1982-06-07 RM Exhibits ,-' AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDIAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: 1. Amend Article II, Definitions by adding a new Section 23-8.5 to read: 23-8.5 Dwelling, Mobile Home, Doublewide Mobile home built and transported on two (2) or more separate chasses, designed to be joined into one (1) integral unit that measures at least 24 feet by 40 feet; has a gabled ro?f; is~ermanently affixed to ,a' continuous permanent masonry foundatlQn unplerced except for.required ventilation and access. and has all its wheels, axles, transportation lights and towing apparat~s removed. 2. Amend Article V, Table of Permitted Uses to read as follows: Mobile Home Mobile Home, doublewide R-20 S- P R-15 ---p- P R-10 ---p- P 1-1 S S 1-2 S S AR P P 3. Amend Article VI, Supplementary District Regulations, Section 63, Erection of More Than One Principal Structure on a Lot by adding at the end of the paragraph the following sentence: "However, any parcel of land upon which are placed more than three (3) mobile homes shall be considered a mobile home park and regulated by the New Hanover County Mobile Home and Travel Trailer Park Ordinance.11 Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 1~day of ~ 13/c-,:a::; fc:a- ' jd-" (! C b _(_'[Z- '(6 J' <MS.".J *'[ GREATER WILMINGTON CHAMBER 'OF COM"NrERCE P. O. Box 330 · 514 Market Street · Wilmington, N. C. 28401 ~'....'. ~,"'\.". ". ~'.".."'. ~'." @.......W., ..... ". .... ",Q. .. -c ,V:-, '- 'c ; u~~[% ~~~(~- MAj 21/~V ~/\ E (V\ 0 ,. "J)y, E ,W. +\'Ub:U~\e+'/ l, \)y~ V1- \J 'M (J.."J C OVv\J <2 If"? a tr 0 v. J Q ie, C\.,Vvl,. c\~ \ \' q ~\ ~ 0 '--'I ~ <:0......... .".. '-'-' Ii \ U <, e vv\ 0'" ~ La ~, <? '> Q ~ \j.~. E ~\ 'CKbj (ON Se /l- "All ON Up j) 1\-rE:;:, . ~ So M a \'>T r-l \-.)" 6 N <<:" Is 'I ~='I' I E vJ , (.....I keA- 1 I ,,'S c.D\J~1; G.~ 1 Coo r c.L, lc..,-^^- ev.. vJ.1! C 0 -+-0 f \ '^-,,-,- 4- l~ eW-A../i'1 "S \ ~"-'" 0101 <; 'r c.. v.-\, c. 0...1 s Lc>y ~\l.A. 'S>-~ '1~ ~ \ Vv~ o...N-..-4 J..A..'-- ~ pv ~ j Ie at o.-vJ ,>(:" 1G.. ~c....~:~t ,~')' c..j) c~o,;-'I .~: e:co\\OW"C 'S~ cYlt.~ 00JU..-&-.J; s: ~ I (.Q.I.A J; t..' ";c. ~ ~l ~OvJvl7- " 1 C!.,J..J.J. ~i ~ Oy A.-~j ___ " r-'\' \ '\ . ~'.A ~ C. Q ;;.'"'\- i- ~-<....e. 1.. -\- S u>"'''e--<_.J~ ~ ~_~I ^,^-"b r 2J ~"'- 1M,'~1 v ~.o-, \,~ l,-~"'p-", \ S c.J,.:.:;;.."J.." ~ ~.Jl..x. \ " ""A> \ ~ \) ~f'\ \) C\ ~ \A.V...r'li2...-;J ft--;;;, _.~ -V\ c......"M ~\I' ~,{,Q I ~7 ~ e~-l.'~v.J .1..\ 4\\\A ( I ~ ~ (\'w Ii. \ '. . '. r '" .<1 t. . C:.f') I J . . ~,ny..t\ , -. W""'-A '-' '1,,<" \?~ . ~..r- CJ . \ .J ~.~ ~\~.I ~ ~ .~ ~p..~ ~ #. '~.~ g~ U-"fl) A I~ . J 1 L_ L .J --J ". ,', (.. ,'''7-L-a.~ ..-yf_/ {A_c.;;:.L-:><....." ...~~ (. I . S'2 U-" l';/7 NEW HANOVER COU-NTY ASSISTANT COUNTY MANAGER 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TELEPHONE (919) 763-3688 GARY M. CANNON Assistant County Manager M E M 0 RAN DUM FROM: Felix Cooper U ~,/' ,.-.- Gary Cannor1::-:1 I IU-'-' Andy Atkinson ~ June 1, 1982 TO: DATE: RE: Blue Cross Blue Shield Coverage As we discussed, it is necessary to make some changes in our Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage for County employees. In order to maintain the rates at their current level, and to provide better cash flow management, we rec- ommend the following changes in the coverage and administration of our BCBS health insurance plan. First, we recommend to change our coverage to a Comprehensive Major Medical Plan. Simply, this means there will be an annual $100 deductible for each person covered for all medical expenses. BCBS will pay 80% of those medical expenses, up to $5,000. Over that amount, BCBS pays 100%. This will mean a slight change in benefits, particularly the hospital in-patient coverage. Under our previous policy, 100% of the in-patient expenses were covered after a $25 deductible. Another change in coverage resulting from the new policy will be an increase in the maximum limits from $250,000 to $1 million. This change in coverage will allow the employees' current monthly premi~m to remain the same. We also recommend a change in one aspect of the administration of our coverage. That is establishing a t-lRA rating payment system. The MRA rating schedule means that the County will continue making monthly premium payments to BCBS, however, on a quarterly basis BCBS will either reimburse the County for the difference between premiums paid by the County and claims paid by BCBS or request an additional paymegt from the County for the amount of claims paid more than the amount of preIlliums paid. The new policy coverage will become effective on July 15, 1982. Jan Williams, BCBS representative, is awaiting the contract from the home office and will notify us as soon as it arrives. In order to expedite matters and maintain a smooth transition of this coverage, we recommend this be put on the agenda for the Cow~issioners meeting of June 7, 1982 for their approval for this policy change and their authorization for you to sign the contract with BCBS. GMC/kb CC: Andre'. Mallette Jan \hlliams ~ j3J'~f'/? t:l.. NEW HA.NOYER COUNTY ASSISTANT COUNTY MANAGER 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TELEPHONE (919) 763-3688 GARY M_ CANNON Assistant County Manager M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Felix Cooper L ~ ,_J----- ' Gary Cannon {:}~- Andy Atkinson pv FROM: DATE: June 7, 1982 RE: Blue Cross Blue Shield Coverage-Consent Agenda Item U9-June 7, 1982 After receiving the written proposal for the new Comprehensive Major Nedical Policy, we made a further analysis of it as compared to our existing policy. This is to update you on the changes we found in addition to those mentioned in our memo to you dated June 1, 1982. The existing policy has a maximum of two deductibles per family required in one calendar year, The new policy has a maximum of three. The existing policy's psychiatric care coverage has no limit on the claims made per calendar year. The ne~.;r policy limits claims to $2,000 pe~. calendar year. The existing policy has a lifetime maximum of $250,000 whereas the new policy has a lifetime maximum for the psychiatric care of $10,000. Also, the existing policy allows out- patient psychiatric counseling for family members if employee or certificate holder has family coverage. Finally, the existing policy provides for 120 days of semi-private room rates in a skilled nursing facility whereas the new policy only provides for 70. Even in light of these changes, staff still recommends the Commissioners' approval of the new Comprehensive Major Medical Policy. Gl'-IC:AJA/kb