1982-11-01 RM Exhibits ~..' Ill..~: ?c~." ..;:L-3" ! (J. \ PROJECT ORDINANCE FOR THE HUGH t1ACRAE PARK PROJECT OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: \~HE REAS : 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in a capital project which involves the construction or acquisition of a capital asset. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said capital project in a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 9 159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOH, THEREFORE, HITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 9 159-13.2. 2. The'capital project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is the constructi on of bathroom faci 1 i ti es, and purchase ofequi pment for pl aygrounds and ball fi e 1 ds at Hugh t,1acRae Park in New Hanover County and the project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: State Grant $ 28,000 Transfer from General Fund 30,000 Total Revenues $ 58,000 4. The fo 11 owi ng appropri ations necessary for the proj ect are herewi th made from the revenue listed above: Architectural, Engineering & other $ 500 Contracted Services 16,000 Construction 24,000 Equipment and other improvements 16,000 Contingencies 1,000 Total Expenditures $ 58,000 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners. \,Iithin five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. Adopted th is /g day of ))tJ...-(~k , 1982. ~/ 1. ~ U,J;Cj f?~ ~ ...1' PROJECT ORDINANCE RESOURCE RECOVERY PROJECT - NEW HANOVER COUNTY BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County: WHEREAS: 1. New Hanover County (County) is engaged in the construction of a resource recovery system which capital project involves the construction or acquisition of a capital asset. 2. County desires to authorize and budget for said capital project ln a project ordinance adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 9 159-13.2, such ordinance to authorize all appropriations necessary for the completion of said project. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH THAT: 1. This project ordinance is adopted pursuant to North Carolina General Statute ~ 159-13.2. 2. The capital project undertaken pursuant to this ordinance is construction of a resource recovery system, which project is herewith authorized. 3. The revenue that will finance said project is: Bonds authorized and issued $10,000,000 Additional Tax Exempt Bonds* 3,017,000 Interest Income 685,000 Sales Tax Refunds 205,000 TOTAL $13,907,000 *This revenue is to be generated through two-thirds authorization bond issues in fiscal years 1985, 1986, and 1987. ~ ,/ f ... 4. The following appropriations necessary for the project are herewith made from the revenue listed above: Land $ 50,000 Construction Cost 13,087,000 Engineering 270,000 Contingencies TOTAL 5. This project ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of Commissioners. Within five days hereof, copies of this ordinance shall be filed with the finance and budget offices in New Hanover County, and with the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners. Adopted this /d: day of "j}~>-LV,1982. ~~4 t-i-,JX:~ ,P.,~3 EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carol ina, met in regular session at the County Administration Bu~lding in Wilmington, North Carolina, the regular place of meeting at 6:30 0' clock,..:.....M., on November 1, 1982. The following Commissioners were: Present: Donald P. Blake, Chm. Howard L. Armistead, Jr. MD Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Karen E. Gottovi Claud O'Shields, Jr. Absent: None * * * * * * * * * * * * * A representative of The New Hanover County Indus- trial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority appeared before the Board and advised the Board of the Authority's proposed adoption of a bond resolution autho- rizing the issuance of pollution control revenue bonds in 'the aggregate principal amount of $3,600,000 and the execu- tion and delivery of financing documents pertaining to the financing of pollution control facilities in New Hanover County for Corning Glass Works (the "Company"). The representative submitted to the Board drafts of a Bond Purchase Agreement proposed to be entered into among the Authority, the Company, and Thornton, Farish & Gauntt, Inc. (the "Underwriter"), a Trust Indenture between the Authority and Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, N.A. and a Loan Agreement between the Authority and the Company. The representative further stated that the Bond Purchase Agreement set forth the terms of the industrial revenue bond financing, including the proposed issuance and sale of the bonds to the Underwriter at a price of 98.86% of the prin- cipal amount thereof plus accrued interest from November 1, 1982 to the date of delivery' thereof and requested that the Board approve the issuance of the bonds. Commissioner Armistead then introduced the following resolution which was read at length: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has created a political subdivision and body corporate and politic of the State of North Carolina known as "The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority" (the "Authority"): and WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized under the Industrial and Pollution Control Facilities Financing Act, Chapter 159C of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended (the "Act"), to issue revenue bonds for the -2- purpose, among others, of paying all or any part of the cost of any pollution control project for industry, to acquire, construct and equip any such project, and to make and execute financing agreements, security documents and other contracts and instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of such powers; and WHEREAS, the Authority proposes to issue its pOllution control revenue bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $3,600,000 (the "Bonds") and to loan the proceeds thereof to the Company to finance the acquisition, construc- tion and installation of air and water pollution control equipment at its Wilmington plant (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the Board has heretofore approved the Project in principle; and WHEREAS, the Act provides that no bonds shall be issued thereunder unless the issuance thereof shall have been approved by the governing body of the County and the Board desires to approve the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority; and WHEREAS, the Board has considered the Bond Purchase Agreement presented to it setting forth the terms of the industrial revenue bond financing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board -3- I i . ~ ".1 "I I ! I ! t ! ! I of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: (1) The issuance of the Bonds by the Authority is hereby approved. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to provide certified copies of this resolution to the Local Government Com- mission and to Bond Counsel. (3) This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. Commissioner Armistead moved the passage of the foregoing resolution and Commissioner O'Shields seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: Donald P. Blake, Chm. Howard L. Armistead, Jr. MD Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Karen E. Gottovi Claud'O'Shields, Jr. NAYS: None -4- . , STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA :55. : COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, ALYCE B. BROWN, Clerk of the Board of Commis- sioners of the County hereinafter described, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, as follows: 1. A regular meeting of the Board of Commission- ers of the County of New Hanover, a county in the State of North Carolina, was duly held on November 1, 1982, proper notice of said meeting having been given as requi~ed by North Carolina statutes, and minutes of said meeting have been duly recorded in the Minute Book kept by me in accord- ance with law for the purpose of recor~inq the minutes of said Board. 2. I have compared the attached extract with said minutes so recorded and said extract is a true copy of said minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said minutes relate to matters referred to in said extract. 3. Said minutes correctly state the time when said meeting was convened and the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board who attended said meet ing . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of said County, this 2nd day of November, 1982. t:l1<<~- p, ,~-O~A.- Clerk/, Board of Comm1SS10ners tp/!,'I.+ U~ ;2. d-,J ~V-----, . / . ,_J EXTRACTS FROM MINUTES OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, met in regular session at the New Hanover County Admin. Building in Wilmington, North Carolina, the regular place of meeting at 6:30 o'clock,~.M., on November 2-, 1982. The following Commissioners were: Present: Donald P. Blake, Chm. Howard L. Armistead, Jr. MD Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Karen E. Gottovi Claud O'Shields, Jr. Absent: None * * * * * * * * * * * * * A representative of The New Hanover County Indus- trial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority appeared before the Board and advised the Board of the Authority's proposed adoption of a bond resolution authoriz- ing the issuance of a $900,000 industrial revenue bond and the execution and delivery of financing documents pertaining to the financing of industrial facilities in New Hanover County for Metal Improvement Company, Inc. (the "Company"). The representative submitted to the Board drafts of a Bond Purchase Agreement proposed to be entered into among the Authority, the Company, and New Jersey Bank, National Association (the "Bank"), a Loan Agreement between the Authority and the Company, an Assignment by the Authority to the Bank, a Security Agreement between the Company and the Authority, a Deed of Trust between the Company and an individual trustee for the benefit of the Authority and a Guaranty between Curtiss-Wright Corporation and the Bank. The representative further stated that the Bond Purchase Agreement set forth the terms of the industrial revenue bond financing, including the proposed issuance and sale of the bond to the Bank at a price of 100% of the principal amount thereof and requested that the Board approve the issuance of the bond. Commissioner Armistead then introduced the follow- lng resolution which was read at length: WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners has created a political subdivision and body corporate and politic of the State of North Carolina known as "The New Hanover County Industrial Facilities and Pollution Control Financing Authority" (the "AuthoritY")J and WHEREAS, the Authority is authorized under the Industrial and Pollution Control Facilities Financing -2- Act, Chapter 159C of the General Statutes of North Carolina, as amended (the "Act"), to issue revenue bonds for the purpose, among others, of paying all or any part of the cost of any industrial project for industry, to acquire, con- struct and equip any such project, and to make and ex~cute financing agreements, security documents and other contracts and instruments necessary or convenient in the exercise of such powers; and WHEREAS, the Authority proposes to issue its $900,000 industrial revenue bond (the "Bond") and to loan the proceeds thereof to the Company to finance the acquisition, construction and installation of industrial shot peening facilities in Castle Hayne, New Hanover County, North Carolina (the "project"); and WHEREAS, the Board has heretofore approved the Project in principle; and WHEREAS, the Act provides that no bonds shall be issued thereunder unless the issuance thereof shall have been approved by the governing body of the County and the Board desires to approve the issuance of the Bond by the Authority; and WHEREAS, the Board has considered the Bond Purchase Agreement presented to it setting forth the terms of the industrial revenue bond financing; -3- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: (1) The issuance of the Bond by the Authority is hereby approved. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized and directed to provide certified copies of this resolution to the Local Government Com- mission and to Bond Counsel. (3) This resolution shall take effect immedi- ately upon its passage. Commissioner Armistead moved the passage of the foregoing resolution and Commissioner Barfield seconded the motion, and the resolution was passed by the following vote: AYES: Donald P. Blake, ChID. Howard L. Armistead, Jr. MD Jonathan Barfield, Sr. Karen E. Gottovi Claud O'Shields, Jr. NAYS: none -4- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA :55.: COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER I, ALYCE B. BROWN, Clerk of the Board of Commis- sioners of the County hereinafter described, DO HEREBY CERTIFY, as follows: 1. A regular meeting of the Board of Commis- sioners of the County of New Hanover, a county in the State of North Carolina, was duly held on November~, 1982, proper notice~of said meeting having been given as required~ by North Carolina statutes, and minutes of said meeting have been duly recorded in the Minute Book kept by me in accord- ance with law for the purpose of recording the minutes of sa id Board. 2. I have compared the attached extract with said minutes so recorded and said extract is a true copy of said minutes and of the whole thereof insofar as said minutes relate to matters referred to in said extract. 3. Said minutes correctly state the time when said meeting was convened and the place where such meeting was held and the members of said Board who attended said meeting. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have hereunto affixed the corporate seal of said County, this 2nd day of November, 1982. /J1<-r1'L ;:;; ~-~A~-v.. ~ ClerkJ, Board 0 Commissioners (SEAL) ~, ftP4l5J:- rL. </~ ~s NEW HANOVER COUNTY G, FELIX COOPER County Manager OFFICE OF THE COUNTY MANAGER 320 CHESTNUT STREET WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28401 TELEPHONE (919) 763-3688 October 29, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: County Commissioners / .', FROM: Felix Cooper _,/1, ' '-.. I I RE: Blockade Runner Museum Artifacts and Dioramas I am enclosing a copy of a letter from Janet Seapker along with a list of items that are being considered for acquisition by the County. It is my recommendation, with concurrence of the Museum Board, that the County offer $60,000 for the items enumerated under the following conditions: 1. The state will purchase the remainder of the items and keep the dioramas and collections intact, where feasible, for use by the Ft. Fisher Museum or other New Hanover County locations. 2. The Museum Foundation and other groups will work toward funding 50% of the County's share. GFC/np CJ ~-~ NEW hANOVER (,OUN'LLl MUSEUM 814 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 26401 TELEPHONE: 919/763-0652 October 28, 1982 M E M 0 RAN DUM To: Felix Cooper, County Manager From: Janet K. Seapker, Museum Director ~\: , '-. '~':" -=- - :-. __I Subject: Division of Blockade Runner Museum Artifacts and Dioramas Attached is an annotated listing of the contents of the Blockade Runner Museum. The items crossed out would go to the State Historic Sites or N. C. Museum of History. The ones indicated with a question mark are in question because the current ownership is unknown or the nature and condition of the item is unknown. Multiple items (2 shovels) were frequently divided between the state and the county and notes in the margin denote the division. Unaltered listings are proposed for the county. The valuations for the county and state division are noted page by page and the grand total, on the first page. As you will note, of the total valuation of $198,080.00 the county1s share is estimated at $99,608.83 and the state's share at $97,101.17. Those figures omit the undecided portion. If you need further data, explanation or information, I will try to supply it. cc: Tom Loftfield DIORAMAS (I n order of des i rabil ity for New Hanover County Museum) Page Reference . . Descri pti on Price 1. 6 2. 29 Wilmington Waterfront, c. 1860 $35,000 Model, Confederate Ironclad Raleigh 19,525 3. 12 Auction sale of goods brought 4,300 through blockade 4. 10 Blockade runner being boarded 5,200 5. 26 Lt. Cushing and aides with con- 31500 federate prisoner and model of torpedo launch 600 Confederates with Whitworth 3,500 rifle firing on Federal bloackades Confedera te 501 d +e.-r-epi a'c i IIg fl-crg- at Mount Batte~ 4,200 6. ' 24 7. 22 8-.--1-5 Capsizi-~ boat ,,,.itM Rose O'Necrl €-reenhow 3,200 45,000 -5,000 .::' 9. 31 rort Fisher, C. J,H'lttary, lOGS {611d nlechall i L;S-) 1-0. 46 Model of ship, Dare (unfinished} 12,000 COI.H..l1'-/ ~ 111"2-5' () o Comments For immediate. use ln new exhibit Shipping exhibit "War Years" exhibit (civilian life) "War Years" exhibit (ci,vil ian 1 ife) "War Years" exhibit (officer's life) "War Years" exhibit (military life) ChQ~ging c~~s C h a n g.:i n g e x h i..J:H-t.s.. fuLure e"hibiL in new museum facility €haMging exhibits -oTATE dt G<=11 YOD GRA}J\) -"fOTAl'5 co () tJ T '/ 6T (\ T E ~ qq 00~. tQ3 \ _ Jfql \01.\7 UtJDECIDED- dt\310 era TllL'5 L f\ R \\ F FlC 1''5) Coo Nl"-/ - ~ 2. J 35<0 ' is 3 t)T r\1 (; - a I -6 1.(00 . 17 UtJt>5Clt>€\) - ~T70 -it' I '3 '-l 5-) .:t1 3 Gj'5 ARTIFACTS - MOST DESIRABLE Page Reference . Description Price 10 Brass lock from Ella $ 75 10 10 Silver ladle from Hebe 150 3 glass ink wells 70 10 Shoes from Modern Greece 75 10 10 11 12 12 12 LO f\ ~? 1 3 " New Testament from Mimma 25 Straight pins from Modern Greece 5 Ladle from Modern -Greece 25 13 1-4 14 Salad plate from blockade runner 100 Shipment of butter knives 55 Shipment of tablespoons 20 Ship's binnacle 350 Ship's pilot wheel 1,395 Ha4++ng trumpet, brass 125 Ship's bell from Flora 3,250 Navigational sextant 750 14 14 Case of tea, marked IIFort Johnston" 250 14 Telespope of Capt. Maffitt 1,100 16 16 Confederate reunion badges 140 17 ~ 22 Confederate flag, Third National 1:) 4,000 995 Surgical kit with instruments 12 mcdicinQ bgttles 205 325 -22 23 23 23 B-- 23 Enfield cartridge box Pair of wooden sole brogans' 350 190 65 110 Confederate tin canteen Austdan bayonet & scab-bal'd Enfield saber bayonet & scabbard Comments' "War Yearsllexhi blt "War Yearsll exhibit Changing exhibits IIWar Yearsll exhibit "War Yearsll exhibit "War Years" exhibit Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Shi ppi ng exhi bit Entry exhibit Shipping exhibit Shipping exhibit Shipping exhibit IIWar'Yearsll exhibit Shipping exhibit Changing exhibits "War Years" exhibit Changing exhibits Q Changing-exhibits "War Years" exhibit "War Years" exhibit "War Years" exhibit Changing cxhibit~ Changing exhibits -- - - . , - "53"53. b 7 4{z.'51'5.33 ARTIFACTS - MOST DESIRABLE Page Reference 23 23 -23 23 23 24 ~ 24 -24 24 -r4 2-5 25 25 2S 25 25 rs- ~ 25 25 2& 25' ! Ol\~ 25 26 26 26 Comments Price Description [llfield cartridge Changing exhibits $ 24 Changing exhibits Confederate hand grenade lOS Cllall!:jill!:j I::xhibHs- 4 Enfield bullets from Modern Greece 4 ClldllY i flY eAld Lits N. C. star burst button 12 Changing exhib;t~ csp, $1000 savillgs bOlld 35 IIWar ,Year 311 exhibH Confede~tc artillclY shalt sword 800 Changing exhibi~ Changing exhibits Confederate officCl~'S sword 185 Pa;}" of brass Spur S flom rOf L Fi she, 125 Chang; Ilg exhi bi ts Pair uf mule ~hue::' frOl1l Fur l Fi::,ht::r 10 , Changing exhibits Changing exhibit~ Whitworth bolt, 12 lb. 55 Hur::'1:: !Jit, flOIll Furl Fi~ht=r 40 Changing exhibits Prcscntatioll lap desk, II. a.Mayo 400 Pre~Atation flask, Col. Ames 235 Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Army Colt .44 cal. revolver 765 Chdng1ng exhi!Jits &00- 600 815 280 18 17 ~'j5 7 6'7 '14.(P 1 Z-'2.. '3 ~ '795 185 75 , r::;r::n Navy Savage .36 cal. revolver Changing exhibits Remington .44 cal. revolver Rogers & Spenc~r .14 ca 1. I~evo her Sib 11::1 5 to v e Changing exhi~its IIltlar Years II ~xh; Li t IIWar Years II exhi bit IIWar Yearsll exhibit IIHar Yearsll exhibit IIWa, Yea, 511 cxhi bi L "War Yearsll exhi bit Civil War issue knife & fork n Soltilel's lIIi'IUI irrhJcll, 'CouJ,ycar patent Ink pen 3 packs chewing tobacco Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Chan'gihg exhib i'ts' Navy Colt .36 cal. revolver paid period binoculars with case Folding canteen DOCUfI'lCfltEG nist9ry Page Reference 32 , 32 32 32 ,32 32 32 32 JJ 33 33 33 ~3 -3-3 33 ? 38 I ol'\l~ 38 38 -38 ? 38 . 38 38 -38 \ o"l~ 38 41 '-'V V f\)' I L4 30zZ. 60 Jt 20~'5:50 ARTIFACTS - MOST DESIRABLE Up.) \)IC;G\D(() 41 4 b Description Price Corrments . . .58 cal. Confederate Richmond Rifle $1,300 musket Changing exhibits .72 cal. Austrian Augustin Rifle musket 415 Changing exhibits .72 cal. Augustin bullet 7 Changing exhibits .GO cal. Dritisll [lIfielJ Rifle musket 275 .58 cal. Confederate Gardner 1 ChJngiflg exhibits Changing exhi bits Changing exhibits Changing cxl1ibit3 Changing exhibits Changing exhi bits Charrg i Ilg exhibits C!.all~ i II~ exh; bit!'" Chall~ i II~ t:xh I b j Ls 2 .54 (al. 3-1in~ bullets 3 4 .58 cal. British Enfield bullets 4 / 2 .58 cal. Confederate bullets 2 .52 cal. Spencer tJrbine 42S .52 cal. Burn~idc Carbine 400 .5&cal. ~r4ngfield Rifle musket 275 .S8 col. 5pr'1ngf1e1d Rifle lIIusket, GJdct model 300 ChaRging exhibits- 6 Cllb.tlgi ng exh;bit~ 3 ChJnging exhi bits 25 ~ "War Years" exhi bit 6 .58 cal. J ring minics .52 CJ1. BUlnside carbine cartridge Civil War issue canteen 2 shovels, Fort Fisher II. :50 33 11...'50 Changi ng exhi bits Ship's hold lamp 75 Shipping exhi bit S C"'angiflg exhi bits 21 - Changing exhibits 110 Changing exhi bits 9 Changing exhi bits 100 Changing ~xh;b;t~- \00 C hang in g-:exh-ibi,ts',: 200 100 S?r: Changino exhibits F1 nger' r i II~ Tin cup Plantation bitters bottle Ginger beer bottle Tall whi~k.ey bottle 2 large ceramic jugs -Af>t-i-l-:-J...1.j .; mr> 1 ~m~!"I t '" Page Reference 43 43- ? 43 43 43- , 43 43 ...It3' 43 43 43 43 ~ 43 ~ ARTIFACTS - MOST DESIRABLE . . Price Description Ship's anchor, Georgiana McCaw $1,000 Ship's tl'll.hur, LQl:lisana 1,000 Artillery grouping 300 Rifle musket stock~ FJycttcv~11e 300 Buul ~i~tol 10 Soldier's mirror, pewter 25 Glass porthole - 10 '5}1 ill~e, pe',rt41r;, ~argc 25 Sutler's token' for 27th U. S. 25 Colored Troops Traveller's \vallet 100 Confederate payroll sheet, Major 50 Parsley Confederate amnesty oath 40 General order #1, David D. Porter 125 L,..VVI\J \ I r....J \ I \ 1"-' JtI'2..'SD .:Is \ ~~5" U~OECI~D .{t l..\ 2-5" Comments 'Outdoor-exhibit' Outdoor exhibit Outdoor exhibit ,r.h~nging pyhibit& Chang:in.g-.-43xhi bi ts "War Years",exhibit Changing exhibits Changina exhibi~ Changing exhibits Changing exhibits "War Years" exhibit Changing exhibits Changing exhibits o Page Reference 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 ~14 12 12 12 12 15 19 19 ,,, ARTIFACTS - DESIRABLE Description Block of coal, Modern Greece Lead ingot from Modern Greece Enfield rifle musket, 3 band 2 Enfield rifle muskets, 2 band Austrian Lorenz rifle stock Partial case of rifle stocks 2 Enfield saber bayonets Enfield triangular bayonet Bowie knife Enfield bullet mold 9 .577 Enfield bullets Partial can of percussion caps Brass fitted brace Hammer lead Frying pan Serving ladle 9 buttons Lock Pocket knife Partial bowie knife Chi sel 8 files Butter knife 4 Gold coins Hawse pipe Boll ard from Modern Greece C"..._":"...., !,,!OV~':"..~+ '';~l'''\ kJ!:,.. ..-t .... .~.~ ,... Price $ 20 160 175 250 85 20 25 15 65 4 345 -~ ';'\59"2... ~ 3 L..J ...s- . Comments 40 125 Cha~ging exhibit~ Changing exhibit: Changing exhibit~ Changi ng exhi bi t: Changing exhibit Changing exhibit Changi ng exhi bit~ 30 50 20 Changi ng exhi bit~ Changi ng exhi bi t~ 9 15 80 Changi ng exhi bit: Changing exhibit: Changi ng exhi bi t~ Changi ng exhi bi t: Changi ng exhi bi t: Changing exhibit ,C~angi ng exhi bi t: Changi ng exhi bi t: Chan'gi ng exhi bi t: Changing exhibit: Changi ng exhi bit: 9 40 25 10 75 Changing exhibit Changing exhibit Changing exhibit CRang; 119 cxhi.e4-t- 75 80 Shipping exhibit Shipping exhibit -', . r;,'(~': ~ COL) f\J1-'f # l\ oq ;::) \ f'T I 'G, 4t \ \ L\ 9 ARTIFACTS - DESIRABLE Page Reference Description 2y Assorted ~)ket pelcus3ion cap~ Price Comments $ 20 Shipping exhi bit 60 Shipping exhi bit 30 Shipping exhi bit 20 Shipping exhi bit 10 Sh~ipping exhi bit 165 Shipping exhi bit 80 Shipping exhibit 55 Shipping exhibit 180 Shipping exhi bit 20 Shipping exhi bit 9 Changing exhi bits 35 Chan~i Ag -exhi bits 275 Chall~ i II~ exhibits 75 ChaflgiflY exhibits 35 Cll<l"g,ing exh i b l-t-5 55 Cflanging exhi bits 38 Chllrtg4~ 125 -€lla,ll~ i II~ e.x.hiGits GO Clldllg I flY exh i bib 19 Changing eXA~ 2 Changing Qxhi-b+ts'" 325 Chal,ging exhibi~ 85 Changing Qxhibit-s 20 Chdnging ei<.\.i bi ts.. 375 Changing exhi bits 85 Ch'angi'ng , exh;"bi;ts,: 19 19 19 19 19 2G Pipe section Steam valve. Modern Greece Dead eye & chain Boiler grate bar Ship's wooden rib Port hole from Phantom 20 20 , 20 20 21 24 Boiler crown from Modern Greece Jib boom cap 3 steam valves from Modern Greece 2 ship'~ wooden ribs Ginger beer bottle CJnnen ball, 32 lb. u.s. trnvy cutldss & scabbdrd, 1860 ~5 25 U.S. Navy-battle ,attle 25 U.S. Navy~on prlmar box 2S U.S. Navy cart, id~e Loi<. 25 -25 2S u.s. "a~y Cd~ bu.x. U.S. Off~wrd belt phrte U.S. Waist belt platE ~ U.S. pJtriotic envelope 2G -ij-;-S. Navy ::.t::dllldll'S d1p 2G 4 U.S. ttavy-i-n:::. i~ll id lJatches 26 3 U. S. Navy button:::. 28 Navy cannonball. Fort Fisher 34 Shell fragments, case balls from Fort Fisher -t! 13'2.. dtno ARTIFACTS - DESIRABLE Ll~OE"CIDE-D -~z.-55" lOth I..t::/It. -2~ piece Price Comments' - $ OS €ttellgi Ilg e~ffi- 15S Changill~ ex!.ibih teO Changing ex.A-:ibi ts . H- Cllallgi ng exhibits 40 Changing ~xh:i.b.its. 125 Changing exhi bits 68 Changing exhi bits 25 Changing exhi bits 4-5- Chaflg'i-rtg e^llilJit~ 85 Changing cxhibit-s-> 28 Changing exhibits 9 Changing exhi bits 65 3Z,-';O . exhibits 3Z.'50 Changl ng 22 " Changing exhi bits II 4 ") Changing exhi bits 2- - 45 tZ.'SO Ch . exhi bits 12.'50 ang1 ng 28 1'-1 Changing exhi bits I"{ 6S ~ e,ddbi ts 12 Ch;:lngi ng pxhihits 10 Changi~~ 50 Changing exhi bits 17 Changing exhi bits 3D Changing.. ~~ 30- Changj ng cxhi hi t-s 10 Changing exh i b its- Description She 11 f,'a-gfflCflts, sabots, case balls, Fort Fi&he-P Ri fle musket, faullJ at Fort-fi~her Pal"tial IlPepper Rm,1I -9.i-&t-G-l--- Springfield tr~n9ular bayonet Cookillg spidel U.S. Navy cutlass guard & grip 2 U.S. waist belt plates Lock, Fort Fisher I ~onwrsnch, Fort Fisher U.S. ~be1t plate Plane, Fort Fisher Roll of harness leather 4 ax leads, Fort Fisher 2 hammer heads 2 shoe heel plates 2 pick heads. Fort Fisher 4 hoe heads, Fort Fisher ~e-*nifc scaDeurd, fort Fisher 5 pipe 001415 Enfield saber bayonet, Modern Greece l U.S. cart. idge box sling "Cagle" p1dLe::. AI tillery insignia U. S. cart+idgG-~-S+-i:ng "[<191 c" plate, H':7t>-t F ish Q r 2 l~mb{?rS, brass, "1, 2" Page Reference 39 39 . 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 CJ 39 39 ARTIFACTS - Desirable Description Company letter, brass) silver plated, IIG" 2 "Jeff Davisll hat pins, brass Infantry hat insignia) brass bugle ~rtillery hat insignia, brass crossed ::n~ate Infantry "I" button, lead con~:::~{nfantrY "I" button, brass (P. Tait/Lime\'\:tck) 30 "" ./ Confederate Infan'ht:Y II I II button, scrilt) brass. cuff (P. TaibLLimerick) ~ Confedera te Infantry "i. button~scri t) brass, coat (P. Tait/Lime ick) Confederate Infantry 11111 ~, solid cast brass ~ '\ Confederate Infantry 11111 bu on) b"",a a~ss, Ri chmond . '" , '\. '\. brass, Confederate Infantry (Manchester) Confederate Artill (Manchester) 2 N. C. starbu button) brass, Institute button, brass 100 button, brass, cuff 3 "Eagle" cavalry button, IICII) brass) 4 "Eaglell staff officer buttons) brass, (2) 2 U.S. IIEagle" staff officers buttons) brass, coat 2 U.S. IIEaglell Infantry buttons, "III) brass, cuff 'Price $ 25 65 25 22 40 50 22 18 35 35 2 5 . . 6 3 -,.,. - - :if5"'?fJ Comments Changing exh' exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits exhibits exhibits Changing Changing C h a n ging:,ex'hi,b,;,t St .'.~. ' ,. Brooke shell, 7", found at Fort Fisher ~~ ~ Confederate Mulane shell, Fort Fisher 40 ,,30 lb. Parrott shell, with sabot, Fort - - ~Fi sher 40 ~lb. Parrott bolt, with sabot, Fort. Fi stter 20 lb~arrott shell, without sabot, Fort 3~ Fisher ",,_ // 10 lb. parr~'t't... shell, without sabot, Fort / 25 Fisher "-.., / 11" U.S. Navy cannohb"all, vJith fuze, /Fort Fisher " / ' 9" U.$. Navy shell. FO:~"""iSher /~/ "-., / . ,/':_",~ 32 lb. solid shot, Fort Fisher "" / / 24 lb. Borman ball, F,9-tt Fisher // 12 lb. Borman ball" Fort Fisher / / 6 lb. solid sho)C, Fort Fisher / / 1 0" canno~n gauge 2 Schen fuzes ARTIFACTS - DESIRABLE page Reference Description .;w 2 U.S. 1I[~gle" Illfantr) buttons, "I", ~, coat -39 3 U.S. "Eagle" buttons, brass, cuff -d-9- .39 11 II S. '!..E-aglc" buttons, bi~a35, coat 4 (,i\lili~n IIflat" buttOIIS, tJrdsS 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 () 40 40 40 40 40 40 4 811 shell, Fort Fisher " CJ fuze fuze Ordnance fuze, long U.S. Ordnance fuze Parrott percussion fuze ,,",",,'Tl ,_ - ~ \ "?>51 Price Comments $ 3"- Cbanging exhibits S Chang1ng ~xl.i bits-' 21 Chall~ill~ exni bits 2 Changing exh i tJ i-ts- :. 250 . Changing 225 Changing 35 75 hanging exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits 85 Changing exhibits 50 Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Changing exhibits 50 30 25 , '. 20 ", " "" 15 \ -, 8~ .", 60 '" Changing exhibits "\ anging exhibits Changing exhibits 60 . -1 00 35 10 60 <.,;,v v ;v , I .jJ 1Lfl "\"Z..Lf3 ART! FACTS - DESIRABLE u ~H) eC.\ b ~ 0 4( '-{ ~ Page Reference Description Cost Comments 4Q Hotchkiss percus~ion fuze W ChangiAg exhibits 40 Hotchkiss time fu~e 35 Changing exhibit&-, ~O ? Whitworth shipping plugs 60 Changing exl.; bits" -40 2 PdrruLL file parts 20 Chafl~ill~ eihi bits ; . 40 Fuze wrench 5S Chang i lig exhibits" 40' Paper time fllzP prlrk 20 Changing exh i [; its' 40 13 ,I\s~ortcd Si7P iron case balls 7 Changing exhi bits 43 30 lb. Parrott Naval cannon 500 Reproductibn_ 43 100 lb. Parrott s ne 11 175 Changing exhi bits 43 12 1 b. Whitworth s ne 11 95 Changing exhibits 43 20 lb. Parlott s hQ 11 30 Changing Qxhi bits 43 9" Navy cannonball '::i t h fuse 50 Chan~in~ pxhihit", ? 43 Cannon carriage wheel 15 Changing exhi bits 0 43 Rifle musket butt plate 5 Changing exhibits " 43 Bayonet, triangular, .Model 1816 musket 60 Changing. exhi bits , 43 Bayonet,. triangular, Enfield 35 Changing exhi bits 43 Bayonet, 4-sided, Austrian 35 Changing exhibits 43 Lead pipe, Modern Greece 15 Changing exhibits 43 Piece of boarding pike 4 Changing exhi bits 4-3 Hut: head, rDI t r isbel 5 Changing exhibits 43 Print of Fort Fisher attack -ZOO CRanging exliibit&- 43 Newspaper, Philadelphia Inquirer, 1865 9 Changing exhi bits 43 Z l.:dr'Lt:-de V i ~ He photos gf Union 4S Changing exhi bits- Generals- . . ? 43 19 U.S. General orders 29 Changing exhibits -43 Gi ngcr beer 90ttle 9 Changing cxhibiti; 411 Librarv. approx. 150 books 485 " Page Reference lS 15 21 21 21 23 vUUIV't I ~ 2.1 ARTIFACTS - LESS DESIRABLE Description Cost $ 6 7 10 12 3 1-5 3 2 35.. 45.. 2B0- Leatlrel pouch ConfedQrate cipher cods 100 lb. Parrott fragment 30 lb. Parrott nose & fuse 3 cannon friction primers C-onfederdLt: flag, Thil~d NutioM1 25. 3 cannOl1 fricLiulI pi illlelS , 38 2 cannon friction primers 4t- 32 lb. soliri ~hot 41 32 lb. shcll with fuse 43 r. StJmps, curly 30t U. S. o o ....., J f'" ~ '- ".3\\ Comments Rcproducti on ~dblctioo Reproducti Oft Gutsidc museum -Ge--t-lections.- .- Page Reference 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 12 rl 36 7:T- 3 37 40 ~~ '1(1_- COOt0i'{ - ~Ll"'2.5' ~TAIC; - .n..~O\ ILLUSTRATIONS - Most DesirabluetJ06'G\OEO- foOO Description Price Painting of Capt. Maffitt, modern $1,000 Litho. of Stonewall Jackson, 1870s 30 Chart of Lower Cape Fear River, 1855 100 Chart of Lower Cape Fear River, 1855 100 Wilmington Daily Journal, 1864-5 New York Herald, 1865 50 75 85 750 Map of Southern States, 1863 Painting, blockade runner Fergus 40 200 Watercol01 of Adv,:mcc 95 __ 85e Composite map, Fort Fisher 50 Print of bombardment of Fort Fisher 100 C,.O tJ fJ 1'1 .tt :2 l.{ 1 -5' . ',' o cJ Corrments Shipping exhibit Original material Original material Original material Original Original, Original Original material Sfii ppi 119 e"h; bit Changing exhibits SAipping cxhibi~ Original material Excellent reproduction Changing exhibits eTA1[ ~ \0 '5"0 -' Page Reference 2 2 s---- 3 ? 4 . 4 9 10 15 1-5 24 26 26 36 37 41 41 l' -46 ILLUSTRATIONS - Desirable Description LJrgc photo of paillti~'!:l uf blucKdJe ~ LJrgc photo of pJinting uf Llockade ~ Prdnti~fCO~., modern Painting gf Maj. Reilly, FTlOdern Wall mural of river scenes Painting of blockade runner, modcrn Chart of sailboats, Charcoal drawing of blockade runner Oi 1 pa i-A-t-4~-be-acn-seene 2 photos rc Rose O'NcJl Greenhow DrJ'tiing of Whihwrth ~n ficld cJrri.1gc 3 photographs re Lt. William Cushing Painting, night scene, Cape Fear River Map of Southeastern North Carolina Drawing of Fort ~isher vicinity Print of Federal troops at Fort Fisher Print of naval assault on Fort Fisher ~ pI ints of Ci~il War battlc~ Price $1,000- -1.800 800 800 600 r5tT 150 25 12 12 ~5 30 30 50 95 70 70 J~ coO N'rY .:Jr. II 2.0 Corrrnents IIWa r-tea I S II exll i L i-t .J~'!a I Yettrs II-cxtrt-trit Shipping exhibit Auctionable "An\.. L i Olldt.rh: AuctionJblc 5hJnging c*hibits or auction~ IIWar Yearsll exhibit Auctionable Changing exhibits Changing exhibits Auetionable Auctionable Aucti~::L. '5 TA1 e; Jt '11-{ '5 Lf UtJtJ~Cli)EI) ~&;OO .' . Page Reference 5 ILLUSTRATIONS - Less Desirable . Description ~al1.displJY, CORfede!atc marines 9 10 photos of paintings, blockade runners 10 11 11 ~4 +4 .:J4 14 1-4 18 22 18 23 25 Photocopy of soldier's letter Drawing of Confede!atc suldier, -ffiodefrt Drawing of pouring lead bullets Photos on blockade running Chart of ships Chart of Cape Fear Paintings of blockade runner Descdption stOlY of "life on b 1 ockaael' Print of Confederate "Great Seal" Pa illting of hospital 3celle, IlIOde! fl Relief map of Lower Cape rear,River On.l'.dng of Confederate drUlffiler boy Drawing of I,aval seaman, model n 27 12 photos of paintings, blockade runners S4 35 3ti ?iI-' 38 39 4-&- (3 ph-a to~r aphs of Fedel-a 1 b 1 ockader3 0 8 photograpns of redera 1 blockaders- & iroflelad3 u C,OUklT'f ~ \030 Price $ 75 ' 450 15 55 10 Zl 15 60 25 15 65 15 4,500 25 100 500 GZ S2 "0\ M Ie;:.- dt ~ 1q 7 Comments Exll i l.J i l' IIId le rid 1 Exhi bit ma teri a 1 Exhibit material [xldb; t lllate. ;al Exhibit materiJl Exhibit mJterial Exhibit mate! ial Exhibit ~ateria-t Exhibit materia-1 Exhibit material Exhibit material exhibit materiat Exhibit motpr;a1 Exhibit material 1 G IJllo-tographs of rort ri sher (cop; (3) 704 10 pllOtOgl aphs of rOI t ,i she! (cop i es) 717 Pa1nt1rlY uf FOr t Fishel, modern 27 photographs of rederal soldiel3 Drawings of prujectile~ r"~ . J _ '':'' ..:' ...... ~. 65 176 55 'H, Roor rnrie'i- Poor copies- [xhi bit mater; al Copies - ExtribfL Ilia tel ilH-- ~ ^ h i hit ma t e ria 1