1982-11-15 RM Exhibits . .. , LARRY J POWELL OFFICE OF THE TAX ADMINISTRATOR 320 CHESTNUT STREET WIU\1iNGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28401-4090 Telephone (919) 763-0991 Tax AdlT'1inistrator NEW HANOVER COUNTY TAX COLLECTIONS Collections thru October 31, 1982 Charged per scroll Discoveries Added 1982 $17,199,745.99 2,734,137.23 $19,933,883.22 15,067.79 $19,918,815.43 -3,015,319.22 $16,903,496.21 15.14% Less Abatements Total Taxes Due Collections to Date Outstanding Balance Percentage Collected Back Taxes Real Estate Taxes $ 579,115.02 $ Less Abatements 135.43 Collections to Date 106,915.84 Outstanding Balance $ 472,063.75 $ Percentage Collected 18.47% Personal Property Taxes $ 767,006.68 $ Less Abatements 2,330.57 Collections to Date 37,861. 30 Outstanding Balance $ 726,814.81 $ Percentage Collected 4.95% 1981 $16,411,131. 85 2,394,059.11 $18,805,190.96 15,091.95 $18,790,099.01 - 2,369,080.72 $16,421,018.29 12.61% 475,767.69 2,403.81 98,275.78 375,088.10 20.76% 637,438.18 443.79 36,848.41 600,145.98 5.79% Total money processed through Collection Office for New Hanover County, City of Wilmington, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, and Wrightsville Beach to date $4,477,236.63. This report is for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1982. Respectfully submitted, 'V.'- CA 'Dl' /~ C~-cI! C.",CL (r \ ~ C(.'-:;1). ()v Patrlcla J. ,~..!)'aynor () Collector of Revenue o PJR:sw () ~/ .Bm~ &:lmlllillm. MEMBER O.l.\I.\D INTtRNATl.ONAl ASSOCIATION OF ASSESSING OFFICERS ."1I1HilIlID "ll>~Ilil'''' -.~.,,,,,..... _...--- .~ ----- -- c MEMORANDUM ~< €- ~~"- /I / IS //--9-f'<:: pil ~~);J ~[-~ I f~ ~'! TO: FROM: Mr. G. Felix Cooper :::::YJ~a:::::]~~d~ Tax Administrator ;'jV DATE: November 8, 1982 SUBJECT: Abatements & Refunds Request the follmving taxes be released as the taxpayers reported incorrect or incomplete information at the time of listing: I. America Surfboards $200.50 ( 1981) 2. Amsler, Charles Dunkle Jr. 43.35 3. Ander son, Frank Hunter Jr. 47.30 4. Andrews, Melanie C. 8.87 5. Brown, Maynard Moore 55.26 6. Bryan, Kermith Allen 43.90 7. Buc hanan, Gary Lester 40.68 8. Cermak, Geoffrey Deborah 173.98 9. Cottle, Billy Ada W. 15.68 10. Dillon, Larry W. Toi B. 115.98 II. Dinwiddie, Joe E. Gr ace E. 41. 00 /~ 12. D. L. Peterson Trust 40.85 13. Downs, Thomas Dalton 58.47 14. Etminan, Mansorch Ghamari 128.43 1.: 15. Fussell, John Henry Jr. 70.13 '\1 ., j 16. Griffin, Elane B. 21. 66 >,. 17. Harris, Robert Fulton 94.17 18. Hodge, Jean W. 13.94 19. Holland, Thomas Christopher 104.54 (1981) 20. Horrell, Octavia W. 3.84 2I. Humphrey, Hazel Lowery 89.41 22. Johnson, Earl Allen 6.65 23. Johnson, John H. etux 23.08 24. Jones, Johnnie etux 10.48 25. J aye, Thomas F. Virginia 38.08 26. Keller, Mark Alan 15.93 0 27. Kelly, Thomas N. Margaret 19.77 28. King, Gary Lee 41. 84 29. Landen, William F. Worth 16.22 30. MacRae, Hugh II 360.19 31. Marcil, Edmond Anselm 52.77 (1981/82) 32. Mayer, Franklin Bliss 62.21 33. Mayo, Julia Mae 35.35 : {;. 34. McCabe, Edward Temple Jr. 10.65 I 35. McDonagh, Meredith Moore 9.27 Mr. G. Felix Cooper Page 2 November 8, 1982 36. HcGee, Joseph E. June G. 37. HcKelvey, Andrew J. 38. Hessick, Aaron 39. Hiller, Emily W. 40. Hincey, Harlolcl B. etux 41. Horrison, Jerry Leroy 42. Pepper, Jacqueline S. 43. Pletz, John D. 44. Schnider, V. L. 45. Short, Scott Earl 46. Sons/Daughters of Salem Freeman c/o Sarah Ashe 47. Southern, Frank Wm. Jr. 48. Taylor, John H. Judy A. 49. Taylor, Julien K. III 50. Tisdale, Carrie Hae 51. Umphlett, Thelnm Sullivan 52. Van Hovlard, HcHhorter Valkenburg 53. \\Talker, Thomas Hilliam 54. Walter E. Heller & Co. 55. Watkins, Vera Sprunt 56. Welch, W. Q. Hrs. 57. Wells, Christopher $ 18.27 3,258.00 75.72 34.83 24.52 14.66 25.16 53.40 36.24 49.43 (1981) 12.20 17.46 91.11 (1981 refund) 59.22 48.15 17.60 32.41 47.52 308.71 (1981 refund) 105.89 43.80 38.70 Request the fo11m.;ring taxes be released as they are double-charged: 1. Allard, James L. 2. Archbell, }~rtha P. 3. Chimiak, James Michael 4. Commercial Credit Corp. 5. Corbett, Carolyn Delores 6. Courtwright, John Kenwood 7. Dallas Harris Real Estate 8. Flowers, Florence Dorsey 9. Fountain, \.Jilliam J. Jane 10. Fowler, Jerry R. Bonnie J. 11. Fussell, Benjamin Yates 12. Glisson, Lawrence Clifford Jr. 0 13. Glisson, Brenda Harshburn 14. Howard, Preston Ear Pamela 15. Information Handling Service 16. Interlease Corp. 17. Lewis Auto Sales 18. Long, Leonard Harried 19. Harshburn, E. T. Jr. 20. Hiller, Harold Hoover Sr. $ 40.02 (1980) 145.16 26.96 13.77 29.87 50.28 963.79 (1981) .95 28.34. 1:1.93 24.39 97.56 111.54 23.42 22.18 48.29 59.73 36.42 181 .11 10.32 ( Q Mr. G. Felix Cooper Page 3 November 8, 1982 21. Redding, Alice D. 22. Serfass, Roger D. Margrette 23. Skinner, Daniel Sr. 24. Southern Accents 25. Southern Inc. 26. Suell, John Allen 27. Thomas, Virginia Sheaffer 28. Tinga, Herrick R. Deborah H. 29. Van Anne, Warwick Nordheim 30. White, Jan Louise 31. Yelton Trucking Co.. Inc. $ 81. 14 35.65 (1981 refund) 107.50 47.97 52.27 77 .65 34.30 25.07 . (refund) 271. 28 50.17 (1981 refund) 29.87 Request the following taxes be released as the property is not located within the city or town limits: 1. Abeyounis, Morris E. 2. Bennett, Carolyn S. 3. Bowker, Thomas Joseph 4. Byrnes, John C. IV ~ 5. Caison, Keith 6. Clendenin, Jack R. 7. Cowan, Phillip 8. Edwards, Ralph Lee 9. Fensel, Francis Peter Jr. 10. Good Earth Associates 11. Guill, Robert Kelly 12. Hargrove, Helanie Anne 13. Harrelson, Leslie 14. Holleman J. E. etux 15. Johnson, Jackie Lee 16. Kelly, John D. 17. Knowles, Hary Ruth 18. Lamb, Cathy B. 19 . Le~vis, James Er ic 20. Massey, Sylvia 21. Mintz, Randall Orrel 22. Seiple, D~vid Gerald Joann H. 23. Sewe~l, Jeffrey Debbie 24. Shipp, Jo Ellen 25. Smith, Shar~l Stephens 26. Tatum, Dallas J. 27. Watkins, John Thomas W. Norma $ 53.44 29.21 79.69 (198l,refund - 23.61) 44.65 122.26 41.87 55.58 113.74 54.86 152.83 (1981) 13.07. 23.68 25.13 66.48 59.14 43.94 60.86 99.60 1.05 82.41 84.08 26.60 150.70 213.99 93.81 o 13.54 134 .6 2 }rr. G. Felix Cooper Page 4 November 8, 1982 The following taxpayers request the listing penalties be released as they certify the listings were placed in the mail during the mon th of January: 1. Dlmn, Carolyn S. 2. Fredere, Jack W. etux 3. Harmon, John Lee 4. Horne, Eunice 5. Mason, L. B. Dr. 6. Simpson, Sudie Bell $ 1.65 25.45 141. 51 101. 03 104.45 19.60 Request the following taxes be released as these charges are due to clerical errors of mispricing vehicles and household furnishings, listing penalties charged in error, incorrect acreage and excessive square footage charged, building charged in error and incorrect township codes and incorrect encoding: 1. Brooks, Ernest B. Toni P. $ 254.88 2. Br own , llichael J. Ripley 43.90 3. Cannon, Burrough P. etux 55.17 4. Crews, John P. etux 50.42 5. Croom, Mar t in H. Jr. Janet 8.05 6. Daniluk, Samyon E. Ruth 38.86 7. Doyle, Deborah Anne 71. 48 8. Estes, Gerald F. Hilda 26.08 9. F & W Enterprisesers Inc. 18.58 10. Fast Fo od s , Inc. T/A Kettle Pancake House 20.52 11. Force, Allen Lowell 1. 86 12. Harper, James S. Edna H. 39.15 13. Henry, Larry Donnell 8.60 14. Hicks, Vernon J. etux 193.57 15. Hodges, Hankie 27.50 16. Hollister, Brad L. Linda H. 29.24 (refund) 17. Hood, Dianne H. 27.74 18. Johnson, Elizabeth P. 130 . 7 8 19. Johnson, Norman A. 19.17 20. Johnson, Robert W. Brenda G. 56.53 21. Jones, William Washington 126.93 (1981) 22. Keir, Danny B. Ann 5.47 23. 0 E. Sandra S. 175.05 Larson, Ronald 24. Netz, Bert 3.61 25. Parrish, Larry Edward etux 21.76 (1980-81 refund) 26. Pierce, Charles H. & Frances W. 37.01 27. Richardson, Jerry B. 21. 00 28. Sanderson, William Edward 39.91 29. Sette1myre, Thomas P. 3.26 30. Sheehan, Thomas H. Deborah 93.58 Mr. G. Felix Cooper Page 5 November 8, 1982 31. Sobol, Arnold L. Florence 32. ~peer, William Victor 33. Sullivan, Leon Edward 34. Turbeville, Bessie ~Be Hitz 35. Wasson, John H. Jr. etux 36. Willetts, Virgie 37. Williams, W. Henry Glennie 38. Zimmer, Jeffrey Lee $ 38.01 57.80 17.04 22 .16 5.16 13.85 8.26 201. 82 Request 1981 taxes in the aInoun t of $59.01 charged to New Hanover County and City of Hilmington be released as this is exempt property. Request the following taxpayers be allmved the Senior Citizens ex- clusion as they qualify but failed to receive the reduction due to a change in the application la\v: 1. BrOvffi , Chrystabelle $ 104.45 2. Broxton, Shuford E. 13.22 3. Council, Clarence C. E mlna M. 153.85 4. Flowers, Willie etux 74.86 5. Foyster, Lula 13.99 6. Gordon, Edward 153.85 7. Greene, Frederick D. Nyla 51.17 (1981 refund) 8. Hammond, Katie Widow 153.85 9. Johnson, Mary Louise 6.62 10. l,ong, Annie Belle 140 . 87 II. Matthews, Thelma P. 153.85 12. Haul tsby, Alice K. 153.85 13. HcCuis ton, Dorothy Efird 143.65 14. Hiller, Inez 153.85 15. Hitchell, R. W. etux 153.85 16. Noore, Josh etux 129.81 17. Hoore, Hary Ethel 153.85 18. Hurray, Svlindell \-1. Jr. Harv D. 73.10 19. Niven, John K. 28.24 20. Palmeter, Addie R. 153.85 21. Pierce, Inez 153.85 22. Roberts, Herman etux 153.85 23. Robinson, Winfield 85.79 24. Shipman, Ruby 129.37 25. Sidbury , Elizabeth Russ 143.65 26. Smith, Ed\vard C. 152.15 27. Suggs, H. R. Hary Alma 46.27 28. Summerlin, Robert Pipkin 73.10 29. Taylor, Emma V. 115 .84 30. Wells, Paul Fulton Anna H. 72 .10 31. Williford, Bertha Alford 30.87 I,.'. . \ Hr. G. Felix Cooper Page 6 November 8, 1982 Request these items be placed on the consent agenda for the County Commissioner's meeting on November 15, 1982. I recommend approval of these abatements as the Commissioners have approved these types of releases in the past. LJP: nfb copy: v11rs. Alyce Brown Clerk to the Board Hr. Robert Pope County Attorney o '\ .. .. .. '- .. AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, NORTH CAROLINA AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY OOTH ORDAIN: ", Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: 1. Amend Article II, Definitions by adding a new Section 123172 as follows: I 23-72 Hotel/Motel - an establishment containing mul~iDle guest rooms"'designed without independent cooking facilities and intended for temporary lodging, entertainment and various personal services for pay to the~raveling public. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general \<Jelfar'e of the inhabitants of the County of New Hanover, ~ North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ~. -:;y, Adopted this IS-day of "tY /~ , 1982. . ~~LJ~~zl~ <