1983-11-07 RM Exhbits !:: j-i II, /:! ,I: ::! il; lej I" lei " I ", I" 1:1 III lit l:: ill ., I~! 1:1 Iii 1:[ Iii II; III II: fl: ", II; jl !I. \a; ;1: " ' i.' 1., ii, 'Ii jl' " '. " " :a '"~ 1:. 10 ,. ia" ,. " il: " , I:' i:; I:: " II: i', I:: 1:1 I:: I-i l : ~ ,.. III lij I':; " , . ~ i:j i." I. i. j.: 'Ii j:: I:: I:! I':! .: I': 1:1 II! (I! pY~'- /~"_.~) if~tj'j ... . . . I . . . I . I I . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . a I . . . I . . ... . . . ~ I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . I . . . . . . I . . . I I . I - I . . I I I I I . . I .~. . I . I . . . . . I ( -. . ~ ~ ) N.ew){annu.er QIUlUltn :1 :1 :! II:: 'j ,., I', 1":1 .1 I.i I. i .' 1.1 I' , I:, ,. I.' I.. !: I t" tl! ,. " '.' I" J. ' t.: i.1 i:1 III II: I. I. i': J:i i.i :il i:i 1:[ il! il: \:: 1:1 I:! I" ili ,I. ,.' ;': '" i:! i'i 1:1 I:: i.' i _ ~ II: !:; " II, i" ", ,., .' , " i:i ::i i.i ii' I.' ili 10' I:; II' " ' I'; ", I': ", :11 lai Iii "1 il! I.: ii: '.' I.: i.1 ! : ~ i.! I:: ,. i:; ,., I:, I.; I:, l:i 1.1 I:' I: I:! !:i ..' , ~: ~" ,"' ) ~t... . . ....~,~' ~ , _' ..~, 'i!.1 ~) G,=~' ............................................................................................................~ ') ~--::,:t,!o': .--;';:0:':::" iinarll nf (llnmmissinners ~roclamation WHEREAS ~ it has become common knowl edge tha t c i ga ret te smoki ng is damaging to health, and WHEREAS, surveys have shown that a large percentage of smokers are eager to give up the habit, and WHEREAS, during the past two years millions of smokers enjoyed participation in the Great American Smokeout, a day on which they give up cigarettes for just 24 hours, and WHEREAS, hundreds of participants were residents of this County, and WHEREAS, a substantial number of those who gave up cigarettes for the day were able to give up the habit entirely, and WHEREAS, this demonstration of success suggests that the Great American Smokeout, while light-hearted in approach, has potential for improving the health of the people of this County, NOW, THEREFORE, I, Karen E. Gottovi, Chairman, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November 17, 1983, as the day of the GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT in New Hanover County, and in so doing urge all cigarette smokers to try giving up cigarettes on that day. Adopted by unanimous vote on the 7th day of November, 1983. ~[.~ Kar n E. Gottov;, Chairman "::';'.~ .~,r . ,,: ( .\ J/ .../' ... ~ 11t:Ld: ~~/J?J' I I" tl; ,', ," " 11111 1:i i:1 , " ;Ii 1:1 '., I:! I-I 11j j:i l'i '.1 !.j i'l' !. I:; :.: 1'[ I:: "I ~ . j II: 1:: l:i i.l 1:1 , I:, 1=1 1:1 ~ . ! II! ~ I i I:! i=r I:i ., I:! l:i 1.1 /" ,:! :1 :1 ., '1 ., ,'I ::1 !I ,...................................................................................~ , New 1J{annuer (!Touuty moar~ of QInmmtssinnrrs 18.t.6 0 Lutton i I ,., WHEREAS, The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners has been made fully aware of the importance of the earliest completion possible of the 1-40 Highway from Benson to Wilmington and Benson through Raleigh and Orange County, and [:1' " 1'1 I"~ 1,1 ., I'i ','I " 1:1 !'I ", 1:1' ,', I" 1:1 .11 !-.I ill lei !'j , " 1.1 ill i- i ill "1 j:1 j1i ::1 1:1 1..1 /"aj I" " j'i l:l i'~',f " ,! " ., lei 111 I" ill 1:1 i:1 j.: ill j:i 1,1 " I.; J.: 1:1 ", :1 j:l ,'I I':; :1 i:l 1:1 /'1 I:, I" ,I! '" l.i ,'" " i:l 1.1 !'I, :1 j:l i:l I" I'j I:: /:1 ~~,; ,. , ~,r,." ~-.. "~ ~,~---..;. ..... WHEREAS, this Board feels the completion of a major commercial highway artery would be most beneficial to all of the citizens of the area and to all of North Carolina, and WHEREAS, our Governor Hunt has stated many times that this is the major priority project in the State, and WHEREAS, the great North Carolina Port at Wilmington is served by two lane highways only and it is estimated that completion of 1-40 would triple or quad- ruple business in five years. In 1981, 73,311 trucks entered the Port at Wil- mington. In 1982, 75,528 trucks used this Port and in 1983 the figures will be approximately 80,000 trucks having to travel over two lane highways, and WHEREAS, the Wilmington and Morehead, N. C. Ports handle only 25% of N. C. Exports and less than 25% of N. C. Imports, and WHEREAS, the Federal Government, the State Government, and Local Govern- ments have spent millions at Wrightsville and Carolina Beaches for inlet dredging and maintenance and beach renourishment, and tourists would benefit from the completion of 1-40 to more easily enjoy these facilities, and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Board of Commis- sioners request that Governor Hunt and the North Carolina Department of Trans- portation endorse this resolution for the completion of the section of 1-40 from Benson to Wilmington and Benson through Raleigh and Orange County as soon as po s s -1 b 1 e. Adopted by Unanimous Vote on the 7th day of November, 1983. ~~f.~ Kare E. Gottovi, Chairman 1:: rll i-I I" I: I II! I:: ,., ;I! !.i 'Ii .' lli V"1:1 ;:1 1:1 "W; ., ,~ : ., " .t " " " ;,q . 'It i': ~ ...... '---.- .~" '" ~I '" _' ..... ,- .. f'l,;{Jd ~~~J' J f NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM ,.""," North Carolina County of New Hanover Road Description Woodhaven Drive (Division File #496-N) WHEREAS, the attached petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above de- scribed road, the location of which has been indicated in red on the attached map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the oplnlon that the above described road should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of ..~ighways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to 'the Sys tern. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of NeVI Hanover that the Division of High\vays is hereby requested to review the above described road, and to take over the road for maintenance if it meets established standards and criteria. CERTI FI CATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 7th day of November, 19 83 . seal this the j7~ day of Y'~ 19 3=: ~. /~/ ;' /. -/ \./ '-- , \ ~/ ,(~ ~ I ': \.J- .r/~~ CleYk, Board of Commissioners County of New Hanover Forward direct with request to the Division Engineer, Division of Highways I ,.. r ).( .t:Ju ?(1.~A-": ~) ~'lficC:'~"\i) 'iERiFtFD :, ~"G E r~ E ~"~ :', ~',I; '"1. T:J C ~ E R ~, E c: . :", .~ f'~: : :-: Q t: E r: 3- 1 0 89 NE,',. i!.,iIY' ci1l:D. HG , ~, .;\.-/ /' /1 x/ " - /'" \ {~. 8 Oll ~ Nn~..' jl rJ , l' f>t.j · R ~ " lo._ ......:._ I.: :..J..J STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IN THE MATTER OF CLOSING PORTIONS OF AVERY DRIVE, IN MAGNOLIA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION ORDER It appearing to the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County that a Resolution of the County Commissioners of New Hanover County of intent to close three segments of Avery Drive except 120.0 feet located at the Northwestern end of the most Northern segment, was adopted by the County Commissioners on the 3rd day of October, 1983, and it further appearing that said resolution called for a hearing to be held on the 7th day of October, 1983, at which time the County Commissioners would hear 0'3 -~ complaints and comments of interested persons, and it further appearing that notice of said hearing was published in the Wilmington Star-News Newspaper in accordance with the Road Closing Ordinance of New Hanover County, and the County Commissioners are of the opinion that said Avery Drive in the County of New Hanover should be closed and the closing of same is in the public interest, and that no individual owning property in the vicinity of the roads will be deprived ~_f. reasonable means of , ingress and egress to his property by such closing; the legal description of said roads being as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Northern line of Azalea Drive with the Western Line of Avery Drive, same being the Southeastern corner of Lot 7, Magnolia Heights Subdivision, map of same being recorded in Map Book 6 at Page 8 of the New Hanover County Registry; Running thence from said beginning point with the Western line of Avery Drive, North 28 degrees 08 minutes RETURNED TO (i" /! \, / ..'J I ~ ~7~i~~1' f {jL1~ \ ! :34.../- '7/L~ -: 80u~ ," .i :: r-- /230 usa East 150.0 feet to a point, Running thence with the Southern line of Avery Drive North 61 degrees 58 minutes West 233.8 feet to a point: Running thence North 33 degrees 23 minutes East 15.02 feet to a point; Running thence South 61 degrees 58 minutes East 6.01 feet to a point; Running thence North 33 degrees 23 minutes East 15.05 feet to a point in the Northern line of Avery Drive; Running thence with the northern line of Avery Drive, South 61 degrees 58 minutes East 256.5 feet to a point; Running thence South 28 degrees 08 minutes West 180.0 feet to a point; Running thence North 61 degrees 58 minutes West 30.0 feet to the point of Beginning. BEGINNING at a point in the Northwestern side of Little Creek, said point being the Southeast corner of Lot 13, Magnolia Heights Subdivision map of same being recorded in Map Book 6, at Page 8 of the New Hanover County Registry; Running thence from said beginning point with the Southern line of Avery Drive, North 65 degrees 35 minutes West 565.0 feet to a point in the Eastern right of way line of the Old Military Road; Running thence with the Eastern line of the Old Military Road, North 33 degrees 23 minutes East 60.67 feet to a point; The same being the Western most corner of lot 11, Magnolia Heights Subdivision; Running thence with the Northern line of Avery Drive, South 65 degrees 35 minutes East 397.0 feet to a turn in Avery Drive; Running thence with the Western line of Avery Drive, North 28 degrees 08 minutes East 316.8 feet to a point; Running thence South 61 degrees 58 minutes East 30.0 feet to a point in the Eastern line of Avery Drive; Running thence with the Eastern line of Avery Drive, South 28 degrees 08 minutes West 309.8 feet to a turn in Avery Drive; Running thence South 64 degrees 13 minutes East 100.0 feet to a concrete marker; Running thence in a Southeastwardly direction to a concrete marker on the Northern edge of Little Creek, said concrete marker is located 20.0 feet from the point of beginning; Running thence with the Northern edge of Little Creek 20.0 feet to the point of beginning. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED AND DECREED that the above described Street be and the same is hereby closed. It is further ORDERED that a copy of this order be filed in the Office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, North Carolina. ~ " 30Li -, 1230 uSI 7th day of November, 1983, .~\/} . V, ~ , ~/ \ - " '.....,,--_.../ " / ,/y~ F. Smith, Clerk \L;ucie STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER ~f.~ Karen E. Gottovi, Chairman ""I I ..{/,' i : ,/ I, ./ lit/! l/c \'-ltiC:?cc.... ,..:j.>ad?l , a Notary Public in and for the State ' and COU11tjU' aforesaliqJ do hereby certify that this day Lucie F. Smith, personally appeared before me, and who being duly sworn, says that she knows the common seal of the County of New Hanover and is acquainted with Karen E. Gottovi, who is Chairman of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners, and that she, the said Lucie F. Smith is Clerk to the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners, and saw the said Karen E. Gottovi, Chairman of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners, sign the foregoing instrument, and saw the said common seal of said New Hanover County affixed to said instrument by said Chairman, and that she, the said Lucie F. Smith, Clerk as aforesaid, signed her name in attestation of the due execution of said instrument in the presence of said Chairman of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners. WITNESS my hand and notarial or November, 1983. My Commission Expires Oct. 13, 1986 STA TE' OF NORTH CAROLINA, . New Hanover County The Foregoins Certificat.e ~ _-;-_--;:.__ t~~Tle Jovce ~r~gr, a TIo~~ry-~u~~~~~=~:~==== IS certTI-ied to be correct. This the1..Eitr~day of _ _li~"'L._ J 9 g:2 R~f becca P. ,!UCk~,:gjt~r of ,~edS B ' n r' 'i- ,/'. /.'1"~ Y.d::' I,' ~_ .' . . J,-<=:T- . /, I >': , IJ...zptJ1J( 7th day ,", \" '" i" " JV/ gR Xt/ ~tr. 2- . Lv'c\ .CONSENT AGENDA DATE;Jt/." 1(3 '.' .:r 11'tM NQ, ~ - .'--,. --- PROJECT ORDINANCE '. SEAGATE SEWER SYSTEM " BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: WHEREAS: 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the development of the Seagate Sewer System, which capital project involves the construction or acquisition of capital assets. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said capital project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2, such ordinance to . authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project or~inance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute $159-13.2. 2. The capital project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the development of the Seagate Sewer System, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: " Fed era 1 G ran t $725,800 $ 71,688 $183,512 $981,000 Clean Water Bonds Transfer from General TOTAL ,4 -/'''' '. 4. The following appropriations necessary Jor the project are herewith made from the revenue listed abo/e:. Construction $834,645 - Archaeological Survey $ 644 Engineering & Testing $ 58,000 Administration $ 5,000 Contingencies $ 82,711 TOTAL $981,000 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. Adopted this 14 day of yC:;~/, 1983. ..... " ~ C;, J:J.;:f ~~ --r:/ 11 }.. --) P7J :.~ RESOLUTION WHEREAS, hurricanes are major destructive and still unpredictable forces; and WHEREAS, North Carolina barrier islands are particularly vulnerable to loss of life and property during hurricanes and major storms; and WHEREAS, barrier islands without direct and permanent access by a network of roads and bridges and that require evacuation by boat significantly and unreasonably endanger life and property and necessitate much greater advance time for evacuation and much more extensive planning than do other barrier islands, and WHEREAS, Federal flood insurance is no longer available for new construction for undeveloped barrier islands; and WHEREAS, undeveloped barrier island areas are classified Conservation in the County Land Use Plan because of their potential hazards for development and of their environmental, scientific, and recreational values; and WHEREAS, provision of public services would be significantly proportionately more costly for undeveloped barrier islands than elsewhere in the County and would conflict with the County's Policies for Growth and Development; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following policy is hereby adopted by the Board, which further recorrnnends that said policy be added to the Policies for Growth and Development contained in the 1981 Update of the Wilmington-New Hanover Land Use Plan: 2.2(3) Barrier islands which have the following five characteristics should be developed only for water dependent uses such as pleasure boat docks and landings; they should not be developed for residential use: (1) The land is a barrier island or part of a barrier island with a density equal to or less than one residential unit per five acres. (2) The barrier island area has been assigned the most severe rank with regard to vulnerability to hurricane forces. This most severe rank is assigned to areas that are Inlet Hazard Areas of Environmental Concern, Ocean Erodible Areas of Environmental Concern, or Estuarine Shoreline Areas of Environmental Concern. (3) The barrier island area is not connected to the mainland by a permanent network of roads and bridges that would allow safe and tbnely evacuation by land rather than by boat. (4) The barrier island area does not qualify for the National Flood Insurance Program as administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (5 ). The barrier island area is classified as Conservation in the County's Land Use Plan. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Planning Staff is directed to proceed with, the. preparation of a new "Conservation Zoning District", paying particular attention to islands possessing the five characteristics listed above; AND, BE IT FURl'HER RESOLVED that the County Planning Staff is directed to proceed with the preparation of amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance concerning the .ne~d for perrmanent, land based access, adequate evacuation plannin,g~c~~~~~v~asures for new subdivisions. ? /' '~,I?> ~\l @,-,,, ,.I /' . . , , .... 'I ' <,\,' "000 ,'r,~ ,,, / / ~"y . '009006 ", 'I,') '". I II r',~" " 1P,. 1Y,,00~. '\"",' \ , '/ r:~,) r)/~i\~ ',-'\,,,"'l (, 1/ ~) /;/ (l.I('\.,.:) ,l;), \, '\ l /t I, ",'~ ,." '..~", \l l) I ffr,'1! ',;, ;frr .'(; 'j,;' () J> u: ',~ ~.0, ',' <\' '\ \ ,,. \\ i\\~ <<,~., . ,':\ ':~ LJ ~. ", ,'"ii).. ''<'" \.:' "CCltlNTY.S, ' EAl.:)':'> ~., ,'","'".. '" . ~~~i~~::_:~~:,;/ ~~~. ~: CHAIRMAN AND COMMISSIONER j NEW HANOVER COUNTY