2007-11-19 W&S Exhibits W:5 Xf; 8. :L1., RESOLUTION OF THE BOAIID OF COMMlSS10NERS NEW HANOVER COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT WHEREAS, the City of Wilmington (the "City"), New Hanover County (the "County"), the New Hanover County Water and Sewer District (the "District"), and the Cape Fear Public Utility Authority (the Authority) have negotiated an "Inter-Local Agreement for Transfer of Assets and Operation of Water and Sewer Systems" pursuant to which the Authority will acquire by various means certain assets used in the operation of the City and District's water and sewer systems; and WHEREAS, N.C.G.S. 160A-461 authorizes units of local government to enter into agreements to execute any undertaking. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the New Hanover County Water and Sewer DiStrict hereby approves the Inter-Local Agreemerit iri the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. Approval is contingent upon the exhibits to be attached to the Inter-Local Agreement being acceptable to the District's Attorney and County Manager. The officers of the District are authorized to execute the Inter-Local Agreement and any documents specified in or contemplated by the Inter-Local Agreement in such form as approved by the District's Attorney. The District's Attorney with the assistance of the District's Chairman and County Manager is authorized and directed to complete the exhibits to the Inter-Local Agreement in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof. ADOPTED the 19th day of November 2007. ~~~~ ~- ~L\ Sheila L. Schult, Clerk to the District Board :-,\ \ \ \ \ 1111 11/ J //11 -:-,\\\ ~O"ER c III/~ .:::::- -?-to- ............ ov",- 0 ~ ~ ..... .0tT"1~ .....'JI"~;..~ ~~/ [I"''' ~J~ \. ~ ...... ~..l.: . f..... ...._ ~ ; f . .. \o~ :: . xl f'\ . - = ! ,. : :: -;.~~. ~ j ~ ..".~. 'Jt..~ . #-...-., -:::- ... l ()-;::- ~(l\.......... . .~'=:- ~ -r ....~,..H'\'ft .... ~"'- ~ ~ -1,,\- ............. ...'iJ ~ '/III/. 0 SEWE~ 0 ":>,\\'.... III/II" 111\\\\\\'\ ATTEST: