1981-02-02 RM Exhibits 'l. ~ , ~ UJ2lL./I?~~ NEW 'H A N 0 V E RC 0 U N T Y LIBRARY POLICY I. GENERAL LIBRARY OBJECTIVES The general library objective of the New Hanover County Library shall be: A. To assemble, preserve and administer, in organized collections, books and related educational and recre- ational material in order to promote, through guidance and stimulation in' the communication of ideas f an en".' lightened citizenship and enrich personal lives. "",, B~ To serve the community as a center of reliable infor- mation. C. To provide a place where inquiring minds may encounter the original, sometimes unorthodox, and critical ideas so necessary as correctives and stimulants in a society that depends for its survival on free competition in ideas. D. To support educational, civic and cultural activities of groups and organizationse E. To provide opportunity and encouragement for children, young people, men and women to educate themselves con- tinuously. F~ To seek continuously to identify community needs, to provide programs of service to meet such needs, and to co-operate with other organizations, agencies and in- stitutions which can provide programs or services to meet community needs. G. To provide opportunity for recreation through the use of literature, music, films and other art forms. II. \....110 MAY USE THE LIBRARY A. The library will serve all residents of New Hanover County_ Services will not be denied or abridged be- cause df religious, racial, social, economic or politi- cal status. Persons residing outside the geographical area, but owning property, working, attending an educa- tional institution in New Hanover County, or living in the counties of Pender, Bladen, Columbus or Brunswick shall be eligible to borrow library materials. Transi- ents are required to deposit the retail price of all materials and when all materials are returned, the de- posit will be refunded. ~ " B. The use of the library or its services may be denied for due cause. Such cause may be failure to return books or to pay penalties, destruction of library property, disturbance of other patrons or any other objectional conduct on library premises.. III. SERVICES OF THE LIBRARY A. The library will select from the mass of available ma- terials and organize for easy access those books and materials which best meet the needs of the community. B. The library staff will provide guidance and assistance for people to obtain the information they seek as re- corded in print and audio-visual resources. C. The library will provide information and materials to help people to: I. Equip themselves for efficient activities, including vocational information, parent and home education, child care, nutrition, physical health,. emotional stability and growth, budgeting and consumer informa- tion and specialized business, indust~ial and agri- cultural information. 2. Increase their competence to form sound judgments on public problems and to encourage them to express their opinions and to act according to their judgment. 3. Increase their understanding and appreciation of lit- erature, the arts, sciences and the political and natural world.. 4. Promote personal and social well-being and develop creative and spiritual capacities. D. The library will initiate programs, exhibits, book lists, etc., to stimulate the use of library materials for the enlightenment of peoples of all ages. E. The library will cooperate with other community agencies and organizations to: 1. Determine and meet the educational needs of the com- munity. 2. Help them with their programs through such services as, program planners' clinics, discussion on leader- ship training, special bibliographies, materials and exhibits. - 2 - '. F. The library accepts a responsibility for securing infor- mation beyond its own resources by: I. Collecting information about, and listing for referral, resources of agencies, institutions, orgainzations and individuals in and beyond the community. 2. Borrowing for patrons with serious interests materials which are not owned by the library and which cannot be purchased or materials for which the demand does not justify the purchase. G. The library will lend to other libraries materials which are requested for patrons with serious interests and which are not available in the borrowing library. Patrons of this library have a priority in the use of materials~ H. The library will endeavor to maintain a balance in its services to men, women, young people and children. The public library will cooperate with, but cannot perform the functions of, school or other institutional libraries which are designed to meet curricular needs. I. Library services will be provided during the hours which best meet the needs of the community and through service outlets located at points of maximum convenience to the public. J. Periodic review will be made of library service to deter- mine whether the needs of the community indicate that present services should be discontinued or other services should be added. IV. LIBRARY MATERIALS A. The library will provide any materials which help to meet its objectives. Materials may include: books, periOdicals, pamphlets, newspapers, pictures, slides, films, music scores, maps, recordings and microfilm. B. Materials acquired will meet high standards of quality in content, expression and format. Also, within budgetary limitations, recreational materials may be acquired based on high reader interest. c. The library will keep itself informed of other publicly available resources of books and other materials in the area to avoid unnecessary duplication. D. The library will not at~empt to furnish needed materials for formal courses of study offered by elementary and secondary schools and by institutions of higher learning. The public library has materials for self-study, but is not primarily designed to furnish reading required for academic study. - 3 - E. All materials except those that are in special demand or cannot be replaced, including rare and fragile, items, will be lent for home use under library regulations and proce~ dures. F. The library subscribes to the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association which affirms its belief in the following basic policies~ 1. As a responsibility of library service, books and other reading matter should be chosen for values of interest, information and enlightenment of all the poeple of the community. In no case should any book be excluded be- cause of the race or, nationality, or the political or religious views of' the writer. 2. There should be the fullest practicable provisions of material presenting all points of view concerning the problems and issues of our times, international, na- tional, and local; and books or other reading matter of sound factual authority should not be proscribed or removed from library shelves because of partison or doctrinal disapproval. 3. Censorship of books urged or practiced by volunteer arbiters of morals or political opinion or by organi- zations which would establish a coercive concept of Americanism, must be challenged 'by libraries, in main- tenance of their responsibility to provide public in- formation and enlightenment through recorded word. 4. Libraries should enlist the cooperation of all allied groups in the field of science, of education and of book publishing in the resistance of all abridgement of free ac-cess to ideas and full freedom of expression that are the tradition and heritage of Americans. 5. As an institution of education for democratic living, the library should welcome the use of its Meeting Rooms according to the policy adopted. (See VI.-F) G. The library also subscribes to the Freedom to Read state- ment prepared by the American Library Association and the American Book Publishers' Council. H. Materials which are no longer useful in the light of stated objectives of the library will be systematically weeded from the collection according to accepted professional practices. v. COOPERATION WITH OTHER LIBRARIES A. The New Hanover County Library Advisory Board recognizes that no single library can meet all demands in its community. - 4 - ," ~ V. A. continued.... Libraries in different political subdivisions working together, sharing their services and resources, can meet more nearly the full needs of their users. It is our in- tention to cooperate with the North Carolina State Library. B. The New Hanover County Library Advisory Board and the Librarian will be alert to opportunities of cooperation with other libr~ries, to strengthen the services and re- sources of the library. VI. PHYSICAL FACILITIES A. To achieve the goal of good library service, the New Han- over County Library Board accepts the responsibility to see that public library building facilities are provided which will adequately meet the physical requirements of modern aggressive library service. Such facilities will offer to the community a compelling invitation to enter, read, look, listen and learn. Each building or bookmobile will.fit an expanding program of library se~vice. B. The New Hanover County Library Advisory Board will recom- mend to the New Hanover County Commissioners sites and/or new buildings only after a service program has been adopted and the librarian or a consulting librarian has written an outline of the community's library building needs. c. The Library Advisory Board accepts the responsibility to recommend that the New Hanover" County Commissioners secure the funds for needed facilities. D. The librarian, the building committee, the New Hanover County Commissioners and the New Hanover County Library Advisory Board will endeavor to plan facilities to meet the recognized standards and the needs of the community~ E. Meeting Rooms in the library may be reserved for use by educational, civic, cultural and governmental groups when no admission charge is made. F. (Insert adopted Meeting Room Policy) VII. GIFTS A. Within the provisions of the laws, the New Hanover County Library Advisory Board adopts the following policies: I. Books and other materials will be accepted on the condition that the librarian has the authority to make whatever disposition he or she deems advisable. (See policy on library materials.) - 5 - ~'--~"-'-'-.'t!'~-"""_--"""_--'''_.,,;,:,,,,,,,''''''''__~-n_~.;~~=~Yl'tu.o.::'''~~l;~~}''"w:[4"w.lWj~~.f~$d;l.l1.if;idw...r~~lfut,p~jM~Jli'iilt'~\~6O.1'i';r"'~:~~-;~~~~~1iii{~~M;",~:&i7)XJ.Bi;>?~<r~1;t1%.:':~:}.@!;~~&~..ii.[~~~~i~;;,'r,:tj;:~~:i", '. . \. ( INSERT - VI. F. ''l;; REGULATIONS FOR PUBLIC USE OF THE MEETING ROOM AND CONFERENCE ROOM 1. The Library Meeting Room and Conference Room are available for the use of educational, cultural, civic and governmental groups to conduct nrn)"~profit meetings. Profit making organizations sponsoring an educational program of a non-profit nature will be permitted to use the room provided the meet- ings are open to the general public. 2. The use of the Meeting Room will be limited to meetings for which no ad- mission charge is made; except for meetings sponsored by the Library or a non-profit educational group for short term classes, institutes, discussion groups or forums. 3. Bookings shall be arranged at least 7 days before the opening of the meeting. Standing reservations will not be accepted for meetings; for example, the second Tuesday of every month. 4. All applications are to be approved by the Library Director and are subject to review by the Library Advisory Board. S. The person or organization reserving the roOm will re held responsible for leaving tile room in proper order, and for the expense for damage to any li- brary property. They will also be held responsible for the conduct of those attending the meeting. 6. Groups using the Meeting Room or Conference Room will be responsible for handling their own exhibits and equipment. The Library cannot provide staff for this service. The Library does not accept responsibility for any damage or theft to property brought into the library. 7. Canteen facilities are provided adjacent to:',the Meeting Room. Serving and consumption of all food must be limited to the Meeting Room and the adjacent hallway. Organizations wishing to use the canteen must provide their o~m equipment and supplies and are responsible for cleaning this area. (In accordance with the New Hanover County Library Policy, no alcoholic beverages may be served.) 8. All meetings must be held during regular library hours with the exception of evening meetings. Since the Library closes at 9:00 P.M., special arrangements must be made for any meeting lasting after 9:00 P.M. and a $10.00 fee will be charged to pay the custodian. Meetings scheduled for Sunday afternoons must end before 6:00 P.M. 9. The capacity of the Meeting Room is 99 people. 10. This policy will be revised only by the Library Advisory Board. ._------------------_.._---'------_._---......",---~~~ 11. RESERVATION AND POLICY AGREEMENT FORM (a. ) Name of Organization: (b. ) Purpose of Meeting: (d. ) Date: Time: From: (d. ) Number of Persons Expected: (e. ) Use of Canteen. Yes No (f. ) Heeting Room: (g' . ) Name of Responsible Person: Address: Telephone Number: Home (h. ) Signature: To: Conference Room: Business_ ,....- . 2. Gifts of money, real property and/or stock will be accepted if conditions attached thereto are accept- able to the New Hanover County Library Advisory Board and the County Commissioners. (Or other governing. bodies involved.) 3. Personal property, art objects, portraits, antiques and other museum objects will not be accepted. 4. The library will not accept for deposit materials which are not outright gifts. VIII. PUBLIC RELATIONS A. Some of the primary public relations goals of the library are: 1. Understanding the library's objectives and services by governing officials, by civic leaders, and by the general public. 2. Active participation in the varied services offered by the library to people of all ages. 3. The New Hanover County Advisory Board recognizes that public relations involves every person who has a con- nection with the library. The Board urges its own members and every staff member to realize that he or she represents the library in every public contact. Good services supports good public relations. B. The New Hanover County Library Advisory Board recognizes that closer cooperation between staff, Library Advisor~ Board and the New Hanover County Commissioners is needed; therefore, one day a year all three groups will be invited for a day of in-service training. IX. POLICY REVIEW This statement of policy will be reviewed periodically and revised only by the Library Advisory Board~ - 6 -