1983-11-21 RM Exhibits ... " '.\ TO: Board of County Commissioners CONSENT tlGENDj\ DA'TE:~tl-r~f!l -, i(J. ITEM .NOJ1l8L5""~~''''r~ MEMORANDUM FROM: / Roland G. Register /."'1/----/ i I,)'. .' Tax Administrator i~c--~/ SUBJECT: Abatements and Refunds DATE: November 14, 1983 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: l. Admin. of Veterans Affairs $ 35.92 - 2. Alford, Talmadge Jo P. 10.21 3. Allen, ioJalser Haddon Jr. 26.83 4. Anderson, Edgar David Jr. 13.99 5. Barnhill, Hilson 1;.Jayne 7.32 6. Bass, Nil t on Leroy 23.03 7. Beck, George Thomas Jr. 9.68 Q Bibee, Randall Curtis 3.45 v. 9. Blanton, Gene T. Brenda 254.42 10. Block, Frederick L. 1,282.37 1l. Brownies Beauty Shop 66.33 12. Burnette, Flora Doub 19.90 13. Butler, Laraine Fields 41.22 14. Chimiak, James Michael 9.72 15. Cogdill, Klaron Kendall 81. 96 16. Cooke, H. Earl Jr. 33.72 17. D. L. Peterson Trust 50.12 18. Dry, Ralph Etal. 9.47 19. Edens, Bobby Raymond 100.68 20. Edwards, John Allen Jr. 45.11 2l. Everett, Cecil Simmons 58.42 22. Gafner, Donald Michael 9.13 23. Galuskin, Myron S. 168.42 24. Ganis, William R. Etux. 37.94 25. Graves, Rufus Lee Jr. 142.98 26. Hall, Harie Trask 27.07 27. Hamilton, David McGregor 39.10 28. Heath, Roger Alling 2.02 29. Hett, Henry Lee 26.53 30. Hewitt, Elijah Sylvester Jt'. 46.16 31. Holland, James Ray 138.71 32. Jackson, Alice Jones 25.38 33. Johnson, Marvin T 40.19 '-' . 34. Johnson, Ransom Etux. 20.63 35. Johnson, Yvonne Fillyaw 3.62 36. Jones, Richard V. Jr. 39.64 Board of County Commissioners Page 2 November 14, 1983 37. King, David Paul 38. Ladd, Milton Duke 39. Lewis, Georgia Pridgen 40. Lineberger, Barbara Jo 41. Livingston, Lorena Devane 42. Lyons, Michael Dennis 43. McDuffie, Georgiana 44. Meares, ~~rion Gibson 45. Miller, Anthony 46. Mishoe, Francis Michael 47. Moore, Teresa Duncan 48. Morrison, Jerry L. 49. Paramount Ins. Service Inc. SO. Peterson, Flossie Sullivan 51. Pigford, Mitchell Dale 52. Pulliam, Larry Douglas 53. Puryear, Mary Ann 54. Ray, Kenneth M. 55. Richardson, Delano Durand 56. Robertson, Julie Bowers 57. Ross, Timothy Eugene 58. Rowell, Clara Mae 59. Schlegel, Joseph Anthony 60. Shiver, Edward 61. Sholar, Garry Lee 62. Sidberry, Ina Simpson 63. Smals, Gerald Edward 64. Stallings, Margaret Jones 65. Styron, Joseph Edward 66. Taylor, Britton Edgar 67. Taylor, Julien K. III 68. Thorsen, Peter Louis 69. Tinsley, Annie Miller 70. Tompkins, Alma Lewis 71. Tripp, Jeffrey Hunter 72. Turner, Jasper 73. Vandergrift, Arthur 74. Vick, Marvin Gilbert Jr. 75. Wagner, Margaret Carpenter 76. Walker, Larry Wayne 77. Wallace, Lloyd Leroy 78. Warren, Gwendolyn Marie 79. Watimar, Raymond Anthony 80. Watts, James Thomas Sr. 81. Westbrook, Betty Sue 82. Weyers, Joseph Henry Jr. 83. Williams, Ricky Alan 84. Wilson, Alton Ray 85. Wood, Nilan E. 86. Wszalek, Robert John Jr. 87. Youngblood, John R. $ 7.96 5.32 28.41 57.48 19.53 56.09 16.20 3.98 6.58 103.85 23.56 40.12 107.11 17.36 30.52 97.87 157.57 10.74 13.99 69.83 45.63 67.37 73.23 33.90 39.05 36.56 88.27 44.96 4.04 60.73 85.57 11.95 2.02 28.95 7.11 3.07 56.44 5.32 4.04 3.07 54.45 11.14 38.52 2.70 27.56 30.29 2.02 38.77 3.62 29.47 19.60 Board of County Commissioners Page 3 November 14, 1983 Request the following taxes be released as they are double-charged: 1. AAA Leasing Co. 2. ATC Transmission Service 3. Bailey, Brenda Combs 4. Boykin, William Gladstone 5. Cape Fear County Backhoe Servo 6. Cardwell, Ethel B. 7. Chamblee, Kenneth L. Jr. 8. Diemel, Hubertus Wilhelmus 9. Donaldson, Henry 10. Duncan, William H. 11. Euro Atlanta Equities 12. Freauf, Thomas Douglas 13. Geurtz, Georges Albert 14. Garris, Dennis M. 15. Gillette, Marguerite E. 16. Gurganus, Mary Yvonne 17. Hargrove, James Dowling 18. Harris, Richard L. 19. Henning, Myrtle Lenora 20. Holtzclaw, Lee Jr. 21. Ivey, Lynn A. 22. Johnson, Robert Ray 23. King, Joseph A. 24. Latendre, Edward Eric 25. Lewis, Jane Bashford 26. McCollum, Alvin G. 27. Meyer, Kimberly Denise 28. Mincy, Samuel Thomas Jr. 29. Mitchell, Della Woolard 30. Moore, Linda Miller 31. Newell, Mildred Sorrell 32. Newman, Lenora Elizabeth 33. Ocean View Motel Inc. 34. Parker, Cecil Linwood 35. Pegram, LottieBordea~~ 36. Pickett, Bill Jr. 37. Piver, \.Jilliam Ray 38. Ripwood Co., Inc. 39. Russ, Eula Aslinger 40. Russo, Glenn 41. Sellers, Phyllis Huss 42. Sikes, Leon Elwood Jr. 43. Simmons, Jettie Ray 44. Simmons, Thurman 45. Smith, Howard Kirby $ 62.65 294.80 36.73 2.02 35.68 77 .08 2.02 19.23 24.76 59.71 112.20 3.74 49.43 43.86 Ill. 22 2.02 2.70 100.22 40.39 69.04 68.19 74.59 34.38 2.02 5.32 18.03 6.06 43.32 8.76 7.68 24.39 77 .68 679.60 2.70 65.26 2.02 8.76 6.80 2.70 4.22 (1982) 57.22 16.16 14.81 3.98 41.06 Board of County Commissioners Page 4 November 14, 1983 46. Snow, l1elissa Henrichsen 47. Stephens, Hartliff Ernest 48. Stover, Judith Hoskinson 49. Stroupe, James Raymond 50. Tarheel Welding & Fabricating 51. Tinney Painting Contractor Inc. 52. Tompkins, John T. 53. Vandergriff, William Warren 54. West, Adrana Bergemann $ 137.71 3.98 19.66 20.40 3.74 21.22 23.28 63.05 47.47 Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within city or town limits: 1. Arthurs, Hazel M. $ 74.12 Refund L. Block. David E. 759.73 3. Bradshaw, Billy Sr. 43.68 4.. Budd & Joes Rendezvous 23.90 5. Capps, Narion Ethel 26.43 (1982 - Refund) 6. Cermak, Geoffrey 65.01 j . Chadwick, VJarren J. Jr. 1.10 8. Davis, Cynthia Sneed 13.21 9. Deem, Claudia Fawn 18.41 10. Edwards, James Robert Jr. 142.63 11. Edwards, William Bright 18.01 12. Harrell, Alton L. 66.43 13. James. Marion C. 14.12 14. Jones, David Gerald 43.11 15. Lackey, Arthur Franklin 2.62 16. Leak Repair Inc. 318.53 17 . Lewis, Charles .C. Sr. 53.21 18. Millick, Hm. H. 37.62 19. Norris, Fletcher R. 66.00 20. Rhodes, Patsy Allen 4.32 21. Scott, Kathy Ann 41.38 22. Sexton, John E. III 48.04 23. Stokley, James Hichael 217.45 ('81 & '82 52.67 Refund) 24. Taylor, Warren Brent 18.06 ?C; Toon, Glenn J. 49.63 _..J. 26. Watkins, Stephen Grant 10.45 27. Wolfe, John Edward 30.19 Board of County Commissioners Page 5 November 14, 1983 Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of charging listing penalties in error; charging building value in error; mispriced vehicles; incorrect encoding; depreciation applied in error; mispriced household furnishings; incorrect acreage, township codes, year; and computer pricing errors: 1. Barnes, Elwood Dorothy 2. Batson Construction Co. 3. Beeker, Ira Lee 4. Boltz, Donald M. 5. Boone, Norwood D. 6. Boyd, Joe /. Brewer, J. Street Jr. 8. Brooks, James Edward 9. Cannon, Burrough P. Etux. 10. Corbett, Susie S. 11. Crews, Robert 12. Daum, Victoria 13. Dixon, Celeste Lane 14. Drehmer, Kevin M. 15. Garner, Larry Hayne 16. Gillham, Hal Canada 17. Godwin, Kathryn Counts 18. Helms, James D. 19. Herzog, Nancy Lee 20. Hines, L. Frank 21. Hoeppner, David L. 22. Hudson, Nila McDowell 23. Jackson, Jimmie Beadie 24. Kemp, Willie James 25. Locklear, Jerrell Junior 26. McCormick, James P. 27. McDonald James Charles Etux. 28. HcNeill, Mike 29. Merritt, Deborah 30. Mitchell, John Darby 31. Montford, George Clifton 32. Naylor, Walter M. 33. Padrick, Leon A. 34. Philip, Chefeek Michael Sr. 35. Poulos, Chris S. 36. Riddle, Gene C. 37. Rochelle, Douglas L. 38. Roll Form Products Inc. 39. Russell, Robert D. 40. Setzler, Ralph C. 41. Smith, Bryan R. 42. Swann, Edward Louise $ 412.49 45.38 47.60 3.13 212.06 38.07 1.13 43.28 39.26 1,053.48 107.04 (Refund) 100.09 21. 22 40.27 4.04 4.04 61.16 30.77 29.39 42.23 99.12 136.00 38.43 56.89 51. 25 4.26 79.29 21. 96 98.02 21.77 46.38 37.57 59.30 3.84 132.00 191.35 63.58 42,438.08 5.58 123.02 8.34 3.06 Board of County Commissioners Page 6 November 14, 1983 43. Taylor, Sarah C. ~4. Thompson, Clarence A. Etux. 45. Ulmer, Hac 46. Vance, Thomas H. Etux. 47. Wade, Alene S. Etvir. 48. Warren, James P. Jr. 49. Watson, Joy Long 50. Waverly Dev. Corp. $ 70.72 6.98 82.40 147.97 2.38 76.57 52.00 336.48 Request the following taxpayers be allowed the Senior Citizens exclusion as they qualify but failed to receive the reduction: l. Adams, James Etux. C: 57.80 y 2. Brown, Bertha B. Hal. 57.80 ., Darby, Thomas 26.80 .) . 4. Davis, HUlie Corbett 113 . 90 :J . Dickey, ., P. 113.90 L. 6. Elliott, Sarah 49.23 7. Ford, Jerry \,J . 98.60 8. Gibson, Martha B. Life Estate 113.90 9. Gore, Edith 7.64 10. Gore, John D. 57.80 1l. Gregg, R. C. 90.65 ,.-, Jarman, Edna Cox 57.80 1.L.. . 13. Kennedy, J. H. Jr. 57.80 14. McAllister, Robert Etux. 113.90 15. Meyers, Rodney A. Sr. 57.80 16. Montgomery, Katherine 113.90 17. Moses, Willie B. 113 .90 18. Newkirk, Sophie W. 113.90 19. Ogden, Pearl C. 57.80 20. Pearsall, James Hrs. 93.27 2l. Pinyan, E. A. 113.90 22. ~.Jashington , Lucille 113.90 23. \vells, James Jr. , Etal. 42.61 (Refund) (Refund) Request the following listing penalties be released as the taxpayers certify the listings were made during the listing~per:iod:.. or they were unable to make a timely listing due to illness. 1. Bryant, Charles R. 2. Bryant, John E. Jr. 3. Clark, Clyde W. Etux. 4. Formyduval, Tracy .Jr. 5. Haughton, Milton A. 6. Hopkins, Josephine F. 7. Lewis, Rebecca Merritt 8. Miller, Charles W. Etux. 9. Montgomery, Tim A. $ 50.75 165.64 76.22 3.60 104.73 88.54 64.54 50.28 33.72 Board of County Commissioners Page 7 November 14, 1983 10. Phelps, Rebecca G. Etal. 11. Schartman. Lawrence N. 12. Williams, Robert M. Etux. $ 79.65 39.92. 68.32 Request 1983 taxes in the amount of $566.46 charged to Castle Hayne Volunteer Fire Department be released as this property qualifies for exempt status. Request 1983 taxes in the amount of $68.00 charged to Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. be released as this property is State Appraised and should not be assessed at local level. Request these items be placed on the Consent Agenda for the County Commissioners' meeting on :lovember 21, 1983. I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. RGR: sw Copy: Mr. Felix Cooper County Nanager Mr. Robert Pope County Attorney Mr. Harry Brooks Listing Supervisor Hrs. Pat Raynor Collector of Revenue ~. ., .'.,"~ ",_ _'., '.,' .' .....'n", ."". c-.. ~.' . "_"_" '~~"l........~......._ _'>"._AO"". NEW HANOVER COUNTY OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 2R401-4090 Collections thru October 31, 1983 Telephone (91C))~ 341f1Wr-'f'i~:rm ~-~ "''''l-' 'it 0UnlH~hl iH~i\i~i~lg1l. -_.le.!,!;, !! DATE: 11- c2l.., <€:.3... ITEM No. / t, QOOfKxxx.~ Tax Administrato! NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added 1983 1982 $21,509,024.76 $ 17,199,745.99 2,336,291.19 2,734,137.23 $23,845,315.95 $ 19,933,883.22 33,235.02 15,067.79 $23,812,080.93 " 19,918,815.43 .;> -3,663,409.52 - 3,015,319.22 $20,148,671.41 $ 16,903,496.21 15.38% 15.14% $ 664,382.79 $ 579,115.02 1,122.45 135.43 130,732.87 106,915.84 $ 532,527.47 S 472,063.75 19.71;~ 18.47;:- $ 907,758.59 (: 767,006.68 ,:-' 15,100.48 2,330.57 40,401.00 37,861.30 S 852,257.11 $ 726,814.81 4.53~{ 4.95~~ Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Personal Property Taxes Less Abatements Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, and Kure Beach to date - $5,259,509.62. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1983. Respectfully submitted, Ya-tr" CU<. c;-\ (7 Cll,~-, .--v . , J ' \ Patricia J. 'R'aynor" Collector of Revenue P JR : sw -......... ..... ...~ ..... MEMBER IAl\D INlERNAlIONAl ASSOCIATION Of ASSESSING OFFICERS ..... ........ ..........,. ...\ !,... Introduced by: G. Felix Cooper, Manager Date: ~~~ /90 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING OFFER TO PURCHASE SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY WHEREAS, a certain offer to purchase a parcel of real property owned wholly or jointly by New Hanover County and/or the City of Wilmington has been advertised for upset bid in compliance with North Carolina General Statute l60A-269 and pursuant to resolutions adopted by the City Council of the City of Hilmington on September 13, 1983 and the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County on September 19, 1983; and WHEREAS, there has ~een no further qualifying upset bid entered for the. property described on the attached list within the statutory period allowed by NCGS 160A-269; and WHEREAS, the offeror indicated on the attached list has agreed to pay the-amount indicated on the attached list for the parcel of real property shown thereon; and WHEREAS, the property is declared by the County Commissioners to be surplus and not needed for public purposes; and WHEREAS, it is in the best public interest and welfare to dispose of this property in accordance with the negotiated terms and conditions. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That pursuant to NCGS l60A-269, the County Commissioners do hereby accept the offer to purchase as indicated on the attached list from the offeror as indicated. 2. That the City of Wilmington and/or New Hanover County will retain any deposit posted by the offeror as liquidated damages if the offeror fails to pay the balance of an approved offer due in cash within ten (10) days of receipt of a notice by certified mail of availability of the deed of conveyance. 3. That the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County be and is hereby authorized to execute a deed without warranties to the offeror as designated on the attached list. AdOPted:~ d._ on ~~~ ATTEST: meeting , 19 /i!~ ~/d~ Coun\:y Clerk ...\ ~TAX.MAP NUMBER: 6001-04813-038-014.000 ADDRESS: 916 Rankin Street 'ASSESSED VALUE: ~~ $ 1350 DtHENSIONS: 33 x 99 % C~TY: 57.5 % BtD~ $ 10,000 OFFEROR: "- Donald R. McDuffie & wife, BLDGS.: $ lo,J~U ZONING: CIA COUNTY: 42.5 ----. % OF ASSESSED VALUE: 50.7 LIENS: - ~-~ -.-- 0 -,'- Commissioner's Agenda: LEGAL DESC.: Pt TOTAL: $ ACQ. COST: $ CITY COST: $ 9jJ9/83 EM 1/2 Elk 226 IIJ,740 2,300.53 1,322.04 TYPE: Linda T. McDuffie Rt. 1, Box 16o~B Currie, N. C. 28435 TOTAL. TAX MAP NUMBER: ADDRESS: ASSESSI::D VALUE: DIMENSIONS: % CITY: BID: $ OFFEROR: LAND $ BLDGS. $ ZONING: LEGAL DESC.: TOTAL $ ACQ. COST: $ . CITY COST: $ \ % COUNTY: % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: TYPE: 'I \ TOTAL ..... , , tAX . MAP NUMBER: ADDRESS: ASSESSED VALUE: Lfu~ $ o !}1ENS IONS: % CITY: BID: $ OFFEROR: BLDGS. $ ZONING: LEGAL DESC. : TOTAL $ ACQ. COST: $ CITY COST: $ TYPE: % c.;OUNl'Y: % OF ASSESSED VALUE: LIENS: TOTAL ...\ ?;~~y;ly fa.5 ~~.r-1 II lit 0 II . II II II II II II a II II II II . II 'II II II lit II II II II II II C. lit a II II II II II lit II a-a \II II lit 0 lit II a U D II D D II II D lit II II II II II II III 1:1 II II lit II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II lit II a II '0 a II a'lI a II a II II lit II II 0 II a II II II . Q New ){annuef OJnuntl1 1BoarilJ of QInmmh16tnntrS mt5ulutinn WHEREl;.S New Hanover County has constructed a new Judicial Building which contains courtrooms and related judicial facilities as by law provided; and WHEREAS it is intended that said judicial facilities, including the first floor bulletin board, be used for public and judicial sales and for the posting of public, judicial and official governmental notices; . NOW, rrH~REFORE, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County does RESOLVE and DECREE that the Judicial Building at the corner of Fourth and Princess Streets, Wilmington, North Carol ina, be and the same is hereby designated as the New Hanover County Courthouse for the purpose of conducting sales and other judicial activity required or designated to be held or conducted at the county courthouse, including the posting of publid and official notices required to be .ggp:teQ.;a~t the courthouse door or bulletin board. /'.. ~~OV~ "17, 1!,J.i} ~~aT~ :h . s 21 st day of November, 1983. II~ J! <> I-WS~ i!. 'iJ, \ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~Gftt~rman Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County Attest: ~x/~ Clerk .......' II. lit. II. II g. lit 111111111 II lit O,a II II" II II.. all 111111111111 II II 11.1111 II II II 1111 II a'a a a, lit 111111 II 111111_111111111111111111 II 11111111 II II II II II a 1111 iii.. II 1111 ClII 11".1111111111 lit iii II III II II Gilt III II II 1111 lit III