1981-01-05 RM Exhibits .l..tL...._~~!!llJ(~ --.,~~__ ..4lt"_. ..... "" - PERMITTED USES ~ 0::. W l- z I..LJ U 0 Z ...... ...... 0... 0 l!) 0 0... N r- r- ,..... N r- N ~ 0 , I I I I I I 0:: f-f ::z:: 0:: 0:: 0::. en CO ....... ...... 0 <X: <X: (/) !~GRICULTURE ~ FORE STY , FISHING JI.gr"1 cuitura 1 Uses P D P P P P P P P P P . Kennels S S p p S Veterinaries P P P ~'lINli-!G ri;ining r, Qua n''Yi ng P tl CONSTRUCTION General Building Contractor P P P P Genera 1 Contractors Other Than Building P P Spec; a 1 Trade Contractors P P P MANUFJ'..crURING Jl.pparel & Other Finished Products P Bakery Products P P P Beverages P P Cabinet & Hoodworking Shop P P P P I Chemicals & A In ed Products P ! Electric & Electronic n:',chi nes, Equipment & P P P Supplies Fabricated lieta'J Products P P P P Food & Kindred Products P Furniture & Fixtures P Instruments & Related Products P P P Leather El Leather Products P Lumber & t~ood Products P 1"1achi nery Except Electrical P t'1i sce 11 aneous f'1janufacturi ng P P P Paper & All i ed Products p ~L L._ 1 _ J1 Iii Ja.(.4'__81JlI J.l.JBW -. . .. ,. PER~,1ITTED USES . . 0:: . I..LJ I- z: I..LJ U C!) Z ...... 1-/ 0- 0 l!) 0 0- N r- r- r- N r- N ~ 0 , I I I I I I 0:: ....... :r: 0:: 0:: 0:: en ca ........ ........ c: <::( <::( (/), - t1ANUFACTURING CONTINUED Petroleum & Related Products P Primary Metal P Printing & Publishing P P P Rubber & Miscellaneous Products P Slaughter House P Stone, Cl ay, Glass & Concrete Products P Textile Manufacturing P Tobacco Manufacturing P Transportation Equipment P P P TRANSPORTATION, Cm,1~lUN I CA T I ON, UTILITIES Air Transportation P p P Bus & Taxi Terminals P P P P Commercial t~a ri na S S S p P I Electric/Gas & Sanitary Services P P P P P P P P P P P El ectri ca 'I Sub-Stations S S S P P P P P S P P Junk Yay-ds, Scrap Processing (See Section 68) I P t , Iii ni -\~a rehouses P P P P Motor Freight Transportation Warehousing P P P Other Communication Facilities S S S P P P P P S P P Post Offices P P P P P Railroad Transportation P Recycling of Waste Matter P Telephone & Telegraph Facilities P P P P P P P P P P P TV, Radio Broadcasting P P P \.oJarehousing P P p .P Water Transportation Facil iti es P P P ~. T .......__...4 1 ...~ y' / .. .. . .. . .... PER~1ITTED USES i cr:: w I- :z:: I..LJ u <!J z: 1-/ ........ 0- 0 l!) 0 0- N r- r- ,..... N r- N ~ 0 I I I I I I I 0:: ...... :r: . 0:: 0:: 0:: ca CO ........ ........ 0 <::( <::( (/) \.JHOLESALE TRADE Livestock Sales P Wholesaling P P P RETAIL TRADE I I Apparel & Accessory Stores P P P I p Automobile Service Station p p p p P P ,Automot1v~ Dealers & Truck Sales . p p p P Boat Dealers P P P P Building Materials & Garden Supplies P P P P Convenience Food Store S S P P P Drug Store P p P P Eating & Drinking Places P P P P P P Entertainment Establishments, Bars, Caberets, S P P Discos Entertainment Establishments, Bars, Caberets, P P P Discos located In Shopping Center Farm Implement Sales P P P Food Stores P P I P Fruit & Vegetable Stand Produced on Same Parcel P P P P P as Offered for Sale I Furniture~ Home Furnishings & Equipment P P P P Genera 1 Merchandise Stores p p p Handcrafting Small Articles P P P Hardware p P P Landscaping Service p p Miscellaneous Retail p p I p r'1obi 1 e Home Dealers & Prefabricated Buildings P p Reta i 1 Nurseries & Green Houses 0 p S , ,. F ) ~ . .-. . .:. I .. .. . , PERrUTTED USES " ~ 0:: L1J I- z. L1J U C!) Z ....... 1-/ 0- 0 l!) 0 0- N r- r- r- C'-1 r- N ~ C> I I I I I I I 0:: ....... :r: 0.:: 0:: 0:: CO ca. 1-/ 1-1 C> <::( <::( C/) FINANCING, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE Banks, Credit Agencies, Savings & Loans P P P P P Cemetaries S S S S SERVICES Automobile/Boat Repair, Sales P P P P Automobile Rentals p p Business Services Including Printing P P P P P Camping, Travel Trailer Parks S S S P P Drive-In Thea tl~e p Dry Cleaning/Laundry Plant p p P P Electrical Repair Shops P P . Equipment Rental & Leasing p p P Funera 1 Home p P P Golf Courses p p P P . Hote 1 s/iYlote 1 s P P P P Indoor & Outdoor Recreation Establishments p P P Commercially Operated . ; , Indoor Theatre P P P Membership Sports & Recreation Clubs S S S p P P Parks & Recreation Areas p P P P P Persona 1 Services p p P Public Stables p p p Septic Tank Vacuum Service p p \~a tch , Clock, Jewelry Repair p p P HEfI.L TH Adult Day Care S S S P Children1s Day Care Service S S S P P Community Center S S S P Hospitals S S S P ; ~ . PER~HTTED USES "~ 0:: I..LJ I- Z w u C!) Z >-i >-i 0- 0 l!) 0 0- N r- r- r- N r- N ~ 0 I I I I I I I 0:: 1-/ :r: 0:: 0:: 0:: ca ca ........ 1-/ 0 <::( <::( V) HEALTH CONTINUED .. Nursing & Personal Care Facilities S S S P Residential Care S S S P EDUCATIONAL SERVICES Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools S S S P & Technical Institutions Elementary & Secondary Schools P P P P libraries P p P P P P P P t'1useums P p P MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATIONS .Churches p P P P P P P P P P P Labor Organizations p P P Lodges, Fraternal & Social Organizations S S S P P S OTHER -- Accessory Building (See Section 62) P P P P P P P P P P P Circuses, Carnivals, Fairs & Side Shows P P P P of no more than 30 days duration per year Community Boating Facility P p P Duplexes S p S O'l/e 11 i ng Unit Contained Within Principal Use S S Government Offices & Buildings S S S P P P P P P P P Home Occupation P P P P l~obi 1 e Home S P P S S P i'lobi 1 e Home Park P p ~1ulti-Family Ov/e11ing S S S S ~Ji - . .. .. PERMITTED USES 0:: , I..LJ l- Z I..LJ U 0 Z ....... ....... 0- 0 l!) 0 0... N r- r- ..- N ..- N ~ 0 I .1 , I I I I 0:: ......... :r: 0::. 0:: 0::: ca CO 1-/ 1-/ 0 <::( <::( l/) OTHER CONTINUED Offices for Private Business & Profess i ana 1 P P P P P P P Activities Outdoor Advertising P P P Principal Use Sign P P P P P P P PUD S Research Facil iti es p D P P I ,Residential Private Pier P P P Sanitary Landfill S Single Family Dwelling P P P P P Temporary Si gn P P P P P P P P D P P I #. ., - ~ t"" ~.. .. . , lo..... . 0'~~U.~ ;:::J.9 1-/6-[31 ;:.6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ADOPTED OCTOBER 6, 1969 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF NEW HANOVER COUNTY DOTH ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of New Hanover adopted October 6, 1969, as amended be and the same is hereby further amended as follows: I. . Amend Section 23, Definitions: A. Delete the following subsections: 23- 14 23-25 23-29 23-47 23-48 23-50 23-51 23-52 23-56 23-58 23-59 23-60 Fraternity or Sorority Houses Nursing Home Shelter, Fallout Fami ly Care Home Group Care Home Private Swimming Pools Automobile Graveyard Scrap Processor Health Spas Recreational Vehicle Home for the Aged and Infirm Group Home for Developmentally Disabled Adults B. Amend Subsection 23-1 to read: Accessory Building or Use - A use or structure... C. Amend Subsection 23-40 to read: Travel Trailer - A wheeled vehicular portable structure built on a chassis, designed to be used as a temporary dwelling for travel and/or recreational purposes, having a body width not exceeding eight (8) feet. Including but not limited to structures mounted on auto or truck bodies that are commonly referred to as campers. D. Amend Subsection 23-42 Yard by deleting: "Further provi ded, that accessory buil di ngs may be permitted in the required side and rear yards provided such accessory buildings are at least five (5) feet from any property line and do not encroach into any required easements." II. Amend Article V District Regulations: A. Add Section 50-2: Tabulation of Permitted Uses - Within the various zoning districts as indicated on the Official Zoning Map, New Hanover County, North Carolina, and subject to all requirements and conditions specified in this Ordinance, land, buildings, and structures may only be used and buildings and structures may only be erected which are intended or designed to be used for uses listed in the Table of Permitted Uses. In the appropriate columns of the following table permitted uses in the various districts are indicated by a "P" while uses permitted only as a special use subject to the provisions of Section 72 are indicated by an "S". ~} B. Amend Section 51, R-20 Residential District by deleting: 51-2 Permitted Uses 51-3 Special Uses C. Amend Section 51, R-20 Residential District, Subsection 51-4(1) Minimum Lot Area 20,000 Square Feet by adding: Duplexes - 35,000 Square Feet D. Amend Section 52, R-15 Residential District by deleting: 52-2 Permitted Uses 52-3 Special Uses E. Amend Section 52, R-15 Residential District, Subsection 52-4(1) Minimum Lot Area 15,000 Square Feet by adding: Duplexes - 25,000 Square Feet F. Amend Section 53, R-10 Residential District by deleting: 53-2 Permitted Uses 53-3 Special Uses G. Amend Section 53, R-10 Residential District, Subsection 53-4(1) Minimum Lot Area 10,000 Square Feet by adding: Duplexes - 15,000 Square Feet H. Amend Section 54, B-1 Business District by deleting: 1. 54-2 Permitted Uses 54-3 Special Uses Amend Section 55, B-2 Highway Business District by deleting: 55-2 Permi tted Uses 55-3 Special Uses Amend Section 56, 1-1 Industrial District by deleting: 56-2 Permitted Uses 56-3 Special Uses Amend Section 57, 1-2 Industrial District by deleting: J. K. 57-2 Permitted Uses 57-3 Special Uses L. Amend Section 58, Shopping Center District by deleting: 58-5 Uses Permitted M. Amend Section 59.1,0 & I Office and Institutional District by deleting: 59.1-2 Permitted Uses 59.1-3 Special Uses N. Amend Section 59.2, AR Airport Residential District by deleting: 59.2-2 Permitted Uses 59.2-3 Special Uses O. Amend Section 59.3, AI Airport Industrial District by deleting: 59.3-2 Permitted Uses 59.3-3 Special Uses .. . III. Amend Article VI Supplementary District Regulations: A. Amend Section 62 Accessory Building to read: No accessory building shall be erected in any required yard nor within five (5) feet of any other building except that accessory buildings not exceeding 500 square feet may be permitted in the required side and rear yards provided such accessory buildings are at least five (5) feet from any property line and do not encroach into any required easements. Accessory buildings on residential property shall be limited to 500 square feet. B. Amend Section 65 Structures to Have Access, Subsection 65-1 to read: Every structure hereafter erected or moved shall be on a lot adjacent to a public right-of-way or to a street or road existing prior to the enactment of this Ordinance. The following are exempt from the requirements of this Section:.... or in common by three (3) or less lot owners. C. Add Section 68: Junk Yard and Scrap Processor - A junk yard or scrap processor may be permitted in the 1-2 District subject to the requirements of the District and provided that: (1) (2) The minimum front yard shall be at least one hundred (100) feet from any street right-of-way. . All open storage shall be screened by the use of natural objects, plantings, fences, or other appropriate means so as not to be visible from streets and/or adjacent properties; and No junk yard or scrap processor shall be established within five hundred (500) feet of any residentially zoned or developed area. (3) IV. Amend Section 72 Additional Restrictions Imposed on Certain Special Uses. A. Delete the following subsections: 72-6 Fallout Shelters 72-10 Junk Yard, Automobile Graveyard and Scrap Processor 72-11 Kindergarten or Nurseries 72-14 Public Utility Building or Use 72-15 School 72-16 Stables 72-18 Gift Shop 72-19 Outdoor Recreational Activities 72-21 Automobile Paint Shop, Body Repair and/or Frame Shop 72-22 Cabinet and Woodworking Shop with Retail Sales 72-24 Heating and Air Conditioning Shop including the Assembly of Prefabricated Materials and Component Parts 72-25 Outdoor Recreational and Outdoor Ausement Facilities 72-30 Community Boating Facility 72-32 Septic Tank Vacuum Service B. Amend Subsection 72-7 to read: Fraternal and Social Organizations - Fraternal and Social organizations may be allowed in the R-20, R-15, or R-10 district subject to the requirements of the district where located and provided that: ... ... The buffer shall be a combined fence and evergreen hedge or shrubbery screen. C. Amend Subsection 72-9 to read: Hospital Or Nursing and Per.sonal Care Facilities - A hospital or nursing and personal-tare facility may be pe-rmitted in the,R-20, R-15, or R-10 District subject to the requirements of the district provided that: (1) The lot size shall" be no less than two' (2) acres; and (2) The structure shall have minimum...within the district in which located. ... . D. Amend Subsection 72-13 (2) Sanitary Landfill to read: 72-13 (2) The operation of said fill shall be carried out in accordance with the standards and procedures prescribed by the North Carolina Department of Human Resources. E. Delete Subsecti on 72- 23: 1,1achine and !'Jelding. Shop including the assembly of prefabrjcated materials and component parts. Section 2. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict is hereby repealed. Section 3. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the inhabitants'of the County of New Hanover, North Carolina, and shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this ~Naay of ~o , 1981. airman and 0 missioner ~k'V tZ. Jk-(j.iJi;-t: Comm ssioner '~tM'~~~, ~ Comm; s s i oner . ~ ~~.:?'J. O:~~S-ion:d.r / / u. ~~ '/f~~ ~ . Commi ss i one'Y' - /' .JY r.. ~ ; -'~ & ,j?}}l-/;V. 30 . " ., WRITE-OFF REQUESTS ". By Dottie R.ay Acct Number Acct. Name ......Amt. 010 03690 David Blanton $35.00 010 '06690 Jerry Cox 35.00 010~07930 Judy Davis 35.00 010 07933 LeeA. Davis 35.00 010 07950 Dixon Day 35.00 010 11650 Reginald Evenson 35.00 010 18020 Carol Hardee 11.67 010. 18675 Brenda Herring 35.00 010 18705 Julie Hickman 35.00 010 23390 Harry W. Ja ??? 35.00 010 30870 Bruce McCoy 35.00 010 31300 Louise Martin 70.00 010 33375 Virese Newkirk 35.00 010 40350 David Pollock 35.00 010 41030 Sharon Pugh 35.00 010 44550 Nicole Reyes 17.50 010 47450 Allen Shelton 35.00 010 47710 Calvin Simmons 35.00 010 48040 Eleanor Smith 35.00 010 48786 Lyde Stokes 35.00 010 49620 Susan Taylor 17.50 010 49700 Richard Terrell 35.00 010 57265 Richard Walker 35.00 010 57850 Harlee Williams 35.00 TOTAL WRITE-OFF REQUEST $816.67 . ""'---' "----/ R e;) fl<Jeq-,dc. /-J-~O Reason Returned-moved, left no addr. R.eturned-attempted not kn6wn Returned-no such number::;' -insufficient add~. -moved, not forward- able -moved,left no addr. -not deliverable as addresses -addressee unknown -unclaimed -no address -unclaimed -moved, not forward- able -moved,left no addr. -no such number -moved,left no addr. not forwardable -no such addr. -moved, not forwar~- able -no such street -moved, not forward- able -no such street -insufficient addr. -attempted not known -moved, not forward- able -no such street j <, i i WRITE-OFF REQUESTS By Dottie Ray Acct. Number Acct. Name Amt. Reason 010 02600 Daniel Bannerman $30.00 M-Care & M-Caid Balance (Assignment accepted) 010 02600 Daniel Bannerman 15.00 Same as above 010 04460 Robert Brown 10.00 Same as above 010 04491 Jettie Bryant 5.00 Same as above 010 06650 Mary Corbett 5.00 Same as above 010 15700 Marie Gatlin 20.00 Same as above 010 31995 Katie H. Millis 35.00 M-Care & M-Caid refused (Assignment accepted) 010 57260 Lucille S. Walker 5.00 M-Care & M-Caid Balance (Assignment accepted) 010 5,7 260 Lucille S. Walker 10.00 Same as above 010'57990 Thelma Williams 35.00 M-Caid, Solomon'To\\Ters (N-Caid refused) all 00225 Lillie Acrey 5.00 H-Care & M-Caid Balance (Assignment accepted) all 06685 Louis Courtney 5.00 Same as above 011 06685 Louis Courtney 5.00 Same as above 011 07925 Naomi Davis 30.00 M-Care & M-Caid refused (Assignment accepted) 011 19000 Haggie C . Hill 35.00 Same as above 011 19650 Louise Holloman 40.00 M-Care & M-Caid Balance (Assignment Accepted) 011 47690 Addie Skipper 5.00 Same as above 011 57245 Lucille S . Walker 60.00 M-Care & M-Caid refus(~d (Assignment Accepted) TOTAL WRITE-OFF REQUEST $355.00 If Q Acct. Number 011 02150 011 04365 011 07100 011 17200 011 18267 011 18285 011 20300 011 31250 011 38850 011 42000 <.. WRITE-OFF REQUESTS By Dottie Ray Acct. Name -Amt. William R. Bates 35.00 Steven Brown 35.00 Jane Curtis 35.00 Edna Fay Green 35.00 William Halloway 35.00 William Hardy 17.50 Patricia Humphrey 35.00 Lauren Mankin 35.00 Ann Parker 35.00 Derryl L. Quidley 35.00 Reason Returned-insufficient addr. TOTAL WRITE-OFF REQUEST $332.50 -unclaimed, insuffi- cient addr. -no such number -moved, not forwardab: -atiempted not known -moved, not forwardab: -moved, not forwardab: -moved, left no addr. -moved, not forwardab: -insufficient addr. WRITE-OFF REQUESTS /0-s~-' '- {{ y-~(;JCi-lLt i. By Dottie Ray Acct. Number Acct. Name Amt. Reason 010 04235 Thelma Branch 60.00 M-Care & M-Caid-both refused 010 32573 Esther Morgan 35.00 Same as above all 31272 Gwendolyn Marshburn 5.00 M-Care & M-Caid balance 010 04230 Sharon Branch 35,00 Returned~Moved,left no add;ress 010 04420 Helen Brown 35.00 ~.Moved , not fon.;rardab Ie 010 05150 Carol Carpenter 35.00 ....No such address 010 05260 Judy Carter 35.00 ~Attempted not kno\Vn 010 13550 Benjamen Fields 35.00 .,....Moved, not f on.;rardable 010 15085 Jenny Futrell 35.00 -Moved, not fon.;rardable 010 16979 Faye Green 35.00 -Unclaimed r 010 31900 Mary W. Michaels 35.00 -No such number 010 44300 Debra A. Reaves 35.00 -Moved, not fon.;rardable 010 48080 Windell Smith 35.00 -Moved, not f 0 n.;r a r dab I e all 09300 George Dorsey 35.00 -Moved, not fon.;rardable all 26845 Estate of Eleanor 35.00 -Moved, not fon.;rardable Watson King all 44490 James Richardson 35.00 -Hoved, not f 0 n-T a r cl a b Ie all 45675 Nohan Rooban 35.00 -Attempted not kno\Vn all 48850 James Stokes 35.00 -Hoved, not forwardable all 57995 Jonas Hilliams 35.00 -Moved, not f on.;rardab Ie TOTAL WRITE-OFF REQUEST $660.00 .~~"'~~ .~_.=.'.._F".,.;""",,,,,,.:'#'~,,,,,,,,,,,,"._....,,,,,,.._........,~~...._~~~~~Jt'(M:~<f!c:,~.~VN~..>l'_\,~.m~$i..W'i,~~,.^~~/at!ilJ:~\.~!w}~':W\t(lt~,~~;~~.~~l!f;,.'-~~/~tt':~