'I ::, 1:1 1'1 1:1 ::1 1:1 i.1 1:1' I' i:! 1:1 ':1 i~' 1:1 1:/ 1':1 .1 'i '1 '[ :1 :1 .1 1:1 ':1 :1 :1 =) " JI :1 New Jlanauer (ttaunty 'i :i :1 'I ., ,I ,[ ," ::1 :Ii I" ,.1 Iii 1.1 J.I ill. I:; 1.: l'i 1:1 I~i -I " 111 1:1 ~I ~I '1 1:1 '.1 1:1 1,1 1:1 I~I '1 :1 :1 ~I I! 'I ~I ~I 'I :1 ~I :1 :1 ;1 ~I .I~I :! ~I ~l .[ '1 1:1 '1 :i .i ." 1.1 !.l 1JJnar~ of QIomminnionern 1!\tli 1l1utinn BE IT RESOLVED, that on April 18, 1983, the Board of Commissioners hereby give their unanimous approval of Ne\'l Hanover County's application for Community Development Block Grant Funds under the Small Cities Program to provide the Community of Seagate with a sewerage system. Adopted this the 18th day of April, 1983. ""......... . "...... .... ...,,,~ "'-~OVER CO"'" ..... . 'I..'r '/. ' ."..... -'.\ ~' ........... VA6 '" ,: ~ .. 00 ..-~ ".. ...~.. .-~J-' ~ ~ ... .0:' l:, . '- = : ~ :. - . . .. : : : : :,... ~....: _. ::;;,y.or.. ... r::-;:;-/.-- :'.. /. l: ~ . lMPORT,-UpORYS.O ... ~ ... tMOUS}R.'i.o $' ~" ""~.. <t"."' '0' .~i'~'./'" " 1'::01" '" C,,"" ", I,. \\\' . ",,,",,1'\\ :1 ",,;, ~ ./ '- 'V ~' LU<<:ta . smit~ Clerk to the Board Ii .1 ,I :1 =1 I:! 1:1 ~I ~ ~..... ............... ...... ....... ............. ................. ......... .... ....... ........................... . ii 1!t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,!' c; cP', JJ :j!.. g IU~~ -y:: JLI.. V)L-Iu-fl--U-.~ ~./ jO~ T, ~ ,~ ICZ/.J~;J~6 e. . D a a DaD aDD D 11 D a II g II IJ III 1:1 g'D D 'CI 11 a D If a a a a aDD D DaD D III D D II a III D a a DaD 'II' D a 1:11 D 11 II D a II III 'II II D a III D D D D D D a II D D DaD D a a a a DaD a D 11 II aDD aDD D D D D D a III DaD . 7' ~.r-? N fW lHlarli'\Ul11UJ rer (lJJ!11UUtli ttlr mn~Jr!n of ~lOlmmhjj~htltlltJr~ mea Ji1f !1illtrrJi1ffttl THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, unanimously adopted the following Resolution at their regularly scheduled meeting of April 18, 1983. WHEREAS, the paperwork requirements placed upon the Department of Social Services by the State and Federal Governments has been increasing; and WHEREAS, the Department of Social Services is currently required to complete 206 different forms in their various programs; and WHEREAS, the multitude of State and Federal forms which are completed by the Department of Social Services do not prevent fraud and abuse; rather by emphasizing paperwork, the effectiveness of Social Service employees in dealing with the individual clients is reduced and the chance of abuse by the client increases. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, as follows: (1) That the number of forms which must be completed by the Depart- ment of Social Services be reduced. (2) That a single, multipage form be designed which would apply to all Social Service programs. This would allow a single point of entry to Social Service and create a mini-case management system. (3) That a single entry point form would allow better utilization of eligibility specialists and better balance the workloads. (4) That the State and Federal Government coordinate the eligibility requirements for the various programs which would allow each Social Service eligibility specialist to handle a clients total needs. (5) That the requirements to terminate the medically needy at the end of each six months be eliminated since this requires unnecessary duplication of forms. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any additional workload requirements by the Stati\.~"t"P~~al Governments be accompanied by one hundred percent funding ..' \1'- 'p" to e~r~~~~~~~bt~~al employees needed to meet the requirements. ...... .1\> 00000 00000 ~. ";, ... ~ 0 0 ry 'f'. ......<(J 0 O:)\d 5 < 000 000 F"I- ~ ... 00 0 .- : : ~ : .. Q 0 - : : ~ : ..t} 0 0 _ ~o ~/~E . 0 'MPORT~' E.,.PoR-r$ 00 t: 0000 INOUS}RV .000 ~ o 0 ,:. aDD " aD. Q aDD" III D a I aDD a-a D D a II D a a D 11 11 0 D II II 11 11 0 II a lit a II 11 III 11 'Ill II II 11 It III 11 11 tII 11 II 11 11 a 0 D ., IJ 1:1 a 11 II 11 II 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 11 Il II liD II '.; f'f, 'IJ./ cp..~ "" I" \\\.' '/rr',I"I"'\ ~~e. /!JP~' KAR E. GOTTOVI CHAIRMAN