1983-06-06 RM Exhibits i , ! i I ! I i I I ! l I ! i ~ ! G ~ ~ 1 J I ~ ~c-'-: If'~ ~ '4l~r/7 j. ,~';~~~~. II. ;:., Introduced by: G. Felix Cooper, Manager ~1ay 16, 1983 RESOLUTION PROPOSING ACCEPTANCE OF OFFERS TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, certain parcels of real property owned wholly or jointly by New Hanover County andlor the City of Wilmington have been offered for sale pursuant to North Carolina General Statute l60A-269; and WHEREAS, the offerors indicated on the attached list have agreed to pay the amounts indicated on the attached list for the parcel of real property shown; and WHEREAS, the properties are declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best public interest and welfare to dispose of these properties in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to NCGS l60A-269, the County Commissioners propose to accept the offers to purchase indicated on the attached list from the offerors as indicated. 2. That the County of New Hanover reserves the right to reject any and all offers. 3. That, the County of New Hanover and/or the City of Wilmington will retain any deposit posted by the offerors when: a. The offer is withdrawn after posting the deposit; or b. The of ;fer or fails to pay the balance of an approved offer" due in cash, within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certiffed mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 4. That the County of New Hanover will require the offerors to deposit five (5%) percent of the o~fered prices i~ediately following adoption of this resolution. .5. That the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners will publish a notice of the offers as required by NCGS 160A-269. Adopted ~ C(~ meeting on l, 19 3lJ . ATTEST: ~.t ( .I;i~,,""'"~",JJ. ~ ++-~ I Cha~~c$~1\.Q~FQ"~~issioners ~ ~.o -. ;1. ~ ;- ~ ..' ~l.\ ..l ... -';\ ~ F -< .0 ~~-l. -.'- ~ : "'<:O;'{l-~,,; .. :. :: 'I ,~~~1;f.;~ ~ ': .. .",.,.?:/:..,,}::\ 'jJ . '" : *: 1{!t1~~~~1}:'.~~1~.~: : ". . ~t",,\"(r'.l ~~'''.J.''-'!'-,,'~~.:,;r...i-)I . .. .. ':. .. v;i!i~~.t:~~//: : ; o. - UAPon7t.E;4h}RTS o. ~ ~ -.. "o(1")u:.~;.n ".. $ ". .Jf. 4. .-,~ " .., '.v.o ...0.... ,,\""" " '- 'j) :V' " '~'" '"rll-{ Cf\~O ".." ... ,\.." 1......111 "." ~~/~ COU ty Clerk \ . _....___,...".,,""''''_.........-.~,~.<lrI.1\~''I.P:~/i'~I''"'"'1'','-_.I....'.....~J:IIIID1':f':'1,;._.,....<r4n.".,,~'f<'\_~..:.':!!'o~,..;~;.;.~,;t.:""J.tl~~lr...7;tl'"l!,f:'~~"'~~~..,rry~~~'1O--.--.."''"trI''::7'~ ----.- r x;{ ~L.\P l:-rUtillEf-: 6001-04813-002-011.000 !DDRE55: 306" ~orth Foutth" Street p ASSESSED. VALUE: LAND $ ? 750 -, --- x 165 LEGAL DESC.: SWl/4 4' Block 279 TOTAL: $ 2,750- ACQ. COST: $ 3:495. 7.4 CITY COST: $ 3 ~p20. 99 TYPE: BLDGS.: $ -0- ZONING: R-l % COUNTY: 13.6 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: 50 LIENS: -0- DnlENSIONS: 33 /6 CITY: 86.4 BID: S 1,375 OFFEROR: Rosa Mae McClain 808 North Sixth Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 TOTAL -0- TAX MAP NUMBER: 6001-04813-036-009.000 ADDRESS: 709 Walnut Street ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 1,790 DIMENSIONS: 31 x 66 % CITY: 56.1 BID: $ 1 000 OFFEROR: ' BLDGS. ZONING: % COUNTY: 43.9 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: -0- LEGAL DESC.: Part WM 5 Block 224 $ -u- TOTAL $ 1,790 R-2 ACQ. COST: $ 1,090.37 CITY-COST: $ 611.72 55.9 TYPE: Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church 719 Walnut Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 TOTAL -0- TAX MAP NUMBER: 6001-05405-010-004.000 ADDRESS: 209 South Eighth Street ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 2,600 Dll1ENSIONS: 40 x 15d % CITY:. 86.1 ,BID: $ 1,300 OFFEROR: BLDGS. $ ZONING: R-I % COUNTY: 13.9 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: -0- LEGAL DESC.: NW 4 Block 133 -0- TOTAL $. l., 60u ACQ. COST:$ 1.732.56 CITY COST: $ 1,491.33 50 TYPE: Ernest Drayton & wife, Zilpha V. 1735 Madison Ave. #14-A New York, N. Y. TOTAL -0- i",R: ' , ;; 1 l j :j { ') . ~ t. i "] ~ j ~ ~1 ~ j ;1 'f ~ \1 ~ ij i'l ~ ~i ~ ',;'l "I " ~J M ~l" ~ ;, F ~ <iiolJ .~ '.\1 i.~ ,~ i!~ ">P :.~ '!',^~X M.:\i.: :!L!~il~ E('~ : :" ():~; L ._~ ~:; '; C)')-l; J 7 -C15 . ~\UU -----.---- ..--.-------------. lJESC. : TOTAL: COST: $ COST: $ NE 1/4 Block- 37 $ L ,23~ 802.33 457.47 LE(;'\L , l~'DEL~S ;' " _ ~_iJ ,:,ci: ':::i~.!lC~_-.-:i.~E ~,,~ ---- ',')' '-I'_.-l-~lT"-.l:..-.-:.-~(.~----=()=--.- , . ..;.J...-'~...;~)._,......i... '.. .i.ij...-~.,~. ~..~~-,.A' _J' '-.. __Jio..j J' . _-," ,._*l.._J. ~ ~. .---<". -. _.~--~--_._--- ])1 MENS[ONS :L\ L.J!~2-.___ ____,,_,_____ >~ONING :.__ j{.:..l______ ACQ. . . ; ~ ..._~..i____~._ ,tJU:<I\': .____!.t.l______ CI1'Y lHD: :;;_~OO % OF ASSESSED VALUE: ______58.&.1.. LIENS: Uf'VEROR: Joseph J~ Alston, Jr. TYPE: Lot Cleaning Inv. 011104 (single) 221.40 1721 Ann Street Wilmington, N. C. 28401 TOTAL 221. 40 -- -- ------ TAX MAP NUMBER: ADDRESS: ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ DIMENSIONS: % CITY: BID: $ OFFEROR: LEGAL DESC.: TOTAL $ ACQ. COST: $ CITY' COST: $ BLDGS. $ ZONING: % COUNTY: % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: TYPE: . ~,f TOTAL t; i ' f I'; .~'~ ; It \ . ~I , \; I ,~.. ,;.:-: <. , , ;. r TAX }1Al\ ~l~ER :_ ADDRESS: : \lL - , ASSESSiiLVALUE: ,I..A.~ $ PmENSibNS ;',I~T1{~f;')\ , "' C ITY e'f)~l,.!;;;\"';" I"~ c. ,. /p .' 0 i, . " LEGAL DESC.: BLDGS. $ ZONING: TOTAL $ ACQ. COST: $ . CITY COST: $ TYPE: % COUNTY: % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: $", BID: f"!"'"l' f.i ~.."'",:... "'f-"' :QFF' ERO .'~R"{1.I'li>\I('I":~''''t;.~;,.tr.''; ,", j" ......, ." ,! 1 .. ,. .~ .. _'!l ".'" :o~;. _ ''','' , It...J 1'l"'>:!!'I!l;'l~:)t.n,~t~lLh~ '.1: .'h'-~~'''1l, ;;. i l '~'~lf~iil;1~f;:t'H'~f;~{~;~t1hj~,.~.~.:;.", ;~: : ':',~ \ '; t. ;;:i'";;'"'~ .,~, ; ~; : ~; , j 'i: TOTAL : .. ,{ f,l. .- ~~;-~ -~.........._,_........",.,.__..~ - .-".u;"_~"",,,,,,,,,,,,,<,,~,,,,~.,,,'-'!":"~:!~',:'~..';;"'7":;':~~.::.:';.)f:~r:~~~~~~'~M;~';,l-~qi{"""'<<'::"\-+'j':~i~~i,t'l'~.,_",",~i$<"Il''l''j!N~'":'''-''''' 1 :! i i J i i ~ ~ j , i ~ i ,i, ,~ '" ,J.! ;l i t " t ~ ;~ 7, ,~ t !~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Ii } . :~ ! :'it. <~ ..- f:Jt:t:f ~ '1-/ rJc;' 11 .::J'" May 16, 1983' , lncroduced by: G. Felix 'Cooper,Hanager RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OFFERS TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY ~VHEREAS, certain offers to purchase parcels of real property owned wholly or jointly by New Hanover County and/or the City of Wilmington have been advertised for upset bid in compliance with North Carolina General Statute 160A-269 and pursuant to resolutions adopted by the City Council of the City of Wilmington on April 12, 1983 and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on AprilS, 1983 and April 18, 1983; and WHEREAS, there have been no further qualifying upset bids entered for the properties described on the attached list within the statutory period allowed by NCGS 160A-269; and WHEREAS, the offerors indicated on the attached list have agreed to pay the amounts indicated on the attached list for the parcels of real property shown thereon; and WHEREAS. the properties are declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best public interest and welfare to dispose of these properties in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: I. That pursuant to NCGS 160A~69. the County Commissioners do hereby accept offers to purchase as indicated on the attached list from the offerors as indicated. 2. That the City of Wilmington and/or New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offerors as liquidated damages if the offerors fail to pay the balance of an approved offer due in cash within ten ClO) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offerors as designated on the attached list. KrtA~f. ~ Chairman, Board of Commissioners ~oPted a~~ Attest: meeting 19 fL; ..',....... II 11""", ..... ,~OVER CO"'" .."" ,,\..r'" " ..... ,'" ....... v', ..."- ~ 0..- -.. ~ ".... :~ !::!! 000 ~, 00. ~ -:. : --c;;. o. T.~1..-;' g if ~ - ~ ~ - . . - :1t- ~. :::'~~~: = -:.. :;.:;-"~/ . J#.;;: - .0. .,-". ../"/~/: ~ ~ IMP"o.n';l'fX~ORfS.: -:. 0.. 1t..'OUSjR'( ..0 ~ i, A. _. .0 __'...~ ,.... ;, 'Vo .0...... ,,,,, '''''' 'l2rl-/ cp...'\l.O\; ".." I" \\\. """"".1"" ~./~ Cou y Clerk ~. TAX HAP NillrnER: 6001-0L.809-Q31-016. 000 . -.. 5'-,.-.___ fillQRE~~: 1U:29 ;~0',.:e ~-\1.l.2\:'" BLDGS.: $ -0- LEGAL DESC.: Pt. . .~ TOTAL.:'$ ACQ. , COST: $ CITY COST: $ P WM 1 Block . ,'42Q~ 00 In.66 94~51 308 1\SSESS'E''B<VA1:;UE: LA.'iD $ '+20,00 lln.I1E"'ST'r,'-TS' '" .......i..... _, ._......;.,.... . 'j] - % CITY: '14 7 BID: $ 210 no Ct,'L- % COL~TY: 45"3 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: ZOt<II~G : R-l 50 OFFEROR: 'Faye Wright Upshaw (divorced) 1019 Love Street Wilmington. N. C. 28401 LIENS: 40.24 184.31 TYPE: Lot Cleaning Inv.U4185 11 u Lien /11466 TOTAL 224.55 TAX MAP NUMBER: 6001-04~13-038-018.000 ADDRESS: 904 Rankin Street ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 2.145.00 BLDGS. $-0.... DIMENSIONS: 66 x 66 ZONING: R-I % CITY: 71.5 % COUNTY: 28.5 BID: $ 1~072.50 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: 50 OFFEROR: LIENS: Ruth Johnson Burns -0- 128 Hargrove Drive Wilmington.N. C. 28405 LEGAL DESC.: Pt. WM 1 Block 226 TOTAL $ 2,145.00 ACQ. COST: $ 625.50 CITY' COST: $ 447.24 TYPE: TOTAL -0_ i i I 1 ! , ! ( I I I I I ,\ 1 ~f j i 1 ~ ~ ;, , ~ ~ :1 i t ',; 'I .~ " 'i ~:l ;:3 ....'1: TAX MAP NUMBER: 6001-04817-011-006.000 ADDRESS: 206 North. Seventh Street ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 11>910 ' DIMENSIONS: 29 3 x 116 % CITY: 59.5 BID: $ 1~900.00 OFFEROR: '. BLDGS. $ ZONING: R-2 % COUNTY: 40.5 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: LEGAL DESC.:SW pt. 5 Block 197 -0- TOTAL $ 1.910.00 ACQ. COST:$ 1.334.48 CITY COST: $ 793.65 99 TYPE: Ronald W. Smith 502 Windemere Road Wilmington, N~ C. 28405 o TOTAL -0- _ __..__._.__k........,.,.~""-.....~...""-;,I'I-..;<:......,.,.,'~~rv~,-.:: 1l'.....~~.,"'I'Mlf';";?'!"!'l':C'Fl'l'~.l;"-~"Ji'!~:~;.~;;_:Je~~~~~~:~~~:}~.~:r. TAX~~~ NL~ER: 6001-054C~-Gog-n07 .JOO AQ8RESS: ~15 Oraoze Street LEGAL DESC.: Pt. SE}-f 6/61'5. Block 146 100" 00 TOTAL,: $ 1..83'0.00"'" :"'- ACQ. COST: $ 1.088.43 CITY COST: $- 607.00 "ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $1.730.00 .eLDes.: ;,: DIHENSI.o;;S:, ~5. S x % CITY: 55.8 BID: $ 1,500.00 OFFEROR: Robert J. Shepard. 297 Tabbs Lane 75 ~I I. ZONI~.rG : l\.~",L comrrY: 44.2 ~~ OF ASSESSED 'f? ~ ,. 1'~- VrlLUr:.: 82 LIENS: TYPE: Sr. -0- Newport News, Va. 23602 TOTAL -0- TAX MAP NUMBER: 6001-05409-023-001.000 ADDRESS: 700 Oueen Street ASSESSED VALUE: LAND $ 1.040.00 DIMENSIONS: 34 x 66 % CITY: 67.8 BID: $ 520~00 OFFEROR: BLDGS. ZONING: % COUNTY: 32.2 % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: -0- LEGAL DESC.: Pt. WM I Black 66 $ -0- TOTAL $ 1.040.00 R-I ACQ. COST: $ 668.32 CITY" COST: $ 453.21 50 TYPE: Mark Lee Maynar:~ 504-JPlum Nearly Lane Wilmington. N. C. 28403 , , I I ; I I i I , ! I i ! ! I I I I ~ ,j " 1 :, tl '1 << ':1 ~ 'i~ :~! i!! ';r ~;tj ,.;1 :J.~ TOTAL -0- '"~. f:, TAX MAP NUMBER: . ADDRESS: ASSESSED VALUE: DIMENSIONS: % CITY: BID: $ OFFEROR: LEGAL DESC.: LAND $_ BLDGS. $ ZONING: TOTAL $ ACQ. COST: $ CITY COST: $ TYPE: % COUNTY: % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: TOTAL _ _____.d...^""H--'.....'",.-,....'~ ,...-.,..'=""""'..:-oco:~~":rv...t. :..T.~.~,M~!'.."n~'.~~~~:r;f~~-~r.!'?r.'.\':''lf''~~,~,'':f::li~:<;;~.ttm~"'~ ifW ~~ (Jr.l~. " c:;.. - RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED AND RATIFIED that the Board of Commissioners hereby accepts the gift, by Daniel Webster Trask and wife, Julia C. Trask, of a 2.86-acre tract of land more particularly described in a deed recorded on May 20, 1983, in Book 1223 at Page 3 of the New Hanover County Registry. It is the intention of Board of Commissioners to use this property for park and recreation purposes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners. hereby accepts, for use for park and recreation purposes, the offer of dedication of the westernmost 125-foot section of Canetuck Road, as the same is shown on a plat of Parkwood Estates, Section 1, recorded in Map Book II at Page 46 of the New Hanover County Registry. It is the intention of the Board of Commissioners to accept only that portion of Canetuck Road which has..not been accepted for maintenance by the North Carolina ~~ Q Q Q 0 ID ODD 0 q, Depart~~~~~E~r~~portation. .... .,,}.\"'l Co "', .... '("' ooODOOOO ' <::t: 'P, /."~."'~ET~D(\~~S 6th day '" < CI .;~"f' ' 0 ",. _ 0 0 - : : ~ : lilt 0 0 ... - 0 0 "' :1} : : : - 0 0 * 2 ;. .00 : 7 000 .~ c:. 0 IMPOP.T".EXPORTS 0 \" "::, D.. tNOUSjR'I 000 ,,~ ~ ~ 0000000000000 ~"?- ....,'" ATTEST'$o., OR,." C"RO'v'\ "" "~/,,"'" r'\ \\,\" ""'''111'\\\\ of June, 1983. Ka~~~G~~rrnan Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ~~~ Clerk ~ ./ Y fi. t.td ~ 1;: ~ J. ~3' . ;2 C) RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF ARRO~~EAD PAPK TENNIS COURTS BY THE NBv HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~~EREAS, the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 provides for the making of grants by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior of the United States Government to States and to local municipalities in support of Outdoor Recreation projects and such funds are available after approval of the appropriate State Agency and the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation; and WHEREAS, the State is required to insure that there will be no dis- crimination against any person of any race, color, sex, creed, or political affiliation; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County realize that recreation facilities are not adequate to meet the minimum recreational needs of the people of New Hanover County; and WHEREAS, it is believed that said Board with the assistance of the general public is now is a position to lend full support to the development of a County of New Hanover park, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: (1) That an application be made to the National Park Service, Department of Interior of the U. S. Government through the State of North Carolina for a development grant of $15,000 which represents fifty percent (50%) of all costs ($30,000) including preparation, plans, and construction of recreational facilities to be completed in the fiscal year 1983,-84. (2) That the County Manager of New Hanover County be authorized and directed to file such application on behalf of the County of New Hanover, to provide additional information and furnish such documents as may be required by the National Park Service and the State of North Carolina and to act as the authorized correspondent of New Hanover County. (3). That the Director of the National Park Service, Department of Interior of the United States Government be, and hereby is assured of full compliance by the applicant with the regulations promulgated pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. the 6th June 1983 day of .44-,~~.t. ~ Karen Gottovi, Chairman NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS .. .......- ."_. ~~,..~~.,.,. ,._...,.......... r_.....'..~... ........ -_"',"