1982-08-16 RM Exhibits ~~ k~/~.'/~ ~I! (yt"€.-- NEW HANOVER COUNTY LARRY J. POWELL Tax Administrator OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 Telephone (919) 763-099 I t NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru July 31, 1982 1982 1981 Prepayments Collected to Date $ 23,840.16 $ 33,448.87 Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 579,115.02 $ 475,768.08 Less Abatements .00 74.93 Collections to Date 29,793.00 41,412.18 Outstanding Balance $ 549,322.02 $ 434,280.97 Percentage Collected 5.15% 8.71% Personal Property Taxes $ 767,006.68 $ 637,436.63 Less Abatements 897.89 249.35 Collections to Date 13,831. 77 - 15,887.20 Outstanding Balance $ 752,277.02 $ 621,300.08 Percentage Collected 1. 81% , 2.50% Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach and Wrightsville Beach to date $85,055.83. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1982. Respectfully submitted, Yctl:vi~ 9\, 'R~cJV Patricia J.~ynor U Collector of Revenue P JR : sw MEMBER INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS e l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. ~ 11,l.JT/ 1 ,/;-- HE:~10HANDUM TO: Mr. Go Felix Cooper CounLy Manager FHOM: Larry J. Powell. jJlJ-.-.!? Tax Admlnlstrato~~ DATE: August 6, 1982 SUBJECT: Abatements and Hefunds The following abatements are requested due to incorrect charges on motor vehicles based on illcorrect information in the Department of Motor Vehicles list as explained in the January II, 1982 report: Beasley, Landis Page Cain, George Eugene Carter, Sharon Call Christian Deanna Southerland Heidt, Janet Ann Johnson, Roy Jefferson Karnes, Mark Dana Latham, William Thompson Major, James Edward Pro Clean of Wilmington Strom, Beverly Strom, Eva Marie Strom, Randall Keith Weyers, Joseph Henry Frank Jr. 0- op 18.22 23.89 42.57 84.12 65.59 38.83 25.31 90.75 53.26 36.19 (Refund - .66) .95 L13.32 82.50 48.49 Request the following taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or j,ncomplete information at the time oJ listing: 1. Lee, Larry D. Etux 2. Miller, Doie Lee 3. Sutton, Ruth Morgan 65.99 (1978-1981) 237.36 21.38 (1980) Request the following taxes be released as the personal property is not located within the city or town limits: 1. Albert, Allen Dawson 2. Antinori, Nancy Diana 3. Edwards, Ralph Lee 4. Gaylord, Leslie Phillips 5. Klingenberger, Susan Elizabeth 6.59 (1973) 60.87 98.10 (1979-1981) 34.22 8.62 or;" .. Mr. G. Felix Cooper Page 2 Au!-,:ust G, 1982 Request the following taxes be released as they are double- charged: l. Allen, l1ichard Milton Jr. $ 31.93 2. Campbell, Ray Davis 2AO 3. Creasy, Hoy L. Jr. Shirley 18.57 (1980) I. Daniels, Rudolph 2.00 5. Farrow, Graham Daniel Jr. 17.03 6. Humphrey, ,Joseph Thomas 26.37 7. Kirl<::pa trick, Sarah Wms. 84.49 (1980) 8. Kyles, Judy Mae 67.17 (1980) 9. Mayfield, Shirley Annette 72.Ci8 10. Ramsey, Elmer F. & Janice L. 14.40 (1980) ll. Said, Michael 32.92 (Hefund) 12. Sri1i th, Robert William Jr. 56.76 (1980) 1 r, Woodcock, Linda Naumuk 18.32 (1978) J. Request the following taxes be released as this charge is due to a clerical error in pricing a trailer: 1. Holland, Lemuel Clarence 83.37 Request these items be placed on the consent agenda for the County Commissioner's meeting on August 16, 1982. I recommend apprQval of these abatements as Lhe Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. LJP:sw copy: v'Mrs. Alyce Brown Clerk to the Board Mr. Hobert Pope County Attorney ~ u'~. ,bl~:/f? r;;.' MEMOR.ANDUM TO: Mr. Felix Cooper County Manager rI Larry J. Powell__ Tax Administrato~ FROM: DATE: August 9, 1982 SUBJECT: Collection Settlement and Charges for 1982 Levy Attached is a copy of Mrs. Raynor's settlement for the 1981 tax levy. If this settlement is accepted by the Board, I recommend that Mrs. Raynor be reappointed as Collector of Revenue and charged with the 1982 tax levy. I am forwarding the charge sheet and summary of taxes due which Dr. Armistead needs to sign if the charges are made. This recommendation is made in accordance with G.S. 105-349. Also, attached is a copy of the oath which will be admin- istered to Mrs. Raynor by the Clerk of Superior Court, if the appointment is desired by the Board. The 1982 tax bills are completed and will be mailed by September 1, if the charge for the collection of these taxes is made at the meeting on August 16, 1982. Request this item be placed on the consent agenda for the Commissioners' meeting on August 16, 1982. LJP: nib attachments copy: vMrs. Alyce B. Brown Mr. Robert Pope Mrs. Pat Raynor Mr. Andy Atkinson ., NEW HANOVER COUNTY SETTLEMENT OF TAX COLLECTIONS FOR 1981 Charged Per Scroll Discoveries Added Less Abatements Interest Collected Cost Collected Real Estate Liens Sold for Taxes Delinquent Personal Property Prepayments Deposited Wachovia Bank Known overpayments on prepayments $16,411,131.85 2,758,068.63 $19,169,200.48 104,094.58 $19,065,105.90 35,842.14 7,344.50 $19,108,292.54 $ 301,971. 70 252,497.40 10,797.99 18,543,025.55 $19,108,292.64 $ .10 .10 .00 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BACK TAXES Personal 1980 1979 Prior Total 6/30/81 Old Control $194,568.90 $116,688.12 $326,181.16 $637,438.18 Collections 57,218.44 15,697.44 23,086.03 96,001. 91 Abatements 1,786.25 495.60 24,645.14 26,926.99 $135,564.21 $100,495.08 $278,449.99 $514,509.28 6/30/82 New Control 135,564.22 100,482.25 278,462.81 514,509.28 + .01 12.83 + 12.82 0 Adj. 5/12/82 #46461 + 12.83 12.83 + .Ol -0- .01 Real Estate 1980 1979 Prior Total 6/30/81 Old Control $268,834.28 $110,678.94 $ 96,254.47 $475,767.69 Collections 127,263.38 48,381.39 54,033.44 229,678.21 Abatements 766.68 662.53 1,481.68 2,910.89 $140,804.22 $ 61,635.02 $ 40,739.35 $243,178.59 6/30/82 New Control 140,804.22 61,635.02 40,739.35 243,178.59 -0- -0- -0- -0- ~ U'~r 1r")~ .I'fiLED 1982 AUG \ 6 PM 2: 1 8 l"'\II\\"~\lr') i'-"....ly C S C t - 1l1~I.J.' L,' u1..l.\.I<I .. . . , I, Patricia J. Raynor, do solemnly swe"'a:r (o"r affirm) that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith, and I will faithfully discharge the duties of my office as Collector of Revenue of the County of New Hanover, North Carol~na, and that I will not allow my actions as Collector of Revenue to be influenced by personal or political friendships or obligations, so help me God. ....----~ , /,Vcde>; GO ~ -:J=< 0, iH'" (Mrs.) Pat~'cia J. Rhynor Collector of Revenue The above oath was administered to Mrs. Patricia J. Raynor on August 16, 1982 before the Clerk of Superior Court and filed with the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners on this date. \.._" /: ~ /'. , .'....:; / ~/~C. C(!" c- Honorable j/j/// "/7 /' 'z;-. " /',., . '''' /' ... .,e~'I/ /-c,. ik!>c..~c ?(' Clerk of Superior/Court ~ f: r;~,1 --""f ,?,t;" ,\ .i"~:~ \}~. .". ". :..r" I ,,_t,:' ,-, .;-, . ", f>~(i'~~~T . ~',";: ';; .:'; ,',. ,:.:~~\!~.;tl~Vl / w&~ff~ ,.) '"-~''''''''-r;;er~. Supenor Court J'l~,:::,,1~.u_,,l, _ . ~ Srf-.~!/~/~ NEW HANOVER COUNTY r:i. c --. ((C,' 4'5 l.'-r--. /d::.._ (- ~/,.~/. '> - .."C - c: /0 ~ _ ,IJ1 --, ,'" (; ",7 {i~ ... i vi GARY M. CANNON Assistant County Manager ASSISTANT COUNTY MANAGER 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TELEPHONE (919) 763-3688 M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Felix Cooper FROM: Gary cannon;l11f!/!... Andy Atkinso;~ DATE: August 9, 1982 RE: Telephone System for County Administration Building As a result of the need t.o make the current corrununication capabilities of the County Administration Building more efficient to the staff and more effective to the general public, we prepared bid specifications and advertised for Request For Proposals for a new telephone system for the County Administration (CA) Building. On June 9, 1982 we opened bids submitted by four companies and subsequently have analyz~d t~ose bids as well as observed each of the systems in operatio,1. ATTACHMENT A is a summary sheet of the bids received. Due to the complexity of such communications systems, this has not been an easy task, how- ever, the following ;List of recommendations and supporting justification is based upon our best analysis of the pros and cons of each system. Reconunenda t ions 1. Award the contract for the purchase of a Siemens SD-192 MX EPABX telephone system for the County Administration (CA) Building from Sound & Telephone Systems of Wilmington, NC for the amount of $72,750. 2. Have two (2) mechanical single line Southern Bell telephones installed in strategic locations in the CA Building in case of an emergency and/or major power outage. 3. The County install two (2) Intrastate Band 0 WATS (Wide Area Telecommuni- cations Service) services, which would cover calls only within North Carolina. 4. Due to the financial savings realized from this analysis, we recommend that a study be performed at the Social Services and Health Departments to determine their current telephone system capabilities and compare those to various systems offered by private interconnect companies. Felix Cooper -2- August 9, 1982 ATTACIlMENT B is a financial analysis of the ten (10) year operational cost of each proposed system as well as the ~xisting system. This analysis shows that by comparing the least expensive system, Sound & Telephone Systems, to the system we currently are using, a savings of approximately $20,000 per year over the next ten years can be realized. Further analysis into the functional operations of the systems shows that not only a financial savings will result, but the features and functions of the new system will greatly improve both the internal and external communication capabilities to both the staff and the general public. The current system we now have cannot really be defined as a system because the County departments telephones are not integrated or linked together except by a 1im:i.ted access called six-link. The present "system" utilizes a mechanical six button phone set and has no capabilities of transferring incoming calls from one department to another. For example, if a citizen called the County Hanager's office with a question or complaint, and it was determined that the caller should talk with someone in the Tax Department, the caller would have to hang up and re-dia1 the Tax Department number. With the new system's call transfer function, the caller could be transferred directly to any extension in the Tax Department for help, without having to re-dial. Some of the other functioning capabilities offered by the proposed system which will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the County operations are: Conference Call Allows a station to set up a specific number of parties conversation with internal and/or external callers. .. Call For,,,arding Allows calls routed to a particular station to be rerouted automatically to another station. Call Pi~ Allows a station to answer calls directed to another station. Automatic Call Back Allows a station receiving a busy line condition to dial a code, hang up, and then be automatically connected to the line once it becomes idle. Call Park Allows a.station to "park" or place a call in a hold-type condition, and then have it retrieved from the same or another station. () Call Haiting .. -. Provides for a tone signal to be forwarded to a busy station as an indication that another call is waiting to be answered. 'Call Restriction Allows for extensions to.be restricted in various modes such as preventing the station from making outgoing calls or (eCelvlng incoming calls or restricting the station from making long distance calls. Felix Cooper -3- August 9, 1982 The aforementioned features are. only a few examples which highlight the capa- bilities of the proposed system. Southern Bell, Carolina Business Connnunications, and Sound and Telephone Systems have proposed PABX (Private Automated Business Exchange) type systems which utilize a combination of incoming and outgoing "trunk" lines. This type of system will reduce the number of dedicated lines required to meet the needs of the County departments in the building. Please note that if the Commissioners decide to approve this reconnnendation, it will mean changing the telephone numbers for all of the departments in the building. This \<7i11 be necessary to accomodate the Direct Inward Dialing feature which a110\<7s for calls to go directly to the department as they do now and not require a central attendant to answer all incoming calls. If this change occurs, we will have Southern Bell provide a recording on the existing numbers stating the new number. This recording can be provided for a reasonable period of time or until next year's phone directory is published. The basic issues we looked at when analyzing these systems were: purchase versus lease; and private interconnect company versus company regulated by North Carolina Public Utilities Commission (NCPUC). After analyzing the proposals and looking very closely at the ten (10) year operating cost analysis, we have determined that the approximate savings of $20,000 per year over the next ten years outweigh any potential risk of purchasing a system from a private interconnect company. Even though Southern Bell is regulated by the NCPUC, the current move to deregulate AT&T has created many questions that cannot be answered regarding Southern Bell and its customers. A July 1981 report from l>1cGraw-Hi1l Publishing Compa~y, indicated that because of the deregulation and probable increase in competition, AT&T member companies "...have sought, or are in the process of seeking, substantial rate increases on their older PBX equip- ment.. .and.. .01der key equipment." (pps. 10 & 14) Therefore, under the current conditions associated with deregulation, there are many uncertainties involved with selecting Southern Bell. \..,rATS Service In November and December 1981 Southern Bell performed an analysis of the long distance calls made by the departments in the CA Building. It was determined that by installing two (2) intrastate WATS lines, a potential savings of $160.00 per month ($1920 per year) could be realized. This amount of savings is in addition to the estimated $20,000 per year ShO\Vll in the ten year cost operation analysis. Please note that the new telephone system will allow us to program which particular phones have access to the WATS line, thereby allowing us more control over its usage. Mechanical Single Line Phones for Emergencies The PABX type system is an electronic system that is susceptible to power outages. The system we are reconnnending has a power transfer function whereby in the case of a power failure, power will automatically be transferred to a specified number of designated phones throughout the building, linking that phone to one of the incoming or outgoing "trunk" lines. However, to totally J'o ..... - : Felix Cooper -4- August 9, 1982 insure communication capabilities in case of a power failure or some other disaster affecting our con~unication system, we recommend two single line mechanical phones be installed in strategic locations. After the system has been installed and operating for a period of time, we can assess the reliability of the power transfer function and determine the need to continue renting the single line mechanical phones. Health and Social Services As stated in recommendation number four, we recommend the Health Department and Social Services Department look into a new telephone system. We feel that in light of the potential financial savings we would realize by purchasing our own system, it would only be feasible for two of the largest County departments to investigate similar alternatives for reducing expenditures. We will be happy to assist those departments in performing this task. In conclusion, we have spent many hours analyzing all the information subnlitted by the four vendors. The recommendation to purchase the Siemens SD-192 MX EPABX telephones system from Sound and Telephone Systems, Inc. is based upon the cost savings and increased cOllununication capabilities \vhich will be realized by installing the new system. The fact that Sound and Telephone Systems, Inc. is a private interconnect company should not preclude its capability to provide adequate technical support to' the County. It is our opinion that the financial savings to be realized by purchasing this system are greater than any potential risk or unknown factors which may be associated with interconnect communication companies not directly regulated by the North Carolina Public Utilities Commission. If the Commissioners approve this recommendation, the new system should be installed and operating by January 1, 1983. We will be happy to answer any questions you or the Commissioners may have. GMC:AJA/kb Attachments () Sound & Telephone Systems Wilmington, NC ATTACHMENT A COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING .TELEPHONE SYSTEM BID SUM}~RY SHEET Carolina Business Communications Wilmington, NC Executone Wilmington, NC Southern Bell Wilmington, NC PURCHASE PRICE $ 72,750.00 $ 85,185.00 $119,931. 00 $ 1,537.29 Per Month (Lease Only) .. MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Standard $1.50/set/month Feature $2.00/set/month Switch $25.00/month $3.00/set/rnonth $2.00/set/month -0- INSTALLATION FEE Included in Purchase Price Included in Purchase Price Included in Purchase Price $36,697.00 ATTACHMENT B TELEPHONE SYSTEMS COST CO}WARISONS - SOUTHERN SOUTHERN SOUTHERN: BELL CAROLINA SOUND BELL BELL AT CURRENT TELEPHONE SYSTEM EXECUTONE PROPOSAL A PROPOSAL n CHARGES $114,999.60* $ 98,823.60* $158,524.20* 205,373.20 205,373.20 325,429.69** 61,841. 06 38,090.55 41,227.44 -0- -0- -0- $382,213.86 $342,287.35 $525,181. 33 $ 85,185.00 $ 72,750.00 $119,931. 00 . 205,373.20 205,373.20 325,429.69** 61,841.06 38,090.55 41,227.44 -0- -0- -0- $352,399.26 $316,213.75 $486,588.13 " (NO BID) $120,037.80 $241,800.00 $294,005.41 $350,240.04 $289,616.10 . 205,373.20 325,429. 69;~* 205,373.20 205,373.20 289,815.10 38,090.55 41,227.44 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 37,633.00 11,153.00 -0- $363,501.55 $608,457.13 $537.011.61 $566.766.24 $579.431.20 *60 Month *60 Month *120 Month Payout Payout Payout **40 Lines @$42.54/Mth. During Year 1 10 Year Operation Cost (10% Annual Inflation Rate) LEASE PURCHASE Line Charges - 11 2-way trunks @ $63.17 ea./Mth DID $420/Mth. Maintenance Installation OUTRIGHT PURCHASE Line Charges - 11 2-way . trunks @ $63.17 ea./Mth DID $420/Mth. Maintenance Installation LEASE ONLY Line Charges - 11 2-way trurtks @ $63.17 ea./Mth DID $420/Mth Maintenance Installation