1981-04-06 RM Exhibits .~'; \ ~ o/.!uAA ~,.DZtj /,.57 " C'::"L;orvt. tC) c~-vlvL r ~ )-1-- L~ .- 't? \ .-. NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT COMMISSION NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT ROUT\; 6, BOX 49 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28405 Telephone (919) 763-1671 Commi~sjor.~rs AUDREY W. F::ENSTRA, Chairman JACK R. ROSS, V/ct!' Chairm.VJ BENJAMIN P. KENNEDY. Secretary HOWARD l. AR~.lISTEAD, JR.. M.D. PAUL E, G~=GORY LAWRENCE l. MURRAY RAIFORD G. TRASK, JR. RUDOLPH C. SHACKELFORD, JR., A.A.E. Airport Manager JOHN E. NOLAN, A.A.E. Assistant Airport Manager M E M 0 RAN DUM TO G. Felix Cooper R. C. Shackelford,Jr. to-e/N' Airport Manager 'l FROM DATE March 27, 1981 SUBJECT County Commissioner's April 6th Agenda - Terminal Renovations Project Enclosed are the Tabulations of Bids for the General, Elec~1 trical and Mechanical bids and a Budget Request for the above referenced project. Please note our consultant recommends alvaI'd to the low bidders as follows: General - Smith Construction Company Whiteville, North Carolina Base Bid plus Alternates 6-1 through 6-3 $112,300 Electrical - Ashley Electric, Inc. Whiteville, North Carolina Base Bid plus Alternate E-l 12,074 Mechanical - Humphrey Heating & Roofing, Inc. Jacksonville, North Carolina Base Bid plus Alternate HAC-l through HAC-2 16,345 Recqmmend you and the Commissioners take the following actions: 1. Award the contracts to the low bidders and authorize the Chairman to execute the contracts. BLUETHENTHAL FJELD MEMBER: AAAE + SAMA .. ," , . G. Felix Cooper page 2 March 27, 1981 . ." 2. Establish a Capital Project Ordanance for the prose- cution of the project as follows: REVENUE: State Grant Funds Transfer From Airport ( .' $ 79,800 79,800 $159,600 EXPENSE: Engineering Construction Testing Mechanical Electrical General Telecommunications Contingencies $ 6,800 1,000 16,345 12,074 112,300 4,000 7,081 $159,600 3. Transfer $29,300 additional funds from M & ROther Improvements with the $50,500 already appr6ved in the M & R Buildings & Grounds accounts to the Capital Project as the Transfer From Airport. A State Grant in the amount of $50,500 was approved at the March 16th meeting. A Grant Amendment in the amount of $29,300 will be requested from the State. RCSjr/mtk cc: Andrew Antkinson, Finance Officer ". --_~"" _". .-.. 'r _~....~_ .,\ -- . -- \' I AtJULA IIUN Ur- tjJU~ -- .'. T ,.r~~:Y~ \' j. RENOVATIONS & ADDITIm'lS TO NEH HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT TEP.l-lIHAL BUILDING NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N. C. NEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1981 - 3:00 P.M. "- cJ ;V ~ /.:.,~ / / ,"'- 0' (:) (/)" <:1 q 1 . , :::,." , S lq l)- t:<; f:: ,~"-t":S) ,,~ S 0' lq -i? ~ (Q " 0 " ;:; 0 I"V " ~~ l:;;; ~~ ~> ~? 0 {:) ~l ~~ ~!f~. O"t:<; :~ S ~ ('I Z; ~ "Y '<r 1'1 ~ ~ (2; ~,. ~ t:<; O'~'. (Q (Q~ ~ t!l /1 -it.; (1:;10 f}' ;;.. " I.:..; r-J:) 1::::1 " ~"-t CyO I.... (J:; ~ Iy / Cy(y(J:; ;! t5Y cV i?/ " ~"S.. (C; r:>- ~', .. ~ "i'~ U , J, ,/ .0 Smith Construction lf5,750.00 5,959.00 49,175.00 11,H6.00 --"'-- Jere LeG,.,in Const. Co lf 7) 130.00 6,200.00 62,800.00 5,600.00 Luther T. Rogers 54,200.00 7,510.00 72,050.00 10,050.00 - I I -- -- --- - , I --- , h I - -- ----- -- -- This is to certify that the above tabulation is correct. It is recommended that the con- tract. be awarded to the Low Bidder, 5MllH Approved- I CON'5TRUC1jotJ..:"{;.,t6E-~, ALT.G-l; C;-Z, ~G-~ FoR $ IIZ-J 300.00 Dat '>... By Approved Dat Inc. Date t(haGI-I Z(.c:, /q.g I , ....,...,......,. , ... -', \ ~ ~' I At5ULAllUN UI- tHDS- RENOVATIONS &. ADDITIONS TO NE~'7 ,HM.JOVER COUNTY AIRPORT TERi'-lINAL BUILDING NEVI HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT NE\'l HANOVER COUNTY r N. C. HEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1981 - 3:00 P.N. " , JV v 0 V0 .... ~~;: .:;;;.~ If (q~ o .55 ~--:;. ~> I S '<. -Q; ~ o r::Y lq .'S 00 o 1:)- ~ t:)- '.-;-.' Q.~ Q) " c"J~ lq -O;~' 'v...."Y " ~ ::<' "'<'" nO'!...:; (:) ~ ~...(:)(:) ~ ~~ ~ t7 "'<'" "'" ~ /;:--Q ;::; ~ ~ t:)-J:y ./::-; If Q:r.>j, "- $ Q: ::",/Y $y 0" -'" 1'1 I:Q~ Q: .Q,.' 0' <::) I..;. ".Q,. '4F, <::) Q) l0 0 ~ ~ ~ ty/j <:;",>' <:- Iyy ..... (<; ~ r,' ... ~ "r" C/ '0 ~ .Q,.() " ::::-Y 00 ;;q ~ :..-;;" 0 Q:; ~ Humphrey H & Roofing 9,600.00 950.00 5,795.00 Blanton & Co. 10,311.00 805.00 6,330.00 --- Cannon H & AC 10,578.00 1,372.00 4,776.00 - Hanover Iron 10,700.00 77 5.00 5,100.00 C & M Associates 13,086.00 800.00 6,680.00 -- - f 1= - , .. -- ~ l T-- ,-- , I- I =t= - I ---'- - , - , , , - .~ f I I - This is to certify that the above tabulation is correct. It is recommended that the con- tract be aVlarded to the Lm" Bidder r HUMPtlRQ tlEA1'IN6 f Rool=II"G.; bt.se: 614) ~LT. H~-I ~ HAC -2 FoR f$1G., c~ C>() By 'W. ~L.,~Lt Talbert, Cox & Associabbs, Inc. Approved- Date Approved Date Date f\-1AE<GI-4 U I'H3 J , . J f~':\';::~-'~;',,":,~"":'-:' .....--:t_.'.. ;: -'::', ,r:::~f;"~;'J'.Z1 ,,::'f;~"-:~',:';/~J!;)"'!rJ :,:-.~.;~',;:;:",;~:":;-,~'l~~f;~;~~~;;;_i:';:.~:',,,~:"--',"",i~';;~.>{-~.~~~.~~""'~.",f.....1.~ ...-%..:" "; ~ . ..,,:~v~;;'..;..:t..',~ ~: "-\.1~;S.'{:'''~' ,1'1'.:";-":- '>'.~-h',~~~' r . TABULATION OF BIDS' BS:JOVATIONS & ADDI'i'ICNS TO NL~'I HL\~';OV.c~ TERl,lIi:JAL BUILDHIG NEVI HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT . COUNTY AIRPORT S:, Q , ~ (j; NEW HANOVER COUNTY, N. C. "7EDNESDAY, r11\RCH 25, 1981 .- 3: 00 "- I (j 0] ~ f:o. ":--. 0-, ''\' " <::;0-, 'Y' 0) I,. ':J 0 1-.,'<../ C:;'v;}! -<-'Y: 00 fj Q: ;''1 (y k 0 $." " --0.<::; 0-,"\ ~ 0 P . r-1. '!;? (j; ~ Q)~ :v (j ~ /:1 ";--..'" ~ '7.' " Ay '</ Q I'J.. -0 D.; "<;-' f.-.. C/o ~ '-7 .'?;- ,,0 ~ ,I:" Iy ~-, j ~ ~)/iF Q-Y' L '<i ~ /;/ 1-..."1 r-.... f,' C./ . 1 " ::;-Y 0 r';f ~ J- __________ "- I,~ .S:; '<../ ,:;: r:;: -0 Q <::.. " 0; r;;;' ;s- 0J.~.:J.0 r:::: - 1:" 1-...1 -,"- .'<.,. ~~f,,~ /'y" J::i ^ I:{ !;l 0 '. n J-..'Y 'I' '--.; <.-;. y ~ fj' 00 ~ ...; ~ (ELECTRICAL) .~hiey Electric.---' 9,934.00 Hodges Electric' ~=-- 12,160.00 Cape Fear Electric I 12,395.00 Harris Electric r 13,180.00 Graves Electric----r- 15, 242.00 :.Jatson Electric;=--=r= 17,371. 00 'lad ern properti~t_17, 777.00 1__ 2,140.00 " 2,897.00 -_._~ -=r=- , - I ~ I -1 --I --~I- 2,950.00 3,225.00 4,126.00 3,244.00 -4,777.00 l =t- -- -----, ---t- ~his is to certify that the above tabulation lS correct. It is recoMnended that the con- tract be awarded to the Low Bidder, Ashl~y . t;:LEc.TRIG; bASE bid ~ AL.'f. 6-1 r:oR IZ,074,00 By w. <;-t~tt Talbert, Cox & Associat~ Inc. Approved" Date Approved Date Date M,u:~c..H U I ICfeJ ._,......:',...,.~..~.- ,.- '.'~": ..'.,,:0',,'.-.'...... ':;'.""..:~, ^:,'. , '. . --. - - HANOVER COUNTY AMENDMENT. REQUEST NEW BUDGET .-.- N ' "" :'--''" UI'I...........1 --...----- D~:-e 3/:7/81 / .f-:' / / ./ Head ,Signatvre) //-:-//~;:; . /? // -:rt'/--- .. ~... _ ... _ I / ,';.I ~v' ~ - ... Snacxe.LI:crc.IJrv- (....0,/'/;.:..,~-':;c-//~/./ :>/ -........ /~:..... / /" TR.'~NSFER ''- N Department Rudolph C MANAGER Name COUNTY Department/ Account iO Airport FROM (OR) INCREASE Acq)unt Name REVENUE D;:C:RE.A.Sc Name ~ ' 1..J,'\OR) N REVENUE TRANSFER ,;. ~ount ~.:; :DITl 600 i? from .'\CC~,t - Transfer Froject Capital Airport No. Account i I ! Amount 500 300 50 29 and Grounds R BuildinGs R Ot0er ~1provements & M No. 31-650-15 - Account --.------ -- Expense: EngineerL'1g ,800 6 000 1 Construction Testing Contract 3.11:: ...J l6, 074 300 000 081 , , , 600 1112 ~ '1-; L I I 1159 Hechanica1 , i ~[ 79,800 II 79,800 If I I & H 31-650-18 Capital Project Revenues: Transfer from Air~ort State Grant Funds 12 Contract Electrical General Contract Te1eco~Eunications Contingencies 159, 60~___ '==_,___---=---===-_ --- ---- --- I r .-1 Renovation. for Terminal TOTAL Establish Ca12it~LProject EXplanation - a7t.. 337 ~-~-=C~ J =D::~~~:':;:'cO:~:=~-D:O::~'f :00 ''''y) _~ '/~';. :';-'::.-;;::.;-::' Lt' ~tJ.~0 tuG Dute ,-- County Manager's Signature APPROVED OHico - :-~:: ~;) CG